public IEnumerable transactions() { if (!IsCartRequired) { return(null); } PXDelegateResult sorted = new PXDelegateResult { IsResultSorted = true, IsResultFiltered = true, IsResultTruncated = true }; var view = new PXView(Base, false, Base.transactions.View.BqlSelect); int startRow = PXView.StartRow; int totalRow = 0; var lines = view.Select( PXView.Currents, PXView.Parameters, PXView.Searches, PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings, PXView.Filters, ref startRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref totalRow) .OfType <INTran>() .Select(x => new { Line = x, IsInCart = (GetCartQty(x) ?? 0) > 0 }) .OrderByDescending(x => x.IsInCart) .Select(x => x.Line) .ToList(); sorted.AddRange(lines); return(sorted); }
public IEnumerable detailsView() { //var lastFinPeriod = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyyMM"); var filter = MasterViewFilter.Current?.FinPeriodID; if (filter == null) { filter = ((DateTime)Accessinfo.BusinessDate).AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyyMM"); } PXSelectBase <LCMValuation> command = new SelectFrom <LCMValuation> .View.ReadOnly(this); var result = new PXDelegateResult(); foreach (PXResult <LCMValuation> row in command.Select()) { if (((LCMValuation)row).FinPeriodID == filter) { result.Add(row); } } return(result); }
protected virtual IEnumerable viewHandler() { if (intView == null) { intView = CreateIntView(View.Graph); } int startRow = PXView.StartRow; int num = 0; PXDelegateResult pXDelegateResult = new PXDelegateResult(); foreach (object obj in intView.Select(null, null, PXView.Searches, PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings, PXView.Filters, ref startRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref num)) { var statu = PXResult.Unwrap <RowToSelect>(obj); var statu1 = statu; var statu2 = (Cache.Locate(statu) as RowToSelect); if (statu2 != null) { bool?value = (Cache.GetValue(statu2, Selected) as bool?); if (value.GetValueOrDefault() & value.HasValue) { Cache.RestoreCopy(statu2, statu); Cache.SetValue(statu2, Selected, true); statu1 = statu2; } } pXDelegateResult.Add(statu1); } PXView.StartRow = 0; if (PXView.ReverseOrder) { pXDelegateResult.Reverse(); } pXDelegateResult.IsResultSorted = true; return(pXDelegateResult); }
public PXDelegateResult CreateDelegateResult(bool restricted = true) { PXDelegateResult list = new PXDelegateResult(); if (this.MappedFilters.Any(_ => _.UseExt)) { restricted = false; } list.IsResultFiltered = restricted; list.IsResultSorted = restricted; list.IsResultTruncated = restricted; return(list); }
protected virtual IEnumerable result() { var filter = Filter.Current; if (!ValidateFilter(filter)) { return(new LumDeadStockEnqResult[0]); } GetStartDates(filter, out DateTime? inStockSince, out DateTime? noSalesSince); PXSelectBase <INSiteStatus> command = CreateCommand(); var parameters = AddFilters(filter, command, inStockSince, noSalesSince); var singleRow = GetRowByPrimaryKeys(command, filter, inStockSince, noSalesSince); if (singleRow != null) { return new LumDeadStockEnqResult[] { singleRow } } ; bool userSortsFilters = ValidateViewSortsFilters(); var result = new PXDelegateResult(); result.IsResultFiltered = !userSortsFilters; result.IsResultSorted = !userSortsFilters; int resultCounter = 0; foreach (PXResult <INSiteStatus> row in command.Select(parameters.ToArray())) { LumDeadStockEnqResult newResult = MakeResult(row, inStockSince, noSalesSince); if (newResult == null) { continue; } result.Add(new PXResult <LumDeadStockEnqResult, InventoryItem>(newResult, row.GetItem <InventoryItem>())); resultCounter++; if (!userSortsFilters && (PXView.StartRow + PXView.MaximumRows) <= resultCounter) { break; } } return(result); }
protected virtual IEnumerable Location() { var rows = SelectFrom <INLocation> . Where <INLocation.siteID.IsEqual <INSite.siteID.FromCurrent> > . OrderBy <INLocation.pathPriority.Asc, INLocation.locationCD.Asc> . View.Select(Base); var result = new PXDelegateResult { IsResultSorted = true }; result.AddRange(rows); return(result); }
protected virtual IEnumerable internalResultRecords() { InventoryTranHistEnqFilter filter = Filter.Current; bool summaryByDay = filter.SummaryByDay ?? false; bool includeUnreleased = filter.IncludeUnreleased ?? false; var resultList = new List <PXResult <InventoryTranHistEnqResult, INTran, INTranSplit> >(); if (filter.InventoryID == null) { PXDelegateResult emptyResult = new PXDelegateResult(); emptyResult.IsResultFiltered = true; emptyResult.IsResultSorted = true; emptyResult.IsResultTruncated = true; return(emptyResult); //empty } PXSelectBase <INTranSplit> cmd = new PXSelectReadonly2 <INTranSplit, InnerJoin <INTran, On <INTranSplit.FK.Tran>, InnerJoin <INSubItem, On <INTranSplit.FK.SubItem>, InnerJoin <INSite, On <INTran.FK.Site> > > >, Where <INTranSplit.inventoryID, Equal <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.inventoryID> >, And <Match <INSite, Current <AccessInfo.userName> > > >, OrderBy <Asc <INTranSplit.docType, Asc <INTranSplit.refNbr, Asc <INTranSplit.lineNbr, Asc <INTranSplit.splitLineNbr> > > > > >(this); PXSelectBase <INItemSiteHistByDay> cmdBegBalanceNew = new PXSelectReadonly2 <INItemSiteHistByDay, InnerJoin <INItemSiteHistDay, On <INItemSiteHistDay.inventoryID, Equal <INItemSiteHistByDay.inventoryID>, And <INItemSiteHistDay.siteID, Equal <INItemSiteHistByDay.siteID>, And <INItemSiteHistDay.subItemID, Equal <INItemSiteHistByDay.subItemID>, And <INItemSiteHistDay.locationID, Equal <INItemSiteHistByDay.locationID>, And <INItemSiteHistDay.sDate, Equal <INItemSiteHistByDay.lastActivityDate> > > > > >, InnerJoin <INSubItem, On <INSubItem.subItemID, Equal <INItemSiteHistByDay.subItemID> >, InnerJoin <INSite, On <INSite.siteID, Equal <INItemSiteHistByDay.siteID> > > > >, Where <INItemSiteHistByDay.inventoryID, Equal <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.inventoryID> >, And <, Equal <Required <> >, And <Match <INSite, Current <AccessInfo.userName> > > > > >(this); if (!SubCDUtils.IsSubCDEmpty(filter.SubItemCD) && PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.subItem>()) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <INSubItem.subItemCD, Like <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.subItemCDWildcard> > > >(); cmdBegBalanceNew.WhereAnd <Where <INSubItem.subItemCD, Like <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.subItemCDWildcard> > > >(); } if (filter.SiteID != null && PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.warehouse>()) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.siteID, Equal <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.siteID> > > >(); cmdBegBalanceNew.WhereAnd <Where <INItemSiteHistByDay.siteID, Equal <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.siteID> > > >(); } if ((filter.LocationID ?? -1) != -1 && PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.warehouseLocation>()) // there are cases when filter.LocationID = -1 { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.locationID, Equal <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.locationID> > > >(); cmdBegBalanceNew.WhereAnd <Where <INItemSiteHistByDay.locationID, Equal <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.locationID> > > >(); } if ((filter.LotSerialNbr ?? "") != "" && PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.lotSerialTracking>()) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.lotSerialNbr, Like <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.lotSerialNbrWildcard> > > >(); } if (!includeUnreleased) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.released, Equal <True> > >(); } decimal cumulativeQty = 0m; if (filter.StartDate != null) { foreach (PXResult <INItemSiteHistByDay, INItemSiteHistDay> res in cmdBegBalanceNew.Select(filter.StartDate)) { INItemSiteHistByDay byday = res; INItemSiteHistDay hist = res; cumulativeQty += ((byday.LastActivityDate != null && byday.Date != null && byday.Date.Value.Date == byday.LastActivityDate.Value.Date) ? hist.BegQty : hist.EndQty) ?? 0m; } if (includeUnreleased) { INSite site = INSite.PK.Find(this, filter.SiteID); int calendarOrganizationID = PXAccess.GetParentOrganizationID(site?.BranchID) ?? FinPeriod.organizationID.MasterValue; string TranPeriodID; DateTime?PeriodStartDate; try { TranPeriodID = FinPeriodRepository.GetPeriodIDFromDate(filter.StartDate, calendarOrganizationID); PeriodStartDate = FinPeriodRepository.PeriodStartDate(TranPeriodID, calendarOrganizationID); } catch (PXFinPeriodException) { TranPeriodID = null; PeriodStartDate = filter.StartDate; } PXSelectBase <OrganizationFinPeriod> periodCmd = new PXSelectGroupBy <OrganizationFinPeriod, Where <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID, LessEqual <Required <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID> >, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.iNClosed, Equal <False>, Or <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID, Equal <Required <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID> > > > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID> >, OrderBy <Asc <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID> > >(this); List <object> periodCmdParams = new List <object>() { TranPeriodID, TranPeriodID }; if (calendarOrganizationID != FinPeriod.organizationID.MasterValue) { periodCmd.WhereAnd <Where <OrganizationFinPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Required <OrganizationFinPeriod.organizationID> > > >(); periodCmdParams.Add(calendarOrganizationID); } OrganizationFinPeriod firstOpenOrCurrentClosedPeriod = periodCmd.SelectWindowed(0, 1, periodCmdParams.ToArray()); if (firstOpenOrCurrentClosedPeriod != null) { TranPeriodID = firstOpenOrCurrentClosedPeriod.FinPeriodID; PeriodStartDate = FinPeriodRepository.PeriodStartDate(firstOpenOrCurrentClosedPeriod.FinPeriodID, calendarOrganizationID); PXView v2 = new PXView(this, true, cmd.View.BqlSelect .WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.tranDate, GreaterEqual <Required <INTranSplit.tranDate> > > >() .WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.tranDate, Less <Required <INTranSplit.tranDate> > > >() .WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.released, Equal <False> > >() .AggregateNew <Aggregate < GroupBy <INTranSplit.inventoryID, GroupBy <INTranSplit.invtMult, Sum <INTranSplit.baseQty> > > > >()); int splitStartRow = 0; int splitTotalRows = 0; foreach (PXResult <INTranSplit> res in v2.Select(new object[0], new object[] { PeriodStartDate, filter.StartDate.Value }, new object[0], new string[0], new bool[0], new PXFilterRow[0], ref splitStartRow, 0, ref splitTotalRows)) { INTranSplit tsRec = res; cumulativeQty += (tsRec.InvtMult * tsRec.BaseQty) ?? 0m; } } } } if (filter.StartDate != null) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.tranDate, GreaterEqual <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.startDate> > > >(); } if (filter.EndDate != null) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <INTranSplit.tranDate, LessEqual <Current <InventoryTranHistEnqFilter.endDate> > > >(); } AlterSortsAndFilters(out string[] newSortColumns, out bool[] newDescendings, out bool sortsChanged, out PXFilterRow[] newFilters, out bool filtersChanged); //if user clicks last, sorts will be inverted //as it is not possible to calculate beginning balance from the end //we will select without top from the start and then apply reverse order and select top n records //for next page we will ommit startrow to set beginning balance correctly //top (n, m) will be set in the outer search results since we do not reset PXView.StartRow to 0 //Also, user can set a filter or sort by a column from result DAC (sortsChanged = true, filtersChanged = true) and need to get full result set. int startRow = 0; bool allowSelectWithTop = !sortsChanged && !filtersChanged && !PXView.ReverseOrder; int maximumRows = allowSelectWithTop ? PXView.StartRow + PXView.MaximumRows : 0; int totalRows = 0; PXView selectView = !summaryByDay ? cmd.View : new PXView(this, true, cmd.View.BqlSelect .AggregateNew <Aggregate <GroupBy <INTranSplit.tranDate, Sum <INTranSplit.qtyIn, Sum <INTranSplit.qtyOut> > > > >()); List <object> intermediateResult = selectView.Select(PXView.Currents, new object[] { filter.StartDate }, new string[newSortColumns.Length], newSortColumns, newDescendings, newFilters, ref startRow, maximumRows, ref totalRows); int gridLineNbr = 0; foreach (PXResult <INTranSplit, INTran, INSubItem> it in intermediateResult) { INTranSplit ts_rec = (INTranSplit)it; INTran t_rec = (INTran)it; if (summaryByDay) { InventoryTranHistEnqResult item = new InventoryTranHistEnqResult(); item.BegQty = cumulativeQty; item.TranDate = ts_rec.TranDate; item.QtyIn = ts_rec.QtyIn; item.QtyOut = ts_rec.QtyOut; item.EndQty = item.BegQty + ts_rec.QtyIn - ts_rec.QtyOut; item.GridLineNbr = ++gridLineNbr; resultList.Add(new PXResult <InventoryTranHistEnqResult, INTran, INTranSplit>(item, null, null)); cumulativeQty += (ts_rec.QtyIn - ts_rec.QtyOut) ?? 0m; } else { InventoryTranHistEnqResult item = new InventoryTranHistEnqResult(); item.BegQty = cumulativeQty; item.TranDate = ts_rec.TranDate; item.QtyIn = ts_rec.QtyIn; item.QtyOut = ts_rec.QtyOut; item.EndQty = item.BegQty + ts_rec.QtyIn - ts_rec.QtyOut; item.DocType = ts_rec.DocType; item.RefNbr = ts_rec.RefNbr; item.LineNbr = ts_rec.LineNbr; item.SplitLineNbr = ts_rec.SplitLineNbr; item.GridLineNbr = ++gridLineNbr; decimal?unitcost; if (filter.ShowAdjUnitCost ?? false) { unitcost = ts_rec.TotalQty != null && ts_rec.TotalQty != 0m ? (ts_rec.TotalCost + ts_rec.AdditionalCost) / ts_rec.TotalQty : 0m; } else { unitcost = ts_rec.TotalQty != null && ts_rec.TotalQty != 0m ? ts_rec.TotalCost / ts_rec.TotalQty : 0m; } item.UnitCost = unitcost; resultList.Add(new PXResult <InventoryTranHistEnqResult, INTran, INTranSplit>(item, t_rec, ts_rec)); cumulativeQty += (ts_rec.InvtMult * ts_rec.BaseQty) ?? 0m; } } PXDelegateResult delegateResult = new PXDelegateResult(); delegateResult.IsResultFiltered = !filtersChanged; delegateResult.IsResultSorted = !sortsChanged; delegateResult.IsResultTruncated = totalRows > resultList.Count; if (!PXView.ReverseOrder) { delegateResult.AddRange(resultList); } else { var sortedList = PXView.Sort(resultList); delegateResult.AddRange(sortedList.Cast <PXResult <InventoryTranHistEnqResult, INTran, INTranSplit> >()); delegateResult.IsResultSorted = true; } return(delegateResult); }
protected virtual IEnumerable resultRecords() { InventoryTranHistEnqFilter filter = Filter.Current; bool summaryByDay = filter.SummaryByDay ?? false; bool includeUnreleased = filter.IncludeUnreleased ?? false; PXCache intranCache = this.Caches <INTran>(); PXCache intranSplitCache = this.Caches <INTranSplit>(); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <INTran.inventoryID>(intranCache, null, false); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <INTran.finPeriodID>(intranCache, null, false); //??? PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <INTran.tranPeriodID>(intranCache, null, false); //??? PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <INTran.tranType>(intranCache, null, !summaryByDay); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <InventoryTranHistEnqResult.refNbr>(ResultRecords.Cache, null, !summaryByDay); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <INTranSplit.subItemID>(intranSplitCache, null, !summaryByDay); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <INTran.siteID>(intranCache, null, !summaryByDay); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <INTranSplit.locationID>(intranSplitCache, null, !summaryByDay); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <INTranSplit.lotSerialNbr>(intranSplitCache, null, !summaryByDay); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible(Tran.Cache, null, !summaryByDay); int startRow = PXView.StartRow; int totalRows = 0; decimal?beginQty = null; if (PXView.MaximumRows == 1 && PXView.Searches != null && PXView.Searches.Length == 1) { InventoryTranHistEnqResult ither = new InventoryTranHistEnqResult(); ither.GridLineNbr = (int?)PXView.Searches[0]; ither = (InventoryTranHistEnqResult)ResultRecords.Cache.Locate(ither); if (ither != null && ither.TranDate != null) { PXDelegateResult oneRowResult = new PXDelegateResult(); oneRowResult.AddRange(new List <InventoryTranHistEnqResult>() { ither }); oneRowResult.IsResultFiltered = true; oneRowResult.IsResultSorted = true; oneRowResult.IsResultTruncated = true; return(oneRowResult); } } ResultRecords.Cache.Clear(); List <object> list = InternalResultRecords.View.Select(PXView.Currents, PXView.Parameters, new object[PXView.SortColumns.Length], PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings, PXView.Filters, ref startRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref totalRows); PXView.StartRow = 0; foreach (PXResult <InventoryTranHistEnqResult> item in list) { InventoryTranHistEnqResult it = (InventoryTranHistEnqResult)item; it.BegQty = beginQty = (beginQty ?? it.BegQty); decimal?QtyIn = it.QtyIn; decimal?QtyOut = it.QtyOut; beginQty += (QtyIn ?? 0m) - (QtyOut ?? 0m); it.EndQty = beginQty; ResultRecords.Cache.SetStatus(it, PXEntryStatus.Held); } PXDelegateResult delegateResult = new PXDelegateResult(); delegateResult.AddRange(list); delegateResult.IsResultFiltered = true; delegateResult.IsResultSorted = true; delegateResult.IsResultTruncated = totalRows > delegateResult.Count; return(delegateResult); }
public virtual IEnumerable Storages() { var result = new PXDelegateResult(); result.IsResultSorted = true; result.IsResultTruncated = Filter.Current.ExpandByLotSerialNbr == false; PXSelectBase <StoragePlaceStatus> byLocationSelect = new SelectFrom <StoragePlaceStatus> .Where < StoragePlaceFilter.siteID.FromCurrent.NoDefault.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatus.siteID> .And <StoragePlaceStatus.qty.IsGreater <Zero> > .And < Not <FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.wMSCartTracking> > .Or <StoragePlaceFilter.showLocations.FromCurrent.NoDefault.IsEqual <True> > .And <StoragePlaceStatus.isCart.IsEqual <False> > .Or <StoragePlaceFilter.showCarts.FromCurrent.NoDefault.IsEqual <True> > .And <StoragePlaceStatus.isCart.IsEqual <True> > > > .AggregateTo < GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatus.siteCD>, GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatus.storageCD>, GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatus.isCart>, GroupBy <>, GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatus.inventoryCD>, GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatus.subItemID>, Sum <StoragePlaceStatus.qty> > .OrderBy < StoragePlaceStatus.isCart.Asc, StoragePlaceStatus.siteCD.Asc, StoragePlaceStatus.storageCD.Desc,, StoragePlaceStatus.inventoryCD.Asc, StoragePlaceStatus.subItemID.Asc, StoragePlaceStatus.qty.Desc> .View(this); if (Filter.Current.StorageID != null) { byLocationSelect.WhereAnd <Where <StoragePlaceFilter.storageID.FromCurrent.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatus.storageID> > >(); } if (Filter.Current.InventoryID != null) { byLocationSelect.WhereAnd <Where <StoragePlaceFilter.inventoryID.FromCurrent.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatus.inventoryID> > >(); } if (Filter.Current.SubItemID != null) { byLocationSelect.WhereAnd <Where <StoragePlaceFilter.subItemID.FromCurrent.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatus.subItemID> > >(); } int startRow = PXView.StartRow; int totalRows = 0; var byLocation = Filter.Current.ExpandByLotSerialNbr == true ? byLocationSelect.SelectMain() : byLocationSelect.View.Select(PXView.Currents, PXView.Parameters, PXView.Searches, PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings, PXView.Filters, ref startRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref totalRows).RowCast <StoragePlaceStatus>().ToArray(); if (byLocation.Length > 0 && Filter.Current.ExpandByLotSerialNbr == true) { PXSelectBase <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded> byLotSerialSelect = new SelectFrom <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded> .Where < StoragePlaceFilter.siteID.FromCurrent.NoDefault.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.siteID> .And <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.qty.IsGreater <Zero> > > .AggregateTo < GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.siteCD>, GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.storageCD>, GroupBy <>, GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.inventoryCD>, GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.subItemID>, GroupBy <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.lotSerialNbr>, Sum <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.qty> > .OrderBy < StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.siteCD.Asc, StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.storageCD.Desc,, StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.inventoryCD.Asc, StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.subItemID.Asc, StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.lotSerialNbr.Asc, StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.qty.Desc> .View(this); if (Filter.Current.StorageID != null) { byLotSerialSelect.WhereAnd <Where <StoragePlaceFilter.storageID.FromCurrent.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.storageID> > >(); } if (Filter.Current.InventoryID != null) { byLotSerialSelect.WhereAnd <Where <StoragePlaceFilter.inventoryID.FromCurrent.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.inventoryID> > >(); } if (Filter.Current.SubItemID != null) { byLotSerialSelect.WhereAnd <Where <StoragePlaceFilter.subItemID.FromCurrent.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.subItemID> > >(); } if (Filter.Current.LotSerialNbr != null) { byLotSerialSelect.WhereAnd <Where <StoragePlaceFilter.lotSerialNbr.FromCurrent.IsEqual <StoragePlaceStatusExpanded.lotSerialNbr> > >(); } var byLotSerial = byLotSerialSelect .SelectMain() .Select( r => new StoragePlaceStatus { SplittedIcon = r.SplittedIcon, SiteID = r.SiteID, SiteCD = r.SiteCD, LocationID = r.LocationID, CartID = null, StorageID = r.StorageID, StorageCD = r.StorageCD, Descr = r.Descr, IsCart = false, Active = r.Active, InventoryID = r.InventoryID, InventoryCD = r.InventoryCD, SubItemID = r.SubItemID, LotSerialNbr = r.LotSerialNbr, ExpireDate = r.ExpireDate, Qty = r.Qty, BaseUnit = r.BaseUnit }) .ToArray(); if (byLotSerial.Length > 0) { int locationIdx = 1; int lotSerIdx = 0; StoragePlaceStatus current = byLocation[0]; result.Add(current); while (locationIdx < byLocation.Length || lotSerIdx < byLotSerial.Length) { if (locationIdx >= byLocation.Length || lotSerIdx < byLotSerial.Length && current.SiteID == byLotSerial[lotSerIdx].SiteID && current.StorageID == byLotSerial[lotSerIdx].StorageID && current.InventoryID == byLotSerial[lotSerIdx].InventoryID && current.SubItemID == byLotSerial[lotSerIdx].SubItemID) { result.Add(byLotSerial[lotSerIdx]); lotSerIdx++; } else { current = byLocation[locationIdx]; result.Add(current); locationIdx++; } } } else { result.AddRange(byLocation); } } else { result.AddRange(byLocation); } PXView.StartRow = 0; return(result); }