public PacManRunner(IAgent agent1, IAgent agent2, PacManGameState gs, float speed) { this.agent1 = agent1; this.agent2 = agent2; = gs; this.speed = speed; }
public MovementIntent Act(PacManGameState gs, int playerNumber) { var movementActionValues = (MovementIntent[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(MovementIntent)); var actionIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, movementActionValues.Length); return((MovementIntent)movementActionValues.GetValue(actionIndex)); }
public Grid MakeMapDiscrete(PacManGameState gs) { Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.nodeRadius = 0.5f; grid.gridSizeX = gs.GetXSize(); grid.gridSizeZ = gs.GetZSize(); Node n = new Node(); for (int i = 0; i < grid.gridSizeX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid.gridSizeZ; j++) { bool walkable; if (gs.GetEtatCase()[i, j] == 1) { walkable = false; } else { walkable = true; } n.walkable = walkable; n.wordlPosition = new Vector2(i, j); grid.grid[i, j] = n; } } return(grid); }
public bool[] RunFrame() { var action1 = agent1.Act(gs, 1); var action2 = agent2.Act(gs, 2); bool[] frameResult = PacManGameState.Step(gs, action1, action2, speed); agent1.Obs((frameResult[0] ? 1F : 0F), frameResult[2]); agent1.Obs((frameResult[1] ? 1F : 0F), frameResult[2]); return(frameResult); }
private static void SearchContactWithGum(PacManGameState p) { if (Vector3.Distance(p.P1, p.GumBall) <= 0.5f * 1.9f) { p.GumActive = false; p.P1Killer = true; } else if (Vector3.Distance(p.P2, p.GumBall) <= 0.5f * 1.9f) { p.GumActive = false; p.P2Killer = true; } }
private static void SearchContactBetweenPlayer(PacManGameState p) { if (Vector3.Distance(p.P1, p.P2) <= 0.70f) { if (p.P1Killer) { p.GameEnd = true; p.P1Winner = true; } else if (p.P2Killer) { p.GameEnd = true; p.P2Winner = true; } } }
// Initialisation des agents, du runner et du GameState public void InitializeGame(int agent1, int agent2) { switch (agent1) { case 0: PlayerOne.GetComponent <HumanPlayerScript>().ControlType = 0; agentP1 = new HumanPlayerAgent(PlayerOne.GetComponent <HumanPlayerScript>()); break; case 1: PlayerOne.GetComponent <HumanPlayerScript>().ControlType = 1; agentP1 = new HumanPlayerAgent(PlayerOne.GetComponent <HumanPlayerScript>()); break; case 2: agentP1 = new RandomAgent(); break; case 3: agentP1 = new RandomRolloutAgent(RandomRNbIteration, x, z); break; } switch (agent2) { case 0: PlayerTwo.GetComponent <HumanPlayerScript>().ControlType = 0; agentP2 = new HumanPlayerAgent(PlayerTwo.GetComponent <HumanPlayerScript>()); break; case 1: PlayerTwo.GetComponent <HumanPlayerScript>().ControlType = 1; agentP2 = new HumanPlayerAgent(PlayerTwo.GetComponent <HumanPlayerScript>()); break; case 2: agentP2 = new RandomAgent(); break; case 3: agentP2 = new RandomRolloutAgent(RandomRNbIteration, x, z); break; } gs = new PacManGameState(x, z, PlayerOne.transform.position, PlayerTwo.transform.position, Obstacles, Doors); runner = new PacManRunner(agentP1, agentP2, gs, speed); InGame = true; GumBall.transform.position = gs.GetGumVector(); }
public MovementIntent Act(PacManGameState gs, int playerNumber) { int[,] grid; Grid g = MakeMapDiscrete(gs); var movementActionValues = (MovementIntent[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(MovementIntent)); PacManGameState gsCopy = new PacManGameState(gs); if (gsCopy.GetGumStatus()) { //Heuristique recompense quand il est au plus pres de la gum ball return((MovementIntent)movementActionValues.GetValue(1)); } else { //Si on est le joueur 1 if (playerNumber == 1) { //Heuristique recompence quand il est pres du joeur if (gs.GetP1Status()) { return((MovementIntent)movementActionValues.GetValue(1)); } //Heuristique recompence quand il est loin du joueur else { return((MovementIntent)movementActionValues.GetValue(1)); } } else { if (gs.GetP2Status()) { return((MovementIntent)movementActionValues.GetValue(1)); } else { return((MovementIntent)movementActionValues.GetValue(1)); } } } }
/** * Returns whether passed GameObject collides with a wall */ private static bool CollidesWithWalls(Vector3 player, PacManGameState p) { float borderLeft = player.x - 0.375f; float borderRight = player.x + 0.375f; float borderUp = player.z - 0.375f; float borderDown = player.z + 0.375f; if ((int)(borderLeft - .5) < 0 || (int)(borderRight + .5) >= p.XSize || (int)(borderUp - .5) < 0 || (int)(borderDown + .5) >= p.ZSize) { return(true); } // Works because we are axis aligned and player is not wider than walls return(p.EtatCase[(int)(borderLeft + .5), (int)(borderUp + .5)] == 1 || p.EtatCase[(int)(borderLeft + .5), (int)(borderDown + .5)] == 1 || p.EtatCase[(int)(borderRight + .5), (int)(borderUp + .5)] == 1 || p.EtatCase[(int)(borderRight + .5), (int)(borderDown + .5)] == 1); }
public MovementIntent Act(PacManGameState gs, int playerNumber) { int bestActionScore = 0; int j; MovementIntent bestAction = 0; foreach (var action in movementIntentValues) { int actionScore = 0; for (var i = 0; i < RolloutIterations; i++) { gsCopy.CopyGS(gs); var randActionIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, movementIntentValues.Length); MovementIntent randAction = (MovementIntent)movementIntentValues.GetValue(randActionIndex); var result = PacManGameState.Step(gsCopy, action, randAction, Speed); for (j = 0; !result[2] && j < ExplorationFrames; j++) // While not terminal state { randActionIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, movementIntentValues.Length); MovementIntent randAction1 = (MovementIntent)movementIntentValues.GetValue(randActionIndex); randActionIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, movementIntentValues.Length); MovementIntent randAction2 = (MovementIntent)movementIntentValues.GetValue(randActionIndex); result = PacManGameState.Step(gsCopy, randAction1, randAction2, Speed); } actionScore += result[playerNumber] ? 1 : 0; } if (actionScore > bestActionScore) { bestActionScore = actionScore; bestAction = action; } } return(bestAction); }
// Récupère Intent et Applique changement de position public static bool[] Step(PacManGameState p, MovementIntent action1, MovementIntent action2, float Speed) { if (p.P1Killer) { IntentManagement(action1, 0, Speed * 1.2f, p); IntentManagement(action2, 1, Speed, p); } else if (p.P2Killer) { IntentManagement(action1, 0, Speed, p); IntentManagement(action2, 1, Speed * 1.2f, p); } else { IntentManagement(action1, 0, Speed, p); IntentManagement(action2, 1, Speed, p); } SearchContactWithGum(p); SearchContactBetweenPlayer(p); return(new bool[3] { p.P1Winner, p.P2Winner, p.GameEnd }); }
// Methode Copie du GameState public void CopyGS(PacManGameState PMGS) { // Initialisation de Etat case for (int i = 0; i < PMGS.XSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < PMGS.ZSize; j++) { this.EtatCase[i, j] = PMGS.EtatCase[i, j]; } } this.XSize = PMGS.XSize; this.ZSize = PMGS.ZSize; this.P1 = PMGS.P1; this.P2 = PMGS.P2; this.P1Killer = PMGS.P1Killer; this.P2Killer = PMGS.P2Killer; this.GumActive = PMGS.GumActive; this.GumBall = PMGS.GumBall; this.P1Winner = PMGS.P1Winner; this.P2Winner = PMGS.P2Winner; this.GameEnd = PMGS.GameEnd; }
public RandomRolloutAgent(float explorationFrames, int xSize, int zSize) { this.ExplorationFrames = (int)explorationFrames; this.gsCopy = new PacManGameState(xSize, zSize); }
public MovementIntent Act(PacManGameState gs, int playerNumber) { return(script.Intent); }
// Setter mouvement private static void IntentManagement(MovementIntent Intent, int playerIndex, float Speed, PacManGameState p) { if ((Intent & MovementIntent.WantToMoveForward) != 0) { tryMovingInDirection(playerIndex, 0, Speed, p); } if ((Intent & MovementIntent.WantToMoveBackward) != 0) { tryMovingInDirection(playerIndex, 1, Speed, p); } if ((Intent & MovementIntent.WantToMoveLeft) != 0) { tryMovingInDirection(playerIndex, 3, Speed, p); } if ((Intent & MovementIntent.WantToMoveRight) != 0) { tryMovingInDirection(playerIndex, 2, Speed, p); } p.P1 = Portal(p.P1, 0.0f, (float)p.XSize - 1.0f, 0.0f, (float)p.ZSize - 1.0f); p.P2 = Portal(p.P2, 0.0f, (float)p.XSize - 1.0f, 0.0f, (float)p.ZSize - 1.0f); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) { InGame = !InGame; } if (!InGame) { return; } //Run a frame in the runner bool[] frameResult = runner.RunFrame(); gs = runner.GetState(); PlayerOne.transform.position = gs.GetP1Vector(); PlayerTwo.transform.position = gs.GetP2Vector(); // Test des booléen if (gs.GetGumStatus() == false) { Timetokill -= Time.deltaTime; if (gs.GetP1Status() && GumBall.activeInHierarchy) { GumBall.SetActive(false); Timetokill = TimeKiller; gs.SetPositionGumball(-100, -100, -100); GumBall.transform.position = gs.GetGumVector(); PlayerOne.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = MatKiller; } else if (gs.GetP2Status() && GumBall.activeInHierarchy) { GumBall.SetActive(false); Timetokill = TimeKiller; gs.SetPositionGumball(-100, -100, -100); GumBall.transform.position = gs.GetGumVector(); PlayerTwo.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = MatKiller; } } else { PlayerOne.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = MatOne; PlayerTwo.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = MatTwo; } if (gs.getP1Winner()) { InGame = false; WinOne.SetActive(true); LoseTwo.SetActive(true); EndMenu.SetActive(true); } else if (gs.getP2Winner()) { InGame = false; WinTwo.SetActive(true); LoseOne.SetActive(true); EndMenu.SetActive(true); } if (Timetokill <= 0) { Timetokill = 0.1f; gs.SetBoolP1(false); gs.SetBoolP2(false); gs.RandomizeGumball(); GumBall.transform.position = gs.GetGumVector(); gs.SetGumStatus(true); GumBall.SetActive(true); } if (frameResult[2])//if state is terminal { InGame = false; //TODO Affichage du joueur/agent gagnant et perdant } }
/** * Tries to move a player in a direction, cancelling movement on collision */ private static void tryMovingInDirection(int playerIndex, int direction, float Speed, PacManGameState p) { Vector3 newPosition = p.GetPositionForPlayer(playerIndex); newPosition += directions[direction] * Speed * Time.deltaTime; if (CollidesWithWalls(newPosition, p)) { return; } p.SetPositionForPlayer(playerIndex, newPosition); }