private void Disconnect() { _disconnected = true; if (Repository != null && Repository.Connection != null) { Repository.Connection.Disconnect(); } P4VsProvider.BroadcastNewConnection(null); }
public bool StartQueryCancel(P4.P4Server server, uint cmdId, Thread runCmdThread, string cmdLine) { EnvDTE.DTE dte = P4VsProvider.GetDTE(); try { const int _maxChars = 77; //int progressCnt = 0; string progressMsg = string.Format("P4 {0}", cmdLine); if (progressMsg.Length > _maxChars) { progressMsg = string.Format("{0}...", progressMsg.Substring(0, _maxChars)); } if (dte != null) { dte.StatusBar.Text = progressMsg; //dte.StatusBar.Progress(true, progressMsg, progressCnt, 10); dte.StatusBar.Animate(true, EnvDTE.vsStatusAnimation.vsStatusAnimationSync); } CmdMap[cmdId] = CommandState.Running; SvrMap[cmdId] = server; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; // if on the UI thread only wait a millisecond to keep the UI alive while (runCmdThread.IsAlive && (CmdMap[cmdId] == CommandState.Running)) { Application.DoEvents(); } return(CmdMap[cmdId] == CommandState.Canceled); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Trace(ex.Message); } finally { CmdMap.Remove(cmdId); SvrMap.Remove(cmdId); if (dte != null) { dte.StatusBar.Clear(); //dte.StatusBar.Progress(false); dte.StatusBar.Animate(false, EnvDTE.vsStatusAnimation.vsStatusAnimationSync); } } return(false); }
private void initConnection(bool noUI, string path, bool clientNotRequired) { ID = _id++; if (P4.LogFile.ExternalLogFn == null) { P4.LogFile.LogMessageDelgate logfn = new LogFile.LogMessageDelgate(FileLogger.LogMessage); P4.LogFile.SetLoggingFunction(logfn); } // reset bool on init ssoSuccess = true; _disconnected = true; if (Repository != null) { Repository.Dispose(); Repository = null; } while (Repository == null) { // Get connection settings from dialog, if UI required if (!noUI) { // reset the SSO bool, so login will be attempted again ssoSuccess = true; // Open Connection dialog DialogResult result = connectionDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } // Get the credentials for the Perforce Server try { // Get configuration getConfiguration(path); // Create repository from server connection Repository = RepositoryFactory.get(Port, User, Workspace); // set Swarm here since Login will check Swarm availability Swarm = new Swarm(Repository, User); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Workspace) && !clientNotRequired) { DialogResult res = P4ErrorDlg.Show(Resources.P4ScmProvider_WorkspaceEnvUnset, false, false); P4VsProvider.BroadcastNewConnection(null); return; } if (Repository == null || Repository.Connection.Status == P4.ConnectionStatus.Disconnected) { Repository = null; continue; } // Set configuration setConfiguration(); // Check API level of server is greater than 28 (2009.2) checkApiLevel(28); // set Swarm here since Login will check Swarm availability Swarm = new Swarm(Repository, User); // Login if required if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(User) && !isLoggedIn()) { if (!ssoSuccess) { break; } LoginResult loginResult = Login(); if (loginResult == LoginResult.HASTimeout) { P4VS.UI.P4VSMessage p4VSMessage = new P4VS.UI.P4VSMessage(Resources.P4VS, string.Format(Resources.HAS_Auth_Fail, Repository.Connection.UserName, Repository.Connection.Server.Address.Uri)); p4VSMessage.ShowDialog(); return; } if (loginResult == LoginResult.Fail) { Repository = null; continue; } } // Exit if no client defined if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(User) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Workspace)) { setWorkspace(); // Save Connection as User and Workspace are good saveRecentConnection(); } else { logger.Warn("Workspace not initialised."); } if (Repository.Connection.Server.Metadata.UnicodeEnabled) { string cs = Repository.Connection.CharacterSetName; string m = string.Format(Resources.P4ScmProvider_ConnectingToUnicodeServer, cs); P4VsOutputWindow.AppendMessage(m); FileLogger.LogMessage(3, "P4ScmProvider", m); } // Subscribe to the output events to display results in the command window Repository.Connection.InfoResultsReceived += CommandLine.InfoResultsCallbackFn; Repository.Connection.ErrorReceived += CommandLine.ErrorCallbackFn; Repository.Connection.TextResultsReceived += CommandLine.TextResultsCallbackFn; Repository.Connection.TaggedOutputReceived += CommandLine.TaggedOutputCallbackFn; Repository.Connection.CommandEcho += CommandLine.CommandEchoCallbackFn; _disconnected = false; // Connection OK, break out of loop break; } catch (P4Exception ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == P4.P4ClientError.MsgServer_Login2Required) { P4VsProvider.CurrentScm = new P4ScmProvider(null); if (P4VsProvider.CurrentScm.LaunchHelixMFA(User, Port) == 0) { noUI = true; initConnection(noUI, path, clientNotRequired); } } else { logger.Trace("caught an Exception: {0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); if (Repository != null) { Repository.Dispose(); Repository = null; } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Resources.P4VS, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); P4VsOutputWindow.AppendMessage(ex.Message); } // If we're not showing the connection dialog return a null if (noUI) { return; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Trace("caught an Exception: {0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); if (Repository != null) { Repository.Dispose(); Repository = null; } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Resources.P4VS, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); P4VsOutputWindow.AppendMessage(ex.Message); // If we're not showing the login dialog return a null as the credentials are bad if (noUI) { return; } } } Repository.Connection.KeepAlive = new KeepAliveMonitor(); JobsToolWindowControl.GotJobFields = false; }
//[Import] //System.IServiceProvider ServiceManager = null; public IVsWindowFrame FindSolutionExplorerFrame() { IVsUIShell uiShell = (IVsUIShell)P4VsProvider.Service(typeof(SVsUIShell)); return(FindSolutionExplorerFrame(uiShell)); }