Exemple #1
        public static List <IO2Finding> mapJoinPoints_HashTagsOn_Sources(List <IO2Finding> o2findings)
            var results = new List <IO2Finding>();

            foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in o2findings)
                var hashTagName = JoinOnAttributes.extractNameFromContext(o2Finding.SourceContext, "\"", "\"");
                // make this the first trace
                if (hashTagName != "")
                    //var newO2Trace = new O2Trace(hashTagName, TraceType.O2JoinSource);

                    var copyOfO2Finding = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2Finding);
                    var joinLocation    = copyOfO2Finding.o2Traces[0].file;

                    // insert JoinSource
                    copyOfO2Finding.insertTrace(hashTagName, TraceType.O2JoinSource);

                    // insert Location
                    copyOfO2Finding.insertTrace(joinLocation, TraceType.O2JoinLocation);

                    //copyOfO2Finding.o2Traces = new List<IO2Trace> { newO2Trace };
        public static List <IO2Finding> joinTracesWhereSinkMatchesSource(List <IO2Finding> sinkFindings, List <IO2Finding> sourceFindings)
            var results = new List <IO2Finding>();

            foreach (var o2SinkFinding in sinkFindings)
                foreach (var o2SourcesFinding in sourceFindings)
                    if (o2SourcesFinding.vulnName.IndexOf(o2SinkFinding.vulnName) > -1)
                        var o2NewFinding = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2SinkFinding);
                        var sink = o2NewFinding.getSink();

                        var newTrace = new O2Trace(
                            string.Format("O2 Auto Join Point::: {0}   ->  {1}", o2SinkFinding.vulnName, o2SourcesFinding.vulnName));
                        newTrace.traceType = TraceType.Type_4;



                        log.info("we have a match: {0}        ->        {1}", o2SinkFinding.vulnName, o2SourcesFinding.vulnName);
        public static bool invokeOnAllPartialTraces(IEnumerable <IO2Trace> o2TracesToFollow, ICollection <IO2Trace> o2PartialTraces, Func <ICollection <IO2Trace>, IO2Trace, bool> onTraceEnter)
            // process all traces
            foreach (var o2TraceToFollow in o2TracesToFollow)
                // invoke onTraceEnter and only continue if true
                if (onTraceEnter(o2PartialTraces, o2TraceToFollow))
                    // create a copy of the current trace
                    var newO2Trace = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2TraceToFollow, false);
                    // add it to the trace we are building

                    if (false == invokeOnAllPartialTraces(o2TraceToFollow.childTraces, newO2Trace.childTraces, onTraceEnter))
                        return(false); // means we are not supposed to continue with this trace
        public static List <IO2Finding> mapSinksToSources(Dictionary <string, List <IO2Finding> > lostSinks, Dictionary <string, List <IO2Finding> > sources)
            DI.log.info("Looking for matches");
            var results = new List <IO2Finding>();

            foreach (string lostSinkSignature in lostSinks.Keys)
                if (sources.ContainsKey(lostSinkSignature))
                    foreach (O2Finding lostSink in lostSinks[lostSinkSignature])
                        foreach (O2Finding source in sources[lostSinkSignature])
                            var sinkCopy   = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(lostSink);
                            var sourceCopy = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(source);

                            var lostSinkNode = sinkCopy.getLostSink();
                            lostSinkNode.traceType = TraceType.Type_4;

                            var interfaceJoinPoint = new O2Trace("---- Interface join --- ");

                            sinkCopy.vulnName = sinkCopy.Sink;
                            //return results;
            //log.info("We have a match on: {0}", lostSink);
Exemple #5
        public static List <IO2Finding> joinTracesWhereSinkMatchesSource(List <IO2Finding> sinkFindings, List <IO2Finding> sourceFindings)
            var results = new List <IO2Finding>();

            foreach (var o2SinkFinding in sinkFindings)
                foreach (var o2SourcesFinding in sourceFindings)
                    if (o2SourcesFinding.vulnName.IndexOf(o2SinkFinding.vulnName) > -1)
                        var o2NewFinding = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2SinkFinding);

                        var sink = o2NewFinding.getSink();

                        var joinPointTrace = new O2Trace(
                            string.Format("O2 Auto Join Point::: {0}   ->  {1}", o2SinkFinding.vulnName, o2SourcesFinding.vulnName));

                        sink.traceType = TraceType.Type_4;

                        joinPointTrace.traceType = TraceType.Type_4;


                        var jspSignature = o2SourcesFinding.o2Traces[0].signature;
                        var indexofJsp   = jspSignature.IndexOf("._jsp");
                        if (indexofJsp > -1)
                            jspSignature = jspSignature.Substring(0, indexofJsp) + ".jsp";
                        jspSignature = jspSignature.Replace("jsp_servlet", "").Replace("_45_", @"-").Replace(".__", @"/").Replace("._", @"/");

                        var jspTrace = new O2Trace("JSP: " + jspSignature);


                        //var copyOfSourcesFinding = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2SourcesFinding);

                        //copyOfSourcesFinding.o2Traces[0].signature = modifiedSignature;


                        //log.info("we have a match: {0}        ->        {1}", o2SinkFinding.vulnName, o2SourcesFinding.vulnName);
                        //return results;
        public void calculateJoinnedTraces()
                var matches2 = from O2Finding sinkFinding in getFindingsIn_Sinks()
                               join O2Finding sourceFinding in getFindingsIn_Sources()
                               on sinkFinding.Sink equals sourceFinding.Source
                               where (
                    sinkFinding.Sink != "" && sourceFinding.Source != ""
                    //&& sourceFinding.LostSink == ""

                    /*                          &&
                     *                            sinkFinding.lineNumber == sourceFinding.lineNumber &&
                     *                            sinkFinding.file == sourceFinding.file*/
                               select new { sinkFinding, sourceFinding };

                var findingsResults = new List <IO2Finding>();

                foreach (var match in matches2)
                    //var aa = match.sinkFinding.Sink;
                    //var bb = match.sourceFinding.Source;

                    foreach (var o2TraceInSource in match.sourceFinding.o2Traces)
                        var joinnedFinding = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(match.sinkFinding);
                        var sink           = joinnedFinding.getSink();

                        sink.traceType = TraceType.Type_4;

                        var joinnedTrace = new O2Trace("{TraceJoin}");
                        //findingsResults.Add(OzasmtGlue.createCopyAndGlueTraceSinkWithSource(match.sinkFinding, o2TraceInSource));

                        joinnedFinding.vulnName = joinnedFinding.Sink;

            catch (Exception ex)
                DI.log.ex(ex, "in calculateJoinnedTraces");
 public static void createAllPartialTraces(IEnumerable <IO2Trace> o2TracesToFollow, ICollection <IO2Trace> o2PartialTraces, IO2Finding parentFinding, ICollection <IO2Finding> findingsCreated)
     // process all traces
     foreach (var o2TraceToFollow in o2TracesToFollow)
         // create a copy of the current trace
         var newO2Trace = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2TraceToFollow, false);
         //newO2Trace.childTraces = new List<IO2Trace>();   // remove the child traces
         // add it to the trace we are building
         // create a copy of the parent finding
         var newO2Finding = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(parentFinding);
         // and trigger the recursive execution on all child traces
         createAllPartialTraces(o2TraceToFollow.childTraces, newO2Trace.childTraces, parentFinding, findingsCreated);
        private static bool applyRuleToTrace(IO2Trace o2Trace, ICollection <IO2Trace> o2PartialTraces, IO2Finding parentO2Finding, List <IO2Finding> findingsCreated, IDictionary <string, List <IO2Rule> > indexedRules)
//            if (o2Trace.signature.IndexOf("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand") > -1)
//                DI.log.info(o2Trace.signature);
            var signatureToFind = MakeSignatureCompatibleWithOunceRules(o2Trace.signature);

            //           if (signatureToFind.IndexOf("System.Data.SqlClient") > -1)
            //               DI.log.info(signatureToFind);

            if (indexedRules.ContainsKey(signatureToFind))  // means we have a match
                // rename to shouldAbortRulesCreation
                if (shouldAbortRulesExecution(indexedRules[signatureToFind]))
                    if (o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Known_Sink || o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Lost_Sink)
                // check if we are a sink at the root of the tree with no child nodes (and if so skip trace creation)
                if (parentO2Finding.o2Traces.Count == 0) //; && (o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Known_Sink || o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Lost_Sink || o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Root_Call))
                // check if there are no sources on the trace
                if (((O2Finding)parentO2Finding).Source == "")

                var newTrace = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2Trace, false);                                                                          //create new trace (which will be modified
                newTrace.traceType = TraceType.Known_Sink;                                                                                     // make the trace  a sink
                o2PartialTraces.Add(newTrace);                                                                                                 // add it to the partial trace

                var newFindingWithSinkTrace = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(parentO2Finding);                                                          // create template finding which will be applied the rules
                findingsCreated.AddRange(FiltersUtils.applySinkRuleToFindingAndTrace(newFindingWithSinkTrace, signatureToFind, indexedRules)); // apply rules and add resulting findings to findingsCreated list
                //remove the new trace since the invokeOnAllPartialTraces loop will add its own copy
            return(true); // in this case return true since we want to process ALL traces
        public static List <IO2Finding> applySinkRuleToFindingAndTrace(IO2Finding o2Finding, string traceSignature, IDictionary <string, List <IO2Rule> > indexedRules)
            var newFindings = new List <IO2Finding>();

            if (traceSignature != "" && indexedRules.ContainsKey(traceSignature))
                // apply rules settings to it
                foreach (var o2Rule in indexedRules[traceSignature])
                    // create copy of finding
                    var newO2Finding = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2Finding);
                    // apply rule
                    newO2Finding.severity = OzasmtUtils.getSeverityFromString(o2Rule.Severity);
                    newO2Finding.vulnName = o2Rule.Signature;
                    newO2Finding.vulnType = o2Rule.VulnType;
        public static List <IO2Finding> applyFilter(IEnumerable <IO2Finding> o2TargetO2Findings, List <IO2Rule> o2Rules)
            var findingsCreated        = new List <IO2Finding>();
            var numberOfItemsToProcess = o2TargetO2Findings.Count();
            var itemsProcessed         = 0;

            foreach (IO2Finding targetO2Finding in o2TargetO2Findings)
                var parentO2Finding = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(targetO2Finding, false);
                //parentO2Finding.o2Traces = new List<IO2Trace>();
                createAllPartialTraces(targetO2Finding.o2Traces, parentO2Finding.o2Traces, parentO2Finding, findingsCreated);
                if (itemsProcessed % 5000 == 0)
                    DI.log.info("applyFllter_MapSinksToAllTraces: {0} Findings created so far  [{1}/{2}]", findingsCreated.Count, itemsProcessed, numberOfItemsToProcess);
            DI.log.info("applyFllter_MapSinksToAllTraces: {0} Findings created in total", findingsCreated.Count);
        public static List <IO2Finding> applyFilter(IEnumerable <IO2Finding> o2TargetO2Findings, List <IO2Rule> o2Rules, bool addFindingsWithNoMatches)
            var findingsCreated        = new List <IO2Finding>();
            var numberOfItemsToProcess = o2TargetO2Findings.Count();
            var itemsProcessed         = 0;
            // create index of Sinks
            var indexedRules = IndexedO2Rules.indexOnSinks(o2Rules);  // IndexedO2Rules.indexAll(o2Rules);

            // process add findings
            foreach (IO2Finding targetO2Finding in o2TargetO2Findings)
                var currentNumberOfCreatedFindings = findingsCreated.Count;
                // create copy of parent with no child traces
                var parentO2Finding = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(targetO2Finding, false);
                // start recursive loop that will invoke the Lambda callback for every node
                if (invokeOnAllPartialTraces(targetO2Finding.o2Traces, parentO2Finding.o2Traces,
                                             (o2PartialTraces, o2Trace) => applyRuleToTrace(o2Trace, o2PartialTraces, parentO2Finding, findingsCreated, indexedRules)))
                    // if invokeOnAllPartialTraces returned true (which means we didn't hit a don't propagate item) check if there was any rule created with this finding
                    if (addFindingsWithNoMatches)
                        if (currentNumberOfCreatedFindings == findingsCreated.Count)
                            parentO2Finding.vulnType = "_O2.Lost.Sources";
                            // These are Lost sources (i.e. findings where the Sink happens first than the source
                            parentO2Finding.vulnName = ((O2Finding)parentO2Finding).Sink;
                            // this patch should be done when the joinned traces are created
                //update user on progress
                if (itemsProcessed % 5000 == 0)
                    DI.log.info("applyFllter_MapSinksToAllTraces: {0} Findings created so far  [{1}/{2}]", findingsCreated.Count, itemsProcessed, numberOfItemsToProcess);
            DI.log.info("applyFllter_MapSinksToAllTraces: {0} Findings created in total", findingsCreated.Count);
Exemple #12
        public static List <IO2Finding> mapJoinPoints_HashTagsOn_Sinks(List <IO2Finding> o2findings)
            var results = new List <IO2Finding>();

            foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in o2findings)
                var hashTagName = JoinOnAttributes.extractNameFromContext(o2Finding.SinkContext, "\"", "\"");
                // make this the last trace
                if (hashTagName != "")
                    var copyOfO2Finding = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2Finding);
                    var joinLocation    = copyOfO2Finding.o2Traces[0].file;

                    // insert JoinSink
                    copyOfO2Finding.addTrace(copyOfO2Finding.getSink(), hashTagName, TraceType.O2JoinSink);

                    // insert Location
                    copyOfO2Finding.insertTrace(joinLocation, TraceType.O2JoinLocation);

        private static bool applyRuleToTrace(IO2Trace o2Trace, IO2Finding parentO2Finding, List <IO2Finding> findingsCreated, IDictionary <string, List <IO2Rule> > indexedRules)
            var signatureToFind = o2Trace.signature;

            if (indexedRules.ContainsKey(signatureToFind))    // means we have a match
                if (o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Source)
                    // if the trace is of TraceType.Source by there is a rule with O2RuleType.NotASource we need are not going to add the current finding
                    foreach (var o2Rule in indexedRules[signatureToFind])
                        if (o2Rule.RuleType == O2RuleType.NotASource)
                    // since this is a Source, we can just add it and terminate the trace (this assumes that there is only one trace per finding
                // if we have a source lets add it has a new finding
                foreach (var o2Rule in indexedRules[signatureToFind])
                    if (o2Rule.RuleType != O2RuleType.NotASource)
                        // before we copy the finding we have to sort out who is a source in this finding
                        var currentSource = ((O2Finding)parentO2Finding).getSource();
                        // make it a normal trace
                        if (currentSource != null)
                            currentSource.traceType = TraceType.Type_4;
                        // then save the current trace trace type
                        var currentO2TraceTraceType = o2Trace.traceType;
                        // set it to Source
                        o2Trace.traceType = TraceType.Source;
                        // copy the whole finding and traces
                        var newSourceFinding = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(parentO2Finding);
                        // add it to the list of created findings
                        // and restore the trace types we modified above
                        if (currentSource != null)
                            currentSource.traceType = TraceType.Source;
                        o2Trace.traceType = currentO2TraceTraceType;
                        // all done :)

                /*      // rename to shouldAbortRulesCreation
                 *    if (shouldAbortRulesExecution(indexedRules[signatureToFind]))
                 *    {
                 *        if (o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Known_Sink || o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Lost_Sink)
                 *            return false;
                 *        return true;
                 *    }
                 *    // check if we are a sink at the root of the tree with no child nodes (and if so cancel)
                 *    if (parentO2Finding.o2Traces.Count == 0)//; && (o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Known_Sink || o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Lost_Sink || o2Trace.traceType == TraceType.Root_Call))
                 *        return true;
                 *    // check if there are no sources on the trace
                 *    if (((O2Finding)parentO2Finding).Source == "")
                 *        return false;
                 *    var newTrace = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2Trace, false); //create new trace (which will be modified
                 *    newTrace.traceType = TraceType.Known_Sink; // make the trace  a sink
                 *    o2PartialTraces.Add(newTrace); // add it to the partial trace
                 *    var newFindingWithSinkTrace = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(parentO2Finding); // create template finding which will be applied the rules
                 *    findingsCreated.AddRange(FiltersUtils.applySinkRuleToFindingAndTrace(newFindingWithSinkTrace, o2Trace.signature, indexedRules)); // apply rules and add resulting findings to findingsCreated list
                 *    //remove the new trace since the invokeOnAllPartialTraces loop will add its own copy
                 *    o2PartialTraces.Remove(newTrace);
            return(true); // in this case return true since we want to process ALL traces
        public static List <IO2Finding> getSourcesMappedToInterfaces(List <IO2Finding> o2Findings, ICirData cirData)
            var results = new List <IO2Finding>();

            if (cirData == null || o2Findings == null)
            foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in o2Findings)
                var source = o2Finding.getSource();
                if (source != null)
                    if (cirData.dFunctions_bySignature.ContainsKey(source.signature))
                        var cirFunction = cirData.dFunctions_bySignature[source.signature];
                        var cirClass    = cirFunction.ParentClass;
                        if (cirClass.dSuperClasses.Count > 0)
                            var sourceSig = cirFunction.FunctionSignature.Substring(cirClass.Signature.Length);

                            foreach (var superClass in cirClass.dSuperClasses.Values)
                                foreach (var function in superClass.dFunctions.Values)
                                    var interfaceName = function.FunctionSignature.Substring(superClass.Signature.Length);
                                    if (sourceSig == interfaceName)
                                        // we have an implementation of a method:
                                        var newO2Finding = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2Finding);

                                        var currentSource = ((O2Finding)newO2Finding).getSource();
                                        currentSource.traceType = TraceType.Type_4;
                                        currentSource.signature = "[old source]:   " + currentSource.signature;

                                        var interfaceTrace = new O2Trace(function.FunctionSignature);

                                        interfaceTrace.traceType = TraceType.Source;

                                        //interfaceTrace.childTraces.Add(new O2Trace("[interface function Signature (that matched)]:  " + sourceSig));
                                        //interfaceTrace.childTraces.Add(new O2Trace("interface: " + interfaceName));
                                        //interfaceTrace.childTraces.Add(new O2Trace("source: " + currentSource.signature));
                                        //interfaceTrace.childTraces.Add(new O2Trace("interface: " + function.FunctionSignature));

                                        newO2Finding.o2Traces = new List <IO2Trace>();

                                        //return results;
                        //log.info(" {2}  :  {0} -> {1}", cirFunction.FunctionSignature, cirClass.Name, cirClass.dSuperClasses.Count);
            DI.log.info("There were {0} sources mapped to its interfaces (i.e. superclasses))", results.Count);
Exemple #15
 public static IO2Finding copy(this IO2Finding o2Finding)
        /// <summary>
        /// This will populate the parent finding with all traces from the provided ICirFunction
        /// caution: use the createNewFindingOnExternalCall carefully since it can create a stupid amount of traces (and it is much slower)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cirFunction"></param>
        /// <param name="lineNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="o2Traces"></param>
        /// <param name="parentTraces"></param>
        /// <param name="rootO2Finding"></param>
        /// <param name="o2FindingsCreated"></param>
        /// <param name="createNewFindingOnExternalCall"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public static void createTracesAndFindingsFromCirFunction(ICirFunction cirFunction, string fileName, UInt32 lineNumber, List <IO2Trace> o2Traces, List <IO2Trace> parentTraces, IO2Finding rootO2Finding, List <IO2Finding> o2FindingsCreated, bool createNewFindingOnExternalCall)
            int maxParentDepth    = 10; //30; //10;
            var maxNumberOfTraces = 20; //50; //300; //50
            var filteredSignature = new FilteredSignature(cirFunction);
            var functionSignature = filteredSignature.sSignature;

            var o2Trace = new O2Trace(functionSignature, cirFunction.ClassNameFunctionNameAndParameters)
                file       = fileName,
                lineNumber = lineNumber

            // add file references

            // handle the case where this is a recursive call or a call to a method already added in the current tree
            var recursiveCall = false;

            foreach (var o2ParentTrace in parentTraces)
                if (o2ParentTrace.signature == functionSignature)
                    recursiveCall = true;
            // add this trace to the current trace tree (since we might need to create a copy of it below
            if (recursiveCall)
                var nodeText = String.Format("{0} : {1} : {2}", cirFunction, "....(Recursive Call so not expanding child traces", functionSignature);
                o2Trace.childTraces.Add(new O2Trace(nodeText));
                if (parentTraces.Count > maxParentDepth)
                    o2Trace.childTraces.Add(new O2Trace(" ... {Max trace depth reached} (" + maxParentDepth + ")"));
                    var numberOfTraces = OzasmtUtils.getAllTraces(rootO2Finding.o2Traces);
                    if (numberOfTraces.Count > maxNumberOfTraces)
                        o2Trace.childTraces.Add(new O2Trace("**** Max number of traces reached(" + maxNumberOfTraces + ") aborting trace execution"));

                    if (cirFunction.FunctionsCalled.Count == 0) // means we don't have the code for this one, so
                        // let make it a lost sink
                        var originalTraceTypeValue = o2Trace.traceType; // we might need this below
                        o2Trace.traceType = TraceType.Lost_Sink;
                        if (createNewFindingOnExternalCall)             // and if createNewFindingOnExternalCall add it as finding
                            // create a copy of the parent finding (which incudes the above trace
                            var newFinding = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(rootO2Finding);
                            // make the first call a source (so that we have a source-> pair
                            newFinding.o2Traces[0].traceType = TraceType.Source;
                            // add it
                            // since the crawl will continue we must restore the originalTraceTypeValue
                            o2Trace.traceType = originalTraceTypeValue;
                        foreach (var functionCalled in cirFunction.FunctionsCalled)
                            createTracesAndFindingsFromCirFunction(functionCalled.cirFunction, functionCalled.fileName, (UInt32)functionCalled.lineNumber, o2Trace.childTraces, parentTraces, rootO2Finding, o2FindingsCreated, createNewFindingOnExternalCall);

            // now remove the signature since we are only interrested in non repeats on the same parent
Exemple #17
        private void handleDragDrop(DragEventArgs e)
            var droppedObject = Dnd.tryToGetObjectFromDroppedObject(e);

            switch (droppedObject.GetType().Name)
            case "O2Trace":
                var droppedTrace    = (IO2Trace)droppedObject;
                var selectedO2Trace = o2Trace;
                if (selectedO2Trace == droppedTrace)
                    DI.log.error("on tvSmartTrace_DragDrop: It is not possible to drop a trace on it seft");
                else if (bMoveTraces &&
                         (OzasmtSearch.isO2TraceAChildTraceOfO2Trace(selectedO2Trace, droppedTrace)))
                    // if we draged into a parent, we need to make a copy first, then copy it then delete the original
                    IO2Trace copiedO2Trace = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(droppedTrace);
                    OzasmtGlue.deleteO2Trace(o2Finding.o2Traces, droppedTrace);
                else if (bMoveTraces &&
                         OzasmtSearch.isO2TraceAChildTraceOfO2Trace(droppedTrace, selectedO2Trace))
                        "on tvSmartTrace_DragDrop: Could not move trace since it is not possible to drop a trace into its own child node");
                    IO2Trace copiedO2Trace = OzasmtCopy.createCopy(droppedTrace);

                    if (bMoveTraces)
                        OzasmtGlue.deleteO2Trace(o2Finding.o2Traces, droppedTrace);

            case "O2Finding":

            case "TreeNode":
                var tagObject = ((TreeNode)droppedObject).Tag;
                if (tagObject != null)
                    if (tagObject is O2Finding)

            /*       var droppedTrace2 = (O2Trace)Dnd.tryToGetObjectFromDroppedObject(e, typeof(O2Trace));
             * if (droppedTrace2 != null)
             * {
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  var droppedO2Finding = (O2Finding)Dnd.tryToGetObjectFromDroppedObject(e, typeof(O2Finding));
             *  if (droppedO2Finding != null)
             *      loadO2Finding(droppedO2Finding);
             *  else
             *  {
             *      droppedO2Finding = (O2Finding)Dnd.tryToGetObjectFromDroppedObject(e, typeof(TreeNode));
             *  }
             * }*/