/// <summary>
        /// Calls the normal ShowData() Method and then performs the rest of the
        /// setting up of the data that is shown in the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        private void SpecialShowData()

            // Check for unexpected condition...
            if (FMainDS.SummaryData.Rows.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("FMainDS.SummaryData holds NO ROWS!", DEV_FIX);

            // Show note about multiple Churches/Pastors, if applicable

            // Setup Jobs/Commitments Grid
            DataView myDataView = FMainDS.JobAssignmentStaffDataCombined.DefaultView;

            myDataView.AllowNew   = false;
            myDataView.Sort       = PmJobAssignmentTable.GetFromDateDBName() + " DESC";
            grdDetails.DataSource = new DevAge.ComponentModel.BoundDataView(myDataView);

            // Determine the 'Primary Phone Number' and the 'Primary E-mail Address' of the PERSON
            if (FMainDS.Tables[PPartnerAttributeTable.GetTableName()] != null)
                DeterminePrimaryEmailAndPrimaryPhone(out FPhoneOfPerson, out FEmailOfPerson);

            // Record current relationship(s) that are supporting Church(es) of the PERSON
            if (FMainDS.Tables[PPartnerRelationshipTable.GetTableName()] != null)
                DetermineChurchRelationships(out FSupportingChurchesPartnerKeys);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when data got saved in the screen. This Method takes over changed data
        /// into FMainDS, which is different than the Partner Edit screen's FMainDS, in
        /// order to have current data on which decisions on whether to refresh certain
        /// parts of the 'Overview' need to be updated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="APartnerAttributesOrRelationsChanged">NOT USED IN THIS CONTEXT!  (Set to true by the SaveChanges Method
        /// of the Partner Edit screen if PartnerAttributes or Relationships have changed.)</param>
        public void RefreshPersonnelDataAfterMerge(bool APartnerAttributesOrRelationsChanged)
            // Need to merge Tables from PartnerEditTDS into IndividualDataTDS so the updated s_modification_id_t of modififed Rows is held correctly in IndividualDataTDS, too!

            // ...but first empty relevant DataTables to ensure that DataRows that got deleted in FPartnerEditTDS are reflected in FMainDS (just performing a Merge wouldn't remove them!)
            if (FMainDS.Tables.Contains(PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableName()))

            if (FMainDS.Tables.Contains(PLocationTable.GetTableName()))

            if (FMainDS.Tables.Contains(PPartnerRelationshipTable.GetTableName()))

            // Now perform the Merge operation

            // Call AcceptChanges on IndividualDataTDS so that we don't have any changed data anymore (this is done to PartnerEditTDS, too, after this Method returns)!
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether a PERSON has one or more 'Supporting Church' Relationship(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ASupportingChurchesPartnerKeys">PartnerKeys of 'Supporting Churches'.</param>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        private void DetermineChurchRelationships(out long[] ASupportingChurchesPartnerKeys)
            DataRow[] SupportingChurches;

            // Initialise out Argument
            ASupportingChurchesPartnerKeys = new long[0];

            SupportingChurches = FMainDS.Tables[PPartnerRelationshipTable.GetTableName()].Select(
                PPartnerRelationshipTable.GetRelationNameDBName() + "= 'SUPPCHURCH'");

            if (SupportingChurches != null)
                ASupportingChurchesPartnerKeys = new long[SupportingChurches.Length];

                for (int Counter = 0; Counter < SupportingChurches.Length; Counter++)
                    ASupportingChurchesPartnerKeys[Counter] = (long)SupportingChurches[Counter][PPartnerRelationshipTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()];
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when data got saved in the screen. Performs a check whether reloading
        /// of the 'SummaryData' is necessary to reflect changes that were done elsewhere
        /// in the Partner Edit screen and which just got saved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public void CheckForRefreshOfDisplayedData(bool AJobAndStaffDataGridNeedsRefresh)
            bool   RefreshNecessary = false;
            string PhoneOfPerson;
            string EmailOfPerson;

            if (!AJobAndStaffDataGridNeedsRefresh)
                Int64[] SupportingChurchesPartnerKeys = new long[0];

                if (FMainDS.Tables[PPartnerAttributeTable.GetTableName()] != null)
                    // Check for change of the 'Primary Phone Number' and the 'Primary E-mail Address' of the PERSON
                    DeterminePrimaryEmailAndPrimaryPhone(out PhoneOfPerson, out EmailOfPerson);

                    if ((PhoneOfPerson != FPhoneOfPerson) ||
                        (EmailOfPerson != FEmailOfPerson))
                        RefreshNecessary = true;

                if (FMainDS.Tables[PPartnerRelationshipTable.GetTableName()] != null)
                    // Check for change in supporting Church/es relationship(s)
                    DetermineChurchRelationships(out SupportingChurchesPartnerKeys);

                    if ((FSupportingChurchesPartnerKeys == null) ||
                        (FSupportingChurchesPartnerKeys.Length != SupportingChurchesPartnerKeys.Length))
                        RefreshNecessary = true;
                        for (int Counter = 0; Counter < SupportingChurchesPartnerKeys.Length; Counter++)
                            if (SupportingChurchesPartnerKeys[Counter] != FSupportingChurchesPartnerKeys[Counter])
                                RefreshNecessary = true;
                RefreshNecessary = true;

            if (RefreshNecessary)
                // Call WebConnector to retrieve SummaryData afresh!
                IndividualDataTDS FillDS = new IndividualDataTDS();

                TRemote.MPersonnel.Person.DataElements.WebConnectors.GetSummaryData(FMainDS.PPerson[0].PartnerKey, ref FillDS);


                // Refresh the displayed data