public void DetectPingSweep(List <PacketFormatted> pFormatList) { if (pFormatList == null || pFormatList.Count < 1) { return; } string key = Settings.UserId + "-pingsweep-detection"; string[] IcmpIps = null; bool tcpPing = false; bool udpPing = false; string possibleSourceIp = null; IcmpIps = pFormatList.Where(x => x.MainProtocol == MainProtocol.ICMP && (x.IcmpType == 8 || x.IcmpType == 0)).Select(x => x.SourceIp).ToArray(); if (IcmpIps != null && IcmpIps.Count() > 0) { possibleSourceIp = IcmpIps.GroupBy(x => x).OrderByDescending(y => y.Count()).First().Key; } tcpPing = pFormatList.Any(x => x.MainProtocol == MainProtocol.TCP && x.DestinationPort == 7); if (tcpPing) { PacketFormatted pfTcp = pFormatList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainProtocol == MainProtocol.TCP && x.DestinationPort == 7); possibleSourceIp = pfTcp?.SourceIp; } udpPing = pFormatList.Any(x => x.MainProtocol == MainProtocol.UDP && x.DestinationPort == 7); if (udpPing) { PacketFormatted pfUdp = pFormatList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainProtocol == MainProtocol.TCP && x.DestinationPort == 7); possibleSourceIp = pfUdp?.SourceIp; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(possibleSourceIp) && Cache.TryGetValue(key, out bool notify)) { string message = "Your network is possibly being ping sweeped by the following IP: " + possibleSourceIp; Mailer.SendSystemNotification(Settings, message, PING_SWEEP_RISK, "Ping sweep detected"); Logger.CreateDataLog(Settings.UserId, message, PING_SWEEP_RISK); MemoryCacheEntryOptions notifyEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions() .SetAbsoluteExpiration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); Cache.Set(key, true, notifyEntryOptions); } }
public List <PacketFormatted> Analyse(List <Packet> packets) { if (packets == null || packets.Count < 1) { return(null); } List <PacketFormatted> pFormatList = new List <PacketFormatted>(); foreach (Packet packet in packets) { try { BsonDocument cPacket = packet.PacketData; string packetIndex = cPacket["_index"].AsString; string packetType = cPacket["_type"].AsString; MainProtocol mainProtocol = MainProtocol.IP; Protocol protocol = Protocol.Undefined; string sourceIp = null; string destIp = null; string dnsRequest = null; string sourceMac = null; string destMac = null; int sourcePort = 0; int destPort = 0; int packetSize = 0; int timeToLive = 0; bool hasSynFlag = false; bool hasAckFlag = false; bool hasRstFlag = false; int icmpType = 0; DateTime issueDate = DateTime.Now; BsonDocument packetSource = cPacket["_source"].AsBsonDocument; BsonDocument packetLayers = packetSource["layers"].AsBsonDocument; // if (packetLayers.Contains("frame")) { BsonDocument packetFrame = packetLayers["frame"].AsBsonDocument; packetSize = Convert.ToInt32(packetFrame["frame_len"].AsString); try { issueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(packetFrame["frame_time"].AsString); } catch { } } // if (packetLayers.Contains("ip")) { BsonDocument packetIp = packetLayers["ip"].AsBsonDocument; mainProtocol = (MainProtocol)Convert.ToInt32(packetIp["ip_proto"].AsString); sourceIp = packetIp["ip_src"].AsString; if (packetIp.Contains("ip_dst")) { destIp = packetIp["ip_dst"].AsString; } if (packetIp.Contains("ip_ttl")) { timeToLive = Convert.ToInt32(packetIp["ip_ttl"].AsString); } } if (packetLayers.Contains("eth")) { BsonDocument packetEth = packetLayers["eth"].AsBsonDocument; BsonDocument ethSource = packetEth["eth_src_tree"].AsBsonDocument; sourceMac = ethSource["eth_addr"].AsString; BsonDocument ethDest = packetEth["eth_dst_tree"].AsBsonDocument; destMac = ethDest["eth_addr"].AsString; } // if (packetLayers.Contains("tcp")) { BsonDocument packetTcp = packetLayers["tcp"].AsBsonDocument; sourcePort = Convert.ToInt32(packetTcp["tcp_srcport"].AsString); destPort = Convert.ToInt32(packetTcp["tcp_dstport"].AsString); BsonDocument flagTree = packetTcp["tcp_flags_tree"].AsBsonDocument; hasSynFlag = flagTree["tcp_flags_syn"].AsString == "1" ? true : false; hasAckFlag = flagTree["tcp_flags_ack"].AsString == "1" ? true : false; hasRstFlag = flagTree["tcp_flags_reset"].AsString == "1" ? true : false; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("udp")) { BsonDocument packetUdp = packetLayers["udp"].AsBsonDocument; sourcePort = Convert.ToInt32(packetUdp["udp_srcport"].AsString); destPort = Convert.ToInt32(packetUdp["udp_dstport"].AsString); } else if (packetLayers.Contains("icmp")) { BsonDocument packetIcmp = packetLayers["icmp"].AsBsonDocument; icmpType = Convert.ToInt32(packetIcmp["icmp_type"].AsString); } if (packetLayers.Contains("http")) { BsonDocument packetHttp = packetLayers["http"].AsBsonDocument; protocol = Protocol.HTTP; } #region Protocols // if (packetLayers.Contains("ssh")) { // SSH packet data is encrypted and therefore not accessible protocol = Protocol.SSH; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("dns")) { BsonDocument packetDns = packetLayers["dns"].AsBsonDocument; if (packetDns.Contains("Queries")) { string json = packetDns["Queries"].AsBsonDocument.ToString(); JToken queries = JToken.Parse(json); if (queries is JObject) { JObject dnsQueries = queries as JObject; foreach (JProperty prop in dnsQueries.Properties()) { JObject dnsRecord = prop.Value is JObject ? (JObject)prop.Value : null; if (dnsRecord == null) { continue; } if (dnsRecord.ContainsKey("dns_qry_name")) { dnsRequest = Convert.ToString(dnsRecord["dns_qry_name"]); } } } } protocol = Protocol.DNS; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("telnet")) { protocol = Protocol.Telnet; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("finger")) { protocol = Protocol.Finger; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("tftp")) { protocol = Protocol.TFTP; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("snmp")) { protocol = Protocol.SNMP; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("ftp")) { protocol = Protocol.FTP; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("smb")) { protocol = Protocol.SMB; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("arp")) { protocol = Protocol.ARP; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("llc")) { protocol = Protocol.LLC; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("stp")) { protocol = Protocol.STP; } // else if (packetLayers.Contains("nbns")) { protocol = Protocol.NBNS; } // No Wireshark documentation available else if (packetLayers.Contains("llmnr")) { protocol = Protocol.LLMNR; } // No Wireshark documentation available else if (packetLayers.Contains("ssdp")) { protocol = Protocol.SSDP; } else if (packetLayers.Contains("ssl")) { BsonDocument packetSsl = packetLayers["ssl"].AsBsonDocument; BsonDocument packetSslRecord = packetSsl["ssl_record"].AsBsonDocument; string rawversion = packetSslRecord["ssl_record_version"].AsString; // Apparently this is how to determine TLS version (wireshark) if (rawversion.Last() == '3') { protocol = Protocol.TLSV12; } else if (rawversion.Last() == '2') { protocol = Protocol.TLSV11; } else if (rawversion.Last() == '1') { protocol = Protocol.TLSV1; } } if (mainProtocol == MainProtocol.TCP && protocol == Protocol.Undefined) { if (packetLayers.ElementCount == 4 || (packetLayers.ElementCount == 5 && packetLayers.Contains("transum")) || (packetLayers.ElementCount == 5 && packetLayers.Contains("data"))) { protocol = Protocol.TCP; } } else if (mainProtocol == MainProtocol.ICMP && protocol == Protocol.Undefined) { if (packetLayers.ElementCount == 4) { protocol = Protocol.ICMP; } } else if (mainProtocol == MainProtocol.UDP && protocol == Protocol.Undefined) { if (packetLayers.ElementCount == 4 || (packetLayers.ElementCount == 5 && packetLayers.Contains("db-lsp-disc"))) { protocol = Protocol.UDP; } } // #endregion // Apply rules Risk risk = Risk.Information; Rule appliedRule = null; // Determine which rule is most suitable for current packet if (Rules != null && Rules.Count > 0) { foreach (Rule rule in Rules) { if (rule.MainProtocol == mainProtocol && rule.Protocol == protocol) { if (rule.DestIp.Contains(destIp) && rule.SourceIp.Contains(sourceIp)) { if (rule.DestPort.Contains(destPort) && rule.SourcePort.Contains(sourcePort)) { appliedRule = rule; } } } } } // Execute most suitable rule string message = null; if (appliedRule != null) { if (appliedRule.Message.Contains("*|") && appliedRule.Message.Contains("|*")) { // Apply string formats message = appliedRule.Message.Replace("*|DEST_IP|*", destIp) .Replace("*|SOURCE_IP|*", sourceIp) .Replace("*|DEST_PORT|*", Convert.ToString(destPort)) .Replace("*|SOURCE_PORT|*", Convert.ToString(sourcePort)); } else { message = appliedRule.Message; } risk = appliedRule.Risk; // Rule has been applied -> register entry in Cache so the notifications are not being spammed string ruleKey = Settings.UserId.ToString() + "-" + appliedRule.Id + "-applied"; bool applyRule = true; if (Cache.TryGetValue(ruleKey, out bool applied)) { applyRule = false; } if (applyRule) { if (appliedRule.Notify) { string title = "Rule condition met"; // Send email Mailer.SendSystemNotification(Settings, message, risk, title); if (appliedRule.Log) { // Store a log entry Logger.CreateDataLog(Settings.UserId, message, risk); } } else if (appliedRule.Log) { // Store a log entry Logger.CreateDataLog(Settings.UserId, message, risk); } if (!appliedRule.Log) { Logger.CreateDataLog(Settings.UserId, message, risk, visible: false); } // Register cache entry MemoryCacheEntryOptions ruleCacheOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions() .SetAbsoluteExpiration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(GLOBAL_RULE_COOLDOWN)); Cache.Set(ruleKey, true, ruleCacheOptions); } } PacketFormatted pFormatted = new PacketFormatted { UserId = Settings.UserId, DestinationIp = destIp, DestinationPort = destPort, DestinationMacAddress = destMac, PacketSize = packetSize, TimeToLive = timeToLive, Protocol = protocol, MainProtocol = mainProtocol, SourceIp = sourceIp, SourcePort = sourcePort, SourceMacAddress = sourceMac, HasAckFlag = hasAckFlag, HasSynFlag = hasSynFlag, HasRstFlag = hasRstFlag, DnsRequest = dnsRequest, Risk = risk, Reason = message, RuleApplied = appliedRule != null, IssueDate = issueDate, IcmpType = icmpType }; pFormatList.Add(pFormatted); } catch (Exception ex) { // DO nothing //Logger.CreateErrorLog(ex); } } return(pFormatList); }