/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> private PackIndex WritePack <_T0>(FileRepository repo, ICollection <_T0> want, ICollection <PackIndex> excludeObjects) where _T0 : ObjectId { PackWriter pw = new PackWriter(repo); pw.SetDeltaBaseAsOffset(true); pw.SetReuseDeltaCommits(false); foreach (PackIndex idx in excludeObjects) { pw.ExcludeObjects(idx); } pw.PreparePack(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, want, Sharpen.Collections.EmptySet <ObjectId >()); string id = pw.ComputeName().GetName(); FilePath packdir = new FilePath(repo.ObjectsDirectory, "pack"); FilePath packFile = new FilePath(packdir, "pack-" + id + ".pack"); FileOutputStream packOS = new FileOutputStream(packFile); pw.WritePack(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, packOS); packOS.Close(); FilePath idxFile = new FilePath(packdir, "pack-" + id + ".idx"); FileOutputStream idxOS = new FileOutputStream(idxFile); pw.WriteIndex(idxOS); idxOS.Close(); pw.Release(); return(PackIndex.Open(idxFile)); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> private PackFile WritePack <_T0, _T1>(ICollection <_T0> want, ICollection <_T1> have , ICollection <ObjectId> tagTargets, IList <PackIndex> excludeObjects) where _T0 : ObjectId where _T1 : ObjectId { FilePath tmpPack = null; FilePath tmpIdx = null; PackWriter pw = new PackWriter(repo); try { // prepare the PackWriter pw.SetDeltaBaseAsOffset(true); pw.SetReuseDeltaCommits(false); if (tagTargets != null) { pw.SetTagTargets(tagTargets); } if (excludeObjects != null) { foreach (PackIndex idx in excludeObjects) { pw.ExcludeObjects(idx); } } pw.PreparePack(pm, want, have); if (pw.GetObjectCount() == 0) { return(null); } // create temporary files string id = pw.ComputeName().GetName(); FilePath packdir = new FilePath(repo.ObjectsDirectory, "pack"); tmpPack = FilePath.CreateTempFile("gc_", ".pack_tmp", packdir); tmpIdx = new FilePath(packdir, Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(tmpPack.GetName(), 0, tmpPack .GetName().LastIndexOf('.')) + ".idx_tmp"); if (!tmpIdx.CreateNewFile()) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.Format(JGitText.Get().cannotCreateIndexfile, tmpIdx.GetPath())); } // write the packfile FileChannel channel = new FileOutputStream(tmpPack).GetChannel(); OutputStream channelStream = Channels.NewOutputStream(channel); try { pw.WritePack(pm, pm, channelStream); } finally { channel.Force(true); channelStream.Close(); channel.Close(); } // write the packindex FileChannel idxChannel = new FileOutputStream(tmpIdx).GetChannel(); OutputStream idxStream = Channels.NewOutputStream(idxChannel); try { pw.WriteIndex(idxStream); } finally { idxChannel.Force(true); idxStream.Close(); idxChannel.Close(); } // rename the temporary files to real files FilePath realPack = NameFor(id, ".pack"); tmpPack.SetReadOnly(); FilePath realIdx = NameFor(id, ".idx"); realIdx.SetReadOnly(); bool delete = true; try { if (!tmpPack.RenameTo(realPack)) { return(null); } delete = false; if (!tmpIdx.RenameTo(realIdx)) { FilePath newIdx = new FilePath(realIdx.GetParentFile(), realIdx.GetName() + ".new" ); if (!tmpIdx.RenameTo(newIdx)) { newIdx = tmpIdx; } throw new IOException(MessageFormat.Format(JGitText.Get().panicCantRenameIndexFile , newIdx, realIdx)); } } finally { if (delete && tmpPack.Exists()) { tmpPack.Delete(); } if (delete && tmpIdx.Exists()) { tmpIdx.Delete(); } } return(((ObjectDirectory)repo.ObjectDatabase).OpenPack(realPack, realIdx)); } finally { pw.Release(); if (tmpPack != null && tmpPack.Exists()) { tmpPack.Delete(); } if (tmpIdx != null && tmpIdx.Exists()) { tmpIdx.Delete(); } } }