Exemple #1
        public TypeDef(PEAPI.TypeAttr attr, string name_space, string name,
                       BaseClassRef parent, ArrayList impl_list, Location location, GenericParameters gen_params, TypeDef outer)
            this.attr       = attr;
            this.parent     = parent;
            this.impl_list  = impl_list;
            this.gen_params = gen_params;
            this.outer      = outer;
            this.location   = location;

            field_table = new Hashtable();
            field_list  = new ArrayList();

            method_table = new Hashtable();
            method_list  = new ArrayList();

            size = -1;
            pack = -1;

            is_defined   = false;
            is_intransit = false;

            is_value_class = false;
            is_enum_class  = false;


            int lastdot = name.LastIndexOf('.');

            /* Namespace . name split should not be done for nested classes */
            if (lastdot >= 0 && outer == null)
                if (name_space == null || name_space == "")
                    this.name_space = name.Substring(0, lastdot);
                    this.name_space = name_space + "." + name.Substring(0, lastdot);
                this.name = name.Substring(lastdot + 1);
                this.name_space = name_space;
                this.name       = name;

            //Fixup attributes
            if (IsInterface)
                this.attr |= PEAPI.TypeAttr.Abstract;
Exemple #2
                public TypeDef (PEAPI.TypeAttr attr, string name_space, string name,
                                BaseClassRef parent, ArrayList impl_list, Location location, GenericParameters gen_params, TypeDef outer)
                        this.attr = attr;
                        this.parent = parent;
                        this.impl_list = impl_list;
                        this.gen_params = gen_params;
                        this.outer = outer;
                        this.location = location;

                        field_table = new Hashtable ();
                        field_list = new ArrayList ();

                        method_table = new Hashtable ();
                        method_list = new ArrayList ();

                        size = -1;
                        pack = -1;

                        is_defined = false;
                        is_intransit = false;

                        is_value_class = false;
                        is_enum_class = false;

                        ResolveGenParams ();

                        int lastdot = name.LastIndexOf ('.');
                        /* Namespace . name split should not be done for nested classes */
                        if (lastdot >= 0 && outer == null) {
                                if (name_space == null || name_space == "")
                                        this.name_space = name.Substring (0, lastdot);
                                        this.name_space = name_space + "." + name.Substring (0, lastdot);
                                this.name = name.Substring (lastdot + 1);
                        } else {
                                this.name_space = name_space;
                                this.name = name;

                        //Fixup attributes
                        if (IsInterface)
                                this.attr |= PEAPI.TypeAttr.Abstract;
Exemple #3
        public void Define(CodeGen code_gen)
            if (is_defined)

            if (is_intransit)
                // Circular definition
                Report.Error("Circular definition of class: " + FullName);

            if (outer != null)
                PEAPI.TypeAttr vis = attr & PEAPI.TypeAttr.VisibilityMask;

                if (vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Private || vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Public)
                    /* Nested class, but attr not set accordingly. */
                    Report.Warning(location, String.Format("Nested class '{0}' has non-nested visibility, set to such.", NestedFullName));
                    attr  = attr ^ vis;
                    attr |= (vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Public ? PEAPI.TypeAttr.NestedPublic : PEAPI.TypeAttr.NestedPrivate);

            if (parent != null)
                is_intransit = true;

                is_intransit = false;
                if (parent.PeapiClass == null)
                    Report.Error("this type can not be a base type: "
                                 + parent);

                if (IsValueType(parent.PeapiClass.nameSpace, parent.PeapiClass.name))
                    is_value_class = true;
                else if (IsEnumType(parent.PeapiClass.nameSpace, parent.PeapiClass.name))
                    is_enum_class  = true;
                    is_value_class = false;

                if (!IsValueType(name_space, name) && !IsEnumType(name_space, name) &&
                    is_value_class && (attr & PEAPI.TypeAttr.Sealed) == 0)
                    attr |= PEAPI.TypeAttr.Sealed;

                if (outer != null)
                    if (!outer.IsDefined)
                    classdef = outer.PeapiType.AddNestedClass(attr,
                                                              name_space, name, parent.PeapiClass);
                    if (is_value_class || is_enum_class)
                        // Should probably confirm that the parent is System.ValueType
                        classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddValueClass(attr,
                                                                 name_space, name, is_value_class ? PEAPI.ValueClass.ValueType : PEAPI.ValueClass.Enum);
                        classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddClass(attr,
                                                            name_space, name, parent.PeapiClass);
                if (outer != null)
                    if (!outer.IsDefined)
                    classdef = outer.PeapiType.AddNestedClass(attr,
                                                              name_space, name);
                    if (is_value_class || is_enum_class)
                        classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddValueClass(attr,
                                                                 name_space, name, is_value_class ? PEAPI.ValueClass.ValueType : PEAPI.ValueClass.Enum);
                        classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddClass(attr,
                                                            name_space, name);
                if (FullName == "System.Object")

            is_defined = true;

            if (size != -1 || pack != -1)
                classdef.AddLayoutInfo((pack == -1) ? 1 : pack, (size == -1) ? 0 : size);

            if (impl_list != null)
                foreach (BaseClassRef impl in impl_list)

            if (gen_params != null)
                gen_params.Resolve(code_gen, classdef);

            is_intransit = false;

Exemple #4
                public void Define (CodeGen code_gen)
                        if (is_defined)

                        if (is_intransit) {
                                // Circular definition
                                Report.Error ("Circular definition of class: " + FullName);

                        if (outer != null) {
				PEAPI.TypeAttr vis = attr & PEAPI.TypeAttr.VisibilityMask;

				if (vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Private || vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Public) {
					/* Nested class, but attr not set accordingly. */
					Report.Warning (location, String.Format ("Nested class '{0}' has non-nested visibility, set to such.", NestedFullName));
					attr = attr ^ vis;
					attr |= (vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Public ? PEAPI.TypeAttr.NestedPublic : PEAPI.TypeAttr.NestedPrivate);
                        if (parent != null) {
                                is_intransit = true;
                                parent.Resolve (code_gen);

                                is_intransit = false;
                                if (parent.PeapiClass == null) {
                                        Report.Error ("this type can not be a base type: "
                                                        + parent);

                                if (IsValueType (parent.PeapiClass.nameSpace, parent.PeapiClass.name))
                                        is_value_class = true;
                                else if (IsEnumType (parent.PeapiClass.nameSpace, parent.PeapiClass.name))
                                        is_enum_class = true;

                                if (!IsValueType (name_space, name) && !IsEnumType (name_space, name) &&
                                        is_value_class && (attr & PEAPI.TypeAttr.Sealed) == 0) {

                                        attr |= PEAPI.TypeAttr.Sealed;

                                if (outer != null) {
                                        if (!outer.IsDefined)
                                                outer.Define (code_gen);
                                        classdef = outer.PeapiType.AddNestedClass (attr,
                                                        name_space, name, parent.PeapiClass);
                                } else {
                                        if (is_value_class || is_enum_class) {
                                                // Should probably confirm that the parent is System.ValueType
                                                classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddValueClass (attr,
                                                        name_space, name, is_value_class ? PEAPI.ValueClass.ValueType : PEAPI.ValueClass.Enum);
                                        } else {
                                                classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddClass (attr,
                                                        name_space, name, parent.PeapiClass);
                        } else {
                                if (outer != null) {
                                        if (!outer.IsDefined)
                                                outer.Define (code_gen);
                                        classdef = outer.PeapiType.AddNestedClass (attr,
                                                name_space, name);
                                } else {
                                        if (is_value_class || is_enum_class) {
                                                classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddValueClass (attr,
                                                        name_space, name, is_value_class ? PEAPI.ValueClass.ValueType : PEAPI.ValueClass.Enum);
                                        } else {
                                                classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddClass (attr,
                                                        name_space, name);
                                if (FullName == "System.Object")
                                        classdef.SpecialNoSuper ();

                        is_defined = true;

                        if (size != -1 || pack != -1)
                                classdef.AddLayoutInfo ( (pack == -1) ? 1 : pack, (size == -1) ? 0 : size);

                        if (impl_list != null) {
                                foreach (BaseClassRef impl in impl_list) {
                                        impl.Resolve (code_gen);
                                        classdef.AddImplementedInterface (impl.PeapiClass);

                        if (gen_params != null)
                                gen_params.Resolve (code_gen, classdef);

                        is_intransit = false;

                        code_gen.AddToDefineContentsList (this);