///// <summary>
        ///// denominator must between 1 and 18. The effect is numerator/denominator brightness
        ///// numerator must be between 1 and
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="denominator"></param>
        //public void SetOverallBrightness(int numerator, int denominator)
        //    if (MidiOutPortValid())
        //    {
        //        _midiOut.SendMessage(new MidiControlChangeMessage(_outputMidiChannel, 0x00, (byte)mode));

        //    }

        public void SetPadMappingMode(PadMappingMode mode)
            if (MidiOutPortValid())
                _midiOut.SendMessage(new MidiControlChangeMessage(OutputMidiChannel, 0x00, (byte)mode));

                _currentMappingMode = mode;
        public void Reset()
            // NOTE: this also changes the mapping mode to the default power-on value
            // We'll have a real problem keeping that in sync

            if (MidiOutPortValid())
                _midiOut.SendMessage(new MidiControlChangeMessage(OutputMidiChannel, 0x00, 0x00));

                _currentMappingMode = PadMappingMode.XY;