Exemple #1
        static void RunPSO(TravellingSalesmanMap TSP)
            //cria novo PSO
            PSO pso = new PSO(TSP, 100, 10000, TSP.OptimalTravelDistance);

            //roda o PSO
            TSPSolution s = (TSPSolution)pso.Run();

            //imprime a solução
            Console.WriteLine("Optimal Solution: " + TSP.OptimalTravelDistance);
            Console.WriteLine("Solution Found: " + s.Fitness);
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing PSO");

            //defines the number of variables needed
            //here, {x,y}
            //if more are needed, add them to the testPositionVector
            //ex. {x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ...}
            List <float> testPositionVector = new List <float>()
                0, 0

            //defines the boundaries for each variable in an NxM dimensional list of lists
            //ex. {{xmin, xmax}, { ymin, ymax}}
            List <List <float> > testPositionBoundaries = new List <List <float> >()
                new List <float>()
                    -3f, 3f
                new List <float>()
                    -2f, 2f

            //defines the maximum move rate of the particles in the swarm
            //choose wisely so that particles do not move too quickly around the solution space
            float maximumparticlevelocity = 0.0001f;

            //create and initilize the swarm
            //define the objective function based on list like the previously defined testPositionVector
            //here refer to the testObjective method
            PSO mySwarm = new PSO(testPositionVector, testPositionBoundaries, maximumparticlevelocity, testObjective);

            //define a seed based on the computers current time
            //to use a unique seed each run and record it use the following line.
            //(int)DateTime.Now.Ticks & 0x0000FFFF;
            int seed = 3611;// 10210;

            //reset the swarms random number generator; used for repeatability
            //here defined above

            //reset rho values tht balance personal and population cognition
            //here, more weight is placed on personal cognition
            //rho1 + rho2 should sum to 4 if using constriction (K)
            //mySwarm.setRhoValues(2.25f, 1.75f);

            //use constriction parameter (K) to modify amount of modification of velocity updates

            //run your swarm for some number of iterations with some number of particles
            List <float> output = mySwarm.Run(100000, 10);//minimize

            Console.Write("Best found solution: (");
            for (int i = 0; i < output.Count; i++)
                Console.Write(mySwarm.getGlobalBestPositionVector()[i] + " ");
            Console.Write(") " + mySwarm.getGlobalBestObjectiveFunctionValue());
            Console.Write("\tseed= " + seed);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\nglobal min = (0.094262, -0.71509) -1.031514");

            Console.ReadKey();  //wait for input