Exemple #1
        public void CreatePack()
            Pack          pack = new Pack();
            PackContainer po   = pack.Containers.AddItem("#ProjectOutput");

            po.Files.AddItem("bin/release/QQnUtils.dll").FileHash         = "qwqq";
            po.Files.AddItem("bin/release/QQnUtils.pdb").FileSize         = long.MaxValue;
            po.Files.AddItem("bin/release/QQnUtils.xml").LastWriteTimeUtc = DateTime.Now;

            PackContainer pc = pack.Containers.AddItem("#ProjectContent");

            po.Files.AddItem("QQnUtils.doc").FileHash = "q";
            po.Files.AddItem("QQnDef.xsd").FileSize   = 123456;

            PackContainer ps = pack.Containers.AddItem("#Scripts");

            ps.Files.AddItem("Setup/QQnUtils.wxs").LastWriteTimeUtc = DateTime.Now;

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            using (XmlWriter xw = doc.CreateNavigator().AppendChild())
                xw.WriteStartElement("Pack", "");                 // Place al elements in default namespace for easy quering

                Tokenizer.TryWriteXml(xw, pack);

            Assert.That(doc.SelectSingleNode("/*"), Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(doc.SelectNodes("//Item").Count, Is.EqualTo(6));

            Pack pack2;

            Tokenizer.TryParseXml(doc.DocumentElement, out pack2);

            foreach (PackContainer ipc in pack.Containers)
                PackContainer ipc2 = pack2.Containers[ipc.Name];
                Assert.That(ipc2, Is.Not.Null);

                Assert.That(ipc2.Name, Is.EqualTo(ipc.Name));

                foreach (PackFile ipf in ipc.Files)
                    PackFile ipf2 = ipc2.Files[ipf.Name];

                    Assert.That(ipf2.Name, Is.EqualTo(ipf.Name));
                    Assert.That(ipf2.FileHash, Is.EqualTo(ipf.FileHash));
                    Assert.That(ipf2.FileSize, Is.EqualTo(ipf.FileSize));
                    Assert.That(ipf2.LastWriteTimeUtc, Is.EqualTo(ipf.LastWriteTimeUtc));                     // This also checks time normalization
Exemple #2
        public Pack CreateDefinition(TBLogFile file)
            BuildOrigin myOrigin = null;

            foreach (BuildOrigin bo in BuildOrigins)
                if (bo.LogFile == file)
                    myOrigin = bo;

            Pack p = new Pack();

            TBLogConfiguration config = file.Configurations[0];
            TBLogTarget        target = config.Target;
            TBLogAssembly      asm    = config.Assembly;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.KeySrc))
                p.StrongNameKey = StrongNameKey.LoadFrom(QQnPath.Combine(file.ProjectPath, target.KeySrc));
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.KeyContainer))
                p.StrongNameKey = StrongNameKey.LoadFromContainer(target.KeyContainer, false);

            if (asm != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(asm.AssemblyName))
                AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName(asm.AssemblyName);
                p.Version = name.Version;

            PackContainer po = p.Containers.AddItem("#ProjectOutput");

            po.ContainerDir = config.OutputPath;
            po.BaseDir      = QQnPath.Combine(file.ProjectPath);
            foreach (TBLogItem item in file.AllProjectOutput)
                if (item.IsShared)

                PackFile pf = po.Files.AddItem(QQnPath.EnsureRelativePath(po.BaseDir, item.FullSrc));
                pf.StreamName = item.Src;

            PackContainer ct = p.Containers.AddItem("#Content");

            ct.ContainerDir = "";
            po.BaseDir      = file.ProjectPath;

            foreach (TBLogItem item in file.AllContents)
                if (item.IsShared)

                PackFile pf = po.Files.AddItem(QQnPath.EnsureRelativePath(po.BaseDir, item.FullSrc));

            myOrigin.Pack = p;

Exemple #3
                public Dictionary<int, List<PackContainer>> divisiblePacks;     //List of all possible pack divisibles between 0 and maximum.

                //Setup function to create the divisible amounts for storage and quick access. (Dictionary divisiblePacks).
                //Processes all pack sizes with preference being for larger pack sizes allocated first.
                /*Pseudocode version:
                 * Obtain single pack multiples, e.g. (15), 15, 30, 45.
                 * Add these to divisiblePacks, and save a seperate copy for later convenience in step 2 and 4.
                 * Obtain combination packs between two different packs (combinations). e.g. (15, 3), 15+3, 15 + 3 + 3.
                 * Find values between minimum and maximum that have been missed (as this section is meant to be covered consecutively).
                 * Using the conveniently saved singles pack multiples, subtract this value from the missing values and check the result against the divisiblePacks library.
                 *      This will take advantage of the combo packs in step 2. (15, 10, 4) e.g. 31 - 15 = 16.   16 is in the list as 4 x 4.
                public void CreateDivisibles()
                    //Temporary storage of divisibles between 0 and max using only one pack size.
                    Dictionary<int, List<PackContainer>> temporarySingleDivisibles = new Dictionary<int, List<PackContainer>>();
                    HashSet<int> alreadyContained = new HashSet<int>();     //Quick storage of already covered values.

                    //1st: Get list of all single pack multiples between 0 and max; Stop upon value match or out of bounds.
                    //Iterates through all pack sizes and stores seperately from divisiblePacks.
                    for (int i = 0; i < packSizes.Count; i++)
                        int packSize = packSizes[i];                                //For convenient access.
                        List<PackContainer> results = new List<PackContainer>();    //Imitates divisiblePacks however ONLY FOR SINGLE COMBINATIONS, seperate storage.
                        int iteration = 1;                                          //Current iteration (used to store quantity)
                        int current = packSize;                                     //Current quantity * pack size.

                        //Multiply pack size within bounds.
                        while (current < maximum)
                            //Ignore duplicate entries.
                            if (alreadyContained.Contains(current))

                            PackContainer pack = new PackContainer();   //Temporary storage, AS MENTIONED IN DECLARATION, SECONDARY USE OF STRUCT. See List<PackContainer> results
                            pack.packSize = current;                    //Saves the current divisible total (similar to Dictionary key of divisible packs).
                            pack.quantity = iteration;                  //Saves the quantity for this particular total.
                            alreadyContained.Add(current);              //This total is covered, remember to prevent later duplicates.
                            current += packSize;
                        temporarySingleDivisibles.Add(packSize, results);   //Save the divisibles between the bounds for this single pack size.
                    //For each pack possible pack size, add to divisiblePacks to save temporary storage single divisibles (only needed later).
                    foreach (int packSize in packSizes)
                        List<PackContainer> packSizeMultiples = temporarySingleDivisibles[packSize];
                        //Iterate through each pack multiple, eg pack size of 3:     3, 6, 9, 12.
                        foreach (PackContainer packMultiple in packSizeMultiples)
                            List<PackContainer> toAdd = new List<PackContainer>();      //List of only one pack container (as only one pack size is used).
                            PackContainer temp = new PackContainer();
                            temp.packSize = packSize;                                   //Proper use of pack container, pack size is now size, not total including quantity.
                            temp.quantity = packMultiple.quantity;                      //Quantity of pack size to reach total.
                            divisiblePacks.Add(packMultiple.packSize, toAdd);           //Add new divisible pack with actual divisible number and associated pack size and quantity.

                    //2nd: Get list of combinations between two packs, max height is count. 
                    //First pack combo. Should not hit very last pack size. Hand shake circle problem (mentioned at top of script).
                    for (int i = 0; i < packSizes.Count - 1; i++)
                        List<PackContainer> outerTemp = temporarySingleDivisibles[packSizes[i]];        //Outer pack size.
                        //Second pack to make up two pack combo. Allowed to hit final pack.
                        for (int x = i + 1; x < packSizes.Count; x++)
                            //here we can add directly to the divisible packs. No use for temporary storage.
                            List<PackContainer> innerTemp = temporarySingleDivisibles[packSizes[x]];    //Inner pack size.
                            //Iterate through first pack combo's second.
                            foreach (PackContainer outer in outerTemp)
                                //Cover all possible combo's with pack one (iterating through pack twos combo's).
                                foreach (PackContainer inner in innerTemp)
                                    int result = outer.packSize + inner.packSize;   //The combination total.
                                    //Within bounds.
                                    if (result > maximum)
                                    //If this total has not yet been covered.
                                    if (!alreadyContained.Contains(result))
                                        List<PackContainer> toAdd = new List<PackContainer>();          //Pack combination to be added, more than one pack size.
                                        PackContainer temp = new PackContainer();                       //Temp storage for pack, data changed with each pack size.
                                        //Pack size 1.
                                        temp.packSize = packSizes[i]; temp.quantity = outer.quantity;
                                        //Pack size 2.
                                        temp.packSize = packSizes[x]; temp.quantity = inner.quantity;
                                        //Save total to memory (to prevent duplicates) and add to divisible packs.
                                        divisiblePacks.Add(result, toAdd);

                    //3rd: Find any values between the minimum and maximum that still require calculating.
                    List<int> missingValues = new List<int>();      //Missing values to be covered between min and max.
                    for (int i = minimum; i <= maximum; i++)        //Between bounds, find missing values and add to list.
                        if (!alreadyContained.Contains(i))

                    //4th: Traverse missing values. Subtract values from the temp singles list in decreasing order, then compare result to already divisible packs.
                    foreach (int missingValue in missingValues)
                        //Traverse pack sizes.
                        for (int i = 0; i < packSizes.Count; i++)
                            List<PackContainer> outerTemp = temporarySingleDivisibles[packSizes[i]];    //Convenient access to single pack size combinations.
                            //For each total combination in that pack.
                            foreach (PackContainer pack in outerTemp)
                                int result = missingValue - pack.packSize;      //New result to find from divisibles list.
                                //Success, found number in divisibles list.
                                if (divisiblePacks.ContainsKey(result))
                                    //Save initially subtracted pack size and quantity.
                                    PackContainer outerContainerTemp = new PackContainer();                                 
                                    outerContainerTemp.packSize = packSizes[i]; outerContainerTemp.quantity = pack.quantity;
                                    //Creates a temporary list for what to add. Saves the packs and quantities for the new value.
                                    List<PackContainer> toAdd = new List<PackContainer>();
                                    List<PackContainer> FromBase = divisiblePacks[result];

                                    //Combine initially subtracted pack and new pack division. Preference to keep in sorted decreasing order.
                                    foreach (PackContainer toCheck in FromBase)
                                        //If the outer pack has a higher value, add before the other packs.
                                        if (outerContainerTemp.packSize > toCheck.packSize)

                                    //Save the new total and pack size + quantities list to of divisiblePacks.
                                    divisiblePacks.Add(missingValue, toAdd);
                                    break;  //Escape this missing value.
                            //From above break, with value already added, escape this missing value.
                            if (alreadyContained.Contains(missingValue))
                                break;  //Escape this missing value.
Exemple #4
        public override async Task <EntityView> Run(EntityView entityView, CommercePipelineExecutionContext context)
            if (entityView == null ||
                !entityView.Action.Equals("ListMaster-ExportList", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                var listName      = entityView.ItemId;
                var directoryPath = @"C:\Users\kha\Documents\ExportedEntities\";

                var asPack      = entityView.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "AsPack").Value ?? "";
                var incremental = entityView.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "Incremental").Value ?? "";

                var listFriendlyName = entityView.ItemId.Replace("Entity-ManagedList-", "");

                var asPackBool      = System.Convert.ToBoolean(asPack);
                var incrementalBool = System.Convert.ToBoolean(incremental);

                var listCount = await this._commerceCommander.Command <GetListCountCommand>().Process(context.CommerceContext, listFriendlyName);

                var listMembers           = new StringBuilder();
                var listMembersSerialized = new StringBuilder();

                var packContainer = new PackContainer();

                var managedList = await this._commerceCommander.Command <GetManagedListCommand>().Process(context.CommerceContext, listFriendlyName);

                if (managedList != null)
                    var publishedListEntities = managedList.GetComponent <ListEntitiesInPublish>();
                    publishedListEntities.LastPublishStart = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                    publishedListEntities.LastPublishCount = 0;
                    if (!incrementalBool)
                        publishedListEntities.LastRow = 0;
                        publishedListEntities.PublishIteration = 0;
                    var historyComponent = managedList.GetComponent <HistoryComponent>();
                    historyComponent.History.Add(new HistoryEntryModel {
                        Name = "StartPublish", EventMessage = $"Start Publish of List:{listName} ({listCount})"
                    var managedListPersistResult = await this._commerceCommander.PersistEntity(context.CommerceContext, managedList);

                    JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                        TypeNameHandling  = TypeNameHandling.All,
                        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
                        MaxDepth          = 100,
                        Formatting        = Formatting.Indented

                    while (publishedListEntities.LastRow < listCount)
                        var arg    = new FindEntitiesInListArgument(typeof(CommerceEntity), listFriendlyName, publishedListEntities.LastRow, 100);
                        var result = await this._commerceCommander.Pipeline <FindEntitiesInListPipeline>().Run(arg, context.CommerceContext.GetPipelineContextOptions());

                        foreach (var listEntity in result.List.Items)
                            var serializedEntity = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listEntity, serializerSettings);

                            listMembersSerialized.Append(serializedEntity + ",");




                        publishedListEntities.LastRow = publishedListEntities.LastRow + 100;

                    if (asPackBool)

                        var serializedPackContainer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(packContainer, serializerSettings);
                        var writePath = directoryPath + $"{context.CommerceContext.Environment.Name}-Pack-" + managedList.Id + $"_{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm")}.json";
                        if (incrementalBool)
                            writePath = directoryPath + $"{context.CommerceContext.Environment.Name}.{managedList.Name}-Pack-{publishedListEntities.PublishCycle.ToString("00#")}-{publishedListEntities.PublishIteration.ToString("00#")}-{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm")}.json";
                            writePath = directoryPath + $"{context.CommerceContext.Environment.Name}.{managedList.Name}-Pack-{publishedListEntities.PublishCycle.ToString("00#")}-000-{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm")}.json";
                        File.WriteAllText(writePath, serializedPackContainer);

                        this._commerceCommander.Command <GzipCommand>().Compress(context.CommerceContext, new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath));

                    historyComponent.History.Add(new HistoryEntryModel {
                        Name = "ListPublish", EventMessage = $"Published List:{listName} ({listCount})"

                    publishedListEntities.LastPublishEnd = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

                    await this._commerceCommander.PersistEntity(context.CommerceContext, managedList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                context.Logger.LogError($"Catalog.DoActionAddList.Exception: Message={ex.Message}");
