Exemple #1
        public void ChangeParameter(PARAMS parameter, float duration, float intensity, int priority = 0)
            // Duration and priority will be set to one
            KeyFramedGesture changeParam = new KeyFramedGesture("Change " + parameter.ToString(), new List <float> {
                                                                new List <keyFramedPARAM> {
                new keyFramedPARAM(parameter, new List <float> {

            //Call the gesture with the right duration and intensity
            Gesture(changeParam, priority, duration, intensity);
Exemple #2
 public keyFramedPARAM(PARAMS param, List <float> keyframeValues)
     this.param          = param;
     this.keyFrameValues = keyframeValues;
        public static void CreateSphericalData(int width, int height, PARAMS parameters, ref Color[] spherical, ref Color[] left, ref Color[] right, ref Color[] front, ref Color[] back, ref Color[] down, ref Color[] top)
            int    i, j, k, aj, ai, index, found, u = 0, v = 0;
            double x, y, longitude, latitude, denom, mu;
            double rsum, gsum, bsum;
            XYZ    p = new XYZ();

            p.x = 0;
            p.y = 0;
            p.z = 0;
            XYZ q = new XYZ();

            q.x = 0;
            q.y = 0;
            q.z = 0;

            for (j = 0; j < parameters.outheight; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < parameters.outwidth; i++)
                    if (i < parameters.width1 || i >= parameters.width2) // Subset image

                    // Supersampling antialising sum
                    rsum = 0;
                    gsum = 0;
                    bsum = 0;

                    // Antialiasing loops
                    for (ai = 0; ai < parameters.antialias; ai++)
                        x = (i + ai / (double)parameters.antialias) / (double)parameters.outwidth; // 0 ... 1

                        for (aj = 0; aj < parameters.antialias; aj++)
                            y = 2 * (j + aj / (double)parameters.antialias) / (double)parameters.outheight - 1; // -1 ... 1

                            // Calculate latitude and longitude
                            if (parameters.usesine)
                                latitude = Math.Asin(y);
                                latitude = y * 0.5 * Math.PI; // -pi/2 ... pi/2
                            longitude = x * 2 * Math.PI;      // 0 ... 2pi

                            // p is the ray from the camera position into the scene
                            p.x = Math.Cos(latitude) * Math.Cos(longitude);
                            p.y = Math.Sin(latitude);
                            p.z = Math.Cos(latitude) * Math.Sin(longitude);

                            // Apply rotation aboutup vector
                            p = TextureTools.RotateSphericalY(p, parameters.thetay);

                            // Find which face the vector intersects
                            found = -1;
                            for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                                denom = -(parameters.faces[k].a * p.x + parameters.faces[k].b * p.y + parameters.faces[k].c * p.z);

                                // Is p parallel to face? Shouldn't actually happen.
                                if (Math.Abs(denom) < 0.000001)

                                // Is the intersection on the back pointing ray?
                                if ((mu = parameters.faces[k].d / denom) < 0)

                                // q is the intersection point
                                q.x = mu * p.x;
                                q.y = mu * p.y;
                                q.z = mu * p.z;

                                // Find out which face it is on
                                switch (k)
                                case LEFT:
                                case RIGHT:
                                    if (q.y <= 1 && q.y >= -1 && q.z <= 1 && q.z >= -1)
                                        found = k;
                                    if (parameters.eac)
                                        q.y = Math.Atan(q.y) * 4 / Math.PI;
                                        q.z = Math.Atan(q.z) * 4 / Math.PI;

                                case FRONT:
                                case BACK:
                                    if (q.x <= 1 && q.x >= -1 && q.y <= 1 && q.y >= -1)
                                        found = k;
                                    if (parameters.eac)
                                        q.x = Math.Atan(q.x) * 4 / Math.PI;
                                        q.y = Math.Atan(q.y) * 4 / Math.PI;

                                case TOP:
                                case DOWN:
                                    if (q.x <= 1 && q.x >= -1 && q.z <= 1 && q.z >= -1)
                                        found = k;
                                    if (parameters.eac)
                                        q.x = Math.Atan(q.x) * 4 / Math.PI;
                                        q.z = Math.Atan(q.z) * 4 / Math.PI;
                                if (found >= 0)
                            if (found < 0 || found > 5)
                                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("TEXTURE: Didn't find an intersecting face - shouldn't happen!");

                            // Determine the u,v coordinate
                            switch (found)
                            case LEFT:
                                u = (int)(0.5 * width * (q.z + 1));
                                v = (int)(0.5 * height * (q.y + 1));

                            case RIGHT:
                                u = (int)(0.5 * width * (1 - q.z));
                                v = (int)(0.5 * height * (q.y + 1));

                            case FRONT:
                                u = (int)(0.5 * width * (1 - q.x));
                                v = (int)(0.5 * height * (q.y + 1));

                            case BACK:
                                u = (int)(0.5 * width * (q.x + 1));
                                v = (int)(0.5 * height * (q.y + 1));

                            case DOWN:
                                u = (int)(0.5 * width * (1 - q.x));
                                v = (int)(0.5 * height * (1 + q.z));

                            case TOP:
                                u = (int)(0.5 * width * (1 - q.x));
                                v = (int)(0.5 * height * (1 - q.z));
                            if (u >= width)
                                u = width - 1;
                            if (v >= height)
                                v = height - 1;
                            if (u < 0 || u >= width || v < 0 || v >= height)
                                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(String.Format("TEXTURE: Illegal (u,v) coordinate ({1},{2}) on face {3}", u, v, found));

                            // Sum over the supersampling set
                            index = v * width + u;
                            switch (found)
                            case LEFT:
                                rsum += left[index].r;
                                gsum += left[index].g;
                                bsum += left[index].b;

                            case RIGHT:
                                rsum += right[index].r;
                                gsum += right[index].g;
                                bsum += right[index].b;

                            case FRONT:
                                rsum += front[index].r;
                                gsum += front[index].g;
                                bsum += front[index].b;

                            case BACK:
                                rsum += back[index].r;
                                gsum += back[index].g;
                                bsum += back[index].b;

                            case DOWN:
                                rsum += down[index].r;
                                gsum += down[index].g;
                                bsum += down[index].b;

                            case TOP:
                                rsum += top[index].r;
                                gsum += top[index].g;
                                bsum += top[index].b;

                    // Finally update the spherical image
                    index = j * (parameters.width2 - parameters.width1) + i - parameters.width1;
                    spherical[index].r = (float)rsum / (parameters.antialias * parameters.antialias);
                    spherical[index].g = (float)gsum / (parameters.antialias * parameters.antialias);
                    spherical[index].b = (float)bsum / (parameters.antialias * parameters.antialias);