Exemple #1
        private void BatchPrint(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            int    tick      = 0;
            int    total     = _items.Count;
            string signature = "";
            string purpose   = "";
            double fee       = 0d;

            App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate            // <--- HERE
                QueueCounter.Content      = tick + "/" + total;
                QueuePBar.IsIndeterminate = true;

                signature = Signatory.Text;
                purpose   = Purpose.Text;
                fee       = Convert.ToDouble(PrintingFee.Value);
            for (int i = 0; i < _items.Count; i++)
                App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate                // <--- HERE
                    QueueCounter.Content = tick + "/" + total;
                RecordEntryBaptismal recordx = (RecordEntryBaptismal)_items[i];

                string   x1, x2;
                string[] bspl  = DateTime.Parse(recordx.BirthDate).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").Split('/');
                string   bsuff = GetDaySuffix(int.Parse(bspl[1]));
                string   bmon  = PrepMonth(int.Parse(bspl[0]));
                if (int.Parse(bspl[2]) > 1999)
                    x1      = "";
                    bspl[2] = bspl[2].Remove(0, 2);
                    x1 = "X";

                string[] dspl  = DateTime.Parse(recordx.BaptismalDate + "," + recordx.BaptismalYear).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").Split('/');
                string   dsuff = GetDaySuffix(int.Parse(dspl[1]));
                string   dmon  = PrepMonth(int.Parse(dspl[0]));
                if (int.Parse(dspl[2]) > 1999)
                    x2      = "";
                    dspl[2] = dspl[2].Remove(0, 2);
                    x2 = "X";

                Document doc = new Document();
                doc.Replace("name", recordx.FullName, true, true);
                doc.Replace("father", recordx.Parent1, true, true);
                doc.Replace("mother", recordx.Parent2, true, true);
                doc.Replace("born", recordx.PlaceOfBirth, true, true);
                doc.Replace("day1", int.Parse(bspl[1]) + bsuff, true, true);
                doc.Replace("month1", bmon, true, true);
                doc.Replace("X1", x1, true, true);
                doc.Replace("year1", DateTime.Parse(recordx.BirthDate).ToString("yyyy"), true, true);
                doc.Replace("day2", int.Parse(dspl[1]) + dsuff, true, true);
                doc.Replace("month2", dmon, true, true);
                doc.Replace("X2", x2, true, true);
                doc.Replace("year2", DateTime.Parse(recordx.BaptismalDate + "," + recordx.BaptismalYear).ToString("yyyy"), true, true);
                doc.Replace("church", pmsutil.GetChurchName(), true, true);
                doc.Replace("by", signature, true, true);
                doc.Replace("sponsor1", recordx.Godparent1, true, true);
                doc.Replace("sponsor2", recordx.Godparent2, true, true);
                doc.Replace("book", GetBNum(recordx.RecordID).ToString(), true, true);
                doc.Replace("page", GetPNum(recordx.RecordID).ToString(), true, true);
                doc.Replace("no", recordx.EntryNumber.ToString(), true, true);
                doc.Replace("priest", recordx.Minister, true, true);
                doc.Replace("purpose", purpose, true, true);
                doc.Replace("date", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy"), true, true);
                doc.SaveToFile("Data\\print-" + i + ".docx", FileFormat.Docx);

                //Load Document
                Document document = new Document();
                document.LoadFromFile(@"Data\\print-" + i + ".docx");

                //Convert Word to PDF
                document.SaveToFile("Output\\print_file-" + i + ".pdf", FileFormat.PDF);

                App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate                // <--- HERE
                    if (SkipPreview.IsChecked == true)
                        Spire.Pdf.PdfDocument docx = new Spire.Pdf.PdfDocument();
                        docx.LoadFromFile(@"Output\\print_file-" + i + ".pdf");
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Output\\print_file-" + i + ".pdf");

                    if (Purpose.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        string tmp = pmsutil.LogRecord(recordx.RecordID, "LOGC-03");
                        string tmp = pmsutil.LogRecord(recordx.RecordID, "LOGC-04");
                pmsutil.InsertTransaction("Baptismal Cert.", "Paying", recordx.RecordID, Convert.ToDouble(pmsutil.GetPrintFee("Baptismal")));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the request to the database.
        /// </summary>
        private int PrintEntry()
            string x1, x2;

            string[] bspl  = birthDate.Split('/');
            string   bsuff = GetDaySuffix(int.Parse(bspl[1]));
            string   bmon  = PrepMonth(int.Parse(bspl[0]));

            if (int.Parse(bspl[2]) > 1999)
                x1      = "";
                bspl[2] = bspl[2].Remove(0, 2);
                x1 = "X";

            string[] dspl  = baptismDate.Split('/');
            string   dsuff = GetDaySuffix(int.Parse(dspl[1]));
            string   dmon  = PrepMonth(int.Parse(dspl[0]));

            if (int.Parse(dspl[2]) > 1999)
                x2      = "";
                dspl[2] = dspl[2].Remove(0, 2);
                x2 = "X";

            Document doc = new Document();

            doc.Replace("name", fullName, true, true);
            doc.Replace("father", parent1, true, true);
            doc.Replace("mother", parent2, true, true);
            doc.Replace("born", birthPlace, true, true);
            doc.Replace("day1", int.Parse(bspl[1]) + bsuff, true, true);
            doc.Replace("month1", bmon, true, true);
            doc.Replace("X1", x1, true, true);
            //doc.Replace("year1", bspl[2], true, true);
            doc.Replace("year1", DateTime.Parse(birthDate).ToString("yyyy"), true, true);
            doc.Replace("day2", int.Parse(dspl[1]) + dsuff, true, true);
            doc.Replace("month2", dmon, true, true);
            doc.Replace("X2", x2, true, true);
            doc.Replace("year2", DateTime.Parse(baptismDate).ToString("yyyy"), true, true);
            doc.Replace("church", pmsutil.GetChurchName(), true, true);
            doc.Replace("by", Signatory.Text, true, true);
            doc.Replace("sponsor1", sponsor1, true, true);
            doc.Replace("sponsor2", sponsor2, true, true);
            doc.Replace("book", bookNum.ToString(), true, true);
            doc.Replace("page", pageNum.ToString(), true, true);
            doc.Replace("no", entryNum.ToString(), true, true);
            doc.Replace("priest", minister, true, true);
            doc.Replace("purpose", Purpose.Text, true, true);
            doc.Replace("date", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy"), true, true);
            doc.SaveToFile("Data\\print.docx", FileFormat.Docx);

            //Load Document
            Document document = new Document();


            //Convert Word to PDF
            document.SaveToFile("Output\\print_file.pdf", FileFormat.PDF);


            if (Purpose.SelectedIndex == 0)
                string tmp = pmsutil.LogRecord(recordID, "LOGC-03");
                string tmp = pmsutil.LogRecord(recordID, "LOGC-04");
            pmsutil.InsertTransaction("Baptismal Cert.", "Unpaid", recordID, Convert.ToDouble(PrintingFee.Value));