Exemple #1
        public Enum(Namespace parentNamespace, XmlBindings.Enum xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Enum overrides, Dictionary <string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary, OutputDataTypes outputDataTypes)
            m_stylizedName = Formatter.Prefix + Formatter.StylizeNameFromUnderscoreSeparators(xmlData.Name);

            if (parentNamespace != null)
                m_rawName = parentNamespace.ApiName + "_" + xmlData.Name;
                typeDictionary[parentNamespace.RawName + "::" + xmlData.Name] = this;
                // Namespace of NULL indicates the global namespace.
                // These types aren't D2D types, and their full native name is
                // exactly what's in the name field (no need to prepend anything).
                m_rawName = xmlData.Name;
                typeDictionary[xmlData.Name] = this;

            m_isFlags = xmlData.IsFlags;

            m_enumValues = new List <EnumValue>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.EnumValue valueXml in xmlData.EnumValues)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.EnumValue overridesEnumValue = null;
                if (overrides != null)
                    overridesEnumValue = overrides.Values.Find(x => x.Name == valueXml.Name);

                m_enumValues.Add(new EnumValue(valueXml, m_rawName, overridesEnumValue));

            bool shouldProject = false;

            if (overrides != null)
                shouldProject = overrides.ShouldProject;

                if (overrides.ProjectedNameOverride != null)
                    m_stylizedName = Formatter.Prefix + overrides.ProjectedNameOverride;

            // One of the XML files has a mistake where it doesn't properly order its enums.
            if (m_isFlags)
                m_enumValues.Sort(new EnumValueComparer());

            // Enums in the global namespace are defined as aliases only. By convention, only enums in a namespace are output.
            if (parentNamespace != null && shouldProject)
Exemple #2
        public Namespace(XmlBindings.Namespace xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Namespace overrides, Dictionary <string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary, OutputDataTypes outputDataTypes)
            m_rawName = xmlData.Name;

            if (overrides != null && overrides.NameOverride != null)
                m_apiName = overrides.NameOverride;
                m_apiName = xmlData.Name;

            m_enums = new List <Enum>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Enum enumXml in xmlData.Enums)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Enum overridesEnum = null;
                if (overrides != null)
                    overridesEnum = overrides.Enums.Find(x => x.Name == enumXml.Name);

                m_enums.Add(new Enum(this, enumXml, overridesEnum, typeDictionary, outputDataTypes));

            m_structs = new List <Struct>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Struct structXml in xmlData.Structs)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Struct overridesStruct = null;
                if (overrides != null)
                    overridesStruct = overrides.Structs.Find(x => x.Name == structXml.Name);

                m_structs.Add(new Struct(this, structXml, overridesStruct, typeDictionary, outputDataTypes));

            m_interfaces = new List <Interface>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Interface interfaceXml in xmlData.Interfaces)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Interface overridesInterface = null;
                if (overrides != null)
                    overridesInterface = overrides.Interfaces.Find(x => x.Name == interfaceXml.Name);

                m_interfaces.Add(new Interface(this, interfaceXml, overridesInterface, typeDictionary));

            foreach (XmlBindings.Typedef t in xmlData.Typedefs)
                // In the types XML, often times types are declared as one type,
                // then typedefs to something else, and referenced thereafter
                // as that second type. And so, typedefs must be handled here.
                // In the XML, the 'Name' field in each typedef is unqualified,
                // but the 'From' field is qualified.
                // For example, <Typedef Name="COLOR_F" From="D2D::COLOR_F"/>
                // So, the entries are added to the type dictionary here
                // under the qualified name.
                string qualified = xmlData.Name + "::" + t.Name;
                typeDictionary[qualified] = typeDictionary[t.From];