Exemple #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Keep checking the searching Task
        if (currHelper.academicStatus == MicrosoftAPIHelper.SERVICE_STATUS.PENDING)
            //TODO: show animition to avoid confusion.
            // Note: not always. The app may be just pre-loading.
        else if (currHelper.academicStatus == MicrosoftAPIHelper.SERVICE_STATUS.DONE)
            // Step 2: Call functions to use this result.
            string jsonResult = currHelper.academicResult;
            Debug.Log("Received Academic Search Result, length:" + jsonResult.Length);
            // Debug;
            //SearchContent.text = jsonResult.Length.ToString();
            currHelper.academicStatus = MicrosoftAPIHelper.SERVICE_STATUS.IDLE;
            var task = Task.Run(() => ParseJSONResults(jsonResult));
        else if (currHelper.academicStatus == MicrosoftAPIHelper.SERVICE_STATUS.ERROR)
            currHelper.academicStatus = MicrosoftAPIHelper.SERVICE_STATUS.IDLE;

        // Keep checking the parsing Task
        if (parsingStatus == PARSING_STATUS.DONE)
            Debug.Log("Received parsing results." + currPageOnUI + "," + currTargetPage);
            // Step 3: Render the results on the UI (and cancel the waiting info animation)
            isWaitingResults = false;
            if (currTargetPage == currPageOnUI && currSearchType == SearchType.ONLINE)
                // Need to render. The user is waiting for this page.
            parsingStatus = PARSING_STATUS.IDLE;

            // Continue pre-loading: keep checking
            if (currMaxPage < 0 && currTargetPage < currPageOnUI + 2 && currSearchType == SearchType.ONLINE)
                // New step 1: if we need to cache the next page (up to 2 pages)
                // and if we can cache the next page (max page not met)
                currTargetPage += 1;
                parsingStatus   = PARSING_STATUS.WAITING;
                var task = Task.Run(() => currHelper.AcademicSearch(onlineSearchContent, RESULTS_PER_PAGE, currResults.Count));
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    ///  Create a unified logic for jumpping left/right, or clicking page number directly.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pageNum">Page Number on UI (starting from 1). </param>
    /// <param name="pageID">Page ID based on BtnPages (range: 0,1,2). </param>
    private void JumpToPage(int pageNum, int pageID)
        // Hide current focus box based on page ID
        SetPageButtonColor(currPageID, 0);
        // Set correct focus box based on page ID
        SetPageButtonColor(pageID, 255);

        // Set correct page numbers on UI
        for (int p = 0; p < BtnPages.Length; ++p)
            // Calculate the correct value for page0, then loop over it.
            SetPageButtonText(p, (pageNum - pageID + p).ToString());

        // Update value
        currPageID   = pageID;
        currPageOnUI = pageNum;

        // Update result entries
        if (Mathf.CeilToInt(currResults.Count / (float)RESULTS_PER_PAGE) >= pageNum)
            // Update from cache
        else if (currTargetPage >= currPageOnUI)
            // Already processing in the background. Need to play animation
            // TODO.
            // For the values, just need to wait.

        // Need to resume pre-loading process
        // Continue pre-loading: keep checking
        if (currSearchType == SearchType.ONLINE && parsingStatus == PARSING_STATUS.IDLE && currMaxPage < 0 && currTargetPage < currPageOnUI + 2)
            // New step 1: if we need to cache the next page (up to 2 pages)
            // and if we can cache the next page (max page not met)
            currTargetPage += 1;
            parsingStatus   = PARSING_STATUS.WAITING;
            var task = Task.Run(() => currHelper.AcademicSearch(onlineSearchContent, RESULTS_PER_PAGE, currResults.Count));
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function: parse the json string and turn it into ARDocument List.
    /// Note: this is slow, and the caller needs to put it into a separate Task.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="jsonResult"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    //private IEnumerator ParseJSONResults(string jsonResult)
    public void ParseJSONResults(string jsonResult)
        parsingStatus = PARSING_STATUS.PENDING;

        List <ARDocument> parsedResults = new List <ARDocument>();

        // Parse to output the result.
        var result  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSONAcademic.RootObject>(jsonResult);
        int counter = 0;

        string title         = "";
        var    authorNames   = new List <string>();
        string majorLastName = "";
        int    year          = 0;
        string source        = "";
        string pdfUrl        = "";

        //yield return null;

        foreach (var entity in result.entities)
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("----------{0}----------", counter));
            var dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(entity.E);
            //yield return null;

            // Names in "E" is well-organized. But they are not guranteed.
            title = "";
            majorLastName = "";
            year          = entity.Y;
            source        = "";
            pdfUrl        = "";

            if (dict.ContainsKey("DN"))
                title = dict["DN"];
                //Debug.LogWarning("DisplayName not exist. Have to manulay create them.");
                var titleWords = entity.Ti.Split(' ');
                foreach (var tw in titleWords)
                    title += tw[0].ToString().ToUpper() + tw.Substring(1) + " ";
            //Debug.Log("Title: " + title);

            if (dict.ContainsKey("ANF"))
                dynamic authors = dict["ANF"];
                majorLastName = authors[0]["LN"];
                foreach (var author in authors)
                    // FN, LN, S
                    authorNames.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}", author["FN"], author["LN"]));
                //Debug.LogWarning("ANF not exist. Have to manulay create them.");
                foreach (var author in entity.AA)
                    string lowerName      = author.AuN;
                    var    authorWords    = lowerName.Split(' ');
                    var    currAuthorName = "";
                    foreach (var aw in authorWords)
                        currAuthorName += aw[0].ToString().ToUpper() + aw.Substring(1) + " ";
                majorLastName = authorNames[0].Split(' ').Last();

                var titleWords = entity.Ti.Split(' ');
                foreach (var tw in titleWords)
                    title += tw[0].ToString().ToUpper() + tw.Substring(1) + " ";
            //Debug.Log("Authors: " + string.Join("    ", authorNames));

            if (dict.ContainsKey("VSN") && dict["VSN"].Length > 0)
                // short conf/journal name
                source = dict["VSN"];
            else if (dict.ContainsKey("PB") && dict["PB"].Length > 0)
                // short journal name
                source = dict["PB"];
            else if (entity.C != null && entity.C.CN.Length > 0)
                source = entity.C.CN.ToUpper();
            else if (entity.J != null && entity.J.JN.Length > 0)
                source = entity.J.JN.ToUpper();
            else if (dict.ContainsKey("VFN") && dict["VFN"].Length > 0)
                // full conf name
                source = dict["VFN"];
            else if (dict.ContainsKey("BV") && dict["BV"].Length > 0)
                // full journal name
                source = dict["BV"];
                //Debug.LogWarning("Source not available.");

            // Cut string idea from Stack overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16236570/4762924
            if (source.Length == 0)
                source = "N/A";
            else if (source.Length >= 50)
                // Try to cut at space
                int pos = source.LastIndexOf(" ", 40);
                // No space to space is too soon, just cut without thinking.
                if (pos <= 40)
                    pos = 50;
                source = source.Substring(0, pos) + "...";
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Source: {0}-({1})", source, year));

            // S.Ty Source Type(1:HTML, 2:Text, 3:PDF, 4:DOC, 5:PPT, 6:XLS, 7:PS)
            // Sometimes I found type 0 also points to pdf link
            if (dict.ContainsKey("S"))
                foreach (var urlDict in dict["S"])
                    int    urlType    = urlDict["Ty"];
                    string urlContent = urlDict["U"];
                    if (urlType == 3)
                        pdfUrl = urlContent;
                    else if (urlType == 0 && urlContent.Contains("pdf"))
                        pdfUrl = urlContent;
                        //Debug.Log(string.Format("----{0}; {1}", urlType, urlContent));
            if (pdfUrl.Length > 0)
                //Debug.Log("PDF available:" + pdfUrl);
            // Last name of first author + last two digits of year
            string fileName = string.Format("{0}{1}", majorLastName, (year % 100).ToString("D2"));
            //Debug.Log("Named as:" + fileName);
            ARDocument doc = new ARDocument(fileName, title, authorNames.ToArray(), source, year, pdfUrl);


        Debug.Log(string.Format("Got {0} new results. Old results: {1}.", parsedResults.Count, currResults.Count));
        parsingStatus = PARSING_STATUS.DONE;