Exemple #1
        private async void dgvPUI_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (listPUI.Count(x => x.Status == null) != 0)
                if (dgvPUI.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText == "Update Status")
                    status   = "PUI";
                    personID = int.Parse(dgvPUI.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString());

                    frmPUIstatus obj = new frmPUIstatus();

                if (dgvPUI.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText == "Delete")
                    personID = int.Parse(dgvPUI.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString());
                    DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to delete selected Person Under Invistigation?", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                    if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                        PUI pui = listPUI.SingleOrDefault(x => x.PersonID == personID);

                        await repository.DeletePUIAsync(personID);

                        await repository.DeletePersonAsync(personID);
                        await LoadPUI();
        public async Task <PUI> DeletePUIAsync(int id)
            PUI pui = await _db.PUIs.FindAsync(id);

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #3
    private void Init()
        stats = PlayerParameters.Instance;

        m_PInput = gameObject.AddComponent <PInput>();

        m_PMove = gameObject.AddComponent <PMove>();

        m_PCamera = gameObject.AddComponent <PCamera>();

        m_PShoot = gameObject.AddComponent <PShoot>();

        m_PUI = gameObject.AddComponent <PUI>();
        private async void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PUI pui = listPUI.SingleOrDefault(x => x.PersonID == frmViewPUI.personID);

            pui.Status           = cbPUIstatus.Text;
            pui.StatusUpdateDate = dtpDateUpdated.Value.Date;

            DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Updating the status of " + pui.Person.FirstName + " " + pui.Person.LastName + " to " + cbPUIstatus.Text + ".", "Confirmation!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);

            if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                await repository.UpdatePUIAsync(pui);

                MessageBox.Show("Status Updated...", "Success!");

                frmViewPUI list = (frmViewPUI)Application.OpenForms["frmListPUI"];
                await list.LoadPUI();

        public static ProjectDetailsDto MapToDetailsDto(ProjectDto dto)
            return(new ProjectDetailsDto
                Id = dto.Id,
                Active = dto.Active,
                Description = dto.Description,
                EndDate = dto.EndDate,
                IsAccepted = dto.IsAccepted,
                IsDone = dto.IsDone,
                IsFixedPrice = dto.IsFixedPrice,
                Price = dto.Price,
                ESTdriving = dto.ESTdriving,
                StartDate = dto.StartDate,
                Rowversion = dto.Rowversion,
                CustomerId = dto.CustomerId,
                Customer = dto.CustomerDto,

                ProjectDrivings = dto.ProjectDrivingDtos.GroupBy(PD => PD.UnitPrice)
                                  .Select(PD => new ProjectDrivingDto
                    Amount = PD.Sum(a => a.Amount),
                    EmployeeId = PD.First().EmployeeId,
                    Employee = PD.First().Employee,
                    ProjectId = PD.First().ProjectId,
                    UnitPrice = PD.First().UnitPrice

                TotalUsedDriving = dto.ProjectDrivingDtos.Sum(UI => UI.Amount * UI.UnitPrice),

                ProjectEmployees = dto.ProjectEmployeeDtos.GroupBy(PE => PE.Employee.Id)
                                   .Select(PE => new ProjectEmployeeDto
                    EstWorkingHours = PE.Sum(a => a.EstWorkingHours),
                    EmployeeID = PE.First().EmployeeID,
                    Employee = PE.First().Employee,
                    ProjectId = PE.First().ProjectId

                TotalAssignedHours = dto.ProjectEmployeeDtos.Sum(PE => (PE.Employee.Type.HourlyPrice + PE.Employee.Specialty.Bonus) * PE.EstWorkingHours),

                //working hours summed up by employee
                WorkingHours = dto.WorkingHoursDtos
                               .GroupBy(WH => WH.EmployeeId)
                               .Select(WH => new WorkingHoursDto
                    Amount = WH.Sum(a => a.Amount),
                    EmployeeId = WH.First().EmployeeId,
                    Employee = WH.First().Employee,
                    ProjectId = WH.First().ProjectId,
                    HourlyPrice = WH.First().Employee.Type.HourlyPrice + WH.First().Employee.Specialty.Bonus

                TotalUsedHours = dto.WorkingHoursDtos.Sum(WH => WH.Amount * WH.HourlyPrice),

                //assigned items summed up
                AssignedItems = dto.AssignedItemDtos.GroupBy(PAI => PAI.ItemID)
                                .Select(PAI => new ProjectAssignedItemDto
                    Amount = PAI.Sum(c => c.Amount),
                    Item = PAI.First().Item,
                    Price = PAI.First().Price,
                    ProjectId = PAI.First().ProjectId

                TotalAssignedItems = dto.AssignedItemDtos.Sum(UI => UI.Amount * UI.Price),

                //used items summed up
                UsedItems = dto.UsedItemsDtos.GroupBy(PUI => PUI.ItemID)
                            .Select(PUI => new ProjectUsedItemDto
                    Amount = PUI.Sum(c => c.Amount),
                    Item = PUI.First().Item,
                    Price = PUI.First().Price,
                    ProjectId = PUI.First().ProjectId
                TotalUsedItems = dto.UsedItemsDtos.Sum(UI => UI.Amount * UI.Price)
Exemple #6
        private async void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (AddValidated())
                    Person person = new Person();
                    btnSubmit.Enabled  = false;
                    person.FirstName   = txtFirstName.Text.Trim();
                    person.MiddleName  = txtMiddleName.Text.Trim();
                    person.LastName    = txtLastName.Text.Trim();
                    person.Age         = int.Parse(txtAge.Text);
                    person.Gender      = cbGender.Text;
                    person.CivilStatus = cbCivilStatus.Text;
                    person.Nationality = txtNationality.Text.Trim();
                    person.HouseNo     = txtHouseNo.Text.Trim();
                    person.Street      = txtStreet.Text.Trim();
                    person.BrgyID      = listBarangay.Where(x => x.BrgyName == cbBarangay.Text).Select(x => x.ID).SingleOrDefault();
                    person.Mobile      = txtMobile.Text.Trim();

                    await repository.AddPersonAsync(person);

                    if (lvSymptoms.CheckedItems.Count == 0)
                        string Places = "";
                        PUM    pum    = new PUM();
                        pum.Bus         = txtBus.Text;
                        pum.PersonID    = person.ID;
                        pum.DateArrived = dtpArrived.Value.Date;
                        pum.Time        = txtTime.Text.Trim();

                        for (int i = 0; i < lvPlaces.CheckedItems.Count; i++)
                            Places += lvPlaces.CheckedItems[i].SubItems[1].Text + " ";

                        pum.PlaceOfOrigin = Places;

                        await repository.AddPUMAsync(pum);

                        MessageBox.Show(person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName + " has been added to list of PUMs");
                        FindControls <TextBox>(this).Where(x => x.Text != string.Empty).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Clear());
                        FindControls <ComboBox>(this).Where(x => x.SelectedItem != null).ToList().ForEach(x => x.SelectedItem = null);
                        dtpArrived.Value = DateTime.Today;

                        await LoadPlaces();

                        string symptoms = "";
                        string Places   = "";
                        PUI    pui      = new PUI();
                        pui.PersonID    = person.ID;
                        pui.Bus         = txtBus.Text;
                        pui.DateArrived = dtpArrived.Value.Date;
                        pui.Time        = txtTime.Text.Trim();

                        for (int i = 0; i < lvSymptoms.CheckedItems.Count; i++)
                            symptoms += lvSymptoms.CheckedItems[i].SubItems[1].Text + " ";

                        for (int i = 0; i < lvPlaces.CheckedItems.Count; i++)
                            Places += lvPlaces.CheckedItems[i].SubItems[1].Text + " ";

                        pui.Symptoms      = symptoms;
                        pui.PlaceOfOrigin = Places;
                        pui.Onset         = dtpOnset.Value.Date;

                        await repository.AddPUIAsync(pui);

                        MessageBox.Show(person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName + " has been added to list of PUIs");
                        FindControls <TextBox>(this).Where(x => x.Text != string.Empty).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Clear());
                        FindControls <ComboBox>(this).Where(x => x.SelectedItem != null).ToList().ForEach(x => x.SelectedItem = null);
                        dtpArrived.Value = DateTime.Today;
                        await LoadPlaces();
                        await LoadSymptoms();
                catch (Exception ex)
                btnSubmit.Enabled = true;