Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called during loading of the form
        /// Adds the available labels to the Selection box.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetLocalDataLabels()
            double             widthInCm;
            PDataLabelTable    DataLabels;
            PDataLabelUseTable DataLabelUse;

            DataRow[] filteredRows;

            DataLabels   = (PDataLabelTable)TDataCache.TMPartner.GetCacheablePartnerTable(TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum.DataLabelList);
            DataLabelUse = (PDataLabelUseTable)TDataCache.TMPartner.GetCacheablePartnerTable(TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum.DataLabelUseList);

            foreach (PDataLabelUseRow UseRow in DataLabelUse.Rows)
                if ((UseRow.Use == "Bank") ||
                    (UseRow.Use == "Church") ||
                    (UseRow.Use == "Family") ||
                    (UseRow.Use == "Organisation") ||
                    (UseRow.Use == "Person") ||
                    (UseRow.Use == "Unit") ||
                    (UseRow.Use == "Venue"))
                    filteredRows = DataLabels.Select(PDataLabelTable.GetKeyDBName() + " = " + UseRow.DataLabelKey.ToString());

                    if (filteredRows.Length > 0)
                        PDataLabelRow row = (PDataLabelRow)filteredRows[0];

                        if (row.DataType == "char")
                            widthInCm = TPartnerColumnFunction.CharLengthToCM(row.CharLength);
                        else if (row.DataType == "partnerkey")
                            widthInCm = TPartnerColumnFunction.CharLengthToCM(10);
                        else if (row.DataType == "lookup")
                            widthInCm = TPartnerColumnFunction.CharLengthToCM(14);
                        else if (row.DataType == "boolean")
                            widthInCm = TPartnerColumnFunction.CharLengthToCM(5);
                            widthInCm = TPartnerColumnFunction.CharLengthToCM(10);

                        /* minimum width of column, so that the caption can be displayed (with a footnote number if necessary) */
                        if (widthInCm < 1.5)
                            widthInCm = 1.5;

                        FPetraUtilsObject.AddAvailableFunction(new TPartnerColumnFunction("DataLabelColumn", "param_label", row.Text, widthInCm)); //FPetraUtilsObject.AddAvailableFunction(new TPartnerColumnFunction(row.Text, "param_label",
                                                                                                                                                   // "DataLabelColumn", widthInCm));
        /// create new PM data
        public static PDataLabelTable CreateNewPMData(long AFromPartnerKey, long AToPartnerKey, IndividualDataTDS AMainDS, TDataBase ADataBase = null)
            TDataBase      db          = DBAccess.Connect("CreateNewPMData", ADataBase);
            TDBTransaction Transaction = db.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

            // Create a new DataLabel record
            PDataLabelTable AllDataLabelTable = PDataLabelAccess.LoadAll(Transaction);
            PDataLabelTable DataLabelTable    = new PDataLabelTable();
            PDataLabelRow   DataLabelRow      = DataLabelTable.NewRowTyped();

            // Get the first available key, which is our unique primary key field
            Int32 Key = 1;

            while (AllDataLabelTable.Rows.Find(new object[] { Key }) != null)

            DataLabelRow.Key      = Key;
            DataLabelRow.DataType = "char";

            // Create a new DataLabelValuePartner record
            PDataLabelValuePartnerRow DataLabelValuePartner = AMainDS.PDataLabelValuePartner.NewRowTyped();

            DataLabelValuePartner.PartnerKey   = AFromPartnerKey;
            DataLabelValuePartner.DataLabelKey = DataLabelRow.Key;

            // Create a new PassportDetails record
            IndividualDataTDSPmPassportDetailsRow PassportDetails = AMainDS.PmPassportDetails.NewRowTyped();

            PassportDetails.PartnerKey              = AFromPartnerKey;
            PassportDetails.PassportNumber          = "0";
            PassportDetails.PassportNationalityName = "IRELAND";

            // Create two new PersonalData records
            PmPersonalDataRow FromPersonalData = AMainDS.PmPersonalData.NewRowTyped();

            FromPersonalData.PartnerKey = AFromPartnerKey;
            FromPersonalData.HeightCm   = 175;
            FromPersonalData.WeightKg   = 80;

            PmPersonalDataRow ToPersonalData = AMainDS.PmPersonalData.NewRowTyped();

            ToPersonalData.PartnerKey = AToPartnerKey;
            ToPersonalData.WeightKg   = 95;


        private bool DeleteRowManual(PDataLabelRow ARowToDelete, ref string ACompletionMessage)
            bool ReturnValue = false;

            // We need to delete the rows in PDataLabelUse that reference the current row
            int key = ARowToDelete.Key;

            DataRow[] MatchingRows = FExtraDS.PDataLabelUse.Select("p_data_label_key_i=" + key.ToString());

            foreach (DataRow row in MatchingRows)

            // Now we can delete the row in the main table
            ReturnValue = true;

        private void ValidateDataDetailsManual(PDataLabelRow ARow)
            // For this validation we have to validate the UsedBy data here in the manual code.
            // This is because it is not backed directly by a row in a data table.
            // Nor is the control associated with a column in any data table
            TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResultCollection = FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection;
            DataColumn          ValidationColumn;
            TVerificationResult VerificationResult = null;

            // Personnel context is bound to be valid because it has no UsedBy UI
            if ((CurrentContext == Context.Partner) || (CurrentContext == Context.Application))
                // The added column at the end of the table, which is a concatenated string of checkedListBox entries, must not be empty
                ValidationColumn   = ARow.Table.Columns[UsedByColumnOrdinal];
                VerificationResult = TStringChecks.StringMustNotBeEmpty(ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal].ToString(),
                                                                        this, ValidationColumn, clbUsedBy);

                if (VerificationResult != null)
                    if (CurrentContext == Context.Partner)
                        VerificationResult.OverrideResultText(Catalog.GetString("You must check at least one box in the list of Partner classes."));
                    else if (CurrentContext == Context.Application)
                        VerificationResult.OverrideResultText(Catalog.GetString("You must check at least one box in the list of Application types."));

                // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection.
                VerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(this, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn, false);

            // Now call the central validation routine for the other verification tasks
            TSharedValidation_CacheableDataTables.ValidateLocalDataFieldSetup(this, ARow, ref VerificationResultCollection,
        private bool PreDeleteManual(PDataLabelRow ARowToDelete, ref string ADeletionQuestion)
            string question = ADeletionQuestion;

            question += (Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "(");

            if (txtDetailGroup.Text.Length > 0)
                question += String.Format("{0}: {1},  ", Catalog.GetString("Group"), txtDetailGroup.Text);

            question += String.Format("{0} {1})", lblDetailText.Text, txtDetailText.Text);

            int    classesCount = ARowToDelete[UsedByColumnOrdinal].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length;
            string s            = Catalog.GetPluralString("{0}{0}This {1} is used in {2} Partner Class",
                                                          "{0}{0}This {1} is used in {2} Partner Classes",

            question += String.Format(s, Environment.NewLine, lblDetailText.Text.Substring(0, lblDetailText.Text.Length - 1), classesCount);

            ADeletionQuestion = question;

        /// <summary>
        /// returns true if the value of the cell is null
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ADataLabelRow"></param>
        /// <param name="ARow"></param>
        /// <param name="AColumn"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean IsCellValueNull(PDataLabelRow ADataLabelRow, int ARow, int AColumn)
            Boolean ReturnValue = false;

            System.Windows.Forms.Control CurrentControl;

            switch (ADataLabelRow.DataType)
                case MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_CHAR:

                    CurrentControl = (System.Windows.Forms.Control)((SourceGrid.Cells.Cell)FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.GetCell(ARow, AColumn)).Tag;

                    if (((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)CurrentControl).Text.Trim() == "")
                        ReturnValue = true;


                case MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_FLOAT:
                case MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_INTEGER:
                case MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_CURRENCY:

                    CurrentControl = (System.Windows.Forms.Control)((SourceGrid.Cells.Cell)FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.GetCell(ARow, AColumn)).Tag;

                    if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_CURRENCY)
                        if (((TTxtCurrencyTextBox)CurrentControl).Text.Trim() == "")
                            ReturnValue = true;
                    else if (((TTxtNumericTextBox)CurrentControl).Text.Trim() == "")
                        ReturnValue = true;


                case MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_DATE:
                    CurrentControl = (System.Windows.Forms.Control)((SourceGrid.Cells.Cell)FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.GetCell(ARow, AColumn)).Tag;

                    if (((TtxtPetraDate)CurrentControl).Text.Trim() == "")
                        ReturnValue = true;


                case MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_BOOLEAN:
                    // can't determine at the moment if "unchecked" is set on purpose
                    ReturnValue = false;

                case MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_PARTNERKEY:
                    CurrentControl = (System.Windows.Forms.Control)((SourceGrid.Cells.Cell)FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.GetCell(ARow, AColumn)).Tag;

                    if ((((TtxtAutoPopulatedButtonLabel)CurrentControl).Text.Trim() == "")
                        || (Convert.ToInt64(((TtxtAutoPopulatedButtonLabel)CurrentControl).Text) == 0))
                        ReturnValue = true;


                case MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_LOOKUP:
                    CurrentControl = (System.Windows.Forms.Control)((SourceGrid.Cells.Cell)FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.GetCell(ARow, AColumn)).Tag;

                    if (((TCmbAutoPopulated)CurrentControl).GetSelectedString().Trim() == "")
                        ReturnValue = true;



            return ReturnValue;
        private void NewRowManual(ref PDataLabelRow ARow)
            // Get the first available key, which is our unique primary key field
            // Note that this field is not displayed - it is internal to the DB
            Int32 labelKey = 1;

            while (FMainDS.PDataLabel.Rows.Find(new object[] { labelKey }) != null)

            ARow.Key = labelKey;

            // Initialise the other values that always apply to new records
            ARow.Text = Catalog.GetString("NewLabel");
            ARow[ContextColumnOrdinal]    = (int)CurrentContext;
            ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal - 1] = String.Empty;

            // Now initialise other values
            PDataLabelRow CurrentRow = GetSelectedDetailRow();

            DTUsedBy.DefaultView.AllowEdit = true;

            if (CurrentRow == null)
                // This is the first row of an empty grid
                // Default to a char type
                ARow.DataType   = "char";
                ARow.CharLength = DefaultCharLength;
                ARow.Group      = String.Empty;
                txtDetailNumDecimalPlaces.NumberValueInt = DefaultNumDecimalPlaces;
                cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.SelectedIndex = (cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.Count > 0) ? 0 : -1;

                switch (CurrentContext)
                case Context.Partner:
                    ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = DefaultPartnerUsedBy;

                case Context.Application:
                    ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = DefaultApplicationUsedBy;

                case Context.Personnel:
                    ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = DefaultPersonnelUsedBy;

                // Check all the boxes
                // New row in a grid that has existing rows, so default to values from the current row
                ARow.Group    = CurrentRow.Group;
                ARow.DataType = CurrentRow.DataType;
                int VisibleIndex = -1;

                if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "char", true) == 0)
                    if (!CurrentRow.IsCharLengthNull())
                        ARow.CharLength = CurrentRow.CharLength;
                        VisibleIndex    = 0;
                else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "float", true) == 0)
                    if (!CurrentRow.IsNumDecimalPlacesNull())
                        ARow.NumDecimalPlaces = CurrentRow.NumDecimalPlaces;
                        VisibleIndex          = 1;
                else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "currency", true) == 0)
                    if (!CurrentRow.IsCurrencyCodeNull())
                        ARow.CurrencyCode = CurrentRow.CurrencyCode;
                        VisibleIndex      = 2;
                else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "lookup", true) == 0)
                    if (!CurrentRow.IsLookupCategoryCodeNull())
                        ARow.LookupCategoryCode = CurrentRow.LookupCategoryCode;
                        VisibleIndex            = 6;

                // Now set the hidden fields to default values in case the user selects them
                if (VisibleIndex != 0)
                    txtDetailCharLength.NumberValueInt = DefaultCharLength;

                if (VisibleIndex != 1)
                    txtDetailNumDecimalPlaces.NumberValueInt = DefaultNumDecimalPlaces;

                if (VisibleIndex != 2)

                if (VisibleIndex != 6)
                    cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.SelectedIndex = (cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.Count > 0) ? 0 : -1;

                ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = clbUsedBy.GetCheckedStringList();
        private void ValidateDataDetailsManual(PDataLabelRow ARow)
            // For this validation we have to validate the UsedBy data here in the manual code.
            // This is because it is not backed directly by a row in a data table.
            // Nor is the control associated with a column in any data table
            TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResultCollection = FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection;
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;
            TVerificationResult VerificationResult = null;

            // Personnel context is bound to be valid because it has no UsedBy UI
            if ((CurrentContext == Context.Partner) || (CurrentContext == Context.Application))
                // The added column at the end of the table, which is a concatenated string of checkedListBox entries, must not be empty
                ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[UsedByColumnOrdinal];
                VerificationResult = TStringChecks.StringMustNotBeEmpty(ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal].ToString(),
                    this, ValidationColumn, clbUsedBy);

                if (VerificationResult != null)
                    if (CurrentContext == Context.Partner)
                        VerificationResult.OverrideResultText(Catalog.GetString("You must check at least one box in the list of Partner classes."));
                    else if (CurrentContext == Context.Application)
                        VerificationResult.OverrideResultText(Catalog.GetString("You must check at least one box in the list of Application types."));

                // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection.
                VerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(this, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn, false);

            // Now call the central validation routine for the other verification tasks
            TSharedValidation_CacheableDataTables.ValidateLocalDataFieldSetup(this, ARow, ref VerificationResultCollection,
        /// <summary>
        /// Get or create a data column for a given data label
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        private void GetOrCreateDataLabelValueRow(Boolean ACreateIfNotExisting,
            PDataLabelRow ADataLabelRow,
            out PDataLabelValuePartnerRow ADataLabelValuePartnerRow,
            out PDataLabelValueApplicationRow ADataLabelValueApplicationRow)
            // Find out whether this Partner has already got a value for this Label and put
            // it into the corresponding table or create a new row if it does not exist yet
            ADataLabelValuePartnerRow = null;
            ADataLabelValueApplicationRow = null;

            switch (FOfficeSpecificDataLabelUse)
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.Person:
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.Family:
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.Church:
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.Organisation:
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.Unit:
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.Bank:
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.Venue:
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.Personnel:
                    ADataLabelValuePartnerRow = (PDataLabelValuePartnerRow)FDataLabelValuePartnerDT.Rows.Find(new Object[] { FPartnerKey,
                                                                                                                             ADataLabelRow.Key });

                    // if value record does not exist yet then create it here
                    if ((ADataLabelValuePartnerRow == null) && ACreateIfNotExisting)
                        ADataLabelValuePartnerRow = FDataLabelValuePartnerDT.NewRowTyped(true);
                        ADataLabelValuePartnerRow.PartnerKey = FPartnerKey;
                        ADataLabelValuePartnerRow.DataLabelKey = (int)ADataLabelRow.Key;


                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.LongTermApp:
                case TOfficeSpecificDataLabelUseEnum.ShortTermApp:
                    ADataLabelValueApplicationRow =
                        (PDataLabelValueApplicationRow)FDataLabelValueApplicationDT.Rows.Find(new Object[] { FPartnerKey, FApplicationKey,
                                                                                                             ADataLabelRow.Key });

                    // if value record does not exist yet then create it here
                    if ((ADataLabelValueApplicationRow == null) && ACreateIfNotExisting)
                        ADataLabelValueApplicationRow = FDataLabelValueApplicationDT.NewRowTyped(true);
                        ADataLabelValueApplicationRow.PartnerKey = FPartnerKey;
                        ADataLabelValueApplicationRow.ApplicationKey = FApplicationKey;
                        ADataLabelValueApplicationRow.RegistrationOffice = FRegistrationOffice;
                        ADataLabelValueApplicationRow.DataLabelKey = (int)ADataLabelRow.Key;

Exemple #10
        private void RunOnceOnActivationManual()
            // Set up the window title
            if (String.Compare(Context, "Bank", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Bank");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "Church", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Church");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "Family", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Family");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "Organisation", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Organisation");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "Person", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Person");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "Unit", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Unit");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "Venue", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Venue");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "LongTermApp", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Long Term Applications");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "ShortTermApp", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Short Term Applications");
            else if (String.Compare(Context, "Personnel", true) == 0)
                this.Text += Catalog.GetString(" For Personnel");

            // Initialize 'Helper Class' for handling the Indexes of the DataRows.
            FIndexedGridRowsHelper = new TSgrdDataGrid.IndexedGridRowsHelper(
                grdDetails, PDataLabelUseTable.ColumnIdx1Id, btnDemote, btnPromote,
                delegate { FPetraUtilsObject.SetChangedFlag(); });

            // Load the Extra Data from DataLabel table
            Type DataTableType;

            FExtraDS.PDataLabel = new PDataLabelTable();
            DataTable CacheDT = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("DataLabelList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);


            // Extend our main DataLabelUse table
            int NameOrdinal        = FMainDS.PDataLabelUse.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(String)).Ordinal;
            int GroupOrdinal       = FMainDS.PDataLabelUse.Columns.Add("GroupHeading", typeof(String)).Ordinal;
            int DescriptionOrdinal = FMainDS.PDataLabelUse.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(String)).Ordinal;

            // Take each row of our main dataset and populate the new columns with relevant data
            //   from the DataLabelUse table
            foreach (PDataLabelUseRow useRow in FMainDS.PDataLabelUse.Rows)
                PDataLabelRow labelRow = (PDataLabelRow)FExtraDS.PDataLabel.Rows.Find(new object[] { useRow.DataLabelKey });
                useRow[NameOrdinal]        = labelRow.Text;
                useRow[GroupOrdinal]       = labelRow.Group;
                useRow[DescriptionOrdinal] = labelRow.Description;

            // Add columns to the grid for the label details
            grdDetails.AddTextColumn(Catalog.GetString("Name"), FMainDS.PDataLabelUse.Columns[NameOrdinal]);
            grdDetails.AddTextColumn(Catalog.GetString("Group Heading"), FMainDS.PDataLabelUse.Columns[GroupOrdinal]);
            grdDetails.AddTextColumn(Catalog.GetString("Description"), FMainDS.PDataLabelUse.Columns[DescriptionOrdinal]);
            grdDetails.Selection.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;

            // Remove the first column.  We added this in the YAML so that the auto-generator had something to do
            grdDetails.SetHeaderTooltip(0, Catalog.GetString("Name"));
            grdDetails.SetHeaderTooltip(1, Catalog.GetString("Group Heading"));
            grdDetails.SetHeaderTooltip(2, Catalog.GetString("Description"));

            // Create a view that will only show the rows applicable to our currentContext
            DataView contextView = new DataView(FMainDS.PDataLabelUse, "p_use_c='" + Context + "'", "p_idx1_i", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

            contextView.AllowNew = false;

            // Bind the view to our grid
            grdDetails.DataSource = new DevAge.ComponentModel.BoundDataView(contextView);

        private void ShowDetailsManual(PDataLabelRow ARow)
            // In this special case we have to handle an empty grid differently from normal
            // Because we applied a rowFilter to the dataset during activation, the panel may contain initial information
            // about a row that has now been filtered out.
            if (ARow == null)
                txtDetailText.Text                 = String.Empty;
                txtDetailGroup.Text                = String.Empty;
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex    = 0;
                txtDetailCharLength.NumberValueInt = DefaultCharLength;
                txtDetailDescription.Text          = String.Empty;
                pnlDetails.Enabled                 = false;

            int defaultCategoryCode = (cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.Count > 0) ? 0 : -1;

            // Now 'translate' the database values like 'float' to comboBox values like 'Number'
            if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "float", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 1;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "currency", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 2;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "boolean", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 3;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "date", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 4;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "time", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 5;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "lookup", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 6;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "partnerkey", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 7;
                // Use char
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Initialise the hidden controls to something sensible, in case they get shown
            if (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex != 0)
                txtDetailCharLength.NumberValueInt = DefaultCharLength;

            if (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex != 1)
                txtDetailNumDecimalPlaces.NumberValueInt = DefaultNumDecimalPlaces;

            if (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex != 2)

            if (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex != 6)
                cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.SelectedIndex = defaultCategoryCode;

            // Set the checkboxes in the UsedBy list
            DTUsedBy.DefaultView.AllowEdit = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the MCommon Local Data Field Setup screen data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AContext">Context that describes where the data validation failed.</param>
        /// <param name="ARow">The <see cref="DataRow" /> which holds the the data against which the validation is run.</param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResultCollection">Will be filled with any <see cref="TVerificationResult" /> items if
        /// data validation errors occur.</param>
        /// <param name="AValidationControlsDict">A <see cref="TValidationControlsDict" /> containing the Controls that
        /// display data that is about to be validated.</param>
        public static void ValidateLocalDataFieldSetup(object AContext, PDataLabelRow ARow,
            ref TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResultCollection, TValidationControlsDict AValidationControlsDict)
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;
            TValidationControlsData ValidationControlsData;
            TVerificationResult VerificationResult = null;

            // Don't validate deleted DataRows
            if (ARow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)

            // If the 'DataType' is 'lookup' then categoryCode cannot be empty string (which would indicate no entries in the DataLabelCategory DB table)
            VerificationResult = null;
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PDataLabelTable.ColumnLookupCategoryCodeId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "lookup", true) == 0)
                    VerificationResult = TStringChecks.StringMustNotBeEmpty(ARow.LookupCategoryCode,
                        AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                    if (VerificationResult != null)
                                "You cannot use the option list until you have defined at least one option using the 'Local Data Option List Names' main menu selection"));

                // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);
        private void GetDetailDataFromControlsManual(PDataLabelRow ARow)
            // Translate comboBox items like 'Number' back to database entries like 'float'
            // and make sure that unused fields in the database are set to null (where controls are currently hidden)
            switch (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex)
                case 1:
                    ARow.DataType = "float";

                case 2:
                    ARow.DataType = "currency";

                case 3:
                    ARow.DataType = "boolean";

                case 4:
                    ARow.DataType = "date";

                case 5:
                    ARow.DataType = "time";

                case 6:
                    ARow.DataType = "lookup";

                case 7:
                    ARow.DataType = "partnerkey";

                    ARow.DataType = "char";

            // Set all fields to null where the control is not visible, because the information is not required
            if (!txtDetailCharLength.Visible)

            if (!txtDetailNumDecimalPlaces.Visible)

            if (!cmbDetailCurrencyCode.Visible)

            if (!cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.Visible)

            // Get the checked items from the UsedBy ListBox and update our UsedBy column
            ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = clbUsedBy.GetCheckedStringList();
        private void ShowDetailsManual(PDataLabelRow ARow)
            // In this special case we have to handle an empty grid differently from normal
            // Because we applied a rowFilter to the dataset during activation, the panel may contain initial information
            // about a row that has now been filtered out.
            if (ARow == null)
                txtDetailText.Text = String.Empty;
                txtDetailGroup.Text = String.Empty;
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 0;
                txtDetailCharLength.NumberValueInt = DefaultCharLength;
                txtDetailDescription.Text = String.Empty;
                pnlDetails.Enabled = false;

            int defaultCategoryCode = (cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.Count > 0) ? 0 : -1;

            // Now 'translate' the database values like 'float' to comboBox values like 'Number'
            if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "float", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 1;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "currency", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 2;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "boolean", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 3;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "date", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 4;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "time", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 5;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "lookup", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 6;
            else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "partnerkey", true) == 0)
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 7;
                // Use char
                cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Initialise the hidden controls to something sensible, in case they get shown
            if (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex != 0)
                txtDetailCharLength.NumberValueInt = DefaultCharLength;

            if (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex != 1)
                txtDetailNumDecimalPlaces.NumberValueInt = DefaultNumDecimalPlaces;

            if (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex != 2)

            if (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex != 6)
                cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.SelectedIndex = defaultCategoryCode;

            // Set the checkboxes in the UsedBy list
            DTUsedBy.DefaultView.AllowEdit = true;
        private bool DeleteRowManual(PDataLabelRow ARowToDelete, ref string ACompletionMessage)
            bool ReturnValue = false;

            // We need to delete the rows in PDataLabelUse that reference the current row
            int key = ARowToDelete.Key;

            DataRow[] MatchingRows = FExtraDS.PDataLabelUse.Select("p_data_label_key_i=" + key.ToString());

            foreach (DataRow row in MatchingRows)

            // Now we can delete the row in the main table
            ReturnValue = true;

            return ReturnValue;
        private bool PreDeleteManual(PDataLabelRow ARowToDelete, ref string ADeletionQuestion)
            string question = ADeletionQuestion;

            question += (Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "(");

            if (txtDetailGroup.Text.Length > 0)
                question += String.Format("{0}: {1},  ", Catalog.GetString("Group"), txtDetailGroup.Text);

            question += String.Format("{0} {1})", lblDetailText.Text, txtDetailText.Text);

            int classesCount = ARowToDelete[UsedByColumnOrdinal].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length;
            string s = Catalog.GetPluralString("{0}{0}This {1} is used in {2} Partner Class",
                "{0}{0}This {1} is used in {2} Partner Classes",
            question += String.Format(s, Environment.NewLine, lblDetailText.Text.Substring(0, lblDetailText.Text.Length - 1), classesCount);

            ADeletionQuestion = question;

            return true;
        private void NewRowManual(ref PDataLabelRow ARow)
            // Get the first available key, which is our unique primary key field
            // Note that this field is not displayed - it is internal to the DB
            Int32 labelKey = 1;

            while (FMainDS.PDataLabel.Rows.Find(new object[] { labelKey }) != null)

            ARow.Key = labelKey;

            // Initialise the other values that always apply to new records
            ARow.Text = Catalog.GetString("NewLabel");
            ARow[ContextColumnOrdinal] = (int)CurrentContext;
            ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal - 1] = String.Empty;

            // Now initialise other values
            PDataLabelRow CurrentRow = GetSelectedDetailRow();

            DTUsedBy.DefaultView.AllowEdit = true;

            if (CurrentRow == null)
                // This is the first row of an empty grid
                // Default to a char type
                ARow.DataType = "char";
                ARow.CharLength = DefaultCharLength;
                ARow.Group = String.Empty;
                txtDetailNumDecimalPlaces.NumberValueInt = DefaultNumDecimalPlaces;
                cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.SelectedIndex = (cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.Count > 0) ? 0 : -1;

                switch (CurrentContext)
                    case Context.Partner:
                        ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = DefaultPartnerUsedBy;

                    case Context.Application:
                        ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = DefaultApplicationUsedBy;

                    case Context.Personnel:
                        ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = DefaultPersonnelUsedBy;

                // Check all the boxes
                // New row in a grid that has existing rows, so default to values from the current row
                ARow.Group = CurrentRow.Group;
                ARow.DataType = CurrentRow.DataType;
                int VisibleIndex = -1;

                if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "char", true) == 0)
                    if (!CurrentRow.IsCharLengthNull())
                        ARow.CharLength = CurrentRow.CharLength;
                        VisibleIndex = 0;
                else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "float", true) == 0)
                    if (!CurrentRow.IsNumDecimalPlacesNull())
                        ARow.NumDecimalPlaces = CurrentRow.NumDecimalPlaces;
                        VisibleIndex = 1;
                else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "currency", true) == 0)
                    if (!CurrentRow.IsCurrencyCodeNull())
                        ARow.CurrencyCode = CurrentRow.CurrencyCode;
                        VisibleIndex = 2;
                else if (String.Compare(ARow.DataType, "lookup", true) == 0)
                    if (!CurrentRow.IsLookupCategoryCodeNull())
                        ARow.LookupCategoryCode = CurrentRow.LookupCategoryCode;
                        VisibleIndex = 6;

                // Now set the hidden fields to default values in case the user selects them
                if (VisibleIndex != 0)
                    txtDetailCharLength.NumberValueInt = DefaultCharLength;

                if (VisibleIndex != 1)
                    txtDetailNumDecimalPlaces.NumberValueInt = DefaultNumDecimalPlaces;

                if (VisibleIndex != 2)

                if (VisibleIndex != 6)
                    cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.SelectedIndex = (cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.Count > 0) ? 0 : -1;

                ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = clbUsedBy.GetCheckedStringList();
        private void GetDetailDataFromControlsManual(PDataLabelRow ARow)
            // Translate comboBox items like 'Number' back to database entries like 'float'
            // and make sure that unused fields in the database are set to null (where controls are currently hidden)
            switch (cmbDetailDataType.SelectedIndex)
            case 1:
                ARow.DataType = "float";

            case 2:
                ARow.DataType = "currency";

            case 3:
                ARow.DataType = "boolean";

            case 4:
                ARow.DataType = "date";

            case 5:
                ARow.DataType = "time";

            case 6:
                ARow.DataType = "lookup";

            case 7:
                ARow.DataType = "partnerkey";

                ARow.DataType = "char";

            // Set all fields to null where the control is not visible, because the information is not required
            if (!txtDetailCharLength.Visible)

            if (!txtDetailNumDecimalPlaces.Visible)

            if (!cmbDetailCurrencyCode.Visible)

            if (!cmbDetailLookupCategoryCode.Visible)

            // Get the checked items from the UsedBy ListBox and update our UsedBy column
            ARow[UsedByColumnOrdinal] = clbUsedBy.GetCheckedStringList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the value cell(s) for a specific data label
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        private void SetupGridValueCell(Int32 ARowIndex, PDataLabelRow ADataLabelRow)
            Control cellControl;

            System.Windows.Forms.TextBox TextBoxEditor;
            TtxtPetraDate DateEditor;
            System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox CheckBoxEditor;
            TTxtNumericTextBox TextBoxNumericEditor;
            TTxtCurrencyTextBox TextBoxCurrencyEditor;
            TCmbAutoPopulated LookupValueEditor;
            TtxtAutoPopulatedButtonLabel PartnerKeyEditor;
            SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell ValueModel;
            SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell SuffixModel;
            PDataLabelValuePartnerRow DataLabelValuePartnerRow;
            PDataLabelValueApplicationRow DataLabelValueApplicationRow;

            // prepare model for the value cells
            ValueModel = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell();
            ValueModel.TextAlignment = DevAge.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            ValueModel.Font = new Font(FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.Font.FontFamily.Name, FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);

            // prepare model for suffix cells (e.g. for currency)
            SuffixModel = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell();
            SuffixModel.BackColor = FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.BackColor;
            SuffixModel.TextAlignment = DevAge.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;

            // In this case the data value rows will only be created once a value is entered
            GetOrCreateDataLabelValueRow(false, ADataLabelRow, out DataLabelValuePartnerRow, out DataLabelValueApplicationRow);

            // initialize cell control
            cellControl = null;

            // Create field, according to specified data type
            // Create character field
            if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_CHAR)
                TextBoxEditor = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
                cellControl = TextBoxEditor;

                if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                    TextBoxEditor.Text = DataLabelValuePartnerRow.ValueChar;
                else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                    TextBoxEditor.Text = DataLabelValueApplicationRow.ValueChar;
                    // Default value if no Label data exists for the Partner
                    TextBoxEditor.Text = "";

                // enable save button in editor when cell contents have changed
                TextBoxEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);

                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.LinkedControls.Add(new LinkedControlValue((Control)TextBoxEditor, new Position(ARowIndex, 1)));
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].Tag = TextBoxEditor;
            // Create float field
            else if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_FLOAT)
                TextBoxNumericEditor = new TTxtNumericTextBox();

                if (ADataLabelRow.NumDecimalPlaces == 0)
                    TextBoxNumericEditor.ControlMode = TTxtNumericTextBox.TNumericTextBoxMode.LongInteger;
                    TextBoxNumericEditor.MaxLength = 14;
                    TextBoxNumericEditor.ControlMode = TTxtNumericTextBox.TNumericTextBoxMode.Decimal;
                    TextBoxNumericEditor.DecimalPlaces = ADataLabelRow.NumDecimalPlaces;

                    // limit text length. 14 for number of digits, 5 for decimal and thousands separators
                    TextBoxNumericEditor.MaxLength = 14 + 5 + ADataLabelRow.NumDecimalPlaces;

                TextBoxNumericEditor.NullValueAllowed = true;
                cellControl = TextBoxNumericEditor;

                if (ADataLabelRow.NumDecimalPlaces == 0)
                    if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                        TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueLongInt = (long)DataLabelValuePartnerRow.ValueNum;
                    else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                        TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueLongInt = (long)DataLabelValueApplicationRow.ValueNum;
                        // Default value if no Label data exists for the Partner
                        TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueLongInt = null;
                    if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                        TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueDecimal = DataLabelValuePartnerRow.ValueNum;
                    else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                        TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueDecimal = DataLabelValueApplicationRow.ValueNum;
                        // Default value if no Label data exists for the Partner
                        TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueDecimal = null;

                // enable save button in editor when cell contents have changed
                TextBoxNumericEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);

                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.LinkedControls.Add(new LinkedControlValue((Control)TextBoxNumericEditor, new Position(ARowIndex, 1)));
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].Tag = TextBoxNumericEditor;
            // Create data field
            else if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_DATE)
                DateEditor = new TtxtPetraDate();
                DateEditor.Date = null;
                cellControl = DateEditor;

                if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                    if (!DataLabelValuePartnerRow.IsValueDateNull())
                        DateEditor.Date = DataLabelValuePartnerRow.ValueDate;
                else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                    if (!DataLabelValueApplicationRow.IsValueDateNull())
                        DateEditor.Date = DataLabelValueApplicationRow.ValueDate;

                // enable save button in editor when cell contents have changed
                DateEditor.DateChanged += new TPetraDateChangedEventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);

                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.LinkedControls.Add(new LinkedControlValue((Control)DateEditor, new Position(ARowIndex, 1)));
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].Tag = DateEditor;
            // Create integer field
            else if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_INTEGER)
                TextBoxNumericEditor = new TTxtNumericTextBox();
                TextBoxNumericEditor.ControlMode = TTxtNumericTextBox.TNumericTextBoxMode.Integer;
                TextBoxNumericEditor.NullValueAllowed = true;
                cellControl = TextBoxNumericEditor;

                if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                    TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueInt = DataLabelValuePartnerRow.ValueInt;
                else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                    TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueInt = DataLabelValueApplicationRow.ValueInt;
                    // Default value if no Label data exists for the Partner
                    TextBoxNumericEditor.NumberValueInt = null;

                // enable save button in editor when cell contents have changed
                TextBoxNumericEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);

                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.LinkedControls.Add(new LinkedControlValue((Control)TextBoxNumericEditor, new Position(ARowIndex, 1)));
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].Tag = TextBoxNumericEditor;
            // Create currency field
            else if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_CURRENCY)
                TextBoxCurrencyEditor = new TTxtCurrencyTextBox();
                TextBoxCurrencyEditor.DecimalPlaces = 2;
                TextBoxCurrencyEditor.CurrencyCode = ADataLabelRow.CurrencyCode;
                TextBoxCurrencyEditor.NullValueAllowed = true;
                cellControl = TextBoxCurrencyEditor;

                if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                    TextBoxCurrencyEditor.NumberValueDecimal = DataLabelValuePartnerRow.ValueCurrency;
                else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                    TextBoxCurrencyEditor.NumberValueDecimal = DataLabelValueApplicationRow.ValueCurrency;
                    // Default value if no Label data exists for the Partner
                    TextBoxCurrencyEditor.NumberValueDecimal = null;

                // enable save button in editor when cell contents have changed
                TextBoxCurrencyEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);

                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.LinkedControls.Add(new LinkedControlValue((Control)TextBoxCurrencyEditor, new Position(ARowIndex, 1)));
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].Tag = TextBoxCurrencyEditor;
            // Create boolean field
            else if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_BOOLEAN)
                CheckBoxEditor = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox();
                cellControl = CheckBoxEditor;

                if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                    CheckBoxEditor.Checked = DataLabelValuePartnerRow.ValueBool;
                else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                    CheckBoxEditor.Checked = DataLabelValueApplicationRow.ValueBool;
                    // Default value if no Label data exists for the Partner
                    CheckBoxEditor.Checked = false;

                // enable save button in editor when cell contents have changed
                CheckBoxEditor.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);

                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.LinkedControls.Add(new LinkedControlValue((Control)CheckBoxEditor, new Position(ARowIndex, 1)));
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].Tag = CheckBoxEditor;
            // Create partner key field
            else if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_PARTNERKEY)
                PartnerKeyEditor = new TtxtAutoPopulatedButtonLabel();
                PartnerKeyEditor.ASpecialSetting = true;
                PartnerKeyEditor.ButtonText = ADataLabelRow.Text + ':';
                PartnerKeyEditor.ButtonTextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                PartnerKeyEditor.ListTable = TtxtAutoPopulatedButtonLabel.TListTableEnum.PartnerKey;
                PartnerKeyEditor.TabStop = false;
                cellControl = PartnerKeyEditor;

                // AutomaticallyUpdateDataSource: very rare, but needed here
                PartnerKeyEditor.AutomaticallyUpdateDataSource = true;

                if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                    PartnerKeyEditor.Text = StringHelper.PartnerKeyToStr(DataLabelValuePartnerRow.ValuePartnerKey);
                else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                    PartnerKeyEditor.Text = StringHelper.PartnerKeyToStr(DataLabelValueApplicationRow.ValuePartnerKey);
                    // Default value if no Label data exists for the Partner
                    PartnerKeyEditor.Text = StringHelper.PartnerKeyToStr(0);

                // display partner name linked to partner key

                // enable save button in editor when cell contents have changed
                PartnerKeyEditor.ValueChanged += new TDelegatePartnerChanged(this.PartnerKeyControlValueHasChanged);
                PartnerKeyEditor.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);

                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.LinkedControls.Add(new LinkedControlValue(PartnerKeyEditor, new Position(ARowIndex, 0)));
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 0].Tag = PartnerKeyEditor;
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 0].ColumnSpan = 3;
            // Create lookup field
            else if (ADataLabelRow.DataType == MCommonConstants.OFFICESPECIFIC_DATATYPE_LOOKUP)
                // Get the instance of the combobox (created in the actual user interface class)
                LookupValueEditor = new TCmbAutoPopulated();
                LookupValueEditor.Filter = PDataLabelLookupTable.GetCategoryCodeDBName() + " = '" + ADataLabelRow.LookupCategoryCode + "'";
                LookupValueEditor.ListTable = TCmbAutoPopulated.TListTableEnum.DataLabelLookupList;
                cellControl = LookupValueEditor;

                if (DataLabelValuePartnerRow != null)
                else if (DataLabelValueApplicationRow != null)
                    // Default value if no Label data exists for the Partner
                    LookupValueEditor.Text = "";

                // enable save button in editor when cell contents have changed
                LookupValueEditor.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);
                LookupValueEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.ControlValueHasChanged);

                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid.LinkedControls.Add(new LinkedControlValue((Control)LookupValueEditor, new Position(ARowIndex, 1)));
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].Tag = LookupValueEditor;
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].ColumnSpan = 2;

            // perform actions that need to be done for each control
            if (cellControl != null)
                // remember the added control to get the value back lateron
                FGridRowInfo.SetControl(ARowIndex, cellControl);

                // handle focus change when field is entered
                cellControl.Enter += new EventHandler(this.UpdateGridFocusFromExternalControl);

                // set help text for control
                PetraUtilsObject.SetStatusBarText(cellControl, ADataLabelRow.Description);

            // check if value is editable
            if (!ADataLabelRow.Editable)
                FLocalDataLabelValuesGrid[ARowIndex, 1].Editor.EnableEdit = false;