Exemple #1
 internal void AddPackageReference(NuGetPackage refPackage)
     if (AllPackageReferences.Any(x => x == refPackage) ||
         PackageReferencesFromCsProj.Any(x => x == refPackage.Identity)
         throw new Exceptions.DuplicatePackageReferenceException($"Can't add {refPackage} as SlnX-package reference to the project {Name}, a reference to that package already exists");
Exemple #2
 private void AddPackageReferenceFromAssembly(NuGetPackage refPackage)
     //Multiple assembly references might lead to the same package being referenced
     //Therefore AllPackageReferences should not be used here
     if (PackageReferencesFromCsProj.Any(x => x == refPackage.Identity) ||
         PackageReferencesFromSlnX.Any(x => x == refPackage))
         throw new Exceptions.DuplicatePackageReferenceException($"Can't add {refPackage} as assembly-package reference to the project {Name}, a reference to that package already exists");
     if (!_packageReferencesFromAssemblies.Contains(refPackage))