public VariableDescription(AALocalDecl localDecl, VariableTypes type) { Name = localDecl.GetName().Text; Type = Util.TypeToString(localDecl.GetType()); switch (type) { case VariableTypes.LocalVariable: PlacementPrefix = "Local"; break; case VariableTypes.Parameter: PlacementPrefix = "Parameter"; break; case VariableTypes.StructVariable: PlacementPrefix = "Struct field"; break; default: PlacementPrefix = ""; break; } VariableType = type; Const = localDecl.GetConst() != null; IsStatic = localDecl.GetStatic() != null; Visibility = localDecl.GetVisibilityModifier(); realType = (PType) localDecl.GetType().Clone(); init = localDecl.GetInit(); Line = localDecl.GetName().Line; Position = TextPoint.FromCompilerCoords(localDecl.GetName()); }
private PStm RemoveVariableStatement(PStm stm, PExp rightSide, int line, int pos) { if (rightSide != null) { List <PStm> statements = MakeStatements(rightSide, line, pos); if (statements.Count == 0) { stm.Parent().RemoveChild(stm); } else { PStm statement; if (statements.Count == 1) { statement = statements[0]; } else { statement = new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"), new AABlock(statements, new TRBrace("}"))); } stm.ReplaceBy(statement); return(statement); } } else { stm.Parent().RemoveChild(stm); } return(null); }
public VariableDescription(AALocalDecl localDecl, VariableTypes type) { Name = localDecl.GetName().Text; Type = Util.TypeToString(localDecl.GetType()); switch (type) { case VariableTypes.LocalVariable: PlacementPrefix = "Local"; break; case VariableTypes.Parameter: PlacementPrefix = "Parameter"; break; case VariableTypes.StructVariable: PlacementPrefix = "Struct field"; break; default: PlacementPrefix = ""; break; } VariableType = type; Const = localDecl.GetConst() != null; IsStatic = localDecl.GetStatic() != null; Visibility = localDecl.GetVisibilityModifier(); realType = (PType)localDecl.GetType().Clone(); init = localDecl.GetInit(); Line = localDecl.GetName().Line; Position = TextPoint.FromCompilerCoords(localDecl.GetName()); }
public static PExp MakeClone(PExp lvalue, SharedData data) { PExp clone = (PExp)lvalue.Clone(); MakeCloneRefferences(clone, lvalue, data); return(clone); }
public override void CaseAParenExp(AParenExp node) { PExp replacer = node.GetExp(); node.ReplaceBy(replacer); replacer.Apply(this); }
public override void CaseATempCastExp(ATempCastExp node) { //The cast type must be a single identifier if (node.GetType() is ALvalueExp) { ALvalueExp lvalueExp = (ALvalueExp)node.GetType(); if (lvalueExp.GetLvalue() is AAmbiguousNameLvalue) { AAmbiguousNameLvalue ambiguousLvalue = (AAmbiguousNameLvalue)lvalueExp.GetLvalue(); if (ambiguousLvalue.GetAmbiguous() is AAName) { AAName simpleName = (AAName)ambiguousLvalue.GetAmbiguous(); if (simpleName.GetIdentifier().Count == 1) { ACastExp castExp = new ACastExp(node.GetToken(), new ANamedType(simpleName), node.GetExp()); node.ReplaceBy(castExp); castExp.Apply(this); return; } } } } PExp exp = node.GetExp(); node.ReplaceBy(exp); exp.Apply(this); }
private static List <AALocalDecl> GetAssignedTo(ControlFlowGraph.Node node, SharedData data) { if (node.Statement is ALocalDeclStm) { return new List <AALocalDecl>() { (AALocalDecl)((ALocalDeclStm)node.Statement).GetLocalDecl() } } ; PExp exp = node.Expression; if (exp != null && exp is AAssignmentExp) { AAssignmentExp aExp = (AAssignmentExp)exp; if (aExp.GetLvalue() is ALocalLvalue) { return new List <AALocalDecl>() { data.LocalLinks[(ALocalLvalue)aExp.GetLvalue()] } } ; } return(new List <AALocalDecl>()); }
public static bool Fold(GalaxyCompiler compiler) { bool changes = false; for (int i = 0; i < compiler.ParsedSourceFiles.Count; i++) { SourceFileContents file = compiler.ParsedSourceFiles[i]; foreach (VariableDescription field in file.Fields) { if (field.Const) { PExp init = field.init; string typeStr; if (init == null) { typeStr = null; } else { ConstantFolder folder = new ConstantFolder(); field.init.Apply(folder); typeStr = folder.Value; } if (field.initStr != typeStr) { changes = true; field.initStr = typeStr; } } } } return(changes); }
public override void CaseASimpleInvokeExp(ASimpleInvokeExp node) { PExp expNode = (PExp)node; PType type = data.ExpTypes[expNode]; if (type is APointerType) { type = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("string"), null); } ALocalLvalue local = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("tempName", 0, 0)); ALvalueExp exp = new ALvalueExp(local); PStm stm = Util.GetAncestor <PStm>(node); AABlock block = (AABlock)stm.Parent(); node.ReplaceBy(exp); AALocalDecl localDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, Util.MakeClone(type, data), new TIdentifier(varName, 0, 0), expNode); ALocalDeclStm newStm = new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), localDecl); block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(stm), newStm); NewStatements.Add(newStm); data.LvalueTypes[local] = type; data.ExpTypes[exp] = type; data.LocalLinks[local] = localDecl; //localDecl.Apply(this); exp.Apply(this); return; }
public long GetValueOf(PExp exp) { if (mExpTypes.ContainsKey(exp)) { return(mExpTypes[exp].Value); } return(0); }
public PType GetTypeOf(PExp exp) { if (mExpTypes.ContainsKey(exp)) { return(mExpTypes[exp].Type); } return(null); }
private List <PStm> MakeStatements(PExp exp, int line, int pos) { List <PStm> list = new List <PStm>(); if (exp is ASimpleInvokeExp) { list.Add(new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";", line, pos), exp)); return(list); } if (exp is AAssignmentExp) { list.Add(new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";", line, pos), exp)); return(list); } if (exp is ANonstaticInvokeExp) { list.Add(new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";", line, pos), exp)); return(list); } if (exp is ABinopExp) { ABinopExp aExp = (ABinopExp)exp; list.AddRange(MakeStatements(aExp.GetLeft(), line, pos)); list.AddRange(MakeStatements(aExp.GetRight(), line, pos)); return(list); } if (exp is AUnopExp) { AUnopExp aExp = (AUnopExp)exp; list.AddRange(MakeStatements(aExp.GetExp(), line, pos)); return(list); } if (exp is AParenExp) { AParenExp aExp = (AParenExp)exp; list.AddRange(MakeStatements(aExp.GetExp(), line, pos)); return(list); } if (exp is ALvalueExp) { ALvalueExp aExp = (ALvalueExp)exp; PLvalue lvalue = aExp.GetLvalue(); if (lvalue is AStructLvalue) { AStructLvalue aLvalue = (AStructLvalue)lvalue; list.AddRange(MakeStatements(aLvalue.GetReceiver(), line, pos)); return(list); } if (lvalue is AArrayLvalue) { AArrayLvalue aLvalue = (AArrayLvalue)lvalue; list.AddRange(MakeStatements(aLvalue.GetBase(), line, pos)); list.AddRange(MakeStatements(aLvalue.GetIndex(), line, pos)); return(list); } } return(list); }
bool IsConstant(PExp exp) { if (exp is ABinopExp) { ABinopExp aExp = (ABinopExp)exp; return(IsConstant(aExp.GetLeft()) && IsConstant(aExp.GetRight())); } if (exp is AUnopExp) { AUnopExp aExp = (AUnopExp)exp; return(IsConstant(aExp.GetExp())); } if (exp is AIncDecExp) { AIncDecExp aExp = (AIncDecExp)exp; return(IsConstant(aExp.GetLvalue())); } if (exp is AIntConstExp || exp is AHexConstExp || exp is AOctalConstExp || exp is AFixedConstExp || exp is AStringConstExp || exp is ACharConstExp || exp is ABooleanConstExp || exp is ANullExp || exp is AAssignmentExp || exp is ADelegateExp) { return(true); } if (exp is ASimpleInvokeExp || exp is ANonstaticInvokeExp || exp is ASyncInvokeExp || exp is ANewExp || exp is ADelegateInvokeExp) { return(false); } if (exp is ALvalueExp) { ALvalueExp aExp = (ALvalueExp)exp; return(IsConstant(aExp.GetLvalue())); } if (exp is AParenExp) { AParenExp aExp = (AParenExp)exp; return(IsConstant(aExp.GetExp())); } if (exp is ACastExp) { ACastExp aExp = (ACastExp)exp; return(IsConstant(aExp.GetExp())); } if (exp is AIfExp) { AIfExp aExp = (AIfExp)exp; return(IsConstant(aExp.GetCond()) && IsConstant(aExp.GetThen()) && IsConstant(aExp.GetElse())); } if (exp == null) { return(false); } throw new Exception("Unexpected exp. Got " + exp); }
public ExpressionShell(PExp exp, RuntimeEnvironment env) { long value; if (env.GlobalSearch(exp, out value)) { Value = value; } }
public void SetValueOf(PExp exp, long value) { if (mExpTypes.ContainsKey(exp)) { mExpTypes[exp].Value = value; } else { throw new Exception("No such expression in direct scope"); } }
bool ContainsNewExp(PExp exp) { if (exp == null) { return(false); } NewExpFinder finder = new NewExpFinder(); exp.Apply(finder); return(finder.HasNew); }
public bool Contains(PExp exp) { if (exp != null) { return(mExpTypes.ContainsKey(exp)); } else { return(false); } }
public override void CaseAALocalDecl(AALocalDecl node) { if (node.GetConst() == null) { return; } initialLocalDecl = node; if (IsConstant(node.GetInit())) { { List <ALocalLvalue> lvalues = new List <ALocalLvalue>(); lvalues.AddRange(data.LocalLinks.Where(link => link.Value == node).Select(link => link.Key)); foreach (ALocalLvalue lvalue in lvalues) { PExp parent = (PExp)lvalue.Parent(); parent.ReplaceBy(Util.MakeClone(node.GetInit(), data)); } } { List <AStructLvalue> lvalues = new List <AStructLvalue>(); lvalues.AddRange(data.StructFieldLinks.Where(link => link.Value == node).Select(link => link.Key)); foreach (AStructLvalue lvalue in lvalues) { PExp parent = (PExp)lvalue.Parent(); parent.ReplaceBy(Util.MakeClone(node.GetInit(), data)); } } { List <AStructFieldLvalue> lvalues = new List <AStructFieldLvalue>(); lvalues.AddRange( data.StructMethodFieldLinks.Where(link => link.Value == node).Select(link => link.Key)); foreach (AStructFieldLvalue lvalue in lvalues) { PExp parent = (PExp)lvalue.Parent(); parent.ReplaceBy(Util.MakeClone(node.GetInit(), data)); } } if (node.Parent() is ALocalDeclStm) { node.Parent().Parent().RemoveChild(node.Parent()); } else { node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); } } initialLocalDecl = null; }
public VariableDescription(AFieldDecl fieldDecl) { Name = fieldDecl.GetName().Text; Type = Util.TypeToString(fieldDecl.GetType()); PlacementPrefix = "Field"; VariableType = VariableTypes.Field; Const = fieldDecl.GetConst() != null; IsStatic = fieldDecl.GetStatic() != null; Visibility = fieldDecl.GetVisibilityModifier(); realType = (PType)fieldDecl.GetType().Clone(); init = fieldDecl.GetInit(); Line = fieldDecl.GetName().Line; Position = TextPoint.FromCompilerCoords(fieldDecl.GetName()); }
public override void CaseAVarDecl(AVarDecl node) { // check: variable initializer is a InitExp PExp exp = node.GetInit(); if (exp != null) { if (exp.GetType() != typeof(AInitExp)) { Error.Fatal(ErrorType.InvalidInitializer, node.GetName()); } } base.CaseAVarDecl(node); }
private int FoldInt(PExp exp, ref bool valid) { if (!valid) return -1; if (exp is AIntConstExp) { return int.Parse(((AIntConstExp) exp).GetIntegerLiteral().Text); } if (exp is ABinopExp) { ABinopExp aExp = (ABinopExp)exp; int left = FoldInt(aExp.GetLeft(), ref valid); int right = FoldInt(aExp.GetLeft(), ref valid); if (!valid) return -1; PBinop binop = aExp.GetBinop(); if (binop is APlusBinop) return left + right; if (binop is AMinusBinop) return left - right; if (binop is ATimesBinop) return left * right; if ((binop is AModuloBinop || binop is ADivideBinop) && right == 0) { Token token = binop is AModuloBinop ? (Token)((AModuloBinop) binop).GetToken() : ((ADivideBinop) binop).GetToken(); errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(token, LocRM.GetString("ErrorText57"))); throw new ParserException(null, null); } if (binop is AModuloBinop) return left % right; if (binop is ADivideBinop) return left / right; if (binop is AAndBinop) return left & right; if (binop is AOrBinop) return left | right; if (binop is AXorBinop) return left ^ right; if (binop is ALBitShiftBinop) return left << right; if (binop is ARBitShiftBinop) return left >> right; } if (exp is ALvalueExp) return FoldInt(((ALvalueExp) exp).GetLvalue(), ref valid); valid = false; return -1; }
public bool GlobalSearch(PExp exp, out long value) { value = 0; Scope result = GlobalSearch(mGlobalScope, exp); if (result != null) { value = result.GetValueOf(exp); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private PExp Combine(PExp left, List <string> strings) { AStringConstExp right = new AStringConstExp(new TStringLiteral("\"" + strings[0] + "\"")); strings.RemoveAt(0); ABinopExp binop = new ABinopExp(left, new APlusBinop(new TPlus("+")), right); data.StringsDontJoinRight.Add(right); data.ExpTypes[right] = data.ExpTypes[binop] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("string"), null); if (strings.Count > 0) { return(Combine(binop, strings)); } return(binop); }
private Scope GlobalSearch(Scope current, PExp exp) { if (current.Contains(exp)) { return(current); } foreach (Scope s in current.SubScopes) { Scope result = GlobalSearch(s, exp); if (result != null) { return(result); } } return(null); }
private static PLvalue GetSomeLvalue(PExp exp) { if (exp is AParenExp) { return(GetSomeLvalue(((AParenExp)exp).GetExp())); } if (exp is ALvalueExp) { return(((ALvalueExp)exp).GetLvalue()); } if (exp is AAssignmentExp) { return(((AAssignmentExp)exp).GetLvalue()); } return(null); }
public void Add(APortDecl port) { PExp exp = port.GetAdress(); if (Contains(exp)) { long adress = GetValueOf(exp); Declaration tv = new Declaration(port, port.GetType(), adress, port.GetName().Text); mNamedTypes.Add(port, tv); mLookupTable.Add(port.GetName().Text, tv); } else { throw new ScopeFailure("Unresolved port address"); } }
private void MoveOut(PExp exp, PType type) { PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor <PStm>(exp); AABlock pBlock = (AABlock)pStm.Parent(); ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("gppVar")); ALvalueExp lvalueExp = new ALvalueExp(lvalue); exp.ReplaceBy(lvalueExp); AALocalDecl decl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, Util.MakeClone(type, data), new TIdentifier("gppVar"), exp); pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), decl)); data.LvalueTypes[lvalue] = data.ExpTypes[lvalueExp] = decl.GetType(); data.LocalLinks[lvalue] = decl; }
public override void DefaultIn(Node node) { if (node is PExp) { PExp exp = (PExp)node; if ([exp] is ANamedType) { ANamedType type = (ANamedType)[exp]; if ( { AStructDecl strDecl =[type]; if (strDecl.GetLocals().Cast <PLocalDecl>().Select(decl => decl is AALocalDecl).Count() == 0) { if (node.Parent() is AAssignmentExp) { node = node.Parent().Parent(); } MoveMethodDeclsOut mover = new MoveMethodDeclsOut("removedStructVar",; node.Apply(mover); foreach (PStm pStm in mover.NewStatements) { pStm.Apply(this); } node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); if (node.Parent() is ABinopExp) { ABinopExp parent = (ABinopExp)node.Parent(); ABooleanConstExp replacer; if (parent.GetBinop() is ANeBinop || parent.GetBinop() is AGtBinop || parent.GetBinop() is ALtBinop) { replacer = new ABooleanConstExp(new AFalseBool()); } else { replacer = new ABooleanConstExp(new ATrueBool()); }[replacer] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null); parent.ReplaceBy(replacer); } } } } } }
static bool IsConst(PExp exp, out bool value) { if (exp is ABooleanConstExp) { value = ((ABooleanConstExp)exp).GetBool() is ATrueBool; return true; } if (exp is AIntConstExp) { value = ((AIntConstExp)exp).GetIntegerLiteral().Text != "0"; return true; } if (exp is ANullExp) { value = false; return true; } value = false; return false; }
public override void CaseAPortDecl(APortDecl node) { // Check: adress is a integer constant if (node.GetAdress().GetType() != typeof(AIntConstExp)) { Error.Fatal(ErrorType.InvalidAdress, node.GetName()); } // check: variable initializer is a InitExp PExp exp = node.GetInit(); if (exp != null) { if (exp.GetType() != typeof(AInitExp)) { Error.Fatal(ErrorType.InvalidInitializer, node.GetName()); } } base.CaseAPortDecl(node); }
static bool IsConst(PExp exp, out bool value) { if (exp is ABooleanConstExp) { value = ((ABooleanConstExp)exp).GetBool() is ATrueBool; return(true); } if (exp is AIntConstExp) { value = ((AIntConstExp)exp).GetIntegerLiteral().Text != "0"; return(true); } if (exp is ANullExp) { value = false; return(true); } value = false; return(false); }
public override void CaseASimpleInvokeExp(ASimpleInvokeExp node) { AMethodDecl target = data.SimpleMethodLinks[node]; for (int i = 0; i < node.GetArgs().Count; i++) { PExp arg = (PExp)node.GetArgs()[i]; currentLocal = null; arg.Apply(this); if (currentLocal != null && target.GetFormals().Cast <AALocalDecl>().ToList()[i].GetRef() != null) { ALocalLvalue local = currentLocal; target.Apply(this); if (target.GetFormals().Cast <AALocalDecl>().ToList()[i].GetRef() != null) { AALocalDecl decl = data.LocalLinks[local]; NeededRefs[Util.GetAncestor <AMethodDecl>(node)].Add(decl); } } } }
public static void CalculateLiveVariables(ControlFlowGraph cfg, SharedData data) { //First, generate lists of what is used in each node Dictionary <ControlFlowGraph.Node, List <AALocalDecl> > usedVars = new Dictionary <ControlFlowGraph.Node, List <AALocalDecl> >(); foreach (ControlFlowGraph.Node node in cfg.Nodes) { node.LiveVariables.Clear(); PExp exp = node.Expression; if (exp == null) { usedVars[node] = new List <AALocalDecl>(); } else { GetUsedVariables variableFinder = new GetUsedVariables(data); exp.Apply(variableFinder); usedVars[node] = variableFinder.UsedLocals; } } bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; foreach (ControlFlowGraph.Node node in cfg.Nodes) { int count = node.LiveVariables.Count; Join(node); node.LiveVariables.Subtract(GetAssignedTo(node, data)); node.LiveVariables.Union(usedVars[node]); changed |= count != node.LiveVariables.Count; } } }
public AExpStm( TSemicolon _token_, PExp _exp_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetExp(_exp_); }
internal override void RemoveChild(Node child) { if (_token_ == child) { _token_ = null; return; } if (_exp_ == child) { _exp_ = null; return; } }
internal override void RemoveChild(Node child) { if (_token_ == child) { _token_ = null; return; } if (_dimention_ == child) { _dimention_ = null; return; } if (_int_dim_ == child) { _int_dim_ = null; return; } if (_end_token_ == child) { _end_token_ = null; return; } if (_type_ == child) { _type_ = null; return; } if (_decl_.Contains(child)) { _decl_.Remove(child); return; } }
public void SetCondition(PExp node) { if (_condition_ != null) { _condition_.Parent(null); } if (node != null) { if (node.Parent() != null) { node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); } node.Parent(this); } _condition_ = node; }
public void SetInit(PExp node) { if (_init_ != null) { _init_.Parent(null); } if (node != null) { if (node.Parent() != null) { node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); } node.Parent(this); } _init_ = node; }
public AIfThenStm( TLParen _token_, PExp _condition_, PStm _body_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetCondition(_condition_); SetBody(_body_); }
internal override void RemoveChild(Node child) { if (_token_ == child) { _token_ = null; return; } if (_cond_ == child) { _cond_ = null; return; } if (_then_ == child) { _then_ = null; return; } if (_else_ == child) { _else_ = null; return; } }
public void SetElse(PExp node) { if (_else_ != null) { _else_.Parent(null); } if (node != null) { if (node.Parent() != null) { node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); } node.Parent(this); } _else_ = node; }
internal override void RemoveChild(Node child) { if (_token_ == child) { _token_ = null; return; } if (_init_ == child) { _init_ = null; return; } if (_cond_ == child) { _cond_ = null; return; } if (_update_ == child) { _update_ = null; return; } if (_body_ == child) { _body_ = null; return; } }
public AForStm( TLParen _token_, PStm _init_, PExp _cond_, PStm _update_, PStm _body_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetInit(_init_); SetCond(_cond_); SetUpdate(_update_); SetBody(_body_); }
public AFieldDecl( PVisibilityModifier _visibility_modifier_, TStatic _static_, TConst _const_, PType _type_, TIdentifier _name_, PExp _init_ ) { SetVisibilityModifier(_visibility_modifier_); SetStatic(_static_); SetConst(_const_); SetType(_type_); SetName(_name_); SetInit(_init_); }
internal override void RemoveChild(Node child) { if (_name_ == child) { _name_ = null; return; } if (_value_ == child) { _value_ = null; return; } }
internal override void RemoveChild(Node child) { if (_visibility_modifier_ == child) { _visibility_modifier_ = null; return; } if (_static_ == child) { _static_ = null; return; } if (_ref_ == child) { _ref_ = null; return; } if (_out_ == child) { _out_ = null; return; } if (_const_ == child) { _const_ = null; return; } if (_type_ == child) { _type_ = null; return; } if (_name_ == child) { _name_ = null; return; } if (_init_ == child) { _init_ = null; return; } }
public ACastExp( TLParen _token_, PType _type_, PExp _exp_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetType(_type_); SetExp(_exp_); }
public AIfExp( TQuestionmark _token_, PExp _cond_, PExp _then_, PExp _else_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetCond(_cond_); SetThen(_then_); SetElse(_else_); }
public AALocalDecl( PVisibilityModifier _visibility_modifier_, TStatic _static_, TRef _ref_, TOut _out_, TConst _const_, PType _type_, TIdentifier _name_, PExp _init_ ) { SetVisibilityModifier(_visibility_modifier_); SetStatic(_static_); SetRef(_ref_); SetOut(_out_); SetConst(_const_); SetType(_type_); SetName(_name_); SetInit(_init_); }
public void SetThen(PExp node) { if (_then_ != null) { _then_.Parent(null); } if (node != null) { if (node.Parent() != null) { node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); } node.Parent(this); } _then_ = node; }
public ADelegateInvokeExp( TIdentifier _token_, PExp _receiver_, IList _args_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetReceiver(_receiver_); this._args_ = new TypedList(new Args_Cast(this)); this._args_.Clear(); this._args_.AddAll(_args_); }
public AIfThenElseStm( TLParen _token_, PExp _condition_, PStm _then_body_, PStm _else_body_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetCondition(_condition_); SetThenBody(_then_body_); SetElseBody(_else_body_); }
public void SetReceiver(PExp node) { if (_receiver_ != null) { _receiver_.Parent(null); } if (node != null) { if (node.Parent() != null) { node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); } node.Parent(this); } _receiver_ = node; }
public AALocalDeclRight( TIdentifier _name_, PAssignop _assignop_, PExp _init_ ) { SetName(_name_); SetAssignop(_assignop_); SetInit(_init_); }
internal override void RemoveChild(Node child) { if (_token_ == child) { _token_ = null; return; } if (_receiver_ == child) { _receiver_ = null; return; } if (_args_.Contains(child)) { _args_.Remove(child); return; } }
internal override void RemoveChild(Node child) { if (_token_ == child) { _token_ = null; return; } if (_condition_ == child) { _condition_ = null; return; } if (_body_ == child) { _body_ = null; return; } }
public ADeleteStm( TDelete _token_, PExp _exp_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetExp(_exp_); }
private void MoveOut(PExp exp, PType type) { PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(exp); AABlock pBlock = (AABlock)pStm.Parent(); ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("gppVar")); ALvalueExp lvalueExp = new ALvalueExp(lvalue); exp.ReplaceBy(lvalueExp); AALocalDecl decl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, Util.MakeClone(type, data), new TIdentifier("gppVar"), exp); pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), decl)); data.LvalueTypes[lvalue] = data.ExpTypes[lvalueExp] = decl.GetType(); data.LocalLinks[lvalue] = decl; }
public AEnrichmentDecl( TEnrichment _token_, PExp _dimention_, TIntegerLiteral _int_dim_, TRBrace _end_token_, PType _type_, IList _decl_ ) { SetToken(_token_); SetDimention(_dimention_); SetIntDim(_int_dim_); SetEndToken(_end_token_); SetType(_type_); this._decl_ = new TypedList(new Decl_Cast(this)); this._decl_.Clear(); this._decl_.AddAll(_decl_); }