/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Text character run and adds it to the current line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">the size of the run in PDFUnits</param>
        /// <param name="chars">The characters that should be rendered in the run</param>
        private void AddProxyToCurrentLine(PDFSize size, PDFTextProxyOp op)
            PDFTextRunProxy run = new PDFTextRunProxy(size, op, this.CurrentLine, this.TextComponent);

Exemple #2
        protected virtual double[] GetCoords(PDFPoint offset, PDFSize size, RadialSize radiusSize, PDFUnit?centreX, PDFUnit?centreY)
            double[] all = new double[6];

            var height = Math.Abs(size.Height.PointsValue);
            var width  = size.Width.PointsValue;

            //Get the centre and the radius
            PDFPoint c      = CacluateRadialCentre(centreX, centreY, height, width);
            double   radius = CalculateRadiusForSize(radiusSize, height, width, c.X.PointsValue, c.Y.PointsValue);

            if (radius <= 0)
                radius = 0.01;

            //apply the centres based on the page location
            all[0] = c.X.PointsValue + offset.X.PointsValue;
            all[1] = offset.Y.PointsValue - c.Y.PointsValue;
            all[2] = 0.0;
            all[3] = c.X.PointsValue + offset.X.PointsValue;
            all[4] = offset.Y.PointsValue - c.Y.PointsValue;
            all[5] = radius;

        protected override PDFGraphicsPath CreatePath(PDFSize available, Style fullstyle)
            var bounds = this.GetBounds();

            var xoffset = bounds.X.PointsValue;
            var yoffset = bounds.Y.PointsValue;

            PDFGraphicsPath path = new PDFGraphicsPath();

            if (null != this.Points)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.Count; i++)
                    var pt = this.Points[i];
                    pt = pt.Offset(-xoffset, -yoffset);

                    if (i == 0)
Exemple #4
        public void CompareTo_Test()
            PDFUnit width  = new PDFUnit(10, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFUnit height = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Inches);
            PDFSize target = new PDFSize(width, height);
            PDFSize other  = new PDFSize(width, height);

            int expected = 0;
            int actual;

            actual = target.CompareTo(other);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            height   = new PDFUnit(10, PageUnits.Inches);
            target   = new PDFSize(width, height);
            expected = -1;
            actual   = target.CompareTo(other);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            height   = new PDFUnit(40, PageUnits.Inches);
            target   = new PDFSize(width, height);
            expected = 1;
            actual   = target.CompareTo(other);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #5
        public void op_Inequality_Test()
            PDFUnit width  = new PDFUnit(10, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFUnit height = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Inches);
            PDFSize target = new PDFSize(width, height);
            PDFSize other  = new PDFSize(width, height);

            bool expected = false;
            bool actual;

            actual = (target != other);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            height   = new PDFUnit(40, PageUnits.Inches);
            other    = new PDFSize(width, height);
            expected = true;
            actual   = (target != other);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            width    = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            height   = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Inches);
            other    = new PDFSize(width, height);
            expected = true;
            actual   = (target != other);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        protected override void DoLayoutChildren()
            PDFPositionOptions position = this.FullStyle.CreatePostionOptions();
            PDFLayoutXObject   canvas   = null;

            if (position.ViewPort.HasValue)
                canvas = this.ApplyViewPort(position, position.ViewPort.Value);


            if (null != canvas)


                canvas.OutPutName = (PDFName)this.Context.Document.GetIncrementID(PDFObjectTypes.CanvasXObject);
                var rsrc  = new PDFCanvasResource(this.Component as Canvas, canvas, position.ViewPort.Value);
                var ratio = this.FullStyle.GetValue(SVGAspectRatio.AspectRatioStyleKey, SVGAspectRatio.Default);

                var size = new PDFSize(canvas.Width, canvas.Height);
                canvas.Matrix   = CalculateMatrix(size, position.ViewPort.Value, ratio);
                canvas.ClipRect = new PDFRect(position.X.HasValue ? position.X.Value : PDFUnit.Zero,
                                              position.Y.HasValue ? position.Y.Value : PDFUnit.Zero,
                                              canvas.Width, canvas.Height);
                this.Context.Document.EnsureResource(rsrc.ResourceType, rsrc.ResourceKey, rsrc);
        // public methods

        #region public PDFLayoutPage BeginNewContinuationPage()

        /// <summary>
        /// Begins a new page based on the current page's size and content rect. This will then be the current page
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PDFLayoutPage BeginNewContinuationPage()
            if (CurrentPageIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Cannot begin a new page based on previous page if there are no previous pages");
            PDFLayoutPage pg = this.CurrentPage;

            PDFTraceLog log = this.DocumentComponent.TraceLog;

            if (log.ShouldLog(TraceLevel.Verbose))
                log.Add(TraceLevel.Verbose, "LAYOUT", "Beginning a new continuation page for '" + pg + "'");

            if (!pg.IsClosed)

            PDFSize        size     = pg.Size;
            Style          style    = pg.FullStyle;
            Page           owner    = pg.Owner as Page;
            OverflowAction overflow = pg.OverflowAction;

            PDFLayoutPage newpg = this.BeginNewPage(owner, this.Engine, style, overflow);

Exemple #8
 public PDFTextRunPartialCharacter(PDFSize size, string characters, int offset, int count, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
     : base(line, owner)
     this._measuredSize = size;
     this._chars        = characters;
     this._offset       = offset;
     this._count        = count;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Text character run and adds it to the current line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">the size of the run in PDFUnits</param>
        /// <param name="chars">The characters that should be rendered in the run</param>
        private void AddCharactersToCurrentLine(PDFSize size, string chars)

            PDFTextRunCharacter run = new PDFTextRunCharacter(size, chars, this.CurrentLine, this.TextComponent);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Text character run and adds it to the current line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">the size of the run in PDFUnits</param>
        /// <param name="chars">The characters that should be rendered in the run</param>
        private void AddCharactersToCurrentLine(PDFSize size, string chars, int startOffset, int count)

            PDFTextRunPartialCharacter run = new PDFTextRunPartialCharacter(size, chars, startOffset, count, this.CurrentLine, this.TextComponent);

        protected override PDFGraphicsPath CreatePath(PDFSize available, Style fullstyle)
            PDFGraphicsPath path = base.CreatePath(available, fullstyle);


        /// <summary>
        /// Based on the available size and full style, returns a bounding rectagle the shape should fit into.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="avail"></param>
        /// <param name="fullstyle"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual PDFRect GetPrescribedBounds(PDFSize avail, Style fullstyle)
            PDFUnit x = fullstyle.GetValue(StyleKeys.PositionXKey, 0);
            PDFUnit y = fullstyle.GetValue(StyleKeys.PositionYKey, 0);
            PDFUnit w = fullstyle.GetValue(StyleKeys.SizeWidthKey, avail.Width);
            PDFUnit h = fullstyle.GetValue(StyleKeys.SizeHeightKey, avail.Height);

            return(new PDFRect(x, y, w, h));
        public static PDFSize GetSizeInDeviceIndependentUnits(PaperSize paperSize)
            SizeF   mm   = Papers.GetSizeInMM(paperSize);
            PDFSize full = new PDFSize(
                new PDFUnit(mm.Width, PageUnits.Millimeters),
                new PDFUnit(mm.Height, PageUnits.Millimeters));

        // support methods

        #region protected virtual void BuildNewPage(PDFPageSize pgsize, PDFPositionOptions options ...)

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new page with the specified options and adds it to the current layout
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pgsize"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <param name="alley"></param>
        /// <param name="colcount"></param>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        protected virtual PDFLayoutPage BuildNewPage(PDFSize pgsize, PDFPositionOptions options, PDFColumnOptions colOpts, OverflowAction action)
            PDFLayoutDocument doclayout = this.DocumentLayout;
            PDFLayoutPage     pg        = doclayout.BeginNewPage(this.Page, this, this.FullStyle, action);

            pg.InitPage(pgsize, options, colOpts, this.Context);

Exemple #15
        public void PDFSizeConstructor_Test1()
            double  width  = 10F; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            double  height = 20F; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            PDFSize target = new PDFSize(width, height);

            Assert.AreEqual(width, target.Width.PointsValue);
            Assert.AreEqual(height, target.Height.PointsValue);
Exemple #16
        public void PDFSizeConstructor_Test()
            PDFUnit width  = new PDFUnit(10, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFUnit height = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Inches);
            PDFSize target = new PDFSize(width, height);

            Assert.AreEqual(width, target.Width);
            Assert.AreEqual(height, target.Height);
        protected override PDFGraphicsPath CreatePath(PDFSize available, Style fullstyle)
            var bounds = this.GetBounds();
            var path   = new PDFGraphicsPath();

            Ellipse.BuildElipse(path, bounds, true, 0);

Exemple #18
        protected override PDFGraphicsPath CreatePath(PDFSize available, Style fullstyle)
            PDFRect         rect = this.GetBounds();
            PDFGraphicsPath path = new PDFGraphicsPath();

            Ellipse.BuildElipse(path, rect, true, 0);

Exemple #19
        public void PDFRectConstructor_Test()
            PDFPoint location = new PDFPoint(10, 20);
            PDFSize  size     = new PDFSize(30, 40);
            PDFRect  target   = new PDFRect(location, size);

            Assert.AreEqual(target.Location, location);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Size, size);
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures all the characters on a specified string returning their size
        /// 6based on how many fitted in the available space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chars"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="fitted"></param>
        /// <param name="availh">The available height in the current region</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PDFSize MeasureString(PDFUnit availh, PDFUnit availw, string chars, int offset, out int fitted)
            PDFSize available         = new PDFSize(availw, availh);
            PDFTextRenderOptions opts = this.TextRenderOptions;

            PDFSize measured;

            measured = this.Context.Graphics.MeasureString(chars, offset, available, opts, out fitted);
Exemple #21
        protected virtual PDFGraphics CreateGraphics(PDFWriter writer, Styles.StyleStack styles, PDFRenderContext context)
            var sz = new PDFSize(this._childContainer.Width, this._childContainer.Height);

            if (this._position.ViewPort.HasValue)
                sz = this._position.ViewPort.Value.Size;
            return(PDFGraphics.Create(writer, false, this, DrawingOrigin.TopLeft, sz, context));
Exemple #22
        public void ToPoints_Test()
            PDFUnit width    = new PDFUnit(10, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFUnit height   = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFSize target   = new PDFSize(width, height);
            PDFSize expected = new PDFSize(width.PointsValue, height.PointsValue);
            PDFSize actual;

            actual = target.ToPoints();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #23
        // scaling calculations

        public static void ApplyMaxNonUniformScaling(PDFTransformationMatrix onmatrix, PDFSize dest, PDFRect viewport)
            PDFSize source = viewport.Size;
            double  scalex = dest.Width.PointsValue / source.Width.PointsValue;
            double  scaley = dest.Height.PointsValue / source.Height.PointsValue;
            double  offx   = 0; // viewport.X.PointsValue;
            double  offy   = 0; // viewport.Y.PointsValue;

            onmatrix.SetTranslation(offx, offy);
            onmatrix.SetScale((float)scalex, (float)scaley);
Exemple #24
        public void ToDrawing_Test()
            PDFUnit width    = new PDFUnit(10, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFUnit height   = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFSize target   = new PDFSize(width, height);
            SizeF   expected = new SizeF((float)width.PointsValue, (float)height.PointsValue);
            SizeF   actual;

            actual = target.ToDrawing();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        protected virtual double[] GetCoords(PDFPoint offset, PDFSize size, double angle)
            double[] all = new double[4];

            all[0] = offset.X.PointsValue;
            all[1] = offset.Y.PointsValue;
            all[2] = offset.X.PointsValue;
            all[3] = offset.Y.PointsValue;

            //TODO: Change this to support any angle with sin, cos and tan

            if (angle < 45) // Top
                all[1] += size.Height.PointsValue;
            else if (angle < 90) //Top Right
                all[2] += size.Width.PointsValue;
                all[1] += size.Height.PointsValue;
            else if (angle < 135) //Right
                all[2] += size.Width.PointsValue;
            else if (angle < 180) //Bottom Right
                all[2] += size.Width.PointsValue;
                all[3] += size.Height.PointsValue;
            else if (angle < 225) //Bottom
                all[3] += size.Height.PointsValue;
            else if (angle < 270) //Bottom Left
                all[0] += size.Width.PointsValue;
                all[3] += size.Height.PointsValue;
            else if (angle < 315) //Left
                all[0] += size.Width.PointsValue;
            else if (angle < 360) //Top Left
                all[0] += size.Width.PointsValue;
                all[1] += size.Height.PointsValue;
                all[3] += size.Height.PointsValue;

Exemple #26
 internal PDFRenderContext(DrawingOrigin origin, int pageCount, PDFOutputFormatting format, Styles.StyleStack stack, PDFItemCollection items, PDFTraceLog log, PDFPerformanceMonitor perfmon, IPDFDocument document) 
     : base(stack, items, log, perfmon, document)
     this._origin = origin;
     this._offset = new PDFPoint();
     this._space = new PDFSize();
     this._pgCount = pageCount;
     this._pgindex = 0;
     this._format = format;
Exemple #27
        public void Empty_Test()
            PDFUnit width  = PDFUnit.Zero;
            PDFUnit height = PDFUnit.Zero;
            PDFSize empty  = new PDFSize(width, height);

            PDFSize actual;

            actual = PDFSize.Empty;
            Assert.AreEqual(empty, actual);
Exemple #28
        public void ToString_Test()
            PDFUnit width    = new PDFUnit(10, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFUnit height   = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFSize target   = new PDFSize(width, height);
            string  expected = "[10mm, 20mm]";
            string  actual;

            actual = target.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #29
        public void Clone_Test1()
            PDFUnit    width    = new PDFUnit(10, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            PDFUnit    height   = new PDFUnit(20, PageUnits.Millimeters);
            ICloneable target   = new PDFSize(width, height);
            object     expected = target;
            object     actual;

            actual = target.Clone();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        /// <summary>
        /// Increases the size of this region by the size of the layout item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        public void AddToSize(PDFLayoutItem item)
            PDFUnit h = item.Height;
            PDFUnit w = item.Width;

            //Update the size
            PDFSize sz = this.UsedSize;

            sz.Height    += h;
            sz.Width      = PDFUnit.Max(sz.Width, w);
            this.UsedSize = sz;