// This function will parse a possible series of tags
	void Parse(string eS, PT_XMLHashtable eH) {
		eS = eS.Trim();
		while(eS.Length > 0) {
			eS = ParseTag(eS, eH);
			eS = eS.Trim();
Exemple #2
    public PT_XMLReader xmlr; // Just like Deck, this has an PT_XMLReader

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    // This function is called to read in the LayoutXML.xml file
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xmlr.Parse(xmlText); // The XML is parsed
        xml = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]; // And xml is set as a shortcut to the XML
        // Read in the multiplier, which sets card spacing
        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("y"));
        // Read in the slots
        SlotDef tSD;
        // slotsX is used as a shortcut to all the <slot>s
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml["slot"];
        for (int i=0; i<slotsX.Count; i++) {
            tSD = new SlotDef(); // Create a new SlotDef instance
            if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("type")) {
                // If this <slot> has a type attribute parse it
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
            } else {
                // If not, set its type to "slot"
                tSD.type = "slot";
            // Various attributes are parsed into numerical values
            tSD.x = float.Parse( slotsX[i].att("x") );
            tSD.y = float.Parse( slotsX[i].att("y") );
            tSD.pos = new Vector3( tSD.x*multiplier.x, tSD.y*multiplier.y, 0 );
            // Sorting Layers
            tSD.layerID = int.Parse( slotsX[i].att("layer") );
            // In this game, the Sorting Layers are named 1, 2, 3, ...through 10
            // This converts the number of the layerID into a text layerName
            tSD.layerName = tSD.layerID.ToString();
            // The layers are used to make sure that the correct cards are
            // on top of the others. In Unity 2D, all of our assets are
            // effectively at the same Z depth, so sorting layers are used
            // to differentiate between them.
            // pull additional attributes based on the type of each <slot>
            switch (tSD.type) {
            case "slot":
                // ignore slots that are just of the "slot" type
            case "drawpile":
                // The drawPile xstagger is read but not actually used in Bartok
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse( slotsX[i].att("xstagger") );
                drawPile = tSD;
            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;
            case "target":
                // The target card has a different layer from discardPile
                target = tSD;
            case "hand":
                // Information for each player's hand
                tSD.player = int.Parse( slotsX[i].att("player") );
                tSD.rot = float.Parse( slotsX[i].att("rot") );
                slotDefs.Add (tSD);
Exemple #3
    public PT_XMLReader xmlr; // Just like Deck, this has a PT_XMLReader

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    // This function is called to read in the LayoutXML.xml file
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xmlr.Parse(xmlText);      // The XML is parsed
        xml = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]; // And xml is set as a shortcut to the XML

        // Read in the multiplier, which sets card spacing
        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("y"));

        // Read in the slots
        SlotDef tSD;
        // slotsX is used as a shortcut to all the <slot>s
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml["slot"];

        for (int i=0; i<slotsX.Count; i++) {
            tSD = new SlotDef();  // Create a new SlotDef instance
            if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("type")) {
                // If this <slot> has a type attribute parse it
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
            } else {
                // If not, set its type to "slot"; it's a tableau card
                tSD.type = "slot";
            // Various attributes are parsed into numerical values
            tSD.x = float.Parse( slotsX[i].att("x") );
            tSD.y = float.Parse( slotsX[i].att("y") );
            tSD.layerID = int.Parse( slotsX[i].att("layer") );
            // This converts the number of the layerID into a text layerName
            tSD.layerName = sortingLayerNames[ tSD.layerID ];
            // The layers are used to make sure that the correct cards are
            //   on top of the others. In Unity 2D, all of our assets are
            //   effectively at the same Z depth, so the layer is used
            //   to differentiate between them.

            switch (tSD.type) {
                // pull additional attributes based on the type of this <slot>
            case "slot":
                tSD.faceUp = (slotsX[i].att("faceup") == "1");
                tSD.id = int.Parse( slotsX[i].att("id") );
                if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("hiddenby")) {
                    string[] hiding = slotsX[i].att("hiddenby").Split(',');
                    foreach( string s in hiding ) {
                        tSD.hiddenBy.Add ( int.Parse(s) );

            case "drawpile":
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse( slotsX[i].att("xstagger") );
                drawPile = tSD;
            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;
Exemple #4
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader ();
        xmlr.Parse (xmlText);
        xml = xmlr.xml ["xml"][0];

        multiplier.x = float.Parse (xml ["multiplier"] [0].att ("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse (xml ["multiplier"] [0].att ("y"));

        SlotDef tSD;
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml ["slot"];

        for (int i = 0; i < slotsX.Count; i++) {

            tSD = new SlotDef ();


                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");


                tSD.type = "slot";

            tSD.x = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("x"));
            tSD.y = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("y"));
            tSD.layerID = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("layer"));
            tSD.layerName = sortLayerNames[tSD.layerID];


            case "slot":
                tSD.faceUp = (slotsX[i].att ("faceup") == "1");
                tSD.id = int.Parse (slotsX[i].att ("id"));
                if(slotsX[i].HasAtt ("hiddenby")){

                    string[] hiding = slotsX[i].att ("hiddenby").Split (',');
                    foreach(string s in hiding){ tSD.hiddenBy.Add(int.Parse(s)); }

                slotDefs.Add (tSD);

            case "drawpile":
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse( slotsX[i].att ("xstagger") );
                drawPile = tSD;

            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;


    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader ();
        xmlr.Parse (xmlText);
        xml = xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0];

        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att ("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att ("y"));

        SlotDef tSD;
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml ["slot"];

        for (int i = 0; i < slotsX.Count; i++) {

            tSD = new SlotDef();
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
                tSD.type = "slot";

            tSD.x = float.Parse (slotsX[i].att("x"));
            tSD.y = float.Parse (slotsX[i].att("y"));

            tSD.pos = new Vector3 (tSD.x * multiplier.x, tSD.y * multiplier.y, 0);

            tSD.layerID = int.Parse ( slotsX[i].att ("layer"));
            tSD.layerName = tSD.layerID.ToString();


            case "slot":

            case "drawpile":
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("xstagger"));
                drawPile = tSD;

            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;

            case "target":
                target = tSD;

            case "hand":
                tSD.player = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att ("player"));
                tSD.rot = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att ("rot"));


Exemple #6
	static public Shot ParseShotXML(PT_XMLHashtable xHT)
		Shot sh = new Shot ();

		sh.position.x = float.Parse(xHT.att("x"));
		sh.position.y = float.Parse(xHT.att("y"));
		sh.position.z = float.Parse(xHT.att("z"));
		sh.rotation.x = float.Parse(xHT.att("qx"));
		sh.rotation.y = float.Parse(xHT.att("qy"));
		sh.rotation.z = float.Parse(xHT.att("qz"));
		sh.rotation.w = float.Parse(xHT.att("qw"));
		sh.target.x = float.Parse(xHT.att("tx"));
		sh.target.y = float.Parse(xHT.att("ty"));
		sh.target.z = float.Parse(xHT.att("tz"));

		return (sh);
 public void Add(PT_XMLHashtable eH)
 public void Parse(string eS)
     xmlText = eS;
     xml     = new PT_XMLHashtable();
     Parse(eS, xml);
Exemple #9
    // Build a room from an XML <room> entry
    public void BuildRoom(PT_XMLHashtable room)
        // Destroy any old Tiles
        foreach (Transform t in tileAnchor)           // Clear out old tiles
        // ^ You can iterate over a Transform to get its children

        // Move the Mage out of the way
        Mage.S.pos = Vector3.left * 1000;
        // ^ This keeps the Mage from accidentally triggering OnTriggerExit() on
        // a Portal. In my testing, I found that OnTriggerExit was being called
        // at strange times.
        Mage.S.ClearInput();         // Cancel any active mouse input and drags
        string rNumStr = room.att("num");

        // Get the texture names for the floors and walls from <room> attributes
        string floorTexStr = room.att("floor");
        string wallTexStr  = room.att("wall");

        // Split the room into rows of tiles based on carriage returns in the
        // Rooms.xml file
        string[] roomRows = room.text.Split('\n');
        // Trim tabs from the beginnings of lines. However, we're leaving spaces
        // and underscores to allow for non-rectangular rooms.
        for (int i = 0; i < roomRows.Length; i++)
            roomRows[i] = roomRows[i].Trim('\t');
        // Clear the tiles Array
        tiles = new Tile[100, 100];           // Arbitrary max room size is 100x100
        // Declare a number of local fields that we'll use later
        Tile          ti;
        string        type, rawType, tileTexStr;
        GameObject    go;
        int           height;
        float         maxY    = roomRows.Length - 1;
        List <Portal> portals = new List <Portal>();

        // These loops scan through each tile of each row of the room
        for (int y = 0; y < roomRows.Length; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < roomRows[y].Length; x++)
                // Set defaults
                height     = 0;
                tileTexStr = floorTexStr;
                // Get the character representing the tile
                type = rawType = roomRows[y][x].ToString();
                switch (rawType)
                case " ":                 // empty space
                case "_":                 // empty space
                    // Just skip over empty space

                case ".":                 // default floor
                    // Keep type="."

                case "|":                 // default wall
                    height = 1;

                    // Anything else will be interpreted as floor
                    type = ".";
                // Set the texture for floor or wall based on <room> attributes
                if (type == ".")
                    tileTexStr = floorTexStr;
                else if (type == "|")
                    tileTexStr = wallTexStr;
                // Instantiate a new TilePrefab
                go = Instantiate(tilePrefab) as GameObject;
                ti = go.GetComponent <Tile>();
                // Set the parent Transform to tileAnchor
                ti.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                // Set the position of the tile
                ti.pos      = new Vector3(x, maxY - y, 0);
                tiles[x, y] = ti;                // Add ti to the tiles 2D Array
                // Set the type, height, and texture of the Tile
                ti.type   = type;
                ti.height = height;
                ti.tex    = tileTexStr;
                // More to come here...

                // If the type is still rawType, continue to the next iteration
                if (rawType == type)

                // Check for specific entities in the room
                switch (rawType)          // 1
                case "X":                 // Starting position for the Mage
                    // Mage.S.pos = ti.pos; // Uses the Mage Singleton
                    if (firstRoom)
                        Mage.S.pos = ti.pos;                         // Uses the Mage Singleton
                        roomNumber = rNumStr;
                        // ^ Setting roomNumber now keeps any portals from
                        // moving the Mage to them in this first room.
                        firstRoom = false;


                case "0":                 // Numbers are room portals (up to F in hexadecimal)
                case "1":                 // This allows portals to be placed in the Rooms.xml file
                case "2":
                case "3":
                case "4":
                case "5":
                case "6":
                case "7":
                case "8":
                case "9":
                case "A":
                case "B":
                case "C":
                case "D":
                case "E":
                case "F":
                    // Instantiate a Portal
                    GameObject pGO = Instantiate(portalPrefab) as GameObject;
                    Portal     p   = pGO.GetComponent <Portal>();
                    p.pos = ti.pos;
                    p.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                    // ^ Attaching this to the tileAnchor means that the Portal
                    // will be Destroyed when a new room is built
                    p.toRoom = rawType;

                    // Try to see if there's an Enemy for that letter
                    Enemy en = EnemyFactory(rawType);
                    if (en == null)
                        break;                                 // If there's not one, break out
                    // Set up the new Enemy
                    en.pos = ti.pos;
                    // Make en a child of tileAnchor so it's deleted when the
                    // next room is loaded.
                    en.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                    en.typeString       = rawType;

                /// will be more

        // Position the Mage
        foreach (Portal p in portals)
            // If p.toRoom is the same as the room number the Mage just exited,
            // then the Mage should enter this room through this Portal
            // Alternatively, if firstRoom == true and there was no X in the
            // room (as a default Mage starting point), move the Mage to this
            // Portal as a backup measure (if, for instance, you want to just
            // load room number "5")
            if (p.toRoom == roomNumber || firstRoom)
                // ^ If there's an X in the room, firstRoom will be set to false
                // by the time the code gets here
                Mage.S.StopWalking();               // Stop any Mage movement
                Mage.S.pos = p.pos;                 // Move _Mage to this Portal location
                // _Mage maintains her facing from the previous room, so there
                // is no need to rotate her in order for her to enter this room
                // facing the right direction.
                p.justArrived = true;
                // ^ Tell the Portal that Mage has just arrived.
                firstRoom = false;
                // ^ Stops a 2nd Portal in this room from moving the Mage to it
        // Finally assign the roomNumber
        roomNumber = rNumStr;
Exemple #10
    public void BuildRoom(PT_XMLHashtable room)
        foreach (Transform t in tileAnchor)

        Mage.S.pos = Vector3.left * 1000;

        string rNumStr = room.att("num");

        string floorTexStr = room.att("floor");
        string wallTexStr  = room.att("wall");

        string[] roomRows = room.text.Split('\n');

        for (int i = 0; i < roomRows.Length; i++)
            roomRows[i] = roomRows[i].Trim('\t');

        tiles = new Tile[100, 100];

        Tile          ti;
        string        type, rawType, tileTexStr;
        GameObject    go;
        int           height;
        float         maxY    = roomRows.Length - 1;
        List <Portal> portals = new List <Portal>();

        for (int y = 0; y < roomRows.Length; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < roomRows[y].Length; x++)
                height     = 0;
                tileTexStr = floorTexStr;

                type = rawType = roomRows[y][x].ToString();
                switch (rawType)
                case " ":
                case "_":

                case ".":

                case "|":
                    height = 1;

                    type = ".";

                if (type == ".")
                    tileTexStr = floorTexStr;
                else if (type == "|")
                    tileTexStr = wallTexStr;

                go = Instantiate(tilePrefab) as GameObject;
                ti = go.GetComponent <Tile>();

                ti.transform.parent = tileAnchor;

                ti.pos      = new Vector3(x, maxY - y, 0);
                tiles[x, y] = ti;

                ti.type   = type;
                ti.height = height;
                ti.tex    = tileTexStr;

                if (rawType == type)

                switch (rawType)
                case "X":

                    if (firstRoom)
                        Mage.S.pos = ti.pos;
                        roomNumber = rNumStr;

                        firstRoom = false;

                case "0":
                case "1":
                case "2":
                case "3":
                case "4":
                case "5":
                case "6":
                case "7":
                case "8":
                case "9":
                case "A":
                case "B":
                case "C":
                case "D":
                case "E":
                case "F":

                    GameObject pGO = Instantiate(portalPrefab) as GameObject;
                    Portal     p   = pGO.GetComponent <Portal>();
                    p.pos = ti.pos;
                    p.transform.parent = tileAnchor;

                    p.toRoom = rawType;


                    Enemy en = EnemyFactory(rawType);
                    if (en == null)
                    en.pos = ti.pos;

                    en.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                    en.typeString       = rawType;

        foreach (Portal p in portals)
            if (p.toRoom == roomNumber || firstRoom)
                Mage.S.pos = p.pos;

                p.justArrived = true;

                firstRoom = false;

        roomNumber = rNumStr;
Exemple #11
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xml = xmlr.xml["xml"][0];

        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("x"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("y"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        SlotDef        tSD;
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml["slot"];

        for (int i = 0; i < slotsX.Count; i++)
            tSD = new SlotDef();
            if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("type"))
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
                tSD.type = "slot";
            tSD.x         = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("x"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tSD.y         = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("y"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tSD.pos       = new Vector3(tSD.x * multiplier.x, tSD.y * multiplier.y, 0);
            tSD.layerID   = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("layer"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tSD.layerName = tSD.layerID.ToString();

            switch (tSD.type)
            case "slot":

            case "drawpile":
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("xstagger"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                drawPile      = tSD;

            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;

            case "target":
                target = tSD;

            case "hand":
                tSD.player = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("player"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                tSD.rot    = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("rot"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Exemple #12
    string ParseTag(string eS, PT_XMLHashtable eH)
        int ndx = eS.IndexOf("<");
        int end, end1, end2, end3;

        if (ndx == -1)
            end3 = eS.IndexOf(">");
            if (end3 == -1)
                eS = eS.Trim();

                eH.text = eS;
        if (eS[ndx + 1] == '?')
            int    ndx2   = eS.IndexOf("?>");
            string header = eS.Substring(ndx, ndx2 - ndx + 2);
            eH.header = header;
            return(eS.Substring(ndx2 + 2));
        if (eS[ndx + 1] == '!')
            int    ndx2    = eS.IndexOf("-->");
            string comment = eS.Substring(ndx, ndx2 - ndx + 3);
            if (SHOW_COMMENTS)
                Debug.Log("XMl Comment: " + comment);
            return(eS.Substring(ndx2 + 3));

        end1 = eS.IndexOf(" ", ndx);
        end2 = eS.IndexOf("/", ndx);
        end3 = eS.IndexOf(">", ndx);
        if (end1 == -1)
            end1 = int.MaxValue;
        if (end2 == -1)
            end2 = int.MaxValue;
        if (end3 == -1)
            end3 = int.MaxValue;

        end = Mathf.Min(end1, end2, end3);
        string tag = eS.Substring(ndx + 1, end - ndx - 1);

        if (!eH.ContainsKey(tag))
            eH[tag] = new PT_XMLHashList();
        PT_XMLHashList  arrL     = eH[tag] as PT_XMLHashList;
        PT_XMLHashtable thisHash = new PT_XMLHashtable();


        string atts = "";

        if (end1 < end3)
                atts = eS.Substring(end1, end3 - end1);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
        string att, val;
        int    eqNdx, spNdx;

        while (atts.Length > 0)
            atts  = atts.Trim();
            eqNdx = atts.IndexOf("=");
            if (eqNdx == -1)
            att   = atts.Substring(0, eqNdx);
            spNdx = atts.IndexOf(" ", eqNdx);
            if (spNdx == -1)
                val = atts.Substring(eqNdx + 1);
                if (val[val.Length - 1] == '/')
                    val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1);
                atts = "";
                val  = atts.Substring(eqNdx + 1, spNdx - eqNdx - 2);
                atts = atts.Substring(spNdx);
            val = val.Trim('\"');
            thisHash.attSet(att, val);

        string subs           = "";
        string leftoverString = "";
        bool   singleLine     = (end2 == end3 - 1);

        if (!singleLine)
            int close = eS.IndexOf("</" + tag + ">");
            if (close == -1)
                Debug.Log("XMLReader ERROR: XML not well formed. Closing tag </" + tag + "> missing.");
            subs           = eS.Substring(end3 + 1, close - end3 - 1);
            leftoverString = eS.Substring(eS.IndexOf(">", close) + 1);
            leftoverString = eS.Substring(end3 + 1);

        subs = subs.Trim();
        if (subs.Length > 0)
            Parse(subs, thisHash);

        leftoverString = leftoverString.Trim();
Exemple #13
    // This function is called to read in the LayoutXML.xml file
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xmlr.Parse(xmlText);      // The XML is parsed
        xml = xmlr.xml["xml"][0];
        // And xml is set as a shortcut to the XML
        // Read in the multiplier, which sets card spacing
        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("y"));

        // Read in the slots

        SlotDef tSD;
        // slotsX is used as a shortcut to all the <slot>s
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml["slot"];

        for (int i = 0; i < slotsX.Count; i++)
            tSD = new SlotDef();
            // Create a new SlotDef instance
            if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("type"))
                // If this <slot> has a type attribute parse it
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
                // If not, set its type to "slot"; it's a card in the rows
                tSD.type = "slot";
            // Various attributes are parsed into numerical values
            tSD.x       = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("x"));
            tSD.y       = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("y"));
            tSD.layerID = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("layer"));
            // This converts the number of the layerID into a text layerName
            tSD.layerName = sortingLayerNames[tSD.layerID];
            switch (tSD.type)
            // pull additional attributes based on the type of this <slot>
            case "slot":
                tSD.faceUp = (slotsX[i].att("faceup") == "1");
                tSD.id     = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("id"));
                if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("hiddenby"))
                    string[] hiding = slotsX[i].att("hiddenby").Split(',');
                    foreach (string s in hiding)


            case "drawpile":
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("xstagger"));
                drawPile      = tSD;

            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xml          = xmlr.xml["xml"][0];
        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("y"));

        SlotDef tSD;

        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml["slot"];

        for (int i = 0; i < slotsX.Count; i++)
            tSD = new SlotDef();

            if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("type"))
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
                tSD.type = "slot";

            tSD.x         = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("x"));
            tSD.y         = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("y"));
            tSD.layerID   = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("layer"));
            tSD.layerName = sortingLayerNames[tSD.layerID];

            switch (tSD.type)
            // pull additional attributes based on the type of this <slot>

            case "slot":

                tSD.faceUp = (slotsX[i].att("faceup") == "1");

                tSD.id = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("id"));

                if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("hiddenby"))
                    string[] hiding = slotsX[i].att("hiddenby").Split(',');

                    foreach (string s in hiding)



            case "drawpile":

                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("xstagger"));

                drawPile = tSD;


            case "discardpile":

                discardPile = tSD;

Exemple #15
    // Bartok calls this method to read in the BartokLayoutXML.xml file
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xmlr.Parse(xmlText);      // The XML is parsed
        xml = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]; // And xml is set as a shortcut to the XML

        // Read in the multiplier, which sets card spacing
        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("y"));

        // Read in the slots
        SlotDef tSD;
        // slotsX is used as a shortcut to all the <slot>s
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml["slot"];

        for (int i = 0; i < slotsX.Count; i++)
            tSD = new SlotDef(); // Create a new SlotDef instance
            if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("type"))
                // If this <slot> has a type attribute parse it
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
                // If not, set its type to "slot"; it's a card in the rows
                tSD.type = "slot";

            // Various attributes are parsed into numerical values
            tSD.x   = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("x"));
            tSD.y   = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("y"));
            tSD.pos = new Vector3(tSD.x * multiplier.x, tSD.y * multiplier.y, 0);

            // Sorting Layers
            tSD.layerID   = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("layer"));
            tSD.layerName = tSD.layerID.ToString();

            // pull additional attributes based on the type of each <slot>
            switch (tSD.type)
            case "slot":
                // ignore slots that are just of the "slot" type

            case "drawpile":
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("xstagger"));
                drawPile      = tSD;

            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;

            case "target":
                target = tSD;

            case "hand":
                tSD.player = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("player"));
                tSD.rot    = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("rot"));
    public void BuildRoom(PT_XMLHashtable room)
        foreach (Transform t in tileAnchor)

        //Mage.S.pos = Vector3.left * 1000;
        GameObject.FindWithTag("Mage").transform.position = Vector3.left * 1000;

        string rNumStr = room.att("num");

        string floorTexStr = room.att("floor");
        string wallTexStr  = room.att("wall");

        string[] roomRows = room.text.Split('\n');

        for (int i = 0; i < roomRows.Length; i++)
            roomRows[i] = roomRows[i].Trim('\t');

        tiles = new Tile[100, 100];

        Tile          ti;
        string        type, rawType, tileTexStr;
        GameObject    go;
        int           height;
        float         maxY    = roomRows.Length - 1;
        List <Portal> portals = new List <Portal>();

        for (int y = 0; y < roomRows.Length; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < roomRows[y].Length; x++)
                height     = 0;
                tileTexStr = floorTexStr;

                type = rawType = roomRows[y][x].ToString();
                switch (rawType)
                case " ":           //跳过空格
                case "_":

                case ".":           //默认floor

                case "|":           //默认wall
                    height = 1;

                default:            //其他任何都作为floor
                    type = ".";

                if (type == ".")
                    tileTexStr = floorTexStr;
                else if (type == "|")
                    tileTexStr = wallTexStr;

                go = Instantiate(tilePrefab) as GameObject;
                ti = go.GetComponent <Tile>();

                ti.transform.parent = tileAnchor;

                ti.pos      = new Vector3(x, maxY - y, 0);
                tiles[x, y] = ti;

                ti.type   = type;
                ti.height = height;
                ti.tex    = tileTexStr;

                if (rawType == type)

                switch (rawType)
                case "X":
                    //出错代码:Mage.S.pos =  ti.pos;
                    //GameObject.FindWithTag("Mage").transform.position = ti.pos;
                    if (firstRoom)
                        //Mage.S.pos = ti.pos;
                        GameObject.FindWithTag("Mage").transform.position = ti.pos;
                        roomNumber = rNumStr;
                        firstRoom  = false;

                case "0":
                case "1":
                case "2":
                case "3":
                case "4":
                case "5":
                case "6":
                case "7":
                case "8":
                case "9":
                case "A":
                case "B":
                case "C":
                case "D":
                case "E":
                case "F":
                    GameObject pGo = Instantiate(portalPrefab) as GameObject;

                    Portal p = pGo.GetComponent <Portal>();
                    p.pos = ti.pos + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.3f);
                    p.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                    p.toRoom           = rawType;

                    Enemy en = EnemyFactory(rawType);
                    if (en == null)
                    en.pos = ti.pos;
                    en.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                    en.typeString       = rawType;

        foreach (Portal p in portals)
            if (p.toRoom == roomNumber || firstRoom)
                Mage.S.pos = p.pos;

                p.justArrived = true;

                firstRoom = false;
        roomNumber = rNumStr;
Exemple #17
    // -------------------------------------
    // -------------- METODOS --------------
    // -------------------------------------

     * carga el tablero definido en el xml pasado por paramtero
    public void readLayout(string xmlText)
        //Antes de hacer nada, reseteamos el tablero

        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xml = xmlr.xml["xml"][0];

        //1.- Definiciones de las dimensiones
        PT_XMLHashtable dimensions = xml["dimensions"][0];

        //1.1 - tablero
        this.size_x = int.Parse(dimensions ["board"][0].att("length_x"));
        this.size_z = int.Parse(dimensions ["board"][0].att("length_z"));
        this.scale  = float.Parse(dimensions ["board"][0].att("scale"));

        //1.2 - bloque
        this.blockSize       = float.Parse(dimensions ["block"][0].att("size"));
        this.blockSeparation = float.Parse(dimensions ["block"][0].att("separation"));

        //1.3 - cover
        this.coverSize = float.Parse(dimensions ["cover"][0].att("size"));

        //1.4 - robot
        this.robotHeight = float.Parse(dimensions ["robot"][0].att("height"));

        //2.- Celdas por defecto
        this.default_height = int.Parse(xml ["board"] [0].att("default_height"));
        this.initBoard(this.default_height, this.size_x, this.size_z);

        //3.- Definimos de las celdas
        PT_XMLHashList tileX = xml["board"][0]["tile"];

        for (int i = 0; i < tileX.Count; i++)
            int x, z;
            x = int.Parse(tileX[i].att("x"));
            z = int.Parse(tileX[i].att("z"));

            this.board_def[x, z].height = int.Parse(tileX[i].att("height"));

            string attr = (tileX[i].HasAtt("attr")) ? tileX[i].att("attr") : "none";
            switch (attr)
            case "goal":
                this.board_def[x, z].type = TileType.goal;

                this.board_def[x, z].type = TileType.normal;
            this.board_def[x, z].isOn = false;

            //leemos movimientos.
            string mvto_t = (tileX[i].HasAtt("mvto")) ? tileX[i].att("mvto") : "none";
            switch (mvto_t)
            case "h":
                this.board_def[x, z].typeMvto = tipoMovimiento.horizontal;
                this.board_def[x, z].nSteps   = int.Parse(tileX[i].att("nsteps"));
                this.board_def[x, z].createStates();

            case "v":
                this.board_def[x, z].typeMvto = tipoMovimiento.vertical;
                this.board_def[x, z].nSteps   = int.Parse(tileX[i].att("nsteps"));
                this.board_def[x, z].createStates();

            case "f":
                this.board_def[x, z].typeMvto = tipoMovimiento.frente;
                this.board_def[x, z].nSteps   = int.Parse(tileX[i].att("nsteps"));
                this.board_def[x, z].createStates();

            case "none":
                this.board_def[x, z].typeMvto = tipoMovimiento.none;

            //Cada celda ocupa su posicion original al comenzar el juego
            this.current_board[x, z] = new PairInt(x, z);

        //4.- Posicion inicial del robot.
        PT_XMLHashtable robot = xml["robot"][0]["position"][0];

        this.robotPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(robot.att("x")),
        robot = xml["robot"][0]["rotation"][0];
        this.robotRotation = new Vector3(float.Parse(robot.att("x")),

        //Transformamos la rotacion en el intervalo [0,360)
        while (this.robotRotation.y < 0)
            this.robotRotation.y += 360;
        while (this.robotRotation.y >= 360)
            this.robotRotation.y -= 360;
    public void BuildLevel(PT_XMLHashtable level)
        // Destroy any old Tiles
        foreach (Transform t in tileAnchor) { // Clear out old tiles
            // ^ You can iterate over a Transform to get its children
        string lNumStr = level.att("num");
        int x_start = int.Parse (level.att ("x_start"));
        int y_start = int.Parse (level.att ("y_start"));
        int x_goal = int.Parse (level.att ("x_goal"));
        int y_goal = int.Parse (level.att ("y_goal"));
        string[] levelRows = level.text.Split('\n');
        for (int i=0; i<levelRows.Length; i++) {
            levelRows[i] = levelRows[i].Trim('\t');
        // Clear the tiles Array
        tiles = new Tile[ 100, 100 , 10 ]; // Arbitrary max room size is 100x100x10
        // Declare a number of local fields that we'll use later
        Tile ti;
        string type;
        GameObject go;
        int height;
        int z_start = -1;
        int[,] map = new int[100,100];
        float maxY = levelRows.Length-1;
        // These loops scan through each tile of each row of the room
        for (int y=0; y<levelRows.Length; y++) {
            for (int x=0; x<levelRows[y].Length; x++) {
                // Set defaults
                height = 0;
                // Get the character representing the tile
                type = levelRows [y] [x].ToString ();
                switch (type) {
                case ".":
                case " ":
                case "_":
                case "0": // cualquiera de estas cosas se interpreta como hueco
                    height = 0;
                    map[x,y] = 0;
                default:// todo lo demas sera un numero que indica la altura
                    height = int.Parse(type);
                    map[x,y] = height;
                    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { // pintar un cubo por cada altura
                        if (y == y_goal && x == x_goal && h == height-1){ // coincide con las coordenadas objetivo
                            go = Instantiate (goalPrefab) as GameObject;
                        }else{ // casilla normal
                            go = Instantiate (tilePrefab) as GameObject;
                        ti = go.GetComponent<Tile> ();
                        // Set the parent Transform to tileAnchor
                        ti.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                        // Set the position of the tile
                        ti.pos = new Vector3 (x,h,y);
                        tiles [x, h, y] = ti; // Add ti to the tiles 2D Array
                        // Set the type, height, and texture of the Tile
                        ti.type = "baldosa";
                    if (y == y_start && x == x_start){
                        z_start = height;

        Game.S.setMap (map, x_goal, y_goal, x_start, y_start, z_start );
Exemple #19
 public void BuildRoom(PT_XMLHashtable room)
     // Destroy any old Tiles
     foreach (Transform t in tileAnchor)
     { // Clear out old tiles
       // ^ You can iterate over a Transform to get its children
     // Move the Mage out of the way
     Mage.S.pos = Vector3.left * 1000;
     // ^ This keeps the Mage from accidentally triggering OnTriggerExit() on
     // a Portal. In my testing, I found that OnTriggerExit was being called
     // at strange times.
     Mage.S.ClearInput(); // Cancel any active mouse input and drags
     string rNumStr = room.att("num");
     // Get the texture names for the floors and walls from <room> attributes
     string floorTexStr = room.att("floor");
     string wallTexStr = room.att("wall");
     // Split the room into rows of tiles based on carriage returns in the
     // Rooms.xml file
     string[] roomRows = room.text.Split('\n');
     // Trim tabs from the beginnings of lines. However, we're leaving spaces
     // and underscores to allow for non-rectangular rooms.
     for (int i = 0; i < roomRows.Length; i++)
         roomRows[i] = roomRows[i].Trim('\t');
     // Clear the tiles Array
     tiles = new Tile[100, 100]; // Arbitrary max room size is 100x100
                                 // Declare a number of local fields that we'll use later
     Tile ti;
     string type, rawType, tileTexStr;
     GameObject go;
     int height;
     float maxY = roomRows.Length - 1;
     List<Portal> portals = new List<Portal>();
     // These loops scan through each tile of each row of the room
     for (int y = 0; y < roomRows.Length; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < roomRows[y].Length; x++)
             // Set defaults
             height = 0;
             tileTexStr = floorTexStr;
             // Get the character representing the tile
             type = rawType = roomRows[y][x].ToString();
             switch (rawType)
                 case " ": // empty space
                 case "_": // empty space
                           // Just skip over empty space
                 case ".": // default floor
                           // Keep type="."
                 case "|": // default wall
                     height = 1;
                     // Anything else will be interpreted as floor
                     type = ".";
             // Set the texture for floor or wall based on <room> attributes
             if (type == ".")
                 tileTexStr = floorTexStr;
             else if (type == "|")
                 tileTexStr = wallTexStr;
             // Instantiate a new TilePrefab
             go = Instantiate(tilePrefab) as GameObject;
             ti = go.GetComponent<Tile>();
             // Set the parent Transform to tileAnchor
             ti.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
             // Set the position of the tile
             ti.pos = new Vector3(x, maxY - y, 0);
             tiles[x, y] = ti; // Add ti to the tiles 2D Array
                               // Set the type, height, and texture of the Tile
             ti.type = type;
             ti.height = height;
             ti.tex = tileTexStr;
             // If the type is still rawType, continue to the next iteration
             if (rawType == type) continue;
             // Check for specific entities in the room
             switch (rawType)
             { // 1
                 case "X": // Starting position for the Mage
                           // Mage.S.pos = ti.pos; // Uses the Mage Singleton
                     if (firstRoom)
                         Mage.S.pos = ti.pos; // Uses the Mage Singleton
                         roomNumber = rNumStr;
                         // ^ Setting roomNumber now keeps any portals from
                         // moving the Mage to them in this first room.
                         firstRoom = false;
                 case "0": // Numbers are room portals (up to F in hexadecimal)
                 case "1": // This allows portals to be placed in the Rooms.xml file
                 case "2":
                 case "3":
                 case "4":
                 case "5":
                 case "6":
                 case "7":
                 case "8":
                 case "9":
                 case "A":
                 case "B":
                 case "C":
                 case "D":
                 case "E":
                 case "F":
                     // Instantiate a Portal
                     GameObject pGO = Instantiate(portalPrefab) as GameObject;
                     Portal p = pGO.GetComponent<Portal>();
                     p.pos = ti.pos;
                     p.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                     // ^ Attaching this to the tileAnchor means that the Portal
                     // will be Destroyed when a new room is built
                     p.toRoom = rawType;
                     // Try to see if there's an Enemy for that letter
                     Enemy en = EnemyFactory(rawType);
                     if (en == null) break; // If there's not one, break out
                                            // Set up the new Enemy
                     en.pos = ti.pos;
                     // Make en a child of tileAnchor so it's deleted when the
                     // next room is loaded.
                     en.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                     en.typeString = rawType;
             // More to come here...
     // Position the Mage
     foreach (Portal p in portals)
         // If p.toRoom is the same as the room number the Mage just exited,
         // then the Mage should enter this room through this Portal
         // Alternatively, if firstRoom == true and there was no X in the
         // room (as a default Mage starting point), move the Mage to this
         // Portal as a backup measure (if, for instance, you want to just
         // load room number "5")
         if (p.toRoom == roomNumber || firstRoom)
             // ^ If there's an X in the room, firstRoom will be set to false
             // by the time the code gets here
             Mage.S.StopWalking(); // Stop any Mage movement
             Mage.S.pos = p.pos; // Move _Mage to this Portal location
                                 // _Mage maintains her facing from the previous room, so there
                                 // is no need to rotate her in order for her to enter this room
                                 // facing the right direction.
             p.justArrived = true;
             // ^ Tell the Portal that Mage has just arrived.
             firstRoom = false;
             // ^ Stops a 2nd Portal in this room from moving the Mage to it
     // Finally assign the roomNumber
     roomNumber = rNumStr;
 void Awake() {
     inputTA = Resources.Load("WellFormedSample") as TextAsset;
     input = inputTA.text;
     output = new XMLHashtable();
     Parse(input, output);
     // TODO: Make something which will trace a Hashtable or output it as XML
 // This function creates a new XMLHashtable and calls the real Parse()
 public void Parse(string eS)
     xmlText = eS;
     xml = new PT_XMLHashtable();
     Parse(eS, xml);
    // This function parses a single tag and calls Parse() if it encounters subtags
    string ParseTag(string eS, PT_XMLHashtable eH)
        // search for "<"
        int ndx = eS.IndexOf("<");
        int end, end1, end2, end3;

        if (ndx == -1)
            // It's possible that this is just a string (e.g. <someTagTheStringIsInside>string</someTagTheStringIsInside>)
            end3 = eS.IndexOf(">");             // This closes a standard tag; look for the closing tag
            if (end3 == -1)
                // In that case, we just need to add an @ key/value to the hashtable
                eS = eS.Trim();                 // I think this is redundant
                //eH["@"] = eS;
                eH.text = eS;
            return("");             // We're done with this tag
        // Ignore this if it is just an XML header (e.g. <?xml version="1.0"?>)
        if (eS[ndx + 1] == '?')
            // search for the closing tag of this header
            int    ndx2   = eS.IndexOf("?>");
            string header = eS.Substring(ndx, ndx2 - ndx + 2);
            //eH["@XML_Header"] = header;
            eH.header = header;
            return(eS.Substring(ndx2 + 2));
        // Ignore this if it is an XML comment (e.g. <!-- Comment text -->)
        if (eS[ndx + 1] == '!')
            // search for the closing tag of this header
            int    ndx2    = eS.IndexOf("-->");
            string comment = eS.Substring(ndx, ndx2 - ndx + 3);
            if (SHOW_COMMENTS)
                Debug.Log("XMl Comment: " + comment);
            //eH["@XML_Header"] = header;
            return(eS.Substring(ndx2 + 3));

        // Find the end of the tag name
        // For the next few comments, this is what happens when this character is the first one found after the beginning of the tag
        end1 = eS.IndexOf(" ", ndx);            // This means that we'll have attributes
        end2 = eS.IndexOf("/", ndx);            // Immediately closes the tag,
        end3 = eS.IndexOf(">", ndx);            // This closes a standard tag; look for the closing tag
        if (end1 == -1)
            end1 = int.MaxValue;
        if (end2 == -1)
            end2 = int.MaxValue;
        if (end3 == -1)
            end3 = int.MaxValue;

        end = Mathf.Min(end1, end2, end3);
        string tag = eS.Substring(ndx + 1, end - ndx - 1);

        // search for this tag in eH. If it's not there, make it
        if (!eH.ContainsKey(tag))
            eH[tag] = new PT_XMLHashList();
        // Create a hashtable to contain this tag's information
        PT_XMLHashList arrL = eH[tag] as PT_XMLHashList;
        //int thisHashIndex = arrL.Count;
        PT_XMLHashtable thisHash = new PT_XMLHashtable();


        // Pull the attributes string
        string atts = "";

        if (end1 < end3)
            try {
                atts = eS.Substring(end1, end3 - end1);
            catch (System.Exception ex) {
        // Parse the attributes, which are all guaranteed to be strings
        string att, val;
        int    eqNdx, spNdx;

        while (atts.Length > 0)
            atts  = atts.Trim();
            eqNdx = atts.IndexOf("=");
            if (eqNdx == -1)
            //att = "@"+atts.Substring(0,eqNdx);
            att   = atts.Substring(0, eqNdx);
            spNdx = atts.IndexOf(" ", eqNdx);
            if (spNdx == -1)               // This is the last attribute and doesn't have a space after it
                val = atts.Substring(eqNdx + 1);
                if (val[val.Length - 1] == '/')                 // If the trailing / from /> was caught, remove it
                    val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1);
                atts = "";
            else                 // This attribute has a space after it
                val  = atts.Substring(eqNdx + 1, spNdx - eqNdx - 2);
                atts = atts.Substring(spNdx);
            val = val.Trim('\"');
            //thisHash[att] = val; // All attributes have to be unique, so this should be okay.
            thisHash.attSet(att, val);

        // Pull the subs, which is everything contained by this tag but exclusing the tags on either side (e.g. <tag att="hi">.....subs.....</tag>)
        string subs           = "";
        string leftoverString = "";
        // singleLine means this doesn't have a separate closing tag (e.g. <tag att="hi" />)
        bool singleLine = (end2 == end3 - 1); // ? true : false;

        if (!singleLine)                      // This is a multiline tag (e.g. <tag> ....  </tag>)
        // find the closing tag
            int close = eS.IndexOf("</" + tag + ">");
// TODO: Should this do something more if there is no closing tag?
            if (close == -1)
                Debug.Log("XMLReader ERROR: XML not well formed. Closing tag </" + tag + "> missing.");
            subs           = eS.Substring(end3 + 1, close - end3 - 1);
            leftoverString = eS.Substring(eS.IndexOf(">", close) + 1);
            leftoverString = eS.Substring(end3 + 1);

        subs = subs.Trim();
        // Call Parse if this contains subs
        if (subs.Length > 0)
            Parse(subs, thisHash);

        // Trim and return the leftover string
        leftoverString = leftoverString.Trim();
    public void BuildRoom(PT_XMLHashtable room)
        string floorTexStr = room.att("floor");
        string wallTexStr  = room.att("wall");

        string[] roomRows = room.text.Split('\n');
        for (int i = 0; i < roomRows.Length; i++)
            roomRows[i] = roomRows[i].Trim('\t');
        tiles = new Tile[100, 100];
        Tile       ti;
        string     type, rawType, tileTexStr;
        GameObject go;
        int        height;
        float      maxY = roomRows.Length - 1;

        for (int y = 0; y < roomRows.Length; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < roomRows[y].Length; x++)
                height     = 0;
                tileTexStr = floorTexStr;
                type       = rawType = roomRows[y][x].ToString();
                switch (rawType)
                case " ":
                case "_":

                case ".":     // default floor

                case "|":     // default wall
                    height = 1;

                    type = ".";

                if (type == ".")
                    tileTexStr = floorTexStr;
                else if (type == "|")
                    tileTexStr = wallTexStr;

                go = Instantiate(tilePrefab) as GameObject;
                ti = go.GetComponent <Tile>();
                ti.transform.parent = tileAnchor;
                ti.pos      = new Vector3(x, maxY - y, 0);
                tiles[x, y] = ti;

                ti.type   = type;
                ti.height = height;
                ti.tex    = tileTexStr;

                if (rawType == type)
                switch (rawType)
                case "X":
                    Mage.S.pos = ti.pos;
                //More here
 public void Add(PT_XMLHashtable eH)
    // This function is called to read in the LayoutXML.xml file
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xmlr.Parse(xmlText);      // The XML is parsed
        xml = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]; // And xml is set as a shortcut to the XML

        //Read in the multiplier, which sets card spacing
        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("y"));

        //Read in the slots
        SlotDef tSD;
        //slotsX is used as a shortcut to all the <slot>s
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml["slot"];

        for (int i = 0; i < slotsX.Count; i++)
            tSD = new SlotDef(); // Create a new SlotDef instance
            if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("type"))
                // If this <slot> has a type attribute parse it
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
                // If not, set its type to "slot"; it's a card in the rows
                tSD.type = "slot";
            // Various attributes are parsed into numerical values
            tSD.x       = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("x"));
            tSD.y       = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("y"));
            tSD.layerID = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("layer"));
            //This converts the number of the layerID into a text layerName
            tSD.layerName = sortingLayerNames[tSD.layerID];

            switch (tSD.type)
            //pull additional attributes based on the type of this <slot>
            case "slot":
                tSD.faceUp = (slotsX[i].att("faceup") == "1");
                tSD.id     = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("id"));
                if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("hiddenby"))
                    string[] hiding = slotsX[i].att("hiddenby").Split(',');
                    foreach (string s in hiding)

            case "drawpile":
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("xstagger"));
                drawPile      = tSD;

            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;
    // This function parses a single tag and calls Parse() if it encounters subtags
    string ParseTag(string eS, PT_XMLHashtable eH)
        // search for "<"
        int ndx = eS.IndexOf("<");
        int end, end1, end2, end3;
        if (ndx == -1) {
            // It's possible that this is just a string (e.g. <someTagTheStringIsInside>string</someTagTheStringIsInside>)
            end3 = eS.IndexOf(">"); // This closes a standard tag; look for the closing tag
            if (end3 == -1) {
                // In that case, we just need to add an @ key/value to the hashtable
                eS = eS.Trim(); // I think this is redundant
                //eH["@"] = eS;
                eH.text = eS;
            return(""); // We're done with this tag
        // Ignore this if it is just an XML header (e.g. <?xml version="1.0"?>)
        if (eS[ndx+1] == '?') {
            // search for the closing tag of this header
            int ndx2 = eS.IndexOf("?>");
            string header = eS.Substring(ndx, ndx2-ndx+2);
            //eH["@XML_Header"] = header;
            eH.header = header;
        // Ignore this if it is an XML comment (e.g. <!-- Comment text -->)
        if (eS[ndx+1] == '!') {
            // search for the closing tag of this header
            int ndx2 = eS.IndexOf("-->");
            string comment = eS.Substring(ndx, ndx2-ndx+3);
            if (SHOW_COMMENTS) Debug.Log("XMl Comment: "+comment);
            //eH["@XML_Header"] = header;

        // Find the end of the tag name
                                        // For the next few comments, this is what happens when this character is the first one found after the beginning of the tag
        end1 = eS.IndexOf(" ", ndx);	// This means that we'll have attributes
        end2 = eS.IndexOf("/", ndx);	// Immediately closes the tag,
        end3 = eS.IndexOf(">", ndx);	// This closes a standard tag; look for the closing tag
        if (end1 == -1) end1 = int.MaxValue;
        if (end2 == -1) end2 = int.MaxValue;
        if (end3 == -1) end3 = int.MaxValue;

        end = Mathf.Min(end1, end2, end3);
        string tag = eS.Substring(ndx+1, end-ndx-1);

        // search for this tag in eH. If it's not there, make it
        if (!eH.ContainsKey(tag)) {
            eH[tag] = new PT_XMLHashList();
        // Create a hashtable to contain this tag's information
        PT_XMLHashList arrL = eH[tag] as PT_XMLHashList;
        //int thisHashIndex = arrL.Count;
        PT_XMLHashtable thisHash = new PT_XMLHashtable();

        // Pull the attributes string
        string atts = "";
        if (end1 < end3) {
            try {
                atts = eS.Substring(end1, end3-end1);
            catch(System.Exception ex) {
        // Parse the attributes, which are all guaranteed to be strings
        string att, val;
        int eqNdx, spNdx;
        while (atts.Length > 0) {
            atts = atts.Trim();
            eqNdx = atts.IndexOf("=");
            if (eqNdx == -1) break;
            //att = "@"+atts.Substring(0,eqNdx);
            att = atts.Substring(0,eqNdx);
            spNdx = atts.IndexOf(" ",eqNdx);
            if (spNdx == -1) { // This is the last attribute and doesn't have a space after it
                val = atts.Substring(eqNdx+1);
                if (val[val.Length-1] == '/') { // If the trailing / from /> was caught, remove it
                    val = val.Substring(0,val.Length-1);
                atts = "";
            } else { // This attribute has a space after it
                val = atts.Substring(eqNdx+1, spNdx - eqNdx - 2);
                atts = atts.Substring(spNdx);
            val = val.Trim('\"');
            //thisHash[att] = val; // All attributes have to be unique, so this should be okay.
            thisHash.attSet(att, val);

        // Pull the subs, which is everything contained by this tag but exclusing the tags on either side (e.g. <tag att="hi">.....subs.....</tag>)
        string subs = "";
        string leftoverString = "";
        // singleLine means this doesn't have a separate closing tag (e.g. <tag att="hi" />)
        bool singleLine = (end2 == end3-1);// ? true : false;
        if (!singleLine) { // This is a multiline tag (e.g. <tag> ....  </tag>)
            // find the closing tag
            int close = eS.IndexOf("</"+tag+">");
        // TODO: Should this do something more if there is no closing tag?
            if (close == -1) {
                Debug.Log("XMLReader ERROR: XML not well formed. Closing tag </"+tag+"> missing.");
            subs = eS.Substring(end3+1, close-end3-1);
            leftoverString = eS.Substring( eS.IndexOf(">",close)+1 );
        } else {
            leftoverString = eS.Substring(end3+1);

        subs = subs.Trim();
        // Call Parse if this contains subs
        if (subs.Length > 0) {
            Parse(subs, thisHash);

        // Trim and return the leftover string
        leftoverString = leftoverString.Trim();
Exemple #26
    //This function is called to read in the LayoutXML.xml file
    public void ReadLayout(string xmlText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xmlr.Parse(xmlText);         //The XML is parsed
        xml = xmlr.xml["xml"][0];    //And xml is set as a shortcut to the XML

        //Read in the multiplier, which sets card spacing
        multiplier.x = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("x"));
        multiplier.y = float.Parse(xml["multiplier"][0].att("y"));

        //Read in the slots
        SlotDef tSD;
        //slotsX is used as a shortcut to all the <slot>s
        PT_XMLHashList slotsX = xml["slot"];

        for (int i = 0; i < slotsX.Count; i++)
            tSD = new SlotDef();             //Create a new SlotDef instance
            if (slotsX[i].HasAtt("type"))
                //If this <slot> has a type attribute parse it
                tSD.type = slotsX[i].att("type");
                //If not, set its type to "slot"
                tSD.type = "slot";

            //Various attributes are parsed into numerical values
            tSD.x   = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("x"));
            tSD.y   = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("y"));
            tSD.pos = new Vector3(tSD.x * multiplier.x, tSD.y * multiplier.y, 0);

            //Sorting Layers
            tSD.layerID = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("layer"));
            //In this game, the Sorting Layers are named 1, 2, 3, ...through 10
            //This converts the number of the layerID into a text layerName
            tSD.layerName = tSD.layerID.ToString();
            //The layers are used to make sure that the correct cards are
            //on top of the others. In Unity 2D, all of our assets are
            //effectively at the same Z depth, so sorting layers are used
            //to differentiate betwene them.
            //pull additional attributes based on the type of each <slot>
            switch (tSD.type)
            case "slot":
                //ignore slots that are just of the "slot" type

            case "drawpile":
                //The drawPile xstagger is read but not actually used in Bartok
                tSD.stagger.x = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("xstagger"));
                drawPile      = tSD;

            case "discardpile":
                discardPile = tSD;

            case "target":
                //The target card has a different layer from discardPile
                target = tSD;

            case "hand":
                //Information for each player's hand
                tSD.player = int.Parse(slotsX[i].att("player"));
                tSD.rot    = float.Parse(slotsX[i].att("rot"));