public Play(string inPlayID, string inplayName, string inproductionCompany, PRICE_RANGE inpriceRange, DateTime inplayTime) //Build Play JAM
     playID            = inPlayID;
     playName          = inplayName;
     productionCompany = inproductionCompany;
     priceRange        = inpriceRange;
     playTime          = inplayTime;
        public bool AddPlay(string inplayName, string inproductionCompany, PRICE_RANGE inpriceRange, DateTime inplayTime) //Add a new play and save it to the PlayDictionary JAM
            int    playID       = PlayDictionary.Count;
            string playIDString = playID.ToString();
            Play   newPlay      = new Play(playIDString, inplayName, inproductionCompany, inpriceRange, inplayTime);

            PlayDictionary.Add(playIDString, newPlay);
 public Tickets(string inPID, string inTID, string inCID, PRICE_RANGE inPrice, DateTime orderDateIn, string ticketNoIn) //Build Tickets JAM
     PlayID     = inPID;
     ticketID   = inTID;
     ticketNo   = ticketNoIn;
     customerID = inCID;
     priceRange = inPrice;
     orderDate  = orderDateIn;
     confirmed  = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Cancels a Play by replacing all data about a play except its date, Id and Cost with the term "CANCELED".
        /// Price and date are preserved for the perpous of customer records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inplayID"></param> The ID of the Play to be canceled.
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CancelPlay(string inplayID)
            string      playID        = inplayID.ToString();
            String      playName      = PlayDictionary[playID].GetName();
            DateTime    InDate        = PlayDictionary[playID].GetTime();
            PRICE_RANGE inpriceRange  = PlayDictionary[playID].GetPrice();
            Play        overwritePlay = new Play(playID, "CANCELED", "CANCELED", inpriceRange, InDate);

            PlayDictionary[playID] = overwritePlay;
            //sorry lads, the whole printing message stuff only happens in the MainWindow.xaml.cs file          JK
        public static Play Load(System.IO.TextReader textIn)                      //Load method for customer class using StreamReader  GB
            Play result = null;

                string      playID            = textIn.ReadLine();
                string      playName          = textIn.ReadLine();
                string      productioncompany = textIn.ReadLine(); //variable 'GoldMember' is converted from a string to a Bool GB
                PRICE_RANGE priceRange        = (PRICE_RANGE)Enum.Parse(typeof(PRICE_RANGE), textIn.ReadLine());
                DateTime    playtime          = Convert.ToDateTime(textIn.ReadLine());
                result = new Play(playID, playName, productioncompany, priceRange, playtime);;
        public static Tickets Load(System.IO.TextReader textIn)                      //Load method for customer class using StreamReader  GB
            Tickets result = null;

                string      PlayID     = textIn.ReadLine();
                string      TicketID   = textIn.ReadLine();
                string      CustomerID = textIn.ReadLine();
                PRICE_RANGE priceRange = (PRICE_RANGE)Enum.Parse(typeof(PRICE_RANGE), textIn.ReadLine());
                DateTime    playtime   = Convert.ToDateTime(textIn.ReadLine());
                string      TicketNO   = textIn.ReadLine();
                result = new Tickets(PlayID, TicketID, CustomerID, priceRange, playtime, TicketNO);
        public bool EditPlay(string inplayID, string inplayName, string inproductionCompany, PRICE_RANGE inpriceRange, DateTime inplayTime) //Edit an existing play and overwrite it in the PlayDictionary JAM
            string playID        = inplayID.ToString();
            Play   overwritePlay = new Play(playID, inplayName, inproductionCompany, inpriceRange, inplayTime);

            PlayDictionary[playID] = overwritePlay;