}                                                          // DisplayDefaultAppDomainProperties

        /// <summary>
        /// Report selected properties of the process and its main assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DisplayProcessProperties(DateTime dtmStartedUtc)
            System.Diagnostics.Process procCurrent = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess( );

                Properties.Resources.MSG_PROCESS_PROPERTIES_HEADER,                                     // Format Control String
                Environment.NewLine);                                                                   // Format Item 0 = Embedded Newline

                Properties.Resources.MSG_PROCESS_ENTRY_ASM_NAME,                                                // Format Control String
                procCurrent.MainModule.FileName);                                                               // Format Item 0 = FileName property of the MainModule property of the Process object
            Int16 intPSSubsystemID = PESubsystemInfo.GetPESubsystemID(

                Properties.Resources.MSG_PROCESS_ENTRY_ASM_SUBSYSTEM,                                   // Format Control String
                new object []                                                                           // Since there are more than three format items, the call must pass an array, which is constructed on the stack.
                intPSSubsystemID,                                                                       // Format Item 0 = Windows subsystem in which the MainModule assembly executes
                (PESubsystemInfo.PESubsystemID)intPSSubsystemID,                                        // Format Item 1 = PESubsystemID enumeration mapping of the Windows subsystem in which the MainModule assembly executes
                PESubsystemInfo.GetPESubsystemDescription(                                              // Format Item 2 = Long (verbose) description of the Windows subsystem in which the assembly executes
                    intPSSubsystemID,                                                                   //		PESubsystemID penmSubsystemID designates the Windows subsystem in which the assembly executes
                    PESubsystemInfo.SubsystemDescription.Long),                                         //		SubsystemDescription penmSubsystemDescription identifies which of two descriptions (short or long) is wanted
                Environment.NewLine                                                                     // Format Item 3 = Embedded Newline
                Properties.Resources.MSG_PROCESS_ID,                                                            // Format Control String
                procCurrent.Id,                                                                                 // Format Item 0 = Process ID, hexadecimal representation
                procCurrent.Id,                                                                                 // Format Item 1 = Process ID, decimal representation
                Environment.NewLine);                                                                           // Format Item 2 = Embedded Newline
                Properties.Resources.MSG_PROCESS_STARTUP_TIME,                                                  // Format Control String
                procCurrent.StartTime,                                                                          // Format Item 0 = Process Start Time is reported as local machine time
                procCurrent.StartTime.ToUniversalTime( ));                                                      // Format Item 1 = Process Start Time, converted to UTC time
                Properties.Resources.MSG_CURRENT_MACHINE_TIME,                                                  // Format Control String
                dtmStartedUtc.ToLocalTime( ),                                                                   // Format Item 0 = dtmStartedUtc, initialized with UTC time when the initializer ran
                dtmStartedUtc);                                                                                 // Format Item 1 = dtmStartedUtc, converted to UTC time

                Properties.Resources.MSG_PROCESS_PROPERTIES_FOOTER, // Format Control String
                Environment.NewLine);                               // Format Item 0 = Embedded Newline
        }                                                           // public static void DisplayProcessProperties
        /// <summary>
        /// Report selected properties of the default Application Domain.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DisplayDefaultAppDomainProperties( )
            AppDomain adDefault = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

                Properties.Resources.MSG_DFLT_DOMAIN_PROPS_HEADER,                                              // Format Control String
                Environment.NewLine);                                                                           // Format Item 0 = Embedded Newline

            if (adDefault.ActivationContext != null)
            {                                                               // Get the ApplicationIdentity from the ActivateionContext property.
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_DFLT_DOMAIN_IDENTITY_FULLNAME, // Format Control String
                    adDefault.ActivationContext.Identity.FullName);         // Format Item 0 = FullName property of ApplicationIdentity
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_DFLT_DOMAIN_IDENTITY_CODEBASE, // Format Control String
                    adDefault.ActivationContext.Identity.CodeBase);         // Format Item 0 = CodeBase property of ApplicationIdentity
            }                                                               // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( adDefault.ActivationContext != null )
            {                                                               // Report that the ActivateionContext property is null.
            }                                                               // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( adDefault.ActivationContext != null )

            if (adDefault.ApplicationIdentity != null)
            {                                                               // Get the ApplicationIdentity from the AppDomain, itself.
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_DFLT_DOMAIN_IDENTITY_FULLNAME, // Format Control String
                    adDefault.ApplicationIdentity.FullName);                // Format Item 0 = FullName property of ApplicationIdentity
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_DFLT_DOMAIN_IDENTITY_CODEBASE, // Format Control String
                    adDefault.ApplicationIdentity.CodeBase);                // Format Item 0 = CodeBase property of ApplicationIdentity
            }                                                               // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( adDefault.ApplicationIdentity != null )
            {                                                               // Report that the ApplicationIdentity property is null.
            }                                                               // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( adDefault.ApplicationIdentity != null )

                Properties.Resources.MSG_BASE_DIRECTORY_NAME,                                                   // Format Control String
                adDefault.BaseDirectory);                                                                       // Format Item 0 = BaseDirectory property of ApplicationDomain

            if (adDefault.DomainManager != null)
            {                                                        // Get the AssemblyName and Location properties from the DomainManager property of the Application Domain.
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_ENTRY_ASM_FULLNAME,     // Format Control String
                    adDefault.DomainManager.EntryAssembly.FullName); // Format Item 0 = FullName property of EntryAssembly on the DomainManager property
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_ENTRY_ASM_LOCATION,     // Format Control String
                    adDefault.DomainManager.EntryAssembly.Location); // Format Item 0 = Location property of EntryAssembly on the DomainManager property
            }                                                        // TRUE (outcome when the Visual Studio Hosting Process is present) block, if ( adDefault.DomainManager != null )
            {                                                        // Report that the DomainManager property is null.
            }                                                        // FALSE (outcome when the Visual Studio Hosting Process is absent) block, if ( adDefault.DomainManager != null )

                Properties.Resources.MSG_DOMAIN_MGR_FRIENDLY_NAME,                                              // Format Control String
                adDefault.FriendlyName);                                                                        // Format Item 0 = FriendlyName of the AppDomain, by itself, shows whether the hosting process is active
                Properties.Resources.MSG_DOMAIN_MGR_ID,                                                         // Format Control String
                adDefault.Id);                                                                                  // Format Item 0 = AppDomain ID, which is probably always 1 for the default application domain

            if (adDefault.SetupInformation != null)
            {                                                     // List a couple of interesting properties of the SetupInformation property.
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_DOMAIN_MGR_APP_NAME, // Format Control String
                    adDefault.SetupInformation.ApplicationName);  // Format Item 0 = ApplicationName property on SetupInformation
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_DOMAIN_MGR_APP_BASE, // Format Control String
                    adDefault.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase);  // Format Item 0 = ApplicationBase (initial working directory name) property on SetupInformation
            }                                                     // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( adDefault.SetupInformation != null )
            {                                                     // Report that the SetupInformation property is null.
            }                                                     // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( adDefault.SetupInformation != null )

            PESubsystemInfo peAppDomainInfo = PESubsystemInfo.GetTheSingleInstance( );

                Properties.Resources.MSG_APP_DOMAIN_ENTRY_ASM_NAME,                                     // Format Control String
                peAppDomainInfo.DefaultDomainEntryAssemblyName,                                         // Format Item 0 = Always the real entry assembly (the one that matters to us!)
                Environment.NewLine);                                                                   // Format Item 1 = Embedded Newline
                Properties.Resources.MSG_APP_DOMAIN_ENTRY_ASM_LOCATION,                                 // Format Control String
                peAppDomainInfo.DomainEntryAssemblyLocation);                                           // Format Item 0 = The location (absolute file name) from which the real entry assembly loaded
                Properties.Resources.MSG_APP_DOMAIN_SUBSYSTEM,                                          // Format Control String
                new object []                                                                           // Since there are more than three format items, the call must pass an array, which is constructed on the stack.
                peAppDomainInfo.DefaultAppDomainSubsystemID,                                            // Format Item 0 = Windows subsystem ID of the entry assembly identified just above
                peAppDomainInfo.DefaultAppDomainSubsystem,                                              // Format Item 1 = PESubsystemID enumeration mapping of the DefaultAppDomainSubsystemID
                PESubsystemInfo.GetPESubsystemDescription(                                              // Format Item 2 = Long (verbose) description of the Windows subsystem in which the assembly executes
                    peAppDomainInfo.DefaultAppDomainSubsystem,                                          //		PESubsystemID penmSubsystemID designates the Windows subsystem in which the assembly executes
                    PESubsystemInfo.SubsystemDescription.Long),                                         //		SubsystemDescription penmSubsystemDescription identifies which of two descriptions (short or long) is wanted
                Environment.NewLine                                                                     // Format Item 3 = Embedded Newline

                Properties.Resources.MSG_DFLT_DOMAIN_PROPS_FOOTER, // Format Control String
                Environment.NewLine);                              // Format Item 0 = Embedded Newline
        }                                                          // DisplayDefaultAppDomainProperties