public PageContextWrapper(PageContext pageContext) { if (pageContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pageContext"); _pageContext = pageContext; }
public PlaceHolderMarker(PlaceholderContext placeholderContext, PageContext pageContext) { _placeholderContext = placeholderContext; _pageContext = pageContext; Assert.IsNotNull((object)placeholderContext, "placeholderContext"); Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)pageContext, "pageContext"); }
public ResultPage(PageContext context) { InitializeComponent(); this.context = context; // this wizard page is always ready this.ready = true; }
/// <summary> /// Does the first run. /// </summary> /// <param name="pageContext">The page context.</param> public void DoFirstRun(PageContext pageContext) { //this.PageContext = pageContext; this.Page = pageContext.MarkdownPage; this.RenderHtml = pageContext.RenderHtml; this.ScopeArgs = pageContext.ScopeArgs; OnFirstRun(); }
public void ExportJson() { var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var pageContext = new PageContext { Guid = guid }; var result = pageContext.ToJson(); var key = string.Format( "\"Guid\": \"{0}\"", guid ); Assert.NotEqual( result.IndexOf( key ), -1 ); }
public void Render(TextWriter writer, PageContext context) { _writer = writer; try { Execute(); } finally { _writer = null; } }
public void ShouldExportAsJson() { var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var pageContext = new PageContext { Guid = guid }; var result = pageContext.ToJson(); var key = string.Format( "\"Guid\": \"{0}\"", guid ); Assert.Greater( result.IndexOf( key ), -1, string.Format( "'{0}' was not found in '{1}'.", key, result ) ); }
public void ImportJson() { var obj = new PageContext { Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), IsSystem = false }; var json = obj.ToJson(); var pageContext = PageContext.FromJson( json ); Assert.Equal( obj.Guid, pageContext.Guid ); Assert.Equal( obj.IsSystem, pageContext.IsSystem ); }
public void ShouldCopyPropertiesToEntity() { var obj = new PageContext { Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), IsSystem = false }; var json = obj.ToJson(); var pageContext = PageContext.FromJson( json ); Assert.AreEqual( obj.Guid, pageContext.Guid ); Assert.AreEqual( obj.IsSystem, pageContext.IsSystem ); }
protected void btnPHClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxPH1.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstRQ_SC1.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstYXQZ1.Text)) { Alert.Show("请把信息填写完整在提交"); return; } else if (lstRQ_SC1.SelectedDate >= DateTime.Now) { Alert.Show("【生产日期】应小于当前日期,请重新填写"); return; } else if (lstYXQZ1.SelectedDate <= DateTime.Now) { Alert.Show("【有效期至】应大于当前日期,请重新填写"); return; } else if (lstRQ_SC1.SelectedDate > lstYXQZ1.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("【生产日期】大于【有效期至】,请重新输入!"); return; } string[] strCell = GridGoods.SelectedCell; Dictionary <string, object> newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList()[Convert.ToInt32(strCell[0])]; newDict["PH"] = tbxPH1.Text; newDict["PHID"] = tbxPH1.Text; newDict["PZWH"] = tbxPZWH1.Text; newDict["RQ_SC"] = lstRQ_SC1.Text; newDict["YXQZ"] = lstYXQZ1.Text; newDict["KCSL"] = "0"; newDict["PDSL"] = nbxSL.Text; newDict["BZSL"] = nbxSL.Text; newDict["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(newDict["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(nbxSL.Text); newDict["CYHSJE"] = decimal.Parse(newDict["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(nbxSL.Text); newDict["BHSJE"] = decimal.Parse(newDict["BHSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(nbxSL.Text); newDict["CYBHSJE"] = decimal.Parse(newDict["BHSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(nbxSL.Text); newDict["LSJE"] = "0"; newDict["KCHSJE"] = "0"; newDict["KCBHSJE"] = "0"; //string cell = string.Format("[{0},{1}]", intCell[0], intCell[1]); //PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(GridGoods.GetAddNewRecordReference(GetJObject(newDict), false)); PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(GridGoods.GetUpdateCellValueReference(strCell[0], strCell[1], GetJObject(newDict).ToString())); //增加合计 decimal bzslTotal = 0, feeTotal = 0, ddslTotal = 0, je1 = 0, je2 = 0, je3 = 0, je4 = 0; List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList(); for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { Dictionary <string, object> row = goodsData[i]; ddslTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["KCSL"]); bzslTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["PDSL"]); feeTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["BZSL"]); je1 += Convert.ToDecimal(row["HSJE"]); je2 += Convert.ToDecimal(row["BHSJE"]); je3 += Convert.ToDecimal(row["CYHSJE"]); je4 += Convert.ToDecimal(row["CYBHSJE"]); } JObject summary = new JObject(); summary.Add("GDNAME", "本页合计"); summary.Add("KCSL", ddslTotal.ToString()); summary.Add("PDSL", bzslTotal.ToString()); summary.Add("BZSL", feeTotal.ToString()); summary.Add("HSJE", je1.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("BHSJE", je2.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("CYHSJE", je3.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("CYBHSJE", je4.ToString("F2")); GridGoods.SummaryData = summary; PubFunc.FormDataClear(Form3); tbxPH1.Text = ""; nbxSL.Text = ""; lstRQ_SC1.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; lstYXQZ1.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; tbxPZWH1.Text = ""; WindowPH.Hidden = true; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnSave event of the masterPage control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void masterPage_OnSave( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Page.Validate( BlockValidationGroup ); if ( Page.IsValid && _pageId.HasValue ) { var rockContext = new RockContext(); var pageService = new PageService( rockContext ); var routeService = new PageRouteService( rockContext ); var contextService = new PageContextService( rockContext ); var page = pageService.Get( _pageId.Value ); int parentPageId = ppParentPage.SelectedValueAsInt() ?? 0; if ( page.ParentPageId != parentPageId ) { if ( page.ParentPageId.HasValue ) { PageCache.Flush( page.ParentPageId.Value ); } if ( parentPageId != 0 ) { PageCache.Flush( parentPageId ); } } page.InternalName = tbPageName.Text; page.PageTitle = tbPageTitle.Text; page.BrowserTitle = tbBrowserTitle.Text; if ( parentPageId != 0 ) { page.ParentPageId = parentPageId; } else { page.ParentPageId = null; } page.LayoutId = ddlLayout.SelectedValueAsInt().Value; int? orphanedIconFileId = null; page.IconCssClass = tbIconCssClass.Text; page.PageDisplayTitle = cbPageTitle.Checked; page.PageDisplayBreadCrumb = cbPageBreadCrumb.Checked; page.PageDisplayIcon = cbPageIcon.Checked; page.PageDisplayDescription = cbPageDescription.Checked; page.DisplayInNavWhen = (DisplayInNavWhen)Enum.Parse( typeof( DisplayInNavWhen ), ddlMenuWhen.SelectedValue ); page.MenuDisplayDescription = cbMenuDescription.Checked; page.MenuDisplayIcon = cbMenuIcon.Checked; page.MenuDisplayChildPages = cbMenuChildPages.Checked; page.BreadCrumbDisplayName = cbBreadCrumbName.Checked; page.BreadCrumbDisplayIcon = cbBreadCrumbIcon.Checked; page.RequiresEncryption = cbRequiresEncryption.Checked; page.EnableViewState = cbEnableViewState.Checked; page.IncludeAdminFooter = cbIncludeAdminFooter.Checked; page.OutputCacheDuration = int.Parse( tbCacheDuration.Text ); page.Description = tbDescription.Text; page.HeaderContent = ceHeaderContent.Text; // new or updated route foreach ( var pageRoute in page.PageRoutes.ToList() ) { var existingRoute = RouteTable.Routes.OfType<Route>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.RouteId() == pageRoute.Id ); if ( existingRoute != null ) { RouteTable.Routes.Remove( existingRoute ); } routeService.Delete( pageRoute ); } page.PageRoutes.Clear(); foreach ( string route in tbPageRoute.Text.SplitDelimitedValues() ) { var pageRoute = new PageRoute(); pageRoute.Route = route.TrimStart( new char[] { '/' } ); pageRoute.Guid = Guid.NewGuid(); page.PageRoutes.Add( pageRoute ); } foreach ( var pageContext in page.PageContexts.ToList() ) { contextService.Delete( pageContext ); } page.PageContexts.Clear(); foreach ( var control in phContext.Controls ) { if ( control is RockTextBox ) { var tbContext = control as RockTextBox; if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbContext.Text ) ) { var pageContext = new PageContext(); pageContext.Entity = tbContext.ID.Substring( 8 ).Replace( '_', '.' ); pageContext.IdParameter = tbContext.Text; page.PageContexts.Add( pageContext ); } } } if ( page.IsValid ) { rockContext.SaveChanges(); foreach ( var pageRoute in new PageRouteService( rockContext ).GetByPageId( page.Id ) ) { RouteTable.Routes.AddPageRoute( pageRoute ); } if ( orphanedIconFileId.HasValue ) { BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext ); var binaryFile = binaryFileService.Get( orphanedIconFileId.Value ); if ( binaryFile != null ) { // marked the old images as IsTemporary so they will get cleaned up later binaryFile.IsTemporary = true; rockContext.SaveChanges(); } } Rock.Web.Cache.PageCache.Flush( page.Id ); string script = "if (typeof window.parent.Rock.controls.modal.close === 'function') window.parent.Rock.controls.modal.close('PAGE_UPDATED');"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( this.Page, this.GetType(), "close-modal", script, true ); } } }
//保存 protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (txtPactNum.Text.Trim() == "") { Alert.ShowInTop("合同编号不能为空!"); txtPactNum.Reset(); return; } if (txtPactType.Text.Trim() == "") { Alert.ShowInTop("合同类别不能为空!"); txtPactType.Reset(); return; } if (DatePicker_StartTime.SelectedDate > DatePicker_EndTime.SelectedDate) { Alert.ShowInTop("结束日期应该大于开始日期!"); return; } NewPact.EndTime = DatePicker_EndTime.SelectedDate; NewPact.EntryPerson = BLLUser.FindByLoginName(Session["LoginName"].ToString()).UserName; NewPact.PactNum = txtPactNum.Text; NewPact.PactType = txtPactType.Text; NewPact.ProjectID = BLLProject.SelectProjectID(DropDownList_Project.SelectedText); NewPact.SecrecyLevel = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_SecrecyLevel.SelectedValue); NewPact.StartTime = DatePicker_StartTime.SelectedDate; NewPact.PactName = txtPactName.Text; NewPact.ChargePerson = txtChargePerson.Text; NewPact.PactMoney = txtPactMoney.Text; NewPact.RealMoney = txtRealMoney.Text; NewPact.PactCompletion = txtPactCompletion.Text; NewPact.IsExistingFile = txtIsExistingFile.Text; NewPact.FileNum = txtFileNum.Text; if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["SecrecyLevel"]) == 5) { NewPact.IsPass = true; } else { NewPact.IsPass = false; } int AttachID = pm.UpLoadFile(fileupload).Attachid; switch (AttachID) { case -1: Alert.ShowInTop("文件类型不符,请重新选择!"); return; case 0: Alert.ShowInTop("文件名已经存在!"); return; case -2: Alert.ShowInTop("文件不能大于150M"); return; case -3: NewPact.AttachmentID = null; break; //Alert.ShowInTop("请上传附件"); //return; default: NewPact.AttachmentID = AttachID; break; } if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["SecrecyLevel"]) != 5) { NewPact.IsPass = false; } else { NewPact.IsPass = true; } //向合同档案表中插入数据 BLLPact.Insert(NewPact); //向操作日志表中插入数据 if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["SecrecyLevel"]) != 5) { operationLog.LoginIP = " "; operationLog.LoginName = Session["LoginName"].ToString(); operationLog.OperationType = "添加"; operationLog.OperationContent = "Pact"; operationLog.OperationTime = DateTime.Now; operationLog.OperationDataID = NewPact.PactID; BLLOp.Insert(operationLog); Alert.ShowInTop("您的数据已提交,请等待确认!"); } else { Alert.ShowInTop("保存成功!"); } PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetConfirmHideRefreshReference()); } catch (Exception ex) { int PactID = Convert.ToInt32(NewPact.AttachmentID); //删除资料附件 int AttactID = BLLPact.FindAttachmentID(PactID); string strPath; if (AttactID != 0) { strPath = BLLattachment.FindPath(AttactID); if (strPath != "") { //在附件表中删除附件数据 BLLattachment.Delete(AttactID); //删除附件文件 pm.DeleteFile(AttactID, strPath); } } //BLCommon.PublicMethod pm = new BLCommon.PublicMethod(); pm.SaveError(ex, this.Request); } }
protected void ForumRegister_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { string newEmail = Email.Text.Trim(); string newUsername = UserName.Text.Trim(); if (!General.IsValidEmail(newEmail)) { PageContext.AddLoadMessage("You have entered an illegal e-mail address."); return; } if (UserMembershipHelper.UserExists(UserName.Text.Trim(), newEmail)) { PageContext.AddLoadMessage("Username or email are already registered."); return; } string hashinput = DateTime.Now.ToString() + newEmail + Security.CreatePassword(20); string hash = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(hashinput, "md5"); MembershipCreateStatus status; MembershipUser user = Membership.CreateUser(newUsername, Password.Text.Trim(), newEmail, Question.Text.Trim(), Answer.Text.Trim(), !PageContext.BoardSettings.EmailVerification, out status); if (status != MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { // error of some kind PageContext.AddLoadMessage("Membership Error Creating User: "******"VERIFYEMAIL"); verifyEmail.TemplateParams ["{link}"] = String.Format("{1}{0}", YAF.Classes.Utils.YafBuildLink.GetLink(YAF.Classes.Utils.ForumPages.approve, "k={0}", hash), YAF.Classes.Utils.YafForumInfo.ServerURL); verifyEmail.TemplateParams ["{key}"] = hash; verifyEmail.TemplateParams ["{forumname}"] = PageContext.BoardSettings.Name; verifyEmail.TemplateParams ["{forumlink}"] = String.Format("{0}", ForumURL); string subject = String.Format(PageContext.Localization.GetText("COMMON", "EMAILVERIFICATION_SUBJECT"), PageContext.BoardSettings.Name); verifyEmail.SendEmail(new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(newEmail, newUsername), subject, true); } // success PageContext.AddLoadMessage(string.Format("User {0} Created Successfully.", UserName.Text.Trim())); YAF.Classes.Utils.YafBuildLink.Redirect(YAF.Classes.Utils.ForumPages.admin_reguser); } }
private static Hash CreatePageData(SiteContext context, PageContext pageContext) { var title = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageContext.Title) ? context.Title : pageContext.Title; return Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { page = new { title }, content = pageContext.Content }); }
protected void btnRemoveCnblogs2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(TabStrip1.GetRemoveTabReference("dynamic_tab_Cnblogs2")); }
//保存 protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (UserInfoName.Text.Trim() != "") { if (bllUser.IsUser(UserInfoName.Text.Trim()) != null) { if (bllUser.IsUser(UserInfoName.Text.Trim()).IsPass == true) { if (TitleName.Text.Trim() == "") { Alert.ShowInTop("称号名称不能为空!"); TitleName.Text = ""; return; } if (GivDivision.Text.Trim() == "") { Alert.ShowInTop("授予部门不能为空!"); GivDivision.Text = ""; return; } Common.Entities.Honor honor = new Common.Entities.Honor(); honor.UserInfoID = bllUser.FindID(UserInfoName.Text.Trim()); honor.TitleName = TitleName.Text.Trim(); honor.Sort = DropDownListSort.SelectedItem.Text; honor.Remark = Remark.Text.Trim(); honor.GiveTime = DatePickerGiveTime.SelectedDate; honor.GivDivision = GivDivision.Text.Trim(); honor.SecrecyLevel = DropDownListSecrecyLevel.SelectedIndex + 1; honor.EntryPerson = bllUser.FindByLoginName(Session["LoginName"].ToString()).UserName; if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["SecrecyLevel"]) != 5) { honor.IsPass = false; bllHonor.InsertForPeople(honor);//插入荣誉称号表 OperationLog operate = new OperationLog(); operate.LoginName = bllUser.FindByLoginName(Session["LoginName"].ToString()).UserName; operate.LoginIP = ""; operate.OperationType = "添加"; operate.OperationContent = "Honor"; operate.OperationDataID = honor.HonorID; operate.OperationTime = System.DateTime.Now; operate.Remark = ""; bllOperate.Insert(operate);//插入操作表 PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetConfirmHideRefreshReference() + Alert.GetShowInTopReference("人员荣誉称号信息已提交审核!")); } else { honor.IsPass = true; bllHonor.InsertForPeople(honor);//插入荣誉称号表 PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetConfirmHideRefreshReference() + Alert.GetShowInTopReference("人员荣誉称号信息已添加完成!")); } } else { Alert.ShowInTop("该人员正在审核中!"); } } else { Alert.ShowInTop("人员不存在!"); UserInfoName.Text = ""; } } else { Alert.ShowInTop("人员名称不能为空!"); UserInfoName.Text = ""; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { publicmethod.SaveError(ex, this.Request); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a menu item for the specified insight, and returns it. /// </summary> /// <param name="insight">The insight details.</param> /// <param name="context">Information that this page requires to display content.</param> /// <returns>A menu item for the specified insight.</returns> private TreeNode CreateMenuItem(Insight insight, PageContext context) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode { Text = String.Format("<span id='node_{0}' class='ContentTreeItem' name='treeNode'>{2}<span class='Name'>{1}</span></span>", insight.CodeName.Replace('.', '_'), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(insight.DisplayName), UIHelper.GetAccessibleIconTag("icon-piechart", size: FontIconSizeEnum.Standard)), NavigateUrl = String.Format("~/CMSModules/SocialMarketing/Pages/InsightsReport.aspx?reportCodeNames={0}&periodType={1}&externalId={2}", URLHelper.URLEncode(GetReportCodeNames(insight, context)), insight.PeriodType, context.ExternalId), Target = treeElem.TargetFrame }; return node; }
protected void btn_return_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHideReference()); }
protected internal virtual IHtmlString RenderView(ViewPosition viewPosition) { Func <IHtmlString> renderView = () => this.RenderView(viewPosition.ViewName, PageContext.GetPositionViewData(viewPosition.PagePositionId), viewPosition.ToParameterDictionary(), false); if (viewPosition.EnabledCache) { var cacheKey = string.Format("View OutputCache - Full page name:{0};Raw request url:{1};PagePositionId:{2};ViewName:{3};LayoutPositionId:{4}" , PageContext.PageRequestContext.Page.FullName, PageContext.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl, viewPosition.PagePositionId, viewPosition.ViewName, viewPosition.LayoutPositionId); var cacheItemPolicy = viewPosition.OutputCache.ToCachePolicy(); return(this.PageContext.PageRequestContext.Site.ObjectCache().GetCache <IHtmlString>(cacheKey, renderView, cacheItemPolicy)); } else { return(renderView()); } }
protected void btn_confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Grid3.Rows.Count > 0 || Grid1.SelectedRowIndexArray.Length > 0) { //插入自定义流程主表 string sqlCmd = "insert into OA_sys_flow (flowFounder,createTime,isUsed) values "; sqlCmd += " ('" + GetUser() + "','" + DateTime.Now + "','2')"; string flowId = ""; if (SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd) == 1) { StringBuilder flowInfo = new StringBuilder(); sqlCmd = "select max(id) from OA_sys_flow"; flowId = SqlSel.GetSqlScale(sqlCmd).ToString(); if (Grid3.Rows.Count > 0) { if (rdbtn_flowType.SelectedValue == "1") { flowInfo.Append("[串行]"); for (int i = 0; i < Grid3.Rows.Count; i++) { sqlCmd = "insert into OA_Sys_Flow_Step (flowId,stepOrderNo) values('" + flowId + "','" + (i + 1) + "')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); sqlCmd = "select max(id) from OA_Sys_Flow_Step"; string stepId = SqlSel.GetSqlScale(sqlCmd).ToString(); string userId = Grid3.DataKeys[i][0].ToString(); DataTable userInfo = getUserInfo(userId); sqlCmd = "insert into OA_Sys_Step_Emp (stepId,deptId,dutyId) values ('" + stepId + "','" + userInfo.Rows[0]["deptId"].ToString() + "','" + userInfo.Rows[0]["dutyId"].ToString() + "')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); flowInfo.AppendFormat("{0};", Grid3.Rows[i].Values[0].ToString()); } } if (rdbtn_flowType.SelectedValue == "2") { flowInfo.Append("[并行]"); sqlCmd = "insert into OA_Sys_Flow_Step (flowId,stepOrderNo) values('" + flowId + "','1')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); sqlCmd = "select max(id) from OA_Sys_Flow_Step"; string stepId = SqlSel.GetSqlScale(sqlCmd).ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < Grid3.Rows.Count; i++) { string userId = Grid3.DataKeys[i][0].ToString(); DataTable userInfo = getUserInfo(userId); sqlCmd = "insert into OA_Sys_Step_Emp (stepId,deptId,dutyId) values ('" + stepId + "','" + userInfo.Rows[0]["deptId"].ToString() + "','" + userInfo.Rows[0]["dutyId"].ToString() + "')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); flowInfo.AppendFormat("{0};", Grid3.Rows[i].Values[0].ToString()); } } } else { if (Grid1.SelectedRowIndexArray.Length > 0) { if (rdbtn_flowType.SelectedValue == "1") { flowInfo.Append("[串行]"); int[] selections = Grid1.SelectedRowIndexArray; foreach (int rowIndex in selections) { sqlCmd = "insert into OA_Sys_Flow_Step (flowId,stepOrderNo) values('" + flowId + "','" + (rowIndex + 1) + "')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); sqlCmd = "select max(id) from OA_Sys_Flow_Step"; string stepId = SqlSel.GetSqlScale(sqlCmd).ToString(); string userId = Grid1.DataKeys[rowIndex][0].ToString(); DataTable userInfo = getUserInfo(userId); sqlCmd = "insert into OA_Sys_Step_Emp (stepId,deptId,dutyId) values ('" + stepId + "','" + userInfo.Rows[0]["deptId"].ToString() + "','" + userInfo.Rows[0]["dutyId"].ToString() + "')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); flowInfo.AppendFormat("{0};", Grid1.Rows[rowIndex].Values[1].ToString()); } } if (rdbtn_flowType.SelectedValue == "2") { flowInfo.Append("[并行]"); sqlCmd = "insert into OA_Sys_Flow_Step (flowId,stepOrderNo) values('" + flowId + "','1')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); sqlCmd = "select max(id) from OA_Sys_Flow_Step"; string stepId = SqlSel.GetSqlScale(sqlCmd).ToString(); int[] selections = Grid1.SelectedRowIndexArray; foreach (int rowIndex in selections) { string userId = Grid1.DataKeys[rowIndex][0].ToString(); DataTable userInfo = getUserInfo(userId); sqlCmd = "insert into OA_Sys_Step_Emp (stepId,deptId,dutyId) values ('" + stepId + "','" + userInfo.Rows[0]["deptId"].ToString() + "','" + userInfo.Rows[0]["dutyId"].ToString() + "')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); flowInfo.AppendFormat("{0};", Grid1.Rows[rowIndex].Values[1].ToString()); } } } } Alert.Show("流程添加成功!"); PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetWriteBackValueReference(flowInfo.ToString(), flowId) + ActiveWindow.GetHideReference()); } } else { Alert.ShowInTop("未添加任何审批人员!"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.ShowInTop(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 将Dataset的数据导入数据库 /// </summary> /// <param name="pds">数据集</param> /// <param name="Cols">数据集列数</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool AddDatasetToSQL(DataTable pds, int Cols) { int ic, ir; reports.Clear(); ic = pds.Columns.Count; if (ic < Cols) { ShowNotify("导入Excel格式错误!Excel只有" + ic.ToString().Trim() + "列", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } ir = pds.Rows.Count; if (pds != null && ir > 0) { var units = from x in Funs.DB.Base_Unit where x.IsHide == false || !x.IsHide.HasValue select x; for (int i = 0; i < ir; i++) { Model.View_Information_DrillPlanHalfYearReportItem report = new Model.View_Information_DrillPlanHalfYearReportItem(); string row1 = pds.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim(); string row2 = pds.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim(); string row3 = pds.Rows[i][2].ToString().Trim(); string row4 = pds.Rows[i][3].ToString().Trim(); string row5 = pds.Rows[i][4].ToString().Trim(); string row6 = pds.Rows[i][5].ToString().Trim(); string row7 = pds.Rows[i][6].ToString().Trim(); string row8 = pds.Rows[i][7].ToString().Trim(); string row9 = pds.Rows[i][8].ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row1)) { var unit = units.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UnitName == row1.Trim()); if (unit != null) { report.UnitId = unit.UnitId; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row2)) { report.YearId = Convert.ToInt32(row2); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row3)) { report.HalfYearId = Convert.ToInt32(row3); } report.Telephone = row4; report.DrillPlanName = row5; report.OrganizationUnit = row6; report.DrillPlanDate = row7; report.AccidentScene = row8; report.ExerciseWay = row9; if (reports.Where(e => e.DrillPlanHalfYearReportItemId == report.DrillPlanHalfYearReportItemId).FirstOrDefault() == null) { report.DrillPlanHalfYearReportItemId = SQLHelper.GetNewID(typeof(Model.View_Information_DrillPlanHalfYearReportItem)); reports.Add(report); } } Session["reports"] = reports; PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); } else { ShowNotify("导入数据为空!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 下载模板按钮 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnDownLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(Confirm.GetShowReference("确定下载导入模板吗?", String.Empty, MessageBoxIcon.Question, PageManager1.GetCustomEventReference(false, "Confirm_OK"), PageManager1.GetCustomEventReference("Confirm_Cancel"))); }
protected void btnSaveClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveItem(); PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); }
protected void btnSaveRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = Request.QueryString["Mode"].ToString(); OperationResult objOperationResult = new OperationResult(); if (Mode == "New") { // Create the entity groupoccupationDto objEntity = new groupoccupationDto(); // Populate the entity objEntity.v_LocationId = ddlLocation.SelectedValue.ToString(); objEntity.v_Name = txtSede.Text; // Save the data oOrganizationBL.AddGroupOccupation(ref objOperationResult, objEntity, ((ClientSession)Session["objClientSession"]).GetAsList()); if (txtSede2.Text.Trim() != "") { objEntity = new groupoccupationDto(); // Populate the entity objEntity.v_LocationId = ddlLocation.SelectedValue.ToString(); objEntity.v_Name = txtSede2.Text; // Save the data oOrganizationBL.AddGroupOccupation(ref objOperationResult, objEntity, ((ClientSession)Session["objClientSession"]).GetAsList()); } if (txtSede3.Text.Trim() != "") { objEntity = new groupoccupationDto(); // Populate the entity objEntity.v_LocationId = ddlLocation.SelectedValue.ToString(); objEntity.v_Name = txtSede3.Text; // Save the data oOrganizationBL.AddGroupOccupation(ref objOperationResult, objEntity, ((ClientSession)Session["objClientSession"]).GetAsList()); } if (txtSede4.Text.Trim() != "") { objEntity = new groupoccupationDto(); // Populate the entity objEntity.v_LocationId = ddlLocation.SelectedValue.ToString(); objEntity.v_Name = txtSede4.Text; // Save the data oOrganizationBL.AddGroupOccupation(ref objOperationResult, objEntity, ((ClientSession)Session["objClientSession"]).GetAsList()); } if (txtSede5.Text.Trim() != "") { objEntity = new groupoccupationDto(); // Populate the entity objEntity.v_LocationId = ddlLocation.SelectedValue.ToString(); objEntity.v_Name = txtSede5.Text; // Save the data oOrganizationBL.AddGroupOccupation(ref objOperationResult, objEntity, ((ClientSession)Session["objClientSession"]).GetAsList()); } } else if (Mode == "Edit") { groupoccupationDto objEntity = new groupoccupationDto(); // Populate the entity objEntity.v_GroupOccupationId = Session["v_GroupOccupationId"].ToString(); objEntity.v_LocationId = Session["v_LocationId"].ToString(); objEntity.v_Name = txtSede.Text; oOrganizationBL.UpdateGroupOccupation(ref objOperationResult, objEntity, ((ClientSession)Session["objClientSession"]).GetAsList()); } //Analizar el resultado de la operación if (objOperationResult.Success == 1) // Operación sin error { // Cerrar página actual y hacer postback en el padre para actualizar PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); } else // Operación con error { Alert.ShowInTop("Error en operación:" + System.Environment.NewLine + objOperationResult.ExceptionMessage); // Se queda en el formulario. } }
private void ParsePollContext(PageContext context) { var pollId = context.GetTokenValue("PollId"); ContextItem contextItem = null; if (pollId != null) { var id = Guid.Parse(pollId.ToString()); var poll = PublicApi.Polls.Get(id); if (poll != null && !poll.HasErrors()) contextItem = BuildPollContextItem(poll); } if (contextItem != null) context.ContextItems.Put(contextItem); }
private async Task RenderLayoutAsync( PageContext context, ViewBufferTextWriter bodyWriter) { // A layout page can specify another layout page. We'll need to continue // looking for layout pages until they're no longer specified. var previousPage = razorPage; var renderedLayouts = new List <TemplatePage>(); // This loop will execute Layout pages from the inside to the outside. With each // iteration, bodyWriter is replaced with the aggregate of all the "body" content // (including the layout page we just rendered). while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousPage.Layout)) { if (!bodyWriter.IsBuffering) { // Once a call to RazorPage.FlushAsync is made, we can no longer render Layout pages - content has // already been written to the client and the layout content would be appended rather than surround // the body content. Throwing this exception wouldn't return a 500 (since content has already been // written), but a diagnostic component should be able to capture it. throw new InvalidOperationException("Layout cannot be rendered"); } TemplatePage layoutPage = GetLayoutPage(previousPage.Layout); if (renderedLayouts.Count > 0 && renderedLayouts.Any(l => string.Equals(l.Path, layoutPage.Path, StringComparison.Ordinal))) { // If the layout has been previously rendered as part of this view, we're potentially in a layout // rendering cycle. throw new InvalidOperationException("Layout has circular reference"); } // Notify the previous page that any writes that are performed on it are part of sections being written // in the layout. previousPage.IsLayoutBeingRendered = true; layoutPage.PreviousSectionWriters = previousPage.SectionWriters; layoutPage.BodyContent = bodyWriter.Buffer; bodyWriter = await RenderPageAsync(layoutPage, context, invokeViewStarts : false); renderedLayouts.Add(layoutPage); previousPage = layoutPage; } // Now we've reached and rendered the outer-most layout page. Nothing left to execute. // Ensure all defined sections were rendered or RenderBody was invoked for page without defined sections. foreach (var layoutPage in renderedLayouts) { layoutPage.EnsureRenderedBodyOrSections(); } if (bodyWriter.IsBuffering) { // If IsBuffering - then we've got a bunch of content in the view buffer. How to best deal with it // really depends on whether or not we're writing directly to the output or if we're writing to // another buffer. var viewBufferTextWriter = context.Writer as ViewBufferTextWriter; if (viewBufferTextWriter == null || !viewBufferTextWriter.IsBuffering) { // This means we're writing to a 'real' writer, probably to the actual output stream. // We're using PagedBufferedTextWriter here to 'smooth' synchronous writes of IHtmlContent values. using (var writer = _bufferScope.CreateWriter(context.Writer)) { await bodyWriter.Buffer.WriteToAsync(writer, _htmlEncoder); } } else { // This means we're writing to another buffer. Use MoveTo to combine them. bodyWriter.Buffer.MoveTo(viewBufferTextWriter.Buffer); return; } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a list of report code names for the specified insight that is compatible with the Web analytics module, and returns it. /// </summary> /// <param name="insight">The insight details.</param> /// <param name="context">Information that this page requires to display content.</param> /// <returns>A list of report code names for the specified insight that is compatible with the Web analytics module.</returns> private string GetReportCodeNames(Insight insight, PageContext context) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string reportType in mReportTypes) { if (builder.Length > 0) { builder.Append(';'); } builder.AppendFormat(context.ReportNameFormat, insight.CodeName, insight.PeriodType, reportType); } return builder.ToString(); }
private Task RenderPageCoreAsync(TemplatePage page, PageContext context) { page.PageContext = context; page.PageLookup = this.pageLookup; return(page.ExecuteAsync()); }
/// <summary> /// 将Dataset的数据导入数据库 /// </summary> /// <param name="pds">数据集</param> /// <param name="Cols">数据集行数</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool AddDatasetToSQL(DataTable pds) { string results = string.Empty; int ir = pds.Rows.Count; if (pds != null && ir > 0) { var getCheckWork = BLL.Check_CheckWorkService.GetCheckWorkByCheckWorkId(this.CheckWorkId); if (getCheckWork != null) { var units = from x in Funs.DB.Base_Unit select x; var sysConsts = from x in Funs.DB.Sys_Const where x.GroupId == BLL.ConstValue.Group_HandleStep select x; var supCheckSets = from x in Funs.DB.Check_ProjectCheckItemSet where x.ProjectId == this.CurrUser.LoginProjectId && x.SupCheckItem == "0" && x.CheckType == "4" select x; for (int i = 0; i < ir; i++) { string result = string.Empty; string col0 = pds.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim(); string col1 = pds.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim(); string col2 = pds.Rows[i][2].ToString().Trim(); string col3 = pds.Rows[i][3].ToString().Trim(); string col4 = pds.Rows[i][4].ToString().Trim(); string col5 = pds.Rows[i][5].ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(col0) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(col1)) { Model.View_Check_CheckWorkDetail newViewDetail = new Model.View_Check_CheckWorkDetail { CheckWorkDetailId = SQLHelper.GetNewID(typeof(Model.View_EduTrain_TrainRecordDetail)), CheckWorkId = getCheckWork.CheckWorkId, CheckContent = col1, CheckResult = col2, CheckOpinion = col3, HandleResult = col4, CheckStation = col5, }; var checkName = supCheckSets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CheckItemName == col0); if (checkName != null) { newViewDetail.CheckItem = checkName.CheckItemSetId; newViewDetail.CheckItemStr = checkName.CheckItemName; } else { result += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + "行," + "项目检查项中不存在!" + "|"; } ///判断是否已存在 var addItem = Funs.DB.Check_CheckWorkDetail.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CheckWorkId == newViewDetail.CheckWorkId && x.CheckContent == newViewDetail.CheckContent && x.CheckItem == newViewDetail.CheckItem); if (addItem == null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { Model.Check_CheckWorkDetail newDetail = new Model.Check_CheckWorkDetail { CheckWorkDetailId = newViewDetail.CheckWorkDetailId, CheckWorkId = newViewDetail.CheckWorkId, CheckItem = newViewDetail.CheckItem, CheckContent = newViewDetail.CheckContent, CheckResult = newViewDetail.CheckResult, CheckOpinion = newViewDetail.CheckOpinion, CheckStation = newViewDetail.CheckStation, HandleResult = newViewDetail.HandleResult, }; BLL.Check_CheckWorkDetailService.AddCheckWorkDetail(newDetail); ///加入 viewDetails.Add(newViewDetail); } } else { result += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + "行," + "导入数据重复" + "|"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { results += result; } } } if (viewDetails.Count > 0) { viewDetails = viewDetails.Distinct().ToList(); this.Grid1.Hidden = false; this.Grid1.DataSource = viewDetails; this.Grid1.DataBind(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(results)) { viewDetails.Clear(); results = "数据导入完成,未成功数据:" + results.Substring(0, results.LastIndexOf("|")); errorInfos = results; Alert alert = new Alert { Message = results, Target = Target.Self }; alert.Show(); } else { errorInfos = string.Empty; ShowNotify("导入成功!", MessageBoxIcon.Success); PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); } } else { Alert.ShowInTop("培训数据为空!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else { Alert.ShowInTop("导入数据为空!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } BLL.UploadFileService.DeleteFile(Funs.RootPath, initPath + this.hdFileName.Text); return(true); }
public void btnReturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageContext.Redirect("~/Inventory/WHOutBoundOrderManage.aspx"); }
//取消 protected void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单列表页面 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void btnReturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //返回订单列表页面 PageContext.Redirect("~/Contract/FH/ContractOrderManage.aspx"); }
private static ValueTask SyncDisposeAsync(PageContext context, object page) { Dispose(context, page); return(default);
protected void btnSaveRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["Type"] == "1") { //编辑保存 zlzw.Model.JobKindListModel jobKindListModel = new zlzw.Model.JobKindListModel(); jobKindListModel.JobKindName = txbNJobKindName.Text; jobKindListModel.JobKindGUID = new Guid(ViewState["JobKindGUID"].ToString()); jobKindListModel.JobCategoryGUID = new Guid(drpJobCategory.SelectedValue); jobKindListModel.IsEnable = 1; if (ckbIsHot.Checked) { jobKindListModel.IsHot = 1; } else { jobKindListModel.IsHot = 0; } if (ckbIsShowDefaultPage.Checked) { jobKindListModel.IsShowDefaultPage = 1; } else { jobKindListModel.IsShowDefaultPage = 0; } jobKindListModel.PublishDate = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["PublishDate"].ToString()); jobKindListModel.JobKindID = int.Parse(Get_JobKindID(Request.QueryString["value"])); zlzw.BLL.JobKindListBLL jobKindListBLL = new zlzw.BLL.JobKindListBLL(); jobKindListBLL.Update(jobKindListModel); } else { //添加保存 zlzw.Model.JobKindListModel jobKindListModel = new zlzw.Model.JobKindListModel(); jobKindListModel.JobKindName = txbNJobKindName.Text; jobKindListModel.JobKindGUID = Guid.NewGuid(); jobKindListModel.JobCategoryGUID = new Guid(drpJobCategory.SelectedValue); jobKindListModel.IsEnable = 1; if (ckbIsHot.Checked) { jobKindListModel.IsHot = 1; } else { jobKindListModel.IsHot = 0; } if (ckbIsShowDefaultPage.Checked) { jobKindListModel.IsShowDefaultPage = 1; } else { jobKindListModel.IsShowDefaultPage = 0; } jobKindListModel.PublishDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); zlzw.BLL.JobKindListBLL jobKindListBLL = new zlzw.BLL.JobKindListBLL(); jobKindListBLL.Add(jobKindListModel); } // 2. Close this window and Refresh parent window PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHideRefreshReference()); }
private void ParseUserContext(PageContext context) { var userName = context.GetTokenValue("UserName"); ContextItem contextItem = null; if (userName != null) { var user = TEApi.Users.Get(new UsersGetOptions() { Username = userName.ToString() }); if (user != null) contextItem = BuildUserContextItem(user); else Globals.RedirectToLoginOrThrowException(Telligent.Evolution.Components.CSExceptionType.UserNotFound); } if (contextItem != null) context.ContextItems.Put(contextItem); }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ItemSelectedList.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in ItemSelectedList) { Model.Law_ManageRule rule = BLL.ManageRuleService.GetManageRuleById(item); if (rule != null) { string newKeyID = SQLHelper.GetNewID(typeof(Model.ActionPlan_ManagerRule)); Model.ActionPlan_ManagerRule newManagerRule = new Model.ActionPlan_ManagerRule { ManagerRuleId = newKeyID, OldManageRuleId = rule.ManageRuleId, ProjectId = this.CurrUser.LoginProjectId, ManageRuleName = rule.ManageRuleName, ManageRuleTypeId = rule.ManageRuleTypeId, CompileDate = DateTime.Now, Remark = rule.Remark, CompileMan = this.CurrUser.UserId, IsIssue = false, Flag = true, State = BLL.Const.State_0, AttachUrl = rule.AttachUrl, SeeFile = rule.SeeFile }; BLL.ActionPlan_ManagerRuleService.AddManageRule(newManagerRule); ////保存流程审核数据 this.ctlAuditFlow.btnSaveData(this.CurrUser.LoginProjectId, BLL.Const.ActionPlan_ManagerRuleMenuId, newManagerRule.ManagerRuleId, true, newManagerRule.ManageRuleName, "../ActionPlan/ManagerRuleView.aspx?ManagerRuleId={0}"); Model.SUBHSSEDB db = Funs.DB; Model.AttachFile attachFile = db.AttachFile.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToKeyId == item); if (attachFile != null) { Model.AttachFile newAttachFile = new Model.AttachFile { AttachFileId = SQLHelper.GetNewID(typeof(Model.AttachFile)), ToKeyId = newKeyID }; string[] urls = attachFile.AttachUrl.Split(','); foreach (string url in urls) { string urlStr = BLL.Funs.RootPath + url; if (File.Exists(urlStr)) { string newUrl = urlStr.Replace("ManageRule", "ActionPlanManagerRule"); if (!Directory.Exists(newUrl.Substring(0, newUrl.LastIndexOf("\\")))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(newUrl.Substring(0, newUrl.LastIndexOf("\\"))); } if (!File.Exists(newUrl)) { File.Copy(urlStr, newUrl); } } } newAttachFile.AttachSource = attachFile.AttachSource.Replace("ManageRule", "ActionPlanManagerRule"); newAttachFile.AttachUrl = attachFile.AttachUrl.Replace("ManageRule", "ActionPlanManagerRule"); newAttachFile.MenuId = BLL.Const.ActionPlan_ManagerRuleMenuId; db.AttachFile.InsertOnSubmit(newAttachFile); db.SubmitChanges(); } } } PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); } else { Alert.ShowInParent("请至少选择一条记录!"); return; } }
// GET: Snippet public ActionResult CompositeComponent() { var renderingContext = RenderingContext.CurrentOrNull; if (renderingContext == null) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find current rendering context, aborting"); var hasDataSource = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(renderingContext.Rendering.DataSource); var pageContext = new PageContext() { RequestContext = this.ControllerContext.RequestContext, Item = !hasDataSource ? null : renderingContext.Rendering.Item }; var oldDisplayMode = global::Sitecore.Context.Site != null ? global::Sitecore.Context.Site.DisplayMode : DisplayMode.Normal; try { if (oldDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Edit && global::Sitecore.Context.Site != null) { //disable the editing of the nested component global::Sitecore.Context.Site.SetDisplayMode(DisplayMode.Preview, DisplayModeDuration.Temporary); } using (PlaceholderContext.Enter(new PlaceholderContext("/"))) using (ContextService.Get().Push<PageContext>(pageContext)) { var stringWriter = new StringWriter(); if (oldDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Edit) { if (hasDataSource) { UrlString webSiteUrl = SiteContext.GetWebSiteUrl(global::Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase ?? global::Sitecore.Context.Database); webSiteUrl.Add("sc_mode", "edit"); webSiteUrl.Add("sc_itemid", pageContext.Item.ID.ToString()); webSiteUrl.Add("sc_lang", pageContext.Item.Language.ToString()); //copied style from bootstrap alert stringWriter.Write("<div role=\"alert\" class=\"alert alert-warning\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 20px; border-top: rgb(250,235,204) 1px solid; border-right: rgb(250,235,204) 1px solid; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; border-bottom: rgb(250,235,204) 1px solid; text-transform: none; color: rgb(138,109,59); padding-bottom: 15px; padding-top: 15px; font: 14px/20px 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif; padding-left: 15px; border-left: rgb(250,235,204) 1px solid; widows: 1; letter-spacing: normal; padding-right: 15px; background-color: rgb(252,248,227); text-indent: 0px; border-radius: 4px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px\">"); stringWriter.Write("<a class=\"alert-link\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 700; color: rgb(102,81,44); background-color: transparent\" href=\""); stringWriter.Write(webSiteUrl); stringWriter.Write("\" target=\"_blank\" onmousedown=\"\">""); stringWriter.Write(pageContext.Item.DisplayName); stringWriter.Write("" is a 'composite component'. Click here to open it's editor</a><br /></div>"); } else { //copied style from bootstrap alert stringWriter.Write("<div role=\"alert\" class=\"alert alert-warning\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 20px; border-top: rgb(250,235,204) 1px solid; border-right: rgb(250,235,204) 1px solid; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; border-bottom: rgb(250,235,204) 1px solid; text-transform: none; color: rgb(138,109,59); padding-bottom: 15px; padding-top: 15px; font: 14px/20px 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, sans-serif; padding-left: 15px; border-left: rgb(250,235,204) 1px solid; widows: 1; letter-spacing: normal; padding-right: 15px; background-color: rgb(252,248,227); text-indent: 0px; border-radius: 4px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px\">"); stringWriter.Write("<a class=\"alert-link\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 700; color: rgb(102,81,44); background-color: transparent\" href=\"\" onmousedown=\""); stringWriter.Write("Sitecore.PageModes.PageEditor.postRequest('webedit:setdatasource(referenceId="); stringWriter.Write(renderingContext.Rendering.UniqueId.ToString("B").ToUpper()); stringWriter.Write(",renderingId="); stringWriter.Write(renderingContext.Rendering.RenderingItem.ID); stringWriter.Write(",id="); stringWriter.Write(renderingContext.Rendering.Item.ID); stringWriter.Write(")',null,false)"); stringWriter.Write("\" target=\"_blank\">This is a 'composite component' without a datasource. Click here to associate a composite component instance</a><br /></div>"); } } if (hasDataSource) PipelineService.Get().RunPipeline<RenderPlaceholderArgs>("mvc.renderPlaceholder", new RenderPlaceholderArgs(pageContext.Item["PlaceholderName"] ?? "compositecontent", (TextWriter) stringWriter, new ContentRendering())); return Content(stringWriter.ToString()); } } finally { global::Sitecore.Context.Site.SetDisplayMode(oldDisplayMode, DisplayModeDuration.Temporary); } }
protected void Window_Close(object sender, WindowCloseEventArgs e) { PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); }
public void ShouldCopyEntity() { var pageContext = new PageContext { Guid = Guid.NewGuid() }; var result = pageContext.Clone( false ); Assert.AreEqual( result.Guid, pageContext.Guid ); }
protected void btnPostBackClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ExtAspNet.ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); }
public void Write(TextWriter textWriter, PageContext pageContext) { if (textWriter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("textWriter"); if (pageContext == null) pageContext = new PageContext(this, new Dictionary<string, object>(), this.RenderHtml); var blocks = pageContext.RenderHtml ? this.HtmlBlocks : this.MarkdownBlocks; if (Interlocked.Increment(ref timesRun) == 1) { this.ExecutionContext.BaseType = Markdown.MarkdownBaseType; this.ExecutionContext.TypeProperties = Markdown.MarkdownGlobalHelpers; pageContext.MarkdownPage = this; blocks.ForEach(x => x.DoFirstRun(pageContext)); this.evaluator = this.ExecutionContext.Build(); blocks.ForEach(x => x.AfterFirstRun(evaluator)); hasCompletedFirstRun = true; } if (!hasCompletedFirstRun) //TODO: Add lock/waits if it's a noticeable problem throw new InvalidOperationException("Page hasn't finished initializing yet"); MarkdownViewBase instance = null; if (this.evaluator != null) { instance = (MarkdownViewBase)this.evaluator.CreateInstance(); object model; pageContext.ScopeArgs.TryGetValue(ModelName, out model); instance.Init(this, model, this.RenderHtml); } foreach (var block in blocks) { block.Write(instance, textWriter, pageContext.ScopeArgs); } }
protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sqlCmd = ""; int execCount = 0; if (rdbl_status.SelectedValue == "1") //发车登记 { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DatePicker1.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TimePicker1.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(numbbox_actualMileage.Text)) { Alert.ShowInTop("发车信息不可为空!"); return; } else { sqlCmd = "update OA_Car_Main set actualMileage='" + numbbox_actualMileage.Text + "',actualUseTime='" + DatePicker1.Text + "'+' '+'" + TimePicker1.Text + "',"; sqlCmd += "adminRegister='1' where id='" + label_tabId.Text + "'"; execCount = SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); } } if (rdbl_status.SelectedValue == "2")//返还登记 { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DatePicker2.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TimePicker2.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(numbbox_endMileage.Text)) { Alert.ShowInTop("返还信息不可为空!"); return; } else { sqlCmd = "update OA_Car_Main set endMileage='" + numbbox_endMileage.Text + "',actualBackTime='" + DatePicker2.Text + "'+' '+'" + TimePicker2.Text + "',"; sqlCmd += "adminRegister='2' where id='" + label_tabId.Text + "'"; execCount = SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); //关联车辆解除绑定 if (execCount == 1) { sqlCmd = "update OA_Car_Register set OnUsing='0' where id=(select deptCarId from OA_Car_Main where id='" + label_tabId.Text + "')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); } } } if (rdbl_status.SelectedValue == "-1")//取消申请 { sqlCmd = "update OA_Car_Main set adminRegister='-1' where id='" + label_tabId.Text + "'"; execCount = SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); //关联车辆解除绑定 if (execCount == 1) { sqlCmd = "update OA_Car_Register set OnUsing='0' where id=(select deptCarId from OA_Car_Main where id='" + label_tabId.Text + "')"; SqlSel.ExeSql(sqlCmd); } } if (execCount == 1) { Alert.Show("登记成功!"); PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHideRefreshReference()); } else { Alert.ShowInTop("登记失败!请联系管理员。"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="header">The TrueCrypt header of the volume.</param> public HeaderInfo(PageContext.Header header) { this.header = header; }
public static string RenderToString(this MarkdownPage markdownPage, Dictionary<string, object> scopeArgs, bool renderHtml) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var writer = new StringWriter(sb)) { var pageContext = new PageContext(markdownPage, scopeArgs, renderHtml); markdownPage.Write(writer, pageContext); } return sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a collection of insights where reports are available, and returns it. /// </summary> /// <returns>A collection of insights where reports are available.</returns> private IEnumerable<Insight> GetInsights(PageContext context) { Dictionary<string, Insight> insights = new Dictionary<string, Insight>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (ReportInfo report in new ObjectQuery<ReportInfo>().Where(ReportInfo.TYPEINFO.CodeNameColumn, QueryOperator.Like, context.ReportNamePrefix + "%")) { string[] tokens = report.ReportName.Split('.'); string codeName = tokens[1]; if (!insights.ContainsKey(codeName)) { string resourceName = String.Format(context.DisplayNameResourceNameFormat, codeName); Insight insight = new Insight { CodeName = codeName, PeriodType = tokens[2], DisplayName = GetString(resourceName) }; insights.Add(codeName, insight); } } return insights.Values.OrderBy(x => x.CodeName).ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnSave event of the masterPage control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void masterPage_OnSave( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Page.Validate( BlockValidationGroup ); if ( Page.IsValid && _pageId.HasValue ) { var rockContext = new RockContext(); var pageService = new PageService( rockContext ); var routeService = new PageRouteService( rockContext ); var contextService = new PageContextService( rockContext ); var page = pageService.Get( _pageId.Value ); // validate/check for removed routes var editorRoutes = tbPageRoute.Text.SplitDelimitedValues().Distinct(); var databasePageRoutes = page.PageRoutes.ToList(); var deletedRouteIds = new List<int>(); var addedRoutes = new List<string>(); if ( editorRoutes.Any() ) { // validate for any duplicate routes var duplicateRoutes = routeService.Queryable() .Where( r => editorRoutes.Contains( r.Route ) && r.PageId != _pageId ) .Select( r => r.Route ) .Distinct() .ToList(); if ( duplicateRoutes.Any() ) { // Duplicate routes nbPageRouteWarning.Title = "Duplicate Route(s)"; nbPageRouteWarning.Text = string.Format( "<p>The page route <strong>{0}</strong>, already exists for another page. Please choose a different route name.</p>", duplicateRoutes.AsDelimited( "</strong> and <strong>" ) ); nbPageRouteWarning.Dismissable = true; nbPageRouteWarning.Visible = true; CurrentTab = "Advanced Settings"; rptProperties.DataSource = _tabs; rptProperties.DataBind(); ShowSelectedPane(); return; } } // validate if removed routes can be deleted foreach ( var pageRoute in databasePageRoutes ) { if ( !editorRoutes.Contains( pageRoute.Route ) ) { // make sure the route can be deleted string errorMessage; if ( !routeService.CanDelete( pageRoute, out errorMessage ) ) { nbPageRouteWarning.Text = string.Format( "The page route <strong>{0}</strong>, cannot be removed. {1}", pageRoute.Route, errorMessage ); nbPageRouteWarning.NotificationBoxType = NotificationBoxType.Warning; nbPageRouteWarning.Dismissable = true; nbPageRouteWarning.Visible = true; CurrentTab = "Advanced Settings"; rptProperties.DataSource = _tabs; rptProperties.DataBind(); ShowSelectedPane(); return; } } } // take care of deleted routes foreach ( var pageRoute in databasePageRoutes ) { if ( !editorRoutes.Contains( pageRoute.Route ) ) { // if they removed the Route, remove it from the database page.PageRoutes.Remove( pageRoute ); routeService.Delete( pageRoute ); deletedRouteIds.Add( pageRoute.Id ); } } // take care of added routes foreach ( string route in editorRoutes ) { // if they added the Route, add it to the database if ( !databasePageRoutes.Any( a => a.Route == route ) ) { var pageRoute = new PageRoute(); pageRoute.Route = route.TrimStart( new char[] { '/' } ); pageRoute.Guid = Guid.NewGuid(); page.PageRoutes.Add( pageRoute ); addedRoutes.Add( route ); } } int parentPageId = ppParentPage.SelectedValueAsInt() ?? 0; if ( page.ParentPageId != parentPageId ) { if ( page.ParentPageId.HasValue ) { PageCache.Flush( page.ParentPageId.Value ); } if ( parentPageId != 0 ) { PageCache.Flush( parentPageId ); } } page.InternalName = tbPageName.Text; page.PageTitle = tbPageTitle.Text; page.BrowserTitle = tbBrowserTitle.Text; if ( parentPageId != 0 ) { page.ParentPageId = parentPageId; } else { page.ParentPageId = null; } page.LayoutId = ddlLayout.SelectedValueAsInt().Value; int? orphanedIconFileId = null; page.IconCssClass = tbIconCssClass.Text; page.PageDisplayTitle = cbPageTitle.Checked; page.PageDisplayBreadCrumb = cbPageBreadCrumb.Checked; page.PageDisplayIcon = cbPageIcon.Checked; page.PageDisplayDescription = cbPageDescription.Checked; page.DisplayInNavWhen = ddlMenuWhen.SelectedValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull<DisplayInNavWhen>() ?? DisplayInNavWhen.WhenAllowed; page.MenuDisplayDescription = cbMenuDescription.Checked; page.MenuDisplayIcon = cbMenuIcon.Checked; page.MenuDisplayChildPages = cbMenuChildPages.Checked; page.BreadCrumbDisplayName = cbBreadCrumbName.Checked; page.BreadCrumbDisplayIcon = cbBreadCrumbIcon.Checked; page.RequiresEncryption = cbRequiresEncryption.Checked; page.EnableViewState = cbEnableViewState.Checked; page.IncludeAdminFooter = cbIncludeAdminFooter.Checked; page.OutputCacheDuration = tbCacheDuration.Text.AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 0; page.Description = tbDescription.Text; page.HeaderContent = ceHeaderContent.Text; // update PageContexts foreach ( var pageContext in page.PageContexts.ToList() ) { contextService.Delete( pageContext ); } page.PageContexts.Clear(); foreach ( var control in phContext.Controls ) { if ( control is RockTextBox ) { var tbContext = control as RockTextBox; if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbContext.Text ) ) { var pageContext = new PageContext(); pageContext.Entity = tbContext.ID.Substring( 8 ).Replace( '_', '.' ); pageContext.IdParameter = tbContext.Text; page.PageContexts.Add( pageContext ); } } } // save page and it's routes if ( page.IsValid ) { rockContext.SaveChanges(); // remove any routes that were deleted foreach (var deletedRouteId in deletedRouteIds ) { var existingRoute = RouteTable.Routes.OfType<Route>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.RouteId() == deletedRouteId ); if ( existingRoute != null ) { RouteTable.Routes.Remove( existingRoute ); } } // ensure that there aren't any other extra routes for this page in the RouteTable foreach (var routeTableRoute in RouteTable.Routes.OfType<Route>().Where(a => a.PageId() == page.Id)) { if ( !editorRoutes.Any( a => a == routeTableRoute.Url ) ) { RouteTable.Routes.Remove( routeTableRoute ); } } // Add any routes that were added foreach ( var pageRoute in new PageRouteService( rockContext ).GetByPageId( page.Id ) ) { if ( addedRoutes.Contains( pageRoute.Route ) ) { RouteTable.Routes.AddPageRoute( pageRoute ); } } if ( orphanedIconFileId.HasValue ) { BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext ); var binaryFile = binaryFileService.Get( orphanedIconFileId.Value ); if ( binaryFile != null ) { // marked the old images as IsTemporary so they will get cleaned up later binaryFile.IsTemporary = true; rockContext.SaveChanges(); } } Rock.Web.Cache.PageCache.Flush( page.Id ); string script = "if (typeof window.parent.Rock.controls.modal.close === 'function') window.parent.Rock.controls.modal.close('PAGE_UPDATED');"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( this.Page, this.GetType(), "close-modal", script, true ); } } }
private IDictionary<string, object> ProcessTemplate(PageContext pageContext, string path) { var templateFile = fileSystem.File.ReadAllText(path); var metadata = templateFile.YamlHeader(); var templateContent = templateFile.ExcludeHeader(); var data = CreatePageData(context, pageContext); pageContext.Content = RenderTemplate(templateContent, data); return metadata; }
//保存 protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLHelper.BLLFurniture blfurni = new BLHelper.BLLFurniture(); BLHelper.BLLUser user = new BLHelper.BLLUser(); BLHelper.BLLAgency agency = new BLHelper.BLLAgency(); BLHelper.BLLOperationLog op = new BLHelper.BLLOperationLog(); Common.Entities.Furniture furniture = new Common.Entities.Furniture(); Common.Entities.OperationLog log = new Common.Entities.OperationLog(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb_FurnitureName.Text.Trim())) { Alert.ShowInTop("请填写家具名称!"); return; } furniture.FurnitureName = tb_FurnitureName.Text.Trim(); if (ddl_isgov.SelectedIndex == 0) { furniture.IsGowerProcu = true; } else { furniture.IsGowerProcu = false; } if (ddl_isshare.SelectedIndex == 0) { furniture.IsShare = true; } else { furniture.IsShare = false; } //furniture.AgencName = tb_Agency.Text.Trim(); furniture.AgencName = ddl_Agency.SelectedText; furniture.CategoryName = "无"; furniture.CategoryName = ddl_Category.SelectedText.Trim(); furniture.ClassNum = tb_ClassNum.Text.Trim(); furniture.EquipNum = tb_Equipnum.Text.Trim(); furniture.Manufacturer = tb_Manufacturer.Text.Trim(); furniture.MeasurementUnit = tb_MeasurementUnit.Text.Trim(); furniture.Model = tb_Model.Text.Trim(); furniture.Remarks = tb_Remarks.Text.Trim(); furniture.StorageLocation = tb_StorageLocation.Text.Trim(); furniture.Price = tb_price.Text.Trim(); furniture.Purchase = tb_Purchase.Text.Trim(); furniture.PurchaseTime = dp_PurchaseTime.SelectedDate.Value; furniture.UsePerson = tb_UsePerson.Text.Trim(); string username = user.FindByLoginName(Session["LoginName"].ToString()).UserName; furniture.EntryPerson = username; furniture.SecrecyLevel = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_Level.SelectedIndex + 1); //furniture.AgencyID = agency.SelectAgencyID(ddl_agencyname.SelectedText.Trim()); if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["SecrecyLevel"]) < 5) { log.LoginName = username; log.OperationTime = DateTime.Now; log.LoginIP = " "; log.OperationContent = "Furnitures"; log.OperationType = "添加"; furniture.IsPass = false; blfurni.Insert(furniture);//插入家具表 log.OperationDataID = furniture.FurnitureID; op.Insert(log); PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetConfirmHideRefreshReference() + Alert.GetShowInTopReference("您的数据已提交,请等待审核!")); } else { furniture.IsPass = true; blfurni.Insert(furniture);//插入家具表 PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetConfirmHideRefreshReference() + Alert.GetShowInTopReference("保存成功")); } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.ShowInTop("保存出错,请联系管理员!"); pm.SaveError(ex, this.Request); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CommonAdapter.GetCurrentLoginType() == LoginTypes.RemisierEmployee) throw new SecurityLayerException(); if (!IsPostBack) { ((TotalGiroClient)Master).HeaderText = "Remisier Logins"; gvRemisierEmployees.Sort("ShortName", SortDirection.Ascending); ctlAccountFinder.Focus(); } gvRemisierEmployees.Columns[0].ItemStyle.BackColor = gvRemisierEmployees.Columns[1].ItemStyle.BackColor; elbErrorMessage.Text = ""; Utility.EnableScrollToBottom(this, hdnScrollToBottom); PageContext = new PageContext(gvRemisierEmployees, elbErrorMessage, hdnScrollToBottom); }
protected void btnSaveRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Mode == "New") { #region Validate #endregion // Datos de nodo / Empresa / Sede NodeOrganizationLoactionWarehouseList objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse = new NodeOrganizationLoactionWarehouseList(); objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse.i_NodeId = NodeId; objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse.v_OrganizationId = ddlOrganization.SelectedValue; objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse.v_LocationId = ddlLocation.SelectedValue; // Datos de Almacén var objInsertWarehouseList = InsertWarehouse(); OperationResult objOperationResult1 = new OperationResult(); // Graba Nodo / Empresa / Sede / Almacén _objNodeBL.AddNodeOrganizationLoactionWarehouse(ref objOperationResult1, objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse, objInsertWarehouseList, ((ClientSession)Session["objClientSession"]).GetAsList()); if (objOperationResult1.ErrorMessage != null) { Alert.ShowInTop(objOperationResult1.ErrorMessage); return; } if (objOperationResult1.Success != 1) { Alert.ShowInTop("Error en operación:" + System.Environment.NewLine + objOperationResult1.ExceptionMessage); } } else if (Mode == "Edit") { NodeOrganizationLoactionWarehouseList objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse = new NodeOrganizationLoactionWarehouseList(); objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse.i_NodeId = NodeId; objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse.v_OrganizationId = ddlOrganization.SelectedValue; objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse.v_LocationId = ddlLocation.SelectedValue; OperationResult objOperationResult2 = new OperationResult(); var objAddWarehouseList = UpdateWarehouse(); var objDeleteWarehouseList = DeleteWarehouse(); _objNodeBL.UpdateNodeOrganizationLoactionWarehouse(ref objOperationResult2, objNodeOrgLocaWarehouse, objAddWarehouseList, objDeleteWarehouseList, ((ClientSession)Session["objClientSession"]).GetAsList()); if (objOperationResult2.ErrorMessage != null) { Alert.ShowInTop(objOperationResult2.ErrorMessage); return; } } // Cerrar página actual y hacer postback en el padre para actualizar PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); }
public static string RenderToString(this MarkdownPage markdownPage, Dictionary<string, object> scopeArgs, bool renderHtml) { var writer = StringWriterCache.Allocate(); var pageContext = new PageContext(markdownPage, scopeArgs, renderHtml); markdownPage.Write(writer, pageContext); return StringWriterCache.ReturnAndFree(writer); }
public void ToJson() { var pageContext = new PageContext { Guid = Guid.NewGuid() }; var result = pageContext.ToJson(); Assert.NotEmpty( result ); }
protected void DataMXSearch() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdfsupid.Text)) { ddlSUPPLIER.SelectedValue = hdfsupid.Text; } if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(lisDATE1.SelectedDate.ToString()) || PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(lisDATE2.SelectedDate.ToString())) { Alert.Show("【输入日期】不正确,请检查!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (lisDATE1.SelectedDate > lisDATE2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("【开始日期】不能大于【结束日期】!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string strSql = string.Format(@" SELECT A.*, NVL(B.SLHBZ,0) SLHBZ, NVL(B.JEHBZ,0) JEHBZ, NVL(C.SLTBZ, 0) SLTBZ, NVL(C.JETBZ, 0) JETBZ FROM (SELECT GDSEQ, GDNAME, GDSPEC,UNITNAME,PRODUCERNAME,PIZNO, TSL SYSL, ROUND(ZJ, 2) SYJE FROM (SELECT DG.GDSEQ,DG.GDNAME,DG.GDSPEC,f_getunitname(DG.UNIT) UNITNAME,f_getproducername(DG.PRODUCER) PRODUCERNAME, DG.PIZNO, NVL(SUM(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL)),0) TSL, SUM(DGJ.HSJJ * NVL(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL),0)) ZJ FROM DAT_GOODSJXC DGJ, DOC_GOODS DG,DOC_SUPPLIER DS WHERE DGJ.GDSEQ = DG.GDSEQ(+) AND DGJ.SUPID=DS.SUPID(+) AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD') >= TRUNC(TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd'), 'DD') AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD')<TRUNC(TO_DATE('{1}','yyyy-MM-dd'), 'DD')+1 AND DGJ.BILLTYPE IN ('XSD', 'XSG', 'DSH', 'XST') --AND DGJ.SL > 0 AND DG.ISGZ LIKE NVL('{2}','%') AND DGJ.DEPTID LIKE NVL('{3}','%') AND DGJ.SUPID LIKE NVL('{4}','%') AND DGJ.KCADD = '-1' GROUP BY DG.GDSEQ,DG.GDNAME,DG.GDSPEC,DG.UNIT,DG.PRODUCER,DG.PIZNO ) ) A, (SELECT GDSEQ,GDNAME, TSL SLHBZ, ROUND(ZJ, 2) JEHBZ FROM (SELECT DG.GDSEQ,DG.GDNAME, NVL(SUM(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL)),0) TSL, SUM(DGJ.HSJJ * NVL(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL),0)) ZJ FROM DAT_GOODSJXC DGJ, DOC_GOODS DG WHERE DGJ.GDSEQ = DG.GDSEQ(+) AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD') >=TRUNC(TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd')-(TO_DATE('{1}','yyyy-MM-dd')-TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd')), 'DD')-1 AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD')<TRUNC(TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd'), 'DD') AND DGJ.BILLTYPE IN ('XSD', 'XSG', 'DSH', 'XST') --AND DGJ.SL > 0 AND DG.ISGZ LIKE NVL('{2}','%') AND DGJ.DEPTID LIKE NVL('{3}','%') AND DGJ.SUPID LIKE NVL('{4}','%') AND DGJ.KCADD = '-1' GROUP BY DG.GDSEQ,DG.GDNAME ) ) B, (SELECT GDSEQ,GDNAME, NVL(TSL, 0) SLTBZ, ROUND(NVL(ZJ, 0), 2) JETBZ FROM (SELECT DG.GDSEQ,DG.GDNAME, NVL(SUM(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL)),0) TSL, SUM(DGJ.HSJJ * NVL(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL),0)) ZJ FROM DAT_GOODSJXC DGJ, DOC_GOODS DG WHERE DGJ.GDSEQ = DG.GDSEQ(+) AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD') >= TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('{0}', 'yyyy-MM-dd'), -12), 'DD') AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD')< TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('{0}', 'yyyy-MM-dd')+1, -12), 'DD')+1 AND DGJ.BILLTYPE IN ('XSD', 'XSG', 'DSH', 'XST') --AND DGJ.SL > 0 AND DG.ISGZ LIKE NVL('{2}','%') AND DGJ.DEPTID LIKE NVL('{3}','%') AND DGJ.SUPID LIKE NVL('{4}','%') AND DGJ.KCADD = '-1' GROUP BY DG.GDSEQ,DG.GDNAME ) ) C WHERE A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ(+) AND A.GDSEQ = C.GDSEQ(+) AND SYSL<>0", lisDATE1.Text, lisDATE2.Text, lstISGZ.SelectedValue, ddlDEPTID.SelectedValue, ddlSUPPLIER.SelectedValue); int total = 0; string sortField = GridList.SortField; string sortDirection = GridList.SortDirection; DataTable dtt = DbHelperOra.QueryForTable(strSql); // DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, string.Format(strSql)+" ORDER BY A.SYSL DESC ", ref total); //解决排序问题 DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, strSql + String.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", sortField, sortDirection), ref total); GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataSource = dtData; GridList.DataBind(); Decimal SL = 0, HSJE = 0, SL1 = 0, HSJE1 = 0; JObject summary = new JObject(); foreach (DataRow dr in dtData.Rows) { SL += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYSL"]); HSJE += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYJE"]); } foreach (DataRow dr in dtt.Rows) { SL1 += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYSL"]); HSJE1 += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYJE"]); } TotalslMX.Text = SL1.ToString(); TotaljeMX.Text = HSJE1.ToString(); summary.Add("SUPNAME", "本页合计"); summary.Add("SYSL", SL.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("HSJE", HSJE.ToString("F2")); GridList.SummaryData = summary; PageContext.RegisterStartupScript("updateDateMX();"); }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单列表页面 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void btnReturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageContext.Redirect("~/Contract/SH/ContractSHManage.aspx"); }
public void ShallowClone() { var pageContext = new PageContext { Guid = Guid.NewGuid() }; var result = pageContext.Clone( false ); Assert.Equal( result.Guid, pageContext.Guid ); }
private void DataSearch() { string strsql = ""; string strwhere = ""; string sortField = GridGoods.SortField; string sortDirection = GridGoods.SortDirection; if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(dpkDATE1.SelectedDate.ToString()) || PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(dpkDATE2.SelectedDate.ToString())) { Alert.Show("【输入日期】不正确,请检查!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (dpkDATE1.SelectedDate > dpkDATE2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("【开始日期】不能大于【结束日期】!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } DateTime begrq = Convert.ToDateTime(dpkDATE1.Text); DateTime endrq = Convert.ToDateTime(dpkDATE2.Text); strsql = string.Format(@"SELECT A.*, NVL(B.SLHBZ,0) SLHBZ, NVL(B.JEHBZ,0) JEHBZ, NVL(C.SLTBZ, 0) SLTBZ, NVL(C.JETBZ, 0) JETBZ FROM (SELECT SUPID, SUPNAME, SUM(NVL(TSL, 0)) SYSL, ROUND(NVL(SUM(ZJ), 0), 2) SYJE FROM (SELECT DGJ.SUPID,DS.SUPNAME, NVL(SUM(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL)),0) TSL, SUM(DGJ.HSJJ * NVL(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL),0)) ZJ FROM DAT_GOODSJXC DGJ, DOC_GOODS DG,DOC_SUPPLIER DS WHERE DGJ.GDSEQ = DG.GDSEQ(+) AND DGJ.SUPID=DS.SUPID(+) AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD') >= TRUNC(TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd'), 'DD') AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD') <TRUNC(TO_DATE('{1}','yyyy-MM-dd'), 'DD')+1 AND DGJ.BILLTYPE IN ('XSD', 'XSG', 'DSH', 'XST') -- AND DGJ.SL > 0 AND DG.ISGZ LIKE NVL('{2}','%') AND DGJ.DEPTID LIKE NVL('{3}','%') AND DGJ.KCADD='-1' GROUP BY DGJ.SUPID,DS.SUPNAME) GROUP BY SUPID,SUPNAME) A, (SELECT SUPID, SUM(NVL(TSL, 0)) SLHBZ, ROUND(NVL(SUM(ZJ), 0), 2) JEHBZ FROM (SELECT DGJ.SUPID, NVL(SUM(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL)),0) TSL, SUM(DGJ.HSJJ * NVL(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL),0)) ZJ FROM DAT_GOODSJXC DGJ, DOC_GOODS DG WHERE DGJ.GDSEQ = DG.GDSEQ(+) AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD') >= TRUNC(TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd')-(TO_DATE('{1}','yyyy-MM-dd')-TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd')), 'DD')-1 AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD')< TRUNC(TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd'), 'DD') AND DGJ.BILLTYPE IN ('XSD', 'XSG', 'DSH', 'XST') --AND DGJ.SL > 0 AND DG.ISGZ LIKE NVL('{2}','%') AND DGJ.DEPTID LIKE NVL('{3}','%') AND DGJ.KCADD='-1' GROUP BY SUPID) GROUP BY SUPID) B, (SELECT SUPID, SUM(NVL(TSL, 0)) SLTBZ, ROUND(NVL(SUM(ZJ), 0), 2) JETBZ FROM (SELECT DGJ.SUPID, NVL(SUM(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL)),0) TSL, SUM(DGJ.HSJJ * NVL(DECODE(DGJ.BILLTYPE,'XSD',ABS(SL),'XSG',ABS(SL),'DSH',ABS(SL),'XST',SL),0)) ZJ FROM DAT_GOODSJXC DGJ, DOC_GOODS DG WHERE DGJ.GDSEQ = DG.GDSEQ(+) AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD') >= TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('{0}', 'yyyy-MM-dd'), -12), 'DD') AND TRUNC(DGJ.RQSJ, 'DD')< TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('{1}', 'yyyy-MM-dd')+1, -12), 'DD') AND DGJ.BILLTYPE IN ('XSD', 'XSG', 'DSH', 'XST') --AND DGJ.SL > 0 AND DG.ISGZ LIKE NVL('{2}','%') AND DGJ.DEPTID LIKE NVL('{3}','%') AND DGJ.KCADD='-1' GROUP BY SUPID) GROUP BY SUPID) C WHERE A.SUPID = B.SUPID(+) AND A.SUPID = C.SUPID(+) AND SYSL<>0", begrq.ToShortDateString(), endrq.ToShortDateString(), ddlISGZ.SelectedValue, lstDEPTID.SelectedValue); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstSUPPLIER.SelectedValue)) { strwhere += " AND A.SUPID='" + lstSUPPLIER.SelectedValue + "' "; } int total1 = 0; strsql += strwhere; //strsql += "ORDER BY A.SYSL DESC"; DataTable dtt = DbHelperOra.QueryForTable(strsql); // DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, strsql, ref total1); //解决排序问题 DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, strsql + String.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", sortField, sortDirection), ref total1); GridGoods.RecordCount = total1; GridGoods.DataSource = dt; GridGoods.DataBind(); JObject summary = new JObject(); hfdArrayVal.Text = ""; hfdArrayVal2.Text = ""; int i = 0; Decimal SL = 0, HSJE = 0, total = 0, totaltb = 0, totalhb = 0, sHSJE = 0, sSL = 0; if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { hfdArrayVal.Text = "无数据" + "$" + "无数据" + ","; } else { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { SL += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYSL"]); HSJE += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYJE"]); if (i > 8) { total += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYSL"].ToString()); } else { hfdArray.Text += dr["SUPNAME"] + ","; hfdArrayVal.Text += dr["SYSL"] + "$" + dr["SUPNAME"] + ","; } i++; } } if (total > 0) { hfdArray.Text += "其他,"; hfdArrayVal.Text += total.ToString() + "$其他,"; } foreach (DataRow dr in dtt.Rows) { sSL += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYSL"]); sHSJE += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SYJE"]); } Totalsl.Text = sSL.ToString(); Totalje.Text = sHSJE.ToString(); hfdArrayVal.Text = hfdArrayVal.Text.TrimEnd(','); hfdArray.Text = hfdArray.Text.TrimEnd(','); hfdArrayVal2.Text = HSJE.ToString() + "," + (Math.Round(totaltb, 2)).ToString() + "," + (Math.Round(totalhb, 2)).ToString(); summary.Add("SUPNAME", "本页合计"); summary.Add("SYSL", SL.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("SYJE", HSJE.ToString("F2")); GridGoods.SummaryData = summary; PageContext.RegisterStartupScript("showpie();updateDate()"); }
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