private void CreateAtlasDataFile() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("{\"frames\": {\n\n"); int elementCount = elements.Count; string[] elementStrings = new string[elementCount]; for (int e = 0; e < elementCount; e++) { PRAtlasElement element = elements[e]; elementStrings[e] = element.GetJSONString(); } stringBuilder.Append(string.Join(",\n", elementStrings)); stringBuilder.Append("},\n"); stringBuilder.Append("\"meta\":{\n"); stringBuilder.Append("\t\"app\": \"Packrat Atlas Generator\",\n"); stringBuilder.Append("\t\"version\": \"1.0\",\n"); stringBuilder.Append("\t\"image\": \"" + link.atlasFilePath + ".png\",\n"); stringBuilder.Append("\t\"format\": \"RGBA8888\",\n"); stringBuilder.Append("\t\"size\": {\"w\":" + atlasWidth + ",\"h\":" + atlasHeight + "},\n"); stringBuilder.Append("\t\"scale\": \"" + link.scale.ToString() + "\"\n"); stringBuilder.Append("}\n}\n"); File.WriteAllText(link.atlasFilePath + ".txt", stringBuilder.ToString()); }
private void CleanUp() { Object.DestroyImmediate(atlasTexture); //we've already written it to a file, so destroy it int elementCount = elements.Count; for (int e = 0; e < elementCount; e++) { PRAtlasElement element = elements[e]; Object.DestroyImmediate(element.texture); } Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); }
private IEnumerator <string> CreateAtlasTexture() { atlasTexture = new Texture2D(atlasWidth, atlasHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); atlasTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; atlasTexture.SetPixels32(new Color32[atlasWidth * atlasHeight]); //clear it out (using color32 for speed) int elementCount = elements.Count; for (int e = 0; e < elementCount; e++) { PRAtlasElement element = elements[e]; yield return("Packing " +; PRRect packedRect = element.packedRect; int extrude = element.extrude; int outputX = packedRect.x + extrude; int outputY = packedRect.y + extrude; int outputWidth = packedRect.width - extrude * 2 - element.padding; int outputHeight = packedRect.height - extrude * 2 - element.padding; if (link.scale == 1.0f) { Color[] elementPixels = element.texture.GetPixels(element.sourceTrimX, element.sourceTrimY, element.sourceTrimWidth, element.sourceTrimHeight, 0); atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX, outputY, outputWidth, outputHeight, elementPixels); //atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX,outputY,outputWidth,outputHeight,elementPixels); if (extrude != 0) //do extruding by pulling pixels from each edge { //left elementPixels = element.texture.GetPixels(element.sourceTrimX, element.sourceTrimY, 1, element.sourceTrimHeight, 0); for (int c = 0; c < extrude; c++) { atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX - (c + 1), outputY, 1, outputHeight, elementPixels); } //right elementPixels = element.texture.GetPixels(element.sourceTrimX + element.sourceTrimWidth - 1, element.sourceTrimY, 1, element.sourceTrimHeight, 0); for (int c = 0; c < extrude; c++) { atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX + outputWidth + c, outputY, 1, outputHeight, elementPixels); } //bottom elementPixels = element.texture.GetPixels(element.sourceTrimX, element.sourceTrimY, element.sourceTrimWidth, 1, 0); for (int c = 0; c < extrude; c++) { atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX, outputY - (c + 1), outputWidth, 1, elementPixels); } //top elementPixels = element.texture.GetPixels(element.sourceTrimX, element.sourceTrimY + element.sourceTrimHeight - 1, element.sourceTrimWidth, 1, 0); for (int c = 0; c < extrude; c++) { atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX, outputY + outputHeight + c, outputWidth, 1, elementPixels); } //bottom left Color[] cornerPixels = RXArrayUtil.CreateArrayFilledWithItem <Color>(element.texture.GetPixel(element.sourceTrimX, element.sourceTrimY), extrude * extrude); atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX - extrude, outputY - extrude, extrude, extrude, cornerPixels); //top left cornerPixels = RXArrayUtil.CreateArrayFilledWithItem <Color>(element.texture.GetPixel(element.sourceTrimX, element.sourceTrimY + element.sourceTrimHeight - 1), extrude * extrude); atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX - extrude, outputY + outputHeight, extrude, extrude, cornerPixels); //top right cornerPixels = RXArrayUtil.CreateArrayFilledWithItem <Color>(element.texture.GetPixel(element.sourceTrimX + element.sourceTrimWidth - 1, element.sourceTrimY + element.sourceTrimHeight - 1), extrude * extrude); atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX + outputWidth, outputY + outputHeight, extrude, extrude, cornerPixels); //bottom right cornerPixels = RXArrayUtil.CreateArrayFilledWithItem <Color>(element.texture.GetPixel(element.sourceTrimX + element.sourceTrimWidth - 1, element.sourceTrimY), extrude * extrude); atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX + outputWidth, outputY - extrude, extrude, extrude, cornerPixels); } } else //scale isn't 1, so do a bilinear resample of the texture into the atlas { /* * Texture2D sourceTexture = element.texture; * * float ratioX = (1.0f / (float)element.sourceFullWidth); * float ratioY = (1.0f / (float)element.sourceFullHeight); * * float trimX = ratioX * element.sourceTrimX; * float trimY = ratioY * element.sourceTrimY; */ Texture2D sourceTexture = element.texture; Color[] outputPixels = new Color[outputWidth * outputHeight]; float sourceRatioX = 1.0f / (float)element.sourceFullWidth; //the width of one pixel in uv coords float sourceRatioY = 1.0f / (float)element.sourceFullHeight; //the height of one pixel in uv coords float trimPercentX = sourceRatioX * (float)element.sourceTrimX; float trimPercentY = sourceRatioY * (float)element.sourceTrimY; float trimPercentWidth = sourceRatioX * (float)element.sourceTrimWidth; float trimPercentHeight = sourceRatioY * (float)element.sourceTrimHeight; trimPercentX += sourceRatioX * 0.5f; trimPercentY += sourceRatioY * 0.5f; trimPercentWidth -= sourceRatioX * 1.0f; trimPercentHeight -= sourceRatioX * 1.0f; float outputRatioX = 1.0f / (float)(outputWidth - 1); float outputRatioY = 1.0f / (float)(outputHeight - 1); //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} tpx:{1} tpy:{2} tpw:{3} tph:{4}",,trimPercentX,trimPercentY,trimPercentWidth,trimPercentHeight)); for (int r = 0; r < outputHeight; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < outputWidth; c++) { float colPercent = (float)c * outputRatioX; float rowPercent = (float)r * outputRatioY; outputPixels[r * outputWidth + c] = sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(trimPercentX + colPercent * trimPercentWidth, trimPercentY + rowPercent * trimPercentHeight); // //multi sample with a kernel // float bx = trimPercentX + colPercent*trimPercentWidth; // float by = trimPercentY + rowPercent*trimPercentHeight; // // Color outputColor; // // //outputColor = sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(baseX, baseY) * 0.7f; // // float sx = sourceRatioX*(1.0f-link.scale); // float sy = sourceRatioY*(1.0f-link.scale); // // float dsx = sx*2; // float dsy = sy*2; // // float one = 1.0f/64.0f; // float three = 3.0f/64.0f; // float nine = 9.0f/64.0f; // // //from!topic/ // // outputColor = sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-dsx, by+dsy) * one; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-sx, by+dsy) * three; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+sx, by+dsy) * three; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+dsx, by+dsy) * one; // // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-dsx, by+sy) * three; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-sx, by+sy) * nine; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+sx, by+sy) * nine; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+dsx, by+sy) * three; // // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-dsx, by-sy) * three; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-sx, by-sy) * nine; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+sx, by-sy) * nine; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+dsx, by-sy) * three; // // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-dsx, by-dsy) * one; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-sx, by-dsy) * three; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+sx, by-dsy) * three; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+dsx, by-dsy) * one; // outputColor = sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx, by) * 0.7f; // // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+sourceRatioX, by) * 0.05f; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-sourceRatioX, by) * 0.05f; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx, by+sourceRatioY) * 0.05f; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx, by-sourceRatioY) * 0.05f; // // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+sourceRatioX, by+sourceRatioY) * 0.0025f; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx+sourceRatioX, by-sourceRatioY) * 0.0025f; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-sourceRatioX, by+sourceRatioY) * 0.0025f; // outputColor += sourceTexture.GetPixelBilinear(bx-sourceRatioX, by-sourceRatioY) * 0.0025f; // // outputPixels[r*outputWidth + c] = outputColor; //nearest neighbor // int pixelX = Mathf.RoundToInt((trimPercentX + colPercent*trimPercentWidth) * (float)sourceTexture.width); // int pixelY = Mathf.RoundToInt((trimPercentY + rowPercent*trimPercentHeight) * (float)sourceTexture.height); // outputPixels[r*outputWidth + c] = sourceTexture.GetPixel(pixelX,pixelY); } } atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX, outputY, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputPixels); if (element.extrude != 0) { //yield return "Extruding " +; int heightExtruded = outputHeight + extrude * 2; Color[] sidePixels = new Color[extrude * heightExtruded]; //used for the left and right sides //LEFT SIDE for (int r = 0; r < heightExtruded; r++) //figure out row colour and then fill that row { int outputRow = Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(outputHeight - 1, r - extrude)); Color color = outputPixels[outputRow * outputWidth]; for (int c = 0; c < extrude; c++) { sidePixels[r * extrude + c] = color; } atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX - extrude, outputY - extrude, extrude, heightExtruded, sidePixels); } //RIGHT SIDE for (int r = 0; r < heightExtruded; r++) //figure out row colour and then fill that row { int outputRow = Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(outputHeight - 1, r - extrude)); Color color = outputPixels[outputRow * outputWidth + outputWidth - 1]; for (int c = 0; c < extrude; c++) { sidePixels[r * extrude + c] = color; } atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX + outputWidth, outputY - extrude, extrude, heightExtruded, sidePixels); } sidePixels = new Color[extrude * outputWidth]; //used for the top and bottom sides //BOTTOM SIDE for (int c = 0; c < outputWidth; c++) //figure out row colour and then fill that row { Color color = outputPixels[c]; for (int r = 0; r < extrude; r++) { sidePixels[r * outputWidth + c] = color; } atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX, outputY - extrude, outputWidth, extrude, sidePixels); } //TOP SIDE int topOffset = (outputHeight - 1) * outputWidth; //start at the top row for (int c = 0; c < outputWidth; c++) //figure out row colour and then fill that row { Color color = outputPixels[topOffset + c]; for (int r = 0; r < extrude; r++) { sidePixels[r * outputWidth + c] = color; } atlasTexture.SetPixels(outputX, outputY + outputHeight, outputWidth, extrude, sidePixels); } } } } // int count = 5; // for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) // { // float percent = (float)i/(float)(count-1); // Debug.Log(i + " percent " + percent); // } yield return("Writing PNG to disk"); atlasTexture.Apply(false, false); File.WriteAllBytes(link.atlasFilePath + pngSuffix, atlasTexture.EncodeToPNG()); if (PRViewAtlasWindow.instance != null && == link) { PRViewAtlasWindow.instance.UpdateAtlas(); } //in theory this should make it unreadable, //but it doesn't matter because we're about to delete it anyway //atlasTexture.Apply(false,true); //This stuff would be handy, but it's SO SLOW and unreliable that it's not worth it // TextureImporter importer = TextureImporter.GetAtPath(link.atlasFilePath+pngSuffix) as TextureImporter; // // if(importer != null) // { // importer.maxTextureSize = Mathf.Max(importer.maxTextureSize,packedWidth,packedHeight); // importer.alphaIsTransparency = true; // AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(importer.assetPath); // } // // yield return "Importing Atlas"; }
private void CalculateElementPacking() { int elementCount = elements.Count; //use the min area of all the elements to start with a sensible estimated size for the atlas to be int minArea = 0; for (int e = 0; e < elementCount; e++) { minArea += elements[e].expandedWidth * elements[e].expandedHeight; } int tryWidth = 16; int tryHeight = 16; int tries = 0; while ((tryWidth - link.padding) * (tryHeight - link.padding) < minArea && tries++ < 100) { if (tries % 2 == 0) //alternate increasing width and height until we find a size that fits everything { tryWidth *= 2; } else { tryHeight *= 2; } } tries = 0; //subtract padding because we can't pack right up to the padded border //but don't subtract padding*2 because the element sizes already account for padding on one side PRPacker packer = new PRPacker(tryWidth - link.padding, tryHeight - link.padding); while (tries++ < 100) //tries is to prevent infinite loops { bool didFail = false; for (int e = 0; e < elementCount; e++) { PRAtlasElement element = elements[e]; //Debug.Log("Try fitting " + element.expandedWidth + ", " + element.expandedHeight + " into " + tryWidth+","+tryHeight); //TODO update PRRect rect = packer.Insert(element.expandedWidth, element.expandedHeight, PRPacker.ChoiceHeuristic.ShortSideFit); if (rect.width == 0 && rect.height == 0) //both at 0 means it failed { didFail = true; if (tryWidth <= tryHeight) //alternate increasing width and height until we find a size that fits everything { tryWidth *= 2; } else { tryHeight *= 2; } packer.Init(tryWidth - link.padding, tryHeight - link.padding); break; } else { element.packedRect = rect; element.packedRect.x += element.padding; //push the rect off the wall (note, y doesn't need this for the reason below) //flip packing y coord. This is because the algorithm tries to pack everything around 0,0 //and we want 0,0 to be top left instead of bottom left (which it would be with Unity's coord system) //there's no real reason for it to be top left, except that it's what people are used to. element.packedRect.y = (tryHeight - element.packedRect.y) - element.packedRect.height; } } if (!didFail) { atlasWidth = tryWidth; atlasHeight = tryHeight; break; //we're done! } } }
private void TrimElements() { int trimPadding = link.trimPadding; int elementCount = elements.Count; for (int e = 0; e < elementCount; e++) { PRAtlasElement element = elements[e]; if (element.shouldTrim) { Color[] sourcePixels = element.texture.GetPixels(0); int cols = element.sourceFullWidth; //int rows = element.sourceFullHeight; int left = 0; int right = element.sourceFullWidth - 1; int top = element.sourceFullHeight - 1; int bottom = 0; //note: y=0 is at the bottom, not the top. //try to find the first solid pixel on the LEFT for (int c = left; c <= right; c++) //left to right { bool didFindSolid = false; for (int r = bottom; r <= top; r++) //bottom to top { if (sourcePixels[r * cols + c].a != 0.0f) { didFindSolid = true; left = c; break; } } if (didFindSolid) { break; } } //try to find the first solid pixel on the RIGHT for (int c = right; c >= left; c--) //right to left { bool didFindSolid = false; for (int r = bottom; r <= top; r++) //bottom to top { if (sourcePixels[r * cols + c].a != 0.0f) { didFindSolid = true; right = c; break; } } if (didFindSolid) { break; } } //try to find the first solid pixel on the TOP for (int r = top; r >= bottom; r--) //top to bottom { bool didFindSolid = false; for (int c = left; c <= right; c++) //left to right { if (sourcePixels[r * cols + c].a != 0.0f) { didFindSolid = true; top = r; break; } } if (didFindSolid) { break; } } //try to find the first solid pixel on the BOTTOM for (int r = bottom; r <= top; r++) //bottom to top { bool didFindSolid = false; for (int c = left; c <= right; c++) //left to right { if (sourcePixels[r * cols + c].a != 0.0f) { didFindSolid = true; bottom = r; break; } } if (didFindSolid) { break; } } //Debug.Log( + " left:" + left + " right:"+ right +" top:" + top + " bottom:" + bottom); //apply trim padding if (trimPadding != 0) { left = Mathf.Max(0, left - trimPadding); right = Mathf.Min(element.sourceFullWidth - 1, right + trimPadding); bottom = Mathf.Max(0, bottom - trimPadding); top = Mathf.Min(element.sourceFullHeight - 1, top + trimPadding); } element.sourceTrimX = left; element.sourceTrimY = bottom; //todo: figure out if this should be bottom or top element.sourceTrimWidth = right - left + 1; //the +1 is because the values are INCLUSIVE element.sourceTrimHeight = top - bottom + 1; //the +1 is because the values are INCLUSIVE } else { element.sourceTrimX = 0; element.sourceTrimY = 0; element.sourceTrimWidth = element.sourceFullWidth; element.sourceTrimHeight = element.sourceFullHeight; } if (element.shouldScale) { element.scaledTrimX = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)element.sourceTrimX * link.scale); element.scaledTrimY = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)element.sourceTrimY * link.scale); element.scaledTrimWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)element.sourceTrimWidth * link.scale); element.scaledTrimHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)element.sourceTrimHeight * link.scale); } else { element.scaledTrimX = element.sourceTrimX; element.scaledTrimY = element.sourceTrimY; element.scaledTrimWidth = element.sourceTrimWidth; element.scaledTrimHeight = element.sourceTrimHeight; } //padding is only on 2 sides (top and right) //extrude is on all 4 sides element.expandedWidth = element.scaledTrimWidth + element.extrude * 2 + element.padding; element.expandedHeight = element.scaledTrimHeight + element.extrude * 2 + element.padding; //Debug.Log("expanded width " +element.scaledTrimWidth + ", " + element.scaledTrimHeight); //Debug.Log("Turned " + + " " + element.sourceFullWidth+","+element.sourceFullHeight + " into " + element.sourceTrimWidth +"," + element.sourceTrimHeight); //Debug.Log("Turned " + + " " + element.scaledFullWidth+","+element.scaledFullHeight + " into " + element.scaledTrimWidth +"," + element.scaledTrimHeight); } }
private void CreateElementsFromImages() { SearchOption searchOption = link.shouldAddSubfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly; string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(link.sourceFolderPath, "*.png", searchOption); elements = new List <PRAtlasElement>(filePaths.Length); for (int s = 0; s < filePaths.Length; s++) { bool shouldAddElement = true; string filePath = filePaths[s]; string fileName = filePath.Remove(0, link.sourceFolderPath.Length + 1); fileName = fileName.Remove(fileName.Length - 4, 4); //remove extension fileName = fileName.Replace("\\", "/"); //replace slashes PRAtlasElement element = new PRAtlasElement(this, fileName); element.filePath = filePath; Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(0, 0, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, false); texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; //so we don't get pixels from the other edge when scaling texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; texture.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(filePath)); if (link.shouldTrim) { if ("_notrim")) { element.shouldTrim = false; } else { element.shouldTrim = true; } } else { if ("_trim")) { element.shouldTrim = true; } else { element.shouldTrim = false; } } if (atlasScaleIndex != -1) { int elementScaleIndex = GetScaleIndexFromName(; if (elementScaleIndex != -1) //the element has a scale index { if (elementScaleIndex == atlasScaleIndex) //don't scale an element if it has the same suffix { element.shouldScale = false; } else { shouldAddElement = false; //this element is for a different scale so don't add it } } } element.padding = link.padding; element.extrude = link.extrude; element.texture = texture; element.sourceFullWidth = texture.width; element.sourceFullHeight = texture.height; if (element.shouldScale) { element.scaledFullWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)element.sourceFullWidth * link.scale); element.scaledFullHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)element.sourceFullHeight * link.scale); } else { element.scaledFullWidth = element.sourceFullWidth; element.scaledFullHeight = element.sourceFullHeight; } if (element.texture == null) { shouldAddElement = false; } if (shouldAddElement) { elements.Add(element); } else { if (element.texture != null) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(element.texture); } } } }
private void CreateElementsFromImages() { SearchOption searchOption = link.shouldAddSubfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly; string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(link.sourceFolderPath,"*.png",searchOption); elements = new List<PRAtlasElement>(filePaths.Length); for(int s = 0; s<filePaths.Length; s++) { bool shouldAddElement = true; string filePath = filePaths[s]; string fileName = filePath.Remove(0,link.sourceFolderPath.Length+1); fileName = fileName.Remove(fileName.Length-4,4); //remove extension fileName = fileName.Replace("\\","/"); //replace slashes PRAtlasElement element = new PRAtlasElement(this, fileName); element.filePath = filePath; Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(0,0,TextureFormat.ARGB32,false,false); texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; //so we don't get pixels from the other edge when scaling texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; texture.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(filePath)); if(link.shouldTrim) { if("_notrim")) { element.shouldTrim = false; } else { element.shouldTrim = true; } } else { if("_trim")) { element.shouldTrim = true; } else { element.shouldTrim = false; } } if(atlasScaleIndex != -1) { int elementScaleIndex = GetScaleIndexFromName(; if(elementScaleIndex != -1) //the element has a scale index { if(elementScaleIndex == atlasScaleIndex) //don't scale an element if it has the same suffix { element.shouldScale = false; } else { shouldAddElement = false; //this element is for a different scale so don't add it } } } element.padding = link.padding; element.extrude = link.extrude; element.texture = texture; element.sourceFullWidth = texture.width; element.sourceFullHeight = texture.height; if(element.shouldScale) { element.scaledFullWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)element.sourceFullWidth * link.scale); element.scaledFullHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)element.sourceFullHeight * link.scale); } else { element.scaledFullWidth = element.sourceFullWidth; element.scaledFullHeight = element.sourceFullHeight; } if(element.texture == null) { shouldAddElement = false; } if(shouldAddElement) { elements.Add(element); } else { if(element.texture != null) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(element.texture); } } } }