public PhpFunctionGroup(string @namespace, MethodGroup o)
                var functions = o.Methods.Select(m => new PhpOperation(m));

                Class = PHP.Class(
                    name: Class.CreateName(@namespace, o.Name),
                    constructor: PHP.Constructor(
                        parameters: GroupConstructorParameters,
                        body: functions.SelectMany(f => f.ConstructorStatements)),
                    functions: functions.Select(f => f.Function),
                    properties: functions.Select(f => f.Property));

                Property = PHP.Property(Class.Name, "_" + o.Name + "_group");

                Create = PHP
                         .Assign(PHP.New(Class.Name, ClientParameterRef))

                Function = PHP.Function(
                    name: $"get{o.Name}",
                    @return: Class,
                    body: PHP.Statements(PHP.Return(PHP.This.Arrow(Property))));
Exemple #2
        static void Main()
            PHP php = new PHP();

   = "앙기모";
            public PhpOperation(Method m)
                var name = "_" + m.Name + "_operation";

                Property = PHP.Property(new ClassName(MicrosoftRestOperationInterface), name);

                var thisProperty = PHP.This.Arrow(Property);

                ConstructorStatements = OperationInfoInit(thisProperty, m);

                var parameters = m.Parameters
                                 .Where(p => !p.IsConstant &&
                                        !p.IsApiVersion() &&
                                        p.SerializedName != "subscriptionId");

                var call = PHP.Return(thisProperty.Call(
                                          PHP.CreateArray(parameters.Select(p => PHP.KeyValue(
                                                                                new ObjectName(p.SerializedName).Ref())))));

                Function = PHP.Function(
                    name: m.Name,
                    description: m.Description,
                    @return: m.ReturnType.Body == null ? null : SchemaObject.Create(m.ReturnType.Body).ToPhpType(),
                    parameters: parameters.Select(p => {
                    var phpType = SchemaObject.Create(p.ModelType).ToPhpType();
                               p.IsRequired ? phpType : new Nullable(phpType),
                               new ObjectName(p.SerializedName)));
                    body: PHP.Statements(call));
        static IEnumerable <Statement> OperationInfoInit(
            Expression0 property, Method m)
            // $_client->createOperation({...operationId...})
            var operationInfoCreate = ClientParameterRef.Call(

            // $this->{...operation...} =
        public override async Task Generate(CodeModel codeModel)
            var @namespace = Class.CreateName(codeModel.Namespace);

            var phpGroups = codeModel.Operations
                            .Where(o => o.Name.RawValue != string.Empty)
                            .Select(o => new PhpFunctionGroup(@namespace, o));

            var phpFunctions = codeModel.Operations
                               .Where(o => o.Name.RawValue == string.Empty)
                               .SelectMany(o => o.Methods.Select(m => new PhpOperation(m)));

            var swaggerObjectData = PHP.Const(

            var client = PHP.Class(
                name: Class.CreateName(@namespace, codeModel.Name),
                constructor: PHP.Constructor(
                    parameters: ClientConstructorParameters,
                    body: PHP
                    .Concat(phpGroups.Select(g => g.Create))
                    .Concat(phpFunctions.SelectMany(f => f.ConstructorStatements))),
                functions: phpGroups
                .Select(o => o.Function)
                .Concat(phpFunctions.Select(f => f.Function)),
                properties: phpGroups
                .Select(o => o.Property)
                .Concat(phpFunctions.Select(f => f.Property)),
                consts: PHP.Consts(swaggerObjectData));

            foreach (var class_ in phpGroups
                     .Select(o => o.Class)
                await Write(
                    string.Join("\n", class_.ToCodeText(Indent)),
Exemple #6
        public static int Apply(ScriptContext/*!*/context, PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, Iterator/*!*/iterator, PhpCallback function, PhpArray args)
            // check parameters:
            Debug.Assert(context != null);
            Debug.Assert(iterator != null, "Phalanger should not pass a null here.");

            if (function == null)
                return -1;

            // copy args into object array:
            object[] args_array;

            if (args != null)
                args_array = new object[args.Count];
                args.Values.CopyTo(args_array, 0);
                args_array = ArrayUtils.EmptyObjects;

            // iterate through the iterator:
            int n = 0;
            while (PHP.Core.Convert.ObjectToBoolean(iterator.valid(context)))
                if (!PHP.Core.Convert.ObjectToBoolean(function.Invoke(caller, args_array)))


            // return amount of iterated elements:
            return n;
Exemple #7
        public IType ToPhpType()
            if (Ref != null)
            switch (Type)
            case "string":

            case "integer":
                switch (Format)
                case "int32":

                case "int64":

                    throw new Exception("unknown integer format: " + Format);

            case "boolean":

            case "file":

            case "array":

            case "object":

                throw new Exception("unknown swagger type: " + Type);
Exemple #8
        public static object SetErrorHandler(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, PhpCallback newHandler)
			return SetErrorHandler(caller, newHandler, (int)PhpErrorSet.Handleable);
Exemple #9
        public static PhpReference Unserialize(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, PhpBytes bytes)
            if (bytes == null || bytes.Length == 0)
                return new PhpReference(false);

            LibraryConfiguration config = LibraryConfiguration.GetLocal(ScriptContext.CurrentContext);

            return config.Serialization.DefaultSerializer.Deserialize(bytes, caller);
Exemple #10
 public static string ReadString(PHP PHP)
Exemple #11
		private static object[] GetStubParameterTypes(
			int paramCount,
			int typeParamCount,
			PhpRoutineSignature/*!*/ signature,
			PHP.Core.AST.FormalTypeParam[]/*!*/ formalTypeParams)
			object[] parameter_types = new object[paramCount];
			for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
				DType type_hint = signature.TypeHints[i];
				if (type_hint != null && !type_hint.IsUnknown)
					GenericParameter gen_type_hint = type_hint as GenericParameter;
					if (gen_type_hint != null)
						// this is a generic parameter - declared by either the method or type
						if (gen_type_hint.DeclaringMember is PhpRoutine)
							if (gen_type_hint.Index < typeParamCount)
								// unknown at this point - fixed-up later
								parameter_types[i] = gen_type_hint.Index;
								// default generic parameter
                                var typeparam = formalTypeParams[gen_type_hint.Index].DefaultType;
                                DType default_type = typeparam as DType;
                                if (default_type == null && typeparam is GenericQualifiedName)
                                    default_type = PrimitiveType.GetByName((GenericQualifiedName)typeparam);

								parameter_types[i] = (default_type == null ? Types.Object[0] : default_type.RealType);
						else parameter_types[i] = gen_type_hint.RealGenericTypeParameterBuilder;
					else parameter_types[i] = type_hint.RealType;
				else parameter_types[i] = Types.Object[0];

				// make it byref if declared with &
				if (signature.AliasMask[i])
					Type type = parameter_types[i] as Type;
					if (type != null) parameter_types[i] = type.MakeByRefType();
					else parameter_types[i] = -((int)parameter_types[i] + 1);

				Debug.Assert(parameter_types[i] != null);

			return parameter_types;
Exemple #12
            public static Vector[] ToOrthonormal(Vector[] coords, double[] masses, int[] block, Vector[] PBlk)
                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                #region check if elements in non-block are zeros.
                    int leng = coords.Length;
                    foreach (int i in HEnum.HEnumCount(leng).HEnumExcept(block.HToHashSet()))
                        for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++)
                            int c0 = i * 3;
                            HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 0] == 0);
                            HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 1] == 0);
                            HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 2] == 0);

                Matrix Pmat = new double[block.Length * 3, PBlk.Length];
                for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++)
                        int i0 = i * 3;
                        int c0 = block[i] * 3;
                        Pmat[i0 + 0, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 0];
                        Pmat[i0 + 1, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 1];
                        Pmat[i0 + 2, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 2];

                using (new Matlab.NamedLock(""))
                    Matlab.PutValue("n", PBlk.Length);
                    Matlab.PutMatrix("P", Pmat);
                    Matlab.Execute("[U,S,V] = svd(P);");
                    Matlab.Execute("U = U(:,1:n);");
                    if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                        Matlab.Execute("SV = S(1:n,1:n)*V';");
                        double err = Matlab.GetValue("max(max(abs(P - U*SV)))");
                        HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(err) < 0.00000001);
                    Pmat = Matlab.GetMatrix("U");

                Vector[] PBlkOrth = new Vector[PBlk.Length];
                for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++)
                    Vector PBlkOrth_r = new double[PBlk[r].Size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++)
                        int i0 = i * 3;
                        int c0 = block[i] * 3;
                        PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 0] = Pmat[i0 + 0, r];
                        PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 1] = Pmat[i0 + 1, r];
                        PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 2] = Pmat[i0 + 2, r];
                    PBlkOrth[r] = PBlkOrth_r;

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                #region checi the orthonormal condition, and rot/trans condition (using ANM)
                    {   // check if all trans/rot modes are orthonormal
                        for (int i = 0; i < PBlkOrth.Length; i++)
                            HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(PBlkOrth[i].Dist - 1) < 0.00000001);
                            for (int j = i + 1; j < PBlkOrth.Length; j++)
                                double dot = LinAlg.VtV(PBlkOrth[i], PBlkOrth[j]);
                                HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(dot) < 0.00000001);
                    {   // check if this is true rot/trans modes using ANM
                        Vector[] anmcoords = coords.HClone();
                        int      leng      = coords.Length;
                        foreach (int i in HEnum.HEnumCount(leng).HEnumExcept(block.HToHashSet()))
                            anmcoords[i] = null;
                        HessMatrix H = GetHessAnm(anmcoords, 100);
                        Matrix     PHP;
                        using (new Matlab.NamedLock(""))
                            Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3);
                            Matlab.PutMatrix("P", PBlkOrth.ToMatrix(true));
                            PHP = Matlab.GetMatrix("P'*H*P");
                        double maxerr = PHP.HAbsMax();
                        HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(maxerr) < 0.00000001);

Exemple #13
        public static bool UserAssocSort(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, [PhpRw] PhpArray array, PhpCallback compare)
			if (array == null) { PhpException.ReferenceNull("array"); return false; }
			if (!PhpArgument.CheckCallback(compare, caller, "compare", 0, false)) return false;

			// sorts array using callback for comparisons:
			array.Sort(new ValueComparer(new PhpUserComparer(compare), false));

            return true;
Exemple #14
        public static object Reduce(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, [PhpRw] PhpArray array, PhpCallback function)
			return Reduce(caller, array, function, null);
Exemple #15
        public static bool Walk(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, [PhpRw] PhpHashtable array, PhpCallback function)
			return Walk(caller, array, function, null);
Exemple #16
		public static bool WalkRecursive(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, [PhpRw] PhpHashtable array, PhpCallback callback)
			return WalkRecursive(caller, array, callback, null);
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit the target of instance method invocation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cg"></param>
        /// <param name="targetExpr"></param>
        private static void EmitMethodTargetExpr(PHP.Core.CodeGenerator/*!*/cg, Expression/*!*/targetExpr)
            // start a new operators chain (as the rest of chain is read)
            cg.ChainBuilder.Lengthen(); // for hop over ->

            // prepare for operator invocation
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit call of the instance/static method. This defines the call site and call it using given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cg">Current code <see cref="CodeGenerator"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="returnType">Return type of the method call determined by current access of the method call.</param>
        /// <param name="targetExpr">The method call instance expression (the target) if it is an instance method call.</param>
        /// <param name="targetType">The target type if it is a static method call.</param>
        /// <param name="methodFullName">If known at compile time, the method name. Otherwise <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="methodNameExpr">If the <paramref name="methodFullName"/> is null, this will be the expression giving the method name in run time.</param>
        /// <param name="callSignature">The call signature of the method call.</param>
        /// <returns>The resulting value type code. This value will be pushed onto the evaluation stack.</returns>
        public PhpTypeCode EmitMethodCall(
            PHP.Core.CodeGenerator/*!*/cg, Type returnType,
            Expression/*!*/targetExpr, DType/*!*/targetType,
            string methodFullName, Expression methodNameExpr, CallSignature callSignature)
            Debug.Assert(methodFullName != null ^ methodNameExpr != null);          

            bool staticCall = (targetExpr == null); // we are going to emit static method call
            //bool methodNameIsKnown = (methodFullName != null);
            //bool classContextIsKnown = (this.classContextPlace != null);

            // define the call site:
            var delegateType = /*System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.*/delegateBuilder.GetDelegateType(
                    staticCall ? Types.DObject[0] : Types.Object[0],
                    MethodCallDelegateAdditionalArguments(staticCall, methodFullName != null, this.classContextPlace != null),
                callSitesCount);    // (J) do not create dynamic delegates in dynamic modules, so they can be referenced from non-transient assemblies

            var field = DefineCallSite(cg.IL, string.Format("call_{0}", methodFullName ?? "$"), delegateType, (il) =>
                // <LOAD> Binder.{MethodCall|StaticMethodCall}( methodFullName, genericParamsCount, paramsCount, classContext, <returnType> )
                if (methodFullName != null) il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, methodFullName); else il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull);
                if (this.classContextPlace != null) this.classContextPlace.EmitLoad(il); else il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, Fields.UnknownTypeDesc.Singleton);

                il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, returnType);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, Methods.GetTypeFromHandle);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, staticCall ? Methods.Binder.StaticMethodCall : Methods.Binder.MethodCall);

            // call the CallSite:

            // <field>.Target( <field>, <targetExpr|self>, <scriptContext>, <callSignature.EmitLoadOnEvalStack>, <targetType>?, (classContext)?, <methodNameExpr>? ):

            cg.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, field);
            cg.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field.FieldType.GetField("Target"));
            cg.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, field);
            if (staticCall) cg.EmitLoadSelf(); else EmitMethodTargetExpr(cg, targetExpr);
            EmitMethodCallParameters(cg, callSignature);
            if (staticCall) targetType.EmitLoadTypeDesc(cg, ResolveTypeFlags.UseAutoload | ResolveTypeFlags.ThrowErrors);
            if (/*!classContextIsKnown*/this.classContextPlace == null) cg.EmitLoadClassContext();
            if (/*!methodNameIsKnown*/methodFullName == null) cg.EmitName(methodFullName/*null*/, methodNameExpr, true);
            cg.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke"));
            return PhpTypeCodeEnum.FromType(returnType);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and call <see cref="CallSite"/> for getting property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cg"><see cref="CodeGenerator"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="wantRef">Wheter <see cref="PhpReference"/> is expected as the result.</param>
        /// <param name="targetExpr">The expression representing the target (object).</param>
        /// <param name="targetObjectPlace">The place representing the target (<see cref="DObject"/>) iff <paramref name="targetExpr"/> is not provided.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPlace">The place representing the target (object) iff <paramref name="targetExpr"/> and <paramref name="targetObjectPlace"/> are not provided.</param>
        /// <param name="targetType">Type of target iff we are getting property statically.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldName">The name of the field. Can be null if the name is not known at compile time (indirect).</param>
        /// <param name="fieldNameExpr">The expression used to get field name in run time (iff <paramref name="fieldName"/> is <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="issetSemantics">Wheter we are only checking if the property exists. If true, no warnings are thrown during run time.</param>
        /// <returns>Type code of the value that is pushed onto the top of the evaluation stack.</returns>
        public PhpTypeCode EmitGetProperty(
            PHP.Core.CodeGenerator/*!*/cg, bool wantRef,
            Expression targetExpr, IPlace targetObjectPlace, IPlace targetPlace, DType targetType,
            string fieldName, Expression fieldNameExpr,
            bool issetSemantics)
            Debug.Assert(fieldName != null ^ fieldNameExpr != null);
            Debug.Assert(targetExpr != null || targetObjectPlace != null || targetPlace != null || targetType != null);
            bool staticCall = (targetExpr == null && targetObjectPlace == null && targetPlace == null); // we are going to access static property
            bool fieldNameIsKnown = (fieldName != null);
            bool classContextIsKnown = (this.classContextPlace != null);

            // binder flags:
            Type returnType = wantRef ? Types.PhpReference[0] : Types.Object[0];
            // define the call site:

            List<Type> additionalArgs = new List<Type>();
            if (!classContextIsKnown) additionalArgs.Add(Types.DTypeDesc[0]);
            if (!fieldNameIsKnown) additionalArgs.Add(Types.String[0]);

            var delegateTypeArgs = GetPropertyDelegateTypeArgs(
                staticCall ? Types.DTypeDesc[0] : ((targetObjectPlace != null) ? Types.DObject[0] : Types.Object[0]),   // DTypeDesc of static field's declaring type || DObject if field called on DObject known at compile time || otherwise object

            var delegateType = /*System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.*/delegateBuilder.GetDelegateType(delegateTypeArgs, callSitesCount);    // (J) do not create dynamic delegates in dynamic modules, so they can be referenced from non-transient assemblies

            var field = DefineCallSite(cg.IL, string.Format("get{0}_{1}", wantRef ? "ref" : string.Empty, fieldName ?? "$"), delegateType, (il) =>
                // <LOAD> Binder.{GetProperty|GetStaticProperty}( fieldName, classContext, issetSemantics, <returnType> )
                if (fieldName != null) il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, fieldName); else il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull);
                if (this.classContextPlace != null) this.classContextPlace.EmitLoad(il); else il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, Fields.UnknownTypeDesc.Singleton);

                il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, returnType);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, Methods.GetTypeFromHandle);

                il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, staticCall ? Methods.Binder.StaticGetProperty : Methods.Binder.GetProperty);

            // call the CallSite:

            // <field>.Target( <field>, <targetExpr|targetType>, (classContext)?, <methodNameExpr>? ):

            cg.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, field);
            cg.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field.FieldType.GetField("Target"));
            cg.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, field);
            if (staticCall) targetType.EmitLoadTypeDesc(cg, ResolveTypeFlags.UseAutoload | ResolveTypeFlags.ThrowErrors);
            else if (targetExpr != null)
                cg.ChainBuilder.Lengthen(); // for hop over ->
                cg.EmitBoxing(targetExpr.Emit(cg)); // prepare for operator invocation
            else if (targetObjectPlace != null) targetObjectPlace.EmitLoad(cg.IL);
            else if (targetPlace != null) targetPlace.EmitLoad(cg.IL);
            else Debug.Fail();
            if (!classContextIsKnown) cg.EmitLoadClassContext();
            if (!fieldNameIsKnown) cg.EmitName(fieldName/*null*/, fieldNameExpr, true, PhpTypeCode.String);

            cg.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke"));

            return PhpTypeCodeEnum.FromType(returnType);
Exemple #20
 static void Main()
     PHP php = new PHP("PHP 프로그래밍 입문", 20130520, "황재호", "김태헌", "한빛아카데미(주)", "김현용", "김이화", "김이화", "여동일");
Exemple #21
        public static PhpReference Unserialize(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, PhpBytes bytes)
            LibraryConfiguration config = LibraryConfiguration.GetLocal(ScriptContext.CurrentContext);

            return config.Serialization.DefaultSerializer.Deserialize(bytes, caller);
Exemple #22
        public static object SetExceptionHandler(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, PhpCallback newHandler)
			if (!PhpArgument.CheckCallback(newHandler, caller, "newHandler", 0, false)) return null;

			PhpCallback old_handler = Configuration.Local.ErrorControl.UserExceptionHandler;

			// previous handler was defined by user => store it into the stack:
			if (old_handler != null)
				if (OldUserExceptionHandlers == null)
					OldUserExceptionHandlers = new Stack(5);
                    RequestContext.RequestEnd += new Action(ClearOldUserHandlers);

			// sets the current handler:
			Configuration.Local.ErrorControl.UserExceptionHandler = newHandler;

			// returns the previous handler:
			return (old_handler != null) ? old_handler.ToPhpRepresentation() : null;
Exemple #23
		/// <summary>
		/// Visits an entyr of array which <see cref="Walk"/> or <see cref="WalkRecursive"/> is walking through.
		/// </summary>
		private static void VisitEntryOnWalk(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, KeyValuePair<IntStringKey, object> entry, IDictionary<IntStringKey, object> array,
			PhpCallback callback, object[] args)
			PhpReference ref_item = entry.Value as PhpReference;

			// fills arguments for the callback:
			((PhpReference)args[0]).Value = (ref_item != null) ? ref_item.Value : entry.Value;
			args[1] = entry.Key.Object;

			// invoke callback:
            Core.Convert.ObjectToBoolean(callback.Invoke(caller, args));

			// loads a new value from a reference:
			if (ref_item != null)
				ref_item.Value = ((PhpReference)args[0]).Value;
				array[entry.Key] = ((PhpReference)args[0]).Value;
Exemple #24
 public PDO(ScriptContext/*!*/context, PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller)
     : base(context, caller)
 { }
Exemple #25
		public static PhpArray Filter(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, PhpArray array, PhpCallback callback)
			if (callback == null) { PhpException.ArgumentNull("callback"); return null; }
			if (array == null) { PhpException.ArgumentNull("array"); return null; }

			PhpArray result = new PhpArray();
			object[] args = new object[1];

			foreach (KeyValuePair<IntStringKey, object> entry in array)
				// no deep copying needed because it is done so in callback:
				args[0] = entry.Value;

				// adds entry to the resulting array if callback returns true:
                if (Core.Convert.ObjectToBoolean(callback.Invoke(caller, args)))
					result.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);

			// values should be inplace deeply copied:
			result.InplaceCopyOnReturn = true;
			return result;
Exemple #26
        public static bool UserKeySort(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, [PhpRw] PhpArray array, PhpCallback compare)
			if (array == null) { PhpException.ReferenceNull("array"); return false; }
            if (!PhpArgument.CheckCallback(compare, caller, "compare", 0, false)) return false;

			array.Sort(new KeyComparer(new PhpUserComparer(compare), false));

            return true;
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a string which is used as a fill in the code to be parsed in order to maintain
        /// correct token positioning.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">A position of string literal holding source code for lambda function arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="body">A position of string literal holding source code for the body.</param>
        /// <returns>A string containing spaces and end-of-line characters '\n'.</returns>
        private static string GetInlinedLambdaCodeFill(PHP.Core.Parsers.Position args, PHP.Core.Parsers.Position body)
            int delta_lines = body.FirstLine - args.LastLine;

            if (delta_lines == 0)
                // ....args.......'_____,_______________'.......body.....
                // ...............)_________fill________{................
                return new String(' ', body.FirstColumn - args.LastColumn - 1);
                // source:
                // .....args.....'_____\r\n
                // _________,_____\r\n
                // ____________'......body..... 

                // code to parse:
                // .....args....'\n
                // \n
                // ____fill____{.....body......

                // the same number of lines as it is in the source file + leading columns:
                return new System.Text.StringBuilder(delta_lines + body.FirstColumn).
                  Append('\n', delta_lines).Append(' ', body.FirstColumn).ToString();
Exemple #28
        public static object Reduce(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, [PhpRw] PhpArray array, PhpCallback function, [PhpDeepCopy] object initialValue)
			if (array == null) { PhpException.ReferenceNull("array"); return null; }
			if (!PhpArgument.CheckCallback(function, caller, "function", 0, false)) return null;
			if (array.Count == 0) return initialValue;

			object[] args = new object[] { initialValue, null };
			PhpReference holder = new PhpReference();

			foreach (KeyValuePair<IntStringKey, object> entry in array)
				object item = entry.Value;
				PhpReference ref_item = item as PhpReference;

				// array item is a reference:
				if (ref_item != null)
					args[1] = item;
					args[0] = function.Invoke(args);
					// array item is not a reference:

					holder.Value = item;
					args[1] = holder;
					args[0] = function.Invoke(args);

					// updates an item if it has been changed:
					if (item != holder.Value)
						array[entry.Key] = holder.Value;

			// dereferences the last returned value:
			return PhpVariable.Dereference(args[0]);
Exemple #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets attributes of generated override/implement/export stub parameters.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="stub">The stub constructor builder.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="formalParams">Formal parameters of the implementing PHP method.</param>
		/// <param name="templateParams">Parameters of the overload being overriden/implemented/exported.</param>
		public static void DefineStubParameters(ConstructorBuilder/*!*/ stub,
			PHP.Core.AST.FormalParam[] formalParams, ParameterInfo[]/*!*/ templateParams)
			for (int i = 0; i < templateParams.Length; i++)
				string name;

				// take the overriding parameter name if available
				if (formalParams != null && i < formalParams.Length) name = formalParams[i].Name.ToString();
				else name = templateParams[i].Name;

				stub.DefineParameter(i + 1, templateParams[i].Attributes, name);
Exemple #30
        public static bool Walk(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, [PhpRw] PhpHashtable array, PhpCallback callback, object data)
			object[] args = PrepareWalk(array, callback, data);
			if (args == null) return false;

			foreach (KeyValuePair<IntStringKey, object> entry in array)
				VisitEntryOnWalk(caller, entry, array, callback, args);

			return true;
Exemple #31
 public PHP.Core.AST.Literal CreateLiteral(PHP.Core.Parsers.Position position)
     if (IsBinary)
         return new PHP.Core.AST.BinaryStringLiteral(position, new PhpBytes(BinaryBuilder.ToArray()));
         return new PHP.Core.AST.StringLiteral(position, UnicodeBuilder.ToString());
Exemple #32
		public static bool WalkRecursive(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, [PhpRw] PhpHashtable array, PhpCallback callback, object data)
			object[] args = PrepareWalk(array, callback, data);
			if (args == null) return false;

			using (PhpHashtable.RecursiveEnumerator iterator = array.GetRecursiveEnumerator(true,false))
				while (iterator.MoveNext())
					// visits the item unless it is an array or a reference to an array:
					PhpReference ref_value = iterator.Current.Value as PhpReference;
					if (!(iterator.Current.Value is PhpHashtable || (ref_value != null && ref_value.Value is PhpHashtable)))
						VisitEntryOnWalk(caller, iterator.Current, iterator.CurrentTable, callback, args);
			return true;
Exemple #33
		public static bool IsCallable(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, object variable)
			return IsCallable(caller, variable, false);
Exemple #34
        public static PhpArray Filter(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc _, PhpArray array)
            var _result = new PhpArray();

            using (var enumerator = array.GetFastEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    if (Core.Convert.ObjectToBoolean(enumerator.CurrentValue))
                        _result.Add(enumerator.CurrentKey, enumerator.CurrentValue);

            return _result;
Exemple #35
		public static bool IsCallable(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, object variable, bool syntaxOnly)
            return Operators.IsCallable(variable, caller, syntaxOnly);
Exemple #36
        public static PhpArray Map(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, PhpCallback map, [PhpRw] params PhpArray[] arrays)
			if (!PhpArgument.CheckCallback(map, caller, "map", 0, true)) return null;
			if (arrays == null || arrays.Length == 0)
				PhpException.InvalidArgument("arrays", LibResources.GetString("arg:null_or_emtpy"));
				return null;

			// if callback has not been specified uses the default one:
			if (map == null)
				map = new PhpCallback(new RoutineDelegate(MapIdentity), ScriptContext.CurrentContext);

			int count = arrays.Length;
			bool preserve_keys = count == 1;
			PhpReference[] args = new PhpReference[count];
			IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<IntStringKey, object>>[] iterators = new IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<IntStringKey, object>>[count];
			PhpArray result;

			// initializes iterators and args array, computes length of the longest array:
			int max_count = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < arrays.Length; i++)
                var array = arrays[i];

                if (array == null)
                    PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Warning, LibResources.GetString("argument_not_array", i + 2));// +2 (first arg is callback) 
                    return null;

				args[i] = new PhpReference();
                iterators[i] = array.GetEnumerator();
                if (array.Count > max_count) max_count = array.Count;

			// keys are preserved in a case of a single array and re-indexed otherwise:
			if (preserve_keys)
				result = new PhpArray(arrays[0].IntegerCount, arrays[0].StringCount);
				result = new PhpArray(max_count, 0);

			for (; ; )
				// fills args[] with items from arrays:
				for (int i = 0; i < arrays.Length; i++)
					if (iterators[i] != null)
						// an element is available:
						if (iterators[i].MoveNext())
							// note: deep copy is not necessary since a function copies its arguments if needed:
                            object value = iterators[i].Current.Value;
                            PhpReference valueref = (value != null) ? value as PhpReference : null;
                            args[i].Value = (valueref != null) ? valueref.value : value;
                            //args[i].Value = iterators[i].Current.Value; // TODO: throws if the current Value is PhpReference
							// the i-th iterator has stopped:
							iterators[i] = null;
							args[i].Value = null;

				if (count == 0) break;

				// invokes callback:
				object return_value = map.Invoke(args);

				// return value is not deeply copied:
				if (preserve_keys)
					result.Add(iterators[0].Current.Key, return_value);

				// loads new values (callback may modify some by ref arguments):
				for (int i = 0; i < arrays.Length; i++)
					if (iterators[i] != null)
						object item = iterators[i].Current.Value;
						PhpReference ref_item = item as PhpReference;
						if (ref_item != null)
							ref_item.Value = args[i].Value;
							arrays[i][iterators[i].Current.Key] = args[i].Value;

			return result;
Exemple #37
		public static bool IsCallable(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, object variable, bool syntaxOnly, out string callableName)
			PhpCallback callback = PHP.Core.Convert.ObjectToCallback(variable, true);
			if (callback == null || callback.IsInvalid)
				callableName = PHP.Core.Convert.ObjectToString(variable);
				return false;

			callableName = ((IPhpConvertible)callback).ToString();
			return (syntaxOnly ? true : callback.Bind(true, caller, null));
Exemple #38
        public static PHP.Core.Compiler.AST.FunctionCallEvaluateInfo CreateFunction_Analyze(
            Analyzer analyzer,
            PHP.Core.AST.CallSignature callSignature,
            string args, string body)
            if (analyzer.IsInsideIncompleteClass())
                return null;  // in this case, the DirectFnCall will not be Emitted. Therefore the lambda routine will not be declared and compilation will fail when emitting not fully declared lambda FunctionDecl.

            // has to be a valid identifier:
            // actually this name is never used then
            string function_name = "__" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '_'); //DynamicCode.GenerateLambdaName(args, body);

            string prefix1, prefix2;
            DynamicCode.GetLamdaFunctionCodePrefixes(function_name, args, out prefix1, out prefix2);

            PHP.Core.Parsers.Position pos_args = callSignature.Parameters[0].Position;
            PHP.Core.Parsers.Position pos_body = callSignature.Parameters[1].Position;

            // function __XXXXXX(<args>){<fill><body>}
            string fill = GetInlinedLambdaCodeFill(pos_args, pos_body);
            string code = String.Concat(prefix2, fill, body, "}");

            // the position of the first character of the parsed code:
            // (note that escaped characters distort position a little bit, which cannot be eliminated so easily)
            PHP.Core.Parsers.Position pos = PHP.Core.Parsers.Position.Initial;
            pos.FirstOffset = pos_args.FirstOffset - prefix1.Length + 1;
            pos.FirstColumn = pos_args.FirstColumn - prefix1.Length + 1;
            pos.FirstLine = pos_args.FirstLine;

            // parses function source code:
            var counter = new PHP.Core.Parsers.Parser.ReductionsCounter();
            var ast = analyzer.BuildAst(pos, code, counter);
            if (ast == null || ast.Statements == null)
                return null;   // the function cannot be parsed

            Debug.Assert(counter.FunctionCount == 1);

            var decl_node = (PHP.Core.AST.FunctionDecl)ast.Statements[0];

            // adds declaration to the end of the global code statement list:

            return new PHP.Core.Compiler.AST.FunctionCallEvaluateInfo()
                //.inlined = InlinedFunction.CreateFunction;
                emitDeclareLamdaFunction = true,

                // modify declaration:
                newRoutine = Core.Compiler.AST.FunctionDeclCompilerHelper.ConvertToLambda(decl_node, analyzer),
Exemple #39
		public static PhpBytes Serialize(PHP.Core.Reflection.DTypeDesc caller, object variable)
            LibraryConfiguration config = LibraryConfiguration.GetLocal(ScriptContext.CurrentContext);

			return config.Serialization.DefaultSerializer.Serialize(variable, caller);