public ConstantReadNode(string serializedValue, string type) : base(NodeType.ConstantRead, UniqueId.NewId()) { Name = $"Constant - {type}"; Color = HashColorConverter.GetColor(type); OutputPins.Add(new TypeOutputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Output, 0), serializedValue, type)); }
public VariableGetNode(string variable, string type) : base(NodeType.VariableGet, UniqueId.NewId()) { Name = $"Get Variable - {type}"; Color = HashColorConverter.GetColor(type); OutputPins.Add(new TypeOutputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Output, 0), variable, type)); }
public CExecuteInterfaceFunctionNode(CKlaxScriptInterfaceFunction targetFunction) { TargetFunctionGuid = targetFunction.Guid; Name = targetFunction.Name; CExecutionPin inPin = new CExecutionPin("In"); InExecutionPins.Add(inPin); CExecutionPin execPin = new CExecutionPin("Next"); OutExecutionPins.Add(execPin); CInputPin targetInput = new CInputPin("Target", typeof(CEntity)); InputPins.Add(targetInput); foreach (var inputParameter in targetFunction.InputParameters) { CInputPin input = new CInputPin(inputParameter.Name, inputParameter.Type); InputPins.Add(input); } foreach (var returnParameter in targetFunction.OutputParameters) { COutputPin output = new COutputPin(returnParameter.Name, returnParameter.Type); OutputPins.Add(output); } }
public CSelfReferenceNode() { IsImplicit = true; Name = "Self Reference"; OutputPins.Add(new COutputPin("Self", typeof(CEntity))); }
public CExecuteCustomFunctionNode(CCustomFunctionGraph functionGraph) { TargetFunctionGuid = functionGraph.Guid; Name = functionGraph.Name; CExecutionPin inPin = new CExecutionPin("In"); InExecutionPins.Add(inPin); CExecutionPin execPin = new CExecutionPin("Next"); OutExecutionPins.Add(execPin); foreach (var inputParameter in functionGraph.InputParameters) { CInputPin input = new CInputPin(inputParameter.Name, inputParameter.Type); InputPins.Add(input); } foreach (var returnParameter in functionGraph.OutputParameters) { COutputPin output = new COutputPin(returnParameter.Name, returnParameter.Type); OutputPins.Add(output); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new subnode from a serialized graph /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> public DaggerSubNode(string name, byte[] buffer) : base() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer); BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter(); _subNodeGraph = (DaggerGraph)bformatter.Deserialize(ms); _subNodeName = name; _subNodeGraph._parentSubNode = this; // reflect imported/exported pins to input/output pins foreach (DaggerOutputPin pin in _subNodeGraph.ImportedPins) { DaggerInputPin inpin = new DaggerInputPin(); inpin.Name = pin.Name; inpin.DataType = pin.DataType; InputPins.Add(inpin); } foreach (DaggerInputPin pin in _subNodeGraph.ExportedPins) { DaggerOutputPin outpin = new DaggerOutputPin(); outpin.Name = pin.Name; outpin.DataType = pin.DataType; OutputPins.Add(outpin); } AssociatedUINode = "IDaggerUISubNode"; }
public InteractNode() : base(NodeType.Interact, UniqueId.NewId()) { Name = "Interact"; Color = 0xFF_32cd32; OutputPins.Add(new FlowOutputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Output, 0), string.Empty)); }
protected NodePin <T> AddOutputPin <T>(string name) { var pin = new NodePin <T>(name, Pins.Count, this); RegisterPin(pin); OutputPins.Add(pin); return(pin); }
protected NodePin <NodePinTypeExecute> AddExecuteOutPin(string name = "Out") { var pin = new NodePin <NodePinTypeExecute>(name, Pins.Count, this); RegisterPin(pin); OutputPins.Add(pin); return(pin); }
public NpcDialogueNode() : base(NodeType.NpcDialogue, UniqueId.NewId()) { Name = "NPC Dialogue"; Color = 0xFF_9370db; InputPins.Add(new FlowInputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Input, 0))); OutputPins.Add(new FlowOutputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Output, 0), string.Empty)); }
public TriggerEventNode(string eventName) : base(NodeType.TriggerEvent, UniqueId.NewId()) { Name = "Trigger Event"; Color = 0xFF_bdb76b; InputPins.Add(new FlowInputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Input, 0))); OutputPins.Add(new FlowOutputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Output, 0), eventName)); }
protected override void OnSourceVariableChanged() { OutputPins.Clear(); Name = "Get " + SourceVariable.Name; COutputPin output = new COutputPin(SourceVariable.Name, SourceVariable.Type); OutputPins.Add(output); }
public VariableSetNode(string variable, string type) : base(NodeType.VariableSet, UniqueId.NewId()) { Name = $"Set Variable - {type}"; Color = HashColorConverter.GetColor(type); InputPins.Add(new FlowInputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Input, 0))); InputPins.Add(new TypeInputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Input, 1), variable, type)); OutputPins.Add(new FlowOutputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Output, 0), string.Empty)); }
public BranchNode() : base(NodeType.Branch, UniqueId.NewId()) { Name = "Branch"; Color = 0xFF_ff8c00; InputPins.Add(new FlowInputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Input, 0))); InputPins.Add(new TypeInputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Input, 1), "Condition", "Z")); OutputPins.Add(new FlowOutputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Output, 0), "True")); OutputPins.Add(new FlowOutputPin(PinId.NewId(NodeId, PinType.Output, 1), "False")); }
public CComponentVariableNode(CEntityComponent targetComponent) { IsImplicit = true; Name = "Get " + targetComponent.Name; ComponentTargetGuid = targetComponent.ComponentGuid; COutputPin output = new COutputPin(targetComponent.Name, targetComponent.GetType()); OutputPins.Add(output); }
public CImplicitCastNode() { IsImplicit = true; COutputPin successOutput = new COutputPin { Name = "Success", Type = typeof(bool) }; OutputPins.Add(successOutput); }
public DaggerTypeConstantNode(Type constantType) { inpin = new DaggerInputPin(); inpin.DataType = constantType; inpin.Name = "Constant Input"; InputPins.Add(inpin); outpin = new DaggerOutputPin(); outpin.DataType = constantType; OutputPins.Add(outpin); AssociatedUINode = typeof(TypeConstantNodeUI); DoProcessing += new ProcessHandler(DaggerTypeConstantNode_DoProcessing); }
protected override void OnSourceVariableChanged() { OutputPins.Clear(); InputPins.Clear(); Name = "Set " + SourceVariable.Name; CInputPin input = new CInputPin(SourceVariable.Name, SourceVariable.Type); InputPins.Add(input); COutputPin output = new COutputPin("NewValue", SourceVariable.Type); OutputPins.Add(output); }
public InTerminal() : base() { logic_element = new LogicCircuitSimulator.InTerminal(); OutputPins.Add(new Visual.Pin(this, PinSide.OUTPUT, 0)); g_circuit.AddElement(logic_element); image_data = new ConnectableImages.ITERM(); picture_box = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox { Name = elements.Count.ToString(), Location = new Point(100, 200), Size = new Size(20, 5), Image = image_data.Image }; }
public void Deserialize(BinaryReader reader) { Id = reader.ReadInt32(); GroupId = reader.ReadInt32(); Category = (NodeCategory)reader.ReadInt32(); Type = reader.ReadString(); Name = reader.ReadString(); var hasValue = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (hasValue) { Value = reader.ReadString(); } var pinsCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (var i = 0; i < pinsCount; i++) { var pin = new Pin(); pin.Deserialize(reader); EnterPins.Add(pin); } pinsCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (var i = 0; i < pinsCount; i++) { var pin = new PinWithConnection(); pin.Deserialize(reader); InputPins.Add(pin); } pinsCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (var i = 0; i < pinsCount; i++) { var pin = new PinWithConnection(); pin.Deserialize(reader); ExitPins.Add(pin); } pinsCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (var i = 0; i < pinsCount; i++) { var pin = new Pin(); pin.Deserialize(reader); OutputPins.Add(pin); } }
public CFunctionGraphEntryNode(List <CKlaxVariable> inputParameters) { AllowDelete = false; AllowCopy = false; Name = "Entry"; CExecutionPin execPin = new CExecutionPin("Next"); OutExecutionPins.Add(execPin); foreach (var inputParameter in inputParameters) { COutputPin output = new COutputPin(inputParameter.Name, inputParameter.Type); OutputPins.Add(output); } }
protected NodePin AddPin(string name, Type type, bool isOutput) { var classType = typeof(NodePin <>).MakeGenericType(type); var pin = Activator.CreateInstance(classType, name, Pins.Count, this) as NodePin; RegisterPin(pin); if (isOutput) { OutputPins.Add(pin); } else { InputPins.Add(pin); } return(pin); }
protected override void OnTargetFieldChanged() { if (TargetField == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Target Field cannot be null as this would make the node invalid"); } InputPins.Clear(); OutputPins.Clear(); CInputPin targetObjectInput = new CInputPin("Target", TargetField.DeclaringType); InputPins.Add(targetObjectInput); Name = "Get " + TargetField.Name; COutputPin outputPin = new COutputPin(TargetField.Name, TargetField.FieldType); OutputPins.Add(outputPin); }
/// <summary> /// Deserialization Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="info"></param> /// <param name="ctxt"></param> protected DaggerTypeConstantNode(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt) : base(info, ctxt) { if (info == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("info"); } DataType = (Type)info.GetValue("DataType", typeof(Type)); inpin = (DaggerInputPin)info.GetValue("InPin", typeof(DaggerInputPin)); InputPins.Add(inpin); outpin = (DaggerOutputPin)info.GetValue("OutPin", typeof(DaggerOutputPin)); OutputPins.Add(outpin); AssociatedUINode = typeof(TypeConstantNodeUI); DoProcessing += new ProcessHandler(DaggerTypeConstantNode_DoProcessing); }
public NodeViewModel(ScriptViewModel script, ScriptNode node) { Script = script; Node = node; _name = node.Name; _value = node.Value; foreach (var pin in node.InputPins) { InputPins.Add(new InputPinViewModel(this, pin)); } foreach (var pin in node.OutputPins) { OutputPins.Add(new OutputPinViewModel(this, pin)); } foreach (var pin in node.EnterPins) { EnterPins.Add(new EnterPinViewModel(this, pin)); } foreach (var pin in node.ExitPins) { ExitPins.Add(new ExitPinViewModel(this, pin)); } MenuItems.Add(new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "Copy", Command = CopyThis }); MenuItems.Add(new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "Duplicate", Command = DuplicateThis }); MenuItems.Add(new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "Cut", Command = CutThis }); MenuItems.Add(new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "Delete", Command = DeleteThis }); //MenuItems.Add(new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "-" }); MenuItems.Add(new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "Group", Command = GroupThis }); MenuItems.Add(new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "Ungroup", Command = UngroupThis }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a pin with the specified configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="pinType">The type of pin (input / output)</param> /// <param name="position">The position of the pin, relative to the node bounds</param> /// <param name="boundsOffset">The bounds of the pin, relative to the position</param> /// <param name="tangent">The tangent of the pin. Links connected to the pin would come out from this direction</param> protected void CreatePin(GraphPinType pinType, Vector2 position, Rect boundsOffset, Vector2 tangent) { var pin = CreateInstance <GraphPin>(); pin.PinType = pinType; pin.Node = this; pin.Position = position; pin.BoundsOffset = boundsOffset; pin.Tangent = tangent; if (pinType == GraphPinType.Input) { = + "_InputPin"; InputPins.Add(pin); } else { = + "_OutputPin"; OutputPins.Add(pin); } }
public void RebuildNode(List <CKlaxVariable> inputParameters) { // Adjust the nodes output pins to the new input parameters // Note the editor has to take care of adjusting pin connections if (inputParameters.Count >= OutputPins.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < inputParameters.Count; i++) { CKlaxVariable inputParameter = inputParameters[i]; if (OutputPins.Count > i) { COutputPin pin = OutputPins[i]; pin.Name = inputParameter.Name; pin.Type = inputParameter.Type; } else { OutputPins.Add(new COutputPin(inputParameter.Name, inputParameter.Type)); } } } else { for (int i = OutputPins.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (inputParameters.Count > i) { CKlaxVariable inputParameter = inputParameters[i]; COutputPin pin = OutputPins[i]; pin.Name = inputParameter.Name; pin.Type = inputParameter.Type; } else { OutputPins.RemoveAt(i); } } } RaiseNodeRebuildEvent(); }
public CForEachLoopNode() { Name = "Foreach Loop"; CExecutionPin execute = new CExecutionPin() { Name = "In", TargetNode = null }; InExecutionPins.Add(execute); CExecutionPin breakExec = new CExecutionPin() { Name = "Break", TargetNode = null }; InExecutionPins.Add(breakExec); CExecutionPin loop = new CExecutionPin() { Name = "Loop", TargetNode = null }; OutExecutionPins.Add(loop); CExecutionPin done = new CExecutionPin() { Name = "Done", TargetNode = null }; OutExecutionPins.Add(done); InputPins.Add(new CInputPin("List", typeof(IList))); OutputPins.Add(new COutputPin("Index", typeof(int))); OutputPins.Add(new COutputPin("Element", typeof(object))); }
/// <summary> /// Adds gate with coords in work area; 'registers' all its pins to allow selection and connection. /// </summary> /// <param name="gvmwc"></param> public void AddGate(GateViewModelWithCoordinates gvmwc) { if (gvmwc.gateViewModel.Name == "SOURCE" || gvmwc.gateViewModel.Name == "READER") { gvmwc.gateViewModel.ShowBottomLabels = true; gvmwc.gateViewModel.NumberLabelVisible = true; } GateList.Add(gvmwc); if (gvmwc.gateViewModel.Name == "SOURCE" || gvmwc.gateViewModel.Name == "READER") { Renumber(); } foreach (PinViewModel p in gvmwc.gateViewModel.inputPins) { InputPins.Add(p); } OutputPins.Add(gvmwc.gateViewModel.outputPin); }
internal void OnDeserializedMethod(StreamingContext ctxt) { if (_isDeserialized) { return; } foreach (DaggerInputPin pin in inputpins) { InputPins.Add(pin); } foreach (DaggerOutputPin pin in outputpins) { OutputPins.Add(pin); } // associate the subNodeGraph with this subNode _subNodeGraph._parentSubNode = this; _isDeserialized = true; }