Exemple #1
            public PRSMessage ParseMessageType(PRSMessage Request)//Parses through message and formulates a response to be sent back
                //error checking
                //0. SUCCESS
                    switch (Request.msgType)//checks the type
                    case PRSMessage.MsgType.PORT_DEAD:

                    case PRSMessage.MsgType.CLOSE_PORT:    //Closes the requested port 3 errors 2,4,5
                                                           //if service in msg is not at either the correct port or name
                                                           //throw out Response service not found

                    case PRSMessage.MsgType.KEEP_ALIVE:    //keeps service alive 3 errors 2,4,5
                                                           //if port or service is incorrect return invalid

                    case PRSMessage.MsgType.LOOKUP_PORT:    //takes a service name and gives a port error 2,4,5
                                                            //if not well formulated throw invalid
                                                            //if service name not correct return not found

                    case PRSMessage.MsgType.REQUEST_PORT:    //Gives service lowest port 1,3,4,5

                    case PRSMessage.MsgType.STOP:                                          //Server gets stopped by the Handler this sends response
                                                                                           //only checks message type
                        Console.WriteLine("Stop Has been recieved");
                        return(PRSMessage.MakeSTOP());                                     //Stop doesn't impact the port reservations so it just uses its method

                    default:                                                               //if not a correct message code
                        return(PRSMessage.MakeRESPONSE(PRSMessage.Status.INVALID_ARG, 0)); //Returns an invalid arg
                catch (Exception e)
                    return(PRSMessage.MakeRESPONSE(PRSMessage.Status.UNDEFINED_ERROR, 0));//if this happened the service broke
        private static void StopServer(Socket clientsocket)
            IPEndPoint endPt = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(PRSCommunicator.DEFAULT_IP), PRSCommunicator.DEFAULT_PORT);

            PRSCommunicator.SendMessage(clientsocket, endPt, PRSMessage.MakeSTOP());