Exemple #1
 public override void ButtonContinueClick()
     Page3ViewModel vm = new Page3ViewModel();
     Page3 p3 = new Page3();
     p3.DataContext = vm;
Exemple #2
        public Page3()

            // set the BindingContext Property of the Page3 to a new instance of Page3ViewModel.
            // i.e. set the datasource for all the objects in the Page3 View to the Page3ViewModel.
            BindingContext = new Page3ViewModel();
Exemple #3
 public Page3Page()
     BindingContext = new Page3ViewModel(Navigation);
        public async Task <OfferRenderViewModel> FillViewModel(Guid Id, OfferRenderViewModel offerrender)
            ICollection <EstimateConnects> Connect;
            ICollection <Offers>           offers;

            using (var context = new DataBaseContext())
                offers = context.Offer
                         .Include(offermodel => offermodel.Estimate)
                         .Include(users => users.CreatedBy)
                         .Include(users => users.UpdatedBy)

                Connect = context.EstimateConnects
                          .Include(line => line.EstimateLines)

            Offers offer = await OfferRepository.FindAsync(Id);

            var dboffer  = offers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(Id));
            var estimate = await EstimateRepository.FindAsync(dboffer.Estimate.Id);

            var connectlines = Connect.Where(x => x.Estimate.Id.Equals(dboffer.Estimate.Id)).ToList();

            float exclbtw   = 0;
            float btw       = 0;
            float totalcost = 0;

            foreach (var item in connectlines)
                exclbtw = exclbtw + item.EstimateLines.TotalCost;
            btw       = exclbtw / 100 * 21;
            totalcost = exclbtw + btw;

            var Page3ViewModel = new Page3ViewModel
                CustomerZipCode = "7957EJ",
                CustomerStreet  = "Oosterakker 21",
                CustomerName    = "K.Broekstra",
                CustomerCompany = "Broekstra B.V.",
                CustomerEmail   = "*****@*****.**",
                DocumentVersion = offer.DocumentVersion

            var FrontPageViewModel = new FrontPageViewModel
                CreatedBy       = dboffer.CreatedBy.FirstName + " " + dboffer.CreatedBy.LastName,
                LastUpdated     = offer.LastUpdatedAt.ToString(),
                ProjectName     = offer.ProjectName,
                DocumentCode    = offer.DocumentCode,
                CustomerZipCode = "7957EJ",
                CustomerStreet  = "Oosterakker 21",
                CustomerName    = "K.Broekstra",
                CustomerCompany = "Broekstra B.V.",
                CustomerCountry = "The Netherlands"

            var EstimateTablePage = new EstimateTablePage
                EstimateConnects = connectlines,
                BTW     = btw.ToString("#,##0.00"),
                ExclBtw = exclbtw.ToString("#,##0.00"),
                Totaal  = totalcost.ToString("#,##0.00")
            offerrender.EstimateTablePage = EstimateTablePage;
            offerrender.FrontPage         = FrontPageViewModel;
            offerrender.Page3             = Page3ViewModel;


Exemple #5
 public Page1()
     viewmodel      = new Page3ViewModel();
     BindingContext = viewmodel;