void Awake()
            foreach (ConfigNode city in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("CITY"))
                // check for a name, we need one
                if (!city.HasValue("name"))

                // create the new city
                GameObject cityObject = new GameObject();
                cityObject.name = city.GetValue("name");
                PQSCity2 pqsCity = cityObject.AddComponent <PQSCity2>();
                pqsCity.objectName = cityObject.name;

                // read and set values, using defaults when none are defined
                if (city.HasValue("verticalOffset"))
                    pqsCity.alt = double.Parse(city.GetValue("verticalOffset"));
                    pqsCity.snapHeightOffset = double.Parse(city.GetValue("verticalOffset"));
                CelestialBody body = FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody();
                if (city.HasValue("body"))
                    body = FlightGlobals.GetBodyByName(city.GetValue("body"));
                pqsCity.sphere = body.pqsController;
                if (city.HasValue("lat"))
                    pqsCity.lat = double.Parse(city.GetValue("lat"));
                if (city.HasValue("lon"))
                    pqsCity.lon = double.Parse(city.GetValue("lon"));
                if (city.HasValue("rotation"))
                    pqsCity.rotation = double.Parse(city.GetValue("rotation"));
                if (city.HasValue("snapToSurface"))
                    pqsCity.snapToSurface = city.GetValue("snapToSurface").Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (city.HasValue("displayName"))
                    pqsCity.displayobjectName = city.GetValue("displayName");
                    pqsCity.displayobjectName = cityObject.name;

                // all the subnodes
                ConfigNode[] lods           = city.GetNodes("LOD");
                String[]     flagTransforms = city.GetValues("flagTransform");
                ConfigNode[] launchSites    = city.GetNodes("LAUNCHSITE");

                // load the LODs and models
                List <PQSCity2.LodObject> lodObjects = new List <PQSCity2.LodObject>();
                foreach (ConfigNode lod in lods)
                    // create a new LodObject
                    PQSCity2.LodObject lodObject = new PQSCity2.LodObject();

                    // define the distance to stop rendering
                    if (lod.HasValue("visibleRange"))
                        lodObject.visibleRange = float.Parse(lod.GetValue("visibleRange"));
                        lodObject.visibleRange = 25000;

                    // read the models attached to this LOD
                    ConfigNode[]      models  = lod.GetNodes("MODEL");
                    List <GameObject> objects = new List <GameObject>();
                    foreach (ConfigNode model in models)
                        // make sure the model exists
                        if (!model.HasValue("model") | !GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsModel(model.GetValue("model")))

                        // get an instance of the model
                        GameObject modelInstance = GameDatabase.Instance.GetModel(model.GetValue("model"));

                        // attach it to the city
                        modelInstance.transform.parent = cityObject.transform;

                        // set the transform values if defined
                        if (model.HasValue("position"))
                            modelInstance.transform.localPosition = ConfigNode.ParseVector3(model.GetValue("position"));
                        if (model.HasValue("rotation"))
                            modelInstance.transform.localEulerAngles = ConfigNode.ParseVector3(model.GetValue("rotation"));
                        if (model.HasValue("scale"))
                            modelInstance.transform.localScale = ConfigNode.ParseVector3(model.GetValue("scale"));

                        // move to the local scenery layer

                        // add the model to the list

                        // force all colliders to be concave
                        MeshCollider[] mColliders = modelInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshCollider>(true);
                        foreach (MeshCollider collider in mColliders)
                            collider.convex = false;

                    // add the object list to the lodObject
                    lodObject.objects = objects.ToArray();

                    // add the lodObject to the lodObject list

                // add the LODs to the PQSCity
                pqsCity.objects = lodObjects.ToArray();

                // set the flag transforms
                if (flagTransforms.Length != 0)
                    // add the flag handler component
                    CityFlag cityFlag = cityObject.AddComponent <CityFlag>();

                    // add each transform to the handler
                    foreach (string flagTransform in flagTransforms)
                        cityFlag.flagObjects.Add(CityUtils.FindChild(flagTransform, cityObject));

                // finalize the PQSCity
                cityObject.transform.parent = body.pqsController.transform;

                // add a CommNet antenna if defined
                if (city.HasNode("COMMNET"))
                    // reference the confignode for future reference
                    ConfigNode commNet = city.GetNode("COMMNET");

                    // create the CommNetHome
                    CommNet.CommNetHome cNetHome = cityObject.AddComponent <CommNet.CommNetHome>();

                    // set the internal name
                    cNetHome.nodeName = cityObject.name;

                    // get the values from the config
                    if (commNet.HasValue("nodeName"))
                        cNetHome.displaynodeName = commNet.GetValue("nodeName");
                        cNetHome.displaynodeName = pqsCity.displayobjectName;
                    if (commNet.HasValue("antennaPower"))
                        cNetHome.antennaPower = double.Parse(commNet.GetValue("antennaPower"));
                    if (commNet.HasValue("isKSC"))
                        cNetHome.isKSC = commNet.GetValue("isKSC").Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (commNet.HasValue("isPermanent"))
                        cNetHome.isPermanent = commNet.GetValue("isPermanent").Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (city.HasValue("commNetTransform"))
                        cNetHome.nodeTransform = CityUtils.FindChild(city.GetValue("commNetTransform"), cityObject).transform;
                        cNetHome.nodeTransform = cityObject.transform;

                // setup the launch sites (Making History required)
                foreach (ConfigNode site in launchSites)
                    // we need a name
                    if (!site.HasValue("name"))

                    // create the spawnpoint
                    LaunchSite.SpawnPoint spawnPoint = new LaunchSite.SpawnPoint();
                    spawnPoint.name = site.GetValue("name");

                    // select the facility
                    EditorFacility facility = EditorFacility.VAB;
                    if (site.HasValue("facility") && site.GetValue("facility") == "SPH")
                        facility = EditorFacility.SPH;

                    // find and reparent the spawnTransform
                    // reparenting is done to ensure that it works
                    Transform spawnTransform = CityUtils.FindChild(site.GetValue("transform"), cityObject).transform;

                    // create the launchsite
                    LaunchSite launchSite = new LaunchSite(site.GetValue("name"), body.pqsController.name, site.GetValue("title"), new LaunchSite.SpawnPoint[] { spawnPoint }, cityObject.name + "/" + spawnTransform.name, facility);

                    // change the mapIcon
                    // todo: remove mapIcon
                    if (facility == EditorFacility.VAB)
                        launchSite.nodeType = KSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapNode.SiteType.LaunchSite;
                        launchSite.nodeType = KSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapNode.SiteType.Runway;

                    // finalize the LaunchSite
                    launchSite.Setup(pqsCity, new PQS[] { body.pqsController });
        void FixAltitude()
            CelestialBody body = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody;

            if (body == null)

            PQS pqs = body.pqsController;

            if (pqs == null)

            PQSCity2 city = GetComponent <PQSCity2>();

            if (city == null)

            // Location
            Vector3 planet   = body.transform.position;
            Vector3 building = city.transform.position; // From body to city
            Vector3 location = (building - planet).normalized;

            // Sigma Dimensions Settings
            double resize          = body.Has("resize") ? body.Get <double>("resize") : 1;
            double landscape       = body.Has("landscape") ? body.Get <double>("landscape") : 1;
            double resizeBuildings = body.Has("resizeBuildings") ? body.Get <double>("resizeBuildings") : 1;

            // Max distance
            double maxDistance = Math.Abs(2 * pqs.mapMaxHeight);

            maxDistance *= resize * landscape > 1 ? resize * landscape : 1;
            maxDistance += body.Radius;

            RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(planet + location * (float)maxDistance, -location, (float)maxDistance, LayerMask.GetMask("Local Scenery"));

            for (int i = 0; i < hits?.Length; i++)
                if (hits[i].collider?.GetComponent <PQ>())
                    // Update only once
                    TimingManager.UpdateRemove(TimingManager.TimingStage.Normal, FixAltitude);
                    Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "> Planet: " + body.transform.name);
                    Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "    > PQSCity2: " + city);

                    // PQSCity2 parameters
                    double groundLevel = (hits[i].point - planet).magnitude - body.Radius;
                    double error       = pqs.GetSurfaceHeight(city.PlanetRelativePosition) - body.Radius - groundLevel;
                    double oceanDepth  = body.ocean && groundLevel < 0 ? -groundLevel : 0d;
                    groundLevel = body.ocean && groundLevel < 0 ? 0d : groundLevel;

                    Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Ground Level at Mod = " + groundLevel);
                    Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Ocean Depth at Mod = " + groundLevel);
                    Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Ground Level Error at Mod = " + groundLevel);

                    // Fix Altitude
                    if (!city.snapToSurface)
                        // Offset = Distance from the radius of the planet

                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > PQSCity2 Original Radius Offset = " + city.alt);

                        double builtInOffset = city.alt - groundLevel / (resize * landscape);

                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Builtuin Offset = " + builtInOffset);

                        city.alt = groundLevel + error / (resize * landscape) - (groundLevel + error - city.alt) / resizeBuildings;

                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > PQSCity2 Fixed Radius Offset = " + city.alt);
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > PQSCity2 Original Surface Offset = " + city.snapHeightOffset);

                        city.snapHeightOffset = oceanDepth + error / (resize * landscape) - (oceanDepth + error - city.snapHeightOffset) / resizeBuildings;

                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > PQSCity2 Fixed Surface Offset = " + city.snapHeightOffset);

Exemple #3
        void Update()
            if (time < 0.2)
                time += Time.deltaTime;
                time = 0;

                CelestialBody body = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody;
                if (body == null)

                PQS pqs = body.pqsController;
                if (pqs == null)

                PQSCity2 city = GetComponent <PQSCity2>();
                if (city == null)

                // Location
                Vector3 planet   = body.transform.position;
                Vector3 building = city.transform.position; // From body to city
                Vector3 location = (building - planet).normalized;

                // Sigma Dimensions Settings
                double resize          = body.Has("resize") ? body.Get <double>("resize") : 1;
                double landscape       = body.Has("landscape") ? body.Get <double>("landscape") : 1;
                double resizeBuildings = body.Has("resizeBuildings") ? body.Get <double>("resizeBuildings") : 1;

                // Max distance
                double maxDistance = Math.Abs(2 * pqs.mapMaxHeight);
                maxDistance *= resize * landscape > 1 ? resize * landscape : 1;
                maxDistance += body.Radius;

                RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(planet + location * (float)maxDistance, -location, (float)maxDistance, LayerMask.GetMask("Local Scenery"));

                for (int i = 0; i < hits?.Length; i++)
                    if (hits[i].collider?.GetComponent <PQ>())
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "> Planet: " + body.transform.name);
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "    > PQSCity2: " + city);

                        // PQSCity2 parameters
                        double oldGroundLevel = pqs.GetSurfaceHeight(city.PlanetRelativePosition) - body.Radius;
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Old Ground Level at Mod (GETSURFACE) = " + oldGroundLevel);
                        double oldOceanOffset = body.ocean && oldGroundLevel < 0 ? oldGroundLevel : 0d;
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Old Ocean Offset at Mod = " + oldOceanOffset);
                        oldGroundLevel = body.ocean && oldGroundLevel < 0 ? 0d : oldGroundLevel;
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Old Ground Level at Mod (WITH OCEAN) = " + oldGroundLevel);

                        double groundLevel = (hits[i].point - planet).magnitude - body.Radius;
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Ground Level at Mod (RAYCAST) = " + groundLevel);
                        double oceanOffset = body.ocean && groundLevel < 0 ? groundLevel : 0d;
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Ocean Offset at Mod = " + oceanOffset);
                        groundLevel = body.ocean && groundLevel < 0 ? 0d : groundLevel;
                        Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Ground Level at Mod (NEW) = " + groundLevel);

                        // Because, SQUAD
                        city.PositioningPoint.localPosition /= (float)(body.Radius + city.alt);

                        // Fix Altitude
                        if (!city.snapToSurface)
                            // Alt = Distance from the radius of the planet

                            Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > PQSCity2 Original Radius Offset = " + city.alt);

                            double builtInOffset = (city.alt - oldGroundLevel) / resizeBuildings - (groundLevel - oldGroundLevel) / (resize * landscape);

                            Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Builtin Offset = " + builtInOffset);

                            city.alt = groundLevel + builtInOffset * resizeBuildings;

                            Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > PQSCity2 Fixed Radius Offset = " + city.alt);
                            // Offset = Distance from the surface of the planet

                            Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > PQSCity2 Original Surface Offset = " + city.snapHeightOffset);

                            double builtInOffset = city.snapHeightOffset / resizeBuildings - (groundLevel + oceanOffset - oldGroundLevel - oldOceanOffset) / (resize * landscape);

                            Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > Builtin Offset = " + builtInOffset);

                            double newOffset = builtInOffset * resizeBuildings + groundLevel + oceanOffset - oldGroundLevel - oldOceanOffset;

                            Debug.Log("PQSCity2Fixer", "        > PQSCity2 Fixed Surface Offset = " + newOffset);

                            city.alt += newOffset - city.snapHeightOffset;
                            city.snapHeightOffset = newOffset;

                        // Because, SQUAD
                        city.PositioningPoint.localPosition *= (float)(body.Radius + city.alt);

                        // Apply Changes and Destroy