internal static bool EmbedPDFAttachment(List <PDFAttachmentItem> attachments, PDDocument doc) { bool flag; try { PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode pDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode = new PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode(); List arrayList = new ArrayList(); foreach (PDFAttachmentItem attachment in attachments) { PDComplexFileSpecification pDComplexFileSpecification = new PDComplexFileSpecification(); pDComplexFileSpecification.setFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(attachment.filePath)); file = new; byte[] numArray = Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()); PDEmbeddedFile pDEmbeddedFile = new PDEmbeddedFile(doc, new ByteArrayInputStream(numArray)); pDEmbeddedFile.setSize((int)numArray.Length); pDEmbeddedFile.setCreationDate(new GregorianCalendar()); pDComplexFileSpecification.setEmbeddedFile(pDEmbeddedFile); PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode pDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode1 = new PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode(); pDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode1.setNames(Collections.singletonMap(attachment.filePath, pDComplexFileSpecification)); arrayList.@add(pDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode1); } pDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode.setKids(arrayList); PDDocumentNameDictionary pDDocumentNameDictionary = new PDDocumentNameDictionary(doc.getDocumentCatalog()); pDDocumentNameDictionary.setEmbeddedFiles(pDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode); doc.getDocumentCatalog().setNames(pDDocumentNameDictionary); flag = true; } catch (Exception exception1) { Exception exception = exception1; throw new PDFToolkitException(exception.Message, exception); } return(flag); }
private static PDEmbeddedFile getEmbeddedFile(PDComplexFileSpecification fileSpec) { PDEmbeddedFile embeddedFileUnicode = null; if (fileSpec != null) { embeddedFileUnicode = fileSpec.getEmbeddedFileUnicode() ?? fileSpec.getEmbeddedFileDos() ?? fileSpec.getEmbeddedFileMac() ?? fileSpec.getEmbeddedFileUnix() ?? fileSpec.getEmbeddedFile(); } return(embeddedFileUnicode); }
private static void extractFiles(Map names, string filePath) { object[] objArray = names.entrySet().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)objArray.Length; i++) { PDComplexFileSpecification value = (PDComplexFileSpecification)((Map.Entry)objArray[i]).getValue(); string filename = value.getFilename(); PDFExtractEmbeddedFiles.extractFile(filePath, filename, PDFExtractEmbeddedFiles.getEmbeddedFile(value)); } }
internal static void ExtractAttachment(PDFDocument pdfDoc, string OutputPath) { try { string filePath = pdfDoc.FilePath; PDDocument pDFBoxDocument = pdfDoc.PDFBoxDocument; PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode embeddedFiles = (new PDDocumentNameDictionary(pDFBoxDocument.getDocumentCatalog())).getEmbeddedFiles(); if (embeddedFiles != null) { Map names = embeddedFiles.getNames(); if (names == null) { object[] objArray = embeddedFiles.getKids().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)objArray.Length; i++) { names = ((PDNameTreeNode)objArray[i]).getNames(); PDFExtractEmbeddedFiles.extractFiles(names, OutputPath); } } else { PDFExtractEmbeddedFiles.extractFiles(names, OutputPath); } } foreach (PDPage page in pDFBoxDocument.getPages()) { object[] objArray1 = page.getAnnotations().toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < (int)objArray1.Length; j++) { PDAnnotation pDAnnotation = (PDAnnotation)objArray1[j]; if (pDAnnotation is PDAnnotationFileAttachment) { PDComplexFileSpecification file = (PDComplexFileSpecification)((PDAnnotationFileAttachment)pDAnnotation).getFile(); PDEmbeddedFile embeddedFile = PDFExtractEmbeddedFiles.getEmbeddedFile(file); PDFExtractEmbeddedFiles.extractFile(filePath, file.getFilename(), embeddedFile); } } } } finally { } }
/** * Extracts a ZUGFeRD invoice from a PDF document represented by an input stream. * Errors are reported via exception handling. */ public void extractLowLevel(InputStream pdfStream) { PDDocument doc = null; try { doc = PDDocument.load(pdfStream); // PDDocumentInformation info = doc.getDocumentInformation(); PDDocumentNameDictionary names = new PDDocumentNameDictionary( doc.getDocumentCatalog()); PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode etn; etn = names.getEmbeddedFiles(); if (etn == null) { doc.close(); return; } //Set efMap = etn.getNames().keySet(); Object[] efMap = etn.getNames().keySet().toArray(); //Map<String, COSObjectable> efMap = etn.getNames(); // String filePath = "/tmp/"; //for (String filename : efMap.keySet()) { foreach (String filename in efMap) { ///** //* currently (in the release candidate of version 1) only one //* attached file with the name ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml is allowed //* */ if (filename.Equals("ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ containsMeta = true; PDComplexFileSpecification fileSpec = (PDComplexFileSpecification)etn.getNames().get(filename); PDEmbeddedFile embeddedFile = fileSpec.getEmbeddedFile(); // String embeddedFilename = filePath + filename; // File file = new File(filePath + filename); // System.out.println("Writing " + embeddedFilename); // ByteArrayOutputStream fileBytes=new // ByteArrayOutputStream(); // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); rawXML = embeddedFile.getByteArray(); setMeta(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rawXML)); // fos.write(embeddedFile.getByteArray()); // fos.close(); } } } catch (IOException e1) { throw e1; } finally { try { if (doc != null) { doc.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } }
// Decent example here -- private void AttachmentZone_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { // reset UI AttachmentZoneBorder.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1); AttachmentZone.Background = new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); deselectAllAttachmentPanels(); // attach files to PDF if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { // Note that you can have more than one file. string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); List <string> filesList = files.ToList(); if (pd != null) { foreach (string file in filesList) { byte[] fileBytes; try { fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(file); } catch { // couldn't read file MessageBox.Show("Can't open " + file + " make sure it is not open in another application.", "Can't open file."); continue; } FileStream _filestream = System.IO.File.Open(file, FileMode.Open); string nameOfFileToAttach = _filestream.Name; _filestream.Close(); PDComplexFileSpecification fs = new PDComplexFileSpecification(); fs.setFile(nameOfFileToAttach); ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length); //ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileBytes); PDEmbeddedFile embeddedFile = new PDEmbeddedFile(pd, inputStream); embeddedFile.setModDate(java.util.Calendar.getInstance()); embeddedFile.setSize(fileBytes.Length); fs.setEmbeddedFile(embeddedFile); PDDocumentCatalog catalog = pd.getDocumentCatalog(); PDDocumentNameDictionary names = catalog.getNames(); Map TomsNewMap = new HashMap(); if (names != null) { // there are already some attached files PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode embeddedFiles = names.getEmbeddedFiles(); Map embeddedFileNames = embeddedFiles.getNames(); Dictionary <String, PDComplexFileSpecification> embeddedFileNamesNet = embeddedFileNames.ToDictionary <String, PDComplexFileSpecification>(); // Attach all the existing files foreach (KeyValuePair <String, PDComplexFileSpecification> entry in embeddedFileNamesNet) { TomsNewMap.put(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } else { // there are no files already attached -- so create a new name dictionary names = new PDDocumentNameDictionary(catalog); } // Attach the new file TomsNewMap.put(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(nameOfFileToAttach), fs); PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode TomsEmbeddedFiles = new PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode(); TomsEmbeddedFiles.setNames(TomsNewMap); names.setEmbeddedFiles(TomsEmbeddedFiles); catalog.setNames(names);; pd.close(); } } else { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("No PDF file loaded."); } } // reload the PDF LoadPDFAndLookForAttachments(pathToCurrentPDF); }
/** * Embeds an external file (generic - any type allowed) in the PDF. * * @param doc * PDDocument to attach the file to. * @param filename * name of the file that will become attachment name in the PDF * @param relationship * how the file relates to the content, e.g. "Alternative" * @param description * Human-readable description of the file content * @param subType * type of the data e.g. could be "text/xml" - mime like * @param data * the binary data of the file/attachment */ public void PDFAttachGenericFile(PDDocument doc, String filename, String relationship, String description, String subType, byte[] data) { PDComplexFileSpecification fs = new PDComplexFileSpecification(); fs.setFile(filename); COSDictionary dict = fs.getCOSDictionary(); dict.setName("AFRelationship", relationship); dict.setString("UF", filename); dict.setString("Desc", description); ByteArrayInputStream fakeFile = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); PDEmbeddedFile ef = new PDEmbeddedFile(doc, fakeFile); ef.setSubtype(subType); ef.setSize(data.Length); ef.setCreationDate(new GregorianCalendar()); ef.setModDate(GregorianCalendar.getInstance()); fs.setEmbeddedFile(ef); // In addition make sure the embedded file is set under /UF dict = fs.getCOSDictionary(); COSDictionary efDict = (COSDictionary)dict .getDictionaryObject(COSName.EF); COSBase lowerLevelFile = efDict.getItem(COSName.F); efDict.setItem(COSName.UF, lowerLevelFile); // now add the entry to the embedded file tree and set in the document. PDDocumentNameDictionary names = new PDDocumentNameDictionary( doc.getDocumentCatalog()); PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode efTree = names.getEmbeddedFiles(); if (efTree == null) { efTree = new PDEmbeddedFilesNameTreeNode(); } //Map<String, COSObjectable> namesMap = new HashMap<String, COSObjectable>(); // Map<String, COSObjectable> oldNamesMap = efTree.getNames(); //if (oldNamesMap != null) { // for (String key : oldNamesMap.keySet()) { // namesMap.put(key, oldNamesMap.get(key)); // } //} //efTree.setNames(namesMap); //should be ported more exactly... efTree.setNames(Collections.singletonMap(filename, fs)); names.setEmbeddedFiles(efTree); doc.getDocumentCatalog().setNames(names); // AF entry (Array) in catalog with the FileSpec COSArray cosArray = (COSArray)doc.getDocumentCatalog() .getCOSDictionary().getItem("AF"); if (cosArray == null) { cosArray = new COSArray(); } cosArray.add(fs); COSDictionary dict2 = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getCOSDictionary(); COSArray array = new COSArray(); array.add(fs.getCOSDictionary()); // see below dict2.setItem("AF", array); doc.getDocumentCatalog().getCOSDictionary().setItem("AF", cosArray); }