Exemple #1
        void DidSelectShippingContact(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, PKContact contact, PKPaymentShippingAddressSelected completion)
            // Create a shipping method. Shipping methods use PKShippingMethod,
            // which inherits from PKPaymentSummaryItem. It adds a detail property
            // you can use to specify information like estimated delivery time.
            var shipping = new PKShippingMethod
                Label  = "Standard Shipping",
                Amount = NSDecimalNumber.Zero,
                Detail = "Delivers within two working days"

            // Note that this is a contrived example. Because addresses can come from
            // many sources on iOS they may not always have the fields you want.
            // Your application should be sure to verify the address is correct,
            // and return the appropriate status. If the address failed to pass validation
            // you should return `InvalidShippingPostalAddress` instead of `Success`.

            var address = contact.PostalAddress;
            var requiresInternationalSurcharge = address.Country != "United States";

            PKPaymentSummaryItem[] summaryItems = MakeSummaryItems(requiresInternationalSurcharge);

            completion(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.Success, new[] { shipping }, summaryItems);
Exemple #2
        public void ShippingAddressViewControllerEnteredAddress(ShippingAddressViewController addressViewController, Address address, ShippingMethodsCompletionBlock completion)
            var upsGround = new PKShippingMethod
                Amount     = new NSDecimalNumber(0),
                Label      = "UPS Ground",
                Detail     = "Arrives in 3-5 days",
                Identifier = "ups_ground",

            var upsWorldwide = new PKShippingMethod
                Amount     = new NSDecimalNumber(10.99),
                Label      = "UPS Worldwide Express",
                Detail     = "Arrives in 1-3 days",
                Identifier = "ups_worldwide",

            var fedEx = new PKShippingMethod
                Amount     = new NSDecimalNumber(5.99),
                Label      = "FedEx",
                Detail     = "Arrives tomorrow",
                Identifier = "fedex",

            DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchAfter(new DispatchTime(DispatchTime.Now, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 600)), () =>
                if (address.Country == null || address.Country == "US")
                    completion(ShippingStatus.Valid, null, new PKShippingMethod[] { upsGround, fedEx }, fedEx);
                else if (address.Country == "AQ")
                    var error = new NSError(new NSString("ShippingError"), 123,
                                            new NSDictionary(NSError.LocalizedDescriptionKey, new NSString("Invalid Shipping Address"),
                                                             NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey, new NSString("We can't ship to this country.")));

                    completion(ShippingStatus.Invalid, error, null, null);
                    fedEx.Amount = new NSDecimalNumber(20.99);

                    completion(ShippingStatus.Valid, null, new PKShippingMethod[] { upsWorldwide, fedEx }, fedEx);
Exemple #3
 public void ShippingAddressViewControllerFinished(ShippingAddressViewController addressViewController, Address address, PKShippingMethod method)
     customerContext.UpdateCustomer(address, null);
     DismissViewController(true, null);
		void DidSelectShippingContact (PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, PKContact contact, PKPaymentShippingAddressSelected completion)
			// Create a shipping method. Shipping methods use PKShippingMethod,
			// which inherits from PKPaymentSummaryItem. It adds a detail property
			// you can use to specify information like estimated delivery time.
			var shipping = new PKShippingMethod {
				Label = "Standard Shipping",
				Amount = NSDecimalNumber.Zero,
				Detail = "Delivers within two working days"

			// Note that this is a contrived example. Because addresses can come from
			// many sources on iOS they may not always have the fields you want.
			// Your application should be sure to verify the address is correct,
			// and return the appropriate status. If the address failed to pass validation
			// you should return `InvalidShippingPostalAddress` instead of `Success`.

			var address = contact.PostalAddress;
			var requiresInternationalSurcharge = address.Country != "United States";

			PKPaymentSummaryItem[] summaryItems = MakeSummaryItems (requiresInternationalSurcharge);

			completion (PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.Success, new [] { shipping }, summaryItems);