Exemple #1
    private void BindGrid()
        DateTime dtbegin, dtend;
        int      salesman, deliveryman;

        DateTime.TryParse(tbx_begin.Text, out dtbegin);
        DateTime.TryParse(tbx_end.Text, out dtend);
        int.TryParse(ddl_SalesMan.SelectedValue, out salesman);
        int.TryParse(ddl_DeliveryMan.SelectedValue, out deliveryman);

        if (gv_List_Product.Visible)
            DataTable dt = PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetDeliverySummary_ByProduct((int)Session["OwnerClient"], salesman, deliveryman, 0, dtbegin, dtend);

            int     _quantity_t = 0, _quantity_p = 0;
            decimal _amount = 0;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                _quantity_t += (int)dr["Quantity_T"];
                _quantity_p += (int)dr["Quantity_P"];
                _amount     += (decimal)dr["TotalAmount"];

            DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
            row["ProductName"] = "合计";
            row["Quantity_T"]  = _quantity_t;
            row["Quantity_P"]  = _quantity_p;
            row["TotalAmount"] = _amount;

            gv_List_Product.DataSource = dt;
        else if (gv_List_Client.Visible)
            DataTable dt = PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetDeliverySummary_ByClient((int)Session["OwnerClient"], salesman, deliveryman, 0, dtbegin, dtend);
            gv_List_Client.DataSource = dt;
        else if (gv_PayInfoSummary.Visible)
            DataTable dt = PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetPayInfoSummary((int)Session["OwnerClient"], salesman, deliveryman, dtbegin, dtend);

            gv_PayInfoSummary.DataSource = dt;
            gv_PayInfoSummary.Visible = true;
        else if (gv_PayInfoDetail.Visible)
            DataTable dt = PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetPayInfoDetail((int)Session["OwnerClient"], salesman, deliveryman, dtbegin, dtend);
            dt = MatrixTable.Matrix(dt, new string[] { "SheetCode", "ClientName", "DeliveryManName" }, "PayModeName", "Amount");
            dt.Columns["SheetCode"].ColumnName       = "单号";
            dt.Columns["ClientName"].ColumnName      = "客户";
            dt.Columns["DeliveryManName"].ColumnName = "送货人";

            gv_PayInfoDetail.DataSource = dt;
    protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int suppler = 0, warehouse = 0, salesman = 0;
        int.TryParse(ddl_Supplier.SelectedValue, out suppler);
        int.TryParse(ddl_ClientWareHouse.SelectedValue, out warehouse);
        int.TryParse(ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue, out salesman);

        if (suppler == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择供货商!");
        if (warehouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择采购到货仓库!");

        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();
        bll.Model.Supplier = suppler;
        bll.Model.Client = (int)Session["OwnerClient"];
        bll.Model.ClientWareHouse = warehouse;
        bll.Model.SalesMan = salesman;
        bll.Model.Classify = (int)ViewState["Classify"] == 0 ? 11 : (int)ViewState["Classify"];
        bll.Model.PrepareMode = 1;
        bll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
        bll.Model.State = 1;
        bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;

        int id = bll.Add();
        Response.Redirect("PurchaseDetail.aspx?ID=" + id.ToString());

        //Response.Redirect("PurchaseDeail.aspx?Supplier=" + ddl_Supplier.SelectedValue +
        //    "&WareHouse=" + ddl_ClientWareHouse.SelectedValue + "&Salesman=" + ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue);
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// 保存付款信息
    /// </summary>
    private void SavePayInfo()
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

            decimal amount = 0;
            if (decimal.TryParse(tbx_PayAmount1.Text, out amount) && amount != 0)
                PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL paybll = new PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL();
                paybll.Model.DeliveryID  = _bll.Model.ID;
                paybll.Model.PayMode     = int.Parse(ddl_PayMode1.SelectedValue);
                paybll.Model.Amount      = amount;
                paybll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
                paybll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
            if (decimal.TryParse(tbx_PayAmount2.Text, out amount) && amount != 0)
                PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL paybll = new PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL();
                paybll.Model.DeliveryID  = _bll.Model.ID;
                paybll.Model.PayMode     = int.Parse(ddl_PayMode2.SelectedValue);
                paybll.Model.Amount      = amount;
                paybll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
                paybll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
Exemple #4
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0 || bll.Model == null)
        if (Session["OwnerType"] != null && (int)Session["OwnerType"] == 3 && bll.Model.Supplier != (int)Session["OwnerClient"])

        ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail> listDelivery = new ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");

        ViewState["Details"] = listDelivery;

        int totlaItem = ((ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"]).GetListItem().Count;
        int pageNum   = (totlaItem / PRINTPAGESIZE) + (totlaItem % PRINTPAGESIZE == 0 ? 0 : 1);

        ViewState["TotalPageCount"] = pageNum;

        //int[] intTemp = new int[pageNum];
        //for (int i = 0; i < pageNum; i++) intTemp[i] = i;

        //Repeater1.DataSource = intTemp;
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if (bll.Model != null)

            ViewState["Details"]   = new ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["WareHouse"] = bll.Model.ClientWareHouse;
            ViewState["State"]     = bll.Model.State;
            ViewState["Classify"]  = bll.Model.Classify;


            #region 界面控件可视状态
            if (bll.Model.State != 1 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag != 2)
                bt_OK.Visible = false;

                bt_Delete.Visible = false;


            if (!((bll.Model.State == 1 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 1) || (bll.Model.State == 3 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 3)))
                bt_Confirm.Visible = false;

    protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int client = 0, warehouse = 0, salesman = 0;

        int.TryParse(select_Client.SelectValue, out client);
        int.TryParse(ddl_SupplierWareHouse.SelectedValue, out warehouse);
        int.TryParse(ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue, out salesman);

        if (client == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择零售店!");
        if (warehouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择供货出库仓库!");

        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();

        bll.Model.Supplier          = (int)Session["OwnerClient"];
        bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse = warehouse;
        bll.Model.Client            = client;
        bll.Model.SalesMan          = salesman;
        bll.Model.Classify          = (int)ViewState["Classify"] == 0 ? 1 : (int)ViewState["Classify"];
        bll.Model.PrepareMode       = 1;
        bll.Model.InsertStaff       = (int)Session["UserID"];
        bll.Model.State             = 1;
        bll.Model.ApproveFlag       = 2;

        int id = bll.Add();

        Response.Redirect("SaleOutDetail.aspx?ID=" + id.ToString());
    protected void bt_Confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            if (!Save()) return;

            PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

            int ret = _bll.Confirm((int)Session["UserID"]);
            switch (ret)
                case 0:
                case -1:
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 单据状态不可操作");
                case -2:
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 未指定正确的仓库");
                case -10:
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 库存数量不够盘亏");

                    MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! Ret=" + ret.ToString());
    protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int client = 0, warehouse = 0, salesman = 0;
        int.TryParse(select_Client.SelectValue, out client);
        int.TryParse(ddl_SupplierWareHouse.SelectedValue, out warehouse);
        int.TryParse(ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue, out salesman);

        if (client == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择零售店!");
        if (warehouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择供货出库仓库!");

        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();
        bll.Model.Supplier = (int)Session["OwnerClient"];
        bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse = warehouse;
        bll.Model.Client = client;
        bll.Model.SalesMan = salesman;
        bll.Model.Classify = (int)ViewState["Classify"] == 0 ? 1 : (int)ViewState["Classify"];
        bll.Model.PrepareMode = 1;
        bll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
        bll.Model.State = 1;
        bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;

        int id = bll.Add();
        Response.Redirect("SaleOutDetail.aspx?ID=" + id.ToString());
    protected void bt_BatConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int success = 0;

        foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows)
            int      id  = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["PBM_Delivery_ID"];
            CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx");
                if (cbx != null && cbx.Checked)
                    PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(id);
                    if (_bll.Model == null)
                    if (_bll.Model.State >= 4)

                    IList <PBM_DeliveryPayInfo> payinfos = _bll.GetPayInfoList();
                    if (payinfos.Count == 0 && _bll.Model.ActAmount != 0)
                        #region 默认现金收款
                        PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL paybll = new PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL();
                        paybll.Model.DeliveryID  = _bll.Model.ID;
                        paybll.Model.PayMode     = 1;
                        paybll.Model.Amount      = _bll.Model.ActAmount;
                        paybll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
                        paybll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
                    else if (payinfos.Sum(p => p.Amount) != _bll.Model.ActAmount)

                    int confirmstaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
                    if (_bll.Model.PrepareMode > 1 && _bll.Model.DeliveryMan > 0)
                        confirmstaff = _bll.Model.DeliveryMan;

                    if (_bll.Confirm(confirmstaff) == 0)

        MessageBox.Show(this, "成功确认" + success.ToString() + "条发货单!");
        gv_Summary.PageIndex = 0;
        gv_List.PageIndex    = 0;
 protected void bt_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
         PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
Exemple #11
 protected void bt_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
         PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
         Response.Redirect("TransferList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString());
 protected void bt_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
         PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
Exemple #13
 protected void bt_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
         PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
         _bll.Cancel((int)Session["UserID"], "");
         Response.Redirect("SaleOutList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString() + "&PrepareMode=" + _bll.Model.PrepareMode.ToString());
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         #region 获取页面参数
         string[] strIDs   = Request.QueryString["ID"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, System.StringSplitOptions.None) : new string[] { "" };
         int[]    ids      = new int[strIDs.Length];
         bool     flag     = false;//为true标识转换出错退回列表界面
         int      classify = 0;
         if (strIDs == null || strIDs.Length == 0 || (strIDs.Length == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIDs[0])))
             flag = true;
             for (int i = 0; i < strIDs.Length; i++)
                     int             _id          = int.Parse(strIDs[i]);
                     PBM_DeliveryBLL _bllDelivery = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(_id);
                     if (_bllDelivery == null || _bllDelivery.Model.ID == 0)
                         flag = true; break;
                     if (classify == 0)
                         classify = _bllDelivery.Model.Classify;               //初始化分类
                     else if (classify != _bllDelivery.Model.Classify)
                         flag = true; break;
                     }                                                                        //分类不一致也退回列表界面
                     ids[i] = _id;
                 catch { flag = true; break; }
         if (flag)
             if (classify > 0)
                 Response.Redirect("PurchaseList.aspx?Classify=" + classify.ToString());
         ViewState["ids"] = ids;
         Repeater2.DataSource = ids;
Exemple #15
    protected void bt_Confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            if (!Save())

            PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

            IList <PBM_DeliveryPayInfo> payinfos = _bll.GetPayInfoList();
            if (payinfos.Sum(p => p.Amount) != _bll.Model.ActAmount)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,收款信息的总金额与实际销售单金额不符,不可确认!");

            int confirmstaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
            if (_bll.Model.PrepareMode > 1 && _bll.Model.DeliveryMan > 0)
                confirmstaff = _bll.Model.DeliveryMan;

            int ret = _bll.Confirm(confirmstaff);
            switch (ret)
            case 0:
                Response.Redirect("SaleOutList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString() + "&PrepareMode=" + _bll.Model.PrepareMode.ToString());

            case -1:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 单据状态不可操作");

            case -2:
            case -3:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 未指定正确的仓库");

            case -10:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 库存数量不够出库");

                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! Ret=" + ret.ToString());
            Response.Redirect("SaleOutList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString() + "&PrepareMode=" + _bll.Model.PrepareMode.ToString());
    protected void bt_BatConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int success = 0;
        foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows)
            int id = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["PBM_Delivery_ID"];
            CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx");
                if (cbx != null && cbx.Checked)
                    PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(id);
                    if (_bll.Model == null) continue;
                    if (_bll.Model.State >= 4) continue;

                    IList<PBM_DeliveryPayInfo> payinfos = _bll.GetPayInfoList();
                    if (payinfos.Count == 0 && _bll.Model.ActAmount != 0)
                        #region 默认现金收款
                        PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL paybll = new PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL();
                        paybll.Model.DeliveryID = _bll.Model.ID;
                        paybll.Model.PayMode = 1;
                        paybll.Model.Amount = _bll.Model.ActAmount;
                        paybll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
                        paybll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
                    else if (payinfos.Sum(p => p.Amount) != _bll.Model.ActAmount)

                    int confirmstaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
                    if (_bll.Model.PrepareMode > 1 && _bll.Model.DeliveryMan > 0)
                        confirmstaff = _bll.Model.DeliveryMan;

                    if (_bll.Confirm(confirmstaff) == 0) success++;

        MessageBox.Show(this, "成功确认" + success.ToString() + "条发货单!");
        gv_Summary.PageIndex = 0;
        gv_List.PageIndex = 0;
Exemple #17
    protected void bt_Confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            if (!Save())

            PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

            IList <PBM_DeliveryPayInfo> payinfos = _bll.GetPayInfoList();
            if (payinfos.Sum(p => p.Amount) != _bll.Model.ActAmount)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,付款信息的总金额与实际采购单金额不符,不可确认!");

            int ret = _bll.Confirm((int)Session["UserID"]);
            switch (ret)
            case 0:
                Response.Redirect("PurchaseList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString());

            case -1:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 单据状态不可操作");

            case -2:
            case -3:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 未指定正确的仓库");

            case -10:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 库存数量不够出库");

                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! Ret=" + ret.ToString());
            Response.Redirect("PurchaseList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString());
    private void BindData()
        DataTable dt = PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetNeedDeliverySummary((DateTime)ViewState["PreArrivalDate_BeginDate"], (DateTime)ViewState["PreArrivalDate_EndDate"],
                                                              (int)Session["OwnerClient"], (int)ViewState["SupplierWareHouse"],
                                                              (int)ViewState["SalesMan"], (int)ViewState["DeliveryMan"]);

        #region 求合计行
        int     q_t = 0, q_p = 0;
        decimal w = 0, a = 0;
        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            q_t += (int)row["Quantity_T"];
            q_p += (int)row["Quantity_P"];
            a   += (decimal)row["Amount"];
            w   += (decimal)row["Weight"];

        DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
        dr["ProductName"] = "合计";
        dr["Quantity_T"]  = q_t;
        dr["Packagint_T"] = "件";
        dr["Quantity_P"]  = q_p;
        dr["Packagint_P"] = "散";
        dr["Amount"]      = a;
        dr["Weight"]      = w;


        ViewState["DataTable"] = dt;

        int totlaItem = dt.Rows.Count;
        int pageNum   = (totlaItem / PRINTPAGESIZE) + (totlaItem % PRINTPAGESIZE == 0 ? 0 : 1);

        ViewState["TotalPageCount"] = pageNum;

        int[] intTemp = new int[pageNum];
        for (int i = 0; i < pageNum; i++)
            intTemp[i] = i;

        Repeater1.DataSource = intTemp;
        private void FillModel(AC_ARAPList m)
            if (m == null)

            ID               = m.ID;
            TradeClient      = m.TradeClient;
            Type             = m.Type;
            Amount           = m.Amount;
            OpStaff          = m.OpStaff;
            RelateDeliveryId = m.RelateDeliveryId;
            BalanceFlag      = m.BalanceFlag;
            BalanceDate      = m.BalanceDate;
            CashFlowId       = m.CashFlowId;
            Remark           = m.Remark;
            InsertTime       = m.InsertTime;

            TypeName = m.Type == 1 ? "应收" : "应付";

            if (m.TradeClient > 0)
                CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(m.TradeClient).Model;
                if (c != null)
                    TradeClientName = c.FullName;

            if (m.OpStaff > 0)
                Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(m.OpStaff).Model;
                if (s != null)
                    OpStaffName = s.RealName;

            if (m.RelateDeliveryId > 0)
                PBM_Delivery d = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(m.RelateDeliveryId).Model;
                RelateDeliveryCode = d.SheetCode == "" ? d.ID.ToString() : d.SheetCode;
Exemple #20
    protected void Repeater2_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
            int[] ids = ViewState["ids"] as int[];
            ViewState["ID"] = ids[e.Item.ItemIndex];

            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
            if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0 || bll.Model == null)
            if (Session["OwnerType"] != null && (int)Session["OwnerType"] == 3 && bll.Model.Supplier != (int)Session["OwnerClient"])

            ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail> listDelivery = new ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["Details"] = listDelivery;

            int totlaItem = ((ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"]).GetListItem().Count;
            int pageNum   = (totlaItem / PRINTPAGESIZE) + (totlaItem % PRINTPAGESIZE == 0 ? 0 : 1);
            ViewState["TotalPageCount"] = pageNum;

            int[] intTemp = new int[pageNum];
            for (int i = 0; i < pageNum; i++)
                intTemp[i] = i;
            Repeater Repeater1 = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("Repeater1");
            if (intTemp.Count() > 0 && Repeater1 != null)
                Repeater1.DataSource = intTemp;
            Literal _c = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("lb_RepeaterNextPage2");
            if (e.Item.ItemIndex > 0 && _c != null)
                _c.Text = "<br/><div class='PageNext'></div><br/>";
    protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int warehouse = 0;

        int.TryParse(ddl_SupplierWareHouse.SelectedValue, out warehouse);

        if (warehouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择供货出库仓库!");

        int id = PBM_DeliveryBLL.AdjustInit(warehouse, (int)Session["UserID"]);

        if (id < 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "创建盘点单失败!RET=" + id.ToString());

        Response.Redirect("InventoryAdjustDetail.aspx?ID=" + id.ToString());
    protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int supplierwarehouse = 0, clientwarehouse = 0, salesman = 0;

        int.TryParse(ddl_SupplierWareHouse.SelectedValue, out supplierwarehouse);
        int.TryParse(ddl_ClientWareHouse.SelectedValue, out clientwarehouse);
        int.TryParse(ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue, out salesman);

        if (supplierwarehouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择调出仓库!");
        if (clientwarehouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择调入仓库!");

        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();

        bll.Model.Supplier          = (int)Session["OwnerClient"];
        bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse = supplierwarehouse;
        bll.Model.Client            = (int)Session["OwnerClient"];;
        bll.Model.ClientWareHouse   = clientwarehouse;
        bll.Model.Classify          = int.Parse(ddl_Classify.SelectedValue);
        bll.Model.SalesMan          = salesman;
        bll.Model.PrepareMode       = 1;
        bll.Model.InsertStaff       = (int)Session["UserID"];
        bll.Model.State             = 1;
        bll.Model.ApproveFlag       = 2;

        int id = bll.Add();

        Response.Redirect("TransferDetail.aspx?ID=" + id.ToString());

        //Response.Redirect("TransferDeail.aspx?Supplier=" + ddl_Supplier.SelectedValue +
        //    "&WareHouse=" + ddl_ClientWareHouse.SelectedValue + "&Salesman=" + ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue);
Exemple #23
    protected void bt_Adjust_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int warehouse = 0;

        int.TryParse(ddl_WareHouse.SelectedValue, out warehouse);

        string ids = "";

        foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows)
            long     id  = (long)gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"];
            CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx");
            if (cbx != null && cbx.Checked)
                ids += id.ToString() + ",";
        if (ids.EndsWith(","))
            ids = ids.Substring(0, ids.Length - 1);
        if (warehouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请指定要调整库存的仓库!");
        if (ids == "")
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请打勾选中要调整库存的产品!");

        int deliveryid = PBM_DeliveryBLL.AdjustInit(warehouse, (int)Session["UserID"], ids);

        if (deliveryid > 0)
            Response.Redirect("InventoryAdjustDetail.aspx?ID=" + deliveryid.ToString());
    protected void bt_Confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            if (!Save())

            PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

            int ret = _bll.Confirm((int)Session["UserID"]);
            switch (ret)
            case 0:

            case -1:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 单据状态不可操作");

            case -2:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 未指定正确的仓库");

            case -10:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 库存数量不够盘亏");

                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! Ret=" + ret.ToString());
Exemple #25
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if (bll.Model != null)

            ViewState["Client"]    = bll.Model.Client;
            ViewState["Supplier"]  = bll.Model.Supplier;
            ViewState["Details"]   = new ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["WareHouse"] = bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse;
            ViewState["State"]     = bll.Model.State;
            ViewState["Classify"]  = bll.Model.Classify;

            #region 界面控件可视状态
            if (bll.Model.State != 1 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag != 2)
                bt_OK.Visible        = false;
                tb_AddDetail.Visible = false;
                bt_Delete.Visible    = false;
                tr_AddDetail.Visible = false;

                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = false;
                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = false;

            if (!((bll.Model.State == 1 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 1) || (bll.Model.State == 3 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 3)))
                bt_Confirm.Visible = false;

            bt_Print.OnClientClick = "javascript:doprint(" + bll.Model.ID.ToString() + ");";
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
        if (bll.Model != null)

            ViewState["Client"] = bll.Model.Client;
            ViewState["Supplier"] = bll.Model.Supplier;
            ViewState["Details"] = new ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["WareHouse"] = bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse;
            ViewState["State"] = bll.Model.State;
            ViewState["Classify"] = bll.Model.Classify;

            #region 界面控件可视状态
            if (bll.Model.State != 1 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag != 2)
                bt_OK.Visible = false;
                tb_AddDetail.Visible = false;
                bt_Delete.Visible = false;
                tr_AddDetail.Visible = false;

                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = false;
                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = false;

            if (!((bll.Model.State == 1 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 1) || (bll.Model.State == 3 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 3)))
                bt_Confirm.Visible = false;

            bt_Print.OnClientClick = "javascript:doprint(" + bll.Model.ID.ToString() + ");";

 protected void bt_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
         PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
         Response.Redirect("TransferList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// 验证销售单,当在执行预售送货时,或在收款单变更了销售单明细时,需要调用此接口更新销售单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="User"></param>
        /// <param name="DeliveryInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="ErrorInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int SaleOut_Update(UserInfo User, Delivery DeliveryInfo, out string ErrorInfo)
            ErrorInfo = "";
            LogWriter.WriteLog("PBMIFService.SaleOut_Update:UserName="******",DeliveryInfo=" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DeliveryInfo));

            if (DeliveryInfo.ID == 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单不存在,请先新增销售单!"; return -1; }

            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(DeliveryInfo.ID);
            if (bll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "销售单不存在,请先新增销售单!"; return -1; }
            if (bll.Model.State > 3 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1) { ErrorInfo = "销售单状态不允许执行此操作!"; return -1; }

            if (bll.Model.Supplier == 0) bll.Model.Supplier = DeliveryInfo.Supplier;
            if (bll.Model.Client == 0) bll.Model.Client = DeliveryInfo.Client;

            if (DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle != 0 && DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse == 0)
                CM_Vehicle v = new CM_VehicleBLL(DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle).Model;
                if (v == null) { ErrorInfo = "送货车辆无效!"; return -1; }

                DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse = v.RelateWareHouse;

            if (DeliveryInfo.SalesMan == 0) DeliveryInfo.SalesMan = User.StaffID;

            #region 必填字段校验
            if (bll.Model.Supplier == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的供货客户!"; return -2; }
            if (User.OwnerType == 3 && bll.Model.Supplier != User.ClientID) { ErrorInfo = "无效的供货客户!"; return -2; }
            if (bll.Model.Client == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的购买客户!"; return -2; }

            if (DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的供货仓库!"; return -2; }
            if (DeliveryInfo.Items == null || DeliveryInfo.Items.Count == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无销售产品明细!"; return -10; }

            #region 保存销售单头信息
            bll.Model.SalesMan = DeliveryInfo.SalesMan;
            bll.Model.DeliveryVehicle = DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle;
            bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse = DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse;
            bll.Model.WipeAmount = DeliveryInfo.WipeAmount;

            bll.Model.WorkList = DeliveryInfo.WorkList;
            bll.Model.Remark = DeliveryInfo.Remark;

            #region 循环处理每个订单明细
            foreach (Delivery.DeliveryDetail item in DeliveryInfo.Items)
                if (item.Product == 0) continue;
                if (item.DeliveryQuantity <= 0 && item.SignInQuantity <= 0)
                    if (item.DetailID == 0)

                string lotnumber = item.LotNumber.Trim();

                int quantity = 0;
                if (bll.Model.State == 1)
                    quantity = item.DeliveryQuantity == 0 ? item.SignInQuantity : item.DeliveryQuantity;
                    quantity = item.SignInQuantity;

                string remark = item.Remark;

                PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(item.Product);
                if (productbll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "无效产品项,产品ID:" + item.Product; return -11; }
                PDT_ProductExtInfo extinfo = productbll.GetProductExtInfo(bll.Model.Supplier);
                if (productbll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "产品不在销售商的经营目录中," + productbll.Model.FullName; return -11; }

                if (bll.Model.Classify != 2)
                    int inv_quantity = INV_InventoryBLL.GetProductQuantity(bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse, item.Product, lotnumber);
                    if (quantity > inv_quantity)
                        ErrorInfo = "产品[" + productbll.Model.FullName + "]库存不足,当前库存:" + inv_quantity.ToString();
                        return -11;

                if (item.DetailID > 0)
                    PBM_DeliveryDetail d = bll.GetDetailModel(item.DetailID);

                    if (bll.Model.State == 1) d.DeliveryQuantity = quantity;
                    d.SignInQuantity = item.SignInQuantity;
                    d.LotNumber = lotnumber;
                    d.Remark = item.Remark;
                    #region 新增商品明细品项
                    PBM_DeliveryDetail d = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();

                    d.Product = item.Product;
                    d.LotNumber = lotnumber;
                    d.SalesMode = item.SalesMode == 0 ? 1 : item.SalesMode;     //默认为“销售”

                    d.Price = PDT_StandardPriceBLL.GetSalePrice(bll.Model.Client, bll.Model.Supplier, d.Product);
                    if (d.SalesMode == 1)
                        d.DiscountRate = (item.DiscountRate <= 0 || item.DiscountRate > 1) ? 1 : item.DiscountRate;
                        d.DiscountRate = 0;

                    d.ConvertFactor = productbll.Model.ConvertFactor == 0 ? 1 : productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
                    d.DeliveryQuantity = item.DeliveryQuantity;
                    d.SignInQuantity = d.DeliveryQuantity;
                    d.Remark = item.Remark;


            bll.Model.DiscountAmount = bll.Items.Sum(p => (1 - p.DiscountRate) *
                Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor);

            bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round((bll.Model.Classify == 2 ? -1 : 1) *
                bll.Items.Sum(p => p.DiscountRate * Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor)
                - bll.Model.WipeAmount, 2);

            int ret = bll.Update();
            if (ret < 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单保存失败!"; return ret; }

            return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// 确认销售并收款
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="User"></param>
        /// <param name="WipeAmount">优惠金额</param>
        /// <param name="DeliveryID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int SaleOut_Confirm(UserInfo User, int DeliveryID, decimal WipeAmount, List<Delivery.DeliveryPayInfo> PayInfoList, out string ErrorInfo)
            ErrorInfo = "";
            LogWriter.WriteLog("PBMIFService.SaleOut_Confirm:UserName="******",DeliveryID=" + DeliveryID.ToString() +
                ",PayInfoList=" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(PayInfoList));

            if (DeliveryID <= 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单ID无效"; return -1; }

            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(DeliveryID);
            if (bll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "销售单ID无效"; return -1; }
            if (bll.Model.State > 3) { ErrorInfo = "销售单状态无效"; return -1; }

            if (User.OwnerType == 3 && bll.Model.Supplier != User.ClientID) { ErrorInfo = "不可确认该销售单"; return -2; }

            bll.Model.WipeAmount = WipeAmount;
            bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round((bll.Model.Classify == 2 ? -1 : 1) *
                bll.Items.Sum(p => p.DiscountRate * Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor)
                - bll.Model.WipeAmount, 2);


            if (Math.Abs(PayInfoList.Sum(p => p.Amount) - bll.Model.ActAmount) >= 0.1m)
                ErrorInfo = "收款额与销售金额不符!";
                return -20;

            if (bll.Model.Classify == 1)
                decimal d = PayInfoList.Sum(p => p.PayMode == 11 ? p.Amount : 0);   //余额支付
                if (d > 0)
                    AC_CurrentAccount ac = AC_CurrentAccountBLL.GetByTradeClient(bll.Model.Supplier, bll.Model.Client);
                    if (ac == null || d > ac.PreReceivedAmount)
                        ErrorInfo = "预收款不够支付!当前预收款余额为:" + ac.PreReceivedAmount.ToString("0.##");
                        return -21;

            #region 写入收款明细
            if (bll.GetPayInfoList().Count > 0) bll.ClearPayInfo();

            foreach (Delivery.DeliveryPayInfo item in PayInfoList)
                PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL paybll = new PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL();
                paybll.Model.DeliveryID = DeliveryID;
                paybll.Model.PayMode = item.PayMode;
                paybll.Model.Amount = item.Amount;
                paybll.Model.Remark = item.Remark;
                paybll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
                paybll.Model.InsertStaff = User.StaffID;

            int ret = bll.Confirm(User.StaffID);

            if (ret < 0)
                switch (ret)
                    case -10:
                        ErrorInfo = "库存不足,确认失败!";
                    case -20:
                        ErrorInfo = "收款额与销售金额不符!";
                    case -21:
                        ErrorInfo = "预收款不够支付!";
                        ErrorInfo = "销售单确认失败!";
                return ret;

            return 0;
Exemple #30
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if (bll.Model != null)

            ViewState["Details"]   = new ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["WareHouse"] = bll.Model.ClientWareHouse;
            ViewState["State"]     = bll.Model.State;
            ViewState["Classify"]  = bll.Model.Classify;

            if ((int)ViewState["Classify"] == 12)
                rbl_ln.SelectedValue = "Y";
                rbl_ln.Items.FindByValue("N").Enabled = false;
                ddl_LotNumber.Visible = true;
                tbx_LotNumber.Visible = false;

            #region 绑定付款信息
            IList <PBM_DeliveryPayInfo> paylist = bll.GetPayInfoList();
            if (paylist.Count == 0)
                tbx_PayAmount1.Text = bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##");
                if (paylist.Sum(p => p.Amount) != bll.Model.ActAmount)
                    tbx_PayAmount1.Text = bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##");
                    if (paylist.Count > 0)
                        ddl_PayMode1.SelectedValue = paylist[0].PayMode.ToString();
                        tbx_PayAmount1.Text        = paylist[0].Amount.ToString("0.##");
                    if (paylist.Count > 1)
                        ddl_PayMode2.SelectedValue = paylist[1].PayMode.ToString();
                        tbx_PayAmount2.Text        = paylist[1].Amount.ToString("0.##");


            #region 界面控件可视状态
            if (bll.Model.State != 1 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag != 2)
                bt_OK.Visible        = false;
                tb_AddDetail.Visible = false;
                tr_AddDetail.Visible = false;
                bt_Delete.Visible    = false;

                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = false;
                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = false;

            if (!((bll.Model.State == 1 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 1) || (bll.Model.State == 3 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 3)))
                ddl_PayMode1.Enabled   = false;
                ddl_PayMode2.Enabled   = false;
                tbx_PayAmount1.Enabled = false;
                tbx_PayAmount2.Enabled = false;
                bt_Confirm.Visible     = false;


            bt_Print.OnClientClick = "javascript:doprint(" + bll.Model.ID.ToString() + ");";
    private bool Save()
        if (ViewState["Details"] == null)
        ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail> Details = (ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"];

        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);


        #region 判断必填项
        if (_bll.Model.Supplier == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择供货商!");

        if (_bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择盘点仓库!");

        #region 循环设置盘点调整数量
        foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows)
            int _id = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"];
            PBM_DeliveryDetail d = Details[_id.ToString()];

            if (d == null)
            int     quantity       = 0;
            TextBox tbx_Quantity_T = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_Quantity_T");
            TextBox tbx_Quantity_P = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_Quantity_P");

            if (tbx_Quantity_T != null)
                int.TryParse(tbx_Quantity_T.Text, out quantity);
                d.DeliveryQuantity = quantity * d.ConvertFactor;

            if (tbx_Quantity_P != null)
                int.TryParse(tbx_Quantity_P.Text, out quantity);
                d.DeliveryQuantity += quantity;

            DropDownList ddl_Mode = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("ddl_Mode");
            if (ddl_Mode != null && ddl_Mode.SelectedValue == "D")
                int inv_quantity = 0;
                int.TryParse(d["PreInventoryQuantity"], out inv_quantity);
                if (inv_quantity < d.DeliveryQuantity)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "盘亏数量不能大于当前库存!");

                d.DeliveryQuantity = -1 * d.DeliveryQuantity;
                d.SignInQuantity   = d.DeliveryQuantity;


        _bll.Model.DiscountAmount = 0;
        _bll.Model.WipeAmount     = 0;

        _bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round(Details.GetListItem().Sum(p => Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.DeliveryQuantity / p.ConvertFactor), 2);

        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];

            #region 保存明细
            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail d in Details.GetListItem(ItemState.Modified))

            if (_bll.Update() == 0)

Exemple #32
    protected void bt_AddDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0)
        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if (ViewState["Details"] == null)
        ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail> Details = (ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"];

        int product = 0;

        int.TryParse(select_Product.SelectValue, out product);
        //int.TryParse(RadComboBox1.SelectedValue, out product);
        if (product != 0)
            PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(product, true);
            if (productbll.Model == null)
            if (productbll.Model.ConvertFactor == 0)
                productbll.Model.ConvertFactor = 1;

            string   lotnumber   = "";
            int      quantity    = 0;
            decimal  price       = 0;
            DateTime producedate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

            int.TryParse(tbx_Quantity.Text, out quantity);
            decimal.TryParse(tbx_Price.Text, out price);
            DateTime.TryParse(tbx_ProductDate.Text, out producedate);
            if (producedate.Year < 1900)
                producedate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

            if (ddl_Unit.SelectedValue == "T")
                quantity = quantity * productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
                price    = price / productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;

            if (quantity == 0)
                //MessageBox.Show(this, "请选择采购数量!");

            lotnumber = rbl_ln.SelectedValue == "N" ? tbx_LotNumber.Text : ddl_LotNumber.SelectedValue;

            if (lotnumber == "" && producedate.Year > 1900)
                lotnumber = producedate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            if ((int)ViewState["Classify"] == 12)
                #region 判断库存数量是否够退货
                int inv_quantity = INV_InventoryBLL.GetProductQuantity((int)ViewState["WareHouse"], product, lotnumber);
                if (quantity > inv_quantity)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "库存不足,不可采购退货!");
            PBM_DeliveryDetail d = null;

            if (ViewState["SelectedDetail"] != null)
                d = (PBM_DeliveryDetail)ViewState["SelectedDetail"];
                d            = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();
                d.DeliveryID = (int)ViewState["ID"];

                if (Details.GetListItem().Count == 0)
                    d.ID = 1;
                    d.ID = Details.GetListItem().Max(p => p.ID) + 1;

            decimal discountrate = 100;
            decimal.TryParse(tbx_DiscountRate.Text, out discountrate);

            d.Product          = product;
            d.LotNumber        = lotnumber;
            d.ProductDate      = producedate.Year < 1900 ? new DateTime(1900, 1, 1) : producedate;
            d.CostPrice        = price;
            d.Price            = d.CostPrice;
            d.DiscountRate     = discountrate / 100; //默认100为全价
            d.ConvertFactor    = productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
            d.DeliveryQuantity = quantity;
            d.SignInQuantity   = d.DeliveryQuantity;
            d.LostQuantity     = 0;
            d.BadQuantity      = 0;
            d.SalesMode        = int.Parse(ddl_SalesMode.SelectedValue);
            if (d.SalesMode == 2)
                d.Price = 0;
            }                                           //赠送模式采购价自动设为0

            if (ViewState["SelectedDetail"] != null)
                ViewState["SelectedDetail"] = null;
                bt_AddDetail.Text           = "新 增";
                gv_List.SelectedIndex       = -1;
            tbx_LotNumber.Text = "";
            tbx_Quantity.Text  = "0";

    protected void bt_Confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            if (!Save()) return;

            PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

            IList<PBM_DeliveryPayInfo> payinfos = _bll.GetPayInfoList();
            if (payinfos.Sum(p => p.Amount) != _bll.Model.ActAmount)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,付款信息的总金额与实际采购单金额不符,不可确认!");

            int ret = _bll.Confirm((int)Session["UserID"]);
            switch (ret)
                case 0:
                    Response.Redirect("PurchaseList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString());
                case -1:
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 单据状态不可操作");
                case -2:
                case -3:
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 未指定正确的仓库");
                case -10:
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! 库存数量不够出库");

                    MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,单据确认失败! Ret=" + ret.ToString());
            Response.Redirect("PurchaseList.aspx?Classify=" + _bll.Model.Classify.ToString());
    protected void bt_AddDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0) return;
        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if (ViewState["Details"] == null) return;
        ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail> Details = (ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"];

        int product = 0;
        int.TryParse(select_Product.SelectValue, out product);
        //int.TryParse(RadComboBox1.SelectedValue, out product);
        if (product != 0)
            PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(product, true);
            if (productbll.Model == null) return;
            if (productbll.Model.ConvertFactor == 0)
                productbll.Model.ConvertFactor = 1;

            string lotnumber = "";
            int quantity = 0;
            decimal price = 0;
            DateTime producedate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

            int.TryParse(tbx_Quantity.Text, out quantity);
            decimal.TryParse(tbx_Price.Text, out price);
            DateTime.TryParse(tbx_ProductDate.Text, out producedate);
            if (producedate.Year < 1900) producedate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

            if (ddl_Unit.SelectedValue == "T")
                quantity = quantity * productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
                price = price / productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;

            if (quantity == 0)
                //MessageBox.Show(this, "请选择采购数量!");

            lotnumber = rbl_ln.SelectedValue == "N" ? tbx_LotNumber.Text : ddl_LotNumber.SelectedValue;

            if (lotnumber == "" && producedate.Year > 1900) lotnumber = producedate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            if ((int)ViewState["Classify"] == 12)
                #region 判断库存数量是否够退货
                int inv_quantity = INV_InventoryBLL.GetProductQuantity((int)ViewState["WareHouse"], product, lotnumber);
                if (quantity > inv_quantity)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "库存不足,不可采购退货!");
            PBM_DeliveryDetail d = null;

            if (ViewState["SelectedDetail"] != null)
                d = (PBM_DeliveryDetail)ViewState["SelectedDetail"];
                d = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();
                d.DeliveryID = (int)ViewState["ID"];

                if (Details.GetListItem().Count == 0)
                    d.ID = 1;
                    d.ID = Details.GetListItem().Max(p => p.ID) + 1;

            decimal discountrate = 100;
            decimal.TryParse(tbx_DiscountRate.Text, out discountrate);

            d.Product = product;
            d.LotNumber = lotnumber;
            d.ProductDate = producedate.Year < 1900 ? new DateTime(1900, 1, 1) : producedate;
            d.CostPrice = price;
            d.Price = d.CostPrice;
            d.DiscountRate = discountrate / 100;     //默认100为全价
            d.ConvertFactor = productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
            d.DeliveryQuantity = quantity;
            d.SignInQuantity = d.DeliveryQuantity;
            d.LostQuantity = 0;
            d.BadQuantity = 0;
            d.SalesMode = int.Parse(ddl_SalesMode.SelectedValue);
            if (d.SalesMode == 2) { d.Price = 0; }      //赠送模式采购价自动设为0

            if (ViewState["SelectedDetail"] != null)
                ViewState["SelectedDetail"] = null;
                bt_AddDetail.Text = "新 增";
                gv_List.SelectedIndex = -1;
            tbx_LotNumber.Text = "";
            tbx_Quantity.Text = "0";

        private void FillModel(AC_ARAPList m)
            if (m == null) return;

            ID = m.ID;
            TradeClient = m.TradeClient;
            Type = m.Type;
            Amount = m.Amount;
            OpStaff = m.OpStaff;
            RelateDeliveryId = m.RelateDeliveryId;
            BalanceFlag = m.BalanceFlag;
            BalanceDate = m.BalanceDate;
            CashFlowId = m.CashFlowId;
            Remark = m.Remark;
            InsertTime = m.InsertTime;

            TypeName = m.Type == 1 ? "应收" : "应付";

            if (m.TradeClient > 0)
                CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(m.TradeClient).Model;
                if (c != null) TradeClientName = c.FullName;

            if (m.OpStaff > 0)
                Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(m.OpStaff).Model;
                if (s != null) OpStaffName = s.RealName;

            if (m.RelateDeliveryId > 0)
                PBM_Delivery d = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(m.RelateDeliveryId).Model;
                RelateDeliveryCode = d.SheetCode == "" ? d.ID.ToString() : d.SheetCode;
        public void ImportSAPService()
            while (bIsRunning)
                    ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Z_SD_SD_SHService sd = new ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Z_SD_SD_SHService();

                    NetworkCredential c = new NetworkCredential();
                    c.UserName = ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("SAP_ZSD_User");
                    c.Password = ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("SAP_ZSD_Password");
                    sd.Credentials = c;

                    ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog[] results1 = new ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog[1024];
                    ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog[] results2 = new ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog[1024];
                    sd.ZSdSdSh("1", "5200", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref results1);
                    sd.ZSdSdSh("2", "5200", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref results1);
                    sd.ZSdSdSh("1", "5200", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref results1);
                    sd.ZSdSdSh("2", "5200", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref results2);

                    List<ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog> results = new List<ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog>();
                    SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "获取到" + results.Count().ToString() + "条发货数量!");

                    if (results.Count() == 0) { Thread.Sleep(3600 * 1000); continue; }

                    PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();
                    decimal totalamount = 0;
                    foreach (ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog item in results.OrderBy(p => p.Vgbel))
                        if (item.Vgbel != bll.Model.SheetCode)
                            #region 更新发货单
                            if (bll.Model.SheetCode != "" && bll.Items.Count > 0)
                                bll.Model.DiscountAmount = bll.Items.Sum(p => (1 - p.DiscountRate) *
                                    Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.DeliveryQuantity / p.ConvertFactor);

                                decimal actamount = Math.Round(bll.Items.Sum(p => p.DiscountRate * Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor), 2);

                                bll.Model.WipeAmount = actamount - totalamount;

                                bll.Model.ActAmount = (bll.Model.Classify == 12 ? -1 : 1) * (actamount - bll.Model.WipeAmount);

                                int ret = bll.Add();
                                if (ret > 0)
                                    SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",正在提交,总金额" + bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##") + "!");
                                    SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",提交失败!Ret=" + ret.ToString());

                                bll = null;
                                totalamount = 0;

                            #region 新增采购单据

                            if (PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetModelList("SheetCode='" + item.Vgbel + "' AND Supplier=1000 AND Classify IN (11,12)").Count > 0)
                                SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",之前已存在!");

                            bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();
                            bll.Model.Classify = 11;

                            #region 判断TDP编码Kunage
                            string tdpcode = item.Kunag.Substring(3);
                            IList<CM_ClientManufactInfo> _clients = CM_ClientManufactInfoBLL.GetModelList("Code='" + tdpcode + "' AND Manufacturer=1000 AND State = 1");
                            if (_clients.Count == 0)
                                SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "门店编码无效,单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",客户编号:" + tdpcode);

                            bll.Model.SheetCode = item.Vgbel;
                            bll.Model.Supplier = 1000;
                            bll.Model.Client = _clients[0].Client;

                            #region 获取经销商主仓库
                            IList<CM_WareHouse> _warehouses = CM_WareHouseBLL.GetEnbaledByClient(bll.Model.Client).Where(p => p.Classify == 1).OrderBy(p => p.ID).ToList();
                            if (_warehouses.Count == 0)
                                SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "未找到客户主仓库,单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",客户编号:" + tdpcode);

                            bll.Model.ClientWareHouse = _warehouses[0].ID;
                            bll.Model.PrepareMode = 1;
                            bll.Model.State = 1;        //默认制单状态
                            bll.Model.WipeAmount = 0;
                            bll.Model.Remark = "SAP导入";
                            bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
                            bll.Model.InsertStaff = 1;
                            DateTime _prearrivaldate = DateTime.Today;
                            DateTime.TryParse(item.WadatIst, out _prearrivaldate);
                            bll.Model.PreArrivalDate = _prearrivaldate;

                        #region 新增商品明细
                        string productcode = item.Matnr.Substring(item.Matnr.Length - 6);
                        IList<PDT_Product> _products = PDT_ProductBLL.GetModelList("FactoryCode='" + productcode + "' AND State=1");
                        if (_products.Count == 0)
                            SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "商品编码无效,单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",商品编号:" + productcode);
                        int productid = _products[0].ID;
                        PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(productid);

                        PBM_DeliveryDetail d = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();
                        d.Product = productid;
                        d.ConvertFactor = _products[0].ConvertFactor == 0 ? 1 : _products[0].ConvertFactor;
                        d.SalesMode = 1;
                        d.DeliveryQuantity = (int)Math.Round(item.Fkimg * d.ConvertFactor, 0);

                        if (d.DeliveryQuantity < 0)
                            bll.Model.Classify = 12;        //采购退库单
                            d.DeliveryQuantity = 0 - d.DeliveryQuantity;

                        d.SignInQuantity = d.DeliveryQuantity;
                        d.CostPrice = Math.Round(item.Kzwi / d.DeliveryQuantity, 4);
                        d.Price = d.CostPrice;
                        d.DiscountRate = Math.Round(item.Kzwi5 / item.Kzwi, 4);
                        d.LotNumber = item.Charg;
                        totalamount += item.Kzwi5;

                        DateTime _productdate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                        DateTime.TryParse(item.Hsdat, out _productdate);

                        if (_productdate.Year < 1900) _productdate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                        d.ProductDate = _productdate;
                        d.Remark = item.Fkart;


                        #region 判断是否在默认价表中
                        PDT_ProductExtInfo extinfo = productbll.GetProductExtInfo(bll.Model.Client);
                        if (extinfo == null)
                            extinfo = new PDT_ProductExtInfo();
                            extinfo.Supplier = bll.Model.Client;
                            extinfo.Product = productid;
                            extinfo.Category = productbll.Model.Category;
                            extinfo.Code = productbll.Model.FactoryCode;
                            extinfo.SalesState = 1;
                            extinfo.BuyPrice = d.Price;
                            extinfo.SalesPrice = d.Price;
                            new PDT_ProductBLL(productid).SetProductExtInfo(extinfo);

                    #region 更新发货单
                    if (bll.Model.SheetCode != "" && bll.Items.Count > 0)
                        bll.Model.DiscountAmount = bll.Items.Sum(p => (1 - p.DiscountRate) *
                            Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.DeliveryQuantity / p.ConvertFactor);

                        bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round((bll.Model.Classify == 12 ? -1 : 1) *
            bll.Items.Sum(p => p.DiscountRate * Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor)
            - bll.Model.WipeAmount, 2);

                        int ret = bll.Add();
                        if (ret > 0)
                            SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + bll.Model.SheetCode + ",提交成功,总金额" + bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##") + "!");
                            SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + bll.Model.SheetCode + ",提交失败!Ret=" + ret.ToString());

                    Thread.Sleep(3600 * 1000);
                catch (ThreadAbortException e)
                    this.SendMessage("ImportSAPService.ThreadAbortException", e.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.SendMessage("ImportSAPService.Exception", ex.Message);
    private bool Save()
        if (ViewState["Details"] == null) return false;
        ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail> Details = (ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"];

        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);


        #region 判断必填项
        if (_bll.Model.Supplier == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择供货商!");
            return false;

        if (_bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择盘点仓库!");
            return false;

        #region 循环设置盘点调整数量
        foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows)
            int _id = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"];
            PBM_DeliveryDetail d = Details[_id.ToString()];

            if (d == null) continue;
            int quantity = 0;
            TextBox tbx_Quantity_T = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_Quantity_T");
            TextBox tbx_Quantity_P = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_Quantity_P");

            if (tbx_Quantity_T != null)
                int.TryParse(tbx_Quantity_T.Text, out quantity);
                d.DeliveryQuantity = quantity * d.ConvertFactor;

            if (tbx_Quantity_P != null)
                int.TryParse(tbx_Quantity_P.Text, out quantity);
                d.DeliveryQuantity += quantity;

            DropDownList ddl_Mode = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("ddl_Mode");
            if (ddl_Mode != null && ddl_Mode.SelectedValue == "D")
                int inv_quantity = 0;
                int.TryParse(d["PreInventoryQuantity"], out inv_quantity);
                if (inv_quantity < d.DeliveryQuantity)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "盘亏数量不能大于当前库存!");
                    return false;

                d.DeliveryQuantity = -1 * d.DeliveryQuantity;
                d.SignInQuantity = d.DeliveryQuantity;


        _bll.Model.DiscountAmount = 0;
        _bll.Model.WipeAmount = 0;

        _bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round(Details.GetListItem().Sum(p => Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.DeliveryQuantity / p.ConvertFactor), 2);

        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];

            #region 保存明细
            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail d in Details.GetListItem(ItemState.Modified))

            if (_bll.Update() == 0)
                return true;

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// 保存付款信息
    /// </summary>
    private void SavePayInfo()
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

            decimal amount = 0;
            if (decimal.TryParse(tbx_PayAmount1.Text, out amount) && amount != 0)
                PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL paybll = new PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL();
                paybll.Model.DeliveryID = _bll.Model.ID;
                paybll.Model.PayMode = int.Parse(ddl_PayMode1.SelectedValue);
                paybll.Model.Amount = amount;
                paybll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
                paybll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
            if (decimal.TryParse(tbx_PayAmount2.Text, out amount) && amount != 0)
                PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL paybll = new PBM_DeliveryPayInfoBLL();
                paybll.Model.DeliveryID = _bll.Model.ID;
                paybll.Model.PayMode = int.Parse(ddl_PayMode2.SelectedValue);
                paybll.Model.Amount = amount;
                paybll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
                paybll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
        private void FillModel(AC_CashFlowList m)
            if (m == null) return;

            ID = m.ID;
            TradeClient = m.TradeClient;
            PayDate = m.PayDate;
            AgentStaff = m.AgentStaff;
            PayMode = m.PayMode;
            PayClassify = m.PayClassify;
            Amount = m.Amount;
            RelateDeliveryId = m.RelateDeliveryId;
            ConfirmState = m.ConfirmState;
            RelateOrderId = m.RelateOrderId;
            WorkList = m.WorkList;
            Remark = m.Remark;

            if (m.TradeClient > 0)
                CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(m.TradeClient).Model;
                if (c != null) TradeClientName = c.FullName;

            if (m.AgentStaff > 0)
                Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(m.AgentStaff).Model;
                if (s != null) AgentStaffName = s.RealName;

            if (m.RelateDeliveryId > 0)
                PBM_Delivery d = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(m.RelateDeliveryId).Model;
                RelateDeliveryCode = d.SheetCode == "" ? d.ID.ToString() : d.SheetCode;

            if (m.RelateDeliveryId > 0)
                PBM_Delivery d = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(m.RelateDeliveryId).Model;
                RelateDeliveryCode = d.SheetCode == "" ? d.ID.ToString() : d.SheetCode;

            if (m.PayMode > 0)
                Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_AC_PayMode")[m.PayMode.ToString()];
                if (dic != null) PayModeName = dic.Name;
            if (m.PayClassify > 0)
                Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_AC_PayClassify")[m.PayClassify.ToString()];
                if (dic != null) PayClassifyName = dic.Name;
            if (m.ConfirmState > 0)
                Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_AC_BillConfirmState")[m.ConfirmState.ToString()];
                if (dic != null) ConfirmStateName = dic.Name;
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
        if (bll.Model != null)

            ViewState["Client"] = bll.Model.Client;
            ViewState["Supplier"] = bll.Model.Supplier;
            ViewState["Details"] = new ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["WareHouse"] = bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse;
            ViewState["State"] = bll.Model.State;
            ViewState["Classify"] = bll.Model.Classify;

            #region 绑定收款信息
            IList<PBM_DeliveryPayInfo> paylist = bll.GetPayInfoList();
            if (paylist.Count == 0)
                if (bll.Model.State != 9) tbx_PayAmount1.Text = bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##");
                if (paylist.Sum(p => p.Amount) != bll.Model.ActAmount)
                    if (bll.Model.State != 9) tbx_PayAmount1.Text = bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##");
                    if (paylist.Count > 0)
                        ddl_PayMode1.SelectedValue = paylist[0].PayMode.ToString();
                        tbx_PayAmount1.Text = paylist[0].Amount.ToString("0.##");
                    if (paylist.Count > 1)
                        ddl_PayMode2.SelectedValue = paylist[1].PayMode.ToString();
                        tbx_PayAmount2.Text = paylist[1].Amount.ToString("0.##");


            #region 界面控件可视状态
            if (bll.Model.State >= 4 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1)
                bt_OK.Visible = false;
                tb_AddDetail.Visible = false;

                tr_AddDetail.Visible = false;

                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = false;
                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = false;

            if (bll.Model.State >= 4)
                bt_Cancel.Visible = false;

            if (bll.Model.State != 1) bt_Delete.Visible = false;
            if (bll.Model.State == 9) bt_Print.Visible = false;

            if (!((bll.Model.State == 1 && (bll.Model.PrepareMode == 1 || bll.Model.PrepareMode == 2))
                || ((bll.Model.State == 2 || bll.Model.State == 3) && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 3)))
                ddl_PayMode1.Enabled = false;
                ddl_PayMode2.Enabled = false;
                tbx_PayAmount1.Enabled = false;
                tbx_PayAmount2.Enabled = false;

                bt_Confirm.Visible = false;

            if (bll.Model.PrepareMode != 1)
                bt_Confirm.Text = "确认销售";

            bt_Print.OnClientClick = "javascript:doprint(" + bll.Model.ID.ToString() + ");";
        /// <summary>
        /// 取消销售单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="User"></param>
        /// <param name="DeliveryID"></param>
        /// <param name="CancelReason"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int Delivery_Cancel(UserInfo User, int DeliveryID, string CancelReason, out string ErrorInfo)
            ErrorInfo = "";
            LogWriter.WriteLog("PBMIFService.Declivery_Cancel:UserName="******",DeliveryID=" + DeliveryID.ToString() +
                ",CancelReason=" + CancelReason);

            if (DeliveryID <= 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单ID无效"; return -1; }

            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(DeliveryID);
            if (bll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "销售单ID无效"; return -1; }
            if (bll.Model.State > 3) { ErrorInfo = "销售单状态无效"; return -1; }

            if (User.OwnerType == 3 && bll.Model.Supplier != User.ClientID) { ErrorInfo = "不可取消该销售单"; return -2; }

            int ret = bll.Cancel(User.StaffID, CancelReason);
            if (ret < 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单取消失败!"; return -1; }

            return 0;
        public void ImportSAPService()
            while (bIsRunning)
                    ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Z_SD_SD_SHService sd = new ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Z_SD_SD_SHService();

                    NetworkCredential c = new NetworkCredential();
                    c.UserName     = ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("SAP_ZSD_User");
                    c.Password     = ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("SAP_ZSD_Password");
                    sd.Credentials = c;

                    ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog[] results1 = new ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog[1024];
                    ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog[] results2 = new ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog[1024];
                    sd.ZSdSdSh("1", "5200", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref results1);
                    sd.ZSdSdSh("2", "5200", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref results1);
                    sd.ZSdSdSh("1", "5200", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref results1);
                    sd.ZSdSdSh("2", "5200", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ref results2);

                    List <ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog> results = new List <ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog>();
                    SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "获取到" + results.Count().ToString() + "条发货数量!");

                    if (results.Count() == 0)
                        Thread.Sleep(3600 * 1000); continue;

                    PBM_DeliveryBLL bll         = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();
                    decimal         totalamount = 0;
                    foreach (ImportExcelTDP.SAP_ZSD.Ztdplog item in results.OrderBy(p => p.Vgbel))
                        if (item.Vgbel != bll.Model.SheetCode)
                            #region 更新发货单
                            if (bll.Model.SheetCode != "" && bll.Items.Count > 0)
                                bll.Model.DiscountAmount = bll.Items.Sum(p => (1 - p.DiscountRate) *
                                                                         Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.DeliveryQuantity / p.ConvertFactor);

                                decimal actamount = Math.Round(bll.Items.Sum(p => p.DiscountRate * Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor), 2);

                                bll.Model.WipeAmount = actamount - totalamount;

                                bll.Model.ActAmount = (bll.Model.Classify == 12 ? -1 : 1) * (actamount - bll.Model.WipeAmount);

                                int ret = bll.Add();
                                if (ret > 0)
                                    SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",正在提交,总金额" + bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##") + "!");
                                    SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",提交失败!Ret=" + ret.ToString());

                                bll         = null;
                                totalamount = 0;

                            #region 新增采购单据

                            if (PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetModelList("SheetCode='" + item.Vgbel + "' AND Supplier=1000 AND Classify IN (11,12)").Count > 0)
                                SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",之前已存在!");

                            bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();
                            bll.Model.Classify = 11;

                            #region 判断TDP编码Kunage
                            string tdpcode = item.Kunag.Substring(3);
                            IList <CM_ClientManufactInfo> _clients = CM_ClientManufactInfoBLL.GetModelList("Code='" + tdpcode + "' AND Manufacturer=1000 AND State = 1");
                            if (_clients.Count == 0)
                                SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "门店编码无效,单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",客户编号:" + tdpcode);

                            bll.Model.SheetCode = item.Vgbel;
                            bll.Model.Supplier  = 1000;
                            bll.Model.Client    = _clients[0].Client;

                            #region 获取经销商主仓库
                            IList <CM_WareHouse> _warehouses = CM_WareHouseBLL.GetEnbaledByClient(bll.Model.Client).Where(p => p.Classify == 1).OrderBy(p => p.ID).ToList();
                            if (_warehouses.Count == 0)
                                SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "未找到客户主仓库,单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",客户编号:" + tdpcode);

                            bll.Model.ClientWareHouse = _warehouses[0].ID;
                            bll.Model.PrepareMode     = 1;
                            bll.Model.State           = 1; //默认制单状态
                            bll.Model.WipeAmount      = 0;
                            bll.Model.Remark          = "SAP导入";
                            bll.Model.ApproveFlag     = 2;
                            bll.Model.InsertStaff     = 1;
                            DateTime _prearrivaldate = DateTime.Today;
                            DateTime.TryParse(item.WadatIst, out _prearrivaldate);
                            bll.Model.PreArrivalDate = _prearrivaldate;

                        #region 新增商品明细
                        string productcode            = item.Matnr.Substring(item.Matnr.Length - 6);
                        IList <PDT_Product> _products = PDT_ProductBLL.GetModelList("FactoryCode='" + productcode + "' AND State=1");
                        if (_products.Count == 0)
                            SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "商品编码无效,单据号" + item.Vgbel + ",商品编号:" + productcode);
                        int            productid  = _products[0].ID;
                        PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(productid);

                        PBM_DeliveryDetail d = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();
                        d.Product          = productid;
                        d.ConvertFactor    = _products[0].ConvertFactor == 0 ? 1 : _products[0].ConvertFactor;
                        d.SalesMode        = 1;
                        d.DeliveryQuantity = (int)Math.Round(item.Fkimg * d.ConvertFactor, 0);

                        if (d.DeliveryQuantity < 0)
                            bll.Model.Classify = 12;        //采购退库单
                            d.DeliveryQuantity = 0 - d.DeliveryQuantity;

                        d.SignInQuantity = d.DeliveryQuantity;
                        d.CostPrice      = Math.Round(item.Kzwi / d.DeliveryQuantity, 4);
                        d.Price          = d.CostPrice;
                        d.DiscountRate   = Math.Round(item.Kzwi5 / item.Kzwi, 4);
                        d.LotNumber      = item.Charg;
                        totalamount     += item.Kzwi5;

                        DateTime _productdate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                        DateTime.TryParse(item.Hsdat, out _productdate);

                        if (_productdate.Year < 1900)
                            _productdate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                        d.ProductDate = _productdate;
                        d.Remark      = item.Fkart;


                        #region 判断是否在默认价表中
                        PDT_ProductExtInfo extinfo = productbll.GetProductExtInfo(bll.Model.Client);
                        if (extinfo == null)
                            extinfo            = new PDT_ProductExtInfo();
                            extinfo.Supplier   = bll.Model.Client;
                            extinfo.Product    = productid;
                            extinfo.Category   = productbll.Model.Category;
                            extinfo.Code       = productbll.Model.FactoryCode;
                            extinfo.SalesState = 1;
                            extinfo.BuyPrice   = d.Price;
                            extinfo.SalesPrice = d.Price;
                            new PDT_ProductBLL(productid).SetProductExtInfo(extinfo);

                    #region 更新发货单
                    if (bll.Model.SheetCode != "" && bll.Items.Count > 0)
                        bll.Model.DiscountAmount = bll.Items.Sum(p => (1 - p.DiscountRate) *
                                                                 Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.DeliveryQuantity / p.ConvertFactor);

                        bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round((bll.Model.Classify == 12 ? -1 : 1) *
                                                         bll.Items.Sum(p => p.DiscountRate * Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor)
                                                         - bll.Model.WipeAmount, 2);

                        int ret = bll.Add();
                        if (ret > 0)
                            SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + bll.Model.SheetCode + ",提交成功,总金额" + bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##") + "!");
                            SendMessage("ImportSAPService", "单据号" + bll.Model.SheetCode + ",提交失败!Ret=" + ret.ToString());

                    Thread.Sleep(3600 * 1000);
                catch (ThreadAbortException e)
                    this.SendMessage("ImportSAPService.ThreadAbortException", e.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.SendMessage("ImportSAPService.Exception", ex.Message);
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
        if (bll.Model != null)

            ViewState["Details"] = new ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["WareHouse"] = bll.Model.ClientWareHouse;
            ViewState["State"] = bll.Model.State;
            ViewState["Classify"] = bll.Model.Classify;

            if ((int)ViewState["Classify"] == 12)
                rbl_ln.SelectedValue = "Y";
                rbl_ln.Items.FindByValue("N").Enabled = false;
                ddl_LotNumber.Visible = true;
                tbx_LotNumber.Visible = false;

            #region 绑定付款信息
            IList<PBM_DeliveryPayInfo> paylist = bll.GetPayInfoList();
            if (paylist.Count == 0)
                tbx_PayAmount1.Text = bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##");
                if (paylist.Sum(p => p.Amount) != bll.Model.ActAmount)
                    tbx_PayAmount1.Text = bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##");
                    if (paylist.Count > 0)
                        ddl_PayMode1.SelectedValue = paylist[0].PayMode.ToString();
                        tbx_PayAmount1.Text = paylist[0].Amount.ToString("0.##");
                    if (paylist.Count > 1)
                        ddl_PayMode2.SelectedValue = paylist[1].PayMode.ToString();
                        tbx_PayAmount2.Text = paylist[1].Amount.ToString("0.##");



            #region 界面控件可视状态
            if (bll.Model.State != 1 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag != 2)
                bt_OK.Visible = false;
                tb_AddDetail.Visible = false;
                tr_AddDetail.Visible = false;
                bt_Delete.Visible = false;

                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = false;
                gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = false;

            if (!((bll.Model.State == 1 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 1) || (bll.Model.State == 3 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 3)))
                ddl_PayMode1.Enabled = false;
                ddl_PayMode2.Enabled = false;
                tbx_PayAmount1.Enabled = false;
                tbx_PayAmount2.Enabled = false;
                bt_Confirm.Visible = false;


            bt_Print.OnClientClick = "javascript:doprint(" + bll.Model.ID.ToString() + ");";
Exemple #44
    protected void Repeater1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if (bll.Model == null)

        Literal _c = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("lb_RepeaterNextPage");

        if (e.Item.ItemIndex > 0 && _c != null)
            _c.Text = "<br/><div class='PageNext'></div><br/>";

        Literal lbTitle = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("lbTitle");//打印单标题

        if (lbTitle != null)
            MCSFramework.Model.Dictionary_Data dicClassify = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryClassify", true).FirstOrDefault(m => m.Key == bll.Model.Classify.ToString()).Value;
            lbTitle.Text = string.Format("{0} - {1}", new CM_ClientBLL(bll.Model.Supplier).Model.FullName, dicClassify);
        Label lbSheetCode = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbSheetCode");

        if (lbSheetCode != null)
            lbSheetCode.Text = bll.Model.SheetCode;
        Label lbDeliveryTime = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbDeliveryTime");

        if (lbDeliveryTime != null)
            lbDeliveryTime.Text = bll.Model.InsertTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        Label        lbSalesMan = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbSalesMan");
        Org_StaffBLL _bllStaff  = new Org_StaffBLL(bll.Model.SalesMan);

        if (lbSalesMan != null && bll.Model.SalesMan > 0)
            lbSalesMan.Text = _bllStaff.Model.RealName + "(" + _bllStaff.Model.Mobile + ")";
        Label lbSupplierWareHouse = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbSupplierWareHouse");

        if (lbSupplierWareHouse != null && bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse > 0)
            lbSupplierWareHouse.Text = new CM_WareHouseBLL(bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse).Model.Name;
        Label lbClient = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbClient");

        if (lbClient != null && bll.Model.Client > 0)
            CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(bll.Model.Client).Model;
            if (c != null)
                lbClient.Text = c.FullName + " (" + c.LinkManName + ":" + c.Mobile + ")";

        if (e.Item.ItemIndex == (int)ViewState["TotalPageCount"] - 1)
            Label lbTotalCostCN = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbTotalCostCN");
            if (lbTotalCostCN != null)
                lbTotalCostCN.Text = MCSFramework.Common.Rmb.CmycurD(bll.Model.ActAmount);
            Label lbTotalCost = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbTotalCost");
            if (lbTotalCost != null)
                lbTotalCost.Text = bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##元");

            Label lbWipeAmount = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbWipeAmount");
            if (lbWipeAmount != null)
                lbWipeAmount.Text = bll.Model.WipeAmount.ToString("0.##元");

            Label lbDiscountAmount = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbDiscountAmount");
            if (lbDiscountAmount != null)
                lbDiscountAmount.Text = bll.Model.DiscountAmount.ToString("0.##元");

            Label lbTotalCount = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbTotalCount");
            if (lbTotalCount != null)
                int t, p;
                GetTotoalCount(out t, out p);
                lbTotalCount.Text = t.ToString() + "件";
                if (p != 0)
                    lbTotalCount.Text += p.ToString() + "散";
            e.Item.FindControl("tr_TotalInfo").Visible = false;

        Label lb_PageInfo = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lb_PageInfo");

        if (lb_PageInfo != null)
            lb_PageInfo.Text = string.Format("第{0}页,共{1}页", e.Item.ItemIndex + 1, (int)ViewState["TotalPageCount"]);

        IList <PBM_DeliveryDetail> listD = null;

        if (ViewState["Details"] != null)
            IList <PBM_DeliveryDetail> listDelivery = ((ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"]).GetListItem();
            listD = GetListNow(e.Item.ItemIndex, listDelivery);
        GridView gv_List = (GridView)e.Item.FindControl("gv_List");

        if (gv_List != null)
            gv_List.DataSource = listD;
        private void FillModel(int DeliveryID)
            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(DeliveryID);
            if (bll.Model == null) { ID = -1; return; }

            PBM_Delivery m = bll.Model;
            ID = m.ID;
            SheetCode = m.SheetCode;
            Supplier = m.Supplier;
            SupplierWareHouse = m.SupplierWareHouse;
            ClientWareHouse = m.ClientWareHouse;
            Client = m.Client;
            SalesMan = m.SalesMan;
            DeliveryMan = m.DeliveryMan;
            Classify = m.Classify;
            PrepareMode = m.PrepareMode;
            State = m.State;
            StandardPrice = m.StandardPrice;
            OrderID = m.OrderId;
            DiscountAmount = m.DiscountAmount;
            WipeAmount = m.WipeAmount;
            ActAmount = m.ActAmount;
            DeliveryVehicle = m.DeliveryVehicle;
            PreArrivalDate = m.PreArrivalDate;
            LoadingTime = m.LoadingTime;
            DepartTime = m.DepartTime;
            ActArriveTime = m.ActArriveTime;
            InsertTime = m.InsertTime;

            WorkList = m.WorkList;
            ApproveFlag = m.ApproveFlag;

            Remark = m.Remark;

            Items = new List<DeliveryDetail>();
            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail item in bll.Items)
                Items.Add(new DeliveryDetail(item));

            PayInfos = new List<DeliveryPayInfo>();
            foreach (PBM_DeliveryPayInfo item in bll.GetPayInfoList())
                PayInfos.Add(new DeliveryPayInfo(item));

            #region 获取各字段ID对应的名称
            if (Supplier > 0)
                CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(Supplier).Model;
                if (c != null) SupplierName = c.FullName;
            if (Client > 0)
                CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(Client).Model;
                if (c != null)
                    ClientName = c.FullName;
                    ClientAddress = c.DeliveryAddress == "" ? c.Address : c.DeliveryAddress;
                    ClientLinkMan = c.LinkManName;
                    ClientTeleNum = c.Mobile == "" ? c.TeleNum : c.Mobile;
            if (SupplierWareHouse > 0)
                CM_WareHouse w = new CM_WareHouseBLL(SupplierWareHouse).Model;
                if (w != null) SupplierWareHouseName = w.Name;
            if (ClientWareHouse > 0)
                CM_WareHouse w = new CM_WareHouseBLL(ClientWareHouse).Model;
                if (w != null) ClientWareHouseName = w.Name;
            if (SalesMan > 0)
                Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(SalesMan).Model;
                if (s != null) SalesManName = s.RealName;
            if (DeliveryMan > 0)
                Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(DeliveryMan).Model;
                if (s != null) DeliveryManName = s.RealName;
            if (StandardPrice > 0)
                PDT_StandardPrice s = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(StandardPrice).Model;
                if (s != null) StandardPriceName = s.Name;
            if (DeliveryVehicle > 0)
                CM_Vehicle v = new CM_VehicleBLL(DeliveryVehicle).Model;
                if (v != null) DeliveryVehicleName = v.VehicleNo;

            #region 获取字典表名称
                if (m.Classify > 0)
                    Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryClassify")[m.Classify.ToString()];
                    if (dic != null) ClassifyName = dic.Name;
                if (m.PrepareMode > 0)
                    Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryPrepareMode")[m.PrepareMode.ToString()];
                    if (dic != null) PrepareModeName = dic.Name;
                if (m.State > 0)
                    Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryState")[m.State.ToString()];
                    if (dic != null) StateName = dic.Name;
            catch (System.Exception err)
                LogWriter.WriteLog("MCSFramework.WSI.Delivery", err);
Exemple #46
        private void FillModel(AC_CashFlowList m)
            if (m == null)

            ID               = m.ID;
            TradeClient      = m.TradeClient;
            PayDate          = m.PayDate;
            AgentStaff       = m.AgentStaff;
            PayMode          = m.PayMode;
            PayClassify      = m.PayClassify;
            Amount           = m.Amount;
            RelateDeliveryId = m.RelateDeliveryId;
            ConfirmState     = m.ConfirmState;
            RelateOrderId    = m.RelateOrderId;
            WorkList         = m.WorkList;
            Remark           = m.Remark;

            if (m.TradeClient > 0)
                CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(m.TradeClient).Model;
                if (c != null)
                    TradeClientName = c.FullName;

            if (m.AgentStaff > 0)
                Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(m.AgentStaff).Model;
                if (s != null)
                    AgentStaffName = s.RealName;

            if (m.RelateDeliveryId > 0)
                PBM_Delivery d = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(m.RelateDeliveryId).Model;
                RelateDeliveryCode = d.SheetCode == "" ? d.ID.ToString() : d.SheetCode;

            if (m.RelateDeliveryId > 0)
                PBM_Delivery d = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(m.RelateDeliveryId).Model;
                RelateDeliveryCode = d.SheetCode == "" ? d.ID.ToString() : d.SheetCode;

            if (m.PayMode > 0)
                Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_AC_PayMode")[m.PayMode.ToString()];
                if (dic != null)
                    PayModeName = dic.Name;
            if (m.PayClassify > 0)
                Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_AC_PayClassify")[m.PayClassify.ToString()];
                if (dic != null)
                    PayClassifyName = dic.Name;
            if (m.ConfirmState > 0)
                Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_AC_BillConfirmState")[m.ConfirmState.ToString()];
                if (dic != null)
                    ConfirmStateName = dic.Name;
    protected void Repeater1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
        if (bll.Model == null) return;

        Literal _c = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("lb_RepeaterNextPage");
        if (e.Item.ItemIndex > 0 && _c != null) _c.Text = "<br/><div class='PageNext'></div><br/>";

        Literal lbTitle = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("lbTitle");//打印单标题
        if (lbTitle != null)
            MCSFramework.Model.Dictionary_Data dicClassify = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryClassify", true).FirstOrDefault(m => m.Key == bll.Model.Classify.ToString()).Value;
            lbTitle.Text = string.Format("{0} - {1}", new CM_ClientBLL(bll.Model.Supplier).Model.FullName, dicClassify);
        Label lbSheetCode = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbSheetCode");
        if (lbSheetCode != null) lbSheetCode.Text = bll.Model.SheetCode;
        Label lbDeliveryTime = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbDeliveryTime");
        if (lbDeliveryTime != null) lbDeliveryTime.Text = bll.Model.InsertTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        Label lbSalesMan = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbSalesMan");
        Org_StaffBLL _bllStaff = new Org_StaffBLL(bll.Model.SalesMan);
        if (lbSalesMan != null && bll.Model.SalesMan > 0) lbSalesMan.Text = _bllStaff.Model.RealName + "(" + _bllStaff.Model.Mobile + ")";
        Label lbSupplierWareHouse = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbSupplierWareHouse");
        if (lbSupplierWareHouse != null && bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse > 0) lbSupplierWareHouse.Text = new CM_WareHouseBLL(bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse).Model.Name;
        Label lbClient = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbClient");
        if (lbClient != null && bll.Model.Client > 0)
            CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(bll.Model.Client).Model;
            if (c != null)
                lbClient.Text = c.FullName + " (" + c.LinkManName + ":" + c.Mobile + ")";

        if (e.Item.ItemIndex == (int)ViewState["TotalPageCount"] - 1)
            Label lbTotalCostCN = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbTotalCostCN");
            if (lbTotalCostCN != null) lbTotalCostCN.Text = MCSFramework.Common.Rmb.CmycurD(bll.Model.ActAmount);
            Label lbTotalCost = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbTotalCost");
            if (lbTotalCost != null) lbTotalCost.Text = bll.Model.ActAmount.ToString("0.##元");

            Label lbWipeAmount = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbWipeAmount");
            if (lbWipeAmount != null) lbWipeAmount.Text = bll.Model.WipeAmount.ToString("0.##元");

            Label lbDiscountAmount = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbDiscountAmount");
            if (lbDiscountAmount != null) lbDiscountAmount.Text = bll.Model.DiscountAmount.ToString("0.##元");

            Label lbTotalCount = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbTotalCount");
            if (lbTotalCount != null)
                int t, p;
                GetTotoalCount(out t, out p);
                lbTotalCount.Text = t.ToString() + "件";
                if (p != 0) lbTotalCount.Text += p.ToString() + "散";
            e.Item.FindControl("tr_TotalInfo").Visible = false;

        Label lb_PageInfo = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lb_PageInfo");
        if (lb_PageInfo != null) lb_PageInfo.Text = string.Format("第{0}页,共{1}页", e.Item.ItemIndex + 1, (int)ViewState["TotalPageCount"]);

        IList<PBM_DeliveryDetail> listD = null;
        if (ViewState["Details"] != null)
            IList<PBM_DeliveryDetail> listDelivery = ((ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"]).GetListItem();
            listD = GetListNow(e.Item.ItemIndex, listDelivery);
        GridView gv_List = (GridView)e.Item.FindControl("gv_List");
        if (gv_List != null)
            gv_List.DataSource = listD;
    private void BindGrid()
        gv_Summary.Visible      = false;
        gv_List.Visible         = false;
        bt_SummaryPrint.Visible = false;
        bt_DetailPrint.Visible  = false;
        bt_BatConfirm.Enabled   = false;

        if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0)
            DataTable dt = PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetNeedDeliverySummary(DateTime.Parse(tbx_begin.Text), DateTime.Parse(tbx_end.Text),
                                                                  (int)Session["OwnerClient"], int.Parse(ddl_SupplierWareHouse.SelectedValue),
                                                                  int.Parse(ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddl_DeliveryMan.SelectedValue));

            #region 求合计行
            int     q_t = 0, q_p = 0;
            decimal w = 0, a = 0;
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                q_t += (int)row["Quantity_T"];
                q_p += (int)row["Quantity_P"];
                a   += (decimal)row["Amount"];
                w   += (decimal)row["Weight"];

            DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["ProductName"] = "合计";
            dr["Quantity_T"]  = q_t;
            dr["Packagint_T"] = "件";
            dr["Quantity_P"]  = q_p;
            dr["Packagint_P"] = "散";
            dr["Amount"]      = a;
            dr["Weight"]      = w;


            gv_Summary.DataSource = dt;

            gv_Summary.Visible            = true;
            bt_SummaryPrint.Visible       = true;
            bt_SummaryPrint.OnClientClick = "javascript:window.open('" + string.Format("DeliveryListHasAssign_Print.aspx?PreArrivalDate_BeginDate={0}&PreArrivalDate_EndDate={1}&SupplierWareHouse={2}&SalesMan={3}&DeliveryMan={4}",
                                                                                       tbx_begin.Text, tbx_end.Text, ddl_SupplierWareHouse.SelectedValue, ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue, ddl_DeliveryMan.SelectedValue) + "');";
            string condition = GetFindCondition();
            gv_List.ConditionString = condition;
            gv_List.Visible = true;

            IList <PBM_Delivery> lists = PBM_DeliveryBLL.GetModelList(condition);
            string ids = "";
            foreach (PBM_Delivery item in lists)
                ids += item.ID.ToString() + ",";
            if (ids.EndsWith(","))
                ids = ids.Substring(0, ids.Length - 1);

            bt_BatConfirm.Enabled        = true;
            bt_DetailPrint.Visible       = true;
            bt_DetailPrint.OnClientClick = "javascript:window.open('../Delivery/SaleOut/SaleOutDetail_Print.aspx?ID=" + ids + "');";
    protected void Repeater2_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
            int[] ids = ViewState["ids"] as int[];
            ViewState["ID"] = ids[e.Item.ItemIndex];

            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
            if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0 || bll.Model == null) Response.Redirect("SaleOutList.aspx");
            if (Session["OwnerType"] != null && (int)Session["OwnerType"] == 3 && bll.Model.Supplier != (int)Session["OwnerClient"]) Response.Redirect("SaleOutList.aspx");

            ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail> listDelivery = new ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["Details"] = listDelivery;

            int totlaItem = ((ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"]).GetListItem().Count;
            int pageNum = (totlaItem / PRINTPAGESIZE) + (totlaItem % PRINTPAGESIZE == 0 ? 0 : 1);
            ViewState["TotalPageCount"] = pageNum;

            int[] intTemp = new int[pageNum];
            for (int i = 0; i < pageNum; i++) intTemp[i] = i;
            Repeater Repeater1 = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("Repeater1");
            if (intTemp.Count() > 0 && Repeater1 != null)
                Repeater1.DataSource = intTemp;
            Literal _c = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("lb_RepeaterNextPage2");
            if (e.Item.ItemIndex > 0 && _c != null) _c.Text = "<br/><div class='PageNext'></div><br/>";
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增销售发货单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="User"></param>
        /// <param name="DeliveryInfo">发货单信息</param>
        /// <param name="ErrorInfo">出错消息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int SaleOut_Add(UserInfo User, Delivery DeliveryInfo, out string ErrorInfo)
            ErrorInfo = "";
            LogWriter.WriteLog("PBMIFService.SaleOut_Add:UserName="******",DeliveryInfo=" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DeliveryInfo));

            if (User.OwnerType == 3) DeliveryInfo.Supplier = User.ClientID;

            if (DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle != 0 && DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse == 0)
                CM_Vehicle v = new CM_VehicleBLL(DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle).Model;
                if (v == null) { ErrorInfo = "送货车辆无效!"; return -1; }

                DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse = v.RelateWareHouse;

            if (DeliveryInfo.SalesMan == 0) DeliveryInfo.SalesMan = User.StaffID;

            #region 必填字段校验
            if (DeliveryInfo.Supplier == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的供货客户!"; return -2; }
            if (DeliveryInfo.Client == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的购买客户!"; return -2; }
            if (DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的供货仓库!"; return -2; }
            if (DeliveryInfo.Items == null || DeliveryInfo.Items.Count == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无销售产品明细!"; return -10; }

            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();

            #region 保存销售单头信息
            bll.Model.SheetCode = "";
            bll.Model.Supplier = DeliveryInfo.Supplier;
            bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse = DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse;
            bll.Model.Client = DeliveryInfo.Client;
            bll.Model.SalesMan = DeliveryInfo.SalesMan;
            bll.Model.Classify = (DeliveryInfo.Classify == 0 ? 1 : DeliveryInfo.Classify);              //默认销售单
            bll.Model.PrepareMode = (DeliveryInfo.PrepareMode == 0 ? 2 : DeliveryInfo.PrepareMode);     //默认车销模式
            bll.Model.State = 1;        //默认制单状态
            bll.Model.StandardPrice = DeliveryInfo.StandardPrice;
            bll.Model.OrderId = DeliveryInfo.OrderID;
            bll.Model.WipeAmount = DeliveryInfo.WipeAmount;
            bll.Model.DeliveryVehicle = DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle;
            bll.Model.WorkList = DeliveryInfo.WorkList;
            bll.Model.Remark = DeliveryInfo.Remark;
            bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
            bll.Model.InsertStaff = User.StaffID;

            #region 循环处理每个订单明细
            foreach (Delivery.DeliveryDetail item in DeliveryInfo.Items)
                if (item.Product == 0) continue;
                if (item.DeliveryQuantity <= 0 && item.SignInQuantity <= 0) continue;

                string lotnumber = item.LotNumber.Trim();
                int deliveryquantity = item.DeliveryQuantity <= 0 ? item.SignInQuantity : item.DeliveryQuantity;

                PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(item.Product);
                if (productbll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "无效产品项,产品ID:" + item.Product; return -11; }
                PDT_ProductExtInfo extinfo = productbll.GetProductExtInfo(bll.Model.Supplier);
                if (productbll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "产品不在销售商的经营目录中," + productbll.Model.FullName; return -11; }

                if (bll.Model.Classify != 2)
                    int inv_quantity = INV_InventoryBLL.GetProductQuantity(bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse, item.Product, lotnumber);
                    if (deliveryquantity > inv_quantity)
                        ErrorInfo = "产品[" + productbll.Model.FullName + "]库存不足,当前库存:" + inv_quantity.ToString();
                        return -11;

                #region 新增销售明细
                PBM_DeliveryDetail d = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();

                d.Product = item.Product;
                d.LotNumber = lotnumber;
                d.SalesMode = item.SalesMode == 0 ? 1 : item.SalesMode;     //默认为“销售”

                if (item.Price > 0)
                    d.Price = item.Price;
                    d.Price = PDT_StandardPriceBLL.GetSalePrice(bll.Model.Client, bll.Model.Supplier, d.Product);       //默认销售价

                if (d.SalesMode == 1)
                    d.DiscountRate = (item.DiscountRate <= 0 || item.DiscountRate > 1) ? 1 : item.DiscountRate;
                    d.DiscountRate = 0;     //非销售时,0折销售

                d.ConvertFactor = productbll.Model.ConvertFactor == 0 ? 1 : productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
                d.DeliveryQuantity = deliveryquantity;
                d.SignInQuantity = d.DeliveryQuantity;
                d.Remark = item.Remark;


            bll.Model.DiscountAmount = bll.Items.Sum(p => (1 - p.DiscountRate) *
                Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.DeliveryQuantity / p.ConvertFactor);

            bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round((bll.Model.Classify == 2 ? -1 : 1) *
                bll.Items.Sum(p => p.DiscountRate * Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor)
                - bll.Model.WipeAmount, 2);

            int deliveryid = bll.Add();
            if (deliveryid <= 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单保存失败!"; return deliveryid; }

            #region 销售单直接完成
            if (DeliveryInfo.State == 4 && DeliveryInfo.PayInfos != null && DeliveryInfo.PayInfos.Count > 0)
                LogWriter.WriteLog("PBMIFService.SaleOut_Add:UserName="******",DeliveryID=" + deliveryid.ToString() + ",Auto submit order!");
                int ret = SaleOut_Confirm(User, deliveryid, DeliveryInfo.WipeAmount, DeliveryInfo.PayInfos, out ErrorInfo);
                if (ret < 0)
                    LogWriter.WriteLog("PBMIFService.SaleOut_Add:UserName="******",DeliveryID=" + deliveryid.ToString() +
                        ",Auto confirm failed!ErrorInfo=" + ErrorInfo);
                    return ret;

            return deliveryid;
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0 || bll.Model == null) Response.Redirect("SaleOutList.aspx");
        if (Session["OwnerType"] != null && (int)Session["OwnerType"] == 3 && bll.Model.Supplier != (int)Session["OwnerClient"]) Response.Redirect("SaleOutList.aspx");

        ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail> listDelivery = new ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
        ViewState["Details"] = listDelivery;

        int totlaItem = ((ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"]).GetListItem().Count;
        int pageNum = (totlaItem / PRINTPAGESIZE) + (totlaItem % PRINTPAGESIZE == 0 ? 0 : 1);

        ViewState["TotalPageCount"] = pageNum;

        //int[] intTemp = new int[pageNum];
        //for (int i = 0; i < pageNum; i++) intTemp[i] = i;

        //Repeater1.DataSource = intTemp;
        /// <summary>
        /// 提交销售单,并输出提交后的订单信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="User"></param>
        /// <param name="DeliveryID">销售单ID</param>
        /// <param name="DeliveryInfo">输出:销售单结构</param>
        /// <param name="ErrorInfo">输出:出错信息</param>
        /// <returns>0:成功 小于0:失败</returns>
        public static int SaleOut_Submit(UserInfo User, int DeliveryID, out Delivery DeliveryInfo, out string ErrorInfo)
            ErrorInfo = "";
            DeliveryInfo = null;
            LogWriter.WriteLog("PBMIFService.SaleOut_Submit:UserName="******",DeliveryID=" + DeliveryID.ToString());

            if (DeliveryID <= 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单ID无效"; return -1; }

            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(DeliveryID);
            if (bll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "销售单ID无效"; return -1; }
            if (bll.Model.State > 3 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1) { ErrorInfo = "销售单状态无效"; return -1; }

            if (User.OwnerType == 3 && bll.Model.Supplier != User.ClientID) { ErrorInfo = "不可提交该销售单"; return -2; }

            int ret = bll.Approve();
            if (ret < 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单提交失败!"; return -1; }

            DeliveryInfo = new Delivery(bll.Model.ID);
            return 0;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            #region 获取页面参数
            string[] strIDs = Request.QueryString["ID"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, System.StringSplitOptions.None) : new string[] { "" };
            int[] ids = new int[strIDs.Length];
            bool flag = false;//为true标识转换出错退回列表界面

            if (strIDs == null || strIDs.Length == 0 || (strIDs.Length == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIDs[0]))) { flag = true; }
                for (int i = 0; i < strIDs.Length; i++)
                        int _id = int.Parse(strIDs[i]);
                        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bllDelivery = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(_id);
                        if (_bllDelivery == null || _bllDelivery.Model.ID == 0) { flag = true; break; }

                        ids[i] = _id;
                    catch { flag = true; break; }
            if (flag)
            ViewState["ids"] = ids;
            Repeater2.DataSource = ids;
        /// <summary>
        /// 移库调拨申请
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="User"></param>
        /// <param name="DeliveryInfo">移库单信息</param>
        /// <param name="ErrorInfo">出错消息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int TransWithVehicle(UserInfo User, Delivery DeliveryInfo, out string ErrorInfo)
            ErrorInfo = "";
            LogWriter.WriteLog("PBMIFService.TransWithVehicle:UserName="******",DeliveryInfo=" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DeliveryInfo));

            if (User.OwnerType == 3)
                DeliveryInfo.Supplier = User.ClientID;
                DeliveryInfo.Client = User.ClientID;

            if (DeliveryInfo.Classify != 5 && DeliveryInfo.Classify != 6)
                ErrorInfo = "单据类别无效";
                return -1;

            #region 根据车辆设置调入或调出车仓库
            if (DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle != 0)
                CM_Vehicle v = new CM_VehicleBLL(DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle).Model;
                if (v == null) { ErrorInfo = "送货车辆无效!"; return -1; }

                if (DeliveryInfo.Classify == 5)
                    DeliveryInfo.ClientWareHouse = v.RelateWareHouse;
                else if (DeliveryInfo.Classify == 6)
                    DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse = v.RelateWareHouse;

            if (DeliveryInfo.SalesMan == 0) DeliveryInfo.SalesMan = User.StaffID;

            #region 必填字段校验
            if (DeliveryInfo.Supplier == 0 && DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse != 0)
                DeliveryInfo.Supplier = new CM_WareHouseBLL(DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse).Model.Client;
            if (DeliveryInfo.Supplier == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的客户!"; return -2; }
            if (DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的调出仓库!"; return -2; }
            if (DeliveryInfo.Client == 0) { DeliveryInfo.Client = DeliveryInfo.Supplier; }
            if (DeliveryInfo.ClientWareHouse == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无效的调入仓库!"; return -2; }
            if (DeliveryInfo.Items == null || DeliveryInfo.Items.Count == 0) { ErrorInfo = "无调拨产品明细!"; return -10; }

            PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();

            #region 保存发货单头信息
            bll.Model.SheetCode = "";
            bll.Model.Supplier = DeliveryInfo.Supplier;
            bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse = DeliveryInfo.SupplierWareHouse;
            bll.Model.Client = DeliveryInfo.Client;
            bll.Model.ClientWareHouse = DeliveryInfo.ClientWareHouse;
            bll.Model.Classify = DeliveryInfo.Classify;              //5:车销移库 6:车销退库
            bll.Model.SalesMan = User.StaffID;
            bll.Model.PrepareMode = 1;           //1:快捷模式
            bll.Model.State = 1;                 //默认制单状态
            bll.Model.DeliveryVehicle = DeliveryInfo.DeliveryVehicle;
            bll.Model.Remark = DeliveryInfo.Remark;
            bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2;
            bll.Model.InsertStaff = User.StaffID;

            #region 循环处理每个发货单明细
            foreach (Delivery.DeliveryDetail item in DeliveryInfo.Items)
                if (item.Product == 0) continue;
                if (item.DeliveryQuantity <= 0 && item.SignInQuantity <= 0) continue;

                string lotnumber = item.LotNumber.Trim();
                int quantity = item.DeliveryQuantity <= 0 ? item.SignInQuantity : item.DeliveryQuantity;

                PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(item.Product);
                if (productbll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "无效产品项,产品ID:" + item.Product; return -11; }
                PDT_ProductExtInfo extinfo = productbll.GetProductExtInfo(bll.Model.Supplier);
                if (productbll.Model == null) { ErrorInfo = "产品不在销售商的经营目录中," + productbll.Model.FullName; return -11; }

                int inv_quantity = INV_InventoryBLL.GetProductQuantity(bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse, item.Product, lotnumber);
                if (quantity > inv_quantity)
                    ErrorInfo = "产品[" + productbll.Model.FullName + "]库存不足,当前库存:" + inv_quantity.ToString();
                    return -11;

                #region 新增库存明细
                PBM_DeliveryDetail d = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();

                d.Product = item.Product;
                d.LotNumber = lotnumber;
                d.SalesMode = item.SalesMode == 0 ? 1 : item.SalesMode;     //默认为“销售”

                d.Price = extinfo.SalesPrice;       //默认销售价
                d.DiscountRate = 1;

                d.ConvertFactor = productbll.Model.ConvertFactor == 0 ? 1 : productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
                d.DeliveryQuantity = quantity;
                d.SignInQuantity = d.DeliveryQuantity;
                d.Remark = item.Remark;


            bll.Model.DiscountAmount = 0;
            bll.Model.WipeAmount = 0;

            bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round(bll.Items.Sum(p => Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor), 2);

            int ret = bll.Add();
            if (ret <= 0) { ErrorInfo = "销售单保存失败!"; return ret; }
            return ret;
Exemple #55
    protected void bt_AddDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0)
        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if (ViewState["Details"] == null)
        ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail> Details = (ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"];

        int product = 0;

        int.TryParse(select_Product.SelectValue, out product);
        //int.TryParse(RadComboBox1.SelectedValue, out product);
        if (product != 0)
            PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(product, true);
            if (productbll.Model == null)
            if (productbll.Model.ConvertFactor == 0)
                productbll.Model.ConvertFactor = 1;

            int     quantity = 0;
            decimal price    = 0;

            int.TryParse(tbx_Quantity.Text, out quantity);
            decimal.TryParse(tbx_Price.Text, out price);

            if (ddl_Unit.SelectedValue == "T")
                quantity = quantity * productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
                price    = price / productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;

            if (quantity == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "请填写数量!");

            if ((int)ViewState["Classify"] != 2)
                #region 销售时判断库存数量是否够退货
                int inv_quantity = INV_InventoryBLL.GetProductQuantity((int)ViewState["WareHouse"], product, ddl_LotNumber.SelectedValue);
                if (quantity > inv_quantity)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "库存不足,不可销售出库!");

            INV_Inventory inv = INV_InventoryBLL.GetInventoryByProductAndLotNumber((int)ViewState["WareHouse"],
                                                                                   product, ddl_LotNumber.SelectedValue);
            if (inv == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择销售批号!");

            PBM_DeliveryDetail d = null;

            if (ViewState["SelectedDetail"] != null)
                d = (PBM_DeliveryDetail)ViewState["SelectedDetail"];
                d            = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();
                d.DeliveryID = (int)ViewState["ID"];

                if (Details.GetListItem().Count == 0)
                    d.ID = 1;
                    d.ID = Details.GetListItem().Max(p => p.ID) + 1;

            d.Product          = product;
            d.LotNumber        = ddl_LotNumber.SelectedValue;
            d.CostPrice        = inv.Price;     //成本价取当前库存表的价格
            d.Price            = price;         //实际销售价
            d.ConvertFactor    = productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
            d.DiscountRate     = 1;             //默认全价
            d.DeliveryQuantity = quantity;
            d.SignInQuantity   = d.DeliveryQuantity;
            d.LostQuantity     = 0;
            d.BadQuantity      = 0;
            d.SalesMode        = 1;
            if (d.SalesMode == 2)
                d.Price = 0;

            if (ViewState["SelectedDetail"] != null)
                ViewState["SelectedDetail"] = null;
                bt_AddDetail.Text           = "新 增";
                gv_List.SelectedIndex       = -1;

            tbx_Quantity.Text = "0";

    protected void bt_AddDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0) return;
        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);

        if (ViewState["Details"] == null) return;
        ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail> Details = (ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"];

        int product = 0;
        int.TryParse(select_Product.SelectValue, out product);
        //int.TryParse(RadComboBox1.SelectedValue, out product);
        if (product != 0)
            PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(product, true);
            if (productbll.Model == null) return;
            if (productbll.Model.ConvertFactor == 0)
                productbll.Model.ConvertFactor = 1;

            int quantity = 0;
            decimal price = 0;

            int.TryParse(tbx_Quantity.Text, out quantity);
            decimal.TryParse(tbx_Price.Text, out price);

            if (ddl_Unit.SelectedValue == "T")
                quantity = quantity * productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
                price = price / productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;

            if (quantity == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "请填写数量!");

            if ((int)ViewState["Classify"] != 2)
                #region 销售时判断库存数量是否够退货
                int inv_quantity = INV_InventoryBLL.GetProductQuantity((int)ViewState["WareHouse"], product, ddl_LotNumber.SelectedValue);
                if (quantity > inv_quantity)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "库存不足,不可销售出库!");

            INV_Inventory inv = INV_InventoryBLL.GetInventoryByProductAndLotNumber((int)ViewState["WareHouse"],
                product, ddl_LotNumber.SelectedValue);
            if (inv == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择销售批号!");

            PBM_DeliveryDetail d = null;

            if (ViewState["SelectedDetail"] != null)
                d = (PBM_DeliveryDetail)ViewState["SelectedDetail"];
                d = new PBM_DeliveryDetail();
                d.DeliveryID = (int)ViewState["ID"];

                if (Details.GetListItem().Count == 0)
                    d.ID = 1;
                    d.ID = Details.GetListItem().Max(p => p.ID) + 1;

            d.Product = product;
            d.LotNumber = ddl_LotNumber.SelectedValue;
            d.CostPrice = inv.Price;            //成本价取当前库存表的价格
            d.Price = price;                    //实际销售价
            d.ConvertFactor = productbll.Model.ConvertFactor;
            d.DiscountRate = 1;                 //默认全价
            d.DeliveryQuantity = quantity;
            d.SignInQuantity = d.DeliveryQuantity;
            d.LostQuantity = 0;
            d.BadQuantity = 0;
            d.SalesMode = 1;
            if (d.SalesMode == 2)
            { d.Price = 0; }

            if (ViewState["SelectedDetail"] != null)
                ViewState["SelectedDetail"] = null;
                bt_AddDetail.Text = "新 增";
                gv_List.SelectedIndex = -1;

            tbx_Quantity.Text = "0";

Exemple #57
    private bool Save()
        if (ViewState["Details"] == null)
        ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail> Details = (ListTable <PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"];

        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll;

        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
            _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();


        #region 判断必填项
        if (_bll.Model.Supplier == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择供货商!");

        if (_bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择出库仓库!");

        _bll.Model.DiscountAmount = 0;

        _bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round(Details.GetListItem().Sum(p => Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor), 2);

        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];

            #region 保存明细
            if (ViewState["Details"] == null)

            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail d in Details.GetListItem(ItemState.Added))
            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail d in Details.GetListItem(ItemState.Modified))
            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail d in Details.GetListItem(ItemState.Deleted))

            if (_bll.Update() == 0)
            _bll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
            _bll.Items             = Details.GetListItem();
            ViewState["ID"]        = _bll.Add();

            if ((int)ViewState["ID"] > 0)
    private bool Save()
        if (ViewState["Details"] == null) return false;
        ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail> Details = (ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>)ViewState["Details"];

        PBM_DeliveryBLL _bll;
        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
            _bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL();


        #region 判断必填项
        if (_bll.Model.Supplier == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择供货商!");
            return false;

        if (_bll.Model.SupplierWareHouse == 0)
            MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择出库仓库!");
            return false;

        _bll.Model.DiscountAmount = 0;

        _bll.Model.ActAmount = Math.Round(Details.GetListItem().Sum(p => Math.Round(p.Price * p.ConvertFactor, 2) * p.SignInQuantity / p.ConvertFactor), 2);

        if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0)
            _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];

            #region 保存明细
            if (ViewState["Details"] == null) return false;

            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail d in Details.GetListItem(ItemState.Added))
            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail d in Details.GetListItem(ItemState.Modified))
            foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail d in Details.GetListItem(ItemState.Deleted))

            if (_bll.Update() == 0)
                return true;
            _bll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"];
            _bll.Items = Details.GetListItem();
            ViewState["ID"] = _bll.Add();

            if ((int)ViewState["ID"] > 0)
                return true;
        return false;
    private void BindData()
        PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]);
        if (bll.Model != null)

            ViewState["Details"] = new ListTable<PBM_DeliveryDetail>(bll.Items, "ID");
            ViewState["WareHouse"] = bll.Model.ClientWareHouse;
            ViewState["State"] = bll.Model.State;
            ViewState["Classify"] = bll.Model.Classify;


            #region 界面控件可视状态
            if (bll.Model.State != 1 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag != 2)
                bt_OK.Visible = false;

                bt_Delete.Visible = false;


            if (!((bll.Model.State == 1 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 1) || (bll.Model.State == 3 && bll.Model.PrepareMode == 3)))

                bt_Confirm.Visible = false;
