public HSV_colorscale(int Ht, int Wd, double H_OFFSETin, double H_BREADTHin, double S_OFFSETin, double S_BREADTHin, double V_OFFSETin, double V_BREADTHin, bool Discretize, int Stepsin) { H_OFFSET = H_OFFSETin; H_BREADTH = H_BREADTHin; S_OFFSET = S_OFFSETin; S_BREADTH = S_BREADTHin; V_OFFSET = V_OFFSETin; V_BREADTH = V_BREADTHin; Discretized = Discretize; Steps = Stepsin; PIC = new Bitmap(Wd, Ht); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(PIC); if (Discretized) { for (int y = 0; y < Ht; y++) { double loc = System.Math.Floor(Steps * (double)y / (double)Ht); Color c = PachTools.HsvColor((((loc / Steps) * System.Math.PI) * H_BREADTH) + H_OFFSET, (loc / Steps * S_BREADTH) + S_OFFSET, (loc / Steps * V_BREADTH) + V_OFFSET); g.DrawLine(new Pen(c, 1), 0, y, Ht, y); } } else { for (int y = 0; y < Ht; y++) { double loc = y / (double)Ht; Color c = PachTools.HsvColor(((loc * System.Math.PI) * H_BREADTH) + H_OFFSET, (loc * S_BREADTH) + S_OFFSET, (loc * V_BREADTH) + V_OFFSET); g.DrawLine(new Pen(c, 1), 0, y, Ht, y); } } g.Dispose(); }
private void Source_Aim_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex < 0 || Source_Aim.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } double azi, alt; PachTools.World_Angles(Direct_Data[Source_Aim.SelectedIndex].Src.Origin(), Utilities.PachTools.HPttoRPt(Recs[Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex]), true, out alt, out azi); Alt_Choice.Value = (decimal)alt; Azi_Choice.Value = (decimal)azi; }
private void Step_Forward() { t_lo = t * (double)Step_Select.Value; t_hi = t * (double)Step_Select.Value + (double)Integration_select.Value; if (t_hi > Map[0].CutOffTime) { t_lo = t = 0; t_hi = t + (double)Integration_select.Value; } this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { oct = PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text); }); this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Update_T(); }); Mesh Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_SPL_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_SPLMin, Current_SPLMax }, new double[] { t_hi, t_lo }, c_scale, oct, SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, ZeroAtDirect.Checked, false); if (WC == null) { return; } WC.Populate(Mesh_Map); ////////////////////////////// if (Folder_Status.Text != "") { string number; if (t < 100) { if (t < 10) { number = "00" + t.ToString(); } else { number = "0" + t.ToString(); } } else { number = t.ToString(); } this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("-ViewCaptureToFile " + Folder_Status.Text + "\\"[0] + "frame" + number + ".jpg Width=1280 Height=720 DrawGrid=No Enter", true); }); } ////////////////////////////// t++; Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Redraw(); }
private void CalculateSim_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FC = new ForCall(Forw_proc); Polygon_Scene Rm = PachTools.Get_Poly_Scene((double)Rel_Humidity.Value, (double)Air_Temp.Value, (double)Air_Pressure.Value, Atten_Method.SelectedIndex, EdgeFreq.Checked); if (!Rm.Complete) { return; } Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] Src = PachTools.GetSource(); Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] Rec = PachTools.GetReceivers().ToArray(); if (Src.Length < 1 || Rm == null) { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Model geometry not specified... Exiting calculation..."); } Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact Mic = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact(Rec); double fs = 137.8125 * Math.Pow(2, Selected_Extent.SelectedIndex); samplefrequency = fs; double df = 1d / ((double)CO_TIME.Value / 1000); Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact SD = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact(Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Sine_Pulse, df, 1, PachTools.GetSource()); FDTD = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD(Rm, ref SD, ref Mic, fs, (double)CO_TIME.Value); for (double f = df; f < fs; f += df) { FDTD.reset(f, Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Sine_Pulse); FDTD.RuntoCompletion(); Frequencies.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} Hz.", f), true); } Receiver_Choice.Text = "0"; result_signals = Mic.Recordings; }
/// <summary> /// Assigns a color based on the value's location in the color scale. /// </summary> /// <param name="Value">the value</param> /// <param name="VMin">scale min</param> /// <param name="VMax">scale max</param> /// <returns></returns> public override Color GetValue(double Value, double VMin, double VMax) { Color c; if (Discretized) { if (Value < VMin) { c = PachTools.HsvColor(H_BREADTH * System.Math.PI + H_OFFSET, S_BREADTH + S_OFFSET, V_OFFSET + V_BREADTH); } else if (Value > VMax) { c = PachTools.HsvColor(H_OFFSET, S_OFFSET, V_OFFSET); } else { double loc = System.Math.Floor(Steps * (1 - (Value - VMin) / (VMax - VMin))); c = PachTools.HsvColor((loc / Steps * System.Math.PI) * H_BREADTH + H_OFFSET, loc * S_BREADTH + S_OFFSET, loc * V_BREADTH + V_OFFSET); } } else { if (Value < VMin) { c = PachTools.HsvColor(H_BREADTH * System.Math.PI + H_OFFSET, S_BREADTH + S_OFFSET, V_OFFSET + V_BREADTH); } else if (Value > VMax) { c = PachTools.HsvColor(H_OFFSET, S_OFFSET, V_OFFSET); } else { double loc = (1 - (Value - VMin) / (VMax - VMin)); c = PachTools.HsvColor((loc * System.Math.PI) * H_BREADTH + H_OFFSET, loc * S_BREADTH + S_OFFSET, loc * V_BREADTH + V_OFFSET); } } return(c); }
public void Plot_PTB_Results() { if (Direct_Data == null && IS_Data == null && Receiver == null && Parameter_Choice.Text != "Sabine RT" && Parameter_Choice.Text != "Eyring RT") { return; } double[] Schroeder; string[] paramtype = new string [] { "T30/s", "EDT/s", "D/%", "C/dB", "TS/ms", "G/dB", "LF%", "LFC%", "IACC" };//LF/% LFC/% IACC string ReceiverLine = "Receiver{0};"; double[, , ,] ParamValues = new double[SourceList.Items.Count, Recs.Length, 8, paramtype.Length]; for (int s = 0; s < Direct_Data.Length; s++) { for (int r = 0; r < Recs.Length; r++) { ReceiverLine += r.ToString() + ";"; for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) { double[] ETC = AcousticalMath.ETCurve(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, (int)(CO_TIME.Value / 1000), SampleRate, oct, r, s, false); Schroeder = AcousticalMath.Schroeder_Integral(ETC); ParamValues[s, r, oct, 0] = AcousticalMath.T_X(Schroeder, 30, SampleRate); ParamValues[s, r, oct, 1] = AcousticalMath.EarlyDecayTime(Schroeder, SampleRate); ParamValues[s, r, oct, 2] = AcousticalMath.Definition(ETC, SampleRate, 0.05, Direct_Data[s].Min_Time(r), false); ParamValues[s, r, oct, 3] = AcousticalMath.Clarity(ETC, SampleRate, 0.08, Direct_Data[s].Min_Time(r), false); ParamValues[s, r, oct, 4] = AcousticalMath.Center_Time(ETC, SampleRate, Direct_Data[s].Min_Time(r)) * 1000; ParamValues[s, r, oct, 5] = AcousticalMath.Strength(ETC, Direct_Data[s].SWL[oct], false); double azi, alt; PachTools.World_Angles(Direct_Data[s].Src.Origin(), Utilities.PachTools.HPttoRPt(Recs[r]), true, out alt, out azi); double[][] Lateral_ETC = AcousticalMath.ETCurve_1d(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, oct, r, new System.Collections.Generic.List <int> { s }, false, alt, azi, true); ParamValues[s, r, oct, 6] = AcousticalMath.Lateral_Fraction(ETC, Lateral_ETC, SampleRate, Direct_Data[s].Min_Time(r), false); } } } System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog sf = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog(); sf.DefaultExt = ".txt"; sf.AddExtension = true; sf.Filter = "Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|" + "All Files|"; if (sf.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { try { System.IO.StreamWriter SW = new System.IO.StreamWriter(System.IO.File.Open(sf.FileName, System.IO.FileMode.Create)); SW.WriteLine("Pachyderm Acoustic Simulation Results"); SW.WriteLine("Saved {0}", System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); SW.WriteLine("Filename:{0}", Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Name); for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) { SW.WriteLine(string.Format(ReceiverLine, oct)); for (int param = 0; param < paramtype.Length; param++) { SW.Write(paramtype[param] + ";"); for (int i = 0; i < Direct_Data.Length; i++) { for (int q = 0; q < Recs.Length; q++) { SW.Write(ParamValues[i, q, oct, param].ToString() + ";"); } } SW.WriteLine(""); } } SW.Close(); } catch (System.Exception) { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("File is open, and cannot be written over."); return; } } }
public void Begin() { Random Rnd = new Random(); for (int q = 0; q < RayCount; q++) { Rhino.RhinoApp.SetCommandPrompt(string.Format("Finding Ray {0} of {1}", q, RayCount)); double SumLength = 0; Pachyderm_Acoustic.Environment.OctaveRay R = Source.Directions(q, 0, ref Rnd).SplitRay(5); double u = 0; double v = 0; int ChosenIndex = 0; Polyline Ray = new Polyline(); List <double> leg = new List <double> { 0 }; List <int> code = new List <int> { 0 }; List <Hare.Geometry.Point> Start; //List<int> IDs = new List<int>(); Ray.Add(PachTools.HPttoRPt(R.origin)); List <double> P = new List <double> { R.Intensity }; do { R.Ray_ID = Rnd.Next(); if (Room.shoot(R, out u, out v, out ChosenIndex, out Start, out leg, out code)) { double cos_theta; for (int i = 0; i < Start.Count; i++) { Ray.Add(PachTools.HPttoRPt(Start[i])); //IDs.Add(-1); R.Intensity *= Math.Pow(10, -.1 * Room.Attenuation(code[i])[5] * leg[i]); SumLength += leg[i]; } R.origin = Start[Start.Count - 1]; R.Surf_ID = ChosenIndex; bool trans = (Rnd.NextDouble() < Room.TransmissionValue[ChosenIndex][5]); Room.Absorb(ref R, out cos_theta, u, v); Room.Scatter_Simple(ref R, ref Rnd, cos_theta, u, v); if (trans) { R.direction *= -1; R.Intensity *= Room.TransmissionValue[ChosenIndex][5]; } else { R.Intensity *= (1 - Room.TransmissionValue[ChosenIndex][5]); } P.Add((double)R.Intensity); //if (Rnd.NextDouble() < Room.ScatteringValue[ChosenIndex].Coefficient(5)) //{ // Room.Scatter_Simple(ref R, ref Rnd); // //Utilities.PachTools.Ray_Acoustics.LambertianReflection_Stoch(ref R.direction, ref Rnd, Room.Normal(ChosenIndex, u, v)); // if (trans) // { // R.direction *= -1; // R.Intensity *= Room.TransmissionValue[ChosenIndex][5]; // } // else // { // R.Intensity *= Room.AbsorptionValue[ChosenIndex].Coefficient_A_Broad()[5]; // } //} //else //{ // if (!trans) // { // Utilities.PachTools.Ray_Acoustics.SpecularReflection(ref R.direction, ref Room, ref u, ref v, ref ChosenIndex); // R.Intensity *= Room.AbsorptionValue[ChosenIndex].Coefficient_A_Broad()[5]; // } // else // { // R.Intensity *= Room.TransmissionValue[ChosenIndex][5]; // } //} } else { //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddLine(PachTools.HPttoRPt(R.origin), PachTools.HPttoRPt(R.origin + R.direction)); break; } }while (SumLength < CutoffLength); //Poly_ID.Add(IDs); if (SumLength > CutoffLength) { Ray.Add(PachTools.HPttoRPt(R.origin)); } RayList.Add(Ray); Power.Add(P); } }
private void Calculate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Pach_GetModel_Command Model = new Pach_GetModel_Command(); Source[] Source; if (PachydermAc_PlugIn.Instance.Source(out Source) && !object.ReferenceEquals(FileLocation.SelectedPath, "")) { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Model geometry not specified... Exiting calculation..."); } ParticleRays[] RTParticles = new ParticleRays[Source.Length]; Calculate.Enabled = false; PachydermAc_PlugIn plugin = PachydermAc_PlugIn.Instance; Scene Sc; if (PachydermAc_PlugIn.Instance.Geometry_Spec() == 0) { Sc = PachTools.Get_NURBS_Scene(0, (double)Air_Temp.Value, 0, 0, false); } else { Sc = PachTools.Get_Poly_Scene(0, (double)Air_Temp.Value, 0, 0, false); } for (int i = 0; i < Source.Length; i++) { if (Source != null) { List <Point3d> L = new List <Point3d>(); List <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d> L_RC = new List <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d>(); for (int j = 0; j < Source.Length; j++) { L.Add(Source[j].Origin()); L_RC.Add(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(Source[j].Origin().X, Source[j].Origin().Y, Source[j].Origin().Z)); } if (plugin.Geometry_Spec() == 0) { Sc.partition(L_RC, 15); RTParticles[i] = new ParticleRays(Source[i], Sc, (int)RT_Count.Value, CutOffLength()); } else if (plugin.Geometry_Spec() == 1) { Sc.partition(L, 15); RTParticles[i] = new ParticleRays(Source[i], Sc, (int)RT_Count.Value, CutOffLength()); } RTParticles[i].Begin(); } else { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Model geometry not specified... Exiting calculation..."); } Pachyderm_Acoustic.Visualization.Phonon P; if (ParticleChoice.SelectedIndex == 0) { P = new Tetrahedron(); } else if (ParticleChoice.SelectedIndex == 1) { P = new Icosahedron(); } else { P = new Geodesic_sphere(); } RenderParticles(RTParticles, (double)(Frame_Rate.Value * Seconds.Value), P); Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Redraw(); } Calculate.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Writes a Pac1 file. [Useable by scripts and interface components alike.] /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The location of the final saved file...</param> /// <param name="Direct_Data">Array of Completed Direct Sound Simulations Required</param> /// <param name="IS_Data">Array of Completed Image Source Simulations. Enter null if opted out.</param> /// <param name="Receiver">Array of Completed Ray-Tracing Simulation Receivers. Enter null if opted out.</param> public static void Write_Pac1(string filename, Direct_Sound[] Direct_Data, ImageSourceData[] IS_Data = null, Environment.Receiver_Bank[] Receiver = null) { if (Direct_Data == null && IS_Data == null && IS_Data == null && Receiver != null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There is no simulated data to save."); return; } System.IO.BinaryWriter sw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(System.IO.File.Open(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Create)); //1. Date & Time sw.Write(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); //2. Library Version... if less than 1.1, assume only 1 source. sw.Write(PachTools.Version()); //3. Cut off Time (seconds) and SampleRate sw.Write((double)Receiver[0].CO_Time);//CO_TIME.Value); sw.Write(Receiver[0].SampleRate); //4.0 Source Count(int) Hare.Geometry.Point[] SRC = new Hare.Geometry.Point[Direct_Data.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Direct_Data.Length; i++) { SRC[i] = Direct_Data[i].Src_Origin; } sw.Write(SRC.Length); for (int i = 0; i < SRC.Length; i++) { //4.1 Source Location x (double) sw.Write(SRC[i].x); //4.2 Source Location y (double) sw.Write(SRC[i].y); //4.3 Source Location z (double) sw.Write(SRC[i].z); } //5. No of Receivers sw.Write(Receiver[0].Rec_List.Length); //6. Write the coordinates of each receiver point //6b. Write the environmental characteristics at each receiver point (Rho * C); V2.0 only... for (int q = 0; q < Receiver[0].Rec_List.Length; q++) { sw.Write(Receiver[0].Rec_List[q].Origin.x); sw.Write(Receiver[0].Rec_List[q].Origin.y); sw.Write(Receiver[0].Rec_List[q].Origin.z); sw.Write(Receiver[0].Rec_List[q].Rho_C); } for (int s = 0; s < SRC.Length; s++) { if (Direct_Data != null) { //7. Write Direct Sound Data Direct_Data[s].Write_Data(ref sw); } if (IS_Data[0] != null) { //8. Write Image Source Sound Data IS_Data[s].Write_Data(ref sw); } if (Receiver != null) { //9. Write Ray Traced Sound Data Receiver[s].Write_Data(ref sw); } } sw.Write("End"); sw.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Writes pachyderm mapping file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The location the new file is to be written to.</param> /// <param name="Rec_List">The list of receivers to be written.</param> public static void Write_pachm(string filename, PachMapReceiver[] Rec_List) { System.IO.BinaryWriter sw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(System.IO.File.Open(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Create)); //1. Write calculation type. (string) sw.Write(Rec_List[0].Data_Type()); Boolean Directional = Rec_List[0].Data_Type() == "Type;Map_Data"; //2. Write the number of samples in each histogram. (int) sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].SampleCT); //3. Write the sample rate. (int) sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].SampleRate); //4. Write the number of Receivers (int) int Rec_Ct = Rec_List[0].Rec_List.Length; sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_Ct); //4.5 Announce the Version sw.Write("Version"); sw.Write(PachTools.Version()); //5. Announce that the following data pertains to the form of the analysis mesh. (string) sw.Write("Mesh Information"); //6. Announce Mesh Vertices (string) sw.Write("Mesh Vertices"); //Write the number of vertices & faces (int) (int) sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertex_Count); sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Polygon_Count); for (int i = 0; i < Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertex_Count; i++) { //Write Vertex: (double) (double) (double) sw.Write(Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh[i].x); sw.Write(Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh[i].y); sw.Write(Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh[i].z); } //7. Announce Mesh Faces (string) sw.Write("Mesh Faces"); for (int i = 0; i < Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Polygon_Count; i++) { // Write mesh vertex indices: (int) (int) (int) (int) sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Polys[i].Points[0].index); sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Polys[i].Points[1].index); sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Polys[i].Points[2].index); if (Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Polys[i].VertextCT > 3) { sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Polys[i].Points[3].index); } else { sw.Write((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Polys[i].Points[2].index); } } //7.5: Announce the number of sources. //sw.Write("Sources"); sw.Write("SourceswLoc"); sw.Write(Rec_List.Length); //7.5a: Announce the Type of Source for (int i = 0; i < Rec_List.Length; i++) { /////////////////////// sw.Write(Rec_List[i].Src.x); sw.Write(Rec_List[i].Src.y); sw.Write(Rec_List[i].Src.z); /////////////////////// sw.Write(Rec_List[i].SrcType); sw.Write(Rec_List[i].delay_ms);//v. } //8. Announce that the following data pertains to the receiver histograms (string) sw.Write("Receiver Hit Data"); //8a. Announce whether or not data is linked to vertices rather than faces (bool) sw.Write(Rec_List[0].Rec_Vertex); for (int s = 0; s < Rec_List.Length; s++) { for (int i = 0; i < Rec_Ct; i++) { //Write Receiver Index (int) sw.Write((UInt32)i); //Write the direct sound arrival time. sw.Write((Rec_List[s].Rec_List[i] as PachMapReceiver.Map_Receiver).Direct_Time); //Write Impedance of Air sw.Write(Rec_List[0].Rec_List[i].Rho_C); for (int Octave = 0; Octave < 8; Octave++) { //Write Octave (int) sw.Write((UInt32)Octave); double[] Hist = Rec_List[s].Rec_List[i].GetEnergyHistogram(Octave); for (int e = 0; e < Rec_List[s].SampleCT; e++) { //Write each energy value in the histogram (double)... sw.Write(Hist[e]); //Write each directional value in the histogram (double) (double) (double); if (Directional) { Hare.Geometry.Vector DirPos = Rec_List[s].Directions_Pos(Octave, e, i); Hare.Geometry.Vector DirNeg = Rec_List[s].Directions_Neg(Octave, e, i); sw.Write(DirPos.x); sw.Write(DirPos.y); sw.Write(DirPos.z); sw.Write(DirNeg.x); sw.Write(DirNeg.y); sw.Write(DirNeg.z); } } } sw.Write("End_Receiver_Hits"); } } sw.Write("End_of_File"); sw.Close(); }
private void Calculate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { FC = new ForCall(Forw_proc); Polygon_Scene Rm = PachTools.Get_Poly_Scene((double)Rel_Humidity.Value, (double)Air_Temp.Value, (double)Air_Pressure.Value, Atten_Method.SelectedIndex, EdgeFreq.Checked); if (!Rm.Complete) { return; } if (P == null) { P = new WaveConduit(scale, new double[2] { (double)this.Param_Min.Value, (double)this.Param_Max.Value }); } Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] Src = PachTools.GetSource(); Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] Rec = PachTools.GetReceivers().ToArray(); if (Src.Length < 1 || Rm == null) { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Model geometry not specified... Exiting calculation..."); } Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type s_type = Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Dirac_Pulse; switch (SourceSelect.Text) { case "Dirac Pulse": s_type = Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Dirac_Pulse; break; case "Sine Wave": s_type = Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Sine_Tone; break; case "Sine Pulse": s_type = Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Sine_Pulse; break; } Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact SD = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact(s_type, (double)Frequency_Selection.Value, 1, PachTools.GetSource()); Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact Mic = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact(Rec); FDTD = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD(Rm, ref SD, ref Mic, (double)Freq_Max.Value, (double)CO_TIME.Value); M = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh[3][] { FDTD.m_templateX, FDTD.m_templateY, FDTD.m_templateZ }; P.SetColorScale(new Pach_Graphics.HSV_colorscale(Param_Scale.Height, Param_Scale.Width, 0, 4.0 / 3.0, 1, 0, 1, 1, false, 12), new double[] { (double)Param_Min.Value, (double)Param_Max.Value }); P.Enabled = true; if (AxisSelect.SelectedIndex == 0) { Pos_Select.Maximum = FDTD.xDim - 1; } else if (AxisSelect.SelectedIndex == 1) { Pos_Select.Maximum = FDTD.yDim - 1; } else if (AxisSelect.SelectedIndex == 2) { Pos_Select.Maximum = FDTD.zDim - 1; } if (Map_Planes.Items.Count == 0) { Pos_Select.Value = Pos_Select.Maximum / 2; AddPlane_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); } }
private void CalculateSim_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EigenFrequencies.Items.Clear(); Chosenfreq = 0; FC = new ForCall(Forw_proc); Polygon_Scene Rm = PachTools.Get_Poly_Scene((double)Rel_Humidity.Value, (double)Air_Temp.Value, (double)Air_Pressure.Value, Atten_Method.SelectedIndex, EdgeFreq.Checked); if (!Rm.Complete) { return; } Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] Src = PachTools.GetSource(); Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] Rec = PachTools.GetReceivers().ToArray(); if (Src.Length < 1 || Rm == null) { Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Model geometry not specified... Exiting calculation..."); } Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact Mic = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact(Rec); double fs = 62.5 * Utilities.Numerics.rt2 * Math.Pow(2, Selected_Extent.SelectedIndex); //samplefrequency = fs; Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact SD = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact(Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Sine_Pulse, 1000, 1, PachTools.GetSource()); FDTD = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD(Rm, ref SD, ref Mic, fs, (double)CO_TIME.Value); FDTD.RuntoCompletion(); samplefrequency = FDTD.SampleFrequency; Mic.reset(); result_signals = Mic.Recordings[0]; //System.Numerics.Complex[] source_response = SD.Frequency_Response(result_signals[0].Length); //double f_limit = 0.8 * fs / samplefrequency * result_signals[0].Length; //double f_top = 1.3 * f_limit; //double dpi = Utilities.Numerics.PiX2 / (f_top - f_limit); //for (int c = 0; c < result_signals.Length; c++) //{ // System.Numerics.Complex[] result_response = Audio.Pach_SP.FFT_General(result_signals[c],0); // Array.Resize(ref result_response, result_response.Length / 2); // for (int s = 0; s < result_response.Length; s++) // { // System.Numerics.Complex mod = source_response[s].Magnitude; // if (s > f_limit) mod /= System.Numerics.Complex.Pow(source_response[s], (.5 * Math.Tanh((s-f_limit) * dpi) + 0.5)); // result_response[s] /= mod.Magnitude; // } // result_signals[c] = Audio.Pach_SP.IFFT_Real_General(Audio.Pach_SP.Mirror_Spectrum(result_response), 0); //} //Find Eigenfrequencies if (EigenFrequencies.Items.Count > 0) { return; } EigenFrequencies.Items.Clear(); Find_EigenFrequencies(); Receiver_Choice.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < result_signals.Length; i++) { Receiver_Choice.Items.Add(i); } Time = new double[result_signals[0].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Time.Length; i++) { Time[i] = (double)i / samplefrequency; } Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex = 0; Receiver_Choice.Update(); }
private void Update_Graph(object sender, EventArgs e) { Analysis_View.GraphPane.CurveList.Clear(); int REC_ID = 0; try { REC_ID = int.Parse(Receiver_Choice.Text); int OCT_ID = PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Graph_Octave.Text); Analysis_View.GraphPane.Title.Text = "Logarithmic Energy Time Curve"; Analysis_View.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Time (seconds)"; Analysis_View.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Sound Pressure Level (dB)"; List <int> SrcIDs = new List <int>(); foreach (int i in SourceList.CheckedIndices) { SrcIDs.Add(i); } //List<double[]> Filter = new List<double[]>(); List <System.Drawing.Color> C = new List <System.Drawing.Color> { System.Drawing.Color.Red, System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed, System.Drawing.Color.Orange, System.Drawing.Color.DarkGoldenrod, System.Drawing.Color.Olive, System.Drawing.Color.Green, System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine, System.Drawing.Color.Azure, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, System.Drawing.Color.Indigo, System.Drawing.Color.Violet }; double[][] Temp; switch (DistributionType.Text) { case "Monaural": Response = new double[1][]; Response[0] = (AcousticalMath.PTCurve(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, REC_ID, SrcIDs, false)); break; case "First Order Ambisonics": Response = new double[4][]; Temp = AcousticalMath.PTCurve_Fig8_3Axis(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex, SelectedSources(), false, (double)Alt_Choice.Value, (double)Azi_Choice.Value, true); Response[0] = AcousticalMath.PTCurve(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, REC_ID, SrcIDs, false); Response[1] = Temp[0]; Response[2] = Temp[1]; Response[3] = Temp[2]; break; case "Second Order Ambisonics": Response = new double[9][]; Temp = AcousticalMath.PTCurve_Fig8_3Axis(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex, SelectedSources(), false, (double)Alt_Choice.Value, (double)Azi_Choice.Value, true); Response[0] = AcousticalMath.PTCurve(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, REC_ID, SrcIDs, false); Response[1] = Temp[0]; Response[2] = Temp[1]; Response[3] = Temp[2]; Temp = AcousticalMath.PTCurve_Ambisonics2(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex, SelectedSources(), false, (double)Alt_Choice.Value, (double)Azi_Choice.Value, true); Response[4] = Temp[0]; Response[5] = Temp[1]; Response[6] = Temp[2]; Response[7] = Temp[3]; Response[8] = Temp[4]; break; case "Third Order Ambisonics": Response = new double[16][]; Temp = AcousticalMath.PTCurve_Fig8_3Axis(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex, SelectedSources(), false, (double)Alt_Choice.Value, (double)Azi_Choice.Value, true); Response[0] = AcousticalMath.PTCurve(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, REC_ID, SrcIDs, false); Response[1] = Temp[0]; Response[2] = Temp[1]; Response[3] = Temp[2]; Temp = AcousticalMath.PTCurve_Ambisonics2(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex, SelectedSources(), false, (double)Alt_Choice.Value, (double)Azi_Choice.Value, true); Response[4] = Temp[0]; Response[5] = Temp[1]; Response[6] = Temp[2]; Response[7] = Temp[3]; Response[8] = Temp[4]; Temp = AcousticalMath.PTCurve_Ambisonics3(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex, SelectedSources(), false, (double)Alt_Choice.Value, (double)Azi_Choice.Value, true); Response[9] = Temp[0]; Response[10] = Temp[1]; Response[11] = Temp[2]; Response[12] = Temp[3]; Response[13] = Temp[4]; Response[14] = Temp[5]; Response[15] = Temp[6]; break; default: Response = new double[Channel_View.Items.Count][]; for (int i = 0; i < Channel_View.Items.Count; i++) { double alt = -(double)Alt_Choice.Value + 180 * Math.Asin((Channel_View.Items[i] as channel).V.z) / Math.PI; double azi = (double)Azi_Choice.Value + 180 * Math.Atan2((Channel_View.Items[i] as channel).V.y, (Channel_View.Items[i] as channel).V.x) / Math.PI; if (alt > 90) { alt -= 180; } if (alt < -90) { alt += 180; } if (azi > 360) { azi -= 360; } if (azi < 0) { azi += 360; } Response[i] = AcousticalMath.PTCurve_Directional(Direct_Data, IS_Data, Receiver, CutoffTime, SampleRate, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Graph_Octave.Text), REC_ID, SrcIDs, false, alt, azi, true); } break; } //Get the maximum value of the Direct Sound double DirectMagnitude = 0; foreach (int i in SourceList.CheckedIndices) { double[] E = Direct_Data[i].EnergyValue(OCT_ID, REC_ID); for (int j = 0; j < E.Length; j++) { double D = AcousticalMath.SPL_Intensity(E[j]); if (D > DirectMagnitude) { DirectMagnitude = D; } } } double[] time = new double[Response[0].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Response[0].Length; i++) { time[i] = (double)i / SampleRate - 1024f / SampleRate; } for (int i = 0; i < Response.Length; i++) { double[] filter = Audio.Pach_SP.FIR_Bandpass(Response[i], OCT_ID, SampleRate, 0); Analysis_View.GraphPane.AddCurve(String.Format("Channel {0}", i), time, AcousticalMath.SPL_Pressure_Signal(filter), C[i % 10], ZedGraph.SymbolType.None); } Analysis_View.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = time[time.Length - 1]; Analysis_View.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = time[0]; Analysis_View.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = DirectMagnitude + 15; Analysis_View.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = 0; //AuralisationConduit.Instance.set_direction(Receiver[0].Origin(Receiver_Choice.SelectedIndex), new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(Math.Cos((float)Azi_Choice.Value * Math.PI / 180.0f) * Math.Cos((float)Alt_Choice.Value * Math.PI / 180.0f), Math.Sin((float)Azi_Choice.Value * Math.PI / 180.0f) * Math.Cos((float)Alt_Choice.Value * Math.PI / 180.0f), Math.Sin((float)Alt_Choice.Value * Math.PI / 180.0f))); Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Redraw(); } catch { return; } Analysis_View.AxisChange(); Analysis_View.Invalidate(); Draw_Feedback(); }
private void Step_Backward() { t--; if (t < 0) { t = 0; } t_lo = t * (double)Step_Select.Value; t_hi = t * (double)Step_Select.Value + (double)Increment.Value; Min_Time_out.Text = t_lo.ToString(); Max_Time_out.Text = t_hi.ToString(); Mesh Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_SPL_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_SPLMin, Current_SPLMax }, new double[] { t_hi, t_lo }, c_scale, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, ZeroAtDirect.Checked, false); TC(); Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Redraw(); }
public void Create_Map(bool PlotNumbers) { if (SelectedSources().Count == 0) { return; } Update_Scale(); Mesh Mesh_Map; switch (Parameter_Selection.Text) { case "Sound Pressure Level": if (Map != null) { Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_SPL_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_SPLMin, Current_SPLMax }, new double[] { (double)End_Time_Control.Value, (double)Start_Time_Control.Value }, c_scale, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, ZeroAtDirect.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Sound Pressure Level (A-weighted)": if (Map != null) { Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_SPLA_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_SPLAMin, Current_SPLAMax }, new double[] { (double)End_Time_Control.Value, (double)Start_Time_Control.Value }, c_scale, SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Directionality": if (Map != null) { PachMapReceiver.Get_Directional_Map(Map, new double[] { (double)End_Time_Control.Value, (double)Start_Time_Control.Value }, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources()); } break; case "Early Decay Time (EDT)": if (Map != null) { Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_EDT_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_EDTMin, Current_EDTMax }, c_scale, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Reverberation Time (T-15)": if (Map != null) { Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_RT_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_RTMin, Current_RTMax }, c_scale, 15, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Reverberation Time (T-30)": if (Map != null) { Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_RT_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_RTMin, Current_RTMax }, c_scale, 30, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Speech Transmission Index - 2003": if (Map != null) { double[] Noise = new double[8]; string n = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Strings.GetValue("Noise"); if (n != "") { string[] ns = n.Split(","[0]); for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) { Noise[oct] = double.Parse(ns[oct]); } } else { Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("Pachyderm_BackgroundNoise", false); n = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Strings.GetValue("Noise"); string[] ns = n.Split(","[0]); for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) { Noise[oct] = double.Parse(ns[oct]); } } Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_STI_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_STI1Min, Current_STI1Max }, c_scale, Noise, SelectedSources(), 0, Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Speech Transmission Index - Male": if (Map != null) { double[] Noise = new double[8]; string n = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Strings.GetValue("Noise"); if (n != "") { string[] ns = n.Split(","[0]); for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) { Noise[oct] = double.Parse(ns[oct]); } } else { Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("Pachyderm_BackgroundNoise", false); n = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Strings.GetValue("Noise"); string[] ns = n.Split(","[0]); for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) { Noise[oct] = double.Parse(ns[oct]); } } Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_STI_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_STI2Min, Current_STI2Max }, c_scale, Noise, SelectedSources(), 1, Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Speech Transmission Index - Female": if (Map != null) { double[] Noise = new double[8]; string n = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Strings.GetValue("Noise"); if (n != "") { string[] ns = n.Split(","[0]); for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) { Noise[oct] = double.Parse(ns[oct]); } } else { Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("Pachyderm_BackgroundNoise", false); n = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Strings.GetValue("Noise"); string[] ns = n.Split(","[0]); for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) { Noise[oct] = double.Parse(ns[oct]); } } Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_STI_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_STI3Min, Current_STI3Max }, c_scale, Noise, SelectedSources(), 2, Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Clarity (C-80)": if (Map != null) { Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_Clarity_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_CMin, Current_CMax }, c_scale, 80, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Definition (D-50)": if (Map != null) { Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_Definition_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_DMin, Current_DMax }, c_scale, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources(), Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Strength/Loudness (G)": if (Map != null) { if (SelectedSources().Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("G values", "Important: G values are only valid for single sources. Select a single source, and plot the G-values again."); return; } int SrcID = SelectedSources()[0]; Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_G_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_GMin, Current_GMax }, c_scale, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), Source[SrcID].SWL(PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text)), SrcID, Coherent.Checked, PlotNumbers); //, G_Ref_Energy[PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text)] if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; case "Percent who perceive echoes (EK)": if (Map != null) { Mesh_Map = PachMapReceiver.Get_EchoCritPercent_Map(Map, new double[] { Current_EMin, Current_EMax }, c_scale, PachTools.OctaveStr2Int(Octave.Text), SelectedSources(), PlotNumbers); if (Mesh_Map != null) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddMesh(Mesh_Map); } } break; default: Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Whoops... Parameter selection invalid..."); break; } }
private void CalculateScattering_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Chosenfreq = 0; double radius = (double)ScatteringRadius.Value; double t = 4 * (radius + (double)Sample_Depth.Value) / C_Sound() * 1000; if (LabCenter == null) { return; } Polygon_Scene Rm = PachTools.Get_Poly_Scene((double)Rel_Humidity.Value, (double)Air_Temp.Value, (double)Air_Pressure.Value, Atten_Method.SelectedIndex, EdgeFreq.Checked); Empty_Scene Rm_Ctrl = new Empty_Scene((double)Air_Temp.Value, (double)Rel_Humidity.Value, (double)Air_Pressure.Value, Atten_Method.SelectedIndex, EdgeFreq.Checked, true, Rm.Min(), Rm.Max()); Rm_Ctrl.PointsInScene(new List <Hare.Geometry.Point> { Rm.Min(), Rm.Max() }); Rm_Ctrl.partition(); if (!Rm.Complete && Rm_Ctrl.Complete) { return; } Rhino.Geometry.Point3d ArrayCenter = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(LabCenter.X, LabCenter.Y, LabCenter.Z + (double)Sample_Depth.Value); Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] Src = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[1] { new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(LabCenter.X, LabCenter.Y, LabCenter.Z + radius + (double)Sample_Depth.Value) }; List <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d> Rec = new List <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d>(); for (int phi = 0; phi < 18; phi++) { for (int theta = 0; theta < 36; theta++) { double anglePhi = phi * Math.PI / 18; double angleTheta = theta * Utilities.Numerics.PiX2 / 36; Rec.Add(ArrayCenter + radius * new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(Math.Cos(angleTheta) * Math.Cos(anglePhi), Math.Sin(angleTheta) * Math.Cos(anglePhi), Math.Sin(anglePhi))); } } //for (int phi = 0; phi < 18; phi++) // { // double anglePhi = phi * Math.PI / 18; // Rec.Add(ArrayCenter + radius * new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(Math.Cos(anglePhi), 0, Math.Sin(anglePhi))); // } double fs = 62.5 * Utilities.Numerics.rt2 * Math.Pow(2, Scatter_Extent.SelectedIndex); Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact Mic = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact(Rec.ToArray()); Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact SD = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact(Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Sine_Pulse, fs, 1, Src); Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD FDTDS = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD(Rm, ref SD, ref Mic, fs, t, Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD.GridType.ScatteringLab, Utilities.PachTools.RPttoHPt(LabCenter), radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 1.2 + (double)Sample_Depth.Value); FDTDS.RuntoCompletion(); Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact Micf = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Microphone_Compact(Rec.ToArray()); Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact SDf = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact(Numeric.TimeDomain.Signal_Driver_Compact.Signal_Type.Sine_Pulse, fs, 1, Src); Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD FDTDF = new Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD(Rm_Ctrl, ref SDf, ref Micf, fs, t, Numeric.TimeDomain.Acoustic_Compact_FDTD.GridType.ScatteringLab, Utilities.PachTools.RPttoHPt(LabCenter) + new Hare.Geometry.Point(0, 0, (double)Sample_Depth.Value), radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 1.2 + (double)Sample_Depth.Value); FDTDF.RuntoCompletion(); samplefrequency = FDTDS.SampleFrequency; Mic.reset(); result_signals = Mic.Recordings[0]; Micf.reset(); result_signals = Micf.Recordings[0]; //Calculate Scattering Coefficients double[][] TimeS = Mic.Recordings[0]; double[][] TimeF = Micf.Recordings[0]; System.Numerics.Complex[][] FS = new System.Numerics.Complex[TimeS.Length][]; System.Numerics.Complex[][] FF = new System.Numerics.Complex[TimeS.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < TimeS.Length; i++) { FS[i] = Audio.Pach_SP.FFT_General(TimeS[i], 0); FF[i] = Audio.Pach_SP.FFT_General(TimeF[i], 0); } Scattering = new double[FS[0].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < FS[0].Length; i++) { System.Numerics.Complex sumFS2 = 0; System.Numerics.Complex sumFF2 = 0; System.Numerics.Complex sumFSFF = 0; for (int j = 0; j < FS.Length; j++) { sumFS2 += System.Numerics.Complex.Pow(FS[j][i].Magnitude, 2); sumFF2 += System.Numerics.Complex.Pow(FF[j][i].Magnitude, 2); sumFSFF += FS[j][i] * System.Numerics.Complex.Conjugate(FF[j][i]); //sumFS2 += System.Numerics.Complex.Pow(FS[j][i], 2); //sumFF2 += System.Numerics.Complex.Pow(FF[j][i], 2); //sumFSFF += FS[j][i] * System.Numerics.Complex.Conjugate(FF[j][i]); } System.Numerics.Complex sumReflected = sumFSFF / sumFF2; System.Numerics.Complex Ratio = sumFF2 / sumFS2; Scattering[i] = 1 - System.Numerics.Complex.Abs(sumReflected * sumReflected * Ratio); } Update_Scattering_Graph(null, null); }