Exemple #1
 public BlamPointer(int count, int address, int elementsize, int alignment = 4)
     ElementCount = count;
     StartAddress = Padding.Align(address, alignment);
     ElementSize  = elementsize;
     _endAddress  = StartAddress + ElementSize * ElementCount;
Exemple #2
        private void CopyUnicodeTable(Stream outputStream)
            var globalsBlock        = ( GlobalsBlock )Deserialize(Index.GlobalsIdent);
            var newUnicodeBlockInfo = new MoonfishGlobalUnicodeBlockInfoStructBlock
                EnglishStringCount       = globalsBlock.UnicodeBlockInfo.EnglishStringCount,
                EnglishStringTableLength = globalsBlock.UnicodeBlockInfo.EnglishStringTableLength

            //  calculate the size of the Unicode table-index & tables to the nearest 512 aligned block
            var alignedIndexSize = Padding.Align(
                globalsBlock.UnicodeBlockInfo.EnglishStringCount * sizeof(int) * 2, 512);
            var alignedTableSize = Padding.Align(globalsBlock.UnicodeBlockInfo.EnglishStringTableLength, 512);

            //  move the stream to the start of the unicode data
            Seek(globalsBlock.UnicodeBlockInfo.EnglishStringIndexAddress, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //  copy the table-index and index to the output stream
            newUnicodeBlockInfo.EnglishStringIndexAddress = ( int )outputStream.Position;
            Padding.AssertIsAligned(512, outputStream);
            this.BufferedCopyBytesTo(alignedIndexSize, outputStream);
            newUnicodeBlockInfo.EnglishStringTableAddress = ( int )outputStream.Position;
            Padding.AssertIsAligned(512, outputStream);
            this.BufferedCopyBytesTo(alignedTableSize, outputStream);

            //  assign the new UnicodeBlockInfo data to the globals block
            globalsBlock.UnicodeBlockInfo = newUnicodeBlockInfo;
Exemple #3
        private void BufferElementData(ICollection <GlobalGeometrySectionStructBlock> sectionData)
            var offset          = 0;
            var indexBufferSize = sectionData.Sum(x => Padding.Align(x.StripIndices.Length * sizeof(ushort)));
            var indexBaseVertex = sectionData.ToDictionary(k => k, v => 0);

            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, _elementBuffer);
            GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, ( IntPtr )indexBufferSize, ( IntPtr )null,

            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, _elementBuffer);
            foreach (var renderModelSectionDataBlock in sectionData)
                var indices  = renderModelSectionDataBlock.StripIndices.Select(e => e.Index).ToArray( );
                var dataSize = Padding.Align(indices.Length * sizeof(ushort));

                GL.BufferSubData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, ( IntPtr )offset, ( IntPtr )dataSize, indices);

                indexBaseVertex[renderModelSectionDataBlock] = offset;

                foreach (var part in renderModelSectionDataBlock.Parts)
                    SetIndexOffset(part, offset);
                offset += dataSize;
Exemple #4
 public int GetSize( )
              _classes.Count * TagClassHeirarchy.SizeInBytes
              + _data.Count * TagDatum.SizeInBytes,
Exemple #5
        private void CopyLocalResource(Stream outputStream, IResourceBlock resourceBlock, ResourcePointer address,
                                       int length, int index = 0)
            //  the resource has already been copied
            if (address < GetFilePosition( ))
                //  if this is true then we've already handled this resource so use the
                //  new address
                ResourcePointer newAddress;
                if (ShiftData.TryGetValue(address, out newAddress))
                    resourceBlock.SetResourcePointer(newAddress, index);
                //  has the resource already been copied? Has it been moved?
                //  well, shit.
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLineIf(address < GetFilePosition( ),
                                                     "Warning: address < GetFilePosition()");
            //  this is not strictly an error but it should be treated as such
            if (address > GetFilePosition( ))
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLineIf(address > GetFilePosition( ),
                                                     "Warning: address > GetFilePosition()");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLineIf(address % 512 != 0, "Warning: address % 512 != 0");
            if (outputStream.Position % 512 != 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLineIf(outputStream.Position % 512 != 0,
                                                     "Warning: output address % 512 != 0");

            var position = outputStream.Position;

            ShiftData[address] = ( int )position;
            resourceBlock.SetResourcePointer(( int )position, index);

            var size = Padding.Align(length, 512);

            this.BufferedCopyBytesTo(size, outputStream);
Exemple #6
        private int CopyStructureMeta(Stream outputStream)
            var allocationLength = 0;
            var scnrBlock        = ( ScenarioBlock )Deserialize(Index.ScenarioIdent);
            var buffer           = new byte[0x2000000]; // 32 mebibytes

            foreach (var scenarioStructureBspReferenceBlock in scnrBlock.StructureBSPs)
                //  create a virtual stream to write the meta into and assign the origin address
                //  of the first valid memory after the index
                //  note: the virtual stream is used to generate valid pointer addressess
                var allocationAddress   = VirtualBaseAddress + Index.GetSize( ) + TagIndexBase.HeaderSize;
                var virtualMemoryStream = new VirtualStream(buffer, allocationAddress);

                var sbspReference = scenarioStructureBspReferenceBlock.StructureBSP;
                var ltmpReference = scenarioStructureBspReferenceBlock.StructureLightmap;

                //  if both references are null then we don't copy out the meta
                if (TagIdent.IsNull(ltmpReference.Ident) && TagIdent.IsNull(sbspReference.Ident))

                virtualMemoryStream.Write(new byte[16], 0, 16);
                //  create an allocation header to hold information about this memory allocation
                var structureAllocationHeader = new StructureAllocationHeader
                    StructureBSPAddress = ( int )virtualMemoryStream.Position,
                    FourCC = TagClass.Sbsp

                //  grab the structurebsp from the cache and write it out to the virtual stream,
                //  padding it to 4 byte alignement
                var sbspBlock = ( ScenarioStructureBspBlock )Deserialize(sbspReference.Ident);
                virtualMemoryStream.Align( );

                //  if the lightmap is not null write out the meta data into the virtual stream
                if (!TagIdent.IsNull(ltmpReference.Ident))
                    structureAllocationHeader.LightmapAddress = ( int )virtualMemoryStream.Position;
                    var ltmpBlock = ( ScenarioStructureLightmapBlock )Deserialize(ltmpReference.Ident);

                structureAllocationHeader.BlockLength = Padding.Align(
                    virtualMemoryStream.Position - allocationAddress, 4096);

                //  set the value of BlockLength to the length of the virtual stream,
                //  then serialize and write the header to the output stream, followed by writing
                //  the contents of the vitual stream to the output stream
                //  finally pad the entire thing to 4096 byte alignment

                //  copy data
                virtualMemoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                virtualMemoryStream.Seek(-StructureAllocationHeader.SizeInBytes, SeekOrigin.Current);

                scenarioStructureBspReferenceBlock.StructureBlockInfo.BlockOffset =
                    ( int )outputStream.Position;

                Padding.AssertIsAligned(512, outputStream);
                virtualMemoryStream.BufferedCopyBytesTo(structureAllocationHeader.BlockLength, outputStream);
                Padding.AssertIsAligned(512, outputStream);

                scenarioStructureBspReferenceBlock.StructureBlockInfo.BlockAddress =

                scenarioStructureBspReferenceBlock.StructureBlockInfo.BlockLength =

                //  return only the largest allocation size, because all allocations are in the
                //  same virtual memory
                allocationLength = allocationLength > structureAllocationHeader.BlockLength
                    ? allocationLength
                    : structureAllocationHeader.BlockLength;