public PBXBuildFile(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { if (! { return; } object settingsObj =[SETTINGS_KEY]; if (!(settingsObj is PBXDictionary)) { return; } PBXDictionary settingsDict = (PBXDictionary) settingsObj; settingsDict.internalNewlines = false; if (!settingsDict.ContainsKey(ATTRIBUTES_KEY)) { return; } object attributesObj = settingsDict[ATTRIBUTES_KEY]; if (!(attributesObj is PBXList)) { return; } PBXList attributesCast = (PBXList) attributesObj; attributesCast.internalNewlines = false; }
public XCProject(string filePath) : this() { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(filePath)) { Debug.LogWarning("Path does not exists."); return; } if (filePath.EndsWith(".xcodeproj")) { this.projectRootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); this.filePath = filePath; } else { string[] projects = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(filePath, "*.xcodeproj"); if (projects.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Error: missing xcodeproj file"); return; } this.projectRootPath = filePath; this.filePath = projects[0]; } projectFileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(this.filePath, "project.pbxproj")); StreamReader sr = projectFileInfo.OpenText(); string contents = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); PBXParser parser = new PBXParser(); _datastore = parser.Decode(contents); if (_datastore == null) { throw new System.Exception("Project file not found at file path " + filePath); } if (!_datastore.ContainsKey("objects")) { Debug.Log("Errore " + _datastore.Count); return; } _objects = (PBXDictionary) _datastore["objects"]; modified = false; _rootObjectKey = (string) _datastore["rootObject"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_rootObjectKey)) { _project = new PBXProject(_rootObjectKey, (PBXDictionary) _objects[_rootObjectKey]); _rootGroup = new PBXGroup(_rootObjectKey, (PBXDictionary) _objects[_project.mainGroupID]); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Error: project has no root object"); _project = null; _rootGroup = null; } }
public void SetWeakLink( bool weak) { PBXDictionary settings = null; PBXList attributes = null; if (_data.ContainsKey (SETTINGS_KEY)) { settings = _data[SETTINGS_KEY] as PBXDictionary; if (settings.ContainsKey(ATTRIBUTES_KEY)) { attributes = settings[ATTRIBUTES_KEY] as PBXList; } } if (weak) { if (settings == null) { settings = new PBXDictionary(); settings.internalNewlines = false; _data.Add(SETTINGS_KEY, settings); } if (attributes == null) { attributes = new PBXList(); attributes.internalNewlines = false; attributes.Add(WEAK_VALUE); settings.Add(ATTRIBUTES_KEY, attributes); } } else { if(attributes != null && attributes.Contains(WEAK_VALUE)) { attributes.Remove(WEAK_VALUE); } } }
public PBXObject() { _data = new PBXDictionary(); _data[ISA_KEY] = this.GetType().Name; _guid = GenerateGuid(); internalNewlines = false; }
public string Encode( PBXDictionary pbxData, bool readable = false ) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( PBX_HEADER_TOKEN, BUILDER_CAPACITY ); bool success = SerializeValue( pbxData, builder, readable ); return ( success ? builder.ToString() : null ); }
public bool SetWeakLink(bool weak = false) { PBXDictionary settings = null; PBXList attributes = null; if (!_data.ContainsKey(SETTINGS_KEY)) { if (weak) { attributes = new PBXList(); attributes.internalNewlines = false; attributes.Add(WEAK_VALUE); settings = new PBXDictionary(); settings.Add(ATTRIBUTES_KEY, attributes); settings.internalNewlines = false; this.Add(SETTINGS_KEY, settings); } return true; } settings = _data[SETTINGS_KEY] as PBXDictionary; settings.internalNewlines = false; if (!settings.ContainsKey(ATTRIBUTES_KEY)) { if (weak) { attributes = new PBXList(); attributes.internalNewlines = false; attributes.Add(WEAK_VALUE); settings.Add(ATTRIBUTES_KEY, attributes); return true; } else { return false; } } else { attributes = settings[ATTRIBUTES_KEY] as PBXList; } attributes.internalNewlines = false; if (weak) { attributes.Add(WEAK_VALUE); } else { attributes.Remove(WEAK_VALUE); } settings.Add(ATTRIBUTES_KEY, attributes); this.Add(SETTINGS_KEY, settings); return true; }
public string Encode(PBXDictionary pbxData) { indent = 0; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(PBX_HEADER_TOKEN, BUILDER_CAPACITY); bool success = SerializeValue(pbxData, builder); return (success ? builder.ToString() : null); }
public PBXObject( string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary ) : this( guid ) { if( !dictionary.ContainsKey( ISA_KEY ) || ((string)dictionary[ ISA_KEY ]).CompareTo( this.GetType().Name ) != 0 ) Debug.LogError( "PBXDictionary is not a valid ISA object" ); foreach( KeyValuePair<string, object> item in dictionary ) { _data[ item.Key ] = item.Value; } }
public XCProject( string filePath ) : this() { if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( filePath ) ) { Debug.LogWarning( "XCode project path does not exist: " + filePath ); return; } if( filePath.EndsWith( ".xcodeproj" ) ) { Debug.Log( "Opening project " + filePath ); this.projectRootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ); this.filePath = filePath; } else { Debug.Log( "Looking for xcodeproj files in " + filePath ); string[] projects = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories( filePath, "*.xcodeproj" ); if( projects.Length == 0 ) { Debug.LogWarning( "Error: missing xcodeproj file" ); return; } this.projectRootPath = filePath; //if the path is relative to the project, we need to make it absolute if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(projectRootPath)) projectRootPath = Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", "") + projectRootPath; //Debug.Log ("projectRootPath adjusted to " + projectRootPath); this.filePath = projects[ 0 ]; } projectFileInfo = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ) ); string contents = projectFileInfo.OpenText().ReadToEnd(); PBXParser parser = new PBXParser(); _datastore = parser.Decode( contents ); if( _datastore == null ) { throw new System.Exception( "Project file not found at file path " + filePath ); } if( !_datastore.ContainsKey( "objects" ) ) { Debug.Log( "Errore " + _datastore.Count ); return; } _objects = (PBXDictionary)_datastore["objects"]; modified = false; _rootObjectKey = (string)_datastore["rootObject"]; if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( _rootObjectKey ) ) { _project = new PBXProject( _rootObjectKey, (PBXDictionary)_objects[ _rootObjectKey ] ); _rootGroup = new PBXGroup( _rootObjectKey, (PBXDictionary)_objects[ _project.mainGroupID ] ); } else { Debug.LogWarning( "error: project has no root object" ); _project = null; _rootGroup = null; } }
public bool AddCompilerFlag( string flag ) { if( !_data.ContainsKey( SETTINGS_KEY ) ) _data[ SETTINGS_KEY ] = new PBXDictionary(); if( !((PBXDictionary)_data[ SETTINGS_KEY ]).ContainsKey( COMPILER_FLAGS_KEY ) ) { ((PBXDictionary)_data[ SETTINGS_KEY ]).Add( COMPILER_FLAGS_KEY, flag ); return true; } string[] flags = ((string)((PBXDictionary)_data[ SETTINGS_KEY ])[ COMPILER_FLAGS_KEY ]).Split( ' ' ); foreach( string item in flags ) { if( item.CompareTo( flag ) == 0 ) return false; } ((PBXDictionary)_data[ SETTINGS_KEY ])[ COMPILER_FLAGS_KEY ] = ( string.Join( " ", flags ) + " " + flag ); return true; }
//CodeSignOnCopy public bool AddCodeSignOnCopy() { if( !_data.ContainsKey( SETTINGS_KEY ) ) _data[ SETTINGS_KEY ] = new PBXDictionary(); var settings = _data[ SETTINGS_KEY ] as PBXDictionary; if( !settings.ContainsKey( ATTRIBUTES_KEY ) ) { var attributes = new PBXList(); attributes.Add( "CodeSignOnCopy" ); attributes.Add( "RemoveHeadersOnCopy" ); settings.Add( ATTRIBUTES_KEY, attributes ); } else { var attributes = settings[ ATTRIBUTES_KEY ] as PBXList; attributes.Add( "CodeSignOnCopy" ); attributes.Add( "RemoveHeadersOnCopy" ); } return true; }
public bool AddCompilerFlag( string flag ) { if( !_data.ContainsKey( SETTINGS_KEY ) ) _data[ SETTINGS_KEY ] = new PBXDictionary(); if( !((PBXDictionary)_data[ SETTINGS_KEY ]).ContainsKey( COMPILER_FLAGS_KEY ) ) { ((PBXDictionary)_data[ SETTINGS_KEY ]).Add( COMPILER_FLAGS_KEY, flag ); return true; } string[] flags = ((string)((PBXDictionary)_data[ SETTINGS_KEY ])[ COMPILER_FLAGS_KEY ]).Split( ' ' ); foreach( string item in flags ) { if( item.CompareTo( flag ) == 0 ) return false; } ((PBXDictionary)_data[ SETTINGS_KEY ])[ COMPILER_FLAGS_KEY ] = ( string.Join( " ", flags ) + " " + flag ); return true; // def add_compiler_flag(self, flag): // k_settings = 'settings' // k_attributes = 'COMPILER_FLAGS' // // if not self.has_key(k_settings): // self[k_settings] = PBXDict() // // if not self[k_settings].has_key(k_attributes): // self[k_settings][k_attributes] = flag // return True // // flags = self[k_settings][k_attributes].split(' ') // // if flag in flags: // return False // // flags.append(flag) // // self[k_settings][k_attributes] = ' '.join(flags) }
public PBXContainerItemProxy(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { internalNewlines = true; }
public PBXShellScriptBuildPhase(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public PBXNativeTarget(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { internalNewlines = true; }
public PBXDictionary AddFile( string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false ) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if( Path.IsPathRooted( filePath ) ) { absPath = filePath; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, filePath ); } if( !( File.Exists( absPath ) || Directory.Exists( absPath ) ) && tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0 ) { Debug.Log( "Missing file: " + filePath ); return results; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( absPath ); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) ); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString(); } if( parent == null ) { parent = _rootGroup; } //Check if there is already a file PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filePath ) ); if( fileReference != null ) { Debug.LogWarning("File is already exists: " + filePath); return null; } fileReference = new PBXFileReference( filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse( typeof(TreeEnum), tree ) ); parent.AddChild( fileReference ); fileReferences.Add( fileReference ); results.Add( fileReference.guid, fileReference ); //Create a build file for reference if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) { switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && ( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 )) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); if (File.Exists(absPath)) { this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); } else { this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); } } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) { BuildAddFile(fileReference,currentObject,weak); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning( "File Not Support: " + filePath ); break; default: Debug.LogWarning( "File Not Support." ); return null; } } return results; }
/// <summary> /// Saves a project after editing. /// </summary> public void Save() { PBXDictionary result = new PBXDictionary(); result.Add( "archiveVersion", 1 ); result.Add( "classes", new PBXDictionary() ); result.Add( "objectVersion", 46 ); Consolidate(); result.Add( "objects", _objects ); result.Add( "rootObject", _rootObjectKey ); string projectPath = Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ); // Delete old project file, in case of an IOException 'Sharing violation on path Error' DeleteExisting(projectPath); // Parse result object directly into file CreateNewProject(result,projectPath); }
public PBXProject(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public PBXDictionary AddFile( string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false, string[] compilerFlags = null ) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if( Path.IsPathRooted( filePath ) ) { absPath = filePath; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, filePath ); } if( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( absPath ); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) ); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString(); } if( parent == null ) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente String filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (filePath); if (filename.Contains("+")) { filename = string.Format ("\"{0}\"", filename); } PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(filename); if (fileReference != null) { //Weak references always taks precedence over strong reference if (weak) { PBXBuildFile buildFile = GetBuildFile(fileReference.guid); if(buildFile != null) { buildFile.SetWeakLink(weak); } } // Dear future me: If they ever invent a time machine, please don't come back in time to hunt me down. // From Unity 5, AdSupport is loaded dinamically, meaning that there will be a reference to the // file in the project and it won't add it to the linking libraries. And we need that. // TODO: The correct solution would be to check inside each phase if that file is already present. if (filename.Contains("AdSupport.framework")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase)) { fileReference.buildPhase = "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase"; } } else { return null; } } if (fileReference == null) { fileReference = new PBXFileReference (filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse (typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild (fileReference); fileReferences.Add (fileReference); results.Add (fileReference.guid, fileReference); } //Create a build file for reference if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) { PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) { PBXBuildFile newBuildFile = GetBuildFile(fileReference.guid); if (newBuildFile == null){ newBuildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( newBuildFile ); } if (currentObject.Value.HasBuildFile(newBuildFile.guid)) { continue; } currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( newBuildFile ); } if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && ( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) && File.Exists( absPath ) ) { string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) ); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); foreach (string flag in compilerFlags) { buildFile.AddCompilerFlag(flag); } buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata null" ); break; default: Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata def" ); return null; } } return results; }
public PBXGroup( string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary ) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public static void SetDevTeamID(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string DevTeamID) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); string ProjectGUID = CurrentProject.project.guid; object ProjectSectionObj = CurrentProject.GetObject(ProjectGUID); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, ProjectSectionObj != null, "Can't find Project Section in XCodeProj.")) { PBXDictionary ProjectSection = (PBXDictionary)ProjectSectionObj; object AttributesSectionObj = ProjectSection["attributes"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, AttributesSectionObj != null, "Can't find Attributes Section in Project Section.")) { object TargetAttributesObj = ((PBXDictionary)AttributesSectionObj)["TargetAttributes"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, TargetAttributesObj != null, "Can't find TargetAttributes Section in Attributes Section.")) { PBXDictionary TargetAttributes = (PBXDictionary)TargetAttributesObj; object TargetsObj = ProjectSection["targets"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, TargetsObj != null, "Can't find Targets Section in Project Section.")) { PBXList TargetsList = ((PBXList)TargetsObj); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, TargetsList.Count > 0, "No build targets defined in XCodeProj.")) { string PrimaryBuildTargetGUID = (string)(TargetsList[0]); PBXDictionary PrimaryBuildTargetToDevTeam = new PBXDictionary(); PBXDictionary DevTeamIDDictionary = new PBXDictionary(); DevTeamIDDictionary.Add("DevelopmentTeam", DevTeamID); PrimaryBuildTargetToDevTeam.Add(PrimaryBuildTargetGUID, DevTeamIDDictionary); if (TargetAttributes.ContainsKey(PrimaryBuildTargetGUID)) { object ExistingPrimaryBuildTargetObj = TargetAttributes[PrimaryBuildTargetGUID]; if (ExistingPrimaryBuildTargetObj != null) { PBXDictionary ExistingPrimaryBuildTarget = (PBXDictionary)ExistingPrimaryBuildTargetObj; if (!ExistingPrimaryBuildTarget.ContainsKey("DevelopmentTeam")) { ExistingPrimaryBuildTarget.Append(DevTeamIDDictionary); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added Development Team to XCodeProj."); } else { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Development Team already set up in XCodeProj."); } } else { IgorDebug.LogError(ModuleInst, "Primary build target already has a key in TargetAttributes, but the value stored is invalid."); } } else { TargetAttributes.Append(PrimaryBuildTargetToDevTeam); IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added Development Team to XCodeProj."); } CurrentProject.Save(); } } } } } } }
// XCBuildConfigurationList buildConfigurations; // bool defaultConfigurationIsVisible = false; // string defaultConfigurationName; public XCConfigurationList(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject) { #if UNITY_5 if (target != BuildTarget.iOS) { #else if (target != BuildTarget.iOS) { #endif Debug.LogWarning("Target is not iPhone. XCodePostProcess will not run"); return; } // Create a new project object from build target XCProject project = new XCProject(pathToBuiltProject); // Find and run through all projmods files to patch the project. // Please pay attention that ALL projmods files in your project folder will be excuted! string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "*.projmods", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { //Debug.Log("ProjMod File: " + file); //project.ApplyMod(file); ApplyMod(project, file); } ////TODO disable the bitcode for iOS 9 //project.overwriteBuildSetting("ENABLE_BITCODE", "NO", "Release"); //project.overwriteBuildSetting("ENABLE_BITCODE", "NO", "Debug"); //关闭bitcode project.overwriteBuildSetting("ENABLE_BITCODE", "NO"); //TODO implement generic settings as a module option //project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]", "iPhone Distribution", "Release"); //project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Developer: wang ke (LYDZ2B92D4)", "Release"); //project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Developer: wang ke (LYDZ2B92D4)", "Debug"); //project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Developer: client Tgame (8NK3ABPV64)", "Release"); //project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Developer: client Tgame (8NK3ABPV64)", "Debug"); //#if AUDIT // #region krly // project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Distribution: BeiJing TianShenHuDong Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (9ZK4D6KRR3)", "Release"); // project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Developer: wang ke (LYDZ2B92D4)", "Debug"); // project.overwriteBuildSetting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE", "tfkrly-dev"); // project.overwriteBuildSetting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER", "tfkrly-dis"); // #endregion //#else // #region tgame // project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Distribution: BeiJing TianShenHuDong Science and Technology Co., Ltd.", "Release"); // project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Developer: Hengli Liu (98M285BSQB)", "Debug"); // project.overwriteBuildSetting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE", "tgame-dev"); // project.overwriteBuildSetting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER", "Tgame-dis"); // #endregion //#endif #region 设置包名 if (PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier == GameBundleName.TEST_FLIGTH_IDENTIFIER) { //Test Flight project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Distribution: BeiJing TianShenHuDong Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (9ZK4D6KRR3)", "Release"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Developer: wang ke (LYDZ2B92D4)", "Debug"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE", "tfkrly-dev"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER", "tfkrly-dis"); } else { //公司内部测试 project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Distribution: BeiJing TianShenHuDong Science and Technology Co., Ltd.", "Release"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "iPhone Developer: Hengli Liu (98M285BSQB)", "Debug"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE", "tgame-dev"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER", "Tgame-dis"); } #endregion project.overwriteBuildSetting("GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS", "YES", "Release"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS", "YES", "Debug"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS", "YES", "Release"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS", "YES", "Debug"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI", "YES", "Release"); project.overwriteBuildSetting("GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI", "YES", "Debug"); //#if AUDIT // project.overwriteBuildSetting("PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", "com.zeus.awesome.krly"); // project.overwriteBuildSetting("PRODUCT_NAME","krly"); //#elif NORMAL // project.overwriteBuildSetting("PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER","com.tianshen.shuguang.tgame"); // project.overwriteBuildSetting("PRODUCT_NAME", "krly"); //#endif //TODO implement generic settings as a module option // project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]", "iPhone Distribution", "Release"); //设置XCode app name //project.overwriteBuildSetting("PRODUCT_NAME", "krly"); var pbxproj = project.project; var attrs = pbxproj.attributes; var targetAttrs = (PBXDictionary)attrs["TargetAttributes"]; PBXDictionary targetSetting = new PBXDictionary(); targetSetting["ProvisioningStyle"] = "Manual"; var targets = pbxproj.targets; foreach (var t in targets) { var targetID = (string)t; if (targetAttrs.ContainsKey(targetID)) { var TargetAttr = (PBXDictionary)targetAttrs[targetID]; TargetAttr.Append(targetSetting); } else { targetAttrs[targetID] = targetSetting; } } // Finally save the xcode project project.Save(); }
public PBXGroup(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public PBXFrameworksBuildPhase(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public PBXReferenceProxy(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { internalNewlines = true; }
public PBXFrameworksBuildPhase( string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary ) : base ( guid, dictionary ) { // Debug.Log( "constructor child" + GetType().Name ); }
public PBXVariantGroup(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { internalNewlines = true; }
/// <summary> /// Saves a project after editing. /// </summary> public void Save() { PBXDictionary result = new PBXDictionary(); result.Add( "archiveVersion", 1 ); result.Add( "classes", new PBXDictionary() ); result.Add( "objectVersion", 45 ); Consolidate(); result.Add( "objects", _objects ); result.Add( "rootObject", _rootObjectKey ); Backup(); // Parse result object directly into file PBXParser parser = new PBXParser(); StreamWriter saveFile = File.CreateText( System.IO.Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ) ); saveFile.Write( parser.Encode( result, false ) ); saveFile.Close(); // Xcode4Controller.Connect(); // Xcode4Controller.OpenProject(filePath); }
public PBXFileReference( string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary ) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
// public PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase> GetBuildPhase( string buildPhase ) // { // switch( buildPhase ) { // case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)frameworkBuildPhases; // case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)resourcesBuildPhases; // case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)shellScriptBuildPhases; // case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)sourcesBuildPhases; // case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": // return (PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase>)copyBuildPhases; // default: // return default(T); // } // } public PBXDictionary AddFile( string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false ) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if( Path.IsPathRooted( filePath ) ) { absPath = filePath; // Debug.Log( "Is rooted: " + absPath ); } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath ); // Debug.Log( "RElative: " + absPath ); } if( !( File.Exists( absPath ) || Directory.Exists( absPath ) ) && tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0 ) { Debug.Log( "Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath ); return results; } else if( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 || tree.CompareTo( "GROUP" ) == 0 ) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( absPath ); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) ); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString(); } // else { // tree = "<absolute>"; // Debug.Log( "3: " + filePath ); // } // Debug.Log( "Add file result path: " + filePath ); if( parent == null ) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filePath ) ); if( fileReference != null ) { // Debug.Log( "File già presente." ); return null; } fileReference = new PBXFileReference( filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse( typeof(TreeEnum), tree ) ); parent.AddChild( fileReference ); fileReferences.Add( fileReference ); results.Add( fileReference.guid, fileReference ); //Create a build file for reference if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) { // PBXDictionary<PBXBuildPhase> currentPhase = GetBuildPhase( fileReference.buildPhase ); PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) { //Debug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList(libraryPath) ); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK string frameworkPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) ); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak ); buildFiles.Add( buildFile ); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile ); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata null" ); break; default: Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata def" ); return null; } } // Debug.Log( "Results " + results.Count + " - " ); // foreach( KeyValuePair<string, object> obj in results ){ // Debug.Log( obj.Key + " - " + obj.Value.GetType().Name ); // } return results; // def add_file(self, f_path, parent=None, tree='SOURCE_ROOT', create_build_files=True, weak=False): // results = [] // // abs_path = '' // // if os.path.isabs(f_path): // abs_path = f_path // // if not os.path.exists(f_path): // return results // elif tree == 'SOURCE_ROOT': // f_path = os.path.relpath(f_path, self.source_root) // else: // tree = '<absolute>' // // if not parent: // parent = self.root_group // elif not isinstance(parent, PBXGroup): // # assume it's an id // parent = self.objects.get(parent, self.root_group) // // file_ref = PBXFileReference.Create(f_path, tree) // parent.add_child(file_ref) // results.append(file_ref) // # create a build file for the file ref // if file_ref.build_phase and create_build_files: // phases = self.get_build_phases(file_ref.build_phase) // // for phase in phases: // build_file = PBXBuildFile.Create(file_ref, weak=weak) // // phase.add_build_file(build_file) // results.append(build_file) // // if abs_path and tree == 'SOURCE_ROOT' and os.path.isfile(abs_path)\ // and file_ref.build_phase == 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase': // // library_path = os.path.join('$(SRCROOT)', os.path.split(f_path)[0]) // // self.add_library_search_paths([library_path], recursive=False) // // for r in results: // self.objects[] = r // // if results: // self.modified = True // // return results }
/// <summary> /// Saves a project after editing. /// </summary> public void Save() { PBXDictionary result = new PBXDictionary(); result.internalNewlines = true; result.Add( "archiveVersion", 1 ); result.Add( "classes", new PBXDictionary() ); result.Add( "objectVersion", 46 ); Consolidate(); result.Add( "objects", _objects ); result.Add( "rootObject", _rootObjectKey ); Backup(); PBXParser parser = new PBXParser(); StreamWriter saveFile = File.CreateText( System.IO.Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ) ); saveFile.Write( parser.Encode( result ) ); saveFile.Close(); }
public XCConfigurationList( string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary ) : base(guid, dictionary) { internalNewlines = true; }
public void Consolidate() { PBXDictionary consolidated = new PBXDictionary(); consolidated.Append<PBXBuildFile>( this.buildFiles ); consolidated.Append<PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase>( this.copyBuildPhases ); consolidated.Append<PBXFileReference>( this.fileReferences ); consolidated.Append<PBXFrameworksBuildPhase>( this.frameworkBuildPhases ); consolidated.Append<PBXGroup>( this.groups ); consolidated.Append<PBXNativeTarget>( this.nativeTargets ); consolidated.Add( project.guid, ); consolidated.Append<PBXResourcesBuildPhase>( this.resourcesBuildPhases ); consolidated.Append<PBXShellScriptBuildPhase>( this.shellScriptBuildPhases ); consolidated.Append<PBXSourcesBuildPhase>( this.sourcesBuildPhases ); consolidated.Append<XCBuildConfiguration>( this.buildConfigurations ); consolidated.Append<XCConfigurationList>( this.configurationLists ); _objects = consolidated; consolidated = null; }
public PBXTargetDependency(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { internalNewlines = true; }
private void CreateNewProject(PBXDictionary result, string path) { PBXParser parser = new PBXParser(); StreamWriter saveFile = File.CreateText( path ); saveFile.Write( parser.Encode( result, true ) ); saveFile.Close(); }
public PBXSourcesBuildPhase(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public PBXProject( string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary ) : base(guid, dictionary) { }
public PBXBuildFile(string guid, PBXDictionary dictionary) : base(guid, dictionary) { }