public PcFieldBaseOptions InitPcFieldBaseOptions(PageComponentContext context) { var options = new PcFieldBaseOptions(); //Check if it is defined in form group if (context.Items.ContainsKey(typeof(LabelRenderMode))) { options.LabelMode = (LabelRenderMode)context.Items[typeof(LabelRenderMode)]; } else { options.LabelMode = LabelRenderMode.Stacked; } //Check if it is defined in form group if (context.Items.ContainsKey(typeof(FieldRenderMode))) { options.Mode = (FieldRenderMode)context.Items[typeof(FieldRenderMode)]; } else { options.Mode = FieldRenderMode.Form; } return(options); }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcGridFilterFieldOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcGridFilterFieldOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; var selectedQueryOptionsConverted = new List <string>(); foreach (var option in options.QueryOptions) { selectedQueryOptionsConverted.Add(((int)option).ToString()); } ViewBag.ConvertedSelectedQueryOptions = selectedQueryOptionsConverted; if (context.Mode == ComponentMode.Options) { ViewBag.FieldTypeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <FieldType>(); var filterOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <FilterType>(); var idField = filterOptions.Single(x => x.Value == ((int)FilterType.Undefined).ToString()); filterOptions.Remove(idField); ViewBag.FilterTypeOptions = filterOptions; } ViewBag.ValueOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); var entity = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Entity"); if (options.TryConnectToEntity) { var fieldName = options.Name; var entityField = ((Entity)entity).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == fieldName); if (entityField != null) { //Connection success override the local options //Init model if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Label)) { options.Label = entityField.Label; } //Specific model properties var fieldOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); switch (entityField.GetFieldType()) { case FieldType.AutoNumberField: options.FieldType = FieldType.AutoNumberField; break; case FieldType.CheckboxField: options.FieldType = FieldType.CheckboxField; break; case FieldType.CurrencyField: options.FieldType = FieldType.CurrencyField; break; case FieldType.DateField: options.FieldType = FieldType.DateField; break; case FieldType.DateTimeField: options.FieldType = FieldType.DateTimeField; break; case FieldType.EmailField: options.FieldType = FieldType.EmailField; break; case FieldType.FileField: options.FieldType = FieldType.FileField; break; case FieldType.GuidField: options.FieldType = FieldType.GuidField; break; case FieldType.HtmlField: options.FieldType = FieldType.HtmlField; break; case FieldType.ImageField: options.FieldType = FieldType.ImageField; break; case FieldType.MultiLineTextField: options.FieldType = FieldType.MultiLineTextField; break; case FieldType.NumberField: options.FieldType = FieldType.NumberField; break; case FieldType.PercentField: options.FieldType = FieldType.PercentField; break; case FieldType.PhoneField: options.FieldType = FieldType.PhoneField; break; case FieldType.SelectField: options.FieldType = FieldType.SelectField; var selectField = ((SelectField)entityField); ViewBag.ValueOptions = selectField.Options; break; case FieldType.MultiSelectField: options.FieldType = FieldType.MultiSelectField; break; case FieldType.TextField: options.FieldType = FieldType.TextField; break; case FieldType.UrlField: options.FieldType = FieldType.UrlField; break; default: throw new Exception("No such field Type"); } } } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Unknown component mode"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcChartOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcChartOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; var theme = new Theme(); var colorOptionsList = new List <string>() { theme.TealColor, theme.PinkColor, theme.GreenColor, theme.OrangeColor, theme.RedColor, theme.PurpleColor, theme.DeepPurpleColor, theme.BlueColor, theme.LightBlueColor, theme.CyanColor, theme.GreenColor, theme.IndigoColor, theme.LightGreenColor, theme.LimeColor, theme.YellowColor, theme.AmberColor, theme.DeepOrangeColor }; var bkgColorOptionsList = new List <string>() { theme.TealLightColor, theme.PinkLightColor, theme.GreenLightColor, theme.OrangeLightColor, theme.RedLightColor, theme.PurpleLightColor, theme.DeepPurpleLightColor, theme.BlueLightColor, theme.LightBlueLightColor, theme.CyanLightColor, theme.GreenLightColor, theme.IndigoLightColor, theme.LightGreenLightColor, theme.LimeLightColor, theme.YellowLightColor, theme.AmberLightColor, theme.DeepOrangeLightColor }; List <ErpChartDataset> dataSets = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Datasets) as List <ErpChartDataset> ?? new List <ErpChartDataset>(); if (dataSets == null || dataSets.Count == 0) { var decimalList = new List <decimal>(); decimalList = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Datasets) as List <decimal> ?? new List <decimal>(); if ((dataSets == null || dataSets.Count == 0) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Datasets) && options.Datasets.Contains(",")) { var optionValueCsv = options.Datasets.Split(","); var csvDecimalList = new List <decimal>(); var csvParseHasError = false; foreach (var valueString in optionValueCsv) { if (Decimal.TryParse(valueString.Trim(), out decimal outDecimal)) { csvDecimalList.Add(outDecimal); } else { csvParseHasError = true; break; } } if (!csvParseHasError) { decimalList = csvDecimalList; } } if (decimalList != null && decimalList.Count > 0) { var dataSet = new ErpChartDataset(); dataSet.Data = decimalList; if (options.Type == ErpChartType.Area || options.Type == ErpChartType.Line) { dataSet.BorderColor = colorOptionsList[0]; dataSet.BackgroundColor = bkgColorOptionsList[0]; } else { dataSet.BorderColor = new List <string>(); dataSet.BackgroundColor = new List <string>(); var index = 0; foreach (var value in decimalList) { ((List <string>)dataSet.BorderColor).Add(colorOptionsList[index]); if (options.Type == ErpChartType.Bar || options.Type == ErpChartType.HorizontalBar) { ((List <string>)dataSet.BackgroundColor).Add(bkgColorOptionsList[index]); } else { ((List <string>)dataSet.BackgroundColor).Add(colorOptionsList[index]); } index++; } } dataSets.Add(dataSet); } } List <string> labels = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Labels) as List <string> ?? new List <string>(); if ((labels == null || labels.Count == 0) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Labels) && options.Labels.Contains(",")) { labels = options.Labels.Split(",").ToList(); } ViewBag.DataSets = dataSets; ViewBag.Labels = labels; var chartTypeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <ErpChartType>(); chartTypeOptions.First(x => x.Value == "4").Label = "area"; ViewBag.ChartTypeOptions = chartTypeOptions; ViewBag.ShowLegend = options.ShowLegend; ViewBag.Height = options.Height; ViewBag.Width = options.Width; ViewBag.Type = (ErpChartType)options.Type; switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } if (currentPage == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The page Id is required to be set as query param 'pid', when requesting this component"))); } var instanceOptions = new PcSectionOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { instanceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcSectionOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } //Check if it is defined in form group if (instanceOptions.LabelMode == LabelRenderMode.Undefined) { if (context.Items.ContainsKey(typeof(LabelRenderMode))) { instanceOptions.LabelMode = (LabelRenderMode)context.Items[typeof(LabelRenderMode)]; } else { instanceOptions.LabelMode = LabelRenderMode.Stacked; } } //Check if it is defined in form group if (instanceOptions.FieldMode == FieldRenderMode.Undefined) { if (context.Items.ContainsKey(typeof(FieldRenderMode))) { instanceOptions.FieldMode = (FieldRenderMode)context.Items[typeof(FieldRenderMode)]; } else { instanceOptions.FieldMode = FieldRenderMode.Form; } } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = instanceOptions; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.GeneralHelpSection = HelpJsApiGeneralSection; if (context.Mode == ComponentMode.Display || context.Mode == ComponentMode.Design) { ViewBag.ProcessedTitle = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Title); } context.Items[typeof(LabelRenderMode)] = instanceOptions.LabelMode; context.Items[typeof(FieldRenderMode)] = instanceOptions.FieldMode; switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: ViewBag.LabelRenderModeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <LabelRenderMode>(); ViewBag.FieldRenderModeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <FieldRenderMode>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Unknown component mode"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public PcFieldBaseOptions InitPcFieldBaseOptions(PageComponentContext context) { var options = new PcFieldBaseOptions(); //Check if it is defined in form group if (context.Items.ContainsKey(typeof(LabelRenderMode))) { options.LabelMode = (LabelRenderMode)context.Items[typeof(LabelRenderMode)]; } else { options.LabelMode = LabelRenderMode.Stacked; } //Check if it is defined in form group if (context.Items.ContainsKey(typeof(FieldRenderMode))) { options.Mode = (FieldRenderMode)context.Items[typeof(FieldRenderMode)]; } else { options.Mode = FieldRenderMode.Form; } var baseOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldBaseOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); Entity mappedEntity = null; var entity = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Entity"); if (options.ConnectedEntityId != null) { mappedEntity = new EntityManager().ReadEntity(options.ConnectedEntityId.Value).Object; } else if (options.ConnectedEntityId == null && entity is Entity) { mappedEntity = (Entity)entity; } if (mappedEntity != null) { var fieldName = baseOptions.Name; EntityRelation relation = null; if (fieldName.StartsWith("$")) { //Field with relation is set. Mapped entity should be changed var fieldNameArray = fieldName.Replace("$", "").Split(".", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (fieldNameArray.Length == 2) { var relationName = fieldNameArray[0]; fieldName = fieldNameArray[1]; relation = new EntityRelationManager().Read(relationName).Object; if (relation != null) { if (relation.OriginEntityId == mappedEntity.Id) { mappedEntity = new EntityManager().ReadEntity(relation.TargetEntityId).Object; } else if (relation.TargetEntityId == mappedEntity.Id) { mappedEntity = new EntityManager().ReadEntity(relation.OriginEntityId).Object; } } } } var entityField = mappedEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == fieldName); //for many to many relation field is always ID and that is not correct //so hide this field meta as field is not found if (relation != null && relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.ManyToMany) { entityField = null; } if (entityField != null) { switch (entityField.GetFieldType()) { case FieldType.AutoNumberField: { var fieldMeta = (AutoNumberField)entityField; options.Template = fieldMeta.DisplayFormat; } break; case FieldType.CurrencyField: { var fieldMeta = (CurrencyField)entityField; options.Min = fieldMeta.MinValue; options.Min = fieldMeta.MinValue; options.CurrencyCode = fieldMeta.Currency.Code; } break; case FieldType.EmailField: { var fieldMeta = (EmailField)entityField; options.MaxLength = fieldMeta.MaxLength; } break; case FieldType.NumberField: { var fieldMeta = (NumberField)entityField; options.Min = fieldMeta.MinValue; options.Min = fieldMeta.MinValue; if (fieldMeta.DecimalPlaces != null) { if (int.TryParse(fieldMeta.DecimalPlaces.ToString(), out int outInt)) { options.DecimalDigits = outInt; } } } break; case FieldType.PasswordField: { var fieldMeta = (PasswordField)entityField; options.Min = (decimal?)fieldMeta.MinLength; options.Max = (decimal?)fieldMeta.MaxLength; } break; case FieldType.PercentField: { var fieldMeta = (PercentField)entityField; options.Min = fieldMeta.MinValue; options.Min = fieldMeta.MinValue; if (fieldMeta.DecimalPlaces != null) { if (int.TryParse(fieldMeta.DecimalPlaces.ToString(), out int outInt)) { options.DecimalDigits = outInt; } } } break; case FieldType.PhoneField: { var fieldMeta = (PhoneField)entityField; options.MaxLength = fieldMeta.MaxLength; } break; case FieldType.TextField: { var fieldMeta = (TextField)entityField; options.MaxLength = fieldMeta.MaxLength; } break; default: break; } } } return(options); }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } if (currentPage == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The page Id is required to be set as query param 'pid', when requesting this component"))); } var instanceOptions = new PcButtonOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { instanceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcButtonOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = instanceOptions; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; instanceOptions.Text = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Text) as string; instanceOptions.Class = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Class) as string; instanceOptions.IconClass = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.IconClass) as string; ViewBag.ProcessedHref = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Href); } #region << Select options >> ViewBag.CssSize = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <CssSize>(); ViewBag.ColorOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <ErpColor>().OrderBy(x => x.Label).ToList(); ViewBag.TypeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <ButtonType>(); #endregion switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var instanceOptions = new PcPageHeaderOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { instanceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcPageHeaderOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = instanceOptions; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.InstanceOptions = instanceOptions; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.ProccessedTitle = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Title); ViewBag.ProccessedSubTitle = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.SubTitle); ViewBag.ProccessedAreaLabel = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.AreaLabel); ViewBag.ProccessedAreaSubLabel = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.AreaSubLabel); ViewBag.ProccessedDescription = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Description); ViewBag.ProccessedColor = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Color); ViewBag.ProccessedIconColor = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.IconColor); ViewBag.ProccessedIconClass = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.IconClass); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instanceOptions.ReturnUrl)) { ViewBag.ProccessedReturnUrl = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.ReturnUrl); } else if (ErpRequestContext != null && ErpRequestContext.PageContext != null && ErpRequestContext.PageContext.HttpContext.Request.Query.ContainsKey("returnUrl") && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErpRequestContext.PageContext.HttpContext.Request.Query["returnUrl"])) { ViewBag.ProccessedReturnUrl = ErpRequestContext.PageContext.HttpContext.Request.Query["returnUrl"].ToString(); } var switchItemPages = new List <ErpPage>(); var currentSitemapArea = ErpRequestContext.SitemapArea; var currentSitemapNode = ErpRequestContext.SitemapNode; var currentApp = ErpRequestContext.App; if (instanceOptions.ShowPageSwitch && currentPage != null && currentPage.Type == PageType.Site) { var allPages = new PageService().GetAll(); switchItemPages = allPages.FindAll(x => x.Type == currentPage.Type).ToList(); } else if (instanceOptions.ShowPageSwitch && currentPage != null && currentPage.AppId != null && currentPage.Type == PageType.Application) { var allPages = new PageService().GetAll(); switchItemPages = allPages.FindAll(x => x.Type == currentPage.Type && x.AppId == currentApp.Id && x.NodeId == currentPage.NodeId).ToList(); } if (instanceOptions.ShowPageSwitch && currentPage != null && currentSitemapNode != null) { var allPages = new PageService().GetAll(); var sameTypePages = allPages.FindAll(x => x.Type == currentPage.Type).ToList(); foreach (var page in sameTypePages) { if (page.NodeId == context.Node.Id) { switchItemPages.Add(page); } else if (currentSitemapNode.Type == SitemapNodeType.EntityList && page.EntityId == currentSitemapNode.EntityId) { switchItemPages.Add(page); } } } switchItemPages = switchItemPages.OrderBy(x => x.Weight).ToList(); var switchItems = new List <PageSwitchItem>(); var currentEntity = ErpRequestContext.Entity; var parentEntity = ErpRequestContext.ParentEntity; var currentUrlTemplate = "/"; //Site pages if (currentPage.Type == PageType.Site) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/s/[[pageName]]"; } //App pages without nodes else if (currentApp != null && currentSitemapNode == null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/a/[[pageName]]"; } //App pages with sitemap node else if (currentApp != null && currentSitemapArea != null && currentSitemapNode != null) { //App pages if (currentPage.Type == PageType.Application) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/a/[[pageName]]"; } //Record create page, No relation else if (currentPage.Type == PageType.RecordCreate && parentEntity == null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/c/[[pageName]]"; } //Record create page, With relation else if (currentPage.Type == PageType.RecordCreate && parentEntity != null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/r/{ErpRequestContext.ParentRecordId}/rl/{ErpRequestContext.RelationId}/c/[[pageName]]"; } //Record manage page, No relation else if (currentPage.Type == PageType.RecordManage && parentEntity == null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/m/{ErpRequestContext.RecordId}/[[pageName]]"; } //Record manage page, With relation else if (currentPage.Type == PageType.RecordManage && parentEntity != null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/r/{ErpRequestContext.ParentRecordId}/rl/{ErpRequestContext.RelationId}/m/{ErpRequestContext.RecordId}/[[pageName]]"; } //Record details page, No relation else if (currentPage.Type == PageType.RecordDetails && parentEntity == null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/r/{ErpRequestContext.RecordId}/[[pageName]]"; } //Record details page, With relation else if (currentPage.Type == PageType.RecordDetails && parentEntity != null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/r/{ErpRequestContext.ParentRecordId}/rl/{ErpRequestContext.RelationId}/r/{ErpRequestContext.RecordId}/[[pageName]]"; } //Record list page, No relation else if (currentPage.Type == PageType.RecordDetails && parentEntity == null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/l/[[pageName]]"; } //Record list page, With relation else if (currentPage.Type == PageType.RecordDetails && parentEntity != null) { currentUrlTemplate = $"/{currentApp.Name}/{currentSitemapArea.Name}/{currentSitemapNode.Name}/r/{ErpRequestContext.ParentRecordId}/rl/{ErpRequestContext.RelationId}/l/[[pageName]]"; } } foreach (var switchPage in switchItemPages) { var isSelected = false; if (currentPage != null && switchPage.Id == currentPage.Id) { isSelected = true; } switchItems.Add(new PageSwitchItem() { IsSelected = isSelected, Label = switchPage.Label, Url = currentUrlTemplate.Replace("[[pageName]]", switchPage.Name) }); } ViewBag.PageSwitchItems = switchItems; switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Unknown component mode"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } if (currentPage == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The page Id is required to be set as query parameter 'pid', when requesting this component"))); } var baseOptions = InitPcFieldBaseOptions(context); var options = PcFieldDataCsvOptions.CopyFromBaseOptions(baseOptions); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldDataCsvOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var modelFieldLabel = ""; var model = (PcFieldBaseModel)InitPcFieldBaseModel(context, options, label: out modelFieldLabel); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.LabelText)) { options.LabelText = modelFieldLabel; } ViewBag.LabelMode = options.LabelMode; ViewBag.Mode = options.Mode; if (options.LabelMode == WvLabelRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.LabelMode != WvLabelRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.LabelMode = baseOptions.LabelMode; } if (options.Mode == WvFieldRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.Mode != WvFieldRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.Mode = baseOptions.Mode; } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); var accessOverride = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.AccessOverrideDs) as WvFieldAccess?; if (accessOverride != null) { model.Access = accessOverride.Value; } var requiredOverride = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.RequiredOverrideDs) as bool?; if (requiredOverride != null) { model.Required = requiredOverride.Value; } else { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.RequiredOverrideDs)) { if (options.RequiredOverrideDs.ToLowerInvariant() == "true") { model.Required = true; } else if (options.RequiredOverrideDs.ToLowerInvariant() == "false") { model.Required = false; } } } #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Model = model; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.GeneralHelpSection = HelpJsApiGeneralSection; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; model.Value = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Value); var delimiter = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.DelimiterValueDs) as string; var lang = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.LangDs) as string; var hasHeader = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.HasHeaderValueDs) as bool?; ViewBag.Delimiter = ErpDataCsvDelimiterType.COMMA; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(delimiter) && delimiter == "tab") { ViewBag.Delimiter = ErpDataCsvDelimiterType.TAB; } ViewBag.Lang = "en"; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lang)) { ViewBag.Lang = lang; } ViewBag.HasHeader = true; if (hasHeader != null) { ViewBag.HasHeader = hasHeader; } } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcRepeaterOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcRepeaterOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } if (!isVisible && context.Mode == ComponentMode.Display) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content(""))); } ViewBag.Records = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Records) as List <EntityRecord> ?? new List <EntityRecord>(); } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcFeedListOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFeedListOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.CurrentUser = SecurityContext.CurrentUser; ViewBag.CurrentUserJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SecurityContext.CurrentUser); if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var inputRecords = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Records) as List <EntityRecord> ?? new List <EntityRecord>(); var groupedRecords = inputRecords.GroupBy(x => ((DateTime)x["created_on"]).ToString("dd MMMM")).ToList(); var groupedFeedList = new EntityRecord(); foreach (var feedDate in groupedRecords) { groupedFeedList[feedDate.Key] = feedDate; } ViewBag.RecordsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(groupedFeedList); } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Unknown component mode"; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var baseOptions = InitPcFieldBaseOptions(context); var options = PcFieldCheckboxOptions.CopyFromBaseOptions(baseOptions); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldCheckboxOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); ////Check for connection to entity field //if (instanceOptions.TryConnectToEntity) //{ // var entity = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Entity"); // if (entity != null && entity is Entity) // { // var fieldName = instanceOptions.Name; // var entityField = ((Entity)entity).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == fieldName); // if (entityField != null && entityField is CheckboxField) // { // var castedEntityField = ((CheckboxField)entityField); // //No options connected // } // } //} } var modelFieldLabel = ""; var model = (PcFieldBaseModel)InitPcFieldBaseModel(context, options, label: out modelFieldLabel); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.LabelText)) { options.LabelText = modelFieldLabel; } //Implementing Inherit label mode ViewBag.LabelMode = options.LabelMode; ViewBag.Mode = options.Mode; if (options.LabelMode == LabelRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.LabelMode != LabelRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.LabelMode = baseOptions.LabelMode; } if (options.Mode == FieldRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.Mode != FieldRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.Mode = baseOptions.Mode; } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); var accessOverride = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.AccessOverrideDs) as FieldAccess?; if (accessOverride != null) { model.Access = accessOverride.Value; } #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Model = model; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; #region << Init DataSources >> dynamic valueResult = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Value); if (valueResult == null) { model.Value = false; } else if (valueResult is bool) { model.Value = (bool)valueResult; } else if (valueResult is string) { var stringProcessed = false; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueResult)) { model.Value = false; stringProcessed = true; } if (!stringProcessed && ((string)valueResult) == "true") { model.Value = true; } else { model.Value = false; } } #endregion } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var instanceOptions = new PcFormOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { instanceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFormOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); if (instanceOptions.LabelMode == LabelRenderMode.Undefined) { instanceOptions.LabelMode = LabelRenderMode.Stacked; } if (instanceOptions.Mode == FieldRenderMode.Undefined) { instanceOptions.Mode = FieldRenderMode.Form; } } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instanceOptions.Id)) { instanceOptions.Id = "wv-" + context.Node.Id.ToString(); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; ViewBag.Options = instanceOptions; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.GeneralHelpSection = HelpJsApiGeneralSection; ViewBag.LabelRenderModeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <LabelRenderMode>(); ViewBag.FieldRenderModeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <FieldRenderMode>(); context.Items[typeof(LabelRenderMode)] = instanceOptions.LabelMode; context.Items[typeof(FieldRenderMode)] = instanceOptions.Mode; var validation = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Validation") as ValidationException ?? new ValidationException(); context.Items[typeof(ValidationException)] = validation; ViewBag.Validation = validation; ViewBag.Action = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instanceOptions.HookKey)) { var queryList = new List <SelectOption>(); foreach (var key in HttpContext.Request.Query.Keys) { if (key != "hookKey") { queryList.Add(new SelectOption(key, HttpContext.Request.Query[key].ToString())); } } queryList.Add(new SelectOption("hookKey", instanceOptions.HookKey)); //override even if already present ViewBag.Action = string.Format(HttpContext.Request.Path + "?{0}", string.Join("&", queryList.Select(kvp => string.Format("{0}={1}", kvp.Value, kvp.Label)))); } ViewBag.MethodOptions = new List <SelectOption>() { new SelectOption("get", "get"), new SelectOption("post", "post") }; switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcTimelogListOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcTimelogListOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.CurrentUser = SecurityContext.CurrentUser; ViewBag.CurrentUserJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SecurityContext.CurrentUser); if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var relatedRecordId = (Guid?)context.DataModel.GetProperty(""); if (relatedRecordId == null) { throw new Exception(" detasource returns null"); } var entityName = (string)context.DataModel.GetProperty("Entity.Name"); var relatedRecords = new List <Guid>(); relatedRecords.Add(relatedRecordId.Value); switch (entityName) { case "task": { var eqlCommand = "SELECT $ FROM task WHERE id = @recordId"; var eqlParams = new List <EqlParameter>() { new EqlParameter("recordId", relatedRecordId) }; var eqlResult = new EqlCommand(eqlCommand, eqlParams).Execute(); if (eqlResult.Any()) { var taskRecord = eqlResult[0]; if (taskRecord.Properties.ContainsKey("$project_nn_task") && taskRecord["$project_nn_task"] != null) { if (((List <EntityRecord>)taskRecord["$project_nn_task"]).Any()) { var projectRecord = ((List <EntityRecord>)taskRecord["$project_nn_task"])[0]; if (projectRecord.Properties.ContainsKey("id") && projectRecord["id"] != null) { relatedRecords.Add((Guid)projectRecord["id"]); } } } } } break; default: break; } ViewBag.RelatedRecordId = relatedRecordId; ViewBag.RelatedRecordsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(relatedRecords); var inputRecords = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Records) as List <EntityRecord> ?? new List <EntityRecord>(); ViewBag.RecordsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inputRecords); } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Unknown component mode"; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcProjectWidgetTimesheetOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcProjectWidgetTimesheetOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { Guid?projectId = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.ProjectId) as Guid?; Guid?userId = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.UserId) as Guid?; var nowDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); List <DateTime> last7Days = Enumerable.Range(0, 7).Select(i => nowDate.AddDays(-6).Date.AddDays(i)).ToList(); var startDate = new DateTime(last7Days[0].Year, last7Days[0].Month, last7Days[0].Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); var endDate = nowDate.AddDays(1); //Get End of current date var projectTimelogs = new TimeLogService().GetTimelogsForPeriod(projectId, userId, startDate, endDate); var users = new UserService().GetAll(); #region << Generate Grid Columns >> var gridColumns = new List <GridColumn>() { new GridColumn() }; foreach (var date in last7Days) { gridColumns.Add(new GridColumn() { Label = date.ToString("dd MMM"), Width = "10%", Class = "text-right" }); } gridColumns.Add(new GridColumn() { Label = "Total", Width = "10%", Class = "font-weight-bold text-right" }); ViewBag.GridColumns = gridColumns; #endregion var records = new List <EntityRecord>(); //id and other fields #region << Init Rows >> { var billableRow = new EntityRecord(); billableRow["id"] = "billable"; billableRow["label"] = "Billable"; billableRow["total"] = (decimal)0; records.Add(billableRow); var nonbillableRow = new EntityRecord(); nonbillableRow["id"] = "nonbillable"; nonbillableRow["label"] = "Non-Billable"; nonbillableRow["total"] = (decimal)0; records.Add(nonbillableRow); var totalRow = new EntityRecord(); totalRow["id"] = "total"; totalRow["label"] = "Total"; totalRow["total"] = (decimal)0; records.Add(totalRow); } #endregion var timelogsGroupByDate = projectTimelogs.GroupBy(x => (((DateTime?)x["logged_on"]).ConvertToAppDate() ?? DateTime.Now).ToString("dd-MM")).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var billableRow = records.First(x => (string)x["id"] == "billable"); var nonbillableRow = records.First(x => (string)x["id"] == "nonbillable"); var totalRow = records.First(x => (string)x["id"] == "total"); billableRow.Properties.Add("day" + (i + 1), (decimal)0); nonbillableRow.Properties.Add("day" + (i + 1), (decimal)0); totalRow.Properties.Add("day" + (i + 1), (decimal)0); var dateString = last7Days[i].ToString("dd-MM"); var dateLogGroup = timelogsGroupByDate.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == dateString); if (dateLogGroup != null) { var dateLogs = dateLogGroup.ToList(); foreach (var timelog in dateLogs) { totalRow["day" + (i + 1)] = (decimal)totalRow["day" + (i + 1)] + (decimal)timelog["minutes"]; if ((bool)timelog["is_billable"]) { billableRow["day" + (i + 1)] = (decimal)billableRow["day" + (i + 1)] + (decimal)timelog["minutes"]; billableRow["total"] = (decimal)billableRow["total"] + (decimal)timelog["minutes"]; } else { nonbillableRow["day" + (i + 1)] = (decimal)nonbillableRow["day" + (i + 1)] + (decimal)timelog["minutes"]; nonbillableRow["total"] = (decimal)nonbillableRow["total"] + (decimal)timelog["minutes"]; } totalRow["total"] = (decimal)totalRow["total"] + (decimal)timelog["minutes"]; } } } if (userId == null) { var timelogsGroupByCreator = projectTimelogs.GroupBy(x => (Guid)x["created_by"]).ToList(); foreach (var userGroup in timelogsGroupByCreator) { var user = users.First(x => (Guid)x["id"] == userGroup.Key); var imagePath = "/assets/avatar.png"; if (user["image"] != null && (string)user["image"] != "") { imagePath = "/fs" + (string)user["image"]; } var userTimelogs = userGroup.ToList(); var userTimelogsGroupByDate = userTimelogs.GroupBy(x => (((DateTime?)x["logged_on"]).ConvertToAppDate() ?? DateTime.Now).ToString("dd-MM")).ToList(); var userRow = new EntityRecord(); userRow["id"] = (string)user["username"]; userRow["label"] = $"<img src=\"{imagePath}\" class=\"rounded-circle\" width=\"24\"> {(string)user["username"]}"; userRow["total"] = (decimal)0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { userRow.Properties.Add("day" + (i + 1), (decimal)0); var dateString = last7Days[i].ToString("dd-MM"); var dateLogGroup = userTimelogsGroupByDate.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == dateString); if (dateLogGroup != null) { var dateLogs = dateLogGroup.ToList(); foreach (var timelog in dateLogs) { userRow["day" + (i + 1)] = (decimal)userRow["day" + (i + 1)] + (decimal)timelog["minutes"]; userRow["total"] = (decimal)userRow["total"] + (decimal)timelog["minutes"]; } } } records.Add(userRow); } } ViewBag.Records = records; } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcProjectWidgetTasksDueTodayOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcProjectWidgetTasksDueTodayOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { Guid projectId = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.ProjectId) as Guid? ?? Guid.Empty; if (projectId == Guid.Empty) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: ProjectId is required"))); } var projectRecord = new ProjectService().Get(projectId); var projectTasks = new TaskService().GetTasks(projectId, null); var overdueTasks = new List <EntityRecord>(); var users = new UserService().GetAll(); foreach (var task in projectTasks) { var targetDate = (DateTime?)task["target_date"]; if (targetDate != null) { var erpTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(ErpSettings.TimeZoneName); targetDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(targetDate.Value, erpTimeZone); if (targetDate.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { var user = users.First(x => (Guid)x["id"] == (Guid)task["owner_id"]); var imagePath = "/assets/avatar.png"; if (user["image"] != null && (string)user["image"] != "") { imagePath = "/fs" + (string)user["image"]; } string iconClass = ""; string color = ""; new TaskService().GetTaskIconAndColor((string)task["priority"], out iconClass, out color); var row = new EntityRecord(); row["task"] = $"<i class='{iconClass}' style='color:{color}'></i> <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/projects/tasks/tasks/r/{(Guid)task["id"]}/details\">[{task["key"]}] {task["subject"]}</a>"; row["user"] = $"<img src=\"{imagePath}\" class=\"rounded-circle\" width=\"24\"> {(string)user["username"]}"; row["date"] = targetDate; overdueTasks.Add(row); } } } ViewBag.Records = overdueTasks; } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Unknown component mode"; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var baseOptions = InitPcFieldBaseOptions(context); var options = PcFieldMultiSelectOptions.CopyFromBaseOptions(baseOptions); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldMultiSelectOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var modelFieldLabel = ""; var model = (PcFieldMultiSelectModel)InitPcFieldBaseModel(context, options, label: out modelFieldLabel, targetModel: "PcFieldMultiSelectModel"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.LabelText) && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options) { options.LabelText = modelFieldLabel; } //Implementing Inherit label mode ViewBag.LabelMode = options.LabelMode; ViewBag.Mode = options.Mode; if (options.LabelMode == WvLabelRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.LabelMode != WvLabelRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.LabelMode = baseOptions.LabelMode; } if (options.Mode == WvFieldRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.Mode != WvFieldRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.Mode = baseOptions.Mode; } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); var accessOverride = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.AccessOverrideDs) as WvFieldAccess?; if (accessOverride != null) { model.Access = accessOverride.Value; } var requiredOverride = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.RequiredOverrideDs) as bool?; if (requiredOverride != null) { model.Required = requiredOverride.Value; } else { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.RequiredOverrideDs)) { if (options.RequiredOverrideDs.ToLowerInvariant() == "true") { model.Required = true; } else if (options.RequiredOverrideDs.ToLowerInvariant() == "false") { model.Required = false; } } } #endregion if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; #region << Init DataSources >> dynamic valueResult = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Value); if (valueResult == null) { model.Value = new List <string>(); } else if (valueResult is List <string> ) { model.Value = (List <string>)valueResult; } else if (valueResult is string) { var stringProcessed = false; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueResult)) { model.Value = new List <string>(); stringProcessed = true; } if (!stringProcessed && (((string)valueResult).StartsWith("{") || ((string)valueResult).StartsWith("["))) { try { model.Value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(valueResult.ToString()); stringProcessed = true; } catch { stringProcessed = false; ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Value Json Deserialization failed!"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } if (!stringProcessed && !((string)valueResult).Contains("{") && !((string)valueResult).Contains("[")) { var valueArray = ((string)valueResult).Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); model.Value = new List <string>(valueArray); stringProcessed = true; } if (!stringProcessed && ((string)valueResult).StartsWith("[") && ((string)valueResult).EndsWith("]")) { model.Value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >((string)valueResult); } } else if (valueResult is List <Guid> ) { model.Value = ((List <Guid>)valueResult).Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList(); } else if (valueResult is Guid) { model.Value = new List <string>(valueResult.ToString()); } else if (valueResult is List <EntityRecord> ) { if (((List <EntityRecord>)valueResult).Count > 0) { if (!((List <EntityRecord>)valueResult)[0].Properties.ContainsKey("id")) { throw new Exception("The provided list of entity records does not contain an 'id' property"); } } model.Value = ((List <EntityRecord>)valueResult).Select(x => ((Guid)x["id"]).ToString()).ToList(); } var dataSourceOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); dynamic optionsResult = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Options); if (optionsResult == null) { } if (optionsResult is List <SelectOption> ) { dataSourceOptions = (List <SelectOption>)optionsResult; } else if (optionsResult is string) { var stringProcessed = false; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionsResult)) { dataSourceOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); stringProcessed = true; } //AJAX Options if (!stringProcessed && ((string)optionsResult).StartsWith("{")) { try { options.AjaxDatasource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SelectOptionsAjaxDatasource>(optionsResult, new JsonSerializerSettings() { MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error }); stringProcessed = true; ViewBag.Options = options; } catch { } } if (!stringProcessed && (((string)optionsResult).StartsWith("{") || ((string)optionsResult).StartsWith("["))) { try { dataSourceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SelectOption> >(optionsResult); stringProcessed = true; } catch { stringProcessed = false; ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Options Json Deserialization failed!"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } if (!stringProcessed && ((string)optionsResult).Contains(",") && !((string)optionsResult).Contains("{") && !((string)optionsResult).Contains("[")) { var optionsArray = ((string)optionsResult).Split(','); var optionsList = new List <SelectOption>(); foreach (var optionString in optionsArray) { optionsList.Add(new SelectOption(optionString, optionString)); } dataSourceOptions = optionsList; } } if (dataSourceOptions.Count > 0) { model.Options = dataSourceOptions; } #endregion } ViewBag.SelectMatchOptions = WebVella.TagHelpers.Utilities.ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <WvSelectMatchType>(); ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Model = model; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var instanceOptions = new PcHtmlBlockOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { instanceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcHtmlBlockOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = instanceOptions; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.ProccessedHtml = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Html); switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var baseOptions = InitPcFieldBaseOptions(context); var options = PcFieldSelectOptions.CopyFromBaseOptions(baseOptions); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldSelectOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); ////Check for connection to entity field //if (instanceOptions.TryConnectToEntity) //{ // var entity = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Entity"); // if (entity != null && entity is Entity) // { // var fieldName = instanceOptions.Name; // var entityField = ((Entity)entity).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == fieldName); // if (entityField != null && entityField is PhoneField) // { // var castedEntityField = ((PhoneField)entityField); // //No options connected // } // } //} } var modelFieldLabel = ""; var model = (PcFieldSelectModel)InitPcFieldBaseModel(context, options, label: out modelFieldLabel, targetModel: "PcFieldSelectModel"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.LabelText)) { options.LabelText = modelFieldLabel; } //PcFieldSelectModel model = PcFieldSelectModel.CopyFromBaseModel(baseModel); //Implementing Inherit label mode ViewBag.LabelMode = options.LabelMode; ViewBag.Mode = options.Mode; if (options.LabelMode == LabelRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.LabelMode != LabelRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.LabelMode = baseOptions.LabelMode; } if (options.Mode == FieldRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.Mode != FieldRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.Mode = baseOptions.Mode; } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); var accessOverride = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.AccessOverrideDs) as FieldAccess?; if (accessOverride != null) { model.Access = accessOverride.Value; } #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Model = model; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; #region << Init DataSources >> model.Value = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Value); dynamic optionsResult = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Options); var dataSourceOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); if (optionsResult == null) { } if (optionsResult is List <SelectOption> ) { dataSourceOptions = (List <SelectOption>)optionsResult; } else if (optionsResult is string) { var stringProcessed = false; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionsResult)) { dataSourceOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); stringProcessed = true; } //AJAX Options if (!stringProcessed && ((string)optionsResult).StartsWith("{")) { try { options.AjaxDatasource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SelectOptionsAjaxDatasource>(optionsResult, new JsonSerializerSettings() { MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error }); stringProcessed = true; ViewBag.Options = options; } catch { } } if (!stringProcessed && (((string)optionsResult).StartsWith("{") || ((string)optionsResult).StartsWith("["))) { try { dataSourceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SelectOption> >(optionsResult); stringProcessed = true; } catch { stringProcessed = false; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: Options Json De-serialization failed!"))); } } if (!stringProcessed && ((string)optionsResult).Contains(",") && !((string)optionsResult).Contains("{") && !((string)optionsResult).Contains("[")) { var optionsArray = ((string)optionsResult).Split(','); var optionsList = new List <SelectOption>(); foreach (var optionString in optionsArray) { optionsList.Add(new SelectOption(optionString, optionString)); } dataSourceOptions = optionsList; } } if (dataSourceOptions.Count > 0) { model.Options = dataSourceOptions; } #endregion } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcProjectWidgetTasksPriorityChartOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcProjectWidgetTasksPriorityChartOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { Guid?projectId = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.ProjectId) as Guid?; Guid?userId = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.UserId) as Guid?; var projectTasks = new TaskService().GetTaskQueue(projectId, userId, TasksDueType.StartTimeDue); int lowPriority = 0; int normalPriority = 0; int highPriority = 0; foreach (var task in projectTasks) { var taskPriority = (string)task["priority"]; switch (taskPriority) { case "1": lowPriority++; break; case "2": normalPriority++; break; case "3": highPriority++; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown task priority: " + taskPriority); } } var theme = new Theme(); var chartDatasets = new List <ErpChartDataset>() { new ErpChartDataset() { Data = new List <decimal>() { highPriority, normalPriority, lowPriority }, BackgroundColor = new List <string> { theme.RedColor, theme.LightBlueColor, theme.GreenColor }, BorderColor = new List <string> { theme.RedColor, theme.LightBlueColor, theme.GreenColor } } }; ViewBag.LowPriority = lowPriority; ViewBag.NormalPriority = normalPriority; ViewBag.HighPriority = highPriority; ViewBag.PriorityOptions = ((SelectField) new EntityManager().ReadEntity("task").Object.Fields.First(x => x.Name == "priority")).Options; ViewBag.Datasets = chartDatasets; } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcTaskRepeatRecurrenceSetOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcTaskRepeatRecurrenceSetOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.CurrentUser = SecurityContext.CurrentUser; ViewBag.CurrentUserJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SecurityContext.CurrentUser); if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var record = (EntityRecord)context.DataModel.GetProperty("Record"); if (record == null) { throw new ValidationException() { Message = "Record not found" } } ; ViewBag.RecurrenceTemplateString = ""; if (record.Properties.ContainsKey("recurrence_template") && record["recurrence_template"] is string) { ViewBag.RecurrenceTemplateString = (string)record["recurrence_template"]; } ViewBag.TemplateDefault = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new RecurrenceTemplate()); ViewBag.RecurrenceTypeOptions = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <RecurrenceType>()); ViewBag.RecurrenceEndTypeOptions = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <RecurrenceEndType>()); var periodTypes = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <RecurrencePeriodType>(); periodTypes = periodTypes.FindAll(x => x.Value != "0" && x.Value != "1" && x.Value != "2").ToList(); // remove seconds minutes and hour ViewBag.PeriodTypeOptions = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(periodTypes); ViewBag.RecurrenceChangeTypeOptions = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <RecurrenceChangeType>()); } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var instanceOptions = new PcApplicationsOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { instanceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcApplicationsOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = instanceOptions; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var currentUser = AuthService.GetUser(HttpContext.User); var currentUserRoles = currentUser.Roles.Select(x => x.Id); var apps = new AppService().GetAllApplications().OrderBy(x => x.Weight).ToList(); var allowedApps = new List <App>(); if (apps != null) { foreach (var app in apps) { if (app.Access == null || app.Access.Count == 0) { continue; } IEnumerable <Guid> accessRoles = app.Access.Intersect(currentUserRoles); if (accessRoles.Any()) { allowedApps.Add(app); } } } //Generate Url foreach (var app in allowedApps) { app.HomePages = app.HomePages.FindAll(x => x.Weight < 1000).OrderBy(x => x.Weight).ToList(); foreach (var area in app.Sitemap.Areas) { foreach (var node in area.Nodes) { node.Url = PageUtils.GenerateSitemapNodeUrl(node, area, app); } } app.Sitemap = new AppService().OrderSitemap(app.Sitemap); } ViewBag.Apps = allowedApps; } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } if (currentPage == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The page Id is required to be set as query param 'pid', when requesting this component"))); } var instanceOptions = new PcBtnToolbarOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { instanceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcBtnToolbarOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = instanceOptions; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.GeneralHelpSection = HelpJsApiGeneralSection; ViewBag.CssSize = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <CssSize>(); switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Unknown component mode"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var baseOptions = InitPcFieldBaseOptions(context); var instanceOptions = PcFieldDateTimeOptions.CopyFromBaseOptions(baseOptions); if (context.Options != null) { instanceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldDateTimeOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); ////Check for connection to entity field //if (instanceOptions.TryConnectToEntity) //{ // var entity = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Entity"); // if (entity != null && entity is Entity) // { // var fieldName = instanceOptions.Name; // var entityField = ((Entity)entity).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == fieldName); // if (entityField != null && entityField is DateTimeField) // { // var castedEntityField = ((DateTimeField)entityField); // //No options mapped // } // } //} } var modelFieldLabel = ""; var model = (PcFieldBaseModel)InitPcFieldBaseModel(context, instanceOptions, label: out modelFieldLabel); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instanceOptions.LabelText)) { instanceOptions.LabelText = modelFieldLabel; } //Implementing Inherit label mode ViewBag.LabelMode = instanceOptions.LabelMode; ViewBag.Mode = instanceOptions.Mode; if (instanceOptions.LabelMode == LabelRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.LabelMode != LabelRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.LabelMode = baseOptions.LabelMode; } if (instanceOptions.Mode == FieldRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.Mode != FieldRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.Mode = baseOptions.Mode; } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { model.Value = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(instanceOptions.Value); } ViewBag.Options = instanceOptions; ViewBag.Model = model; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Unknown component mode"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var baseOptions = InitPcFieldBaseOptions(context); var options = PcFieldHtmlOptions.CopyFromBaseOptions(baseOptions); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldHtmlOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.LabelHelpText)) { options.LabelHelpText = baseOptions.LabelHelpText; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Description)) { options.Description = baseOptions.Description; } } } var modelFieldLabel = ""; var model = (PcFieldBaseModel)InitPcFieldBaseModel(context, options, label: out modelFieldLabel); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.LabelText) && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options) { options.LabelText = modelFieldLabel; } ViewBag.LabelMode = options.LabelMode; ViewBag.Mode = options.Mode; if (options.LabelMode == WvLabelRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.LabelMode != WvLabelRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.LabelMode = baseOptions.LabelMode; } if (options.Mode == WvFieldRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.Mode != WvFieldRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.Mode = baseOptions.Mode; } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); var accessOverride = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.AccessOverrideDs) as WvFieldAccess?; if (accessOverride != null) { model.Access = accessOverride.Value; } var requiredOverride = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.RequiredOverrideDs) as bool?; if (requiredOverride != null) { model.Required = requiredOverride.Value; } else { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.RequiredOverrideDs)) { if (options.RequiredOverrideDs.ToLowerInvariant() == "true") { model.Required = true; } else if (options.RequiredOverrideDs.ToLowerInvariant() == "false") { model.Required = false; } } } #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Model = model; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { model.Value = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Value); var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; } ViewBag.UploadModeOptions = WebVella.TagHelpers.Utilities.ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <HtmlUploadMode>(); ViewBag.ToolbarModeOptions = WebVella.TagHelpers.Utilities.ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <HtmlToolbarMode>(); switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public dynamic InitPcFieldBaseModel(PageComponentContext context, PcFieldBaseOptions options, out string label, string targetModel = "PcFieldBaseModel") { label = ""; var model = new PcFieldBaseModel(); if (context.Items.ContainsKey(typeof(ValidationException))) { model.ValidationErrors = ((ValidationException)context.Items[typeof(ValidationException)]).Errors; } model.LabelRenderModeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <LabelRenderMode>(); model.FieldRenderModeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <FieldRenderMode>(); if (context.Mode == ComponentMode.Options) { model.EntitySelectOptions = new MetaService().GetEntitiesAsSelectOptions(); } var recordId = context.DataModel.GetProperty("RecordId"); if (recordId != null && recordId is Guid) { model.RecordId = (Guid)recordId; } var entity = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Entity"); if (entity != null && entity is Entity) { model.EntityName = ((Entity)entity).Name; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.EntityName) && model.RecordId != null) { model.ApiUrl = $"/api/v3/en_US/record/{model.EntityName}/{model.RecordId}/"; } } Entity mappedEntity = null; if (options.ConnectedEntityId != null) { mappedEntity = new EntityManager().ReadEntity(options.ConnectedEntityId.Value).Object; } else if (options.ConnectedEntityId == null && entity is Entity) { mappedEntity = (Entity)entity; } if (mappedEntity != null) { var fieldName = options.Name; if (fieldName.StartsWith("$")) { //Field with relation is set. Mapped entity should be changed var fieldNameArray = fieldName.Replace("$", "").Split(".", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (fieldNameArray.Length == 2) { var relationName = fieldNameArray[0]; fieldName = fieldNameArray[1]; var relation = new EntityRelationManager().Read(relationName).Object; if (relation != null) { if (relation.OriginEntityId == mappedEntity.Id) { mappedEntity = new EntityManager().ReadEntity(relation.TargetEntityId).Object; } else if (relation.TargetEntityId == mappedEntity.Id) { mappedEntity = new EntityManager().ReadEntity(relation.OriginEntityId).Object; } } } } var entityField = mappedEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == fieldName); if (entityField != null) { //Connection success set local options if needed if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Placeholder)) { model.Placeholder = entityField.PlaceholderText; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Description)) { model.Description = entityField.Description; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LabelHelpText)) { model.LabelHelpText = entityField.HelpText; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(label)) { label = entityField.Label; } model.Required = entityField.Required; if (entityField.EnableSecurity) { var currentUser = context.DataModel.GetProperty("CurrentUser"); if (currentUser != null && currentUser is ErpUser) { var canRead = false; var canUpdate = false; var user = (ErpUser)currentUser; foreach (var role in user.Roles) { if (entityField.Permissions.CanRead.Any(x => x == role.Id)) { canRead = true; } if (entityField.Permissions.CanUpdate.Any(x => x == role.Id)) { canUpdate = true; } } if (canUpdate) { model.Access = FieldAccess.Full; } else if (canRead) { model.Access = FieldAccess.ReadOnly; } else { model.Access = FieldAccess.Forbidden; } } } //Specific model properties var fieldOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); switch (entityField.GetFieldType()) { case FieldType.SelectField: var selectField = ((SelectField)entityField); model.DefaultValue = selectField.DefaultValue; fieldOptions = selectField.Options; break; case FieldType.MultiSelectField: var multiselectField = ((MultiSelectField)entityField); model.DefaultValue = multiselectField.DefaultValue; fieldOptions = multiselectField.Options; break; default: break; } switch (targetModel) { case "PcFieldSelectModel": return(PcFieldSelectModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, fieldOptions)); case "PcFieldRadioListModel": return(PcFieldRadioListModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, fieldOptions)); case "PcFieldCheckboxListModel": return(PcFieldCheckboxListModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, fieldOptions)); case "PcFieldMultiSelectModel": return(PcFieldMultiSelectModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, fieldOptions)); case "PcFieldCheckboxGridModel": return(PcFieldCheckboxGridModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, new List <SelectOption>(), new List <SelectOption>())); default: return(model); } } } switch (targetModel) { case "PcFieldSelectModel": return(PcFieldSelectModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, new List <SelectOption>())); case "PcFieldRadioListModel": return(PcFieldRadioListModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, new List <SelectOption>())); case "PcFieldCheckboxListModel": return(PcFieldCheckboxListModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, new List <SelectOption>())); case "PcFieldMultiSelectModel": return(PcFieldMultiSelectModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, new List <SelectOption>())); case "PcFieldCheckboxGridModel": return(PcFieldCheckboxGridModel.CopyFromBaseModel(model, new List <SelectOption>(), new List <SelectOption>())); default: return(model); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcProjectWidgetTasksQueueOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcProjectWidgetTasksQueueOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.TypeOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <TasksDueType>(); if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { Guid?projectId = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.ProjectId) as Guid?; Guid?userId = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.UserId) as Guid?; var limit = options.Type == TasksDueType.EndTimeNotDue ? 10 : 50; var taskQueue = new TaskService().GetTaskQueue(projectId, userId, options.Type, limit); var users = new UserService().GetAll(); var resultRecords = new List <EntityRecord>(); foreach (var task in taskQueue) { var imagePath = "/webvella-erp-web/assets/avatar.png"; var user = new EntityRecord(); user["username"] = "******"; if (task["owner_id"] != null) { user = users.First(x => (Guid)x["id"] == (Guid)task["owner_id"]); if (user["image"] != null && (string)user["image"] != "") { imagePath = "/fs" + (string)user["image"]; } } string iconClass = ""; string color = ""; new TaskService().GetTaskIconAndColor((string)task["priority"], out iconClass, out color); var row = new EntityRecord(); row["task"] = $"<i class='{iconClass}' style='color:{color}'></i> <a href=\"/projects/tasks/tasks/r/{(Guid)task["id"]}/details\">[{task["key"]}] {task["subject"]}</a>"; row["user"] = $"<img src=\"{imagePath}\" class=\"rounded-circle\" width=\"24\"> {(string)user["username"]}"; row["date"] = ((DateTime?)task["end_time"]).ConvertToAppDate(); resultRecords.Add(row); } ViewBag.Records = resultRecords; } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var baseOptions = InitPcFieldBaseOptions(context); var options = PcFieldAutonumberOptions.CopyFromBaseOptions(baseOptions); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldAutonumberOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Template)) { options.Template = baseOptions.Template; } } } var modelFieldLabel = ""; var model = (PcFieldBaseModel)InitPcFieldBaseModel(context, options, label: out modelFieldLabel); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.LabelText)) { options.LabelText = modelFieldLabel; } //Implementing Inherit label mode ViewBag.LabelMode = options.LabelMode; ViewBag.Mode = options.Mode; if (options.LabelMode == LabelRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.LabelMode != LabelRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.LabelMode = baseOptions.LabelMode; } if (options.Mode == FieldRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.Mode != FieldRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.Mode = baseOptions.Mode; } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { model.Value = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Value); } var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Model = model; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var options = new PcGridOptions(); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcGridOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.CssBreakpointOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <CssBreakpoint>(); ViewBag.Page = 1; ViewBag.TotalCount = 0; if (options.PageSize != null) { ViewBag.PageSize = options.PageSize; } else { ViewBag.PageSize = 0; } if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; ViewBag.Records = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Records) as EntityRecordList ?? new EntityRecordList(); if (ViewBag.Records is EntityRecordList) { ViewBag.TotalCount = ((EntityRecordList)ViewBag.Records).TotalCount; } string pageKey = options.Prefix + options.QueryStringPage; if (HttpContext.Request.Query.ContainsKey(pageKey)) { var queryValue = HttpContext.Request.Query[pageKey].ToString(); if (Int16.TryParse(queryValue, out Int16 outInt)) { ViewBag.Page = outInt; } } string pagesizeKey = options.Prefix + options.QueryStringPageSize; if (HttpContext.Request.Query.ContainsKey(pagesizeKey)) { var queryValue = HttpContext.Request.Query[pagesizeKey].ToString(); if (Int16.TryParse(queryValue, out Int16 outInt)) { ViewBag.PageSize = outInt; } } } else { ViewBag.VerticalAlignmentOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <VerticalAlignmentType>(); ViewBag.HorizontalAlignmentOptions = ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <HorizontalAlignmentType>(); } var columns = new List <GridColumn>(); #region << Init Columns >> if (options.VisibleColumns > 0) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container1Id, Name = options.Container1Name, Label = options.Container1Label, Searchable = options.Container1Searchable, Sortable = options.Container1Sortable, Width = options.Container1Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 1) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container2Id, Name = options.Container2Name, Label = options.Container2Label, Searchable = options.Container2Searchable, Sortable = options.Container2Sortable, Width = options.Container2Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 2) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container3Id, Name = options.Container3Name, Label = options.Container3Label, Searchable = options.Container3Searchable, Sortable = options.Container3Sortable, Width = options.Container3Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 3) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container4Id, Name = options.Container4Name, Label = options.Container4Label, Searchable = options.Container4Searchable, Sortable = options.Container4Sortable, Width = options.Container4Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 4) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container5Id, Name = options.Container5Name, Label = options.Container5Label, Searchable = options.Container5Searchable, Sortable = options.Container5Sortable, Width = options.Container5Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 5) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container6Id, Name = options.Container6Name, Label = options.Container6Label, Searchable = options.Container6Searchable, Sortable = options.Container6Sortable, Width = options.Container6Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 6) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container7Id, Name = options.Container7Name, Label = options.Container7Label, Searchable = options.Container7Searchable, Sortable = options.Container7Sortable, Width = options.Container7Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 7) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container8Id, Name = options.Container8Name, Label = options.Container8Label, Searchable = options.Container8Searchable, Sortable = options.Container8Sortable, Width = options.Container8Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 8) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container9Id, Name = options.Container9Name, Label = options.Container9Label, Searchable = options.Container9Searchable, Sortable = options.Container9Sortable, Width = options.Container9Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 9) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container10Id, Name = options.Container10Name, Label = options.Container10Label, Searchable = options.Container10Searchable, Sortable = options.Container10Sortable, Width = options.Container10Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 10) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container11Id, Name = options.Container11Name, Label = options.Container11Label, Searchable = options.Container11Searchable, Sortable = options.Container11Sortable, Width = options.Container11Width }); } if (options.VisibleColumns > 11) { columns.Add(new GridColumn() { ContainerId = options.Container12Id, Name = options.Container12Name, Label = options.Container12Label, Searchable = options.Container12Searchable, Sortable = options.Container12Sortable, Width = options.Container12Width }); } #endregion ViewBag.Columns = columns; switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (EqlException ex) { var errors = new List <ValidationError>(); foreach (var error in ex.Errors) { errors.Add(new ValidationError("eql", $"Line {error.Line}, Column {error.Column}: {error.Message}")); } ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message, Errors = errors }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query param 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var baseOptions = InitPcFieldBaseOptions(context); var options = PcFieldCheckboxListOptions.CopyFromBaseOptions(baseOptions); if (context.Options != null) { options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PcFieldCheckboxListOptions>(context.Options.ToString()); } var modelFieldLabel = ""; var model = (PcFieldCheckboxListModel)InitPcFieldBaseModel(context, options, label: out modelFieldLabel, targetModel: "PcFieldCheckboxListModel"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.LabelText)) { options.LabelText = modelFieldLabel; } //PcFieldCheckboxListModel model = PcFieldCheckboxListModel.CopyFromBaseModel(baseModel); //Implementing Inherit label mode ViewBag.LabelMode = options.LabelMode; ViewBag.Mode = options.Mode; if (options.LabelMode == LabelRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.LabelMode != LabelRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.LabelMode = baseOptions.LabelMode; } if (options.Mode == FieldRenderMode.Undefined && baseOptions.Mode != FieldRenderMode.Undefined) { ViewBag.Mode = baseOptions.Mode; } var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Options = options; ViewBag.Model = model; ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; if (context.Mode != ComponentMode.Options && context.Mode != ComponentMode.Help) { var isVisible = true; var isVisibleDS = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.IsVisible); if (isVisibleDS is string && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(isVisibleDS.ToString())) { if (Boolean.TryParse(isVisibleDS.ToString(), out bool outBool)) { isVisible = outBool; } } else if (isVisibleDS is Boolean) { isVisible = (bool)isVisibleDS; } ViewBag.IsVisible = isVisible; #region << Init DataSources >> dynamic valueResult = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Value); if (valueResult == null) { model.Value = new List <string>(); } else if (valueResult is List <string> ) { model.Value = (List <string>)valueResult; } else if (valueResult is string) { var stringProcessed = false; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueResult)) { model.Value = new List <string>(); stringProcessed = true; } if (!stringProcessed && (((string)valueResult).StartsWith("{") || ((string)valueResult).StartsWith("["))) { try { model.Value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(valueResult.ToString()); stringProcessed = true; } catch { stringProcessed = false; ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Value Json Deserialization failed!"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } if (!stringProcessed && ((string)valueResult).Contains(",") && !((string)valueResult).Contains("{") && !((string)valueResult).Contains("[")) { var valueArray = ((string)valueResult).Split(','); model.Value = new List <string>(valueArray); } } var dataSourceOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); dynamic optionsResult = context.DataModel.GetPropertyValueByDataSource(options.Options); if (optionsResult == null) { } if (optionsResult is List <SelectOption> ) { dataSourceOptions = (List <SelectOption>)optionsResult; } else if (optionsResult is string) { var stringProcessed = false; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionsResult)) { dataSourceOptions = new List <SelectOption>(); stringProcessed = true; } if (!stringProcessed && (((string)optionsResult).StartsWith("{") || ((string)optionsResult).StartsWith("["))) { try { dataSourceOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SelectOption> >(optionsResult); stringProcessed = true; } catch { stringProcessed = false; ViewBag.ExceptionMessage = "Options Json Deserialization failed!"; ViewBag.Errors = new List <ValidationError>(); return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } if (!stringProcessed && ((string)optionsResult).Contains(",") && !((string)optionsResult).Contains("{") && !((string)optionsResult).Contains("[")) { var optionsArray = ((string)optionsResult).Split(','); var optionsList = new List <SelectOption>(); foreach (var optionString in optionsArray) { optionsList.Add(new SelectOption(optionString, optionString)); } dataSourceOptions = optionsList; } } if (dataSourceOptions.Count > 0) { model.Options = dataSourceOptions; } #endregion } switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(PageComponentContext context) { ErpPage currentPage = null; try { #region << Init >> if (context.Node == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: The node Id is required to be set as query parameter 'nid', when requesting this component"))); } var pageFromModel = context.DataModel.GetProperty("Page"); if (pageFromModel == null) { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel cannot be null"))); } else if (pageFromModel is ErpPage) { currentPage = (ErpPage)pageFromModel; } else { return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(Content("Error: PageModel does not have Page property or it is not from ErpPage Type"))); } var optionsObject = InitOptions(context.Options); var componentMeta = new PageComponentLibraryService().GetComponentMeta(context.Node.ComponentName); #endregion ViewBag.Node = context.Node; ViewBag.ComponentMeta = componentMeta; ViewBag.RequestContext = ErpRequestContext; ViewBag.AppContext = ErpAppContext.Current; ViewBag.Options = optionsObject; ViewBag.ComponentContext = context; ViewBag.WvFlexSelfAlignTypeOptions = WebVella.TagHelpers.Utilities.ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <WvFlexSelfAlignType>(); ViewBag.FlexVerticalAlignmentOptions = WebVella.TagHelpers.Utilities.ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <WvFlexVerticalAlignmentType>(); ViewBag.FlexHorizontalAlignmentOptions = WebVella.TagHelpers.Utilities.ModelExtensions.GetEnumAsSelectOptions <WvFlexHorizontalAlignmentType>(); switch (context.Mode) { case ComponentMode.Display: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Display"))); case ComponentMode.Design: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Design"))); case ComponentMode.Options: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Options"))); case ComponentMode.Help: return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Help"))); default: ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = "Unknown component mode" }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } } catch (ValidationException ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = new ValidationException() { Message = ex.Message }; return(await Task.FromResult <IViewComponentResult>(View("Error"))); } }