//collision resolution

    void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        if (other.tag == "RampBoost")
            Bike bScript = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Bike>();
            bScript.curState           = Bike.State.IN_AIR;
            this.transform.eulerAngles = lastRampAngle;
        grav = PE_GravType.constant;
    void ResolveCollisionWith(PE_Obj that)
        // Assumes that "that" is still
        Vector3 posFinal = pos1;         // Sets a defaut value for posFinal
        Bike    thisBike = this.GetComponent <Bike>();

        switch (this.coll)
        case PE_Collider.sphere:

            switch (that.coll)
            case PE_Collider.sphere:
                // Sphere / Sphere collision
                float thisR, thatR, rad;
                // Note, this doesn't work with non-uniform or negative scales!
                thisR = Mathf.Max(this.transform.lossyScale.x, this.transform.lossyScale.y, this.transform.lossyScale.z) / 2;
                thatR = Mathf.Max(that.transform.lossyScale.x, that.transform.lossyScale.y, that.transform.lossyScale.z) / 2;
                rad   = thisR + thatR;

                Vector3 delta = pos1 - that.transform.position;
                delta *= rad;

                posFinal = that.transform.position + delta;


        case PE_Collider.aabb:
            bool  bounce    = false;
            float bounceVel = -vel.y * bouncePower;
            bounceVel = bounceVel > bounceFloorVel? bounceVel:bounceFloorVel;
            if (thisBike.curState == Bike.State.IN_AIR && vel.y < 0f && Mathf.Abs(vel.y) > minBounceVel)
                float myAngle = Vector3.Angle(transform.up, that.transform.up);
                //if (myAngle > 180f)
                //myAngle = 360f - myAngle;
                //float angleDiff = Mathf.Abs( that.transform.rotation.z - myAngle);
                if (myAngle > landingEase)
                    bounce = true;
            switch (that.coll)
            case PE_Collider.aabb:

                thisBike.curState = Bike.State.ON_GROUND;

                // AABB / AABB collision
                float eX1, eY1, eX2, eY2, dX, dY, eX0, eY0;

                Vector3 overlap = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3 thatP   = that.transform.position;
                Vector3 delta   = pos1 - thatP;

                eX0 = pos0.x - this.transform.lossyScale.x / 2;
                eY0 = pos0.y - this.transform.lossyScale.y / 2;
                eX1 = pos1.x - this.transform.lossyScale.x / 2;
                eY1 = pos1.y - this.transform.lossyScale.y / 2;
                eX2 = thatP.x + that.transform.lossyScale.x / 2;
                eY2 = thatP.y + that.transform.lossyScale.y / 2;

                // Distance traveled this step
                dX = eX1 - eX0;
                dY = eY1 - eY0;
                float uX = 1;
                float uY = 1;
                if (eX1 < eX2)
                    // Overlap in X direction
                    uX = 1 - (eX2 - eX1) / (eX0 - eX1);
                if (eY1 < eY2)
                    // Overlap in Y direction
                    uY = 1 - (eY2 - eY1) / (eY0 - eY1);
                // Find Overlaps (positive is an overlap, negative
                //overlap.x = uX;
                overlap.y = uY;

                if (overlap.y >= 0)
                    //print ("asdf");
                    Vector3 moved = transform.position;
                    moved.y           += (eY2 - eY1);
                    transform.position = moved;
                    if (vel.y < 0)
                        vel.y = 0;


            case PE_Collider.plane:
                thisBike.curState = Bike.State.ON_RAMP;

                GameObject rampGO = that.gameObject;
                if (rampGO.tag == "Ramp" || rampGO.tag == "LapRamp")
                    grav = PE_GravType.none;

                Vector3 cornerPos = this.gameObject.transform.position;
                //check which corner has collided
                if (rampGO.transform.rotation.z > 0)
                    cornerPos.x += this.transform.lossyScale.x / 2;
                    cornerPos.x -= this.transform.lossyScale.x / 2;
                cornerPos.y -= this.transform.lossyScale.y / 2;
                Vector3 rampVec = rampGO.transform.right;
                if (rampGO.transform.rotation.z != 0)
                    vel = rampVec * vel.magnitude;
                    if (vel.y < 0)
                        vel = rampVec * vel.x;
                //vel = rampVec * vel.magnitude;
                //acc = rampVec * acc.magnitude;

                //RayCasting from corner toward plane to get depth of penetration
                Ray cornerRay = new Ray(cornerPos, rampGO.transform.up);
                Debug.DrawRay(cornerPos, rampGO.transform.up * 100f);
                RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
                if (!Physics.Raycast(cornerRay, out hit, 10f))

                /*float dist = Mathf.Sqrt(transform.lossyScale.x*transform.lossyScale.x + transform.lossyScale.y*transform.lossyScale.y);
                 * dist -= hit.distance;*/
                Vector3 temp = transform.position;
                temp += rampGO.transform.up * (hit.distance);
                transform.position = temp;
                lastRampAngle      = rampGO.transform.eulerAngles;
            if (bounce)
                vel.y             = bounceVel;
                vel.x            -= vel.x * bounceSlow;
                thisBike.curState = Bike.State.IN_AIR;