Exemple #1
        public HttpResponseMessage PostMessage(PD_MessageDTO item, int id)
            //if (item.EndPoints[0] == 0.0 && item.EndPoints[1] == 0.0) return null; //older versions
            //else if (item.EndPoints.Length == 2) return null;
            var _p = _db.PD_Processes.Find(id);

            if (User.Identity.Name.Equals(_p.LockedBy))
                foreach (var i in _p.Messages) //this foreach shouldnt be necessary, by doing a simple update via javascript, but doesn't seem to be working
                    if (i.EndPoints != null)   //for older versions
                        var source1 = Convert.ToDouble(i.EndPoints.Split('|')[0]);
                        var source2 = Convert.ToDouble(i.EndPoints.Split('|')[1]);
                        if (source1 == item.EndPoints[0] && source2 == item.EndPoints[1])
                            i.EndPoints = (item.EndPoints[0]).ToString() + "|" + (item.EndPoints[1]).ToString() + "|" + (item.EndPoints[2]).ToString() + "|" + (item.EndPoints[3]).ToString();
                            i.To        = item.To;

                PD_Message m = new PD_Message()
                    From = item.From, To = item.To
                m.Id = IdHelper.getMessageId(_db, id);
                if (item.EndPoints.Length == 2)  //si me da igual, algo hay q guardar simplemente
                    m.EndPoints = (item.EndPoints[0]).ToString() + "|" + (item.EndPoints[1]).ToString() + "|0|0";
                    m.EndPoints = (item.EndPoints[0]).ToString() + "|" + (item.EndPoints[1]).ToString() + "|" + (item.EndPoints[2]).ToString() + "|" + (item.EndPoints[3]).ToString();
                //m.EndPoints = item.EndPoints;
                var response = Request.CreateResponse <PD_MessageDTO>(HttpStatusCode.Created, new PD_MessageDTO()
                    Id = m.Id, From = m.From, To = m.To, TypeName = "newMessage", EndPoints = item.EndPoints

                string uri = Url.Content("Designer" + id + "/Messages/" + m.Id);
                response.Headers.Location = new Uri(uri);
Exemple #2
        public void DeleteTransition(int id, int mid)
            var _p = _db.PD_Processes.Find(id);

            if (User.Identity.Name.Equals(_p.LockedBy))
                PD_Message m = _db.PD_Messages.Find(id, mid);

                if (m != null)
                    //_db.PD_States.Where(result => result.PD_Process_Id == id && result.Message == mid).ToList(); must be deleted too or exceptions will appear
                    if (m.PD_MessageType_Id != null)
                        var mesName = _db.PD_MessageTypes.Find(id, m.PD_MessageType_Id);

                        var subj  = _db.PD_Subjects.Find(id, m.From);
                        var subj2 = _db.PD_Subjects.Find(id, m.To);

                        var outgoing = _db.PD_Messages.Where(a => a.From == subj.Id && a.PD_Process_Id == id && a.PD_MessageType_Id == mesName.Id).Count();
                        var incoming = _db.PD_Messages.Where(a => a.To == subj.Id && a.PD_Process_Id == id && a.PD_MessageType_Id == mesName.Id).Count();
                        if (outgoing == 1 && incoming == 0)  //for the strange case the user makes 2 or more messages with the very same type from the very same subject
                            foreach (string x in mesName.Parameters.ToList())
                                subj.GlobalParameters.Remove(x);         //with this, the function states will not load the parameters from the deleted message
                        outgoing = _db.PD_Messages.Where(a => a.From == subj2.Id && a.PD_Process_Id == id && a.PD_MessageType_Id == mesName.Id).Count();
                        incoming = _db.PD_Messages.Where(a => a.To == subj2.Id && a.PD_Process_Id == id && a.PD_MessageType_Id == mesName.Id).Count();
                        if (outgoing == 0 && incoming == 1)  //for the strange case the user makes 2 or more messages with the very same type from the very same subject
                            foreach (string x in mesName.Parameters.ToList())
                                subj2.GlobalParameters.Remove(x);         //with this, the function states will not load the parameters from the deleted message
                        } /*
                           * var outgoing = _db.PD_Messages.Where(a => a.From == subj.Id && a.PD_Process_Id == id && a.PD_MessageType_Id == mesName.Id).Count();
                           * var incoming = _db.PD_Messages.Where(a => a.To == subj.Id && a.PD_Process_Id == id && a.PD_MessageType_Id == mesName.Id).Count();
                           * if (outgoing == 1 && incoming == 0 || outgoing == 0 && incoming == 1) //for the strange case the user makes 2 or more messages with the very same type from the very same subject
                           * {
                           * foreach (string x in mesName.Parameters.ToList())
                           * {
                           *     subj.GlobalParameters.Remove(x);        //with this, the function states will not load the parameters from the deleted message
                           * }
                           * }*/
Exemple #3
        public IEnumerable <PD_TransitionDTO> GetAllTransitions(int id, int sid)
            PD_Subject i = _db.PD_Subjects.Find(id, sid);
            List <PD_TransitionDTO> t = new List <PD_TransitionDTO>();

            foreach (var tr in i.Transitions)
                var temp = new PD_TransitionDTO()
                    Id = tr.Id, Source = tr.Source, Target = tr.Target, Type = tr.Type, LabelPosition = tr.LabelPosition

                if (tr.Type == PD_TransitionTypes.RegularTransition)
                    temp.Label = ((PD_RegularTransition)tr).Name;
                if (tr.Type == PD_TransitionTypes.ReceiveTransition)
                        PD_Message     m  = _db.PD_Messages.Find(id, ((PD_ReceiveTransition)tr).Message);
                        PD_MessageType mt = m.PD_MessageType;
                        PD_Subject     s  = _db.PD_Subjects.Find(id, m.From);
                        temp.Label = s.Name + "|" + mt.Name;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        temp.Label = "Receive";
                if (tr.Type == PD_TransitionTypes.TimeoutTransition)
                    temp.Label = ((PD_TimeoutTransition)tr).TimeSpan;
                if (temp.Label == null)
                    temp.Label = "EMPTY";
Exemple #4
        public void PutMessage(PD_MessageDTO item, int id, int mid)
            var _p = _db.PD_Processes.Find(id);

            if (User.Identity.Name.Equals(_p.LockedBy))
                PD_Message m = _db.PD_Messages.Find(id, mid);

                if (m != null)
                    m.From = item.From;
                    m.To   = item.To;
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        public int copyModel(int PD_ProcessId)
            var process = _pdesignerDB.PD_Processes.Find(PD_ProcessId);

            PD_Process newProcess = new PD_Process()
                Name = process.Name


            foreach (var p in process.Parameters)
                PD_Parameter par = new PD_Parameter()
                    PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, Name = p.Name, Config = p.Config

            foreach (var mt in process.MessageTypes)
                PD_MessageType newMessageType = new PD_MessageType()
                    Id = mt.Id, Name = mt.Name, Parameters = mt.Parameters, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id

            foreach (var m in process.Messages)
                PD_Message newMessage = new PD_Message()
                    Id = m.Id, From = m.From, To = m.To, PD_MessageType_Id = m.PD_MessageType_Id, PD_MessageType_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id

            foreach (var s in process.Subjects)
                PD_Subject newSubject = new PD_Subject()
                    Id = s.Id, CanBeStarted = s.CanBeStarted, ExternalSubject = s.ExternalSubject, GlobalParameters = s.GlobalParameters, MultiSubject = s.MultiSubject, Name = s.Name, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, PositionLeft = s.PositionLeft, PositionTop = s.PositionTop

                foreach (var st in s.States)
                    if (st.Type == PD_StateTypes.FunctionState)
                        var oS = (PD_FunctionState)st;
                        PD_FunctionState newS = new PD_FunctionState()
                            EditableParameters = oS.EditableParameters, EndState = oS.EndState, Id = oS.Id, Name = oS.Name, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, PD_Subject_Id = newSubject.Id, PositionLeft = oS.PositionLeft, PositionTop = oS.PositionTop, ReadableParameters = oS.ReadableParameters, StartState = oS.StartState, Type = oS.Type
                    if (st.Type == PD_StateTypes.SendState)
                        var          oS   = (PD_SendState)st;
                        PD_SendState newS = new PD_SendState()
                            EditableParameters = oS.EditableParameters, EndState = oS.EndState, Id = oS.Id, Name = oS.Name, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, PD_Subject_Id = newSubject.Id, PositionLeft = oS.PositionLeft, PositionTop = oS.PositionTop, ReadableParameters = oS.ReadableParameters, StartState = oS.StartState, Type = oS.Type, Message = oS.Message
                    if (st.Type == PD_StateTypes.ReceiveState)
                        var             oS   = (PD_ReceiveState)st;
                        PD_ReceiveState newS = new PD_ReceiveState()
                            EndState = oS.EndState, Id = oS.Id, Name = oS.Name, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, PD_Subject_Id = newSubject.Id, PositionLeft = oS.PositionLeft, PositionTop = oS.PositionTop, StartState = oS.StartState, Type = oS.Type

                foreach (var t in s.Transitions)
                    if (t.Type == PD_TransitionTypes.RegularTransition)
                        var oT = (PD_RegularTransition)t;
                        PD_RegularTransition newT = new PD_RegularTransition()
                            Id = oT.Id, Name = oT.Name, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, PD_Subject_Id = newSubject.Id, Source = oT.Source, Target = oT.Target, Type = oT.Type
                    if (t.Type == PD_TransitionTypes.ReceiveTransition)
                        var oT = (PD_ReceiveTransition)t;
                        PD_ReceiveTransition newT = new PD_ReceiveTransition()
                            Id = oT.Id, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, PD_Subject_Id = newSubject.Id, Source = oT.Source, Target = oT.Target, Type = oT.Type, Message = oT.Message
                    if (t.Type == PD_TransitionTypes.TimeoutTransition)
                        var oT = (PD_TimeoutTransition)t;
                        PD_TimeoutTransition newT = new PD_TimeoutTransition()
                            Id = oT.Id, PD_Process_Id = newProcess.Id, PD_Subject_Id = newSubject.Id, Source = oT.Source, Target = oT.Target, Type = oT.Type, TimeSpan = oT.TimeSpan

