public void EditFieldValue_ShouldNotReturnException()
            var tempFile    = CreateTempDocumentForTests();
            var tempFileAux = Path.GetTempFileName();

            /*Following three lines are an example on how to edit fields
             * with this library. They will take the document in tempFile
             *(which currently has only one text field)
             * and take its first field (fields numbered from 0). It will
             * then change its value to "hey".
             * It will then create a new text field, in the first page
             * inside the rectangle with corners (10, 10) and (50, 50)
             * and call it "hello". It will then change its value to
             *"OK" accessing it through its name and save the result
             * to tempFileAux.
            var edit = new PDFEdition(tempFile);

            edit.Fields[0] = "hey";
            edit.InsertTextField(1, 10, 10, 50, 50, "hello");
            edit.Fields["hello"] = "OK";

        public void InsertText_ShouldNotReturnException()
            var tempFile    = CreateTempDocumentForTests();
            var tempFileAux = Path.GetTempFileName();

            /*Following three lines are an example of code to add text to a document.
             * It takes the file in tempFile, adds the text "HELLO" in the font "Helvetica"
             * to the coordinates (150, 300) of the first page with a size of 15.
             * Then, it saves the code to tempFileAux.
            var edit = new PDFEdition(tempFile);

            edit.InsertText(1, PDFEdition.Alignment.Center, "HELLO", 150, 300, "Helvetica", 15);