public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod DeleteData(string[] arrValue)
     sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
     if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
         PTTGC_EPIEntities db       = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
         List <int>        lstDelID = new List <int>();
         if (arrValue != null)
             lstDelID = arrValue.Select(s => s.toIntNullToZero()).ToList();
         int nUserID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
         db.mTCompany.Where(w => w.ID != EPIFunc.DataType.Company.PTTGCID && lstDelID.Contains(w.ID)).ToList().ForEach(x =>
             x.cDel     = "Y";
             x.dUpdate  = DateTime.Now;
             x.UpdateID = nUserID;
         db.mTFacility.Where(w => lstDelID.Contains(w.CompanyID)).ToList().ForEach(x =>
             x.cDel     = "Y";
             x.dUpdate  = DateTime.Now;
             x.UpdateID = nUserID;
         result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
         result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
Exemple #2
    public static List <TDataSAPFacility> SearchSAPFacility(string sSearch, string sFacilityID, string sAssesstID)
        List <TDataSAPFacility> lstData = new List <TDataSAPFacility>();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities       db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        int nFacID  = STCrypt.Decrypt(sFacilityID).toIntNullToZero();
        var dataFac = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacID);

        if (dataFac != null)
            var dataCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == dataFac.CompanyID);
            if (dataCompany != null)
                int?nAssessetID = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sAssesstID))
                    nAssessetID = STCrypt.Decrypt(sAssesstID).toIntNull();

                var qFacSAPCode = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.nLevel == 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.sRefFacCode) && (nAssessetID.HasValue ? w.ID != nAssessetID : true)).Select(s => s.sRefFacCode).ToList();
                sSearch = sSearch.Trims().ToLower();
                var dataVPlant = db.v_TM_SAP_ALLFAC.Where(w => w.sType == "P" && !qFacSAPCode.Contains(w.sCode) && w.sCompCode == dataCompany.sCode && ((w.sName + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || (w.sShortName + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || (w.sCode + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch))).Select(s => new TDataSAPFacility {
                    sCode = s.sCode, sName = s.sCode + " - " + s.sName
                }).OrderBy(o => o.sName).Take(30).ToList();
                var dataVComp = db.v_TM_SAP_ALLFAC.Where(w => w.sType == "O" && !qFacSAPCode.Contains(w.sCode) && ((w.sName + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || (w.sShortName + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || (w.sCode + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch))).Select(s => new TDataSAPFacility {
                    sCode = s.sCode, sName = s.sCode + " - " + s.sName
                }).OrderBy(o => o.sName).Take(30).ToList();
                lstData = dataVPlant.Concat(dataVComp).OrderBy(o => o.sName).Take(30).ToList();
Exemple #3
    public static ResultData LoadData(TSearch item)
        ResultData        r  = new ResultData();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        List <ClassExecute.TDataOutput> lstDataT1 = new List <ClassExecute.TDataOutput>();
        List <ClassExecute.TDataOutput> lstData   = new List <ClassExecute.TDataOutput>();

        int nFormID = 0;

        var qForm = db.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(w => w.IDIndicator == item.nIndicator && w.OperationTypeID == item.nOperationType && w.FacilityID == item.nFacility && w.sYear == item.sYear);

        if (qForm != null)
            nFormID = qForm.FormID;

        if (item.nIndicator == 10)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetWasteDataOutput(nFormID, item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);
        else if (item.nIndicator == 8)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetMaterialDataOutput(nFormID, item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);
        else if (item.nIndicator == 6)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetIntensityDataOutput(nFormID, item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);
        else if (item.nIndicator == 11)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetWaterDataOutput(nFormID, item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);
        else if (item.nIndicator == 1)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetComplaintDataOutput(nFormID, item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);
        else if (item.nIndicator == 2)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetComplianceDataOutput(nFormID, item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);
        else if (item.nIndicator == 3)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetDataOutput(item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);
        else if (item.nIndicator == 4)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetDataOutput(item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);
            lstDataOutputEmission(item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear, r);
        else if (item.nIndicator == 9)
            lstData = FunctionGetData.GetDataOutput(item.nIndicator, item.nOperationType, item.nFacility, item.sYear);

        r.lstData = lstData;
        r.sFormID = nFormID + "";
        r.Status  = SystemFunction.process_Success;

    public static List <TDataRole> GetRolePermission(string sUserID)
        List <TDataRole>  lstData = new List <TDataRole>();
        DataTable         dt      = new DataTable();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        int nUserID = 0;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUserID))
            nUserID = int.Parse(sUserID);
        var TBUser_InRow = db.mTUserInRole.Where(w => w.nUID == nUserID).ToList();
        var lstDataRole  = db.mTUserRole.ToList();

        if (TBUser_InRow.Any())
            TBUser_InRow.ForEach(f =>
                lstData.Add(new TDataRole
                    nRoleID   = f.nRoleID,
                    sRoleName = lstDataRole.Any(a => a.ID == f.nRoleID) ? lstDataRole.First(a => a.ID == f.nRoleID).Name : "",
        lstData = lstData.Distinct().ToList();
    public void setCBL()
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var lstComplaintType = db.TM_ComplaintType.Where(w => w.cDel != "Y").Select(s => new
            nType = s.nType,
            Value = s.nID + "",
            Text  = s.sName

        ddlComplaintType.DataSource     = lstComplaintType.Where(w => w.nType == 1).ToList();
        ddlComplaintType.DataValueField = "Value";
        ddlComplaintType.DataTextField  = "Text";
        ddlComplaintType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Please select complaint type -", ""));

        cblImpactType.DataSource     = lstComplaintType.Where(w => w.nType == 2).ToList();
        cblImpactType.DataValueField = "Value";
        cblImpactType.DataTextField  = "Text";

        ddlComplaintBy.DataSource     = lstComplaintType.Where(w => w.nType == 3).ToList();
        ddlComplaintBy.DataValueField = "Value";
        ddlComplaintBy.DataTextField  = "Text";
        ddlComplaintBy.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Please select complaint by -", ""));
    public void setData(int nFacilityID)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var dataFacility     = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacilityID);

        if (dataFacility != null)
            txtFacilityName.Text           = dataFacility.Name;
            ddlOperationType.SelectedValue = dataFacility.OperationTypeID + "";
            txtDesc.Text            = dataFacility.Description;
            txtRemark.Text          = dataFacility.sRemark;
            rblStatus.SelectedValue = dataFacility.cActive;
            txtMapPTTCode.Text      = dataFacility.sMappingCodePTT;
            if (rblStatus.SelectedValue == "N")
                txtRemark.Enabled = true;
            if (hdfComType.Value == "GC")
                ddlFacilityPTT.SelectedValue = dataFacility.nHeaderID + "";
                var lstOperationTypeGC = db.mOperationType.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cManage == "Y").ToList();

                //db.mTFacility_Operationtype.Where(w => w.nFacID == nFacilityID).ToList().ForEach(f =>
                //    if (lstOperationTypeGC.Any(a => a.ID == f.nOperationtypeID))
                //    {
                //        cblOperationTypeGC.Items.FindByValue(f.nOperationtypeID + "").Selected = true;
                //    }
    public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod getOperationTypePTT(string sFacilityPTT_ID)
        sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            int nFacilityPTT_ID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sFacilityPTT_ID);
            var item            = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacilityPTT_ID);
            if (item != null)
                result.Content = item.OperationTypeID + "";
                result.Status  = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                result.Msg    = "Data operation type not found.";
                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
Exemple #8
    private void DDL_OperationType(int nRoleID, int nUserID)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db        = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var lstOperationType_Search = db.mOperationType.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y" && w.cManage == "N").Select(s => new { Value = s.ID, Text = s.Name }).ToList();

        //if (nRoleID == 6)
        //    var db1 = (from a in db.mTUser_FacilityPermission select a).ToList();
        //    var db2 = (from a in db.mTFacility select a).ToList();
        //    var db3 = (from a in db.mOperationType select a).ToList();
        //    //var lstOperationType_1 = db.mOperationType.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y" && w.cManage == "N").Select(s => new { Value = s.ID, Text = s.Name }).ToList();
        //    lstOperationType_Search = (from a in db1
        //                        join b in db2 on a.nFacilityID equals b.ID
        //                        join c in db3 on b.OperationTypeID equals c.ID
        //                        where a.nUserID == nUserID
        //                        select new { Value = c.ID, Text = c.Name }).Distinct().ToList();
        if (lstOperationType_Search.Count() > 0)
            ddlOperationSearch.DataSource     = lstOperationType_Search;
            ddlOperationSearch.DataValueField = "Value";
            ddlOperationSearch.DataTextField  = "Text";
            ddlOperationSearch.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Operation type -", ""));
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
         if (!IsPostBack)
             PTTGC_EPIEntities db  = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
             string            str = Request.QueryString["strid"];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                 int nFacID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str));
                 hdfFacID.Value = str;
                 ltrCreate.Text = "<a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block\" href=\"admin_asset_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i>&nbsp;Create Sub-facility</a>";
                 var itemHeader = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacID);
                 if (itemHeader != null)
                     var itemCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == itemHeader.CompanyID);
                     ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> >  <a style='color:white' href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(itemCompany.ID + "")) + "'> " + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > " + itemHeader.Name;//กำหนด Header
             SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null);
Exemple #10
    public static TRetunrLoadData Get_Facility(string operationID)
        //if (lst == null) lst = new List<string>();
        TRetunrLoadData   result = new TRetunrLoadData();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db     = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();

        if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
            int nRoleID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID;
            int nUserID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;

            List <sysGlobalClass.T_Facility> lstFacility = new List <sysGlobalClass.T_Facility>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operationID))
                int nID = int.Parse(operationID);
                lstFacility = SystemFunction.Get_SubFacility(nID, nUserID, nRoleID);
            result.lstData_Facility = lstFacility.Distinct().ToList();
    private void DDL_Role_Environ()
        PTTGC_EPIEntities   db          = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        List <DropDownList> lstDropDown = new List <DropDownList>();
        //var lstEnviron = db.mTUser_FacilityPermission.Where(w => w.nRoleID == 4).Select(s => new { nUserID = s.nUserID }).Distinct().ToList();
        var lstEnviron = db.mTUserInRole.Where(w => w.nRoleID == 4).Select(s => new { nUserID = s.nUID }).Distinct().ToList();

        if (lstEnviron.Any())
            lstEnviron.ForEach(f =>
                db.mTUser.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y" && w.ID == f.nUserID).ToList().ForEach(f2 =>
                    lstDropDown.Add(new DropDownList()
                        Value = f2.ID,
                        Text  = f2.Firstname + ' ' + f2.Lastname,
                if (lstDropDown.Any())
                    ddlEnviron.DataSource     = lstDropDown;
                    ddlEnviron.DataValueField = "Value";
                    ddlEnviron.DataTextField  = "Text";
        ddlEnviron.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Environment -", ""));
    public static CResultHistory ViewHistory(int nFacID, int nYear, int nIndID, int nQuarter)
        CResultHistory result = new CResultHistory();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            PTTGC_EPIEntities   db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            List <TDataHistory> lstData = new List <TDataHistory>();
            lstData = (from d in db.TEPI_TransferPTT_Log.Where(w => w.nFacilityID == nFacID && w.nYear == nYear && w.nIndicatorID == nIndID && w.nQuarter == nQuarter)
                       from u in db.mTUser.Where(w => w.ID == d.nActionBy).DefaultIfEmpty()
                       from st in db.TStatus_Workflow.Where(w => w.nStatustID == d.nStatusID && w.cActive == "Y" && w.cTypeUse == "TNF").DefaultIfEmpty()
                       orderby d.dAction descending
                       select new TDataHistory
                dAction = d.dAction,
                sStatus = st != null ? st.sStatusName : "-",
                sActionBy = u != null ? u.Firstname + " " + u.Lastname : d.nActionBy == -1 ? "PTT" : "",
                sComment = d.sRemark
            foreach (var item in lstData)
                item.sDate    = item.dAction.DateString();
                item.sComment = (item.sComment + "").Replace("\n", "<br/>");
            result.lstData = lstData;
            result.Status  = SystemFunction.process_Success;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
Exemple #13
    public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod ApproveWithEditContent(int FormID)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities env = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();

        sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod r = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
        int nOperationType = 0;

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            var gData = env.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FormID == FormID);
            if (gData != null)
                r.Msg    = SystemFunction.ReturnPath(gData.IDIndicator, gData.OperationTypeID, gData.FacilityID.ToString(), gData.sYear, "27");
                r.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                r.Msg    = "";
                r.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            r.Msg    = "";
            r.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
    private void SETDATA(string sID)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sID))
            int nID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sID);
            PTTGC_EPIEntities db  = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            DateTime          now = DateTime.Now;
            var Query             = db.TContactUs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.nContactID == nID);
            if (Query != null)
                if (Query.cStatusAns == null)
                    Query.cStatusAns = "1";
                    Query.dUpdate    = now;
                if (Query.cStatusAns == "2")
                    txtDesc.Text = Query.sAnswer;
                    txtDesc.Attributes.Add("disabled", "true");
                    DivFileContactUS.Visible = false;
                    // lbUrlFileAdmin.Text = Query.sAnsPath + Query.sAnsFile;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Query.sAnsFile))
                        lbUrlFileAdmin.Text = "<a class='btn btn-primary'href=" + Query.sAnsPath + Query.sAnsSysFile + " target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-search'></i>&nbsp;" + Query.sAnsFile + "</a>";
                        lbUrlFileAdmin.Text = "-";
                    DivShowFileAdmin.Visible = false;
                hidsStatus.Value = Query.cStatusAns;
                lbName.Text      = Query.sContactName;
                lbEmail.Text     = Query.sContactEmail;
                lbSubject.Text   = Query.sSubject;
                lbTel.Text       = Query.sContactTel;
                lbUserDes.Text   = Query.sDetail;
                lbAddDate.Text   = Query.dCreate.ToString();
                //lbUrlFileUser.Text = Query.sContactPath + Query.sContactFile;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Query.sContactFile))
                    lbUrlFileUser.Text = "<a class='btn btn-primary'href=" + Query.sContactPath + Query.sContactSysFile + " target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-search'></i>&nbsp;" + Query.sContactFile + "</a>";
                    lbUrlFileUser.Text = "-";

                lbStatus.Text = Query.cStatusAns == null ? "Wait" : Query.cStatusAns == "1" ? "Read" : "Success";
Exemple #15
    public static List <ClassExecute.TData_Intensity_DisplayInput> GetDataDisplayInputIntensity()
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        List <ClassExecute.TData_Intensity_DisplayInput> lstTemp = new List <ClassExecute.TData_Intensity_DisplayInput>();

        lstTemp = db.TIntensity_DisplayInput.Select(s => new ClassExecute.TData_Intensity_DisplayInput {
            ID = s.ID, OperaID = s.OperationTypeID.Value, nDisplayType = s.DisplayType.Value, sUrl = s.sUrl
Exemple #16
    public void setData(int nFacID, int?nAssetID)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var dataAsset        = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nAssetID);
        var dataFacility     = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacID);

        if (dataFacility != null)
            txtFacilityName.Text = dataFacility.Name;
            //db.mTFacility_Operationtype.Where(w => w.nFacID == dataFacility.ID).ToList().ForEach(f =>
            //    ListItem itemFac = cblOperationTypeGC.Items.FindByValue(f.nOperationtypeID + "");
            //    if (itemFac != null)
            //    {
            //        cblOperationTypeGC.Items.FindByValue(f.nOperationtypeID + "").Selected = true;
            //    }

        if (dataAsset != null)
            rblOption.SelectedValue = dataAsset.sRefFacType == "" ? "N" : dataAsset.sRefFacType;
            if (rblOption.SelectedValue == "P")//SAP Master (Plant)
                txtSAPFacilitySearch.Text = dataAsset.sRefFacCode + " - " + dataAsset.Name;
                txtSAPFacilityCode.Text   = dataAsset.sRefFacCode;
            else//Manual (None)
                ddlCategory.SelectedValue = dataAsset.sRefFacSubType + "";
                txtSubFacManual.Text      = dataAsset.Name;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataAsset.sRefFacCode))
                    txtRefSAPCodeSearch.Text = dataAsset.sRefFacCode + " - " + dataAsset.Name;
                    txtRefSAPCodeValue.Text  = dataAsset.sRefFacCode;
                txtInternalCode.Text = dataAsset.sInternalCode + "";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataAsset.sRefFacSubType))
                    ddlCategory.Enabled = false;

            txtDesc.Text   = dataAsset.Description;
            txtRemark.Text = dataAsset.sRemark;
            //txtCodeSap.Text = dataAsset.sRefFacCode;
            //txtNameSap.Text = dataAsset.sSAPName;
            rblStatus.SelectedValue = dataAsset.cActive;
            if (rblStatus.SelectedValue == "N")
                txtRemark.Enabled = true;
Exemple #17
    public static Data_Month GetMonth(int FormID, int nLevel)
        Data_Month r = new Data_Month();

        r.lstShowButton = new List <string>();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities env = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var gMonth            = env.TEPI_Workflow.Where(w => w.FormID == FormID).ToList();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            int[] lstStatusL1 = { 1 };
            int[] lstStatusL2 = { 4, 2 };

            if (gMonth.Any())
                if (nLevel == 3)
                    r.lstMonth = gMonth.Where(w => lstStatusL1.Contains(w.nStatusID ?? 0)).Select(s => s.nMonth).ToList();
                    if (r.lstMonth.Any())
                }// L1
                else if (nLevel == 4)
                    r.lstMonth = gMonth.Where(w => lstStatusL2.Contains(w.nStatusID ?? 0)).Select(s => s.nMonth).ToList();
                    if (r.lstMonth.Any())

                    if (gMonth.Any(w => w.nStatusID == 2))
                r.Msg    = "";
                r.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                r.Msg    = "No Data";
                r.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            r.Msg    = "";
            r.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
Exemple #18
    public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod ForgetPassword(string sEmail, string sUsername)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();

        sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
        sEmail    = sEmail.ToLower();
        sUsername = sUsername.ToLower();

        var lstUser = db.mTUser.Where(w => w.cActive == "Y" && w.cDel == "N" && w.Username.ToLower() == sUsername && w.Email.ToLower() == sEmail).ToList();

        if (lstUser.Any())
            var Data = lstUser.First();

            string sTitle  = "";
            string sText   = "";
            string subject = "";
            string message = "";
            string sURL    = "";
            string sFoot   = "";// "Should you have any questions about RD&T work process.";

            // sURL = Applicationpath + "login_forget.aspx?str=" + SystemFunction.Encrypt_UrlEncrypt(nDocID + "");

            subject = "Password Confirmation | " + SystemFunction.SystemName + "";

            sText += "<p>Your password is " + STCrypt.Decrypt(Data.PasswordEncrypt) + "</p>";

            string From = SystemFunction.GetSystemMail;
            string To   = Data.Email;
            message = string.Format(GET_TemplateEmail(),
                                    "Dear " + Data.Firstname + ' ' + Data.Lastname,
            Workflow.DataMail_log log = new Workflow.DataMail_log();
            log           = SystemFunction.SendMailAll(From, To, "", "", subject, message, "");
            log.nDataID   = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(Data.ID + "");
            log.sPageName = "login.aspx";
            new Workflow().SaveLogMail(log);
            if (log.bStatus)
                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            result.Msg    = "data not found user";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
                PTTGC_EPIEntities db       = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
                string            str      = Request.QueryString["strid"];
                string            strFacID = Request.QueryString["strFacID"];
                int  nFacilityID           = 0;
                bool IsNew = false;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                    hdfReturnStr.Value += "&&strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str);
                    int nComID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str));
                    hdfComType.Value = nComID == 1 ? "PTT" : "GC";
                    hdfComID.Value   = str;
                    var itemCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nComID && w.cDel == "N");
                    if (itemCompany != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFacID))
                            IsNew               = false;
                            nFacilityID         = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(strFacID));
                            hdfFacilityID.Value = strFacID;
                            var itemFacility = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.ID == nFacilityID);
                            if (itemFacility != null)
                                ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > <a href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "' style='color:white'>" + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > " + itemFacility.Name + "  > Edit";//กำหนด Header กรณีเข้ามา EDIT
                            IsNew          = true;
                            ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > <a href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "' style='color:white'>" + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > Facility  > Create";//กำหนด Header  กรณีเข้ามา ADD

                        hdfIsNew.Value = IsNew ? "C" : "E";
                    setDDL_Cbl(IsNew, nComID);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFacID))
                    SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.DialogWarningRedirect(SystemFunction.Msg_HeadWarning, "Invalid Data", "admin_company_lst.aspx"));// กรณีเข้ามาด้วย link ที่ไม่มี Querystring
Exemple #20
    private void DDL_Role()
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var lstUserRole      = db.mTUserRole.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y").Select(s => new { Value = s.ID, Text = s.Name }).ToList();

        if (lstUserRole.Count() > 0)
            ddlUserRole.DataSource     = lstUserRole;
            ddlUserRole.DataValueField = "Value";
            ddlUserRole.DataTextField  = "Text";
            ddlUserRole.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- User role -", ""));
Exemple #21
    private void DDL_Facility()
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var lstFacility      = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.nLevel == 2 && w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y").Select(s => new { Value = s.ID, Text = s.Name }).ToList();

        if (lstFacility.Count() > 0)
            ddlFacilitySearch.DataSource     = lstFacility;
            ddlFacilitySearch.DataValueField = "Value";
            ddlFacilitySearch.DataTextField  = "Text";
            ddlFacilitySearch.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Sub facility -", ""));
Exemple #22
    private void DDL_Disposal()
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var lstData          = db.TData_Type.Where(w => w.cActive == "Y" && w.sType == "DISCODE").Select(s => new { Value = s.nID, Text = s.sName }).ToList();

        if (lstData.Count() > 0)
            ddlDisposal.DataSource     = lstData;
            ddlDisposal.DataValueField = "Value";
            ddlDisposal.DataTextField  = "Text";
            ddlDisposal.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Disposal Type -", ""));
    public static TRetunrLoadData ConfirmData(List <TDataDupicate> lstData, List <TDataFacAndIndicator> lstData_Save)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db         = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        TRetunrLoadData   result     = new TRetunrLoadData();
        string            Del_SQL    = "";
        string            Insert_SQL = "";
        DateTime          now        = DateTime.Now;
        int nUserID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;

        if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
            if (lstData.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in lstData)
                    Del_SQL    += @" DELETE FROM mTWorkFlow WHERE IDFac = " + item.nFacID + @" AND IDIndicator = " + item.nIndicatorID + @" ";
                    Insert_SQL += @" INSERT INTO mTWorkFlow (IDFac,IDIndicator,L1,L2,nUpdateID,dUpdate,cDel) VALUES ('" + item.nFacID + @"','" + item.nIndicatorID + @"','" + item.sManagerID + @"','" + item.sEnvironID + @"','" + nUserID + @"','" + now + @"','N') ";
                SystemFunction.ExecuteSQL(SystemFunction.strConnect, Del_SQL);
                SystemFunction.ExecuteSQL(SystemFunction.strConnect, Insert_SQL);
                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
                result.Msg    = "Data not found";

            if (lstData_Save.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in lstData_Save)
                    Del_SQL    += @" DELETE FROM mTWorkFlow WHERE IDFac = " + item.nFacID + @" AND IDIndicator = " + item.nIndicatorID + @" ";
                    Insert_SQL += @" INSERT INTO mTWorkFlow (IDFac,IDIndicator,L1,L2,nUpdateID,dUpdate,cDel) VALUES ('" + item.nFacID + @"','" + item.nIndicatorID + @"','" + item.sManagerID + @"','" + item.sEnvironID + @"','" + nUserID + @"','" + now + @"','N') ";
                SystemFunction.ExecuteSQL(SystemFunction.strConnect, Del_SQL);
                SystemFunction.ExecuteSQL(SystemFunction.strConnect, Insert_SQL);
                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;

Exemple #24
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
            if (!IsPostBack)
                PTTGC_EPIEntities env     = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
                string            sFormID = Request.QueryString["strid"];    // Form ID
                string            sLevel  = Request.QueryString["strlevel"]; // Level (L1 = 3,L2 = 4 ,L0 = 2) After Decrypt
                int nFormID   = 0; int.TryParse(STCrypt.Decrypt(sFormID), out nFormID);
                var gDataForm = env.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFormID))
                    if (gDataForm != null)
                        hidFacility.Value      = gDataForm.FacilityID.ToString();
                        hidIndicator.Value     = gDataForm.IDIndicator.ToString();
                        hidOperationType.Value = gDataForm.OperationTypeID.ToString();
                        hidYear.Value          = gDataForm.sYear;

                        var qOpera    = env.mOperationType.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == gDataForm.OperationTypeID);
                        var qFac      = env.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == gDataForm.FacilityID);
                        var qGroupInd = env.mTIndicator.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == gDataForm.IDIndicator);
                        lblGroupIndicator.Text = qGroupInd != null ? qGroupInd.Indicator : "";
                        lblOperationtype.Text  = qOpera.Name;
                        lblFacility.Text       = qFac != null ? qFac.Name : "";
                        lblYear.Text           = gDataForm.sYear;

                    hidFormID.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(sFormID);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLevel))
                        hidLevel.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(sLevel);
    public static CResultLogin Login(string sUserName, string sPassword, string sMode)
        CResultLogin result = new CResultLogin();
        UserAcc      ua     = new UserAcc();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUserName))
            PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            sUserName = sUserName.Trims();
            sPassword = sPassword.Trims();
            var query = db.mTUser.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Username == sUserName && w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y");
            if (query != null)
                if (sPassword == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultPass"].ToString())
                    var qRole = db.mTUserInRole.FirstOrDefault(w => w.nUID == query.ID);
                    if (qRole != null)
                        var qRoleName = db.mTUserRole.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == qRole.nRoleID);
                        ua.nUserID         = query.ID;
                        ua.sFullName       = query.Firstname + " " + query.Lastname;
                        ua.nRoleID         = qRole.nRoleID;
                        ua.sActionRoleName = qRoleName != null ? qRoleName.Name : "";
                        result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                        result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
                        result.Msg    = "Not found role !";
                    result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
                    result.Msg    = "Incorrect pasword !";
                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
                result.Msg    = "Not found user !";
    public void setDDL_Cbl(bool IsNew, int nComID)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db   = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        var lstOperationType   = db.mOperationType.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cManage == "N" && (IsNew ? w.cActive == "Y" : true)).Select(s => new { Value = s.ID, Text = s.Name }).ToList();
        var lstOperationTypeGC = db.mOperationType.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cManage == "Y" && (IsNew ? w.cActive == "Y" : true)).Select(s => new { Value = s.ID, Text = s.Name }).ToList();
        var lstFacilityPTT     = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.CompanyID == 1 && w.nLevel == 0 && (IsNew ? w.cActive == "Y" : true)).Select(s => new { Value = s.ID, Text = s.Name }).ToList();

        if (lstOperationType.Count() > 0)
            ddlOperationType.DataSource     = lstOperationType;
            ddlOperationType.DataValueField = "Value";
            ddlOperationType.DataTextField  = "Text";
            ddlOperationType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Operation Type -", ""));
            ddlOperationType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Operation Type -", ""));
        //if (lstOperationTypeGC.Count() > 0)
        //    cblOperationTypeGC.DataSource = lstOperationTypeGC;
        //    cblOperationTypeGC.DataValueField = "Value";
        //    cblOperationTypeGC.DataTextField = "Text";
        //    cblOperationTypeGC.DataBind();

        //    foreach (ListItem item in cblOperationTypeGC.Items)
        //    {
        //        item.Attributes["class"] = "col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6";
        //    }
        if (lstFacilityPTT.Count() > 0)
            ddlFacilityPTT.DataSource     = lstFacilityPTT;
            ddlFacilityPTT.DataValueField = "Value";
            ddlFacilityPTT.DataTextField  = "Text";
            ddlFacilityPTT.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Facility Name -", ""));
            ddlFacilityPTT.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Facility Name -", ""));
Exemple #27
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null);
         SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSizeGC, null);
         if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
             string str = Request.QueryString["strid"];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                 if (SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str)) != 1)
                 PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
                 int nComID           = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str));
                 hdfComID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(nComID + "");
                 var itemCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nComID && w.cDel == "N");
                 if (itemCompany != null)
                     ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > " + itemCompany.Name;//กำหนด Header
                 ltrCreateGC.Text = "<a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block\" href=\"admin_facility_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(nComID + "")) + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i>&nbsp;Create Facility</a>";
                 ltrCreate.Text   = "<a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block\" href=\"admin_facility_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(nComID + "")) + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i>&nbsp;Create Facility</a>";
                 SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.DialogWarningRedirect(SystemFunction.Msg_HeadWarning, "Invalid Data", "admin_company_lst.aspx"));// กรณีเข้ามาด้วย link ที่ไม่มี Querystring
Exemple #28
    public static CResultLogin Login(string sUserName, string sPassword, string sMode)
        CResultLogin result = new CResultLogin();
        UserAcc      ua     = new UserAcc();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUserName))
            PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            sUserName = sUserName.Trims();
            sPassword = sPassword.Trims();
            int nUserIDSuperAdmin = SystemFunction.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserIDAdmin"].ToString());
            var query             = db.mTUser.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Username == sUserName && w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y");
            if (query != null && query.ID == nUserIDSuperAdmin)
                if (sPassword == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SupperAdminPWD"].ToString())
                    ua.nUserID         = query.ID;
                    ua.sFullName       = query.Firstname + " " + query.Lastname;
                    ua.nRoleID         = 1;
                    ua.sActionRoleName = "System Admin";
                    result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                    result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
                    result.Msg    = "Incorrect password !";
                var resultLogin = UserAcc.Login(sUserName, sPassword, sMode);
                result.Msg       = resultLogin.Msg;
                result.nUserID   = resultLogin.nUserID;
                result.Status    = resultLogin.Status;
                result.TDataRole = resultLogin.TDataRole;
    public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod ApproveAll(List <DataApproveAll> arrValue)
        sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            PTTGC_EPIEntities env = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            int nUserID           = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
            int nRoleID           = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID;

            var gForm  = arrValue.Select(s => s.nFormID).Distinct().ToList();
            int FormID = 0;
            if (gForm.Any())
                gForm.ForEach(f =>
                    FormID = f;
                    List <int> lstMonth = new List <int>();
                    arrValue.ForEach(f2 =>
                        if (f == f2.nFormID)

                    if (lstMonth.Any())
                        result = new Workflow().WorkFlowAction(FormID, lstMonth, "AP", nUserID, nRoleID, "");
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
Exemple #30
 public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod DeleteDataGC(string[] arrValue)
     sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
     if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
         PTTGC_EPIEntities db       = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
         List <int>        lstDelID = new List <int>();
         if (arrValue != null)
             lstDelID = arrValue.Select(s => s.toIntNullToZero()).ToList();
         int nUserID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
         db.mTFacility.Where(w => lstDelID.Contains(w.ID)).ToList().ForEach(x =>
             db.mTFacility_Operationtype.RemoveRange(db.mTFacility_Operationtype.Where(w => w.nFacID == x.ID));
             x.cDel     = "Y";
             x.dUpdate  = DateTime.Now;
             x.UpdateID = nUserID;
         foreach (var item in lstDelID)
             var qDelSubFac = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.nLevel == 2 && w.nHeaderID == item);
             foreach (var itemS in qDelSubFac)
                 itemS.cDel     = "Y";
                 itemS.dUpdate  = DateTime.Now;
                 itemS.UpdateID = nUserID;
         result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
         result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;