SetDeviceProperty() public méthode

public SetDeviceProperty ( PXCMCapture pty, float data ) : bool
pty PXCMCapture
data float
Résultat bool
Exemple #1
    void Start()
        if ((Options.mode & PXCUPipeline.Mode.VOICE_RECOGNITION) == 0)
            options.SetMessage("Instructions: Show one of your hands to the camera, " +
                               "and use \"closure + openness of Thumb Finger and Index Finger\" to create the KnifeRay to cut the fruits.\n\n" +
                               "GoldApple gives you 20 points, while other fruit gives 1 point.\n" +
                               "Accoring to the different angles of you KnifeRay, there are three Splashs." +
                               "Every object has a different color of splash.\n\n" +
                               "Challenge: Cutting the Fruit and Hamster with Gesture is a bit difficult.\n\n" +
                               "Tips: Don't cut the Hamster, it will cause you lose 1 life.");

        pp = new PXCUPipeline();
        if (!pp.Init(PXCUPipeline.Mode.VOICE_RECOGNITION))
            options.SetMessage("Failed to initialize PXCUPipeline for voice recognition");

        /* It's critical to set the volume for recognition because the camera is very sensitive */
        float[] volume = new float[1] {
        pp.SetDeviceProperty(PXCMCapture.Device.Property.PROPERTY_AUDIO_MIX_LEVEL, volume);

        stop   = false;
        line   = null;
        thread = new Thread(ThreadRoutine);
Exemple #2
    void Start()
        PV = gameObject.GetComponent<PerCVoice>();

        myPipe = new PXCUPipeline();

        commandsSet = myPipe.SetVoiceCommands(commands);
        if(!commandsSet)Debug.Log("Failed to set Commands! :'(");
        if(!myPipe.Init(myMode) || !commandsSet){
            Debug.LogError("Failed To initialize PipeLine OH NOES!");
            initiated = false;
        else {initiated = true; myPipe.SetDeviceProperty(audio_mix_prop,volume);}//must choose a volume that handles the environment, sensitive mic

        //default the bool arrays to false.
        numbers = new bool[10];
        options = new bool[commands.Length-10];
        for(int i = 0; i<numbers.Length;i++)numbers[i] = false;
        for(int j = 0; j<options.Length;j++)options[j] = false;

        keepLooping = true;//tell the thread not to stop
        dictated	= null;

        myThread = new Thread(ThreadFunc);//make thread handle
        myThread.Start();				  //let 'er rip!