public override void Process(PVLutResponse response) { try { GetInputParameters(response.Request, out int pickListNumber); List <PickItem> result = AgentsDBContext.Create().GetPickListItems(pickListNumber); result.ForEach(p => response.AddRecord(new List <string>() { 0.ToString(), string.Empty, p.Sku, p.Location, p.CheckDigits, p.QuantityToPick.ToString(), p.QuantityToPick.ToString(), //Quantity remaining. Field used only on the device. p.Description, p.QuantityPicked.HasValue ? p.QuantityPicked.Value.ToString() : 0.ToString(), //Field used only on the device. p.PickStatusCode.HasValue ? p.PickStatusCode.ToString() : string.Empty //Field used only on the device. })); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Records.Clear(); response.AddRecord(new List <string>() { 1.ToString(), ex.Message }); throw ex; } }
public override void Process(PVLutResponse response) { try { AgentsDBContext.Create().LogOff(response.Request.OperatorId); response.AddRecord(new List <string>() { 0.ToString(), string.Empty }); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Records.Clear(); response.AddRecord(new List <string>() { 1.ToString(), ex.Message }); throw ex; } }
public override void Process(PVLutResponse response) { try { GetInputParameters(response.Request, out string password); AgentsDBContext.Create().Login(response.Request.OperatorId, password); response.AddRecord(new List <string>() { 0.ToString(), string.Empty }); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Records.Clear(); response.AddRecord(new List <string>() { 1.ToString(), ex.Message }); throw ex; } }
public override void Process(PVLutResponse response) { try { PickList result = AgentsDBContext.Create().GetPickList(response.Request.OperatorId); response.AddRecord(new List <string>() { 0.ToString(), string.Empty, result.PickListNumber.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(result.Picked).ToString(), }); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Records.Clear(); response.AddRecord(new List <string>() { 1.ToString(), ex.Message }); throw ex; } }