Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the overlay display callback for the current window.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="func">
 ///     The new overlay display callback function.  See
 ///     <see cref="OverlayDisplayCallback" />.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 ///     <para>
 ///         <b>glutDisplayFunc</b> sets the overlay display callback for the current
 ///         window.  The overlay display callback is functionally the same as the window's
 ///         display callback except that the overlay display callback is used to redisplay
 ///         the window's overlay.
 ///     </para>
 ///     <para>
 ///         When GLUT determines that the overlay display for the window needs to be
 ///         redisplayed, the overlay display callback for the window is called.  Before
 ///         the callback, the current window is set to the window needing to be
 ///         redisplayed and the layer in use is set to the overlay.  The overlay display
 ///         callback is called with no parameters.  The entire overlay region should be
 ///         redisplayed in response to the callback (this includes ancillary buffers if
 ///         your program depends on their state).
 ///     </para>
 ///     <para>
 ///         GLUT determines when the overlay display callback should be triggered based on
 ///         the window's overlay redisplay state.  The overlay redisplay state for a
 ///         window can be either set explicitly by calling
 ///         <see cref="glutPostOverlayRedisplay" /> or implicitly as the result of window
 ///         damage reported by the window system.  Multiple posted overlay redisplays for
 ///         a window are coalesced by GLUT to minimize the number of overlay display
 ///         callbacks called.
 ///     </para>
 ///     <para>
 ///         Upon return from the overlay display callback, the overlay damaged state of
 ///         the window (returned by calling
 ///         <c>Glut.glutLayerGet(Glut.GLUT_OVERLAY_DAMAMGED)</c> is cleared.
 ///     </para>
 ///     <para>
 ///         The overlay display callback can be deregistered by passing <c>null</c> to
 ///         <see cref="glutOverlayDisplayFunc" />.  The overlay display callback is
 ///         initially <c>null</c> when an overlay is established.  See
 ///         <see cref="glutDisplayFunc" /> to understand how the display callback alone is
 ///         used if an overlay display callback is not registered.
 ///     </para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <seealso cref="DisplayCallback" />
 /// <seealso cref="OverlayDisplayCallback" />
 /// <seealso cref="glutDisplayFunc" />
 /// <seealso cref="glutPostOverlayRedisplay" />
 // GLUTAPI void APIENTRY glutOverlayDisplayFunc(void (GLUTCALLBACK *func)(void));
 public static void glutOverlayDisplayFunc([In] OverlayDisplayCallback func) {
     overlayDisplayCallback = func;
Exemple #2
 private static extern void __glutOverlayDisplayFunc(OverlayDisplayCallback func);