Exemple #1
        public void DileepTest1()
            PDLEnumerator pdlEnumerator = new PDLEnumerator();
            PDLPred       phi           = new PDLAtSet('a', new PDLPredSet("x", new PDLModSetEq(new PDLAllPosBefore(new PDLPosVar("x")), 2, 1)));

            var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
            var alph   = new List <char> {
                'a', 'b'
            var al = new HashSet <char>(alph);

            var dfa = phi.GetDFA(al, solver);

            //solver.SaveAsDot(dfa, "C:/Users/Dileep/Desktop/oddPos.dot");

            PDLPred       synthPhi = null;
            StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var phi1 in pdlEnumerator.SynthesizePDL(al, dfa, solver, sb, 10000))
                synthPhi = phi1;

        private static void PrintDFA(PDLPred phi, string name, List <char> alph)
            HashSet <char> al     = new HashSet <char>(alph);
            var            solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);

            PrintDFA(phi.GetDFA(al, solver), name, al);
Exemple #3
        public void contains_aa_notend_ab()
            var         solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
            List <char> alph   = new List <char> {
                'a', 'b'
            HashSet <char> al = new HashSet <char>(alph);

            //new PDL

            PDLPred phi1 = new PDLNot(new PDLIntLeq(new PDLIndicesOf("aa"), 0));
            PDLPred phi2 = (new PDLBelongs(new PDLPredecessor(new PDLLast()), new PDLIndicesOf("ab")));
            //PDLpred phi2 = new PDLAnd(new PDLatPos('a', new PDLprev(new PDLlast())), new PDLatPos('b', new PDLlast()));
            PDLPred phi = new PDLAnd(phi1, new PDLNot(phi2));
            //new PDLAnd(new PDLatPos('a', new PDLprev(new PDLlast())), new PDLatPos('b', new PDLlast())));

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            phi.ToMSO(new FreshGen()).ToString(sb);


            var dfa = phi.GetDFA(al, solver);

            var test = solver.Convert(@"^(a|b)*aa(((a|b)*(aa|ba|bb))|(a*))$");

            //string file = "../../../TestPDL/DotFiles/contains_aa_notend_ab";

            //solver.SaveAsDot(dfa, "aut", file);

            Assert.IsTrue(dfa.IsEquivalentWith(test, solver));
Exemple #4
        public readonly long elapsedTime; // in milliseconds

        //public readonly double densityDiffAverage, densityDifferenceDeviation;
        //public readonly double editDistanceAverage, editDistanceDeviation;

        public MeasurementResultSet(PDLPred originalFormula, IEnumerable <PDLPred> generatedFormulas, long time, VariableCache.ConstraintMode constraintmode,
                                    PdlFilter.Filtermode filtermode, HashSet <char> alphabet, IDictionary <PDLPred, SingleMeasurementResult> cache,
                                    IDictionary <Automaton <BDD>, SingleMeasurementResult> automatonCache)
            this.originalFormula   = originalFormula;
            this.alphabet          = alphabet;
            this.originalAutomaton = originalFormula.GetDFA(alphabet, new CharSetSolver());

            this.constraintmode = constraintmode;
            this.filtermode     = filtermode;

            this.elapsedTime = time;

            this.results = new List <SingleMeasurementResult>();

            foreach (PDLPred generatedFormula in generatedFormulas)
                SingleMeasurementResult result;
                if (cache.ContainsKey(generatedFormula))
                    result = cache[generatedFormula];
                    result = SingleMeasurementResult.Create(this.originalAutomaton, generatedFormula, this.alphabet, automatonCache);
                    cache[generatedFormula] = result;

            // Compute statistics

             * double densityDiffSum = 0;
             * int editDistanceSum = 0;
             * foreach (SingleMeasurementResult result in this.results)
             * {
             *  densityDiffSum += result.densityDiff;
             *  editDistanceSum += result.editDistance;
             * }
             * this.densityDiffAverage = ((double)densityDiffSum) / ((double)this.results.Count);
             * this.editDistanceAverage = ((double)editDistanceSum) / ((double)this.results.Count);
             * double densityDiffDeviation = 0;
             * double editDistanceDeviation = 0;
             * foreach (SingleMeasurementResult result in this.results)
             * {
             *  densityDiffDeviation += Math.Pow(result.densityDiff - this.densityDiffAverage, 2.0);
             *  editDistanceDeviation += Math.Pow(((double)result.editDistance) - this.editDistanceAverage, 2.0);
             * }
             * densityDiffDeviation /= this.results.Count;
             * densityDiffDeviation = Math.Sqrt(densityDiffDeviation);
             * editDistanceDeviation /= this.results.Count;
             * editDistanceDeviation = Math.Sqrt(editDistanceDeviation);
        public readonly long elapsedTime; // in milliseconds

        //public readonly double densityDiffAverage, densityDifferenceDeviation;
        //public readonly double editDistanceAverage, editDistanceDeviation;

        public MeasurementResultSet(PDLPred originalFormula, IEnumerable<PDLPred> generatedFormulas, long time, VariableCache.ConstraintMode constraintmode, 
            PdlFilter.Filtermode filtermode, HashSet<char> alphabet, IDictionary<PDLPred, SingleMeasurementResult> cache,
            IDictionary<Automaton<BDD>, SingleMeasurementResult> automatonCache)
            this.originalFormula = originalFormula;
            this.alphabet = alphabet;
            this.originalAutomaton = originalFormula.GetDFA(alphabet, new CharSetSolver());

            this.constraintmode = constraintmode;
            this.filtermode = filtermode;

            this.elapsedTime = time;

            this.results = new List<SingleMeasurementResult>();

            foreach (PDLPred generatedFormula in generatedFormulas)
                SingleMeasurementResult result;
                if (cache.ContainsKey(generatedFormula))
                    result = cache[generatedFormula];
                    result = SingleMeasurementResult.Create(this.originalAutomaton, generatedFormula, this.alphabet, automatonCache);
                    cache[generatedFormula] = result;

            // Compute statistics
            double densityDiffSum = 0;
            int editDistanceSum = 0;

            foreach (SingleMeasurementResult result in this.results)
                densityDiffSum += result.densityDiff;
                editDistanceSum += result.editDistance;

            this.densityDiffAverage = ((double)densityDiffSum) / ((double)this.results.Count);
            this.editDistanceAverage = ((double)editDistanceSum) / ((double)this.results.Count);

            double densityDiffDeviation = 0;
            double editDistanceDeviation = 0;
            foreach (SingleMeasurementResult result in this.results)
                densityDiffDeviation += Math.Pow(result.densityDiff - this.densityDiffAverage, 2.0);
                editDistanceDeviation += Math.Pow(((double)result.editDistance) - this.editDistanceAverage, 2.0);
            densityDiffDeviation /= this.results.Count;
            densityDiffDeviation = Math.Sqrt(densityDiffDeviation);

            editDistanceDeviation /= this.results.Count;
            editDistanceDeviation = Math.Sqrt(editDistanceDeviation);
        public void Test17() // string not containing aa but ends with ab
            PDLPred phi1 = new PDLNot(new PDLIntLeq(new PDLIndicesOf("aa"), 0));
            PDLPred phi2 = (new PDLBelongs(new PDLPredecessor(new PDLLast()), new PDLIndicesOf("ab")));
            PDLPred phi  = new PDLAnd(phi1, new PDLNot(phi2));

            PrintDFA(phi, "Test17", new List <char> {
                'a', 'b'
Exemple #7
        private SingleMeasurementResult(Automaton <BDD> originalAutomaton, PDLPred generatedFormula, Automaton <BDD> generatedAutomaton, HashSet <char> alphabet)
            this.generatedFormula = generatedFormula;
            CharSetSolver solver = new CharSetSolver();

            DFAEditScript editScript = DFAEditDistance.GetDFAOptimalEdit(originalAutomaton, generatedAutomaton, alphabet, solver, 100, new System.Text.StringBuilder());

            if (editScript != null)
                this.editDistance = editScript.script.Count;
                this.editDistance = int.MaxValue;
            this.densityDiff = DFADensity.GetDFADifferenceRatio(originalAutomaton, generatedAutomaton, alphabet, solver);
        private List <Pair <PDLPred, long> > SynthTimer(PDLPred phi, HashSet <char> al, StringBuilder sb)
            PDLEnumerator pdlEnumerator = new PDLEnumerator();

            var       solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
            Stopwatch sw     = new Stopwatch();
            var       dfa    = phi.GetDFA(al, solver);

            List <Pair <PDLPred, long> > predList = new List <Pair <PDLPred, long> >();
            List <PDLPred> phiList = new List <PDLPred>();

            PDLPred v;
            var     func = new Func <PDLPred>(() =>
                foreach (var p in pdlEnumerator.SynthesizePDL(al, dfa, solver, new StringBuilder(), 5000))
                    predList.Add(new Pair <PDLPred, long>(p, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));

            var test = TryExecute(func, timeout, out v);

            foreach (var pair in predList)
                sb.AppendLine("Elapsed Time: " + pair.Second + " ms");
        public void contains_aa_notend_ab()
            var         solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
            List <char> alph   = new List <char> {
                'a', 'b'
            HashSet <char> al = new HashSet <char>(alph);

            //new PDL

            PDLPred phi1 = new PDLNot(new PDLIntLeq(new PDLIndicesOf("aa"), 0));
            PDLPred phi2 = (new PDLBelongs(new PDLPredecessor(new PDLLast()), new PDLIndicesOf("ab")));
            //PDLpred phi2 = new PDLAnd(new PDLatPos('a', new PDLprev(new PDLlast())), new PDLatPos('b', new PDLlast()));
            PDLPred phi = new PDLAnd(phi1, new PDLNot(phi2));
            //new PDLAnd(new PDLatPos('a', new PDLprev(new PDLlast())), new PDLatPos('b', new PDLlast())));

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            List <Pair <int, Pair <PDLPred, long> > > pairs = SynthTimer(phi, al, sb);

            Output(sb, "contains_aa_notend_ab");
Exemple #10
        public void checkEval()
            PDLPred phi = new PDLIntEq(new PDLIndicesOf("aaa"), 1);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Exactly once aaa:");
            System.Console.WriteLine(phi.Eval("baaaabbb", new Dictionary <string, int>()));

            PDLPred phi1 = new PDLNot(new PDLIntLeq(new PDLIndicesOf("aa"), 0));
            PDLPred phi2 = (new PDLBelongs(new PDLPredecessor(new PDLLast()), new PDLIndicesOf("ab")));

            //System.Console.WriteLine("prevLast " + (new PDLprev(new PDLlast())).Eval("aaabbccab", new Dictionary<string, int>()));
            //System.Console.WriteLine("indab " + (new PDLindicesOf("ab")).Eval("aaabbccab", new Dictionary<string, int>()));

            //System.Console.WriteLine("phi2 " + phi2.Eval("aaabbccab", new Dictionary<string, int>()));

            phi = new PDLAnd(phi1, new PDLNot(phi2));
            System.Console.WriteLine("Contains aa and not end ab:");
            System.Console.WriteLine(phi.Eval("aaabbccabc", new Dictionary <string, int>()));

            phi = new PDLAnd(new PDLIf(new PDLAtPos('a', new PDLFirst()), new PDLAtPos('a', new PDLLast())),
                             new PDLIf(new PDLAtPos('b', new PDLFirst()), new PDLAtPos('b', new PDLLast())));
            System.Console.WriteLine("Same First Last:");
            System.Console.WriteLine(phi.Eval("abbba", new Dictionary <string, int>()));

            phi = new PDLExistsFO("x0", new PDLAtPos('a', new PDLPosVar("x0")));
            System.Console.WriteLine("exists a:");
            System.Console.WriteLine(phi.Eval("ab", new Dictionary <string, int>()));

            phi = new PDLEndsWith("abc");
            System.Console.WriteLine("ends with abc:");
            System.Console.WriteLine(phi.Eval("bc", new Dictionary <string, int>()));

            phi = new PDLStartsWith("abc");
            System.Console.WriteLine("starts with abc:");
            System.Console.WriteLine(phi.Eval("abcababcccabc", new Dictionary <string, int>()));
Exemple #11
        public void DileepTest()
            PDLEnumerator pdlEnumerator = new PDLEnumerator();
            PDLPred       phi           = new PDLIntGeq(new PDLIndicesOf("ab"), 2);

            var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
            var alph   = new List <char> {
                'a', 'b'
            var al = new HashSet <char>(alph);

            var dfa = phi.GetDFA(al, solver);

            PDLPred       synthPhi = null;
            StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var phi1 in pdlEnumerator.SynthesizePDL(al, dfa, solver, sb, 10000))
                synthPhi = phi1;

        private void runTest(string testName)
            PDLEnumerator pdlEnumerator = new PDLEnumerator();
            CharSetSolver solver        = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
            var           dfa_al        = ReadDFA(testName, solver);

            PDLPred       synthPhi = null;
            StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("| " + testName);

            foreach (var phi in pdlEnumerator.SynthesizePDL(dfa_al.First, dfa_al.Second, solver, sb, timeout))
                synthPhi = phi;


        private SingleMeasurementResult(Automaton<BDD> originalAutomaton, PDLPred generatedFormula, Automaton<BDD> generatedAutomaton, HashSet<char> alphabet)
            this.generatedFormula = generatedFormula;
            CharSetSolver solver = new CharSetSolver();

            DFAEditScript editScript = DFAEditDistance.GetDFAOptimalEdit(originalAutomaton, generatedAutomaton, alphabet, solver, 100, new System.Text.StringBuilder());
            if (editScript != null)
                this.editDistance = editScript.script.Count;
                this.editDistance = int.MaxValue;
            this.densityDiff = DFADensity.GetDFADifferenceRatio(originalAutomaton, generatedAutomaton, alphabet, solver);
 private static Boolean KeepProblem(PDLPred original, PDLPred phi, int distance, HashSet<char> alphabet, CharSetSolver solver)
     return true;
 //Return what percentage of testSet phi accepts
 private static double PercentagePosSet(PDLPred phi, IEnumerable<string> testSet)
     double correct =0;
     double total = 0;
     foreach (var test in testSet)
         if (!phi.Eval(test, new Dictionary<string, int>()))
     return total==0?0:correct/total;
 public static SingleMeasurementResult Create(Automaton<BDD> originalAutomaton, PDLPred generatedFormula, HashSet<char> alphabet, IDictionary<Automaton<BDD>, SingleMeasurementResult> cache)
     CharSetSolver solver = new CharSetSolver();
     Automaton<BDD> generatedAutomaton = generatedFormula.GetDFA(alphabet, solver);
     SingleMeasurementResult returnValue;
     if (cache.ContainsKey(generatedAutomaton))
         returnValue = cache[generatedAutomaton];
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Automaton Cache Hit");
         returnValue = new SingleMeasurementResult(originalAutomaton, generatedFormula, generatedAutomaton, alphabet);
         cache[generatedAutomaton] = returnValue;
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Automaton Cache Miss");
     return returnValue;
        public static TreeDefinition MakeTree(Dictionary<string, Pair<PDL, string>> nodeMapping, String treeSpec, String rootID, PDLPred pdl)
            Dictionary<String, List<String>> aTree
                = new Dictionary<String, List<String>>();

            String root = rootID;

            String[] edges = treeSpec.Split(';');
            foreach (String edge in edges)
                if (edge != "")
                    String[] nodes = edge.Split('-');
                    addEdge(nodes[0], nodes[1], aTree);
                    if (root == null)
                        root = nodes[0];

            BasicTree aBasicTree = new BasicTree(aTree, root, BasicTree.POSTORDER);
            aBasicTree.pdlNodeMapping = nodeMapping;
            aBasicTree.pdl = pdl;

            return aBasicTree;
 public DfaStateNumberFilter(PDLPred original, HashSet<char> alphabet)
     this.charsetSolver = new CharSetSolver();
     this.alphabet = alphabet;
     this.numOriginalStates = original.GetDFA(alphabet, this.charsetSolver).StateCount;
        private List <Pair <int, Pair <PDLPred, long> > > SynthTimer(PDLPred phi, HashSet <char> al, StringBuilder sb)
            PDLEnumerator pdlEnumerator = new PDLEnumerator();
            var           solver        = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
            Stopwatch     sw            = new Stopwatch();
            var           dfa           = DFAUtilities.normalizeDFA(phi.GetDFA(al, solver)).First;

            List <Pair <int, Pair <PDLPred, long> > > predList = new List <Pair <int, Pair <PDLPred, long> > >();
            List <PDLPred> phiList = new List <PDLPred>();

            PDLPred v;
            var     func = new Func <PDLPred>(() =>
                foreach (var state in dfa.States)
                    var dfaSt = Automaton <BDD> .Create(dfa.InitialState, new int[] { state }, dfa.GetMoves());
                    dfaSt     = dfaSt.Determinize(solver).Minimize(solver);
                    foreach (var p in pdlEnumerator.SynthesizePDL(al, dfaSt, solver, new StringBuilder(), 3000))
                        predList.Add(new Pair <int, Pair <PDLPred, long> >(state, new Pair <PDLPred, long>(p, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)));

            var test = TryExecute(func, timeout, out v);

            sb.Append("Language: ");
            //sb.AppendLine("States: "+dfa.StateCount);
            sb.AppendLine("STATE SUMMARY");
            var coveredStates = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (var pair in predList)
                sb.AppendLine("State " + pair.First + (((dfa.GetFinalStates()).Contains(pair.First))?(" is final"):("")));
                sb.AppendLine("Elapsed Time: " + pair.Second.Second + " ms");
                sb.AppendLine("Formula: ");
            foreach (var state in dfa.States)
                if (!coveredStates.Contains(state))
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("description for state {0} not found", state));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the edit distance ration between 2 PDLpred A1,A2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phi1"></param>
        /// <param name="phi2"></param>
        /// <returns>d(A1,A2)</returns>
        internal static Transformation GetFormulaEditDistance(PDLPred phi1, PDLPred phi2)
            TreeEditDistance treeCorrector = new TreeEditDistance();
            TreeDefinition aTree = CreateTreeHelper.MakeTree(phi1);
            TreeDefinition bTree = CreateTreeHelper.MakeTree(phi2);
            Transformation transform = treeCorrector.getTransformation(aTree, bTree);

            return transform;
        public static int GetSMTVariables(PDLPred phi, IEnumerable<char> alphabet)
            CPDLPred choiceTree = phi.GetCPDL();
            HashSet<char> alphabetHashSet = new HashSet<char>(alphabet);

            Context z3Context = new Context();
            Solver z3Solver = z3Context.MkSolver();

            VariableCache variableGenerator = VariableCache.Create(VariableCache.ConstraintMode.BOTH);
            choiceTree.ToSMTConstraints(z3Context, z3Solver, alphabetHashSet.Count, variableGenerator);
            variableGenerator.GenerateAdditionalConstraints(z3Context, z3Solver);

            return variableGenerator.GetNumVariables();
 public override bool KeepPredicate(PDLPred candidate) { return true; }
Exemple #23
        public static SingleMeasurementResult Create(Automaton <BDD> originalAutomaton, PDLPred generatedFormula, HashSet <char> alphabet, IDictionary <Automaton <BDD>, SingleMeasurementResult> cache)
            CharSetSolver           solver             = new CharSetSolver();
            Automaton <BDD>         generatedAutomaton = generatedFormula.GetDFA(alphabet, solver);
            SingleMeasurementResult returnValue;

            if (cache.ContainsKey(generatedAutomaton))
                returnValue = cache[generatedAutomaton];
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Automaton Cache Hit");
                returnValue = new SingleMeasurementResult(originalAutomaton, generatedFormula, generatedAutomaton, alphabet);
                cache[generatedAutomaton] = returnValue;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Automaton Cache Miss");
 public static PdlFilter Create(Filtermode filtermode, PDLPred original, HashSet<char> alphabet) {
     switch (filtermode)
         case Filtermode.NONE: return new NoFilter();
         case Filtermode.TRIVIAL: return new TrivialFormulaFilter(alphabet, 4);
         case Filtermode.STATEBASED: return new DfaStateNumberFilter(original, alphabet);
         case Filtermode.BOTH:
             PdlFilter trivialFilter = new TrivialFormulaFilter(alphabet, 4);
             PdlFilter stateFilter = new DfaStateNumberFilter(original, alphabet);
             return new ConsFilter(trivialFilter, stateFilter);
     return null;
        public override bool KeepPredicate(PDLPred candidate)
            Automaton<BDD> candidateDfa = candidate.GetDFA(this.alphabet, this.charsetSolver);

            int stateDifference = Math.Abs(numOriginalStates - candidateDfa.StateCount);
            return IsAcceptableStateDifference(stateDifference);
 public Testcase(int id, IEnumerable<char> alphabet, PDLPred language)
     this.id = id;
     this.alphabet = alphabet;
     this.language = language;
        public static IEnumerable<PDLPred> GeneratePDLWithEDn(PDLPred phi, IEnumerable<char> alphabet, VariableCache.ConstraintMode constConst, PdlFilter.Filtermode filtermode)
            CPDLPred choiceTree = phi.GetCPDL();
            HashSet<char> alphabetHashSet = new HashSet<char>(alphabet);

            PdlFilter filter = PdlFilter.Create(filtermode, phi, alphabetHashSet);

            // Concretize yields all feasible concretizations of the choiceTree
            foreach(PDLPred candidate in Concretize(choiceTree, alphabetHashSet, constConst)) {
                if (filter.KeepPredicate(candidate) == true)
                    yield return candidate;
        public override string ToString()
            long enumTimeout = 1000L;

            #region feedback components
            PDLEnumerator pdlEnumerator = new PDLEnumerator();
            PDLPred       symmPhi       = null;
            PDLPred       underPhi      = null;
            string        posWitness    = null;
            string        negWitness    = null;
            //If hint or solution try computing the description of the symmdiff
            if (level == FeedbackLevel.Hint || level == FeedbackLevel.Solution)
                //Avoid formulas that are too complex
                var maxSize = 7;
                if (symmetricDifference.StateCount < 15)
                    foreach (var phi1 in pdlEnumerator.SynthesizePDL(alphabet, symmetricDifference, solver, new StringBuilder(), enumTimeout))
                        var sizePhi1 = phi1.GetFormulaSize();
                        if (sizePhi1 < maxSize && !phi1.IsComplex())
                            maxSize = sizePhi1;
                            symmPhi = phi1;
            //Avoid empty string case and particular string
            if (symmPhi is PDLEmptyString || symmPhi is PDLIsString)
                symmPhi = null;

            //If not minimal try computing and underapprox of symmdiff
            if (symmPhi == null && level != FeedbackLevel.Minimal)
                //Avoid formulas that are too complex
                var minSize = 9;
                if (symmetricDifference.StateCount < 15)
                    foreach (var phi2 in pdlEnumerator.SynthesizeUnderapproximationPDL(alphabet, symmetricDifference, solver, new StringBuilder(), enumTimeout))
                        var formula  = phi2.First;
                        var sizeForm = formula.GetFormulaSize();
                        if (sizeForm < minSize && !formula.IsComplex())
                            minSize  = sizeForm;
                            underPhi = formula;

            //Avoid empty string case and particular string
            if (underPhi is PDLEmptyString || underPhi is PDLIsString)
                underPhi = null;

            if (!positiveDifference.IsEmpty)
                posWitness = DFAUtilities.GenerateShortTerm(positiveDifference, solver);
                negWitness = DFAUtilities.GenerateShortTerm(negativeDifference, solver);

            string result = ""; //string.Format("U: {0}%. ", utility);
            if (symmPhi != null)
                if (symmPhi is PDLEmptyString)
                    result += "Your solution does not behave correctly on the empty string";
                    result += string.Format("Your solution is not correct on this set of strings: <br /> <div align='center'>{0}</div>", PDLUtil.ToEnglishString(symmPhi));
            if (underPhi != null)
                if (underPhi is PDLEmptyString)
                    result += "Your solution does not behave correctly on the empty string";
                    result += string.Format("Your solution is not correct on this set of strings: <br /> <div align='center'>{0}</div>",
                if (posWitness != null)
                    result += string.Format("Your solution does not accept the {0} while the correct solution does.",
                                            posWitness != "" ? "string '<i>" + posWitness + "</i>'" : "empty string");
                    result += string.Format("Your solution accepts the {0} while the correct solution doesn't.",
                                            negWitness != "" ? "string '<i>" + negWitness + "</i>'" : "empty string");
 public Transformation()
     totalCost = 0;
     editScriptAtoB = new TreeEditScript();
     editScriptBtoA = new TreeEditScript();
     pdlA = null;
     pdlB = null;
     pdlMappingTreeA = new Dictionary<string,Pair<PDL,string>>();
     pdlMappingTreeB = new Dictionary<string, Pair<PDL, string>>();
     minSizeForTreeA = 0;
 /* This takes a String describing a tree and converts it into a
  * TreeDefinition.  The format of the string is a series of edges
  * represented as pairs of string separated by semi-colons.  Each
  * pair is comma separated.  The first substring in the pair is
  * the parent, the second is the child.  The first edge parent
  * must be the root of the tree.  
  * For example: "a-b;a-c;c-d;c-e;c-f;"
 public static TreeDefinition MakeTree(PDLPred phi)
     Dictionary<string, Pair<PDL, string>> dic = new Dictionary<string,Pair<PDL,string>>();
     string pdlTreeString = phi.ToTreeString(dic);
     return MakeTree(dic, pdlTreeString, null, phi);
 public override bool KeepPredicate(PDLPred candidate)
     return this.firstFilter.KeepPredicate(candidate) && this.secondFilter.KeepPredicate(candidate);
 public static string ToEnglishString(PDLPred phi)
     Transformation t = new Transformation();
     return t.ToEnglishString(phi);
 /// <summary>
 /// Discards a formula if it has the same result on all test strings. The idea is that this formula is probably too
 /// easy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="candidates"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool KeepPredicate(PDLPred candidate)
     bool firstResult = candidate.Eval(this.testStrings[0], new Dictionary<string, int>());
     for (int testStringIndex = 1; testStringIndex < this.testStrings.Count; ++testStringIndex)
         string testString = this.testStrings[testStringIndex];
         bool currentResult = candidate.Eval(testString, new Dictionary<string, int>());
         if (currentResult != firstResult) { 
             // Since a single differing result is enough, we can return from here
             return true;
     return false;
 //True if phi accepts all the strings in testset
 private static bool CorrectOnPosSet(PDLPred phi, IEnumerable<string> testSet)
     foreach (var test in testSet)
         if (!phi.Eval(test, new Dictionary<string, int>()))
             return false;
     return true;
 public abstract bool KeepPredicate(PDLPred candidate);
Exemple #36
 public Testcase(int id, IEnumerable <char> alphabet, PDLPred language)
     this.id       = id;
     this.alphabet = alphabet;
     this.language = language;
        private static void PrintDFA(PDLPred phi, string name, List<char> alph)
            HashSet<char> al = new HashSet<char>(alph);
            var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);

            PrintDFA(phi.GetDFA(al, solver), name, al);