public SimpleStaticTextWidget(string name, string caption, float width, bool specificColor, ColourValue color, float fontSize = 100)
            OverlayManager overlayMgr = OverlayManager.Singleton;

            element             = overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("BorderPanel", name);
            element.MetricsMode = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_RELATIVE;
            //element.HorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_LEFT;
            element.Height = 0.32f;
            element.Left   = -0.01f;
            if (width == 0)
                element.Width = 1;
            mTextArea                     = overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", name + "/StaticTextCaption") as TextAreaOverlayElement;
            mTextArea.MetricsMode         = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_RELATIVE;
            mTextArea.HorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_CENTER;
            mTextArea.Top        = 0f;
            mTextArea.FontName   = "EngineFont";
            mTextArea.CharHeight = 0.025f * (fontSize / (float)100);
            mTextArea.SpaceWidth = 0.02f;
            if (!specificColor)
                mTextArea.Colour = new ColourValue(0.9f, 1f, 0.7f);
                mTextArea.Colour = color;
            Text = caption;
Exemple #2
        public StaticText(string name, string caption, float width, bool specificColor, ColourValue color)
            OverlayManager overlayMgr = OverlayManager.Singleton;

            mElement                      = overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("BorderPanel", name);
            mElement.MetricsMode          = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
            mElement.HorizontalAlignment  = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_CENTER;
            mElement.Height               = 32;
            mTextArea                     = overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", name + "/StaticTextCaption") as TextAreaOverlayElement;
            mTextArea.MetricsMode         = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
            mTextArea.HorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_CENTER;
            mTextArea.Top        = 10;
            mTextArea.FontName   = "EngineFont";
            mTextArea.CharHeight = 18;
            mTextArea.SpaceWidth = 9;
            if (!specificColor)
                mTextArea.Colour = new ColourValue(0.9f, 1f, 0.7f);
                mTextArea.Colour = color;
Exemple #3
        public static void AddTextBox(String id, String text, float x, float y, float width, float height, ColourValue colorTop, ColourValue colorBot)
            try {
                OverlayManager   overlayMgr = OverlayManager.Singleton;
                OverlayContainer panel      = (OverlayContainer)overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("Panel", "_panel_" + id);
                panel.MetricsMode = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
                panel.SetPosition(x, y);
                panel.SetDimensions(width, height);

                TextAreaOverlayElement textArea = (TextAreaOverlayElement)overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", "_area_" + id);
                textArea.MetricsMode = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
                textArea.SetPosition(0, 0);
                textArea.SetDimensions(width, height);
                textArea.Caption      = text;
                textArea.CharHeight   = 16;
                textArea.FontName     = "Verdana";
                textArea.ColourTop    = colorTop;
                textArea.ColourBottom = colorBot;
                Overlay overlay = overlayMgr.Create("_overlay_" + id);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Util.Log("Unable to create text area.");
        public SimpleStaticTextButton(string name, string caption, ColourValue normalStateColor, ColourValue activeStateColor, bool specificColor = false)
            OverlayManager overlayMgr = OverlayManager.Singleton;

            element                       = overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("BorderPanel", name);
            element.MetricsMode           = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_RELATIVE;
            element.HorizontalAlignment   = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_LEFT;
            element.Height                = 0.32f;
            mTextArea                     = overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", name + "/StaticTextCaption") as TextAreaOverlayElement;
            mTextArea.MetricsMode         = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_RELATIVE;
            mTextArea.HorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_LEFT;
            mTextArea.Top        = 0.01f;
            mTextArea.FontName   = "EngineFont";
            mTextArea.CharHeight = 0.025f;
            mTextArea.SpaceWidth = 0.02f;
            if (!specificColor)
                normalStateColor = new ColourValue(0.9f, 1f, 0.7f);
            mTextArea.Colour = normalStateColor;
            Text = caption;
            this.normalStateColor = normalStateColor;
            this.activeStateColor = activeStateColor;
            mState = ButtonState.BS_UP;
Exemple #5
        public Panel(string name, float width = 0, float height = 0, float left = 0, float top = 0)
            widgets = new List <Widget>();
            OverlayManager overlayMgr = OverlayManager.Singleton;

            mElement                     = overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("BorderPanel", name);
            mElement.MetricsMode         = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_RELATIVE;
            mElement.HorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_CENTER;
            if (width == 0 || height == 0)
                mElement.Width  = float.Parse(GameManager.Instance.videoMode["Width"]) - 20;
                mElement.Height = float.Parse(GameManager.Instance.videoMode["Height"]) - 20;
            else if (width > 0 && height > 0)
                mElement.Width  = width;
                mElement.Height = height;
Exemple #6
        public SimpleButtonWidget(string name, string caption, float width, float height, float left = 0, float top = 0)
            OverlayManager overlayMgr = OverlayManager.Singleton;

            element                             = OverlayManager.Singleton.CreateOverlayElementFromTemplate("SimpleButton", "BorderPanel", name);
            element.MetricsMode                 = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_RELATIVE;
            element.Top                         = top;
            element.Left                        = left;
            element.Height                      = height;
            element.Width                       = width;
            borderPanelElement                  = (BorderPanelOverlayElement)element;
            textAreaElement                     = overlayMgr.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", name + "/StaticTextCaption") as TextAreaOverlayElement;
            textAreaElement.MetricsMode         = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_RELATIVE;
            textAreaElement.HorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_CENTER;
            textAreaElement.FontName   = "EngineFont";
            textAreaElement.CharHeight = 0.025f;
            textAreaElement.SpaceWidth = 0.02f;
            textAreaElement.Colour     = ColourValue.Black;
            textAreaElement.Top        = height / 45f;
            textAreaElement.Caption = caption;
Exemple #7
        public OverlayGUI()
            //setup the colours
            top = new ColourValue(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
            bot = new ColourValue(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
            seltop = new ColourValue(0.9f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
            selbot = new ColourValue(0.8f, 0.6f, 0.6f);

            overlayManager = OverlayManager.Singleton;
            // Create a panel
            panel = (OverlayContainer)overlayManager.CreateOverlayElement("Panel", "PanelName");
            panel.MetricsMode = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
            panel.SetPosition(0, 0);
            panel.SetDimensions(Program.Instance.rWindow.Width, Program.Instance.rWindow.Height);

            panel.MaterialName = "fsO/Blank";  // Optional background material

            // Create a text area
            messageArea = (TextAreaOverlayElement)overlayManager.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", "TextArea");
            messageArea.MetricsMode = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
            messageArea.SetPosition(0, 0);
            messageArea.SetDimensions(Program.Instance.rWindow.Width, 100);
            messageArea.CharHeight = 24;
            messageArea.FontName = "damn";
            messageArea.ColourTop = top;
            messageArea.ColourBottom = bot;
            messageArea.Caption = "";

            // Status text area
            statArea = (TextAreaOverlayElement)overlayManager.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", "StatTextArea");
            statArea.MetricsMode = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
            statArea.SetPosition(0, Program.Instance.rWindow.Height - 50);
            statArea.SetDimensions(Program.Instance.rWindow.Width, 50);
            statArea.CharHeight = 24;
            statArea.FontName = "damn";
            statArea.ColourTop = top;
            statArea.ColourBottom = bot;
            statArea.Caption = "this is a test" + Environment.NewLine + "This is the test's second line";

            //Menus Text Areas
            titleArea = (TextAreaOverlayElement)overlayManager.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", "TitleTextArea");
            titleArea.MetricsMode = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
            titleArea.SetPosition(64, 16);
            titleArea.SetDimensions(Program.Instance.rWindow.Width, 32);
            titleArea.CharHeight = 32;
            titleArea.FontName = "damn";
            titleArea.ColourTop = top;
            titleArea.ColourBottom = bot;
            titleArea.Caption = "Title";

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                optionAreas[i] = (TextAreaOverlayElement)overlayManager.CreateOverlayElement("TextArea", i+"TextArea");
                optionAreas[i].MetricsMode = GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS;
                optionAreas[i].SetPosition(32, 64 + (i*26));
                optionAreas[i].SetDimensions(Program.Instance.rWindow.Width, 24);
                optionAreas[i].CharHeight = 24;
                optionAreas[i].FontName = "damn";
                optionAreas[i].ColourTop = top;
                optionAreas[i].ColourBottom = bot;
                optionAreas[i].Caption = "Option " + i.ToString();

            maxOptions = 10;

            // Create an overlay, and add the panel
            overlay = overlayManager.Create("OverlayName");

            // Add the text area to the panel
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

            // Show the overlay
Exemple #8
        public SdkTrayManager(string name)
            Name = name;
            string nameBase = Name + "/";

            nameBase = nameBase.Replace(" ", "_");

            for (var i = 0; i < _widgets.Length; i++)
                _widgets[i] = new List <Widget>();

            OverlayManager om = OverlayManager.Singleton;

            _backdropLayer        = om.Create(nameBase + "BackdropLayer");
            _traysLayer           = om.Create(nameBase + "WidgetsLayer");
            _priorityLayer        = om.Create(nameBase + "PriorityLayer");
            _cursorLayer          = om.Create(nameBase + "CursorLayer");
            _backdropLayer.ZOrder = 100;;
            _traysLayer.ZOrder    = 200;
            _priorityLayer.ZOrder = 300;
            _cursorLayer.ZOrder   = 400;

            // make backdrop and cursor overlay containers
            _cursor = (OverlayContainer)om.CreateOverlayElementFromTemplate("SdkTrays/Cursor", "Panel", nameBase + "Cursor");
            _backdrop = (OverlayContainer)om.CreateOverlayElement("Panel", nameBase + "Backdrop");
            _dialogShade = (OverlayContainer)om.CreateOverlayElement("Panel", nameBase + "DialogShade");
            _dialogShade.MaterialName = "SdkTrays/Shade";

            string[] trayNames = new[]
                "TopLeft", "Top", "TopRight", "Left", "Center", "Right", "BottomLeft", "Bottom", "BottomRight"

            for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++)                // make the real trays
                _trays[i] = (OverlayContainer)om.CreateOverlayElementFromTemplate
                                ("SdkTrays/Tray", "BorderPanel", nameBase + trayNames[i] + "Tray");

                _trayWidgetAlign[i] = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_CENTER;

                // align trays based on location
                if (i == (int)TrayLocation.Top || i == (int)TrayLocation.Center || i == (int)TrayLocation.Bottom)
                    _trays[i].HorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_CENTER;

                if (i == (int)TrayLocation.Left || i == (int)TrayLocation.Center || i == (int)TrayLocation.Right)
                    _trays[i].VerticalAlignment = GuiVerticalAlignment.GVA_CENTER;

                if (i == (int)TrayLocation.TopRight || i == (int)TrayLocation.Right || i == (int)TrayLocation.BottomRight)
                    _trays[i].HorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_RIGHT;

                if (i == (int)TrayLocation.BottomLeft || i == (int)TrayLocation.Bottom || i == (int)TrayLocation.BottomRight)
                    _trays[i].VerticalAlignment = GuiVerticalAlignment.GVA_BOTTOM;

            // create the null tray for free-floating widgets
            _trays[9]           = (OverlayContainer)om.CreateOverlayElement("Panel", nameBase + "NullTray");
            _trayWidgetAlign[9] = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_LEFT;
