public MainWindow() { OverlaySettings = new OverlaySettings(); InitializeComponent(); Router.StartGame = false; Overlay.Init(OverlaySettings); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="frame">The frame that will show the pages</param> public RoutingHelper(Frame frame, OverlaySettings overlaySettings) { container = frame; container.Navigated += OnFrameNavigation; StartGame = false; OverlaySettings = overlaySettings; }
protected void LoadSettings() { StreamReader s = null; try { s = new StreamReader(ConfigFileName); var x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(GameSettings)); Settings = (GameSettings)x.Deserialize(s); s.Close(); s = new StreamReader(OverlayConfigFileName); x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OverlaySettings)); OverlaySettings = (OverlaySettings)x.Deserialize(s); } catch { Settings = new GameSettings(); OverlaySettings = new OverlaySettings(); SaveSettings(); } finally { if (s != null) { s.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Open the OverLaySettings form /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void settingsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ols = new OverlaySettings()) { ols.ShowDialog(this); } SettingsManager(false); }
/// <summary> /// Navigates to the given page /// </summary> /// <param name="page">The page that we want to navigate to</param> public void ChangeCurrentPage(PageBase page) { OverlaySettings.Reset(); page.Router = this; page.OverlaySettings = OverlaySettings; CurrentPage = page; container.Content = page; page.OnAttachedToFrame(); CurrentPageChanged?.Invoke(); }
public void ShowGameAlert(OverlaySettings settings, UnityAction OnCloseCallback) { GameObject panel = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("InGameAlertPanel")); _onCloseCallback = OnCloseCallback; InGameAlert = panel.GetComponent <InGameAlertOverlay>(); InGameAlert.BodyText = settings.body; InGameAlert.OnScreenOverlayClose += OnInGameAlertClose; InGameAlert.transform.SetParent(ui.transform, false); InGameAlert.Initialize(); }
private void ControlService_DisplayOSSelection(List <AvailableOverlaySetting> remoteSettings, SettingSelectedHandler handler) { // Must be called via dispatcher, this event is called from a network thread Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate() { SelectOverlaySettings sosWindow = new SelectOverlaySettings() { AvailableSettings = remoteSettings, Owner = this }; if (handler != null) { sosWindow.SettingSelected += handler; } sosWindow.AvailableSettings.AddRange(OverlaySettings.GetValidOverlaySettings()); sosWindow.ShowDialog(); } )); }
// force stop will stop the vehicle and show wrong answer feedback // on alert close, we remove all elements running // game manager, race and game screen are all removed private void ForceStop() { PersistentModel.Instance.ClockIsStopped = true; UIManager.Instance.soundManager.PlaySound("PlayTooSlow", 0.2f); race.ForceCompleted(); race.StopVehicle(); string feedback =; // Show Popup OverlaySettings settings = new OverlaySettings { body = feedback }; UIManager.Instance.Overlay.ShowGameAlert(settings, OnInGameAlertClose); CurrentState = State.IDLE; }
private void menuOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ControlClientService.Instance.ConnectedStatus != ConnectionStatus.NotConnected) { ControlClientService.Instance.DisplayOpenMenuWithRemoteSettings(); } else { if (ControlServerService.Instance.ConnectedStatus != ConnectionStatus.NotConnected) { ControlServerService.Instance.DisplayOpenMenuWithRemoteSettings(); } else { SelectOverlaySettings sos = new SelectOverlaySettings() { Owner = this, AvailableSettings = OverlaySettings.GetValidOverlaySettings(), LocalOnly = true }; sos.SettingSelected += new SettingSelectedHandler(SelectOverlaySettings_OverlaySettingSelected); sos.ShowDialog(); } } }
// force stop will stop the vehicle and show wrong answer feedback // on alert close, we remove all elements running // game manager, race and game screen are all removed private void ForceStop() { DebugLog.Trace("ForceStop.Instance.ChallengeTime: " + PersistentModel.Instance.ChallengeTime); DebugLog.Trace("race.Time: " + race.Time); PersistentModel.Instance.ClockIsStopped = true; //UIManager.Instance.soundManager.PlayTooSlow(0.065f); race.ForceCompleted(); race.StopVehicle(); string feedback =; // Show Popup OverlaySettings settings = new OverlaySettings { body = feedback }; UIManager.Instance.Overlay.ShowGameAlert(settings, OnInGameAlertClose); CurrentState = State.IDLE; }
// Returns true if processing was successful protected virtual bool ProcessSinglePacket(ControlCommand.Command?requiredCommand = null) { // Alias EncryptedStream as ns for cleaner code Stream ns = EncryptedStream; byte[] commandBuffer = new byte[1]; int commandBytesRead = 0; // Try reading the command byte try { commandBytesRead = ns.Read(commandBuffer, 0, 1); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } // If we read a command byte if (commandBytesRead == 1) { ControlCommand.Command packetCommand = (ControlCommand.Command)commandBuffer[0]; CommandResult cr = null; // Handle incoming commands switch (packetCommand) { case ControlCommand.Command.AvailableSettingsRequest: cr = AvailableSettingsRequestCommand.Instance.HandleCommand(ns); Dictionary <string, object> availableResponseParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); availableResponseParameters["availableSettings"] = OverlaySettings.GetValidOverlaySettings(); bool responseSent = AvailableSettingsResponseCommand.Instance.SendCommand(ns, availableResponseParameters); break; case ControlCommand.Command.AvailableSettingsResponse: cr = AvailableSettingsResponseCommand.Instance.HandleCommand(ns); if (cr.Success) { AvailableRemoteSettings = (List <AvailableOverlaySetting>)cr.Data["remoteSettings"]; } break; case ControlCommand.Command.DownloadSettingRequest: cr = DownloadSettingRequestCommand.Instance.HandleCommand(ns); if (cr.Success) { string settingPath = (string)cr.Data["settingPath"]; FileInfo overlaySettingFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(OverlaySettings.OverlaysBasePath.FullName, settingPath)); DirectoryInfo overlaySettingFolder = overlaySettingFile.Directory; Dictionary <string, object> downloadResponseParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); downloadResponseParameters["fromDirectory"] = overlaySettingFolder; DownloadSettingResponseCommand.Instance.SendCommand(ns, downloadResponseParameters); } break; case ControlCommand.Command.DownloadSettingResponse: cr = DownloadSettingResponseCommand.Instance.HandleCommand(ns); if (cr.Success) { RaiseSettingsDownloaded((DirectoryInfo)cr.Data["savedDirectory"]); } break; case ControlCommand.Command.OverlaySettingSelect: cr = OverlaySettingSelectCommand.Instance.HandleCommand(ns); if (cr.Success) { if ((bool)cr.Data["remote"]) { Dictionary <string, object> downloadParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); downloadParameters["settingPath"] = cr.Data["selectedPath"]; // Open when download completes SettingsDownloaded += new SettingsDownloadedHandler(SettingsDownloaded_OpenOnComplete); remoteSettingToDownload = new AvailableOverlaySetting() { Path = (string)cr.Data["selectedPath"], Local = !((bool)cr.Data["remote"]) }; DownloadSettingRequestCommand.Instance.SendCommand(ns, downloadParameters); } else { try { OverlaySettings.Instance.Load(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(OverlaySettings.OverlaysBasePath.FullName, (string)cr.Data["selectedPath"]))); } catch (OverlayLoadingException ole) { MessageBox.Show(ole.Message); return(false); } OverlaySettingLoadedCommand.Instance.SendCommand(ns); } } break; case ControlCommand.Command.OverlaySettingLoaded: cr = OverlaySettingLoadedCommand.Instance.HandleCommand(ns); break; case ControlCommand.Command.UpdateVariable: cr = UpdateVariableCommand.Instance.HandleCommand(ns); if (cr.Success) { string variableName = (string)cr.Data["variableName"]; string variableValue = (string)cr.Data["variableValue"]; // Update our dictionary's value of variableName with variableValue OverlaySettings.Instance.UpdateVariableFromNetwork(variableName, variableValue); } break; case ControlCommand.Command.Close: cr = CloseCommand.Instance.HandleCommand(ns); if (cr.Success) { return(false); } break; // Unknown command default: return(false); } if (!cr.Success) { return(false); } // Mark packet processed if mutex is valid if (ProcessedCommands.ContainsKey(packetCommand) && ProcessedCommands[packetCommand] != null) { ProcessedCommands[packetCommand].Set(); } // If we processed a command that wasn't required, fail if (requiredCommand.HasValue && ((ControlCommand.Command)commandBuffer[0]) != requiredCommand.Value) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public void InjectOverlaySettings(OverlaySettings overlaySettings) { OverlaySettings = overlaySettings; }
public override void Init(RendererBase <ToyWorld> renderer, ToyWorld world, OverlaySettings settings) { base.Init(renderer, world, settings); }
private void OnDrawing(Device device) { try { OverlaySettings settings = OverlaySettings.Instance; if (settings.OnlyDrawInForeground && Imports.GetForegroundWindow() != StyxWoW.Memory.Process.MainWindowHandle) { return; } if (!StyxWoW.IsInGame) { DrawHelper.DrawShadowedText("Not in game!", settings.GameStatsPositionX, settings.GameStatsPositionY, settings.GameStatsForegroundColor, settings.GameStatsShadowColor, settings.GameStatsFontSize ); return; } if (!TreeRoot.IsRunning) { ObjectManager.Update(); } WoWPoint mypos = StyxWoW.Me.Location; Vector3 vecStart = new Vector3(mypos.X, mypos.Y, mypos.Z); int myLevel = StyxWoW.Me.Level; if (settings.DrawGameStats) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); WoWUnit currentTarget = StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget; if (currentTarget != null) { sb.AppendLine("Current Target: " + currentTarget.Name + ", Distance: " + Math.Round(currentTarget.Distance, 3)); WoWPoint end = currentTarget.Location; Vector3 vecEnd = new Vector3(end.X, end.Y, end.Z); DrawHelper.DrawLine(vecStart, vecEnd, 2f, Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Black)); } sb.AppendLine("My Position: " + StyxWoW.Me.Location); sb.AppendLine(""); sb.AppendLine(string.Format(Globalization.XP_HR___0_, GameStats.XPPerHour.ToString("F0"))); sb.AppendLine(string.Format(Globalization.Kills___0____1__hr_, GameStats.MobsKilled, GameStats.MobsPerHour.ToString("F0"))); sb.AppendLine(string.Format(Globalization.Deaths___0____1__hr_, GameStats.Deaths, GameStats.DeathsPerHour.ToString("F0"))); sb.AppendLine(string.Format(Globalization.Loots___0____1__hr_, GameStats.Loots, GameStats.LootsPerHour.ToString("F0"))); if (BotManager.Current is BGBuddy) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Honor Gained: {0} ({1}/hr)", GameStats.HonorGained, GameStats.HonorPerHour.ToString("F0"))); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("BGs Won: {0} Lost: {1} Total: {2} ({3}/hr)", GameStats.BGsWon, GameStats.BGsLost, GameStats.BGsCompleted, GameStats.BGsPerHour.ToString("F0"))); } if (myLevel < 90) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Time to Level: {0}", GameStats.TimeToLevel)); } sb.AppendLine(string.Format("TPS: {0}", GameStats.TicksPerSecond.ToString("F2"))); sb.AppendLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TreeRoot.GoalText)) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format(Globalization.Goal___0_, TreeRoot.GoalText)); } if (settings.UseShadowedText) { DrawHelper.DrawShadowedText(sb.ToString(), settings.GameStatsPositionX, settings.GameStatsPositionY, settings.GameStatsForegroundColor, settings.GameStatsShadowColor, settings.GameStatsFontSize ); } else { DrawHelper.DrawText(sb.ToString(), settings.GameStatsPositionX, settings.GameStatsPositionY, settings.GameStatsForegroundColor, settings.GameStatsFontSize ); } } if (settings.DrawHostilityBoxes || settings.DrawUnitLines || settings.DrawGameObjectBoxes || settings.DrawGameObjectLines) { foreach (WoWObject obj in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWObject>(true)) { string name = obj.Name; WoWPoint objLoc = obj.Location; Vector3 vecCenter = new Vector3(objLoc.X, objLoc.Y, objLoc.Z); WoWGameObject gobject = obj as WoWGameObject; if (gobject != null) { Color color = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Blue); if (gobject.IsMineral) { color = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.DarkGray); } if (gobject.IsHerb) { color = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Fuchsia); } if (settings.DrawGameObjectNames) { DrawHelper.Draw3DText(name, vecCenter); } if (settings.DrawGameObjectBoxes) { DrawHelper.DrawOutlinedBox(vecCenter, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, Color.FromArgb(150, color) ); } if (settings.DrawGameObjectLines) { bool inLos = gobject.InLineOfSight; if (settings.DrawGameObjectLinesLos && inLos) { DrawHelper.DrawLine(vecStart, vecCenter, 2f, Color.FromArgb(150, color)); } else { if (!settings.DrawGameObjectLinesLos) { DrawHelper.DrawLine(vecStart, vecCenter, 2f, Color.FromArgb(150, color)); } } } } WoWPlayer player = obj as WoWPlayer; if (player != null) { if (OverlaySettings.Instance.DrawPlayerNames) { DrawHelper.Draw3DText(name, vecCenter); } } WoWUnit u = obj as WoWUnit; if (u != null) { Color hostilityColor = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Green); if (u.IsHostile) { hostilityColor = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Red); if (settings.DrawAggroRangeCircles) { DrawHelper.DrawCircle(vecCenter, u.MyAggroRange, 16, Color.FromArgb(75, Color.DeepSkyBlue)); } } if (u.IsNeutral) { hostilityColor = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Yellow); } if (u.IsFriendly) { hostilityColor = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Green); } if (settings.DrawHostilityBoxes) { float boundingHeight = u.BoundingHeight; float boundingRadius = u.BoundingRadius; DrawHelper.DrawOutlinedBox(vecCenter, boundingRadius, boundingRadius, boundingHeight, hostilityColor ); //DrawHelper.DrawSphere(vecCenter, 1f, 5, 5, hostilityColor); } if (OverlaySettings.Instance.DrawUnitNames) { DrawHelper.Draw3DText(name, vecCenter); } if (settings.DrawUnitLines) { vecCenter.Z += u.BoundingHeight / 2; bool inLos = u.InLineOfSight; if (settings.DrawUnitLinesLos && inLos) { DrawHelper.DrawLine(vecStart, vecCenter, 2f, hostilityColor); } else { if (!settings.DrawUnitLinesLos) { DrawHelper.DrawLine(vecStart, vecCenter, 2f, hostilityColor); } } } } } } if (settings.DrawCurrentPath) { MeshNavigator navigator = Navigator.NavigationProvider as MeshNavigator; if (navigator != null && navigator.CurrentMovePath != null) { Tripper.Tools.Math.Vector3[] points = navigator.CurrentMovePath.Path.Points; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { Vector3 vecEnd = new Vector3(points[i].X, points[i].Y, points[i].Z); if (i - 1 >= 0) { Tripper.Tools.Math.Vector3 prevPoint = points[i - 1]; Vector3 vecPreviousPoint = new Vector3(prevPoint.X, prevPoint.Y, prevPoint.Z); DrawHelper.DrawLine(vecPreviousPoint, vecEnd, 2f, Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Black)); } DrawHelper.DrawBox(vecEnd, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Color.FromArgb(150, Color.BlueViolet)); } } } if (settings.DrawBgMapboxes && BGBuddy.Instance != null) { Battleground curBg = BGBuddy.Instance.Battlegrounds.FirstOrDefault(bg => bg.MapId == StyxWoW.Me.MapId); if (curBg != null) { BgBotProfile curBgProfile = curBg.Profile; if (curBgProfile != null) { foreach (var box in curBgProfile.Boxes[curBg.Side]) { float width = box.BottomRight.X - box.TopLeft.X; float height = box.BottomRight.Z - box.TopLeft.Z; var c = box.Center; Vector3 vecCenter = new Vector3(c.X, c.Y, c.Z); DrawHelper.DrawOutlinedBox(vecCenter, width, width, height, Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Gold)); } foreach (Blackspot bs in curBgProfile.Blackspots) { var p = bs.Location; Vector3 vec = new Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.X); DrawHelper.DrawCircle(vec, bs.Radius, 32, Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Black)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bs.Name)) { DrawHelper.Draw3DText("Blackspot: " + bs.Name, vec); } else { DrawHelper.Draw3DText("Blackspot", vec); } } } } } Profile curProfile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile; if (curProfile != null) { if (settings.DrawHotspots) { GrindArea ga = QuestState.Instance.CurrentGrindArea; if (ga != null) { if (ga.Hotspots != null) { foreach (Hotspot hs in ga.Hotspots) { var p = hs.Position; Vector3 vec = new Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z); DrawHelper.DrawCircle(vec, 10.0f, 32, Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Red)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hs.Name)) { DrawHelper.Draw3DText("Hotspot: " + hs.Name, vec); } else { DrawHelper.Draw3DText("Hotspot", vec); } } } } // This is only used by grind profiles. if (curProfile.HotspotManager != null) { foreach (WoWPoint p in curProfile.HotspotManager.Hotspots) { Vector3 vec = new Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z); DrawHelper.DrawCircle(vec, 10.0f, 32, Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Red)); DrawHelper.Draw3DText("Hotspot", vec); } } } if (settings.DrawBlackspots) { if (curProfile.Blackspots != null) { foreach (Blackspot bs in curProfile.Blackspots) { var p = bs.Location; Vector3 vec = new Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z); DrawHelper.DrawCircle(vec, bs.Radius, 32, Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Black)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bs.Name)) { DrawHelper.Draw3DText("Blackspot: " + bs.Name, vec); } else { DrawHelper.Draw3DText("Blackspot: " + vec, vec); } } } } } if (settings.DrawDbAvoidObjects) { foreach (var avoid in AvoidanceManager.Avoids) { var c = avoid.Location; var center = new Vector3(c.X, c.Y, c.Z); DrawHelper.DrawCircle(center, avoid.Radius, 32, Color.FromArgb(200, Color.LightBlue)); center.Z += 1.0f; DrawHelper.Draw3DText("Db Avoid Object", center); } } } catch (Exception) { } }