private PERM GetPermLevel(RocketPlayer p) { PERM perm = PERM.None; if (p.HasPermission(@"")) { perm = PERM.Info; } if (p.HasPermission(@"gearup.self")) { perm = PERM.Self; } if (p.HasPermission(@"gearup.other")) { perm = PERM.Other; } if (p.HasPermission(@"gearup.admin")) { perm = PERM.Admin; } return(perm); }
public static async Task <bool> LazyCheckLocationPermissions() { try { PERM_STATUS locationStatus = await PERM.CheckStatusAsync <PERM.LocationAlways>(); return(locationStatus == PERM_STATUS.Granted); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { // Stopwatch for time it takes to solve Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); // Insert code for execution here Console.WriteLine(PERM.GetPermutations()); // Stop timer and report time stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
/** * VERIFICA LOS PERMISOS DE LA UBICACION */ public static async Task <bool> CheckLocationPermissions() { try { PERM_STATUS locationStatus = await PERM.CheckStatusAsync <PERM.LocationAlways>(); if (locationStatus != PERM_STATUS.Granted) { locationStatus = await PERM.RequestAsync <PERM.LocationAlways>(); if (locationStatus != PERM_STATUS.Granted) { var title = $"Permiso de ubicación"; var question = $"Para usar la aplicación el permiso de la ubicación es requerido"; var positive = "Configuración"; var negative = "Quizás después"; Task <bool> task = APP.Current?.MainPage? .DisplayAlert(title, question, positive, negative); if (task == null) { return(false); } var result = await task; if (result) { SERVICE.Get <IAppInfo>().OpenAppSettings(); } return(false); } } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } }
public void Execute(RocketPlayer player, string[] cmd) { if (!Initialized) { Initialize(); } if (player == null) { return; } if (!Config.AllowCmd) { Say(player, GearUp.TDict["command_disabled"]?.ToString(), Config.ErrorColor); Log("GU: Commands are disabled."); return; } PERM perms = GetPermLevel(player); try { if (perms <= PERM.None && string.Join("", cmd) != "-info") { Say(player, GearUp.TDict["access_denied"]?.ToString(),; return; } if (cmd.Length == 0 && perms >= PERM.Self) { player.GetComponent <GearUpComp>()?.AskGearUp(); return; } if (cmd.Length >= 1) { if (!cmd[0].StartsWith("-")) { RocketPlayer pFromCmd = RocketPlayer.FromName(cmd[0]); Kit kFromCmd = GetKitByName(cmd[0]); // kit if (kFromCmd != null && perms >= PERM.Self) { player.GetComponent <GearUpComp>()?.AskGearUp(null, kFromCmd); return; } // player if (pFromCmd != null && perms >= PERM.Other) { if (cmd.Length >= 2) { kFromCmd = GetKitByName(cmd[1]); if (kFromCmd != null) { pFromCmd.GetComponent <GearUpComp>()?.AskGearUp(player, kFromCmd); //Say(player, $"{GearUp.TDict["gear_gift_success"]?.Replace("%P", pFromCmd.CharacterName)}", Config.SuccessColor); return; } else { Say(player, $"{GearUp.TDict["access_denied_gift"]?.ToString()}", Config.ErrorColor); return; } } else { Say(player, $"{GearUp.TDict["error_user_nokit"]?.ToString()}", Config.ErrorColor); return; } } // neither; bad user, no biscuit! D:< Say(player, $"No matching kits or players, kits: ", Config.ErrorColor); ReportPermittedKits(player); return; } else if (cmd[0].StartsWith("-")) { switch (cmd[0]) { case "-on": if ((int)perms < (int)PERM.Admin) { return; } GearUp.Instance.enabled = true; Say(player, "GU: Enabled", Config.SuccessColor); break; case "-off": if ((int)perms < (int)PERM.Admin) { return; } GearUp.Instance.enabled = false; Say(player, "GU: Disabled", Config.SuccessColor); break; case "-kits": case "-list": case "-l": ReportPermittedKits(player); break; case "-?": if ((int)perms < (int)PERM.Info) { return; } ShowHelp(player); break; case "--": if ((int)perms < (int)PERM.Info) { return; } Say(player, $"GU: Plugin {(GearUp.Instance.enabled == true ? "enabled" : "disabled")}.", Color.gray); break; case "-reset": if ((int)perms < (int)PERM.Admin) { return; } if (cmd.Length >= 2) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd[1])) { RocketPlayer p = RocketPlayer.FromName(cmd[1]); if (p == null) { Say(player, $"GU: Failed to find player name matching '{cmd[1]}'!", Config.ErrorColor); } else { p.GetComponent <GearUpComp>()?.ResetCooldown(player); } } } else { player.GetComponent <GearUpComp>()?.ResetCooldown(); } break; case "-info": Say(player, $"GearUp {GearUp.Version} by Mash - [{(GearUp.Instance.enabled == true ? "enabled" : "disabled")}]", Config.InfoColor); break; default: Say(player, "GU: Unknown operand", Config.ErrorColor); break; } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { GearUp.STOP(ex.Message); } }
/** * VERIFICA LOS PERMISOS DE LA VIDEOLLAMADA */ public static async Task <bool> CheckVideoCallPermissions() { try { // ------------------------------------------------------------- // SE VERIFICAN LOS PERMISOS DE LA CAMARA. // ------------------------------------------------------------- PERM_STATUS CameraStatus = await PERM.CheckStatusAsync <PERM.Camera>(); if (CameraStatus != PERM_STATUS.Granted) { CameraStatus = await PERM.RequestAsync <PERM.Camera>(); if (CameraStatus != PERM_STATUS.Granted) { string title = $"El Permiso de camara"; string question = $"Para usar la aplicación el permiso de la camara es requerido. Por favor acceda a configuración y habilite el permiso para la aplicación."; string positive = "Configuración"; string negative = "Quizás después"; Task <bool> task = APP.Current?.MainPage? .DisplayAlert(title, question, positive, negative); if (task == null) { return(false); } var result = await task; if (result) { SERVICE.Get <IAppInfo>().OpenAppSettings(); } return(false); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // SI YA SE OTORGO PERMISOS DE LA CAMARA // SE VERIFICAN LOS PERMISOS DEL MICROFONO. // ------------------------------------------------------------- PERM_STATUS MicrophoneStatus = await PERM.CheckStatusAsync <PERM.Microphone>(); if (MicrophoneStatus != PERM_STATUS.Granted) { MicrophoneStatus = await PERM.RequestAsync <PERM.Microphone>(); if (MicrophoneStatus != PERM_STATUS.Granted) { string title = $"Permiso de microfono"; string question = $"Para usar la aplicación el permiso del microfono es requerido. Por favor acceda a configuración y habilite el permiso para la aplicación."; string positive = "Configuración"; string negative = "Quizás después"; Task <bool> task = APP.Current?.MainPage? .DisplayAlert(title, question, positive, negative); if (task == null) { return(false); } var result = await task; if (result) { SERVICE.Get <IAppInfo>().OpenAppSettings(); } return(false); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }