public void nextFrame() { phase = PHASE.PROCESSING_FRAME; foreach (int id in entities.Keys) { Entity child = entities[id]; if (child.owned) { if (child is EllipseEntity) { EllipseEntity ellipseEntity = (EllipseEntity)child; ellipseEntity.testCollision(entities.Values.ToList()); // TODO: using ToList may be inefficient } else if (child is FreeEntity) { FreeEntity freeEntity = (FreeEntity)child; freeEntity.testCollision(entities.Values.ToList()); // TODO: using ToList may be inefficient } // Do not do collisions for SliderEntities } } // NB: Phase changes trigger actions, do not remove the "un-necessary" phase change phase = PHASE.FINISHED_FRAME; phase = PHASE.READY_FOR_CHANGES; }
public MainWindow() { /* * 初期化関連 */ phase = PHASE.INITIALIZING; switch(controllerDevice) { case CONTROLLER_DEVICE.KINECT: k = new Kinect(this); break; case CONTROLLER_DEVICE.GAMEPAD: // ゲームパッドの初期化 break; } InitializeComponent(); switch(controllerDevice) { case CONTROLLER_DEVICE.KINECT: k.start(); break; case CONTROLLER_DEVICE.GAMEPAD: // ゲームパッドの開始 break; } /* * テスト */ FallingRect f = new FallingRect(this, 50); f.X = 50; f.Y = 20; fallingRects = new FallingRect[] { f }; f.drawForward(); phase = PHASE.PLAYING; /* * タイマーにイベントを登録して0.05秒ごとにイベントを実行する */ dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Normal); dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(500000); dispatcherTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(dispatcherTimer_Tick); dispatcherTimer.Start(); }
public void NextPhase() { switch (Phase) { case PHASE.ONE: m_anim.SetTrigger("Mouth Attack"); Phase = PHASE.TWO; break; case PHASE.TWO: StartCoroutine("DeathSequence"); break; default: break; } }
void PhaseOne(float angleToPlayer) { if (angleToPlayer > 5.0f || (gameObject.transform.position - player.transform.position).magnitude > StoppingDistance) { inRange = false; } else { inRange = true; resetTimer = 0.0f; agent.Stop(); } if (inRange || currentAction.isBehaving()) { if (currentAction.Execute() == COMPLETION_STATE.COMPLETE) { // Increment the action nextAction++; if (nextAction >= phaseOne.Count) nextAction = 0; currentAction = phaseOne[nextAction]; } } else { resetTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (resetTimer > resetTimerMax) { resetTimer = 0.0f; currentAction = phaseOne[0]; nextAction = 0; } SeekPlayer(); } if (puppet.curTallys <= 2) { if (minion != null) { GameObject thisGuy = (GameObject)(GameObject.Instantiate(minion, minionSpawnLocation.transform.position, Quaternion.identity)); minionPuppet = thisGuy.GetComponent<PuppetScript>(); minionSummoned = true; agent.SetDestination(retreatPoint.transform.position); puppet.ChangeState(PuppetScript.State.MOVING); animation.Play("Walk Forward"); } phase = PHASE.TWO; } }
/* ==================================================================== Begin turn of next player. Therefore select next player or use 'forced_player' if not NULL (then the next is the one after 'forced_player'). If 'skip_unit_prep' is set scen_prep_unit() is not called. ==================================================================== */ public static string engine_begin_turn(Player forced_player, bool skip_unit_prep) { char[] text = new char[400]; int new_turn = 0; Player player = null; #if TODO /* clear various stuff that may be still set from last turn */ group_set_active( gui.confirm, ID_OK, 1 ); engine_hide_unit_menu(); engine_hide_game_menu(); #endif /* clear undo */ engine_clear_backup(); /* clear hideous clicks */ #if TODO if ( !deploy_turn && cur_ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_HUMAN ) event_wait_until_no_input(); #endif /* get player */ if (forced_player == null) { /* next player and turn */ player = Player.players_get_next(out new_turn); if (new_turn != 0) { Scenario.turn++; } if (Scenario.turn == Scenario.scen_info.turn_limit) { /* use else condition as Scenario result */ /* and take a final look */ Scenario.scen_check_result(true); blind_cpu_turn = false; engine_show_final_message(); draw_map = true; #if TODO image_hide(gui.cursors, 0); gui_set_cursor(CURSOR_STD); #endif engine_select_player(null, skip_unit_prep); engine_set_status(STATUS.STATUS_NONE); phase = PHASE.PHASE_NONE; return ""; } else { Scenario.cur_weather = Scenario.scen_get_weather(); engine_select_player(player, skip_unit_prep); } } else { engine_select_player(forced_player, skip_unit_prep); Player.players_set_current(Player.player_get_index(forced_player)); } #if DEBUG_CAMPAIGN if ( scen_check_result(0) ) { blind_cpu_turn = 0; engine_show_final_message(); draw_map = 1; image_hide( gui.cursors, 0 ); gui_set_cursor( CURSOR_STD ); engine_select_player( 0, skip_unit_prep ); engine_set_status( STATUS_NONE ); phase = PHASE_NONE; end_scen = 1; return; } #endif /* init ai turn if any */ if (cur_player != null && cur_player.ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_CPU) cur_player.ai_init(); /* turn info */ string scen_info = engine_show_turn_info(); engine_set_status(deploy_turn ? STATUS.STATUS_DEPLOY : STATUS.STATUS_NONE); phase = PHASE.PHASE_NONE; /* update screen */ if (cur_ctrl != PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_CPU || Config.show_cpu_turn) { #if TODO if (cur_ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_CPU) engine_update_info(0, 0, 0); else { image_hide(gui.cursors, 0); } engine_draw_map(); #endif blind_cpu_turn = false; } else { #if TODO engine_update_info(0, 0, 0); draw_map = false; FULL_DEST(sdl.screen); fill_surf(0x0); gui.font_turn_info.align = ALIGN_X_CENTER | ALIGN_Y_CENTER; sprintf(text, tr("CPU thinks...")); write_text(gui.font_turn_info, sdl.screen, sdl.screen.w >> 1, sdl.screen.h >> 1, text, OPAQUE); sprintf(text, tr("( Enable option 'Show Cpu Turn' if you want to see what it is doing. )")); write_text(gui.font_turn_info, sdl.screen, sdl.screen.w >> 1, (sdl.screen.h >> 1) + 20, text, OPAQUE); refresh_screen(0, 0, 0, 0); #endif blind_cpu_turn = true; } if (cur_ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_CPU) { while (!cur_player.ai_run()) ; } return scen_info; }
public static void EndCombat() { #if WITH_SOUND audio_fade_out( 2, 1500 ); /* explosion sound channel */ #endif /* costs one fuel point for attacker */ if (cur_unit != null && cur_unit.CheckFuelUsage() && cur_unit.cur_fuel > 0) cur_unit.cur_fuel--; /* update the visible units list */ map.map_get_vis_units(); map.map_set_vis_infl_mask(); /* reselect unit */ if (cur_ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_HUMAN) engine_select_unit(cur_unit); /* status */ engine_set_status(STATUS.STATUS_NONE); #if TODO label_hide(gui.label2, 1); #endif phase = PHASE.PHASE_NONE; /* allow new human/cpu input */ if (!blind_cpu_turn) { if (cur_ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_HUMAN) { #if TODO image_hide(gui.cursors, 0); gui_set_cursor(CURSOR_STD); #endif } draw_map = true; } AI_Enemy.Action.action_queue(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_NONE); //stateMachine.Send(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_NONE); //remove stateMachine.scheduler.Stop(); }
public static void CheckLastMove() { /* insert unit */ //map.map_insert_unit(move_unit); /* capture flag if there is one */ /* NOTE: only do it for AI. For the human player, it will * be done on deselecting the current unit to resemble * original Panzer General behaviour */ if (cur_ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_CPU) { if (engine_capture_flag(move_unit)) { /* CHECK IF SCENARIO IS FINISHED */ if (Scenario.scen_check_result(false)) { engine_finish_scenario(); return; } } } /* add influence */ if (!Player.player_is_ally(move_unit.player, cur_player)) map.map_add_unit_infl(move_unit); /* update the visible units list */ map.map_get_vis_units(); map.map_set_vis_infl_mask(); /* next phase */ phase = PHASE.PHASE_END_MOVE; AI_Enemy.Action.action_queue(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_END_MOVE); //stateMachine.Send(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_END_MOVE); }
public void ChangePhase(PHASE phase) { turnPhase = phase ; //各playerのunitFieldに対してphaseの効果を促すSendMessage()を送る setPhase[(int)turnPhase]() ; }
public void PlayPhase(Player _player) { if(TurnCounter != Players.IndexOf(_player) && PhaseCounter != PHASE.PLAY){ return; } //discard selected card _player.Discard.Add(_player.LastDiscarded); _player.LastDiscarded = _player.Hand[_player.SelectedCard]; LastPlayed = _player.Hand[_player.SelectedCard]; _player.Hand.RemoveAt(_player.SelectedCard); //inc PhaseCounter PhaseCounter = PHASE.PEG; }
public void NewGame(/*default is 2v2*/) { TurnCounter = 0; PhaseCounter = PHASE.DRAW; TableBoard = new Board(4); TableDeck = new Deck(2); TableDeck.Shuffle(); Players = new List<Player>(); //needs dynamic logic for player number and team number Players.Add(new Player("Player One", 1)); Players.Add(new Player("Player Two", 2)); Players.Add(new Player("Player Three", 1)); Players.Add(new Player("Player Four", 2)); Deal(); //print players cards to test /*foreach(Player _player in Players){ Debug.Log("" + _player.Name); foreach(Card _card in _player.Hand){ Debug.Log(_card.FaceValue()); } }*/ }
/// <summary> /// We did not get some turns, force it. /// </summary> public void TurnStartTimout() { foreach (Player player in Players.Where(player => player.WaitingForReply != Player.COMM_MODE.READY)) { framework.mainWindow.StatusMessage(string.Format("Player {0} did not provide a turn", player.Name)); PlayerTurn(player, new List<Card>(), false); } phaseOn = PHASE.MOVE_ROBOT; }
public void Tick() { // ok, time to execute this phase. switch (phaseOn) { // if phase 0, start the turn. case PHASE.GET_TURN: TurnOn++; ExecuteStartTurn(); framework.mainWindow.UpdatePlayers(); break; case PHASE.MOVE_ROBOT: framework.mainWindow.TurnNumber(TurnOn, cardOn + 1); ExecuteMoveRobot(); phaseOn = PHASE.MOVE_BOARD; break; case PHASE.MOVE_BOARD: ExecuteMoveBoard(); phaseOn = PHASE.FIRE; break; case PHASE.FIRE: ExecuteFire(); phaseOn = PHASE.FLAG_ARCHIVE; framework.mainWindow.UpdatePlayers(); break; case PHASE.FLAG_ARCHIVE: ExecuteFlagAndArchive(); if (! StepMode) framework.laserBeams.Clear(); cardOn++; // if last phase, end the turn. if (cardOn >= Framework.NUM_PHASES) { ExecuteEndTurn(); if (StepMode) framework.Pause(); } else phaseOn = PHASE.MOVE_ROBOT; framework.mainWindow.UpdatePlayers(); break; } }
public void PlayerSetArchive(Player player, BoardLocation location) { player.Robot.Location = location; if (!Players.Any(pl => pl.Robot.Location.IsNull && pl.TcpGuid != null)) phaseOn = PHASE.GET_TURN; }
public void Initialize() { cardOn = 0; TurnOn = 0; phaseOn = PHASE.GET_TURN; MainMap = GameMap.CreateMap(); foreach (Player plyr in Players) plyr.Reset(); }
/// <summary> /// get the cards for all players /// </summary> public void ExecuteStartTurn() { // set to waiting phase foreach (Player player in Players) player.WaitingForReply = Player.COMM_MODE.WAITING_FOR_TURN; phaseOn = PHASE.WAITING_ON_PLAYERS; ValidateData(); #if DEBUG Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("starting turn {0}", TurnOn)); foreach (Player player in Players) Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(" Player {0}, mode {1}, Lives {2}, Damage {3}, Mode {4}, Location {5}", player.Name, player.Mode, player.Lives, player.Damage, player.Mode, player.Robot.Location)); #endif // create 40 cards. // unique priorities across all // ROBOT_MOVE num of cards in enum order are 6, 18, 12, 6, 18, 18, 6 List<int> priorityNums = CreatePriorityNumbers(); List<Card> cards = new List<Card>(); cards.AddRange(priorityNums.Take(6).Select(priority => new Card(Card.ROBOT_MOVE.BACKWARD_ONE, priority))); cards.AddRange(priorityNums.Skip(6).Take(18).Select(priority => new Card(Card.ROBOT_MOVE.FORWARD_ONE, priority))); cards.AddRange(priorityNums.Skip(6 + 18).Take(12).Select(priority => new Card(Card.ROBOT_MOVE.FORWARD_TWO, priority))); cards.AddRange(priorityNums.Skip(6 + 18 + 12).Take(6).Select(priority => new Card(Card.ROBOT_MOVE.FORWARD_THREE, priority))); cards.AddRange(priorityNums.Skip(6 + 18 + 12 + 6).Take(18).Select(priority => new Card(Card.ROBOT_MOVE.ROTATE_LEFT, priority))); cards.AddRange(priorityNums.Skip(6 + 18 + 12 + 6 + 18).Take(18).Select(priority => new Card(Card.ROBOT_MOVE.ROTATE_RIGHT, priority))); cards.AddRange(priorityNums.Skip(6 + 18 + 12 + 6 + 18 + 18).Take(6).Select(priority => new Card(Card.ROBOT_MOVE.ROTATE_UTURN, priority))); Trace.WriteLine("Turns:"); foreach (Player player in Players) { if (player.Mode == Player.MODE.DEAD) { player.Cards = new List<Card>(); player.WaitingForReply = Player.COMM_MODE.READY; continue; } // if powered down keep old cards if (player.Mode == Player.MODE.POWER_DOWN) { player.WaitingForReply = Player.COMM_MODE.READY; continue; } // grab the players dealt cards int numCards = 9 - player.Damage; List<Card> dealtCards = new List<Card>(); while (numCards-- > 0) { int index = rand.Next(cards.Count); dealtCards.Add(cards[index]); cards.RemoveAt(index); } player.ServerDealtCards = dealtCards; framework.RequestTurn(MainMap, player, Players, dealtCards); } // start timer for 1 second ValidateData(); framework.WaitingForTurns(); if (!Players.Any(pl => pl.WaitingForReply != Player.COMM_MODE.READY)) phaseOn = PHASE.MOVE_ROBOT; }
// if all done - ready to start public void CheckAllTurnsIn() { if (Players.Any(pl => pl.WaitingForReply != Player.COMM_MODE.READY)) return; framework.ReceivedAllTurns(); phaseOn = PHASE.MOVE_ROBOT; }
private void GameMain() { float randNum = Random.Range(0.0f, 100.0f); int rNum = Random.Range(0, 2); //ミサイルの出現抽選 if (!isCreateMissile) { if (randNum < missileCreatePro) { GameObject item = Instantiate(missilePrefab, transform.position, missilePrefab.gameObject.transform.rotation); item.GetComponent <ItemMissile>().RandSet(rNum); torpedoIcons[rNum].gameObject.SetActive(true); Invoke("HideIcon", 1f); isCreateMissile = true; } } //生成時間の最大値を超えた if (++frameCnt > createMissileTimeMax) { //ミサイルが生成されていなければ生成 if (!isCreateMissile) { GameObject item = Instantiate(missilePrefab, transform.position, missilePrefab.gameObject.transform.rotation); item.GetComponent <ItemMissile>().RandSet(rNum); torpedoIcons[rNum].gameObject.SetActive(true); Invoke("HideIcon", 1f); } frameCnt = 0; isCreateMissile = false; } //得点の更新 submarinePoint = submarineController.enterPoint; shipPoint = trashCount.shipPoints; //ゲージの更新 //船ゲージの取得 GameObject shipGauge = GameObject.Find("ShipGauge").gameObject; //潜水艦ゲージの取得 GameObject submarineGauge = GameObject.Find("SubmarineGauge").gameObject; //全体の得点を求める float totalPoint = shipPoint + submarinePoint; //トータルポイントが0でない時にゲージを更新する if (totalPoint > 0) { //全体の得点から船と潜水艦の得点の割合を求める float shipPointRait = (float)shipPoint / totalPoint; float submarinePointRait = (float)submarinePoint / totalPoint; //割合に応じたゲージの切り出し位置にする //船側ゲージの更新 shipGauge.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(50.0f, 270.0f * shipPointRait); //潜水艦側ゲージの更新 submarineGauge.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(50.0f, 270.0f * submarinePointRait); } //制限時間の表示 gameTimeText.text = gameTime.ToString("f1"); gameTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (gameTime < 0) { gameTimeText.color = new Color(255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gameTime = 0.0f; gamePhase = PHASE.PHASE_FINISH; } else if (gameTime < 10) { gameTimeText.color = new Color(255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); } else if (gameTime < gaugeDeleteTime) { shipGauge.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); submarineGauge.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f); GameObject shipIcon = GameObject.Find("ShipIcon").gameObject; shipIcon.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f); GameObject submarineIcon = GameObject.Find("SubmarineIcon").gameObject; submarineIcon.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f); } else { gameTimeText.color = new Color(255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 0.3f); } }
// This function is used to check if there are still conflicts in the queue and set current phase to the correct phase void Conflict() { tCursor.ClearTargets(); // Check if there is a conflict in the queue conflictInQueue = -1; for (int i = 4; i > -1; i--) { if (combatQueue[i].action == "None" && combatQueue [i].tag == "Player" && combatQueue [i + 1].tag == "Player" && combatQueue [i].Stamina == combatQueue [i + 1].Stamina) { conflictInQueue = i; } } // Disable all enemy buttons foreach (Button B in enemySelect) { B.enabled = false; } // Get the position of the first player without an action int firstAction = -1; for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--) { if (combatQueue [i].action == "None" && !combatQueue[i].dead) { firstAction = i; } } // This block will run when findstatus can work properly if (firstAction != -1 && combatQueue[firstAction].findStatus("stun") != -1) { combatQueue[firstAction].action = "Wait"; combatQueue [firstAction].actionType = "None"; combatQueue [firstAction - 1].CallTell(); return; } // If there is a conflict in the queue but someone else has priority if (conflictInQueue != -1 && firstAction >= conflictInQueue) { currentPhase = PHASE.SELECT; } else { // If there is a character without an action if (firstAction != -1) { if (!combatQueue[firstAction].dead) { if (combatQueue [firstAction].tag == "Player") { currentPhase = PHASE.ACTION; } else { // This allows the player to control enemy actions for now currentPhase = PHASE.ACTION; //EnemyTurn (firstAction); } } else { // All downed character are given the rest action for (int i = firstAction; i < 6; i++) { combatQueue [i].action = "Rest"; combatQueue [i].actionType = "Utility"; for (int j = 0; j < combatQueue[i].Target.Length; j++) { combatQueue [i].Target[j] = combatQueue [i]; } } } } } // If there are no characters without actions if (firstAction == -1) { // This block does a stable sort to move the players who are catching to the front of the queue int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int k = 0; if (combatQueue[i].action == "Catch") { Character temp = combatQueue [i]; while (i - k > j) { combatQueue [i - k] = combatQueue [i - k - 1]; k++; } combatQueue [j] = temp; j++; } } // This is a brute force way to make sure the last character's tell is shown, even if they aren't last in the queue foreach (Character C in combatQueue) { C.CallTell(); } currentPhase = PHASE.EXECUTE; Execute(); } if (firstAction != -1) { currentCharacter = firstAction; if (firstAction > 0) { combatQueue [firstAction - 1].CallTell(); } } }
public void MovePhase(Player _player) { if(TurnCounter != Players.IndexOf(_player) && PhaseCounter != PHASE.MOVE){ return; } //needs logic for which peg is moved first. if(LastPlayed.Rank == RANK.Ten || LastPlayed.Rank == RANK.Nine || LastPlayed.Rank == RANK.Seven){ if(TestPegMove(FirstPeg, MoveToLocationFirst, MoveToDistanceFirst)){ FirstPeg.Location = MoveToLocationFirst; FirstPeg.Distance = MoveToDistanceFirst; } if(TestPegMove(SecondPeg, MoveToLocationSecond, MoveToDistanceSecond)){ SecondPeg.Location = MoveToLocationSecond; SecondPeg.Distance = MoveToDistanceSecond; } }else{ if(TestPegMove(FirstPeg, MoveToLocationFirst, MoveToDistanceFirst)){ FirstPeg.Location = MoveToLocationFirst; FirstPeg.Distance = MoveToDistanceFirst; } } //move logic //if(!TestPegMovement()){ //return; //} PhaseCounter = PHASE.END; }
// end of turn - power up/down, un-destroy, repair private void ExecuteEndTurn() { phaseOn = PHASE.GET_TURN; foreach (Player playerOn in Players) { ValidateData(); if (playerOn.Mode == Player.MODE.DEAD) continue; // power down - after all moves, was not killed if ((playerOn.Mode == Player.MODE.ACTIVE) && (playerOn.PowerMode == Player.POWER_MODE.ANNOUNCED)) { playerOn.PowerDown(); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("power down - Player: {0}, damage {1}", playerOn.Name, playerOn.Damage)); } else // power up - still alive if (playerOn.PowerMode == Player.POWER_MODE.DOWN) { if (--playerOn.PowerDownTurnsRemaining > 0) continue; playerOn.PowerUp(); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("power up - Player: {0}, damage {1}", playerOn.Name, playerOn.Damage)); if (playerOn.Mode == Player.MODE.DEAD) continue; } // we bring the robot back in at the end of the turn if it was destroyed. if (playerOn.Mode == Player.MODE.DESTROYED) { // is the archive available? List<Point> reEnter = new List<Point>(); Player plyrDestRobot = Players.Where(pl => (pl.IsVisible) && (pl.Robot.Location.MapPosition == playerOn.Archive)).FirstOrDefault(); if (plyrDestRobot == null) reEnter.Add(playerOn.Archive); else { // ok, get all around the archive that aren't occupied. for (int x = playerOn.Archive.X - 1; x <= playerOn.Archive.X + 1; x++) for (int y = playerOn.Archive.Y - 1; y <= playerOn.Archive.Y + 1; y++) if ((0 <= x) && (x < MainMap.Width) && (0 <= y) && (y < MainMap.Height)) { Point pt = new Point(x, y); plyrDestRobot = Players.Where(pl => (pl.IsVisible) && (pl.Robot.Location.MapPosition == pt)).FirstOrDefault(); if (plyrDestRobot == null) reEnter.Add(pt); } } playerOn.Robot.Location = new BoardLocation(reEnter[0], MapSquare.DIRECTION.NORTH); // until we get a reply. playerOn.UnDestroy(); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("un-destroy - Player: {0}, Lives {1}, Location(s) {2}", playerOn.Name, playerOn.Lives, reEnter.ToArray())); playerOn.WaitingForReply = Player.COMM_MODE.WAITING_FOR_LOCATION; // we set this before the call requesting the position to avoid getting a reply before we set it. if (playerOn.TcpGuid != null) phaseOn = PHASE.WAITING_ON_ARCHIVE; framework.RequestStartPosition(playerOn, reEnter, false); continue; } MapSquare sq = MainMap.GetSquare(playerOn.Robot.Location.MapPosition); if ((sq.Type == MapSquare.TYPE.REPAIR) && IsRepairTurn) { playerOn.Repair(playerOn.Robot.Location.MapPosition); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("repair - Player: {0}, damage {1}", playerOn.Name, playerOn.Damage)); } ValidateData(); } cardOn = 0; if (phaseOn != PHASE.WAITING_ON_ARCHIVE) return; // set up timeout as we're waiting. Check if we got everything. framework.WaitingForReentry(); if (!Players.Any(pl => pl.WaitingForReply != Player.COMM_MODE.READY)) { Trap.trap(); phaseOn = PHASE.GET_TURN; } }
public void PegPhase(Player _player) { if(TurnCounter != Players.IndexOf(_player) && PhaseCounter != PHASE.PEG){ return; } PhaseCounter = PHASE.MOVE; }
void BeginBattle() { AudioManager.PlayBGM("Boss", TRANSITION.INSTANT); leftEye.CurrentHealth = leftEye.MaxHealth; rightEye.CurrentHealth = rightEye.MaxHealth; m_phase = PHASE.ONE; leftEye.Initialise(); rightEye.Initialise(); ModalPanel.Instance.bossPanel.SetActive(true); ModalPanel.Instance.bossHealth.value = MaxHealth; StartCoroutine("MoveToCenter"); }
void SetPhase( PHASE phase, UInt64 waitTime ) { m_Phase = phase; m_WaitTime = waitTime; }
private void setPhase(PHASE phase, STEP step) { EventHub.Signal (EventConstants.EndOfStep, null, null); EventHub.Signal (EventConstants.EndOfPhase, null, null); CurrentPhase = phase; CurrentStep = step; EventHub.Signal (EventConstants.StartOfPhase, null, null); EventHub.Signal (EventConstants.StartOfStep, null, null); }
public static void ActionAttack(object[] args) { AI_Enemy.Action action = (AI_Enemy.Action)args[0]; if (!action.unit.CheckAttack(, Unit.UNIT_ATTACK.UNIT_ACTIVE_ATTACK)) { Console.WriteLine("'{0}' ({1},{2}) can not attack '{3}' ({4},{5})",, action.unit.x, action.unit.y,,,; return; } if (![,].spot) { Console.WriteLine("'%{0}' may not attack unit '{1}' (not visible)",,; return; } Engine.cur_unit = action.unit; Engine.cur_target =; Engine.cur_unit.GetDefensiveFireUnits(Engine.cur_target, Scenario.units, ref Engine.df_units); if (Engine.engine_get_next_combatants()) { Engine.status = STATUS.STATUS_ATTACK; Engine.phase = PHASE.PHASE_INIT_ATK; AI_Enemy.Action.action_queue(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_INIT_ATTACK); //stateMachine.Send(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_INIT_ATTACK); Engine.engine_clear_danger_mask(); #if TODO if (Engine.cur_ctrl == PLAYER_CTRL_HUMAN) image_hide(gui.cursors, 1); #endif } }
public void Back(Player _player) { switch(PhaseCounter){ case PHASE.PEG: //go back to play phase PhaseCounter = PHASE.PLAY; //return the last played card back into the palyers hand _player.Discard.Remove(_player.LastDiscarded); _player.Hand.Add(_player.LastDiscarded); _player.LastDiscarded = null;//may need more logic to retain the last last discarded LastPlayed = null; FirstPeg = null; SecondPeg = null; break; case PHASE.MOVE: FirstPeg = null; SecondPeg = null; PhaseCounter = PHASE.PEG; break; case PHASE.END: //having a stack of peg states would make this easy break; } }
public static void CheckResult() { bool broken_up = false; bool reset = false; bool was_final_fight = false; bool surrender = false; try { UNIT_END_COMBAT type = UNIT_END_COMBAT.UNIT_STAYS; int dx, dy; surp_contact = false; /* check attack result */ if ((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_UNIT_KILLED) == Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_UNIT_KILLED) { Scenario.scen_inc_casualties_for_unit(cur_atk); engine_remove_unit(cur_atk); cur_atk = null; } if ((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_KILLED) == Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_KILLED) { Scenario.scen_inc_casualties_for_unit(cur_def); engine_remove_unit(cur_def); cur_def = null; } /* CHECK IF SCENARIO IS FINISHED DUE TO UNITS_KILLED OR UNITS_SAVED */ if (Scenario.scen_check_result(false)) { engine_finish_scenario(); return; } reset = true; if (df_units.Count > 0) { if (((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_SUPPRESSED) == Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_SUPPRESSED) || ((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_KILLED) == Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_KILLED)) { df_units.Clear(); if ((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_KILLED) == Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_KILLED) cur_unit = null; else { /* supressed unit looses its actions */ cur_unit.cur_mov = 0; cur_unit.cur_atk_count = 0; cur_unit.unused = false; broken_up = true; } } else { reset = false; df_units.RemoveAt(0); } } else was_final_fight = true; if (!reset) { /* continue fights */ if (engine_get_next_combatants()) { status = STATUS.STATUS_ATTACK; phase = PHASE.PHASE_INIT_ATK; } else Console.WriteLine("Deadlock! No remaining combatants but supposed to continue fighting? How is this supposed to work????"); } else { /* clear suppression from defensive fire */ if (cur_atk != null) { cur_atk.suppr = 0; cur_atk.unused = false; } if (cur_def != null) cur_def.suppr = 0; /* if this was the final fight between selected unit and selected target check if one of these units was completely suppressed and surrenders or flees */ if (was_final_fight) { engine_clear_backup(); /* no undo allowed after attack */ if (cur_atk != null && cur_def != null) { if ((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_UNIT_ATTACK_BROKEN_UP) == Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_UNIT_ATTACK_BROKEN_UP) { /* unit broke up the attack */ broken_up = true; } else /* total suppression may only cause fleeing or surrender if: both units are ground/naval units in close combat: the unit that causes suppr must have range 0 (melee) inf . fort (fort may surrender) fort . adjacent inf (inf will not flee) */ if (((cur_atk.sel_prop.flags & UnitFlags.FLYING) != UnitFlags.FLYING) && (cur_def.sel_prop.flags & UnitFlags.FLYING) != UnitFlags.FLYING) { if ((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_UNIT_SUPPRESSED) == Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_UNIT_SUPPRESSED && ((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_SUPPRESSED) != Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_SUPPRESSED) && cur_def.sel_prop.rng == 0) { /* cur_unit is suppressed */ engine_handle_suppr(cur_atk, out type, out dx, out dy); if (type == UNIT_END_COMBAT.UNIT_FLEES) { status = STATUS.STATUS_MOVE; phase = PHASE.PHASE_INIT_MOVE; move_unit = cur_atk; fleeing_unit = 1; dest_x = dx; dest_y = dy; return; } else if (type == UNIT_END_COMBAT.UNIT_SURRENDERS) { surrender = true; surrender_unit = cur_atk; } } else if ((atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_SUPPRESSED) == Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_TARGET_SUPPRESSED && (atk_result & Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_UNIT_SUPPRESSED) != Unit.FIGHT_TYPES.AR_UNIT_SUPPRESSED && cur_atk.sel_prop.rng == 0) { /* cur_target is suppressed */ engine_handle_suppr(cur_def, out type, out dx, out dy); if (type == UNIT_END_COMBAT.UNIT_FLEES) { status = STATUS.STATUS_MOVE; phase = PHASE.PHASE_INIT_MOVE; move_unit = cur_def; fleeing_unit = 1; dest_x = dx; dest_y = dy; return; } else if (type == UNIT_END_COMBAT.UNIT_SURRENDERS) { surrender = true; surrender_unit = cur_def; } } } } /* clear pointers */ if (cur_atk == null) cur_unit = null; if (cur_def == null) cur_target = null; } if (broken_up) { phase = PHASE.PHASE_BROKEN_UP_MSG; Console.WriteLine("Attack Broken Up!"); return; } if (surrender) { string msg = (surrender_unit.sel_prop.flags & UnitFlags.SWIMMING) == UnitFlags.SWIMMING ? "Ship is scuttled!" : "Surrenders!"; phase = PHASE.PHASE_SURRENDER_MSG; Console.WriteLine(msg); return; } phase = PHASE.PHASE_END_COMBAT; } } finally { AI_Enemy.Action.action_queue(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_END_COMBAT); //stateMachine.Send(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_END_COMBAT); } }
public void DiscardPhase(Player _player) { if(TurnCounter != Players.IndexOf(_player) && PhaseCounter != PHASE.PLAY){ return; } if(_player.SelectedCard == -1){ Debug.Log("you must select a card"); return; } //discard selected card _player.Discard.Add(_player.LastDiscarded); _player.LastDiscarded = _player.Hand[_player.SelectedCard]; LastPlayed = _player.Hand[_player.SelectedCard]; _player.Hand.RemoveAt(_player.SelectedCard); //Player draws or Counts Depending on rule Set switch(RuleSet){ case RULESET.CLASSIC: //_player.TakeCard(TableDeck.Draw()); _player.Counting++; if(_player.Counting == 3){ //move peg out of player's Home to Come Out space; //Peg select //PhaseCounter = PHASE.PEG _player.Counting = 0; } break; } //inc PhaseCounter PhaseCounter = PHASE.END; }
public static void EndMove() { /* fade out sound */ #if WITH_SOUND audio_fade_out( 0, 500 ); /* move sound channel */ #endif /* decrease fuel for way_pos hex tiles of movement */ if (move_unit.CheckFuelUsage() && { move_unit.cur_fuel -= move_unit.CalcFuelUsage( way_pos); if (move_unit.cur_fuel < 0) move_unit.cur_fuel = 0; } /* clear move buffer image */ #if TODO if ( !blind_cpu_turn ) image_delete( &move_image ); #endif /* run surprise contact */ if (surp_unit != null) { cur_unit = move_unit; cur_target = surp_unit; surp_contact = true; surp_unit = null; if (engine_get_next_combatants()) { status = STATUS.STATUS_ATTACK; phase = PHASE.PHASE_INIT_ATK; if (!blind_cpu_turn) { #if TODO image_hide( gui.cursors, 1 ); #endif draw_map = true; #if TODO_RR form.Draw(); #endif } } return; } /* reselect unit -- cur_unit may differ from move_unit! */ if (cur_ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_HUMAN) engine_select_unit(cur_unit); /* status */ engine_set_status(STATUS.STATUS_NONE); phase = PHASE.PHASE_NONE; AI_Enemy.Action.action_queue(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_NONE); //stateMachine.Send(EngineActionsTypes.ACTION_NONE); /* allow new human/cpu input */ if (!blind_cpu_turn) { if (cur_ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_HUMAN) { #if TODO gui_set_cursor( CURSOR_STD ); image_hide( gui.cursors, 0 ); old_mx = old_my = -1; #endif } draw_map = true; #if TODO_RR form.Draw(); #endif } }
public void ChangePhase() { m_phase = m_phase == PHASE.DAY ? PHASE.NIGHT : PHASE.DAY; m_currentBehaviour = 0; if (m_phase == PHASE.DAY) { m_bgmDay.UnPause(); m_bgmNight.Pause(); m_turns++; InGameUI.Instance.SetTime(m_turns); if (m_respawnFood) { int count = m_foodsToRespawn.Count; for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_foodsToRespawn[i].Respawn()) { Food food = FruitPool.Instance.Load(); HexaTile tile = null; int x = 0; int y = 0; while (tile == null) { x = Random.Range(0, m_mapSizeX); y = Random.Range(0, m_mapSizeY); if (x > 0 && x < Map.Instance.mapSizeX && y > 0 && y < Map.Instance.mapSizeY) { tile = Map.Instance.GetTile(y, x); if ( != null || != null || != null || != null || != null) { tile = null; } } } food.Respawn(tile, m_foodsToRespawn[i].type); m_foodsToRespawn.RemoveAt(i); } } } StartCoroutine(PlaneToDay()); } else { m_bgmDay.Pause(); m_bgmNight.UnPause(); StartCoroutine(PlaneToNight()); } }
/* ==================================================================== End the Scenario and display final message. ==================================================================== */ public static void engine_finish_scenario() { /* finalize ai turn if any */ if (cur_player != null && cur_player.ctrl == PLAYERCONTROL.PLAYER_CTRL_CPU) cur_player.ai_finalize(); blind_cpu_turn = false; engine_show_final_message(); #if TODO group_set_active(gui.base_menu, ID_MENU, 0); #endif draw_map = false; #if TODO image_hide(gui.cursors, 0); gui_set_cursor(CURSOR_STD); #endif engine_select_player(null, false); Scenario.turn = Scenario.scen_info.turn_limit; engine_set_status(STATUS.STATUS_NONE); phase = PHASE.PHASE_NONE; }
public void EndPhase(Player _player) { if(TurnCounter != Players.IndexOf(_player) && PhaseCounter != PHASE.END){ return; } _player.SelectedCard = -1; LastPlayed = null; FirstPeg = null; SecondPeg = null; MoveToDistanceFirst = -1; MoveToDistanceSecond = -1; //roll PhaseCounter PhaseCounter = PHASE.DRAW; //roll TurnCounter TurnCounter = (TurnCounter + 1) % Players.Count; }
//player's turn starts //player draws a card //player selects a Card to play, or discards //player selects a Peg(s) to move //(player draws or Counts) //player ends turn public void DrawPhase(Player _player) { if(TurnCounter != Players.IndexOf(_player) && PhaseCounter != PHASE.DRAW){ return; } //player draws a card _player.TakeCard(TableDeck.Draw()); //inc the PhaseCounter PhaseCounter = PHASE.PLAY; }
public override bool hasMovesLeft(PHASE argPhase) { return(false); }