Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a DataTable from a PXModel instance. Joins the columns for series name if several.
        /// This overload includes conversion of data for a specific variable/value to negative numbers for usage with population chart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="px"></param>
        /// <param name="variableName">Variable for which data for a specific value is converted to negative numbers. If null, value can only be present for one variable.</param>
        /// <param name="valueTextOrValue">Value for which data is converted to negative numbers.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable AsDataTableCompressed(this PXModel px, string variableName, string valueTextOrValue)
            var dt = px.AsDataTable(true, false);

            if (valueTextOrValue != null)
                var columnsWithValue =
                    dt.Columns.OfType <DataColumn>()
                        column =>
                        dt.Rows.OfType <DataRow>()
                        .Select(row => row.Field <object>(column))
                        .Any(o => o is string && o.ToString() == valueTextOrValue)

                if (columnsWithValue.Count() != 1)
                        variableName == null
                                                        ? new PxExtendExceptions.ConvertToNegativeValuesException("Supplied value must be present for one variable og variable must be suplied.")
                                                        : new PxExtendExceptions.ConvertToNegativeValuesException("Supplied variable/value-combination must be present.");

                variableName = variableName ?? columnsWithValue.Single().ColumnName;

            var table = new DataTable();

                new DataColumn("Series"),
                new DataColumn("Label"),
                new DataColumn("DATA", typeof(double)),
                new DataColumn("CODES"),
                new DataColumn("TEXT")

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                double d;

                object data;

                if (Double.TryParse(row.ItemArray.Take(row.ItemArray.Length - 2).Last().ToString(), out d))
                    if (variableName == null)
                        data = d;
                        if (d < 0)
                            throw new PxExtendExceptions.ConvertToNegativeValuesException("Negative values not allowed, when conversion enabled.");

                        data =
                            row.Field <string>(variableName) == valueTextOrValue
                                                                ? d * -1
                                                                : d;
                    data = DBNull.Value;

                var r = table.NewRow();
                r[0] = row.ItemArray.Length < 5 ? "Series 1" : String.Join(", ", row.ItemArray.Take(row.ItemArray.Length - 4).Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());
                r[1] = row.ItemArray.Length < 5 ? row.ItemArray.First() : row.ItemArray[row.ItemArray.Length - 4];
                r[2] = data;
                r[3] = row.ItemArray.Take(row.ItemArray.Length - 1).Last();
                r[4] = row.ItemArray.Last();


Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a DstChart from a PXModel instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="px">PXModel instance to create chart from.</param>
 public DstChart(PXModel px)
     : this(px, null)
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a DataTable from a PXModel instance. Joins the columns for series name if several.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="px"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable AsDataTableCompressed(this PXModel px)
     return(AsDataTableCompressed(px, null, null));
Exemple #4
        void updateImage()
#if !DEBUG
            Text = (!fileName.Equals(String.Empty) ? fileName + " - " : "") + "Test af PxChart BETA";

            chartSizeLabel.Text = "Str.: " + pxChart.Width + ", " + pxChart.Height;

            if (button2.Text == "Dst&Chart")
                    c =>
                    //c.PieLabelStyle = "Outside";

                    ((DstChart)c).PXMeta = px != null ? px.Meta : null;

                    //c.AllowDecimalInterval = false;
                    //c.MaleValueNameForPopulationPyramid = chartType.SelectedIndex == 34 ? "mænd" : null;
                    c.MaleValueNameForPopulationPyramid = chartType.SelectedIndex == 34 ? px.Meta.Variables.First(x => x.Values.Count == 2).Values.First().Value : null;
                    c.ChartTypes = chartTypes.Concat(new SeriesChartType[] { (SeriesChartType)chartType.SelectedIndex }).ToArray();
                    c.AutoMoveMostValuesVariableToX = autoPivot.Checked;
                    c.OverrideTitle = showTitle.Checked ? null : "";
                    c.HideLegend    = !showLegend.Checked;

                    //((DstChart)c).ColorCollectionsForChart =
                    //    new List<Color[]>()
                    //    {
                    //        new Color[] { Color.Bisque, Color.Beige, Color.Blue, Color.Brown }
                    //    };

                    if (showCopyright.Checked)
                        c.InfoText = "© Danmarks Statistik";

                        //if (px != null && px.Meta.Matrix != "")
                        //    c.InfoText += ", kilde: http://www.statistikbanken.dk/" + px.Meta.Matrix.ToLower();
                        c.InfoText = "";

                    //c.AutoMoveMostValuesVariableToX = false;
                    //c.HideLegend = false;
                    //c.LegendHeightInPixels = 40;

                    c.AdjustAxes = adjust.Checked;

                    //c.SortDataPoints = sort.Checked ? PxChart.SortType.Descending : PxChart.SortType.None;

                    c.SortDataPoints = (PxChart.SortType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PxChart.SortType), (listBox1.SelectedItem ?? "None").ToString());

                    //c.DecimalPlaces = 5;
                    //c.AllowDecimalInterval = false;

                        c.Font.Family      = new FontFamily("Arial");
                        c.Font.SizeRegular = 13;
                        //c.Font.SizeSmall = 23;
                    { }
                //if (adjust.Checked)
                //    dstChart.adjustAxes();
                //if (sort.Checked)
                //    dstChart.Sort();

                //dstChart.ChartAreas["Main"].AxisX.LabelStyle.Angle = 45;
                //dstChart.ChartAreas["Main"].AxisX.IsLabelAutoFit = false;

                //dstChart.ChartAreas.First().AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "{0:#,##0.##}";

                //dstChart.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasingStyles.All;
                //dstChart.Units = "Mio. kr.";
                //dstChart.ChartAreas.First().AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "N";
                //dstChart.ChartAreas.First().AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "N";
                //dstChart.ChartAreas.First().AxisX.IsLabelAutoFit = true;

            if (button2.Text == "Px&Chart")
                    c =>
                    //c.AllowDecimalInterval = false;
                    //c.MaleValueNameForPopulationPyramid = chartType.SelectedIndex == 34 ? "mænd" : null;
                    c.MaleValueNameForPopulationPyramid = chartType.SelectedIndex == 34 ? px.Meta.Variables.First(x => x.Values.Count == 2).Values.First().Value : null;
                    c.ChartTypes = chartTypes.Concat(new SeriesChartType[] { (SeriesChartType)chartType.SelectedIndex }).ToArray();
                    c.AutoMoveMostValuesVariableToX = autoPivot.Checked;
                    c.InfoText   = showCopyright.Checked ? "© Danmarks Statistik" : "";
                    c.AdjustAxes = adjust.Checked;
                    //c.SortDataPoints = sort.Checked ? PxChart.SortType.Descending : PxChart.SortType.None;
                    c.SortDataPoints = (PxChart.SortType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PxChart.SortType), (listBox1.SelectedItem ?? "None").ToString());
                //if (adjust.Checked)
                //    pxChart.adjustAxes();
                //if (sort.Checked)
                //    pxChart.Sort();

            if (button2.Text == "Ms&Chart")
                if (autoPivot.Checked)
                    px = px.PivotSpecificVariableToAloneInHead(px.MostValuesVariable().Name);
                foreach (Series s in msChart.Series)
                    s.ChartType = (SeriesChartType)chartType.SelectedIndex;

            dstChart.Visible = button2.Text == "Dst&Chart";
            pxChart.Visible  = button2.Text == "Px&Chart";
            msChart.Visible  = button2.Text == "Ms&Chart";


#if !DEBUG

        catch (Exception e)
            infoLabel.Text = fileName != null ? e.Message : "Åbn en px-fil for at vise en graf.\nKlik på Åbn-knappen (Alt + Å).";
Exemple #5
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");

            Width  -= infoLabel.Width - 584;
            Height -= infoLabel.Height - 324;

            CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("da-DK");

            ci.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator     = " ";
            ci.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ",";
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture    = ci;

            for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++)


            //dstChart.Font.Family = new FontFamily("Arial Narrow");

            string type = "Line";

            fileName = @"h:\118943.px";                      //Forkert akse
            fileName = @"h:\2012912131220111204936FOLK1.px"; //Meget lang under-overskrift
            //fileName = @"h:\pyramid10.px"; //Befolkningspyramide, 10-års-aldersgrupper
            //fileName = @"h:\pyramid5.px"; //Befolkningspyramide, 5-års-aldersgrupper
            //fileName = @"h:\pyramid1.px"; //Befolkningspyramide, 1-års-aldersgrupper
            //fileName = @"h:\134509.px"; //tegnsæt
            //fileName = @"h:\152976.px"; //akser
            //fileName = @"h:\155160.px";
            fileName = @"h:\140203.px";                                           //Dobbelt enhed
            fileName = @"h:\126275.px"; type = "Bar";                             //for stort interval for bar
            fileName = @"h:\152976.px"; type = "Line";                            //Engelske tider
            fileName = @"h:\pyramid10test.px"; type = "Population";               //Befolkningspyramide, 10-års-aldersgrupper
            fileName = @"h:\146698.px"; type = "Line";                            //For meget luft i siderne
            fileName = @"h:\126275.px"; type = "Bar";
            fileName = @"h:\legendtime2.px"; type = "Column";                     //Skal beholde tid i underoverskrift
            fileName = @"h:\2012102152456111965792FOLK1.px"; type = "Population"; //Mange aldre
            fileName = @"h:\pyramid10test.px"; type = "Population";               //Befolkningspyramide, 10-års-aldersgrupper
            fileName = @"h:\134509.px"; type = "Bar";                             //PXModel læser forkert tegnsæt
            fileName = @"h:\146467.px"; type = "Pie";                             //Pie med uheldigt placerede tekster
            fileName = @"h:\162006.px"; type = "Pie";                             //Mangler legend
            fileName = @"h:\146751.px"; type = "Bar";                             //Tegnsæt-problemer
            fileName = @"h:\150729.px"; type = "Column";                          //Aksetitel skæres i visse højder
            fileName = @"h:\14679432589377428.px"; type = "Pie";                  //Kan ikke danne pie
            fileName = @"h:\10535235322713474.px"; type = "Pie";                  //Pie mangler akseenhed
            fileName = @"h:\11886255520046261.px"; type = "Bar";                  //Mangler en legend-tekst
            fileName = @"h:\legendtime.px"; type = "Column";                      //Skal have fjernet tid i underoverskrift
            fileName = @"h:\20121022135543112768999FOLK1.px"; type = "Column";    //Mange 1-værdi-variable
            fileName = @"h:\10535235322713474.px"; type = "Bar";                  //Meget lang akseenhed
            fileName = @"h:\14469936119071536.px"; type = "Line";                 //Meget lang værditekst
            fileName = @"h:\15058160770215484.px"; type = "Pie";                  //Lang værditekst
            //fileName = @"h:\2012102317022112833663FOLK1.px"; type = "Column";
            fileName = @"h:\8966747670373370.px"; type = "Line";                  //Viser for stort dataområde
            fileName = @"h:\010_khi_tau_101_en.px"; type = "Line";                //Tid opdelt i to variable (Baumgartner)
            fileName = @"h:\16386346604344427.px"; type = "Column";               //Ikke plads til akse-labels
            fileName = @"h:\2012125143921114954423FOLK1.px"; type = "Column";     //Test af variabel på X
            fileName = @"h:\2012126133738114999498UHV1.px"; type = "Line";        //Test af variabel på x
            fileName = @"h:\16329652362087594.px"; type = "Line";                 //Labels afkortes i bredder ml. ca. 577 og 596.
            fileName = @"h:\15597160537048749.px"; type = "Line";
            fileName = @"h:\pyramid5.px"; type = "Population";                    //Befolkningspyramide, 5-års-aldersgrupper
            fileName = @"h:\167653.px"; type = "Column";

            //Hele vises uden halve, hvis halve findes.
            //Y-akse 2 har kun top og bund værdi

            px = PxExtend.CreatePxModel(fileName);

            px =
                    new FileInfo(fileName),
                    new Selection[]
                //new Selection("alder").AddValueCode("TOT")

            //DstChart testChart =
            //    new DstChart(
            //        px,
            //        c =>
            //        {
            //            c.Width = 563;
            //            c.Height = 337;
            //            c.AdjustAxes = true;
            //            c.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Bar;
            //            //c.MaleValueNameForPopulationPyramid = "mænd";
            //        }
            //    );

            //testChart.SaveImage(@"h:\test.png", ChartImageFormat.Png);
            //Process p = new Process() { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(@"h:\test.png") };

            //px = px.Eliminate("tid");

            //button2.Text = "Px&Chart";
            chartType.SelectedIndex = chartType.Items.IndexOf(type);
            editPanel.Enabled       = true;

            chartType.SelectedIndex = chartType.Items.IndexOf("Column");

        public void Serialize(PXModel model, Stream stream)
            //using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
            var     writer        = new StreamWriter(stream, new UTF8Encoding(false));
            var     tableResponse = new TableResponse();
            PXModel pivotedModel  = RearrangeValues(model);
            var     formatter     = new DataFormatter(pivotedModel);

            formatter.DecimalSeparator  = ".";
            formatter.ThousandSeparator = "";

            var lastUpdatedContentsVariable = new Value();

            if (model.Meta.ContentVariable != null && model.Meta.ContentVariable.Values.Count > 0)
                lastUpdatedContentsVariable = model.Meta.ContentVariable.Values.OrderByDescending(x => x.ContentInfo.LastUpdated).FirstOrDefault();
            // Add Metadata
            tableResponse.Metadata.Add(new TableResponseMetadata
                Infofile = pivotedModel.Meta.InfoFile,
                Source   = pivotedModel.Meta.Source,
                Label    = pivotedModel.Meta.Title,
                Updated  = model.Meta.ContentVariable != null && model.Meta.ContentVariable.Values.Count > 0 ? lastUpdatedContentsVariable.ContentInfo.LastUpdated.PxDateStringToDateTime().ToString() : model.Meta.CreationDate.PxDateStringToDateTime().ToString()

            // Add stub
            tableResponse.Columns.AddRange(pivotedModel.Meta.Stub.Select(s => new TableResponseColumn
                Code    = s.Code,
                Text    = s.Name,
                Type    = s.IsTime ? "t" : "d",
                Comment = s.HasNotes() ? s.Notes.GetAllNotes() : null

            if (pivotedModel.Meta.ContentVariable != null)
                // Add heading
                tableResponse.Columns.AddRange(pivotedModel.Meta.ContentVariable.Values.Select(val => new TableResponseColumn
                    Code    = val.Code,
                    Text    = val.Text,
                    Type    = "c",
                    Comment = val.HasNotes() ? val.Notes.GetAllNotes() : null
                tableResponse.Columns.Add(new TableResponseColumn
                    Code = pivotedModel.Meta.Contents,
                    Text = pivotedModel.Meta.Contents,
                    Type = "c"

            // Add comments
            foreach (var variable in pivotedModel.Meta.Stub)
                foreach (var value in variable.Values)
                    if (value.HasNotes())
                        tableResponse.Comments.Add(new TableResponseComment
                            Comment  = value.Notes.GetAllNotes(),
                            Value    = value.Code,
                            Variable = variable.Code

            int row = 0;

            Build(pivotedModel, formatter, 0, ref row, tableResponse, new List <string>());

            // Write to output stream
            // } End using
 public void Serialize(PXModel model, string path)
     Serialize(model, new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create));
 public override void Render(string format, SavedQuery query, PXModel model, bool safe)
     RenderToScreen(query, model, "", "Selection.aspx", safe);
Exemple #9
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            // Negotiate with the request limiter (if enabled)
            if (_requestLimiter != null)
                if (!_requestLimiter.ClientLimitOK(context.Request))
                    // Deny request
                    // see 409 - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
                    context.Response.AppendHeader("Retry-After", _requestLimiter.LimiterTimeSpan.ToString());
                    throw new HttpException(429, "429 - Too many requests in too short timeframe. Please try again later.");

            // Enable CORS and preflight requests for saved queries
            // Preflight requests should also be allowed in the API (SSDHandler).

            if (Settings.Current.Features.SavedQuery.EnableCORS)
                // Enable CORS (Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing)
                context.Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

                // Handle Preflight requests
                if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS")
                    context.Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET");

            string queryName;
            var    routeData = context.Items["RouteData"] as RouteData;

            if (routeData.Values["QueryName"] != null)
                queryName = ValidationManager.GetValue(routeData.Values["QueryName"].ToString());
                //No query supplied goto error page.
                //TODO just to shut the compiler up
                queryName = "";
                //TODO redirect
                throw new Exception("No query supplied");

            // ----- Handle changed output format -----
            _format = GetChangedOutputFormat(routeData);

            // ----- Handle changed language -----

            //Load saved query
            SavedQuery sq    = null;
            PXModel    model = null;
            bool       safe  = true;

                if (PCAxis.Query.SavedQueryManager.StorageType == PCAxis.Query.SavedQueryStorageType.File)
                    string path = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(@"~/App_Data/queries/");

                    if (!queryName.ToLower().EndsWith(".pxsq"))
                        queryName = queryName + ".pxsq";

                    string[] allfiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, queryName, SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                    if (allfiles.Length == 0)
                        throw new HttpException(404, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found ");

                    queryName = allfiles[0];

                //Check if the database is active.
                //It should not be possible to run a saved query if the database is not active
                sq = PCAxis.Query.SavedQueryManager.Current.Load(queryName);
                IEnumerable <string> db;
                TableSource          src = sq.Sources[0];

                if (src.Type.ToLower() == "cnmm")
                    db = PXWeb.Settings.Current.General.Databases.CnmmDatabases;
                    db = PXWeb.Settings.Current.General.Databases.PxDatabases;
                bool activeDatabase = false;
                foreach (var item in db)
                    if (item.ToLower() == src.DatabaseId.ToLower())
                        activeDatabase = true;
                if (!activeDatabase)
                    throw new SystemException();

                //Validate that the user has the rights to access the table
                string tableName = QueryHelper.GetTableName(src);
                //if (!AuthorizationUtil.IsAuthorized(src.DatabaseId, null, src.Source))
                if (!AuthorizationUtil.IsAuthorized(src.DatabaseId, null, tableName)) //TODO: Should be dbid, menu and selection. Only works for SCB right now... (2018-11-14)
                    List <LinkManager.LinkItem> linkItems = new List <LinkManager.LinkItem>();
                    linkItems.Add(new LinkManager.LinkItem()
                        Key = PxUrl.LANGUAGE_KEY, Value = src.Language
                    linkItems.Add(new LinkManager.LinkItem()
                        Key = PxUrl.DB_KEY, Value = src.DatabaseId
                    linkItems.Add(new LinkManager.LinkItem()
                        Key = "msg", Value = "UnauthorizedTable"

                    string url = LinkManager.CreateLink("~/Menu.aspx", linkItems.ToArray());
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(url, false);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_format))
                    //Output format is not changed - use output format in the saved query
                    _format = sq.Output.Type;

                // "Pre-flight" request from MS Office application
                var userAgent = context.Request.Headers["User-Agent"];
                //if (userAgent.ToLower().Contains("ms-office") && sq.Output.Type == PxUrl.VIEW_TABLE_IDENTIFIER)
                if (userAgent != null && userAgent.ToLower().Contains("ms-office"))
                    context.Response.Write("<html><body>ms office return</body></html>");

                //We need to store to be able to run workflow due to variables are referenced with name and not ids
                _originaleSavedQuerylanguage = sq.Sources[0].Language;

                // Check from saved query output type is on screen. If so createCopy shall be true, else false
                bool createCopy = CreateCopyOfCachedPaxiom(_format);

                // Create cache key
                string cacheKey = "";
                if (_language != null)
                    cacheKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", queryName, _language);
                    cacheKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", queryName, _originaleSavedQuerylanguage);

                // Handle redirects to the selection page in a special way. The model object will only contain metadata and no data
                if (_format.Equals(PxUrl.PAGE_SELECT))
                    cacheKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", cacheKey, PxUrl.PAGE_SELECT);

                // Try to get model from cache
                model = PXWeb.Management.SavedQueryPaxiomCache.Current.Fetch(cacheKey, createCopy);
                PaxiomManager.QueryModel = PXWeb.Management.SavedQueryPaxiomCache.Current.FetchQueryModel(cacheKey, createCopy);

                if (model == null)
                    DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.Now;
                    // Model not found in cache - load it manually

                    model = LoadData(sq);

                    //Check if we need to change langauge to be able to run workflow due to variables are referenced with name and not ids
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_language) && _language != _originaleSavedQuerylanguage)

                    // No need to run workflow if we are redirecting to the selection page
                    if (!_format.Equals(PxUrl.PAGE_SELECT))
                        model = QueryHelper.RunWorkflow(sq, model);

                    //Set back to requested langauge after workflow operations
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_language) && _language != _originaleSavedQuerylanguage)
                        if (model.Meta.HasLanguage(_language))

                    // Store model in cache
                    PXWeb.Management.SavedQueryPaxiomCache.Current.Store(cacheKey, model, timeStamp);
                    PXWeb.Management.SavedQueryPaxiomCache.Current.StoreQueryModel(cacheKey, PaxiomManager.QueryModel, timeStamp);

                if (!sq.Safe)
                    safe = !CheckForUnsafeOperations(sq.Workflow);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if ((PCAxis.Query.SavedQueryManager.StorageType == PCAxis.Query.SavedQueryStorageType.File && System.IO.File.Exists(queryName)) ||
                    (PCAxis.Query.SavedQueryManager.StorageType == PCAxis.Query.SavedQueryStorageType.Database))

                throw new HttpException(404, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                //throw ex;

            sq.LoadedQueryName = queryName;

            // Tell the selection page that it sholud clear the PxModel
            if (_format.Equals(PxUrl.PAGE_SELECT))
                HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("SelectionClearPxModel", true);

            ViewSerializerCreator.GetSerializer(_format).Render(_format, sq, model, safe);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a DstChart from this PXModel instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="px"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DstChart AsDstChart(this PXModel px)
     return(px.AsDstChart(null, null, 0, 0));